'Obligation to the Work of the Lord' June 22, 1995 (Part 1 HD)

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[Music] [Music] sweet Jesus [Music] I think this would be the proper time to um some give some instruction those of you that have come forward for prayer and you received prayer you can find your way to you just see and come again for prayer in a few minutes when we open up the altars those of you that are on the ground and you feel like you wait a thousand pounds to stay there [Music] because of the the intensity of the meetings we have we have made some decisions just recently to to formulate a group of people that can help us pray and also a group of people that can help us catch now there are times in our meetings where there are no catches we've had the Holy Spirit fall in a wave and people were touched by the Lord and there was no one there and that's fine but there are times that we'll be praying with you and there will be someone behind you and what we're asking for is is to if you're visiting from another church please just come and be ministered to tonight okay rather than come and help us we have a group of people from the church here that are helping us and also we hear that we have a prayer team and those of you on the prayer team that we're in the meeting before the service tonight are the ones I want working with us if you weren't in that meeting then come to us tomorrow and discuss it with us and and we'll talk to you about it but those that were in the meeting I want you working with us tonight only those that were in the meeting those that were the the people that were in the meeting with us just a few minutes ago the prayer team are the only ones we want helping us tonight praying with people okay because we're giving some some important instructions [Music] there's an impartation that's taking place around the world right now and a lot of us we need to understand exactly what's going on this is beyond everyone in this room I am I am taken back by and I have stood back in amazement I have been thrown to the ground in every meeting several times by the power of God and and friends I have never had these things happen to me before like this and there's an impartation as we pray with some of you suddenly the power of God comes on you and we've had some of you go out in the for year go out to your house go out to a store make phone calls and the power of God hits the people that you're talking to on the other line one lady failed 200 miles from the church failed to the ground as another was Sharon what did God was doing at the church there's an impartation going on in it's it's it can be dangerous when you don't understand what the Lord is doing and so we want to make sure everybody has instruction on what God is doing in this place and it's where what this is not a toy this is the power of God coming down and and I believe without a doubt I've seen enough and been around long enough to see that there's genuine lasting fruit coming from this we've had a host of people saved in these meetings but we've had meetings in other cities that have had incredible healings documented from doctors one lady was going for a heart transplant the next day a brand-new heart was given to her that night the doctor that had done all that they had already had the donor the donor gave that they are the harder a man who was in Iraq they got the heart and the doctor was ready to put the new heart in did the last-minute preparations and x-rayed her for the locations and and she said something's happened to you she was given a brand-new heart this is in Green Bay Wisconsin we're seeing incredible miracles friends if you've come tonight to receive from the Lord you're going to receive and we please work with us okay on the in these meetings and and we we I want order and godly disorder okay as much as we can order things we want it to be ordered but when God comes on the scene and does something unusual that's okay - isn't it pastor that's okay parents please I'm making these announcements because he can't [Music] please keep your children with you parents there are some that are running around and late into the night tonight this place is on it's very difficult to get around and children don't watch where they're going and it's easy for them to step on but some of the people and we we love you kids kids we love you with all our hearts I want to pray for you okay tonight I want to pray for you but you can't be running around kids okay you can't be running around got to be very careful and also outside you can't be running around can't be climbing trees can't be out in the parking lot parents keep your kids with you as best you can [Music] after you've been prayed for if you're not up here seeking the Lord then do not stand around and talk to people we are in in desperate need of altar space and so we've already taken out pews to account for we needed some little more property but it's never enough so if you're here and you've been prayed for and you're just chatting with somebody then go somewhere else and leave that space open for someone who wants prayer [Music] I'd like to run this video give you a little preliminary to it this is a woman who a young lady who was seeking the Lord for 14 hours I have told everyone that's come to these meetings seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him what he is near that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and I encourage everyone here to come to every single meeting and if I could bring sherry this young lady in this meeting she would say that to you she would say things like who do you think you are to order God she would say God can touch you when he wants to touch you [Music] your ways are not his ways your thoughts are not his thoughts and she would say these words weighed upon the Lord wait upon the Lord this woman was ignited by the power of God so much so that I use her for the people that were difficult they were having a hard time receiving I would actually she would take my hand I'd say sherry come here and take my hand she'd take my hand and I would touch the person and the power of God would throw him to the ground incredible friends I don't believe all that Steve I don't understand all that friends I don't understand it but I believe it I believe it there was something that happened when Peter said silver and gold have I none but such as I have there's power and that's what the world's looking for our church friends they love our programs a love our our Bible studies they love our singing they love our con taught us but they want the power they want the power they want to know they can bring their kids like one lady did last night brought her children prayed for him out and the Holy Ghost and the kids after that looked at me like dear God he's he's he's and everywhere I went those kids would come for more prayer more prayer mom dad that's what you need for your kids could you imagine having a city full of children that all they say is pray for me pray for me rather than get out of my face pray for me this I wanted to play this because this is just an encourage this should be an encouragement to everyone here to keep coming to the meetings do not give up that's right [Music] well it wasn't a pain and it wasn't I burned it was just her oh man it was a it was just a surge went through me that everything is high to me it's like I want God to take everything out you put him so deep in me mmm that I could go and do it those people in those old days man we talked about that yeah that's that's what I want I don't want to fall out nothing like mmm no I want to shake from one end of the church the other shake stand out of people you know and uh just have the five gone devil could be scared of me again you know manchu now hey I uh I told God a few days ago I said I said man I want to experience salvation again cuz what I experienced was generic it was environmental no something that you look around and you see people do that was salvation to me uh uh new selections something totally different solution is knowing God not God that that shivers our God the tongue but I mean when I mean God they don't top of me y'all I mean he just totally I said God get your bad out I mean he got a sledgehammer out and it was awesome because and then his piece just fell on me and now I know God the Father you know God the Father won't let me down who won't hurt me and whew man I just want to be broken before God and just to reach out to people God has just put such a burden in me to reach in and grab people grab it out of them and rip it out of the way he's ripping it out of me there's so much more he's gonna do in me I mean I'm not there yet you know that I want him to use me you know I mean when I go see some it's got some kind of some just junk in their life you know God use my hand just rip it out wheyhey with God you know God not gentlemen telling you no I mean he's know and he's he's gonna we gotta shake out that's what you're doing to me purifying me baby's not through yet just I through here I mean Sherry's not come out yet I ain't seen her yet and for last 5 years y'all think y'all know me know somebody else this is me no birth take this oh I suppose so much more Jesus so much more oh thank you Jesus [Music] did you feel anything when she was talking to you now I want you to understand something before she was prayed for she was as despondent just I mean she was just nothing if I've ever seen a night-and-day transformation in a person it was that girl when the power of God got ahold of her some pastors visiting tonight the God wants to do that he's gotten ahold of me friends you know what the first thing he did with me got rid of everything he got rid of all my preconceived ideas the way he can move got rid of all my teachings and all my trainings and he just laid me waste then he goes now I'm gonna fill you up again boy we're gonna start over you know we say in the south from scratch we're gonna start from scratch sweet Jesus we're gonna believe that you're gonna say something I was doing real good until I got to church Brendan I got two hours sleep last night and I did real good all day I've been a little bit woozy but didn't real good all day til I got the church and it's back there talking to Elmer and my hips went it's hard to explain that my hips when I can't just can't stand up my voice is pretty good and I'm strong a little bit stronger than I was last night but uh I called a preacher friend of mine that I knew had been going through a real struggle called him in Louisiana and I got he and his wife to come up and they were here Tuesday night and whatever the service was going on power of God fell and he went down three times he was standing right here he went down three times and on the way to church that night though he just opened up his heart to me and it's really shared with me how that he's just burdened and struggling and just been at his church for 20-some odd years devils lied to him told him that you know you had nothing more to give he just burnt out wore out tired out give out discouraged and so I didn't know that didn't know it was that bad I knew he's going through a little bit of a struggle so I woke up that morning I called him Brenda called him first and told him to come and so she told me that she called him so when I woke up the next morning I told her I said get him on the telephone and he had told her he said well I'm working on a bathroom at my house and I'm like I'm not gonna be able to come I said put him on the line and so he got on the line I said look I said you get yourself over here and I mean now I'm not I don't care if your bathrooms errata then you falling into the ground come on I said you can always fix that plumb and cut the water off and come on and so he said all right we'll come on so he came home that night he went down three times the second time he went down I mean he shook from his head to his feet and he wobbled out the third time he went down he went down and he was all over that floor God just charged him the reason I'm telling you all this today I was coming back from out of town and talked to him Makara phone and she called she said but the Kilpatrick said could you reserve us three rooms for tomorrow night I said yeah I sell have Rose do it and we'll get back in touch with you and give you the reservations she said we're bringing the leader of our denomination with us tomorrow night she said because when men my husband left and drove home Wednesday he had to preach Wednesday night just a typical Wednesday night service and said that he was Stanton down like down in this area here platforms up here and he called a prayer line to pray for people and as he started praying for people the power of God hit him so hard it picked him up she said and he literally flew up on the platform the power of God struck him and the person he is praying for went one way backwards and he it just lifted him up on the platform and she said it has broke out in our church she said we didn't get out two way late last night she said it broke out about her [Applause] and what what I want everybody to understand when revival comes like this and wherever it starts going on and people get to talking about revival what you have to be careful of is don't get your eyes on Steve Hill you understand that I know some taemin revivals you hear that kind of talk but listen you can't do that because see he went to London and there was an impartation on his life he came back as a missionary evangelist or wherever he's going the impartation he got he's imparting it to others it's like catch the fire it's like you stick your match in the fire and it catches and then you take it give it to somebody else so this is not a Steve Hill thing and this is not an assembly of God thing and it won't be a Kilpatrick thing this is a god thing this is the last day thing so what I'm trying to what I'm trying to tell you is he caught that and he took it back to his church and her voice was so exhilarated she said we can't wait to get back tomorrow night she said we're bringing a bunch of people from our church and she said to get us some motel rooms but she said my husband is a changed man and I noticed yet they spent the night with Brendan on Tuesday night before they drove back home Wednesday for the service and when he woke up Wednesday he was a different man than the man I talked to on that telephone so what I want to tell you is this if you know people that's discouraged in their discouragement they may try to convince you well I just can't come I don't feel good I'm tired I'm weak I'm discouraged get bold with them like I did with him and say look cut the water off drop what you're doing come on and I was so emphatic with him he said all right and he came on and she said today on the telephone she said brother Kilpatrick I am so glad you demanded him to come she said because we was not gonna come we laid in the bed that morning and already said we're not gonna come so God did a miracle in that church and I know I just want to say one more thing before they come folks don't be discouraged if you've been pray for them pray for John Michael came Sunday morning he saw what happened to me Sunday night he saw what happened his dad and had to help me home get me undressed put me in the bed he looked at me he said dad I won't do this to happen to me I said well John Michael don't get discouraged he came Monday night nothing happened prayed for him several times nothing happened last night he said I know what you telling my daddy he's like somebody pull the plug on him all his strength when he went down the floor and God touched his life he's been different all day long had you John Michael where you're at John Michael stand up can you stand up yeah heating stand oh there he is back there god bless him Terri come here real quick Terri friendzone real quick tell everybody what God's done for you son we're just gonna take time for one test tomorrow night because we've got to move on hello well relatively new here at the church about a year and a half now my wife and I joint at the same time and we were real unfamiliar like I've heard people say when a doubting Thomas I was brought up Primitive Baptist and she was brought up Catholic so the other the other day Sunday we when he had the altar call people came up and then he said everybody wants to be prayed for go ahead and come forward so we came forward you know just wanting to see what was going on because we were both kind of iffy about it we had seen people you know go out in the spirit and thought you know well they're having an experience but you know maybe they're kind of overdoing it so we were standing right over here and he was going around praying for people and I was just standing there worshiping the Lord and he came to me and all I can say is my legs just started wobbling and then he walked off and I was praise the Lord you know this is real and I turn to tell my wife and she wasn't there I looked over and she was sprawled out on the floor and I just threw both my hands up I said thank you Lord this is real and all my doubts were gone and so usually on Sundays we go to my parents house we're usually there by 1:00 once you did finally get up she said let's get closer so we came up closer and we stayed here till it ended at 4 o'clock and so it was Father's Day so we were on the way to the parents house but we wanted to come back Sunday night but we're trying to decide what to do you know it's Father's Day my dad's there and so we said well we'll just play it by ear and before we left Steve had said some of you people will leave here and you'll go to people and the power of God will just hit him and I was thinking well that'd be nice you know and so we went to my parents house and I was couldn't wait to get there because my brother had left early and didn't get to see everything that happened so we got there and he was there and I went and hugged him and started telling him what happened I looked over my sister was sitting over there well she's been going through some hard times and so I just something told me to go go over and pray for so I walked over and I grabbed her hand and I just started praying for her and she just busted out crying here I didn't know the night before her husband had came home and told her that he wanted a divorce and she just broke down right in my hands so we got up and took a walk and she was telling me about everything that happened and that was going on and like I said we wanted to come back that night but we were just playing it by ear so I said well would let's go to church tonight she's like well I said come on let's go so I went back and told my wife it's like yeah all right so we got out it came down and as soon as Steve gave an altar call she was one of the first ones up she came up here and got prayed for and everything's just starting to pan out for her and God's really working in her life she's she's really gone through a drastic change just by coming here she's been here every night since then so of my wife and I all doubts are gone we've been here till it ended every night and it's just been all I can say is what he keeps saying sweet Jesus it's just he's just powerful he's just powerful through all these meetings and trying to cut it as quick as I can because this has been one one week it's just something I don't really like care too much to talk about business in church and everything but I've been going through a hard time in my business and this past week it's like somebody just opened up the doors and it's just been pouring in pouring in pouring in machine that I've been trying to sell for almost two years now a man finally called and said he wants it and it's just something man god bless you another to all of you has been to meetings before where you've seen people pray for and they go down but what makes this so different I believe that this is an endtime move of the Holy Spirit where God's calling out his bride and he's loving on his bride and he's healing his bride and he's cleaning his bride up but when people could go out in the spirit it's not just a thing where they go out in the spirit you lift them back up while they're down I mean we're having people that see in visions and whenever I say that I'm a real skeptical person and I don't just buy anything but now the people that's telling me that they're seeing visions I know these people and these people don't stretch it these people are logical they're sharp folks they don't they don't they don't get into fanaticism these people while they're down there seeing visions the one one man was down and he saw the Lord standing on a rock a big rock and he said this church was whirling around him like in a whirlwind and was going around him while he was tending on that rock and he just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed for hours and God's doing a lot of wonderful things in people's lives that we're hearing about changes people loving Jesus more loving their mates more making things right getting things under the blood asking for forgiveness getting rid of bitterness and all these kind of things so this is just different than anything I've ever seen and what I really believe is though I believe that from among the body that God is really beginning to determine the Bride of Christ getting us ready for the rapture that's what he's doing worldwide and I'm so glad that the Lord has chosen to visit Brownsville I believe he's going to visit many many other churches this is not going to be the only Church in Pensacola this is going to happen men we don't want the focus on Brownsville and take the focus off of other churches this is not a Brownsville thing we don't deserve what's happened here it just so happens we've been praying and hungry for revival and God is honored that hunger but there's nothing special about this church are this people are this pastor are this that has merited a move of the Holy Spirit this is simply a sovereign move of God and I thank him far there's all spontaneous folks believe me there's a Buick outside there's a Buick [Music] there's a Buick outside art GU 71 Q you go turn your lights off amen uh sure is gonna help me receive an offer tonight back into a men we're being blessed here aren't we praise God hallelujah amen we want to be also a blessing to the men of God we want to be a blessing to what the Lord is doing in Russia particularly as I shared last night Steve as a burden for the drug addicts the teenagers in Russia they have a major problem there and he is in the process of working with is it Don will worsen Don Wilkerson in building the very first team challenge outreach in the country of Russia and I know they're needing $25,000 for that project and we would love to be able to give to that project in faith that God's gonna reach over in Russia and save the drug addict and save the teenagers amen praise the Lord father in the name of Jesus we once again just give you praise and thanks for what you're doing in this place Lord we just take a moment to worship You Lord with giving offering unto you but you're a cheerful Giver you could have definitely not given grudgingly this week and Lord we want to become like you or we want to become cheerful givers as well and we want to be able to express our thanks and our praise a love and our adoration to you Lord by by blessing you and the kingdom of God order the financial blessing tonight father we get of or to you tonight freely according as we have freely received this week Lord bless your people as they worship you in this offering tonight and will thank you for it in Jesus name and God's people said amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you stand with me let us sing one more song of praise before Steve comes back to minister the word praise the Lord it's wonderful what God's doing in this house amen singer with me tonight look what the Lord has done look what the Lord has why don't you come help me praise him look what the Lord has done where look what the Lord has done look what the Lord has done new human body he hew my body he touched my mind he said me it was just in time I go to praise his day he stays just look what the Lord asked the Lord has done look what the Lord has done my body touch my mind it was just a each day I say why don't you come help me praise Him the Lord has done the quad the Lord has healed my buddy we heal my body he trusts my mind he said be it was just in time I'm gonna praise his name each day is just us say but I don't shoot don't help me praise Him look what the Lord has done look it was just it was just crazy these days just say why don't you help me praise Him Mardon look what it has done yes the Lord has done well my body my my it was just in time each day it's just the same why don't you help me praise him look look what the Lord has done look what the Lord has done for you my body he touched my mind and he said me it was just in time I called the praise dismay he stays just the same oh shoot come help me praise Him look what the Lord has done hallelujah yes solo rationing but we praise you Oh glory to his name singers prices Church hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah shut up Sadie out of the line glory to his name glory to his name hallelujah praise You Lord sweet Jesus hallelujah yes glory [Music] [Applause] yes Lola [Music] before you sit it before you sit down every night I've been reading a little bit for Mom the Isuzu Street I'm a I'm a church historian when I loved studying church history I liked to find out where we came from and I find my self thanking people like count Zinzendorf who led the Wesley's to the Lord have you ever thanked God for Zinzendorf I've never even heard of him brother he's the one that ignited Wesley thank God for Henry's Google that wrote a little book the life of God in the soul of man that George Whitfield read read that and turned his life over to Jesus Christ as from that ignited a revival here in this country and we came out of all that from that's where we came from so I loved study in church history and when the Holy Ghost started moving in our meetings ever since January 19th of this year the Holy Spirit started moving in an incredible way and we'd had great things just like you pastor I've had some great things you're visiting here you've seen some wonderful thing in your services but we've never seen anything like what's happening now I've told folks I've never seen God do so much in such a little amount of time that is so lasting and isn't that nice to see so much counseling sessions have almost become extinct and people are just being touched by the power of God marriage is just melting in the arms of Jesus and forgiveness is just flowing freely but I I called Springfield we are Assemblies of God I'm a missionary evangelist with the Assemblies by the way if if you can help us with that project in Russia we need your help some of you here financially really help us I do that with this embas god I plant churches team challenge centers around the world and I call Springfield a few weeks ago and I said I said I'm having a problem I called up the archives and I said have a real problem in our services the Holy Ghost is falling and I said I said ma'am yeah many of you know who Wayne Warner is he's the one in charge of the archives up there and his secretary I said I said people are falling and some of them are violently shaking under the power of God and I said others are being hit like a they're a crack in the air and they just it's like lightning hits them and they fall to the ground and and others are if they describe an electric electric rivers flowing through them as we pray for him and in some are spinning around the church like helicopters and and I said has this ever happened oh yes brother she said that something's going on I said are there any books on it she said yeah there's three and they're all out of print basically what she was saying is no one reads them anymore but I got ahold of them and listen to what took place in some of these places this is before your city you need to sit stand for just a few minutes tonight this is a man that was that a Susa now we came out of the Susa Street friends the Assemblies did we came out of that this is a man who is about to receive something from God he said I stretch my arms toward heaven and ask God to fill me with the Holy Ghost now some of us have been filled have been filled with the Holy Spirit need to do that very thing tonight okay you've already been filled with the Holy you need to be refilled with the Holy Ghost brother is your shadow healing the sick are you raising the dead daily you know if you're not then you need to be refilled with the Holy Ghost you need more of God so he stretched his hands toward heaven I love the way he describes this my arms began to tremble how many here have experienced at your hands began to shake look around we're talking hundreds of people in here i watch some of you one lady right down there last night lord have mercy you could have turned the lights out and plugged him into her he said my hands began to shake violently by a great power and seem as though a large pipe was fitted over my neck my head apparently being gone I was now filled with the Holy Ghost words cannot describe the power I felt the nearest description that could be given would beat the action of a pump under terrific pressure filling me with oil I could feel the filling in my toes and all parts of my body which seem to me to swell until I thought I would burst I do not know how long this continued but it seemed to me a long time the pressure was now removed and my soul and spirit seemed to lead the body and float in the air just above this is happening to people in these meetings by the way my body seemed hard and metallic like iron is there anybody here they had a hard time getting up anyone thirty hours afterwards he says this all happened at his home by the way thirty hours afterwards he found his way to the isuzu street meeting he felt his throat and tongue begin to quiver without any effort on his part he began to stutter and then out came a distinct language which took he could hardly restrain I talked and I laughed with joy far into the night praise His name for such a wonderful experience of power and love and joy don't sit down Charles Finney of who I have tremendous respect I'm reading from a book of these are just photocopies of old books that I have in my study and I can't carry them around because they're so brittle they'll fall apart listen to what happened to the famous evangelist Charles Finney without any expectation of it and I call that surprised by the Holy Ghost how many have been surprised by the holy ghost friends without any expectation of it without ever having the thought in my mind that was there was any such thing for me without any recollection that I have ever even heard anything mentioned about this the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed to go through my body through me body and soul I could feel the impression like a wave of electricity going through and through me indeed it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love before I could not express it in any other way by the way Finney was a lawyer a very analytical man and God had to get a home to him it seemed like the very breath of God I can recollect distinctly that it seemed to fan me like he meant swings no words can express the wonderful love that was shed abroad in my heart I wept aloud with joy and love and I do not know but I should say I literally bail out the unutterable gushing z' of my heart these waves came over and over me one after the other until I cried out to the Lord I shall die if these waves continue to pass over me now some of you saw what happened to your pastor and myself over there that's how I felt I was jolted they had that on film by the way jolted up in the air now those of you that know me in my past I don't do things like this okay do I Jerry where you at honey she's never seen this in her life you know your your mate knows you by the way and I was as I was being thrown jolted up in the air now I don't know what gods do it I know there's more power flowing through me but I says being jolted up in the air I was I was gonna stop this Jesus stop this Jesus and the same time I was saying that I was going more Lord more Lord but stop this Jesus and that's what Finney was going through you know there's great experiences that people have in their lives friends and this this man this was a foundation from the mirror for the miracles that took place he shook our nation I believe it Syracuse New York I believe that's the city that Reader's Digest just did a whole report on correct me if I'm wrong and when Syracuse is one of the cities up there that is the most livable city in the United States of America today crime-free just about I mean it's the most livable city in America and you go up there and they base it all on the revival that Finney brought there years ago to this day nineteen ninety five over a hundred years ago Finney was there and the businesses will tell you it was Charles Finney that came in purified this city but it was Jesus Christ that came in purified Charles Finney on the floor in his study this is where it started I'm gonna let you sit down just sing but I won't tell you what happened right next he said I don't know law how long I continued in this state with this rollin over me and through me I do not know but I know it was late into the evening when a member of my choir for I was the leader of the choir came into the office to see me he was a member of the church he found me in this state of loud weeping and said to me mr. Finney what eles you I could make him no answer for some time he's in said are you in pain I gathered myself up as best as I could him a lot of folks have been asking the pastor if he's okay he's alright are you in pain mr. Finney I said no but so happy that I cannot live think about that statement how did you die of happiness he turned and left the office and in a few minutes returned with one of the elders of the church whose shop was nearly across the way from our office this elder listen carefully was a very serious man and in my presence had been very watchful and I had scarcely ever seen him laugh when he came in I was very much in the state in which I was when the young man went out to call him he asked me how I felt and I began to tell him instead of saying anything he fell into a most spa's Maddock laughter it seemed as if it was impossible for him to keep from laughing from the very bottom of his heart no friends what's going on here is not the laughing revival it's not the falling on the ground revival it's not to shake in revival it's not this revival that rule this is a move of the Holy Ghost and if he comes upon you and hits you in a certain way you're going to respond in a certain way but God forbid forgive anyone in this church any visitor anyone at all who begins to peg what the Lord is doing you don't know what the Lord is doing friends and I appreciate so much Charles Finney he just wrote openly this is what happened waves of liquid love elder walks in breaks into a spas Matic laughter and he's Finney's crying his eyes out a man comes in and burst into laughter that's Jesus man Jesus can do anything he wants to us when he wants to do it I want you to close your eyes with me we're gonna pray this prayer together dear Jesus everyone again if you're visiting we've been praying this every night dear Jesus speak to my heart change my life in your precious name a man you may be seen something happened what's happening we gave a testimony that she's going to the City Council meeting tonight give an altar call she went down there tonight for her five minutes and gave an altar call City Council meeting and the National Organization for Women chairman got up when she came to microphone she opened her mouth and could not speak [Music] yes look what the Lord has done this singing right now [Applause] [Music] look what Lord has because pain which stays just the same why don't you look what the Lord has done he healed my body he touched my mind he said it was just in time for the praise his name he stays just the same why don't you come help me praise Him look what the Lord has done look what the Lord has done heal my body he touched my mind he say it was just the time I go to praise his day each day is just the same why don't you come help me bring spam look what the Lord has done [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweet Jesus Lord Jesus you don't know how bad right now I want to pray with everybody I mean friends but sitting [Music] there is such a an air of expectancy in this building God will not disappoint you friends Oh I don't know why I mean and I'm saying this again my friend do not miss a meeting faster and I have been talking and I am I am on the edge of what what is going on here I want you to want you to know that I don't go to meetings and well this is just another meeting type of thing every day is sprint in the presence of the Lord's in Jesus you know what are you doing I know he pours out his spirit in places at times and there's purpose behind what the Lord is doing I'm Saint got her are you are you about to explode in this whole area you know could it be that the the council here are gonna fall under the power of God you know what's going on yes it can happen that's not the first time I heard stories like that brother I've heard stuff we've had people to where we've had someone testify in a secular meeting time and someone else came up to talk and begin screaming just when they got around where that person was standing just went berserk because there's just like a spout right there and so don't miss a meeting one of the lies that the devil will tell you is just relax you know skip a couple stuff like that friend and it's not we don't we've only taken up a couple offerings it's not the money thing that we're after I'm after everyone here getting everything they can from Jesus and because I've seen people receive at such odd times like the sherry girl you know 14 hours into seeking God that was at three or four different meetings okay that I'm beginning to see that there's not a pattern to anything that's going on here and so and as discouragement could come upon you and that could be the very night that you're about to receive from the Lord and so I'm just given some instruction just calm and believe in God that he's gonna do a great thing in your life and every night we're gonna be announcing what we're going to be doing the next night we are going to be here tomorrow night okay so we're going to continue and and invite everyone friends if the Evangelist is visiting here is running around town inviting people you should you live here okay take the time to invite people and tell them about the wonders of the Lord their mouth will drop I went up to this one gang member looking guy this is in another town we're holding meetings and I said straight to him and this guy was stoned out of his mind you know I said have you ever seen anybody dropped to the ground by the power of God anyone know you know he'd seen everything else he's dropped every drug seeing everything else you know I said you ever seen the power of God come on somebody they were a kid like lightning went to the ground it shook violently under the no I haven't seen that you need to come on over the meeting you know something young people that's what it's gonna take come and watch come and watch and we've had God get ahold of him friend we don't have anybody mocking I've never had a problem with that ever had one woman stood up one time and started cussing me out in the meeting and I looked at her and when walked over and said Jesus she hit the ground was delivered of demons man inva 30 minutes she's just down on the ground shaking and the church realized hey the Lord's up to something in this place man so invite people sweet Jesus I'm gonna arrest where are we heading with all of this where is the Lord heading with all of it I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes for Christians and non-christians alike I want everyone to listen for the next few minutes of what the Lord is it's going to show us through his word I believe everything that happens in the kingdom has a purpose I believe in divine encounters how many believe in divine encounters I believe there are moments in history church history that are just ordained of the Lord when he just when the glory comes down and you can look at church calendars of three and four hundred years and see where they just peeked out in entire nations melted under the power of God we may be at the beginning of that right now friends in the United States of America and it's a long time coming it's time in this century before we close out this decade not only this century but a millennium I would like to be part of a tremendous outpouring of the Lord at the closing of the second millennium the year 2001 they go dear God he came down he came down in the United States of America and have people coming from all over the world to Pensacola all over the world to your church and to receive prayer and and to take the news home of what God is doing I want to be a part of that I believe in divine encounters but there's purpose and all of it friends and what I'd like to talk to you tonight may be a little bit heavy for some of us I don't want to set a heavy yoke on everybody but I want to talk to you about what I feel in the work of the Lord and I call it an obligation an obligation and if you turn with me tonight to the book of John chapter 9 we're gonna talk to for a few minutes why is God blessing you wear them my Methodist buddies here tonight where you at god bless you why is God blessing you so much we got folks coming from the Methodist Church they're being hit by the power of the Lord in this place friends why what's the purpose behind it all we're going to talk about that for the next few minutes God has a plan he's up to something and I want all the people in this church to be blessed man I want you to be so full of the Holy Ghost but what next why did God choose to touch me in October 28th 1975 and then again in February filled me of the Holy Ghost and then after that several different occasions received from the Holy Spirit special touches but then on January 19th of this year receive what I've received why you why is God doing this right now what's the purpose behind it all where is God going well we can always find the answer in the Word of God and I believe it's right here friends chapter 9 verse 4 Jesus said this this was in the midst of a man a man was about to be healed miraculously by the Lord and he said this we must work the works of him who sent me as long as it is day night is coming when no man can work I'm going to talk about our obligation for the next few minutes to the work of the Lord now there are some people in this room that don't know the Lord and I want to tell you a friend why you're so miserable you're miserable because you do not know the Lord that is a reason for your misery you were born to know the Lord you were born to know your Creator and as long as you spend your life outside of that relationship you will be miserable regardless my friend of the money you make of the relationships you have of the friends that surrounds you when you're alone when you're by yourself when you turn your your head to the pillow shut the door turn out the light you're by yourself I don't care if your mates next to you you're alone and you know what I'm talking about you feel alone and the reason for that is there's only one person that can make you feel like you have purpose and that is Jesus Christ and he got heeds not you in this meeting tonight not only for us to pray for you we're gonna pray for you but we want you to know the one who puts you on planet Earth the one who brought you here you were here you were born whatever date it might be of this century you were born for a reason on that date and you're here under the divine plan of the Lord this is not because Joe called you up and told you to come to church one young lady came up to me and she said I brought two of my friends two friends with me tonight those of you those two friends that are here with her tonight are here not because she invited you but because God brought you here tonight that's the way things work you're here for a reason and you need to thank the Lord right now for that that he cares about you what if he had just looked at you and said hopeless reprobate worthless but he didn't he's had mercy on us but let's look for a few minutes friends on our obligation to the work of the Lord when I'm obligated to something for example I'm a father my family is with me right here a few minutes ago I was holding my new baby girls three weeks old you want to know what I see in that girl obligation she's my responsibility no one has to tell me that I've got to take care of her that's what obligation is you feel it in your gut man it's something that you do because you do it you know you've got to do it there's no one has got to twist your arm you know that it's God's plan for you and that's what I'm talking about tonight friends concerning this move of God this outpouring why is he blessing your socks off why is he giving you visions a man that had a vision and saw Jesus a transparent Jesus and the wind whirling around him what was that why why is he allowing you to see things that you're seeing experience what you're experiencing why is that there's a purpose behind it friends and it has to do with that four-letter word work we must work the works and he's getting our attention how many would say God's got my attention in these meetings lift up your hand hi he's got my attention he's got my attention friends he says turn right I turn right sometimes I turn right before he turns right man cuz I feel he's gonna say turn right that's how close I want to be but let's talk for a few minutes about obligation and if you're taking notes I want you to write these down friends if you're not taking notes write them down anyway we are under obligation friends first of all to our Savior Jesus Christ you better get your priorities right friend people ask me all the time how I can keep working the way I work I don't work for my salvation that's received I've received it I love it I thank God for it but I work because I love him I love him and I want to fall in line with his divine plan what was his reason for coming down here why did he come when he came what was his purpose whatever that was I'm gonna fall into that plan I want to bless Jesus I want to be one of those that when you know right before in Genesis when God was about to destroy the world because of the wickedness there's two words in the Word of God that I loved so dearly and it is but Noah but Noah and God looked down and saw a righteous man and I want to be that man that God looks down in these last days and he goes but Steve but Judy but bill was righteous in the eyes of the Lord that's what I'm about friends I want to please the Lord my number-one obligation is to my Savior Jesus Christ and I want to tell you the last thing he said to us before he departed this earth he was looking to his disciples he's looking at everyone in this room I want you to imagine Jesus pointing his finger in your face and saying this he's about to leave now if a man was about to leave if this pastor right here was about to go away on a long journey maybe never to return again this church would be packed and you'd be at the edge of your seats to hear his last message what does he have to say the man we loved so dearly what is he about to say to us and Jesus turned to his disciples and he pointed at Peter and he said Peter you make sure all these men have a good home he turned to John and said John you make sure every one of my disciples have garments that are worthy of my kingdom turn to Matthews and Matthew made me sure all of my disciples all of my followers make sure they all have money their pocket Matthew no sir he turned to them and he said go ye into all the world and preach the gospel that's what you do you understand me Peter that's what you do John you understand me by the way Peter you're gonna die for this cause they're gonna lead you away Peter you know Mark Twain once said he said it's not the scriptures that I don't understand in the word that bother me it's the scriptures I do understand you know all of us go pastor what does this mean in the book of Revelation you know when you know friends I want to tell you scriptures like that never bother me it's the ones like did that ago go into all the world you know the ones that sort of preach at you can't get around them like love your neighbor you know love your enemies but what does that mean come on that's more on level friend anybody can understand that love your enemies when they spit in your face hug their necks when they abuse you buy them a gift those are kind of scriptures mark twain when Andy drive me nuts this is one of those scriptures go ye into all the world and preach the gospel man is abc123 we are under obligation to the work of the Lord and that is one of the things that God is doing in these meetings friends and he's going to continue to do it he is placing the burden of the Lord upon you and some of you are testifying we didn't talk about this but you're standing up and you're talking about I want to start doing this I want to start doing this who wasn't Cindy that went to the council what's her name Nicki why because that's what God spoke to her about the work of the Lord everyone needs to know I need boldness she said I'm gonna be strong and this girl sherry on the video what does she say she gets hit by the power of God she shakes under the anointing fine these sheiks friends I thought she was gonna fall apart then she gets up and what happens God not only dealt with the sin in her life which he needs to deal with sin in our life friends but he speaks to her about her friends if you were listening to the video she said I want to go out there and tell everybody that's the work of the Lord and that's what this is all about friends the Lord is preparing the church for an end time harvest our obligation to our Savior my number one reason friends for working is to please my Savior the second thing tonight by the way you remember JFK who said that's not what your country can do for you but that's what you can do for your country I say that's not what Jesus can do for you but that's what you can do for Jesus okay that's not what Brownsville can do for you friends if you're a member here but ask what you could do for Moundsville you know we all want to be pampered and babied all the way into heaven friends turn it around turn it around and say Jesus I look at the the Skid Row bums walking past this church I watch them lying in a pool of their own vomit right down the street in front of the liquor store but by the grace of God there am I and Here I am a stuck-up snob in the church wanting more from the pastor wanting more from this person that person why don't you say this Jesus dear God that could be me what can I do work for you Lord what can I do to show my love to you Jesus show me an area that I could be a blessing to you Jesus I feel obligated to your work I must work the works of him who sent you oh I hope you're hearing me tonight friends because this is where we're going this is where you're going I've had some high school kids in our meetings get ignited by the power of God they go out bring ten unsaved friends Wham right in a whole pew we had one whole family two entire few saved the whole family it started with two people by the end of the revival meeting the entire family - one was saved why this it wasn't just all Jesus wow man lord have mercy they went right out and you're not gonna believe what's happening to me you need to experience this they went out in the work of the Lord number two that's the first one is the obligation to my Savior the second is our obligation to our neighbor obligation to my neighbor I'm talking about the obligation to the work of the Lord first one is your obligation to your Savior Jesus Christ for saving you and then our obligation to our neighbor does anyone feel that do you feel the burden of the world do you feel the pain of the world in these meetings we may one night pray the Spirit of God would rest upon you and give you the burden of intercession for the world I prayed that one night and about 100 people fell and moaned and groaned under the power of God I've never seen the likes of it some of them were reading just read and grabbing their stomachs going Oh as we prayed for with groanings and moanings for the world out there your obligation to the world Paul said in second Corinthians five eleven he said knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men that's why this evangelist when I come into a city I don't just park my car sit in the hotel room and party all day long I feel it when I walk through the malls I feel that when I'm in stores I wouldn't got a suit today and while I was in that store shared with everybody in there what's going on in these meetings why because one day I will stand on Judgment Day I will stand before the Lord and I want to love my neighbor and I want to hear it from Jesus you loved him as yourself you were just as concerned about them as you were your own family Steve you took care I was reading in John Lakes book book that your pastor gave me his father his wife died great evangelist back in the early 1900's his wife died he was in Africa his wife died in Spokane Washington they say it was from malnutrition they say one of the reasons for it is because so many people john lake was a healing evangelists people would come and camp out in tents all around their yard waiting for the evangelists to come back from africa to be prayed for they would camp out they would be starving they'll be hungry and she would feed them they had hardly any money to begin with and she would take care of all of them because she did that they went with very little food and they proper nutrition they go dear god what a crown what a star would an emerald she's going to receive but looking out there in her front yard and going god more my husband's going to come and pray for you let me feed you let me take care of you let me wash your clothes I like in the world friends to a sinking ship and here the church is we're on this big cruise ship with the world and we're cruising along and you and I side by side we wander down to the bottom of the belly of the ship and we see something brother that no one else sees that's what Christianity is all about by the way it's a revelation from the Lord we see like no one sees we see a leak the boats going down man the boats going down and water is gushing in we race upstairs knowing that within within a short amount of time the whole boats going to go down but here's what happens to his friends the further we get up into the main part of the boat we start seeing the party rooms and the gambling rooms and the and the restaurants and the discos and everybody's dancing everybody's clapping everyone's having such a wonderful time when we go well hey maybe there's a little time left I don't want to you know look at him I don't want to disturb him the boats going down friends Pensacola is going to burn it's like a burning house and every one of us have been delivered from and we're standing out on the out on the street out on the sidewalk and the house is ablaze and and we're brushing the cinders off our clothing and we're thanking God that we've been saved and we hear cries coming in from from inside the building hoping somebody else will run in there and save them dear God get the lead out of your feet man and run into that house and help the people out of the same misery you've been delivered from I thank God and someone had the guts to come and deliver me I mean friends that's what evangelism is pastor I mean folks come in they literally pick us up I've had people that I've tried to minister to just cussed me out as I was ministering to them you know what you do you still love will man why they're being burned alive friends they're drowning you've heard of you know drowning man wants to take as many people down as you can you're gonna hold a drowning man responsible for some of the things he does you're gonna hold a blind man responsible for tripping over a curb you're gonna hold him responsible for cussing at you or saying something to you you're trying to help them man they respond in a negative way and some of us just give up our responsibility to our neighbor let that sink in tonight friends because God is gonna continue pouring out his Holy Ghost in this place but when everything is said and done what I believe the Lord would want to see in Pensacola is tens of thousands of people that have been ushered into the kingdom of God from a church that has become alive with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that felt the burden of the Lord the obligation friends is not an option by the way this shouldn't lay heavy on anybody this should be Jesus I received this I received this Lord after what you've done for me in these meetings lay it on as thick as you want and the last thing friends tonight and you can come back Renee if you would concerning our obligation to the work of the Lord Jesus said here said we must work the works of him who sent me my Lord Jesus had such direction the last one friends is our obligation we have it first to our Savior then to our neighbor and our last is to ourselves now stay with me see we're going somewhere and there's coming a time according to my Bible where we're all going to stand before the Lord how many believe that sinner if you're in this room you don't know Jesus you're going to stand before the Lord period I had a man one time in an antique shop cussed me out man he said you're a fool man he cussed me up and down around and up man he just ripped me to shreds I just stood there and listened to him and I'd shared my testimony he said you're an idiot I said friend let me tell you something regardless what you feel about me said one day your knees gonna bow and your tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord I care about you man that's why I came in here and shared like I did I could have just looked at your furniture and walked out but I care about you and he broke out in the most hideous laughter and I walked out but the bottom line is he will bow and I don't know what's gonna flash in front of him I don't know if his whole life's gonna flash or maybe just me and that date that I was in his antique shop a flash in front of them and the Lord will say enough said but I'm under obligation to Steve Hill because there's coming a day that I'm going to stand before the Lord and Paul said this he said I have fought to fight I have finished the course I have kept the faith now my friends are laid up for me a what a crown a crown of righteousness now whatever pastor or theologian here whatever your theology is on this you can you can part it any way you want to okay or cut it up slice it any way you want this is what I believe about the scripture I believe there are crowns I believe there is a reward I believe there's coming a day where I will stand before the Lord and one of the reasons I work so hard is because I'm gonna have to face that moment in time I may be standing in line with a host I don't know where it may flash just an instant but I will be there and I'll be facing the king of kings and Lord of lords and I'll be washed man I'm going in that's not the point Christian that's not the point yeah I'm saved good great we're going to heaven my question is how many people did you bring with you how many people heard about the blessing of the Lord at Brownsville how many did you tell about the outpouring how many had the opportunity to come in because of what you shared and will stand before the Lord and I don't know what it's gonna be like but let's just imagine together it's gonna be like this money'll and this is what I want to see I want to see several angels off to my right saying this dear God what is this who is this for and I want a crown to be passed from angel - angel and when I see that crayon I want to see the most precious diamonds and rubies and emeralds and sapphires I want to see platinum in gold and silver I want to see the most beautiful crown that was ever created pass into the last angel's hands and then into the Lord's stay with me friends I don't want a cardboard crown I don't want a paper crown I don't want a tin crown or aluminum crown I don't want something that's worthless I want something that means something in the kingdom and as the Lord takes that crown and he begins to place it on my head I want to stop him and I'm gonna push it up and he's gonna push it down he's gonna say well done i'ma go no Jesus yes no Jesus I'm gonna take that crown I wanna throw it at his feet and say Jesus that's all I could I didn't want to give you paper I didn't want to give you ten or aluminum I didn't want my life to be spent wasted I did everything Lord so I could give you the very best that you're gonna give me here on in heaven here's the best crown and I throw it at your feet Jesus this represents a life that was dedicated to you do something for yourself friends give yourselves something to give back to gee sweet cheese [Applause] think about that day because everybody's gonna face it that's not a pride thing at all friends what are you going to give back to the Lord that represents that crown represents your life's work how you live for God your purity your evangelism everything you did in the kingdom since you were saved what are you going to throw back at the feet of the master will you have something friend to give him back I'm going to close with this illustration I'll never forget it pastor I lived in Argentina for seven years during the Argentine revival one of my neighbours was Jose Luis Solano he won five gold medals at the pan-american games I've never met an athlete like him Christian man the fastest speed skater in the world was my neighbor I went over at his house one day to see the gold medals you know that stuff thrills me you know to be around a star like that and he went on ABC NBC CBS all the major networks and shared his faith in Christ when he won the Pan American Games here in the United States of America and Indianapolis it was I went into his house to see the gold medals and I looked up on the walls of his room and there's newspaper articles and pictures of him with some of the you know Dan Rather and some of these folks here in the States and but I was looking around for the medals I said Hosea I want to see a gold medal he said I don't have them so where are they he said I gave him all the way he said you gave him away to who you don't give away a gold medal he said Steve I gave one to the man who taught me how to skate and I told him it wasn't for you I did never want any i gave another one to a coach back when i was in elementary school that told me i could make something out of myself if i'd really give myself to it i gave one to my brother for always telling me to be the best i gave one to my mom for loving me and one to my dad that to me is a taste of what its gonna be like when we stand before the lord here Jesus all for you it's all for you Lamb of God it's a friend our obligation in the work of the Lord is to Jesus primarily just to bless the Lord I want him to look upon us look upon you and these meetings look upon you in the days to come and just be pleased that you're doing his work and then to your neighbor because you've got a genuine burden you want everyone to come into the kingdom that's why in this city I tell people about these meetings now there's a good chance that tomorrow night in the balconies close to full tonight good chance tomorrow night this place is gonna be pet just packed a capacity not just from visiting churches friends which a lot of folks are coming from far away but because you went out and shared with some people man I want you to experience the power of the Lord just like some of you are already doing you brought me your friends already tonight with joy on your face man that here they are I told you I was gonna bring them and here they are could you imagine it everybody took an effort like that what could happen I mean it could mushroom bastard explode not just in this church and every church is represented here I want to pray tonight for those in this room first of all who do not know the Lord you do not know Jesus you are away from God perhaps you've been brought here by a friend who cares for you they want you to know Jesus Christ friend I want you to know something first of all Christ died for you and if you think you have to understand everything about it to accept him you're wrong I was a drug addict when a man shared with me Jesus Christ and I knew nothing about the Lord but he told me Jesus Christ could just set me free from all the pain and misery in my life and that's where you start right there faith in Him that he's real and I had very little of that I really didn't believe in Jesus but that doesn't make a bit of difference when it comes to truth whether you believe it or not it's still truth I didn't believe in Jesus but he was still real and I began to call out to his name the Holy Spirit came on me and delivered me from sin so tonight you need Jesus if you're here tonight you don't know the Lord that's first that you need the first thing you need is not some manifestation from the Holy Ghost you need Jesus the number one manifestation is when your heart begins beating like this it's called conviction Holy Ghost conviction that's what you need right now I feel sinful I feel dirty I want to come to the Lord I want to pray for you first tonight friends my first calling in life and will always be as evangelism that's what I've been driven to do all my life same with my wife we are evangelist not because you tag us evangelist it's because that's what I've always been doing I was told about the Assembly of God when I was preaching in a city park one time a man came up to me said what are you doing I said man I'm preaching the gospel he said you need to be Assemblies of God that's how I heard about the Assembly because I love people man if you don't know the Lord tonight I want to pray with you and this is what we're gonna do I'm gonna open up the altar for you to come and I'm gonna stand right here don't look to your left or look to your right to see if your neighbor is gonna respond or not you make up your mind right now if you need Jesus you need to be delivered from sin or if you're backslidden Christian and you want to make it a commitment tonight to the Lord and I want you to come but I've made that commitment for Steve and I've slid in backwards now friend what are you gonna wallow in that the rest of your life are you gonna do some gutsy commitment making huh God's not Santa Claus he's not making a little puppet out of you and he's just gonna make everything just wonderful he wants to see you make a commitment same with marriages in here let me tell you something brother something sister when you got married you signed a contract that contract is for life you commit yourself to that person what do you feel like it or not you commit yourself to Jesus what do you feel like it or not maybe wonderful today but five years down the road maybe you going through some hard times Leonard Ravenhill always told me you want Jesus to destroy you you want to receive Jesus then get ready for God to destroy your social life get ready for problems you receive Jesus Christ it's just Savior because world is at war with him yeah I praise God you want Jesus Christ to come into your life tonight I want you to come join me right here just get up and come right now don't look around just come join me right now get up get up right now I want Jesus Christ to come into my life come on join me right now don't look around there's a lot of folks that are gonna join you but don't wait on them get up right now I want Jesus Christ to save me come on and stand right up here I want Jesus Christ come on get up get up stand right here I want the Lord to set me free tonight stand right in here [Music] come and stand right here I want the Lord to set me free tonight come on what are you waiting on [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on what are you waiting on [Music] pointing in my life through Jesus I want to give my life to Jesus get up coat there are some people in here under the convicting power of God you need to get up get up what more does God have to do for you he's got an old friend he bled for you has anyone died for you has anyone else shed his blood for you and listen to your cursings and your strivings all your life get into Jesus come on come on right now get up get up your back slid come home to Lourdes right now come on come on [Music] come on come on God's dealing with you [Music] what to love [Music] oh man oh man and Friends in just a few minutes everyone don't look this way just a few minutes all heavens gonna come down in this meeting I mean all heaven some of you that are sitting here are gonna experience for the first time in your life the pure sovereign holding power of God the unpolluted power of the Lord I mean it's just gonna be overwhelming I've seen cynics melt where one minute they were criticizing in 30 seconds later they're going dear God forgive me we're gonna experience that in a few minutes God's gonna move in this place but there are some before we pray for you there are some in this room that are struggling between evil and good and you are losing that battle friend you need to come and give your life to Jesus but I'm a Christian friend eighty-five percent of this country say they're Christian I want to ask you this do you know him do you know him is he on your lips is he in your thoughts do you drink breathe eat Jesus is he all around you is he everywhere you go if that's not your Lord then you don't know him get up and come and give your life to Jesus say Lord I settle for nothing less than a totally consecrated life get up here friend and I want to pray with you come on I want to pray with you I need Jesus to set me free from this battle between evil and good come on come on up [Music] come on come on the [Music] gods dealing when you get up get up [Music] I wanted here but greatest my life is [Music] friends I'm gonna move on right now but there's there's some there's some folks in here there are some folks in this room you are playing Russian roulette with your life you're spinning that chamber and pulling the trigger you know exactly what I'm talking about don't play games with the Lord friend don't play games with God don't play games with life don't people listen to me I work in high schools all over this country secular school is not Christian schools secular schools asked me to come in and speak and I've watched student bodies of five hundred to a thousand I've watched kids begin to cry students cry everywhere I'm talking about from basketball players to cheerleaders to to jocks I mean they're just crying man why conviction in their heart they know they're not happy it's all superficial man they know that deep down inside they're they're not what they should be with God and one of the reasons I think principals invite me to come speak is because you know I'm gonna hit dead center man I'm gonna talk to him straight and I'm gonna talk to every one of you straight here students and some of you adults this is a commitment he's saying games man what's your name David no games man when you give your life to Christ you want to know why because if if you're if you're coming to Jesus tonight and you got a it's like you got a deck of cards you know and you you like you're playing a poker game with them or something give them one of these for two of those and this time that you know trading off with Jesus you know Lord you do this for me I'll do this for you and you know you'll never get anywhere with God what you do with Jesus is you come and you lay it all on the table say god here's my junk of a life I know there's nothing for you to take but you can have it yes that's how you start with Jesus and from there he can take you and make you may be the most beautiful person on the face of this earth you'll look back 5 or 10 years from now and you'll go dear God I almost miss this the joy of this Christian life of this committed Christian life a lot of us are not happy because we're not committed Christians I'd like for members of our team to come around here and come to the front of this group you can still come up friend if you're you want to receive Christ as your Savior get up right now and come we're gonna pray a prayer to these members are just gonna stand with you at first and then we're gonna pray a prayer together make sure every every person has got someone with them okay what we're gonna do right now before we go any further in our conversations with them I want you to just I want everyone to bow their heads and we're going to pray a prayer and this prayer is between you and Jesus no one talking but to the Lord right now I want you to follow me in this prayer and if you mean it then Jesus Christ will cleanse you come into your life right now I want you to pray out loud with me if you're not accustomed to praying out loud just do it anyway it's just talking to God that's all prayer is pray with me dear Jesus Jesus I thank you I thank you for speaking to my heart thank you Lord for not leaving me alone I need you Lord I need your forgiveness I need your love forgive my sin wash me clean everything I've done wrong I ask you now - forgive me come into my life be my Lord my Savior my best friend I'll give you my heart I give you my future all my plans I lay at the cross I am yours and you are mine in your precious name now those of you that have come forward and you prayed that prayer God has touched your life tonight he has forgiven you now what these members that have come with you what members find out their name and then pray for them they're gonna lay hands on you right now just pray a blessing on you
Channel: Brownsville Revival TV
Views: 1,565
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: brownsville revival videos, pastor john kilpatrick, BROWNSVILLE VIDEO LIBRARY, evangelist steve hill, brownsville revival dvds
Id: E_syIVbkw5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 5sec (6365 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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