Revival in Pensacola: News excerpts of the Brownsville Revival

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when I came in here I wanted to die and now I want to live [Applause] this woman and thousands more like errs say their lives have been dramatically changed during what many believe is an historic move of the Holy Spirit since Father's Day 1995 hundreds of thousands from this region every state in the country and from around the world have come here to the Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola Florida [Music] this church on Savanti Street has become the focus of worldwide attention five nights a week for over a year now people have packed the church hours before the service begins people line up just in order to get a seat some call this the Pensacola outpouring because they believe an unusual outpouring of the Holy Spirit is occurring here it began on Father's Day 1995 but whenever this broke out on Father's Day that was a real McCoy John Kilpatrick is pastor of Brownsville Assembly of God and His Church members prayed for nearly three years for revival and for lost souls last year they believe their prayers were answered on Father's Day 1995 Kilpatrick invited evangelist Steve Hill to preach when Hill later asked the Congregation for prayer both Hill & Kilpatrick described what happened next as a supernatural outpouring and when it did I mean it was awesome never in my life felt anything like that after a few weeks what began as a renewal for church members turned into evangelism we started speaking to the people about going out into the highways and the byways and compelling the people to come in because you know they know that's a that's a sheep and the Sheep know the Sheep within days they started bringing the lost and it exploded many describe this explosion of evangelism as chains of grace Christians bringing their unconverted friends and family to church for salvation the centerpiece of the past year has been altars filled night after night with the backslidden and the unconverted Hill who came to preach for one day is still preaching at the church when he blames mercy and judgment in his messages with Jesus Christ as the only answer for life's questions those souls include the young and old the rich and for the down and out and the well-to-do Robert Lowell is one convert he's a successful businessman but says he ran from God for 30 years his wife Joanne says he's been transformed how was in contrast to what Robert was like for 30 years the difference between heaven and hell and these last 19 weeks are the best weeks that I have ever known Friday night each week is water baptism night nearly everyone tells what happened to them five months ago I was in the hospital for drug and alcohol rehab I praise God that he saved me and delivered me I'm 17 years old last night I got saved now ready dedicate my life to God and I got saving this revival back in November and it's changed my life me the heart of this is evangelism his Souls being born into the case some feel this outpouring in Pensacola could spread throughout the United States Pastor David young each Oh pastor of the world's largest church in Seoul Korea wrote the foreword to pastor Kilpatrick's book about Pensacola called feast of fire Cho writes when I was ministering in Seattle Washington in 1991 I became deeply concerned about the spirits will decline in America I begin to pray even more earnestly for revival in these United States as I prayed I felt the Lord prompt me to get a map of America and to point my finger on the map I found myself pointing to the city of Pensacola in the Florida Panhandle then I sense the Lord say I am going to send revival to the seaside city of Pensacola and it will spread like a fire until all of America has been consumed by it pouring in Pensacola crosses denominational lines thousands of pastors from nearly every denomination have come to Pensacola many say their churches have been affected as a result Bethel Assembly of God in Hampton Virginia is one example we begin to see people spontaneously beginning to repent I've said people bringing stuff I had a pile on the platform because people were just bringing thing cigarettes and things of their possession that they knew God wanted out of their life thousands continue to come five nights a week to the services at Brownsville Assembly Kilpatrick and he'll see no end in sight to this outpouring they do however expect to see thousands more from all over the world run to the altar at his church on Savanti Street [Music] you have heard about the history-making revival in Pensacola Florida now experience it for yourself [Music] the church [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Russell or the saloon hallelujah you know what I want us to do just for a moment we don't have to take long at it but I know many of you have been waiting outside today for hours somebody got here before the Sun came up this morning waiting in line how many have you waited in line today at least six hours to see him and all the other buildings that just think about that there's people in other buildings all over this campus most people's waited in line over six hours to get in and I know that you're hungry I know how I would be if I was outside waiting in that line I couldn't wait to burst through the doors of one of these buildings and get in here and feel the presence of the Lord yeah and I want to tell you something we want to take just a few minutes here before we move on and we want to segregate this time just for the Lord let's lift our voices together for just a few minutes there's times we come in this place and pray spontaneously breaks out and worship spontaneously breaks out and it sounds like a train coming from way off and it'll just come like a roar like a just a gentle roared and you get a louder and louder loud bleed away and it'll come back again it's sometime we stand up here for an hour doing nothing but just that train of praise and glory comes in here we're not probably going to take that long right now but I want you to use to take just a few minutes without any music or anything and I want everybody and all the places all over this campus lift up your voice before the Lord and love come on [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] allelujah hardly welcome you in this place tonight we asked you to just have your way let your glory come let your power come and change us we yield to you now Lord we yield to your spirit hallelujah but right now something's gonna happen that happens every Friday night and we're excited about it you to tell God is drawing his people to repent and be right before him and the people who are coming right now our people who have repented of their sins and they're following the Lord Jesus of water baptism which is a commandment and they're gonna testify these are by no means set up previously these are just impromptu what happens happens but I want you to worship with them right down then we're to come back and worship and Steve's gonna preach but I want you to listen to what God is doing individuals lives my name is Johari Williams I'm 18 years old from Stockton California and I was a troubled teen searching for a father that I didn't have just jumping from boy to boy suicide attempt after suicide attempt but I have come to know that the Lord is my father [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sister upon your profession of faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior we baptize you now in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Ghost [Applause] my name is Debra Goucher and I drove all night from Houston Texas and got in line at 4:30 this morning so I could get a good seat this is it [Applause] when I first came here three weeks ago I was a person that didn't have any hope I had given up and I didn't even try anymore but the sad thing about that is that I was a Christian good had known God and had walked with God I have a husband in five children and at one time my heart was so on fire and I had such a desire to be a godly mother and to be a godly wife but at some point in the midst of all the mounds of laundry and the diapers and the bills and the all of it I lost the vision and the flame went out and I just gave up and I was a prodigal child but I wasn't in a place where I could go and look for my father so he came and looked for me it just has done miracles he's forgiven me he's taken my guilt in my shame for all the negligence of my family for a long time he's healed me my mind is clear I couldn't even think straight anymore my mind is clear he gave me back in my heart to my emotions my love for Jesus my love for my family it was gone I didn't have any emotions but I have him now and the reason why I'm here is because I want to give God all the glory I'm so thankful to him for what he's done for me [Music] your confession of faith and Jesus Christ as Lord we baptize you now name of the Father have a son I the Holy Ghost the Lord has delivered me from drugs gang affiliation murder do you name it I've done it but today I can say I have the victory in Jesus Christ I'd like to thank the Lord but I have no respect of persons I'd like to thank the Lord for digging in the bottom pits of hell and reaching for my soul although I'm not worthy I'd like to thank you glory for putting a song in my heart to give me a purpose and my purpose is to do God's will wherever he may leave me wherever you may send me I'm not ashamed of the gospel for the Lord was not ashamed of me saying what the Lord has done for me and if there's anyone that don't know Jesus and if you want notices around power yet I give myself as a living sacrifice this night I died of myself tonight and give my life to the Lord your profession of faith Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior we baptize you now in the name of the Father and of a son have the Holy Ghost [Applause] my name is Kelly Rowland I forgot for Mississippi my dad has been married six times and my mom has been made twice my stepfather she divorced him ten years ago they got married when I was stuck six for eight years amen Tommy my mom told me she was scared that he was gonna kill it she went home to the house to talk to him I thought I'd never be able to forgive my stepdad for what he did to me my family we could go Saturday I came to the survival [Applause] and when I prayed I scripture came to life jesus said that if you had faith and believed that you can even move mountains in this mountain was years and years of abuse and he took it away [Applause] pisto ask myself why did this happen to me but I know that knowing God is more than knowing what answers are knowing God is more important one of my favorite scriptures he has told me is to do everything for the glory of God do it all for the glory [Applause] and Holy Spirit [Applause] my name is John Hall I'm here going to the revival school of ministry I ran from the Lord a long time I did drugs I did the alcohol sex I became a skinhead if you wasn't white I hated your guts and if you didn't like anybody that was if you didn't like if you only liked excuse me if you like people that they weren't white then I didn't like you either I'm here to tell you if you're like that I'm sorry Jesus ain't got no part of you you won't revival but you don't want black people to come in your church you won't revival but you [Applause] but to use amid to the will of God revival when I stepped out of the will of God I gave so much hatred inside of me so much bitterness so much anger I hated the world I hated my own mother my own dad I come up with I wrote out the perfect plan to murder both my parents but that same woman that I wanted to kill spin every night of her life for the knees praying for me I got the whooping I've had the worst tippers you could ever imagine I've hurt so many people people that I love so much they'll never know how sorry I am the night that I got saved I was just like Lazarus man I was dead in the tomb we read in there where Jesus said roll away the stone and the men said the Lord he's been dead for days and he stinks by now brother i stunk but there's so many of you you're in the same spot that I was you're in the tomb man and you're dead and you stink but Jesus that roll away this roll away the stone [Applause] to the enemy's camp [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but I remember before revival broke out I was so hungry for God friend you wouldn't believe how hungry I was I was like a hungry man I was like a thirsty man in the desert that couldn't get water that's how hungry after God I was and before these chairs was placed in here the the pews started right back about there we've taken one or two pews out along the front to give him a room for altar space but there was a few about what where this aisle here is that I used to come in here many nights I get out of the bed in the wee hours of the morning I'd get out of the bed and drive all the way over here to the church just slip on some sweat pants sweatshirt a lot of times have come barefooted and I'd pressing the security number to the church and I get in the back door three four o'clock in the morning and I'd lay on that front row right there and I'd grab ahold of that bench and that cry out God there's got to be more there's got to be more there's got to be more than the backsliding that I'm seeing there's got to be more than the tippet lukewarm Christianity that I'm seeing and that I myself am experiencing god there's got to be more and I lay there and grab ahold of that pew sometime and curl up in that pew and cry out for hours and I would say I remember one time I just got in from New Orleans I dropped my wife off of the house I come right straight back here to the church and I stretched out on that Pew and I cried out and I said God I know you hear me please sit revival if you don't send revival God we can't make it much longer as the church on the earth when you see someone like this and you just make a snap judgment and you see someone doing something like this you may say oh man you know what's going on I won't tell you this girl she's brilliant girl her mother's a schoolteacher her father's a doctor medical doctor and these girls have been raised in Brownsville assembly I know their life and they're godly girls but God during this revival has gotten ahold of them and her sister is Elizabeth that's given her testimony on television and here on Friday night in the church and this is Alison and God uses her when it comes time for the altar call and things like that he uses her at intercession and you'll see her back there really under the power of the Holy Spirit beginning to intercede for lost souls and she's never done anything like this I've known her for many years I've known these girls since they were little bitty girls I mean like this I've known them I've been their pastor but I know beyond any doubt whatsoever that these girls being moved on by God's Spirit and Alison if you can sweetheart I want you to take just a moment and just share what the Lord is doing in your life and what's going on I'm 19 years old and I've been through high school and I'm in college now at the beginning of this revival I didn't come for the first week go I was like everyone else I wasn't sure about it and a church had always been kind of a just a requirement anyway so it was the second Sunday of this revival that I came to the denied service and on Steve preached on I have a verse for it - Matthew 6:24 it says no one can serve two masters either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other and what Steve preached about that night was he cannot hold on to the hand of God and on to the hand of the world at the same time and I'm all through high school and college I've I've known God well God has had a place in my heart but he didn't really have a place in my life and I never thought that God had anything to offer other than just sitting at church and I'd never given him a chance to do anything in my life so I was constantly running after the world I was running after what I thought I had to have something that the world would give me but whenever I heard that what Steve preached I mean my eyes were opened like Steve preached last night Satan he blinds us you know I was blinded by worldly things that I thought I had to have in worldly friends that I thought I had to have and all it took to totally change my life was for Mina to listen and and really hear what these people these men of God are trying to say what God is trying to say you know the Bible says people they have ears to hear but they don't hear what people are trying to say what God is trying to say development you know I listen that night and God totally opened my eyes yeah he changed my whole life I was terribly depressed because I I had enough of God in me to know what I was doing was wrong and to be miserable doing it and I was in the most horrible position you can be in God says himself he'd rather spit you out of his mouth and have you been lukewarm because you're no good to anybody unless you're hot or cold and now God has given me the gift of intercession and he has he's allowed me to feel the Holy Spirit has allowed me to feel just part of the pain that he feels whenever people don't listen to him I've realized that the Holy Spirit he's here he's waiting on all of us just a tiny bit of our heart to want him he'll come in and change your whole life change everything never whenever this is on you Allison you don't have a pain do you know it's not painful at all no seriously seriously whenever someone sees someone like this that that's manifesting the Spirit of the Lord they think they're under pain or they're under duress but it's not like that at all tell them what is life well there's two different kinds with me like right now I think the glory of God is so strong up here my body just can't really take it and that that's why I'm doing this but there's other times whenever I come into God's presence you know I don't move it all but inside me it's like there's just waves of God inside of me and then there's other times whenever I'm interceding and it's not painful to my body but it's painful to my heart because I know that God loves people so much and he's he's he's in a hurry he would he wants he wants he loves everyone there's not much not much more time faint craves for your spirit secret you speak [Music] see [Music] see [Music] more our sin we weaken we believe life [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I want everyone to listen but everyone to listen last night in the service of Lord spoke to me about tonight and he knows my response and he knows pastors response whatever you want to do Jesus and this morning spoke to me [Music] he said I was so mercy remind them Steve of my desire to forgive and forget I want the prodigal is home about the sinner saved the backslider restored [Music] and I will hasten my work it will be quick it will be Thoreau it will be complete the Lord spoke to me this morning friend and for those of you that are coming this is your first time at the Brownsville revival you need to understand something we don't know anything about the Brownsville revival we know that god of the Brownsville revival but we don't know anything about any service because every service is different and God is orchestrating this the Holy Spirit is your responsibility tonight is obey that is your responsibility is to obey last night I spoke a message entitled ignorance that God won't ignore and I spoke about willful ignorance those of you in this room everyone listen those of you in this room those of you in the chapel those of you in overflow rooms that choose to ignore that is an ignorance that God will not ignore that is an ignorance you'll be judged for you choose to ignore the wooing of the holy spirit you choose to ignore God you choose to ignore these baptisms tonight you choose to ignore the little boy that says I've been set free from years of pornography the girls the guys have been set free from the depths of sin and you sit here willful ignorance frame you will be held accountable for it [Music] I don't want to hear about it preacher you're gonna hear about it friend you're gonna hear about it because God has the Lord is trying to speak to you some of you are already saying this is too heavy for me friend this is not heavy Kayle is heavy this is not heavy this is the presence of Almighty God some of you are scared to death I want to tell you why you're scared because maybe for the first time in your life you fear something's out there that is a fear of God God will lead you to Jesus the fear of God will lead to the salvation the fear of God makes you realize I on this planet alone I am NOT in charge of my own life there's somebody down there that is controlling this there's somebody out there that has it all in his hands the fear of God friend will cause you to fall to your knees and say geez [Music] what am I supposed to do Steve what am I supposed to do tonight you're supposed to do what the Apostle Paul did I spoke to you last night about a man who said I'm a blasphemer I'm injurious first and I hurt people I'm a persecutor of Christians but I obtained mercy Paul said I obtained mercy I was a chief of sinners Paul said but on obtain mercy mercy is undeserved forgiveness you don't deserve it Paul didn't deserve it I don't deserve it but it's a gift of God see people wash you clean [Applause] merci forgive me Lord ah this is the night he's gonna forgive you tonight friend but I will tell you what the Lord showed me from that scripture he showed me several things [Music] Paul recognize now this is the scripture Paul before a blasphemer and a persecutor in injurious but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief Paul realized he was a sinner he recognized that he was away from God friend you got to do that tonight you got it recognized that you're away from God and one that receives mercy is at the he's at the bottom friend one that receives mercy cannot do anything for himself there are people sitting in our Penitentiary's that are pleading for mercy they're on death row they can't do anything for themselves they write the governor in the president every day saying please have mercy on me forgive me for my crime have mercy they know that they can't do anything about it that's where we stand we can't do anything about it the only one that freakin forgives sin the only one who can wash you clean is the Lord Jesus Christ you can't do anything about it you can't do good works in church attendance won't do it being faithful to the house of God will do it teaching Sunday school won't do it pastoring a church won't do it being faithful in the Bible College won't do it being a good father won't do it being a good mother won't do it being the best parent won't do it then being a great neighbor won't do it the only thing that will save you the only thing that will set you free is the blood of Jesus Christ easy and he will do it too [Applause] some of you in this room some of you in this room listen you're so religious you're so religious that's an addenda below ting around you friend it's not a shield it's like an eggshell friend it'll crack wide open it'll bust wide open frame there's nothing there religion will damn your soul religion is all the right things it's hanging around the cross without being on the cross religion is knowing all about Jesus and not knowing Jesus religion is being baptized when you were 5 and now you're 55 and you say everything's fine but you're living in sin that's religion friend religion is like this young man being confirmed but living a life of sin [Music] that's religion friend religion is what America's being damned with in the pulpits of America day after tomorrow pastors and ministers will stand up and tell people they're okay they'll tell people everything's fine they'll give him a sermon it for 30 minutes on the love of Jesus but don't ever mention the wrath of God that's religion Fred and it will damn your soul why do thousands of teenagers come to this revival they know better they're not fools friend they know there's more out there than that love gospel they know there's also a God out there of raft there's a God out there who doesn't we can everything they do wrong here's what you're gonna do in just a minute I'm gonna give an altar call I don't want anybody to move yet right here this thing is gonna break wide open tonight friend when I give this altar call if there is sin in your life you heard 25 messages from the baptismal pool tonight one after another preaching the gospel he saved me he saved me he saved me over and over and over naming the sins you heard it Fred I'm gonna give it all to call in just a minute everyone who's back slidden what's a backslider friend person that once knew God but it slid away there's stuff in your life that you would have never done years ago what is sin anything that Jesus wouldn't do that's what sin is would he want what you're watching would he hear what you're hearing what do you drink what you're drinking think about it forever bat slider you're gonna come to Jesus OCD that have never known the Lord I've got a feeling there's some Muslims here in this room there's others in this room that are from religious organizations that don't know God you don't know Jesus you don't know Jesus well maybe hear from some offshoot cult and you know something's wrong but you've been trapped in this thing if someone's brought you to this revival to where let me tell you something whatever you're believing in out there is no match to Jesus Christ no match [Applause] he is in this place why is it that witches and warlocks are saved every night in this place why is it that bankers millionaires businessmen and prostitutes all across the board every imaginable person on the face of this earth are saved that these altars every night why devil has met his match friend there's nothing you've done that Jesus can't forgive you he'll wash you clean and if you're caught up in demonic worship you're caught up in witchcraft I know there's several here from New Orleans and you come in from New Orleans and you've been in a coven of witches for years and you can't imagine being set free taste and see that the Lord is good [Applause] give us just a minute to move these chairs friend when I open up these altars everyone listen those of you that are away from God you come as quickly as you can and obtain mercy he won't forget what I've done have you killed Christians Paul killed Christians what have you done friend he won't watch me yes he will friend that's alive from the pits of hell he'll cleanse you he'll wash you but let me tell you why you got to come down here friend there's a shackling that takes place when you're involved in sin shackles and chains matter of fact the other day I contacted and Penitentiary's around the nation for them to send we're trying to find a ball in chain and I got a ball in change sent to me now look at that ball and chain huge ball and chain now put it around my ankle I thought how can people live like this it weighs a ton man you can't move you drag it everywhere you go and I just wanted to see how the convicts were living out there and how they there's no escape I want to tell you a friend tonight if you're shackled and you're standing in your Pew and you've got a chain on you and there's a steel ball at the end of that thing full of cast iron if you would step out when I give this altar call that shackle will snap over it'll pop open friends I have yet to see I have yet to see since Father's Day anyone dragging a ball and chain down here why as soon as you make the decision to get right with God and come clean Satan sees it the Lord sees it there's a warfare going on the Lord always wins when you yield yourself to him he always wins and tonight you need to break away quickly come when I give this altar call you come quickly to this altar and let's take care of business let's take care of our relationship with Jesus if you're gonna stand there in the pew and say I'm going to take care of this later friend you are dead wrong that is crying and that itself will damn your soul that's what took Lucifer down from heaven it's pride if you're saying I'm gonna do this on my own in my own secret place wondering are you ashamed of Jesus are you not going to confess him he will confess you if you'll confess him he won't be ashamed of you if you won't be ashamed of him Fred besides he was crucified on Calvary naked for you for you what's the big deal about walking from the balcony down here he did all that for you and you can't walk 20 feet he did all that for you in the chapel and you can't walk 50 feet down to the altar and get prayer no sir friend it's time to get right with God it's time young people children grandpas mom and dad uncles and aunts anyone in this room that's away from God the door tonight is wide open this is a tense for you friend of a lifetime and for some of you it's your absolute last chance I believe that with all my heart you were gonna harden your heart it's gonna be so hard the Lord won't be able to get through friend don't harden your heart let your heart melt it's a Holy Ghost I've had it with this line I want forgiveness I want to come clean I want to be as white as snow I would only have a different life [Applause] Shh charity we're gonna wait on run to the mercy seat right now I want the choir I want you to sing like you've never sung before as soon as I begin to sing it if you right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scoffs dealing with your heart come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus take my sins I repent of my sin [Music] jesus loves you [Applause] [Music] in the chapel God's not finished come on listen to your heart what's the Lord saying to you friend come on come on I need Jesus I need Jesus I know all about him but I don't know him come on old friend [Music] come on come on down god bless you [Music] charities sing run to the mercy seat we got the doors open friend the doors are open right now the Lord's mercy let's go let's go let's go [Music] we're gonna close this altar call [Music] yes Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] easy [Music] [Music] [Applause] when your friends to the curb [Music] don't bless your lovely yes [Music] covered to his presence without me [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not used to this kind of stuff you better get used to it friends awakening coming to America and this is what its gonna look like this is what its gonna look like you've got 60 seconds [Applause] No hello 50 god bless you yeah [Applause] you got 40 seconds yet on earth are you waiting for [Music] what in the world are you holding on to [Applause] 20 seconds come on down sis god bless you come on down yeah come on down fifteen thirteen eleven nice alright hurry hurry [Applause] [Music] I want everyone at this altar to be quiet right now everyone at the altar I want you to pray with me everyone at the altar I want you to pray those of you the aisles the Lord just told me he's going to turn our mourning into dancing tonight he's going to turn this thing on a dime everyone at this altar I want you to bow your head some of you had them bound 40 45 minutes I want you to bow your head again and pray this prayer with me pray this prayer right now everyone at this altar everyone in the aisles everyone at the altar in the chapel and those of you at home on your face I want you to pray with me right now out loud dear Jesus thank you for mercy thank you for undeserved forgiveness thank you Jesus that while I was yet a sinner you died for me thank you Jesus that you went to the cross for me tonight Jesus I confess my sin I have sinned I have hurt you and I've hurt others forgive me Jesus but I repent wash my sins away make me new clothes me I asked you tonight to be my Saviour be my lord and my very best friend I want to wake up in the morning and talk with you I want to speak with you throughout the day I want to walk with you all the days of my life and when you come back I want to recognize you and I want you to recognize me I want everyone at this altar to look at me how many would look at me tonight and say Jesus Christ has forgiven me slip up your hand well you can see the difference I want you to listen just for a couple minutes you're not off the hook because after this friend there's a life out there there's a life out there I learned it real quick I remember when I first got saved it was so radical friend now some of you back slid you're coming back to Jesus others coming to Jesus for the first time but the bottom line you're getting right with God I was a drug addict all my possessions I had in a paper sack my wife who I'd never even met she was a drug addict was beaten all through her childhood my life up in Michigan came to the Lord I didn't know who she was I came to the Lord in Alabama both of us just been wrapped in sin just went destroyed but deep down inside I wanted my life to get together how many know what I'm talking about you want you want you want to have a family you want to have a home but I'd wasted all the years when I got right with God on October 28 1975 it was so incredible I was pinching myself it was so real that I admit that Jesus had washed my sins away but it wasn't 30 minutes later in front of my house at 5:14 Pearson Drive in Huntsville Alabama that a car pulled up 30 minutes after I got saved got saved in my bedroom 30 minutes afterwards a car pulled up and a bunch of drug addicts some of my friends stepped out they a bag of pot they said let's go get stoned I'm gonna tell you friend the devil knows where you live he had it already set up he saw what was going on in my bedroom he saw that Minister leading me to Christ the devil saw it all he saw me break before the Lord he saw Jesus come in he saw me pinching myself he saw me going just wild in the Lord I was brand new Christian If any man be in Christ is a new creature I was brand new I was out in the front yard friend pulling the grass out of the roots I was just pulling up because it was like the first time that ever felt grass I was looking at the sky and I was talking to the sky I know I looked like a loony but friend I was going sky you're so blue how would he know what I'm talking about I was born again I was born again and while I was out there saying sky you're so blue the devil pulls out he pulls up they get out of the car and they wave it back a pot in front of me and it was those of you that are smoked dope it was Colombian gold they hung that pot in front of me and I remember that pot just glistening and they said to me said Steve let's go get stoned and I looked at them and I had to make a decision I was thirty minutes old in Jesus no Bible school Mike Brown I mean I was just thirty minutes old and I lifted them and I said this I really can't explain to you what happened thirty minutes ago in my bedroom but Jesus Christ came into my life and has totally changed me and I said this I said if I smoked that with you this will go away and I don't want I didn't know how to talk okay I didn't know how to talk like you know I didn't know I didn't know how to go in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I didn't know how to talk like that friend I read viewcube devil I didn't know all them words I just told my said if I smoke that this will leave and one of them cussed at me you know just you know just just cursed at me said you know what are you crazy and just you know call me a Jesus Freak another one did God in the car drove off I never saw him again but the Lord showed me at the very beginning that I have got to deal with sin then I've got to stand up move forward I'm not talking about retreating move forward face it if they wave it in your face you've already made up your mind I'm not gonna touch it some of you are so weak when it comes to little things you fall to the left you fall to the right you need to make a decision tonight that you're gonna stand you're gonna stand strong no matter what comes your way because I promise you and I'm not this is not a scare tactic but there's a real devil there's real demons and they're out there you know they're out there and of course greater is He Who is in you but if you'll take a stand if you will take a stand against sin I'm gonna go ahead and where's that pack of cigarettes that was down here [Music] I remember friend we got all kinds of stuff tossed around up here but um I remember right after I got saved also I was walking down the road I smoked three packs a day when I got saved and that was a big that's a major habit okay and I was just just constantly smoking cigarettes and I right after I got saved I was walking down the street and there was a pack of cigarettes on the ground it was my brand unopened now friend I had been smoking for at least 12 years I had never found then whole cigarette my brand or a half a pack I found an entire pack of cigarettes my brand I'm telling you friend this is war I picked him up the Lord spoke to my heart y'all listen to this because you're gonna have to deal with some of this I picked him up and I took him and I knew I had quit I had quit but here they were a brand new pack of cigarettes I took him and I threw him in the trash and the Lord said wait the Lord said go back and get them in the trash they'll be sitting there and it'll be a temptation he said pick him up go to the restroom go to the bathroom unwrap them destroy them and I remember it was a ritual it was a young man coming off of drugs alcoholism and crime it was it was the my first little dealing with the devil like that and I stood over that toilet and I took those cigarettes out and I remember crumbling them all in my hands and I flushed the toilet what's that tobacco go down and the Lord said this to me if you will deal with sitting your life like this you will live victoriously get rid of it just get rid of it yeah we're going to do something in this service that we have absolutely never done but the Lord is speaking to the leadership I want y'all to bring those trash cans right out here look at me everybody tonight is church history I believe this is a turning point for thousands of lives everyone in this place you've got junk on you cigarettes condoms or in your car magazines pornography whatever it is friend you want victory you obey God now we've never done this if you're saying now they bring out the trash cans no friend we've never done this these cans are right here friend and we're going to open up the next 15 minutes of this service you come and bring any garbage that you have if you're wearing a bracelet that belonged to a boyfriend and he bought that bracelet for you and you're wearing it now but you're a married woman and you look at that bracelet and you remember the affair you had with that boy but you're a married woman now with children it's time to get rid of it Fred cigarettes alcohol drugs condoms magazines anything you have night before last tapes CDs anything that's drawing you away from God now's the time friend weapons anything changed if you've been involved in gangs anything that's drawing you away from God it's time right now to come drop it right in here right now come on let's go let's go come on come on Oh come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on me here [Music] if you are also celebrating because you've sincerely prayed a prayer of repentance and have given Jesus Christ control of your life today congratulations on the best decision you've ever made God's Holy Spirit has made your spirit alive toward him and this new relationship will develop into an appetite for the things of God but just like anything else you'll need to feed and nurture your spiritual life so it can grow and develop God will help you as you read and obey his word and pray and talk to him daily tell others what Jesus has done for you in fact tell somebody right now that you've just had an encounter with Jesus also it's extremely important that you find and attend a Bible believing Church we can refer you to one that is near to where you live so to help you get started right in your newfound relationship with Christ we want to send you some free information simply call the number on your screen or write to Cornerstone television wall ta one five one four eight - one four nine nine if you want more information about the revival in Pensacola right Brownsville Assembly of God thirty one hundred west de Soto Street Pensacola Florida three to 505 or call one 904 four three three three oh seven eight our prayer is that God's revival fire has spread into your home as you've just experienced what's taking place in Pensacola and remember God's promise that he will perfect the good work he has begun in you now here's evangelist Steve Hill be that one friend I'm saying that to everybody hear me be that one that God can look down and say I found a man I have found a woman and Fran if you would do that see it's up to you it's not up to God it's up to you it has to do with devotion total sellout [Music] that one this song this is hero the face you're gonna see it unfold you see signs and wonders you're gonna see people saved and set free and you'll look back and you'll cry we tears of joy that he allowed you to be part of his be that one determined tonight [Music] is appalled [Music] [Applause] [Music] he has sent me to the poor [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: RevivalFireOkie
Views: 1,450
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Brownsville Revival, revival, Steve Hill, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Lindell Cooley
Id: O3UWHUhkOuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 38sec (5798 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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