'Take It or Leave It' April 12, 1996 Part 1 - Steve Hill Preaching

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I stand before his brother Steve comes and ministers to us to sing this song that was written in 1827 is that okay [Music] joyful joyful we adore thee god of glory Lord of love hearts unfold like flowers before thee in the Aster wilt the clouds of sin and sex drive the dark of doubt over giver of immortal gladness key fill us with [Music] my words with Georgia rowdy [Music] now our tubing and forgiving ever blessing [Music] and bortles join the mind coots which the morning stars begin father love is ready for us brother love [Music] [Applause] [Music] before you're seated cuts and in the chapel we see you don't you sit down for those of you that are wondering about the pastors conference and pastor just announced that Charles Crabtree will be speaking on Wednesday night that is the only evening session that we're having a special speaker but I'm going to be giving and we're gonna happen after he speaks I'm gonna get up and and we're gonna give the altar call that night so there's been some great concern from many of you about the people that you're going to bring that during the pastors conference that don't know the Lord the revivals continuing just isn't just like normal okay and let me tell you something else don't stay home because you think there's gonna be a lot of people here you need to come we're gonna cram folks in everywhere just come be a part of it don't be one of those that missed and you know this conference be one of those that comes and there's there's room there's room for everybody you can put a lot of people in these facilities so please come to that there will be an altar call and also I'd like to let everyone know that Greg and Becky priests are here tonight with Teen Challenge where y'all at right here come on up here and I want you to memorize this face how many of you have photographic memories very few somebody Tony you got a photographic memory I tell you when I look at I'll never forget you come on up here I want you guys to memorize these faces Greg and Becky are are known inhale their fighting on the streets for your children for the young people this is a incredible drug really not a drug rehab program it's a it's a new creation program Teen Challenge and so if you have any questions about the Teen Challenge Center opening up in Pensacola these are the ones to ask and I've asked them to come as much as they can to the revival they have cards with them tonight they have more information on Team Challenge and if you have listened friends this is your program this is yours there's people around this country that would die for what's happening right here they'd give anything to have a Team Challenge program in their hometown so when you have a neighbor that has a kid on drugs and you've been trying to witness no greater way then go up to them and tell them hey listen we got some friends in town Greg and Becky priest they this is what they do and we want you to go down and talk to them they have a program that is just custom made for your son or your daughter so how many you gonna be praying for this couple I'll I know you pray for don't you lie now you pray for him and if you need any more information be sure to get with him tonight god bless you and before you're seated Don Wilkerson Dave Wilkerson's Brothers gonna be with us next Friday night and I've asked him just to come he's the international director for Teen Challenge as you know this revival is planting the first team challenge center in Russia and we're also hallelujah friends I want to tell you thank you and also we're going to be planning this revival we'll be planting the very first team challenging Colombia and God knows we need one there that's where all the drugs pour in into America they come through Colombia and into Mexico and they pour into our country so Don's gonna come and he won't be preaching that night he'll be greeting the folks anytime we have special guests come in it's because they're coming for the revival okay they just come down for the revival they want to be prayed for they want to come to the revival but we want to work we will take the time to recognize folks like Don that are doing an incredible work around the world and also done it's gonna be he's got his new book that just came out it just came out this week and I believe the title of it is the cross is still more powerful than the Switchblade [Applause] those of you that have read Dave Wilkinson book the cross and the Switchblade you know exactly what we're talking about let's pray right now we're gonna ask Jesus to speak to our hearts and to change our lives everyone pray if you do not know Jesus you pray right now I don't know how to pray good you're part that's perfect you don't need to know how to pray that's religion okay prayer is talking with God that's all it is right here and we're gonna talk to God pray with me right now everyone in the chapel everyone here everyone listening and hold dear Jesus once again everyone dear Jesus speak to my heart change my life in your precious name Amen you may be seated please be in prayer for us pastor well chaplain mentioned that that we are moving here we're moving for staff members here we're moving our ministry headquarters to this area and I do not want to feel that okay because this this revival is grueling and those of you that have moved you know exactly we have moved 12 times my wife and I I take my family around the world and we know what it means to pack up and move but this is a major move to move the headquarters from Texas to here and so please keep us in your prayers we know it's God's will I'm tired of living like a gypsy and uh we even have a dog that's been back in Texas just you know twiddling his paws waiting for his family to come back and you know I'll have my secretary I'll sneak Ronnie go out there and give the shadow a kiss and tell him we love Him and he's moving hallelujah so glory to God turn with me to Psalm chapter 68 for the next few minutes we're going to be preaching the Word of God those of you that came for refreshing from the Lord you will not be disappointed can I say that again if you came for refreshing from the Lord you try your thirsty you want God to touch you Christians look at me and in the chapel don't come to these altars and I trying to work anything up this is so far beyond you you couldn't do this if you had to there's no way you could work it up there's a river flowing and this river is gonna touch you tonight this is not the Laughing revival this is not the shaking revival this is not the falling down revival this is God just moving quit classifying everything and let God just move in your life but be prayed for tonight in just a few minutes we're going to give you that opportunity to be prayed for Psalm 68 verse 1 I'd like to first read this out of the King James Version and then from the new American Standard forgive me folks for them I use the new American Standard Dave Wilkerson gave me this Bible I love it dearly and I'm not saying it's the greatest translation I love King James I love new American I love the new international I believe that we have once again major on minors if you study the word just study the word that's what I'm saying to you study the word and there are some things I believe are translated better from one translation to another and so I don't take the new American Standard and go well this is it no I go into the original Hebrew and Greek and try to find out because sometimes the King James is hard to understand and and then you go to the new American and go to new international and all of those still you want to know a little bit more so you go back into some of the original text and get a little bit deeper with it friend so I'm not up here tonight saying I love this version I love that version we're going to preach out of two tonight is that okay and I am up the belief if you're one of those that argues all day and you're gonna lose your salvation over somebody else that reads the Living Bible or something friend I want to tell you listen to me and listen carefully I travel around the world preaching the gospel I go to places where they've never heard the gospel ever and you stand before thousands of people to start preaching and you realize that you've got to start from the very beginning they don't know what you're talking about and I have learned something that the entire world could be saved by reading John 3:16 in any version of the body then it doesn't mean have to be a virgin it can be my paraphrased edition I could stand before him and say God loves you so much friend that He gave His only Son just talking to him friend that's the word it's a word from the Lord and so please don't major on minors and if I've offended you tonight by that I love you and you love me too so let's move on verse 1 Psalm 68 let God arise let his enemies be scattered you know what it says in new American Standard let God arise let his enemies be stand scattered it says the same thing my mind let them also that hate him flee before him this is King James as smoke is driven away so drive them away as wax melts before the fire or melteth before the fire so let the wicked perish at the presence of God but let the right just be glad let them rejoice before God yea and let them exceedingly rejoice singing that have you noticed in the last two weeks what's been going on in here there's we've erupted it in praise I want to tell you what that signifies the walls are about to come down yes yes I believe the Lord's getting ready for summertime I do if you have never been to this revival during the summertime folks I'm going to tell you because teenagers ain't got nothing to do they'll stay till the Sun comes up man they're just oh it's unreal come to this revival during the summertime if you're planning on going to Disneyworld seven days in here one day come here seven days and go to Disneyworld one day hallelujah verse four singing to God sing praises to his name extol him that rides upon the heavens by his name Jah and rejoice before him did I pronounce that right close enough dick you better listen man alright verse five a father of the fatherless and a judge of the widow's is God in his holy habitation verse six is my tents for tonight God said it the solitary in families he bringeth out those which are bound with chains but the rebellious dwell in a dry land let me read it in the new American Standard stay with me just a minute here friends it says let God arise let his enemies be scattered and let those who hate him flee before him as smoke is driven away so drive them away as wax melts before the fire so let the wicked perish before God but let the righteous be glad let them exalt before God yes let them rejoice with gladness sing to God sing praises to his name cast up a highway for him who rides through the deserts whose name is the Lord and exult before him verse five a father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows is God in his holy habitation my text tonight God makes a home for the lonely he leaves out the prisoners into prosperity only the rebellious dwell in a parched land now I want to tell you something friends that verse will preach I want you to understand everyone in this room and in the chapel and those of you at home something foundational last night I preached on the promises of God I talked about the promises are conditional they're not unconditional you heard it from the baptismal pool I said last night you'd be good to God he'll be good to you elementary my dear Watson draw near to God he'll draw near to you honor God and he will honor you that's in the book friend and it's so simple some of the most incredible messages I believe that the Lord has been given me has given me over the last nine months have been so simple I didn't even want to preach them like let go of the hand of evil take hold of the hand of God stand up for Jesus he'll stand up for you simple things last night we must have had 300 people come to the altar when we preached on draw close to God he'll draw close to you that's enough honor him he'll honor you I made the statement that God's promises are conditional you will find that God's promises are in the form of covenants or agreements there are two individuals involved God and man when the promises are not fulfilled it is usually due to man's inconsistency on his part man didn't fulfill his part of the bargain tonight for example the Lord has prepared your heart for the message and this message for your heart let me say that again the Lord has prepared your heart for this message and this message for your heart but it's totally up to you what affect tonight's discourse has on your life the Lord is going to do his part he sees the pain some of you are going through he knows all about your struggle he identifies with the rejection many of you are experiencing he has been there he has worked by the sweat of his brow he's had best friends those of you that have been burned by best friends some of you tonight are struggling from a relationship problem somebody just dropped you Jesus can relate to that he said best friends turn on him when he needed them the most he knows what it means to live day in and day out in total dependence on God those of you who are going through major financial difficulties how many have gone to a financial difficulty in your life but no the Lord knows what it's like to trust God to pay the bills sure he had a money bag he did have a money back but he had a thief holding it and I know it's not in the word it's not in the world I guarantee you there's times he went he went to Judas and he said hey Judas would you give this family 25 bucks they had 25 bucks yesterday but Judas had dipped into the bag friend I guarantee stuff like that happened he had money for him but he had a thief running the bag there were times he had to go fishing just to pay the time dissipate taxes the Lord knows all about your struggle he has brought you here this is a divine appointment but you must do your part everyone say I must do my part I love that about God that he is not going to just pick you up and save you you've got to respond even saul of tarsus had to respond when he was thrown down from whatever he was riding if he was riding or if he was walking when he hit the ground he could have turned and when the and he said who are you doing it it is the Lord it is the Lord who you're persecuting he could have said get out of my face he could have said that changed his destiny right there some of you do that God gets ahold of you you know it's gone and you turn to him and you say leave me Oh Saul could have said that thank God he didn't friend it's up to you young people it's up to you if God works in your life it's up to you you must allow your heart to receive the gospel seed let it fall tonight on fertile soil let his words become healing to your spiritual man that God raised you up tonight when God reaches out his hand reach out your hand I have shared in this church on several occasions on the conditions of the heart pastors listen to this this is just going to take a second but it's so important there are only three conditions of the heart one is the natural heart the natural heart friends is hardened every one of us have experienced it it is harder than stone Jeremiah says they have made their faces harder than a rock he faced that have Astor's have you ever met people like that that's the natural heart it is hard it is cold it is away from God the natural heart many of you tonight you've come into this building you're in the chapel you're at home and you're hard it could have been years and years of sin buffeting your life has calloused you and it's caused you to be critical hard hateful mean you're angry you don't let anybody get close to you you have a hard heart that's the first condition of the heart and then somebody comes along and begins talking to you about Jesus and I want to tell you what happens when the word of God is preached why do over I have over 18,000 people come to this altar why do they keep pouring into your church I asked this man what's he doing for advertising you don't have to advertise a revival you hear me pastors you don't have to advertise when God's moving he's moving now I believe it's fine if you want to print up handbills and get them out that's great the more the better you know get them out there but the bottom line is if God's moving they'll come and these people are going to come in with natural hearts hardened many of them are hard and they come in here tonight I had a man come up to me last night just a few minutes ago and he stuck his finger in my face he that every singing everything you preached man he said it has melted me it's caused me to open up he came in with a natural heart but then the word was preached and he stepped into the second phase and that is an awakened heart that's the second condition of the heart is an awakened heart your heart wakes up and you hear the love of the Lord you hear about God you hear about peace and joy some of you listening to these testimonies we're sitting there doing this I saw you you know and you're glad the lights were dim man because you were crying want to know why your hearts waking up God's and knocking he's knocking on your heart friend and you felt it you felt that you're going I'm a Sunday school teacher and I don't know god man I don't know him some of you mothers looked up there and you saw you heard the story of a mom who was led to the Lord by her son he would to God you were moving in my family like that father Oh God where are you your heart begins to waken is this making sense to anybody it's opening up your wakening up and in a few minutes friends I'm gonna give an altar call in many of you in the chapel and here are gonna have an awakened heart your hearts gonna be doing this you're gonna go and yes that's me I need God I need forgiveness I need a touch from the Lord your heart is awake you move god bless you from the natural heart to the awakened heart but nothing's gonna happen until you move into Phase three because an awakened heart will not save you America if you talk to people across America they will tell you at times that they were awakened this Easter thousands and thousands and thousands probably millions of Americans set from a natural heart to an awakened heart during an Easter cantata I went to Cottage Hill Baptist I love that church stern I and our families went over there to watch her cantata and I watched people cry I watched people raise their hands as Jesus came out of the tomb people were sitting there going dear God that's what I need I need resurrection life in me I need that their heart was awakened and then pastor gave the altar call and many of those people that were awakened did not pray they went right back into the natural hardened heart you've got to go to step number three and that is a believing heart a believing heart is a broken heart a believing heart is when you fall at the face of it at the foot of the cross and you say yes Lord I believe not only was that preaching for me not only was it for her for that man but that preaching Lord hit home Lord it hit my heart and I know Lord that's for me I need to change I need to repent Lord I believe and you move into a believing heart that's when miracles take place friends so tonight that's your responsibility not mine at the end of this message I'm gonna shake your blood off my hands I won't be responsible for you and when we stand before God on Judgment Day and every single one of you I don't care if you're tucked into your living room and you are so secure there by yourself somebody gave you this tape friend you better turn it on because I'm about to say something you that's gonna spook you your blood is on my hands right now but at the end of this message it's off my hands and it's on you you will be held accountable for the preaching of the word of God what you do with this message you will be held accountable on Judgment Day and I print out turn to you what's today April what I can only keep up with the months I know it's April I have a day timer okay y'all have day timers you legendas I rip out like four or five pages at a time man you know the little corners you rip off cuz time is just flying by but on this day the 12th of April is that right there right is it the 12 the 12 on the 12th of April that day this date many of you are gonna hear the gospel message crystal clear I'm gonna give you the opportunity to receive the Lord tonight you will stand before the Lord and I'll look at you I don't know what it's going to be like on that day friend I don't know if we're gonna be able to feel thing I don't have no idea all I know is that there's gonna be books open and we're gonna be judged Christians and non-christians alike will be judged and maybe the Lord will allow me to come up as a witness and you'll say see me and I'll come up and as soon as I walk into the room your hearts gonna sink all you're gonna see in front of you is April 12 1996 and he's gonna say you can leave now Steve maybe another little girl is gonna come walking in that handed you a track at the grocery store handed you the track she's gonna walk in the Lord is gonna look at you you're gonna look at the little girl you're not gonna who the little girl once you don't even remember that situation but suddenly it's gonna come back it's gonna come back to you the Lord is going to say winn-dixie April the 13th Saturday morning 11 o'clock your heart was pricked right in front of the Campbell's soup counter and I tried to get ahold of you but you turn that little girl away well I could go on with that I'm not hallelujah I like this group over here you know back in uh back in the olden days we try to see how many people we can fit in the Volkswagen alright here they see how many they can fit on a pew they've got about a dozen in six or seven of them just sort of popped out on the floor so that's alright isn't it verse six again God sets the solitary and Families he brings out those which are bound with chains but the rebellious dwell in dry land I have three quick points to this message this is a title take it or leave it take it or leave it point number one God makes a hole for the lonely take it or leave it God makes a hole for the lonely God sets a solitary in families he will give you a home if you want a home friend stay with me just a minute now I believe historically that this scripture is in reference to the settlement of the nomadic Israelites they were wandering they're settling in Canaan most scholars would agree with me that's what the psalmist was talking about I believe this is a psalm of David but tonight rather than looking at the children of Israel let's look at us tonight let's look at the portion of the scripture as it relates to you and me God makes a home for you and me God makes a home for the lonely those who are wandering alone now let me state a fact before the Congress many of you in this room and many of you listening from the comforts of your own home and in the chapel are in serious danger you are in a dangerous place you may have all the securities this life has to offer you may be cloaked in the finest garments and be housed in a good sense energy-efficient home with the secular security of home insurance life insurance and accident and health insurance but I'm here to tell you tonight something is not right as a matter of fact you're going to feel what I'm talking about the Holy Ghost is on the move in this place some of you tonight are gonna realize how spiritually homeless you really are listen friend you can possess the greatest home security system available in the Gulf Coast you your home can have a B satellite protected by a private security firm your yard can be secretly booby-trapped by infrared beams and motion detectors that set off a silent alarm alerting every precinct in the local area you can have a dozen pitbulls that take round-the-clock shifts with the dozen Dobermans you can have fluorescent signs outside your home and your property that warn and flash beware of dogs beware of dogs keep out keep out no trespassing no trespassing private property private property violators will be prosecuted violators will be prosecuted but none of these friends none of these physical property protectors will ever hinder the Holy Ghost he can get past them all and what's going to happen to a lot of you tonight is you that are in the security of your homes you're going to become homeless spiritually you're going to realize you are wandering I use as an example jo-ann is your husband here tonight good I'm going to use them as an example how many read this article four pages in the news journal and I want to publicly state again we appreciate the news journal writing about this revival this revivals good for Pensacola I believe the crime rates going down in Pensacola because of this revival I believe that I believe I believe without a shadow of a doubt friend if if a poll was taken across Pensacola how many in these tri-county areas have been to this revival we're talking about tens and tens and tens of thousands have been from this one area have been affected by the revival and I know personally at least twenty-five criminals that I have prayed with that I know that were involved in incredible crimes stuff that they confessed to me and I went thank you Jesus they've turned their weapons over to us they've turned drugs over friends they've been delivered hallelujah but I want to tell you something friend you may not be homeless in the natural sense but you are definitely homeless in the spiritual are you listening in the chapel good you may not be homeless in the natural sense for you are definitely homeless in the spiritual Francis has to do with with point number one he is going to put the solitary in families he will take the homeless and put them in a family stay with me those of you that think God's not going to get to you this is the story of Joanne's husband hallelujah and just part of it he says this Joann and he's a banker up in North Georgia Joanne and I were like tonight I brushed her off she had come to the revival Lowell had been in and out of many churches for years when it came time to get more involved with the church to do something other than look good and show up I would find a reason to leave is it Lowell allow Lowell I said it right for the first time thank you you had a name like Hill no one would ever lift mispronounced low dismissed all his wife's talk about the revival some of you are such snots man your wife has been changed she's trying her very best to get heaven in your home and you shrug her off low dismissed all his wife's talk of the revival until one afternoon when he heard her playing a video for their sixteen-year-old son in the living room I'm telling you friend got to get past your security systems he'll sneak into a plastic tape it was to take testimony of a 19 year old girl from the revival wonder who that was I walked into the living room listen to this I love this man this is the News Journal man in color I walked into the living room all macho like he said you know I can just see him he recalls but the video scared me because of the way it made me feel watch out I don't care if you got pitbulls out front bring God can get past them oh I had to fight not to cry can't you see him macho man I had to fight not to cry I didn't know what it was I was ready to get up and walk out of there I'm telling you what God was doing God was taking this man who has everything he wanted he's got a home got a great family everything God's gonna make him homeless he's gonna make him homeless get what I'm talking about friends spiritually homeless if you don't know the Lord you're wandering out there but there's good news he's got a place for the homeless hallelujah I love it friend I was ready to get up and walk out of there but then Joann reached over and touched me on the arm when she touched me it felt like I had been touched with an electric prong this wasn't the revival this was their living room it was this hot hot burning feeling I had to get my arm from her Lola went to the bedroom and lost all composure and wailed then I went to the bathroom and took off my shirt to see if Joann had really burned me [Applause] and believe me I could go on and on with this story perhaps everything seemed okay until the Spirit of the Lord began to get ahold of you I'm talking about those of you that God's gonna give you a home tonight he has a way of driving us from our security the Holy Ghost has begun to shake everything that can be shaken in your life God is beginning to show up in your life and as he does everything you've been trusting in suddenly begins to seem inefficient and unstable does anyone know what I'm talking about when God shows up frame you can be here with a pack of your friends man you came in here with the intention of hanging out for an hour you're gonna go over to the mall you're gonna catch a Late Show you're gonna hang out at Crystal all night and go home that's what you're gonna do but you're in here and suddenly everything is falling apart you're sitting here you're going there something's going on I feel different why do you think he's supposed to testify from the baptismal pool like that I mean they get up there and all I know how to say is if you ain't saved get saved there ain't nothing in the world like this they were sitting where you're sitting friend is this making sense all right hallelujah you are no longer able to trust in your own wisdom your own strength your friends and family your foundation is sand the storms of life are blowing for some of you the roof is caving in in Spanish we say is stock agenda El techo the roof is falling in the walls are falling down you are you are being drawn into the wilderness looking for a place called home but thank God God makes a home for the lonely he makes a home for you friend he's not going to drive you out into the wilderness and leave you alone out there I love this I really really do when God begins to work on a sinner's heart that sinner loses his way he no longer is comfortable with the world and has not yet found heaven some of you are what I call in limbo you just just floating out of here between the world in heaven tonight you ain't got no place to call home and you will in just a few minutes hallelujah many of you tonight are living in a desert region stay with me friends it's a wasteland it is a sin baked parched dry lonely wasteland you've been buffeted buffeted by desert winds attacked by demon forces of hell the spiritual wonder is by the full sense of the word destitute you are destitute you've lost your way you have fallen prey to temptations you're going blind by the god of this world you wander around I want to tell you Fran and I'm moving on to the next point but man is by nature a wanderer we're all nomadic man we're all like like you know you you you read about these barbaric folks in the years gone by how they just moved from one vegetated area to another just nomads we're like that friend we're like that you make when I'm settled man I live in downtown Pensacola or I live in Mobile I'm from Indianapolis I got an apartment I got a house I'm not a nomad yeah you are if you don't know Jesus you're out there just wander everywhere friend you know what you do you get up in the morning you get the newspaper you read the horoscope because you're a nomad you're part of a nomadic tribe the tribe that don't know the Lord and so you try to look for direction and maybe the horoscopes got something for me today and then you go to the television set you turn it on you turn on the psychic Channel and you watch them for a while why cuz you're wandering man you're homeless you don't have a place that you can call home you're trying to get information anything that can beat you and so you listen to that stuff for a while and you call one 900 some psychic as they talk to me man tell me what's gonna happen in my life some of you you wander to better friends maybe if I can get a better job maybe more education the list goes on and on those are signs of a nomadic person a person that's wandering through life he's not secure about anything he's always striving for something more why he's got no place to call home does this make sense it does to me so I'm gonna preach to myself you're wet you're Restless you find temporal rest in your work your family and your friends earthly pleasures but it all passes away once the Spirit of the Lord begins dealing with you he will drive you from your securities listen he will show you just who you are he'll cause you to take a good look at where you've been where you are now and where you are going but I've got good news for you tonight God makes a home for the Lost he's got a home for the lowly God wants to adopt you into his family tonight if you're out there wandering around you don't call yourself Christian you don't know God he wants to adopt you into his family many of you tonight are gonna be called out redeemed adopted by God and you're gonna enter the marvelous wonderful ever-growing family of God this family just in this revivals grown over 18,000 members the family of God I'll never forget when I came out of the drug scene friends the family of God it blew me away because I want to tell you I look like a truck had run over me I'd been on drugs for so long I was so beat up does anyone know what I'm talking about I was what you call a street urchin okay I was a crispy critter I was pond slime I was a mess man and I walked into this church I walked into a church and I watched all these people worshipping God and then a lady came up to me dressed in fine linen man I mean she was decked out I was in blue jeans and a t-shirt long hair scraggly beard just just you know how was clean but I was a mess I was not the type of person you would hug she came up to me put her arms around me hug my neck and she said welcome to the family of God i sat down and cried man I cried and I looked around and everyone was lifting their hands worshiping the Lord and they sang that night I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God I've been washed in the fountain cleansed by his blood join heirs with Jesus as we travel this son I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God God will take you and put you into his family Oh friends yes now charity I want you to come up and sitting up the next is dick Reuben I'm gonna have you singing about between 5 and 11 minutes and I want you to come up last two points friends and then we're gonna pray together the Bible says that he brings out those which are bound he leaves out the prisoners into prosperity he brings out those which are bound let's see what the King James says right there he bringeth out those which are bound with chains historically I believe this is in reference to the bondages of the children of Israel in Egypt Egypt is a type of the life of sin and Pharaoh is a type of Satan that heavy hard taskmaster friends I know what it's like to be bound God brings men and women out from the tyranny of worldly oppressors the wicked devices of your enemies he breaks the bondages from your own lusts and sin and sets you free how many have been set free by God regardless of what you've gone through friend he will set you free tonight the Bible says it and whether you believe it or not it is a truth he can snap those chains from your live he can break those bonds he will set the prisoner free I got a letter yesterday from a lady she wrote me she says Steve just wanted to say thanks I smoked for 23 years until you folks pray for me 23 years Tony she said I was set free instantly instantly in the revival and brynn I'm not gonna get into it tonight because I know we could go on and on and on all night long on this one particular part right here those of you all I want to say to you as you're listening to a man who is bound by Devils I was bound by vices I was a mainline junkie I stuck needles in my arm I would why'd you were in here I was robbing your car out there with or without guards out front I would case a church I would case a business I would look at when the cops went by and when they didn't I mean I was a thief I was a horrendous horrible person I was in bondage to my drug lifestyle I stole not because I enjoyed it but because I had to have medicine I had to have poison so I would steal your car I would rob your house I was in bondage to the vices of this world I was under the taskmaster Satan but one day Jesus came along he came and he took those changed and he snapped them he took that ball and chain many of you are dragging that chain everywhere you go to pornography chain it's a ball everywhere you go man you're you're being hounded by sexual thoughts you being hounded by this ball and chain man dragging you everywhere you go tonight the Lord is going to take that friend he's gonna go whack he's gonna snap that chain and set you free the chain of religion boy you talk about prisoners this nation this nation is in prison man we've got pastors on death row spiritually speaking men they're on death row because of religion they're dead they're dry they're dying man they're in bondage to religion religion is your stale dry attempts to find God it's just Sunday morning services that just go on like clockwork like watching two or three 30-minute sitcoms side-by-side you know when they start you know the commercials you know when they end when they start you know the commercials when they end something to go well I've seen this one I've seen this one ten times I'll just watch it again I know what's gonna happen next I know what's gonna happen there Brent that's what church is like for many of us that's religion it's death it is death friend Jesus came to give you life and life in abundance let the Lord snap those chains the last point tonight before charity comes to sing is this and this is my hardest part tonight for this message so bear with me but the rebellious dwell in a dry land I've already told you friend look at me everybody I've told you tonight that he will take the solitary the lonely and put him in a family he'll take you with you're hurting man and he will he will drive you from all your securities just to get you out there to show you how much you need the family of God and then he says he's not gonna leave you out they don't say come on I want to dock you now he adopted the whole Lowell family he adopted every one of them they moved to Pensacola still operating the business in Georgia and operating one here he's adopted the whole family and he loves every one of us friend he doesn't he wasn't getting to Robert and just driving him up the wall so he could get him out there and just show him how bad he's been he wanted to love him right into the family of God I'm telling you that tonight and then I said he'll break the bonds those chains man he'll set you free prisoner he'll set you free but the last one you know this is just like the Bible this is just like the Bible it says a couple good things then it comes up and says let me tell you something boy you listen to me and you listen good there's a place jesus said it's called Hell where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth have you noticed Jesus will talk about places like that he would turn to the hypocrisy of the day he would look at the church leaders and you'd say it's a new immigrants outwardly you're like whitewashed tombs inwardly you're full of dead men's bones you know right after he talked about love he would nail him it just like the Bible in the new tenth look at the Old Testament here it says but the rebellious will dwell in a dry land I want to speak to everyone in the chapel everyone in this room for the next couple minutes and we're closing on rebellion rebellion there are some rebellious people in this room if you die without a it's because you chose your lot you chose to do that you decided to be rebellious I am going to be rebellious this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do it no one's gonna stop me I'm not gonna listen to the Word of God I'm not going to change I'm not gonna let Jesus break these chains that find me I am gonna be rebellious friend you are gonna die in a try parched land listen to the preacher because I'm speaking the truth to you you're gonna die don't come to me on Judgment Day and tell me nobody warns you you're gonna die in a dry land if your rebellious tonight rebellion is an open and avowed resistance in his open resistance to an authority in the Authority tonight is not this preacher the authority is God Almighty he's trying to get a hold of you friend and your rebellious you're sticking your finger in God's face and you're saying forget you Father forget suit Jesus forget you Holy Ghost it's my life and I'll do what I want I don't want anything to do with your holiness you're right living and your so-called good news that's rebellion this is going to hurt some people the problem is listen you're living in a dry parched land and it's fixing to get harder in these last days things are going to get worse now this is what the Lord showed me this morning and I'm closing with his friends believe me last page next to last page small pages on this is what the Lord showed me early this morning I was up at 6:00 got in at 2:00 got up at 6:00 and the Lord showed me this right now the Lord showed me this that you this is how you picture yourself you're like taking a gentle stroll in the cool of the evening across desert sands if you've ever been out to a desert and I have to been around the world to deserts at night they're incredible it's it's night and day the difference at night they're cool at night you wouldn't know that it was hot during the day at night it's wonderful as matter of fact out in Arizona I was sleeping out in the desert and I was freezing and that day it was 120 degrees out there and I was shivering in the desert as I slept out there but you're taking a walk this is you you're walking along across the desert sands everything's fine it's the cool of the evening but I want to tell your friends you may not feel like anything's going on anything's bull going up gonna happen to you with friends let me tell you something starvation is where you're heading the Bible says that the rebellion rebellious will dwell in a parched land you're walking along and you're singing oh what a beautiful morning oh what a beautiful day oh what a beautiful morning everything's going my way and you're looking at the beautiful desert flowers you've been walking all night you're living in sin you wake up in the morning and you've been walking along with everything so kind everything's so nice and you look down you see some gorgeous there's nothing like the the vegetation in the desert trend the beautiful blooms of the flowers the in the morning the Sun rises and you see all these beautiful flowers you're just strolling along but you're still walking young people you're still walking you're walking on and on and on let me tell you what's happening friends Satan is a liar he will start you on your little journey in the cool of the night he will take you I'm talking about the Bible says the rebellious will live in a trial and that is what's going to happen to you friend you're gonna be walking along and the devil's little by little you're to see less and less flowers the son is going to begin to rise it's going to get hot out there you're going to begin to use up all your resources your drinking your last glass of water maybe if you are walking with friends some of them have already fallen from starvation from lack of something to drink and you're just walking along and suddenly life ain't a better roses anymore life's getting difficult today you're walking along whistling a song tomorrow your tongue and your lips are parched you can't whistle you can't sing you're out of water I meet people every day in this condition I meet him every single day friend during the middle of the desert you can see it in their face they're dying you've lost your way the Sun is beating down the winds are blowing you fall to the ground listen friends this is what I saw this morning in a vision as I was writing this down something crawls across your arm you're about to be bitten by a desert scorpion I want to tell you Satan's plan is to steal and to kill and destroy you I watch these young people as they innocently go to concerts as they innocently do this and Industry through that Satan little by little is just sucking them in man some of you businessmen you went to your business and some lady in the business sort of winked at you one day that's how Satan will just sort of wink at you one day you know she'll give you the time of day you give her the time of day next next thing you're sharing your watches with one another next thing you know you're spending lunch hour together the next thing you know you've lost it all you lost your marriage you've lost your family you've lost it all but it all started when day when you turn to her and she turned to you and you said what time he got he shots you out in the middle of the desert you fall to the ground you're being you're about to be bit by some scorpion the poison will begin to seep into your system buzzards I saw this this morning friends buzzards begin to fly over your head they begin to circle they'll wait they'll wait because you're going to die they'll wait you want to know why and I'm speaking of demonic forces they know this scripture they know that the rebellious will dwell in a try parts land they've got you where they want you you're lying out there in those hot blistery sands about to die and I'm closing with this friend God is trying to help you tonight this preacher has come your way this revival has come your way Lindell Cooley has come your way John Kilpatrick has come your way these uh sure's have come your way this choir has come your way these workers have come your way tonight we've come your way friend we've come right up beside you I want to tell you what I've done and it's not gonna last a long time if you don't do something about it I have come in and I've shoot away every Buzzard from your life I have suited them away because I have life in me friend I walked right up to where you're at you know what get out of here and they took off every Buzzard that was circling over you to kill you I went up to that scorpion that's about to eat you and I crushed it under my foot I killed the scorpion but I want to tell you friend those scorpions are gonna wait those buzzards are gonna hover off to the left or off to the right or they're gonna sit on some some sticker of a tree that's close by and they're gonna wait and see what you do they're watching you man their votes or Satan is a vulture he wants to destroy you in that dry land you're living in and here's what I'm doing I'm coming up to you I'm getting on my knees I got a cup of cold water and I'm gonna bring it up to your lips I don't say here drink this drink this you got the opportunity right now to do one of two things push the cup away I said this message is entitled take it or leave it you push that Cup away and go ahead and die die in your rebellion go ahead and die or look up at me and say this somebody cares for mice somebody cares for my soul take a sip of that water brand I want to tell you what's gonna happen as soon as that rebellion is broken in your life if you'll just get up in just a minute and go for this altar call if you'll just get out when charity sings run to the mercy seat every chain that's been binding you will be snapped every bondage in your life will be snapped oh friend your heart you're tired God is gonna shower you by His Holy Ghost you're gonna enter the family of God it's all gonna happen in a matter of seconds he will restore all those years that you've been wandering everyone stand I don't apologize for anything that's been said tonight I love everybody here dearly I love every one of you in the chapel I've loved everyone at home when I'm telling you God's promises are conditional he said he said in this word he said this hey solitary man hey ones it's lonely out there hey one that's been rejected he said I'll make a family for you I'll bring you on in come on he says to those of you that are in bondage I'll set you free prisoner but then he sticks his finger in your face friend this is God Almighty doing it he spit you rebellious ones you listen and you listen good there was a day and the the in the Old Testament where the rebellious people were stoned they were killed rebellion is like witchcraft and it's an abomination to God you listen to the authority of the Lord he's been trying to get a hold of your life tonight make the decision I'm no longer gonna live in this rebellious state I'm coming home to Jesus many of you are gonna run down to this altar as quickly as you can I've already taken a cup of water to your lips I've already given you a few sips of water you've gone from a natural heart to an awakened heart and right now you got a step to a believing heart right now we're gonna give an altar call in the chapel at home and in this main auditorium here's what you got to do charity's gonna sing run to the mercy seat everyone here that needs forgiveness you need the Lord to come into your life you're a backslider you're away from God you're a prodigal son you're living in a pigsty this is for you this is your moment to come down here if you don't come down here friend that's your business it's your fault my hands are clean of your blood but if you come down here I can guarantee you one thing Jesus Christ will wash you clean he will forgive you he will make you brand new in the in the chapel and up in the balcony don't you hesitate if you need God to forgive you too why do I have to come forward brother Steve the man said it tonight I can't say it any clearer if you don't come down here it's cuz you're ashamed that's all it is is pride there's no other category you can put it in friend no other category it's pride what are people gonna think what does God think who cares what people think I don't care what people think about me I've been on my face at this altar I don't care what you think I'm gonna stand before God I care what he thinks so if you're not gonna come down here and you're looking around go what's Judy gonna think what's Tim gonna think what's mom gonna think what's dad gonna think what's my wife gonna think what's my husband gonna think what does God think he's speaking to you why don't you quit being rebellious and obey Him obey the Lord when she starts singing come as quickly as you can in the chapel and hold get on your face before the Lord this altars gonna be open as soon as she begins singing come if you need forgiveness from the Lord tonight sing this run to the mercy seat right now I need the Lord I need the Lord come on right now come on right now I need Jesus hurry hurry let's go come on come on come on I need the Lord I need come on let's go [Music] I need more come on in the chapel let's go let's go let's go with service [Music] two lovers CeCe [Music] I'm gonna hammer cygnus skin turn the music off turn the music off look look my way friend don't play games with God tonight please don't play games of the Lord Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life He shed his blood 2000 years ago on Calvary for you I've preached to you tonight good news this is good news God wants you to be a part of his family that's good news he wants to set you free from your bondage as some of you teenagers that you need to be down here now to be set free from the Lord Jesus came to set the captives free he came that you might have life I preach that to you tonight what are you doing sitting in your Pew what are you doing standing there come on come on man yeah come on some of your standing they say well I don't understand at all you need to thank God you don't understand at all that's the best way to come to Jesus as a child I loved my children because I could look at him and say Shelby in the beginning God was she goes wow he just always was yeah like say Shelby jesus heals you know she'll do she'll pray for healing when someone's sick in the family she doesn't understand medicine she doesn't understand all the technicalities of what's really wrong with you she just walks up and goes Jesus heal mama Jesus heal daddy that's how you need to come to the Lord right now friend quick trying to figure it all out and just come to Jesus come to Jesus come to Jesus some of your hearts are doing this here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna have everyone in this congregation everyone in the chapel you're gonna turn to the person next to you and you're gonna ask them if they need Jesus Christ to wash their sins away I'm not gonna drag this out tonight friend I feel the urgency of the hour you need to obey God your rebellion I want to tell you what's happening is you stand there there's another coat of steel going around your heart it's rebellion man what you're saying you're saying god I'm gonna die out in this desert just watch me he will he will the buzzards of hell gonna pick your flesh friend they'll eat you alive and everyone in this room knows exactly what I'm talking about sin destroys sin kills you have a sin baked art your parched the Lord wants to set you free they're still coming now everyone's gonna turn to the person next to them in the in the in the balcony listen y'all listen down here you listen in the chapel I want everyone to turn to the person next to them and you ask them if they need forgiveness if they need Jesus tries to wash their sins away when someone don't do it yet when someone turns to you and does that don't lie don't lie friend I'm sick and tired of lyin America we put them in office man we put them in up knowing they're liars we'll put him in office why we just like we're we're all feared to it you know it just doesn't affect us anymore someone walks up to them all and says how you doing you go find you fine see you later see you bye you walk away from them your family's falling apart you're sick as a dog this is going on that it's going you just lied man but it came so easy did it don't do that in this Chapel right now don't do that it's in this auditorium you turn to them and say I need forgiveness then I need the Lord to wash my sins away I'm sick of tired of this and I'm on my way some of you're in the cool of the day walking through the desert but in just a few short weeks friend you're gonna be out there dying of thirst right now someone's turning to you and said don't go out in that desert come on back home come on I'm gonna take you to a land of milk and honey come on you turn to that person and in both of you you don't lie to that person you say yes I need forgiveness and then both of you come down as quickly as you can in the balcony in the chapel in this main auditorium both of you come down you need forgiveness now come right now charity I want you to sing this as they're doing this come on right now turn to that person and come down come on come on now come on let's go let's go I need the Lord I need the Lord god bless you yes no ma'am step out step out come on [Music] [Applause] I need the Lord I need the Lord come on come on come on come on yeah come on down I need the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] he said he [Music] I'm running to love mercy I see the buzzards I see the buzzards friends come on come on I see the buzzards you see them to look up look up and you'll see them circling around your life look up you'll see the buzzards you'll see them he's coming in for the kill come on down now come on down shake them off get up come on come on [Music] [Music] girl I know when there's a place of mercy for you [Music] [Music] come see us it's always his ways will we we'll come running to lover CeCe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lindell if you'd come and just play softly on the piano I want yo those of you that are in the Isles I want you to move up just a little bit okay move up this a little bit we're gonna close this altar call then we're gonna begin praying with everyone in this place that came for a touch from God don't leave without being prayed for a friend don't rush God okay don't do that don't rush the Lord but the Lord showed me just a minute ago there's a young man and friend I want to tell you sir I love you I love you I love you but you're dying man and I see the buzzards circling around over you I see them circling around and I want to tell you what I saw in a vision this afternoon I saw the path I have followed your path across the desert sands you have been crawling you have been crawling for a long time and I followed the dragging of your feet you've drugged yourself and I followed that path and I saw it today it from the Lord and it just you are on death's bed man you're so ripped apart by sin you're dying inside you've done you're doing things now you thought you would never do you're even drinking poison water now you'll listen to anything you'll read anything you'll do anything now why cuz you're dying friend you are desperate you are dying that's why our teenagers will go to any concerts friend and they'll listen to any guru up there that's got a guitar and they'll do what he says why they'll drink from that poison watering well friend because they're dying and someone's up there throwing water out and they're dying man they're gonna drink it and that's why they die they commit suicide the next thing you know they're committing murder they're dying themselves that's you sir I'm gonna tell young man I think I can come out and get you I think I know who you are this is not to scare you just as to let you know God loves you but if this is you tonight I want you to look up spiritually speaking I want you to see those buzzards that are pling over you this satan some western friend this is real this is real you are dying you are dying spiritually you're gonna get to the place where you're gonna die the Spirit of God will not always contend with you the Bible says the Spirit of the Lord will not always wrestle with you there will come a time well he will leave you in that desert and let you go ahead and dwell in a parched land is that the Bible or not friends it's in black and white on India paper sir that's you I want you to get down here right now as Lindell play something on the piano if that's you you're out there and you know your life is falling apart it could be a lady in here also I want you to come down right now you could be in the chapel maybe you already came down in the chapel I don't know come on right now I'm gonna close this altar I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give you 60 seconds to come down here in 60 seconds I'm jerking the cup of water from your face starting right now you have 60 seconds to get down here right now you know you need Christ you know you need the Lord but you're standing there in rebellion are you sitting there in rebellion you just flew 10 seconds my how time flies [Music] got 45 seconds get down here right now you see your life just falling apart all around the buzzards are coming in friend you have 30 seconds you already blew a half a minute just sitting there thinking about it come on right now you need Jesus get down here right now you have 20 seconds 15 seconds 14 12 cool come on yes come on yes come on come on come on ten nine eight seven six five god bless you sir four three two one in the chapel Richard we're going to pray at home I trust that you have listened and you've obeyed the Lord now I want you to pray with us right now some of you are gonna continue on in your rebellion I got a promise for you it's from the Word of God you will dwell in parched land I have followed in this nice longer than ever before yeah for I the LORD thy God know your past I know your present and I know your future and I say this night my son I see that the future for you holds death it holds suffering it holds agony much loneliness much pain degradation but I call strongly unto you because I love you so much saith the Lord I have anointed my serve this night with an unusual anointing he is called sombrely under your soul and even at this moment you are almost oh Moiz you are ready to make a decision but I call him to be this moment wait no longer wait no longer for I the LORD thy God know your future and I want to give you everlasting life everyone if you also stay where you're at everyone in the congregation into the chapel I want you to stand if you get tired of standing this place friends slip these shoes off or whatever if you got to sit you can sit but I want everyone to stand this is what we're going to do this is the final call tonight because of the word that came from the Lord just sin those of you that are unfamiliar what that was that was what I call a word from God it was very clear there needs to be no interpretation there was a word from the Lord he's speaking to you now this is what everyone's gonna do you return to the person and you're gonna say this don't lie to me do you need Jesus Christ to forgive you tonight this is your last chance friend I closed it but God opened it up here you come you'll never be able to say God doesn't care about me man he's knockin and he's pounding and he's knocking and he's pounding on your door trying to get you to open up that thing he's putting the cup of water right up to your lips and turning it and letting you feel the moisture when are you gonna take a drink right now someone's gonna turn to you with that cup of water and say don't lie to me do you need Jesus Christ to forgive you and then both of you this is your last opportunity both of you come down here right now everyone do it hear it in the chapel everyone do it don't you lie don't you lie don't lie come on right now come on come on come on right now I need forgiveness I need the Lord come on right now come on come on come on right now come on come on God's dealing with your heart God it's dealing with your hearts come on don't miss anybody in this room come on come on or you want to hear God's love this is God's love this is God's love come on come on in the chapel you do this hallelujah come on yeah y'all come up a little bit further you're in the Isles okay come on come on come on oh way up [Music] pastures can I encourage you in something before we pray with these folks when you get back to your churches preach the full counsel of God preached judgment preach judgment they what America wants to hear about judgment trust me that's why it happens gates inhales flames is being so successful around the country they want to know there's a hell and they want somebody to tell them they want to hear about Hell they want to hear about judgment the teenagers want to hear that there are limitations and they will be cut off they want to hear that they wouldn't want to run free they want you to come up and go hopped in the name of the Lord they want it with love now you got to do it with love but preach the whole counsel of God let's pray everyone at the altar everyone at the altar everyone in the chapel we're gonna pray right now we're gonna ask the Lord to wash this if you're backslider you'll forgive you this is your first time to come to Jesus hallelujah every one of us are going to be welcomed into the family of God tonight as we prayed this prayer pray with me right now dear Jesus thank you for speaking to my heart thank you that you have a place you have a home for the lonely that you take the solitary and put them in families thank you that you take those who are bound you take the prisoners and you set them free and thank you Lord then I don't have to be rebellious I live in a desert land I can live in a land flowing with milk and honey tonight Lord I asked your forgiveness I asked you to forgive me wash me clean wash my sins away I repent for all the things I've done wrong I've hurt you and I've hurt others forgive me and I asked you tonight to be my Lord my Savior and my very best friend I give myself to you from this moment on I am yours and you are mine I will no longer be a rebellious child you can trust me I am faithful I will stand with you thank you Lord in your precious [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Brownsville Revival TV
Views: 1,130
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: brownsville revival videos, evangelist steve hill, brownsville revival dvds, pastor john kilpatrick, BROWNSVILLE VIDEO LIBRARY
Id: a-jB0CFbMOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 43sec (5323 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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