What Is Your Life by Leonard Ravenhill

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father we think of those that we have sung of in this wonderful hymn tonight and as we sang it we think of the tribes the millions were still without God and without hope we sing about yonder sacred throng when you wind up all the affairs of this terrestrial ball on which we live when you end all empires industrial or the great empires of kings and rulers and between here and there there may be many tribulations and trials but we thank you again that as you brought us so far you'll take us further right to the end of the trail grant Lord this meeting which is not very large but it's large enough to make an impact on this world if you get your way in every life tonight we pray Lord for your glory not for ours not for the preacher not even for last day's ministry but we pray for your holy name sake that you will invade this sanctuary tonight we pray your works spiritual revolutions in us we pray that some of us may go to our own funeral tonight and die to self and end all the failure and all the weakness and all that's been a handicap all that's been our hang-up do work by the precious precious blood of Jesus the cleansing blood the sanctifying blood the blood of the everlasting covenant again we ask in honesty we ask with desire that this will be a very very bad night for the devil we pray that lives here where he's had dominion that that Dominion will be broken where is being deceptive that he'll be unmasked tonight where he's tried to make us fearful and intimidate us or give us a revelation of your glory in your power we pray the very angels in heaven may have a good time tonight rejoicing over all bondage that shall cease take the veil away from your word take the veil away from our understanding open the world open our minds and then open our mouths to tell what great things God has done as we think of the millions again tonight some of them lying as we saw in the newspaper recently lying with their bones bleaching haven't strength to stand up in areas of Africa and other areas Lord where this a total dissolution of their lifestyle and other areas where there's prosperity and yet they're without God without hope father again save us from being earthly minded let the things of Earth grow strangely dim they look strangely grim when we get into eternity we look back and see how often the devil fooled us and now often our own flesh fooled us and now often we were unwilling and undeserving and we gave up and we should have gone on change our thinking tonight change our desires change our aspirations make us captives as adults Saint said in England years ago make me a captive Lord and then I shall be free force me to render up my sword and I shall conquer be I sink in wild in life's alarms when by myself I stand imprison me within thine arms and strong it shall be my hand o God we bless you that you're more adequate than we can have a dream of I think Lord when we get to eternity some of us have lived many years but if you were to cut us all off tonight and sweep us into eternity we discover that we're all in spiritual water to our ankles not to our knees not to our loins we're still paddling on the edge of the ocean of the possibilities of grace put a hole in dissatisfaction in us tonight and then holy desires our supreme desire is that from this meeting Jesus you'll see of the travail of his soul and be satisfied we'll give you a praise in his name before you sit down let's sing number one this is if you have Keith's record you remember he recorded this not long before he went into the presence of the king it was a favorite we used to sing it almost every Friday night number one holy holy holy Lord God Almighty Oh [Music] me [Music] ah [Music] me awesome job Oh [Music] ever a merciful [Music] in three persons Leslie [Music] the sakes [Music] nasty nah [Music] the glass to say camera my side [Music] Oh [Music] yeah oh the Oh [Music] Oh [Music] all the dark rest ha Oh they are and I remain not me [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] all life looks shall pray Hey they love the sky I say Oh holy merciful [Music] sighs blasted tree thank you be seated I have a text tonight which is a question and it's a question that we cannot answer collectively it's a question you have to answer individually it's found in the very practical epistle as it's usually called the Epistle of James and the fourth chapter and verse 14 maybe we should read from verse 13 go to now ye that say today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a city and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain whereas we know not what shall be on the model for what is your life it is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time and then it vanishes away can you think can you think of something that was on earth before Adam was here and it was removed and it's in heaven now and it may come back to earth I thought you were waving lady putting a sweater on well the tree of life oh did you were you raising your hand they can't see but even the tree of life was there before Adam went into the garden and now it's all the Tree of Life is in the the other gone the paradise of God and you know this is about the most fascinating study that there is and you will never face a more challenging question than this text what is your life now notice what it doesn't say it doesn't say what is life because if it did nobody has an answer it doesn't say what is our life on the wise we could fool all our thinking it says what is your life and it replies gives a reply here in the day it is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time there are three main questions that come up in life children ask this question where did I come from and somewhere some time you better give them the right answer because if you don't somebody will give them the wrong answer and then maybe at your age right now you're asking another question why am I here and then when you get further up the road which I happen to be you say where do I go from here so there are three basic questions about life where where did it come from why am I here and where do I go from here I was thinking about the different points have said about this one of them said this life at its best is very brief like the falling of a leaf like the binding of a sheaf B in time Francis Henry delight he lived in Ireland there where we used to live long while before we were there and there's a big memorial to him in the Royal Pretoria school that my boys went to Francis Henry light wrote this grade him abide with me I mean not him you may recall he says this Swift - its Claus ABS out life's little day another point says the lives of great men should remind us that we all may be sublime and departing lead behind those footprints in the sons of time another one says about great men that how did he put it life is fleeting life is earnest and the grave is not the gold dust thou art to dust returnest was not spoken of as the soul now if this book is about anything at all it's about life I was looking while I was away this past weekend at a fairly recent issue no Geographic and it certainly has some fantastic photography part of it was about Somaliland and there were women there lying on the floor with a bit of a rag around them their ribs were standing out there were corpses of babies all over the place and the country right now is in a terrible grip a famine and why we today couldn't make up our minds what kind of ice cream you like I mean you know we've got 28 varieties but surely there must be another one and 48 different types of what we call the things with a hole in the middle doughnuts there must be some other kind of the thing to eat besides doughnuts and you hear people say well life isn't just life isn't fair one man said life is a feast but another wise man said life is a fast one man said life is a paradise another man says life is a prison they see the question here is very pointed and maybe it's very personal then in person or maybe it's very painful maybe you could answer the question what is your life you say to failure what is your life or success what is your life it's a disappointment but actually it's strong to us by the very context that life is like a vapor it's like the steam that comes off the kettle and you try and get a handful of it in its God and in every case in the Word of God where life is referred to that is this physical life it's like into something that's very Swift it's like it likened for instance to a Weaver's shuttle it's like likened to a tent that men wrap up and move on in the night Isaiah likens our live to the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven now you know there's a saying that's it becomes almost facetious to say that it said amongst many Christians only one life to assume be past and only what's done for God will last but that's exactly what the point did not say what the poet said only one life should soon be passed and only what's done for God will last and when I am dying how glad I shall be if the lamp of my life has been burned out for thee as I said tonight it again it's easy easy to say the things of Earth will grow strangely dim you feel very pious when you say that but you know when you get to eternity and look back the things of us will look very grim we will possibly discover we've been as earthly minded as the reprobates outside who are dancing and lusting tonight oh we're trying to put up to Dumpty together again you know I used to ask what that was about when I was a little boy I never found an answer to it or you can get an illustrated the book of nursery rhymes and Humpty Dumpty is a an egg on the wall and he falls off and breaks himself into a hundred pieces and all the king's horses and all the king's men can't put Humpty Dumpty together again or the old argument anybody can scramble eggs who can unscramble them life men have been trying to manage it directed they kind of consider that if you made nd environment better we will produce better people that's not true you know there's nobody go round in circles more than the other than the politicians I can remember in World War one before World War one so I'm not too young they're a group of supermen around at that time George Bernard Shaw he wrote a fascinating play called Pygmalion that sent him bankrupt and so they changed its name to my fair lady and it made millions after he was dead which i think is what he deserved but George Bernard Shaw ganged up with a bunch of fellas that were called the Fabian socialists George Bernard Shaw Gein was there HG Wells was one the leading spokesman Aldous Huxley was there and all the top-notch guys you know and they suddenly came to a realization that they had us solve the problem of inequality injustice a way to empty prisons a way to make this world a utopia after all Christianity's up 2,000 years they said it doesn't done too well so we don't need the church we don't need the Bible and they began to tick off things they didn't need in 1912 two years before First World War these fellows made a kind of outline of their philosophy and what they were going to do they were going to pull around the hills of wealth and fill in the valleys of poverty and make the crooked places straight they said we can have a new race of men by intellectual and biological processes they didn't talk about repentance and sin man alive that's to theological they talked about the adequacy of materialism the inevitability of progress and the sufficiency of man that was two years when they declared that they could have a utopia if not a new head we don't need it a newer and they gathered people around them and they marched on bravely with their little cards you know saying you told you isn't far often we will do all this well the Kaiser in Germany had another idea and he upset the applecart two years after they made their declaration World War one came 1914 until 1990 1919 to 1939 I think were twenty of the most wonderful years for the church she missed it and in 1939 another fella came along he had Charlie Chaplin's mustache on his lip and one stripe on his arm his name was Hitler and we found we were in serious trouble and like every war every war gets more diabolical and next one is unthinkable wife you've been around here a hundred years ago you two walk down the road then oh it's a dirty Indian shot an arrow in my back uncivilized wretch that he is now the boys from Harvard and elsewhere with brains they can drop an arrow on a city and wipe it out that's education the uncivilized people kill for one at a time go pretty decent about it now we can wipe out whole cities there's a possibility that a third of the population of the United States could be liquidated in less than one minute is a sudden terrible horrible unthinkable atomic war and the situation isn't better to northern in the third world we're giving billions of dollars away you know in the third world right now that are more billionaires and in the free world yes they showed mr. Marcos and his wife in in the Philippines I think she's just acquired her first billion one of the friends in another country that we're sending money to has acquired her second billion and is on her way to her third billion and there tonight with all our progressive education we have more sin we have more we have more darkness we are more slums we're more diseased we more broken homes more broken lives the world is a madhouse despite all the lives that were laid out all how many people perished in World War one I don't know maybe a million and then right after that 16 million people perished by an epidemic of influenza that swept the world and then we had a time of recovery and then again we came back to 16 minutes to eight on the 5th of August 1945 when one man in a plane on his belly press the button dropped the bomb wiped out about a hundred thousand people and left about three hundred thousand many of them still living blind and paralyzed you think these politicians would give up what in God's name are they doing apart from wasting money wasting dangling a carrots on the end of a stick when all the time they know there's no there's no hope you know we learn from history the one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history if we did we wouldn't be in the mess that we're in tonight but you see when that bloody man Hitler began to wipe out cities and countries I remember walking down a street in Sheffield when people are all listening holding their ear to the door of a shop that sold radios and what have you gotten and suddenly said to a fellow what's going to church of speaking and there was old Churchill with his famous slur you know those Huns he said as he called the Germans they've swept past Paris and les sweeping down onto the French coast and they're coming over here but he said we shall fight them with bottles if we have to we will fight them with sticks I imagined myself on the chair trying to pull a Messerschmitt out of the sky and he roused the people but the war got more diabolical I'm right in the middle of that war HG Wells who had already designed along with his friends a way to clean the world up out of it and model sewers and out of its fanaticism and insolent in injustice pull down the hills of well fill in the valleys of poverty make the crooked places straight HT Wells had written his outline of history he'd written his book crux ansata that got him into trouble with the Roman Church and then suddenly his brain brain woke up and he wrote his final book and this was the title of it the man that was dreaming great dreams of a new world order and he had the answer along with all his brother brother brothers were so super intellectual and his last book was called mind at the end of his tether and he wrote the whole human race often said there is no hope no hope for the human race because he says man as a blank inside of him when he got almost theological man has a blank inside of him you've got lives tonight physical life otherwise you wouldn't be here you've got emotional life otherwise you wouldn't laugh you've got a social life you've got intellectual life you may have a religious life but you see this book is not complimentary it complimentary in any straight or thought so you find a man saying use these a mistake manhood is folly and old ages are regret fancy having to be a super statesman to have a bankrupt philosophy like that youth is a mistake manhood is folly old age is regret if you missed the one place to get life and even in the days of his flesh Jesus complained he will not come to me that you may have life now do you remember his great statement I am the way the truth and the life I am the way without that there's no going I am the truth without that there's no knowing I am the life without the hinders no growing I am the way that's external I am the truth that's internal I am the life that's eternal now this book is completely lost to one idea as far as I'm concerned it tells us the origin of man now I know it's cool you've got a teacher who's much smarter than that she tells you to go to the zoo to see your uncle and I think when you go back to school you should take a banana and give it to her and she said what's it for say well I saw your uncle George in the zoo the other day and he had no lunch so why don't we take this for him I was told that not long ago the monkeys had a conference and they outlawed the idea that they have any relationship with the human race at all they asked for a show of hands were 10,000 monkeys there chimpanzees and Helen out hangs and I don't want will there every every trick ended and tribe the whole trial tribes and monkeys were there and they asked for a show of hands anybody have ever taken drugs raise your paw and number raise the poor and if you ever been in jail raise your pot no pause window and you've ever been front no no and if you ever been divorced no I mean any of you go to a village and tear it up and murder everybody in the village in one night oh never think of that well that's what those monkeys do that wear clothes they just raid people at night and kill them and they destroy no no here is a wonderful wonderful fact that God has given to us it's an amazing thing when you think of it that God gave just one chapter to tell us about the creation of the world and seven chapters about the creation of the Tabernacle in the wilderness I wish you changed it round but you know he never even asked me for advice these days either give him some in my prayers sometimes because you wouldn't do a thing like that you're too smart but the whole thing is about life every kind of life and supremely about eternal life and Jesus appears and when he comes he comes with a miracle birth and you know this well enough but in other countries they don't know it too well that somehow the heaven of heavens cannot contain God he was contracted to a span and incomprehensibly made man to use Charles Wesley's wonderful words he ladies glory by and wrapped him in our clay or the hem we sing at Christmas hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn King my only ladies glory by born no more made that wrong to raise the sons of earth born to give them second birth you see the manner in the world there then I'm gonna put some bits of tin together and sit somebody in it and presses the button and shoots them and they walk around the boat he thinks he's far beyond anything that's got anything to do with a Bible it's all emotional that man still has a missing link in his life that man still has a place in his life that only God can fill to use the words again of Augustine we have a space within us and God made us for himself and we will never ever be satisfied until he comes and occupies that part in our lives it's astounding when you think of it that we human beings with all our failure we can be made the habitation of God through the spirit now you have the classical confrontation as far as I'm concerned here is a man of impeccable morality one of the greatest scholars in his generation maybe you stood on the edge of the crowd and saw miracles maybe went to the bazaar to buy some coffee or something heard people say you know that fellow's done some astounding miracles and the whole nation had been stirred by John Baptist but John did no miracle and then Jesus comes in he doesn't get a clap the miracle he shows you as the meaning of the death of a disease of insanity he knocks the demons other people mad people's minds he sets the captives free this Pharisee must have said it over and over again year after year reciting the 35th chapter by xiah that when he comes oh when the Son of God comes when Messiah comes the eyes of the blind shall be opened the ears of the Deaf unstopped the lame leap as a half a ton of the dumb shall sing do you know that guy and even saw after him those fellows had been to the anniversary of Pentecost year after year after year I pay act safety Pentecost when it was empty they rebelled against Pentecost when God saw his word and poured his spirit out an old flesh we've got people today that are very happy to celebrate Christmas or Easter or even Pentecost than this alone as nothing happens keep up a tradition that world outside that is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity it's waiting for a new demonstration of Christianity and there's one thing that life does wherever it goes alive begets life you can't love theology you can't even love your Bible you can only love a person you can't see a lot of theological concept of God I've often wondered what Paul really saw at Damascus Road when he prayed four simple words who are power if you really are straight up it means nothing who art thou Lord but supposing we read it this way who art thou Lord here's a man with with a colossal intellect here is a man who is he's in every every categories in in the highest category is a Hebrew of the Hebrews he's a Pharisee of the Pharisees he's of the tribe of Benjamin he's of the scene of Abram he had fulfilled the law he's less concerning the law it was blameless and yet he's going down that Damascus Road breathing out threatenings with a heart full of fire and hatred you talk about a miracle of the grace of God that man had murdered people as he said in the 26 of X each or families of party change them chase them off into strange cities and that very man whose blood his brain was filled with theology in his heart was filled with hatred wrote the most amazing him the most amazing poem on the love that was ever written though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have no loud I'm a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal and if I give my body to be burned which he was prepared to do on the Damascus Road do you know I think I'll ask him in eternity I think suddenly when he fell off horse there they were I'm sure it was a horse rider in front of him to protect him and a man behind the one to the right one to the left the man of his class would never walk all the way to Damascus and suddenly he's pitched off his horse you say were there only four people there no you say there's a man riding in front yes one behind one two right one two look were they the only witnesses maybe on earth I want to tell you I believe every demon in hell was looking down on that man at that moment I believe every angel in heaven was looking down the demons because he was their best advocate on earth he was fearless he regarded nobody he had some letters in his pocket saying he could put to death anybody that he wanted and then suddenly Jesus came into his life would you thought that man in the dust had inside of him 14 it was he figured him Hebrews and I think he wrote it would you think that he would go through Asia Minor and establish a dozen of all churches who do you think that that man in a lousy stinking prison they would let you put a dog into they would write to other Christians that he does to the Colossians or the Philippians and the Ephesians his love letters to them and as he says rejoice in the Lord and again as they should have been sent letters of comfort to him and he sending letters of comfort to them why because on that Damascus Road as far as I'm concerned he came alive religion formality of ritualism they were banished forever and then after that experience he was shut away in the quietness maybe that's why God's brought some of you around here so he can get alone under a tree somewhere and talk to God and find out what to go when he had three and a half years in the wilderness then he's caught up into the third heaven and then he sets out on that amazing pilgrimage and as far as I'm concerned he explains it all when he said I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live and yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live here in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God if I were to ask you tonight you're saved you say yes I'm say when else on saw preached I got baptized I'll say what do you say from hell are you say from bitterness I am saved from lust is a from cheating I said from lying how you say from bad manners is a from rebelling changed parents come on what do you say frog 90% of the people in the nation are not saved they claim to be when I went to an altar and I confess my sins fine fine that's what the preacher said you confess your sins and you confess them do you know they did that in every Roman Catholic Church in the country last Sunday a man needs more than than to be forgiven he needs transy needs more than cleansing he needs indwelling and needs modern indwelling he needs and doing that in the little place a country place last week the pastor was away his daughter was expecting a baby good night it must have been a big hospitai think every relative they had went there took a thousand-mile journey my daughter's under baby our daughters having a baby so what didn't make all that first when I was born at least I don't remember it but anyhow but all when the baby came you should have heard what they were saying about it it had everything except wings he got a halo but it got broken when they handed their baby over to the nurse oh and this fellow said to me hmm isn't a birth a wonderful thing it sure is it sure is I'm not asking you tonight in your one night kneel down and make confession and after that your life was no change allied star was no different your appetites you know different your pair life was no different come on supposing we change the language Paul says Christ in you if I were to start here tonight and go around the front run everyone and say to everyone you stand up and when you stood up I say does Christ live in you what would you say would he say oh yes he lives in me he rules my life he controls me he pulls me back when I would go too quickly he he urges me on when I would hesitate the miracle the new birth you see the insulting thing about the Bible is that while you may have a colossal intellect and you mean then so many things and you may write great books Oh for some reason right here I think of Lord Byron he was a contemporary of John Wesley Barron brought off broke all records for writing poetry and publishing books the rich people of England would have a whole row books in pure leather binding Lord Byron wrote it log Byron he went into the homes of all the kings in Europe he went to the palaces people begged him to come and grace their home with his presence it was an extremely handsome man at the pale complexion jet-black hair even curls down to his shoulders and people swooned when he came in their presence Bertie was dissipated if I remember right he died when he was 39 years of age - shivering on the coast by the water slapping his feet there in Greece and he wrote this just before he died my life is in the yellow leaf the flowers and fruit of love are gone the worm the canker and the grief a man what a summary would you like I was going down Orange Grove in London some years ago I was speaking at London Kezi I saw this swell place and flunkies there in knee-breeches you know her and oh they look so nice well I'm glad I don't have to wear that I got such terrible legs I've thin thin legs if I wore breeches like that I'd be arrested for having no visible means of support but here was this flunky standing at the door and he had his left beautiful velvet coat and a cravat there and his hair and I stepped back and he said room good afternoon sir I said good afternoon could I come in there for so oh no sir no sir no you can't come in here to eat well yes you can oh if his lordship the Duke of Westminster brings you or the Duke of Argyll or what all mash but you see well it was just before the Queen our queen got married in England the Queen was here last Friday night Anna and her sister was here too they they stayed until 2:00 we we closed it two in the morning now you know like most church prayer meetings closed at that time and thank you they you can't come in here why not I'm clean I'm upright I'm a preacher I mean I I never been to get bit but so you're not of royal birth you're not a distinctive aristocrat you can't come in why would you like to come in I said I would like to see all the lords and ladies and Jukes and society with the sparkling diamonds and I'd like to get a chair turn it round and stand up and raise my voice and saying she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth also he said you get thrown out and say well that's play expected is it offensive to say four people listen you may be a genius you've a colossal intellect you if you fall out the bed you invent something but you know right in the sense of you you're dead because you know living relationship with God now there are two can people in the world only two kinds not black and white not rich and poor there are those who are dead in sin and there are those who are dead to sin if I say most people are half sake will you know what I mean I mean this you go to the cross but you never get on the cross you don't get your sins forgiven and feel happy and you go do the same lousy thing again the next day come on what kind of a salvation is that I heard a famous preacher and he's an Englishman terrible he shouldn't have said that and he said you know the Lord isn't as you come here tonight if you forgive your sins tonight hey I forgive your passings forgive your sins for today and you forgive your sins for tomorrow and that lies can you imagine a man going up to a judge and the judge says you've been found guilty of stealing a lady's purse did you steal it mm-hmm oh you did steal it yeah it had a hundred dollars in it ever stole any other purse yes I have a record this is the three three hundred and forty fifth person I've stolen are you sorry yes I'm sorry well he said you're forgiven I forgive you for all the person you've stolen in the past all that you're starting today and all you're going to steal for the rest of your life but nothing wonderful is saying or insane you see that Nurik when the new birth is this that when a man is really born when he gets this life he doesn't want that life oh I don't think anybody gives it better than Paul to wind this up writing to the Colossians he says if ye then be risen with Christ or as the literal translation is if you've been raised with Christ you seek those things you say to people are you say they say well I don't really know ah supposing you're coming a hundred pound sack on your back and you're stirring up a hill and your knees are going down and somebody whips that sack off your back and you get to the top of the hill without the sack and the man says hey have you lost your sack you say I don't really know I kind of figured he'd know when somebody took a hundred pounds off his back and by the same token a man knows because the miracle but the birth isn't some intellectual somersault Jesus says it is this that we're dead in trespasses and in sin and he brings us to life so how we love the things we didn't like and we hate the things we used to love okay so Paul says if you risen with Christ or you've been raised with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God set your affection on things above not things on them come on come on come on you fellas now okay you say and yet I guess you talk all about baseball and you talk about Jesus not right hmm in the last week you have been more interested in the return of JD than you are in the return of Jesus and you've talked to your buddies about it as far as I'm concerned little bits I've seen on TV they show you'd have to be crazy to go watch it set your affection on things which are about nothing zombunny for ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God for anything of anything more wonderful than that here is your life it said in Christ and it's hidden God what are going to do sneak out and drink a bit of the world's junk do you know how you need entertainment or any of us you only need entertainment when you've lost the joy of the Lord I may be no joy we need entertainment and when we've entertainment we've no joy that went over like a lead balloon but that's true you're dead and your life is hidden with Christ now he says if you're risen with him that deals with the past you're dead and your life is hid with Christ in God not when I die but even now on this earth I did the world goodbye not tearfully but cheerfully all of its pleasures its pomp and it's pride Paul puts it best as it usually does when he talks in Galatians 5 and he says from henceforth let no body trouble me I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Weymouth translates that I bear in Weymouth Muffit translates it I bury my body the branding they know a lot about branding around here you might get to see some cattle branding and when Paul wrote this a man who was a slave would run away from his his wicked master his cruel master that nearly took the skin off his back every day the demand little full day's work and hardly gave him enough food to last an hour this man gets away the first thing he does he flees to a temple and they were priests always awake at least they would always then maybe not always awake and the altar fires were burning and the man runs in breathless in wakes us for a priest and says brand me brand me in the name of which God and there's different ions to brand him and the man puts his hand out and close his eyes on the branding irons put on his fresh and it sizzles and he yells and then if he's a garment he stamped in the back of his neck and then he lifts his foot up and he stamped in his instep and their rubber kind of ointment and leave him there for days until he's able to get out he goes out and as he goes down the street he's all master sees him and says to his friend Marcus theirs are his darkest core bring him back here and that his darkest comes up his master says listen I'm going to take you back and whip you like you've never been whipped before you're going to cut it logs you'll never do it you and he starts telling him what he'll do this is just a minute sir what do you mean he says look oh look look there and the old master said i've got no claim on you i've got no claim on you you're the possession of a god and paul says listen i got branded there at the base of my head because of my thinking is going to be about jesus this mind be in you which was in christ jesus do you think he went to the Olympic Games because they had them in his day you think he fooled around with the material things of the day his head was branded his hands his feet saw him Ryder says like my hands performed his bidding let my feet run in his way like my eyes see Jesus only let my lips speak for this place all for Jesus all for Jesus all my beings ransom powers all my thoughts and words and doings all my days and all for my hours listen now you just a Sunday morning Christian you'll live and move and have your big in Jesus Christ every waking moment of your life has he got your thinking will he be embarrassed to rap to you at some certain point in your life all your habits of life paul says i bear in my body the owners mark come on now listen your kids you listen one of the time talking thank you now do it he says I bear my brands of Jesus these hands will never do anything Jesus wouldn't do these feet will never walk my Jesus with them comfort all this mind will never think of anything that wouldn't satisfy the heart of God and then he kisses the world goodbye says henceforth let no man trouble me I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus for the worst crucified to me ha I can make a safe guess I've traveled the world a couple of times around it I've seen a lot of strange customs in many countries I've never seen a crucifixion I'm not sure I'd like to see it but as dear dr. Tozer used to say when you knew one thing about a man that was carrying a cross out of the city and knew he wasn't coming back has come to a halt and we go back the next week and we're just fascinated we haven't spent half an hour with Jesus but we will stake to his stinking house in a movie house we have a witness of somebody who's going to an eternal hell of God into our theology where we talked about some trivial to them we sit at the table with unsaved parents and instead of being submissive and kind and loving we're sassy and we don't come in at a time we're supposed to come in and mother says you know our John suppose we said he's no better he eat his rebellious as our daughter is but look at his figure for a moment here is a man stretched on a cross as soon as that man is nailed to the cross he has no rights of his own you can take a bucket of filth and throw it over him you can take a stick if you like and break his legs you can have a game of pitching rocks and you knock his right eye out I'll knock his left eye out and so forth he's no right he can be battered and bleeding and broken and maybe 5,000 and more people are there to see him die at 6 o'clock at night and then the trumpet sounds in the city and nobody stays after the trumpet sound you have so many minutes to get in the city in the gates a lot maybe 5000 people watch that hideous crucifixion 6 o'clock at night 6 o'clock at morning there's nobody there I remember going through India there were bees there were birds that were this height from the ground they all about at 8 foot wingspan they keep their necks in until they fly in and out of this long neck with no feathers little hideous they beaks oh they must be this length huge kerfing you know they do they gone to the arms of the Cross the light comes up daylight and those big hideous things reach down and pick out the eyes if they're still there and they tear the body and it becomes bloody and the entrails run out of the man and the blood runs on the ground and the Dubs come out of the city to drink of the blood even a woman who saw summer a husband crucified would never go back in the morning you didn't see a woman with their arms around a bleeding horrible wretched farm of the man saying darling I love you and Paul says what the world is to me it's a system of corruption and rottenness and Varmus it's antichrist of the world Oh is the world crucified to you tonight how does it fascinate you though I'm coming down the line I mean Jesus isn't looking for some sissies to serve Him he's looking for some men with guts and men with grace and men with determination you still comfortable to sit in the ballpark and say here's somebody take the name of Jesus in vain oh you're saved that you've got a Hellfire if you're not well you only gave him a few sins that's all that's all just gave me a sin now look you've been in this lovely environment today I'd much forced-labor there is how much time you have to sweat and grindin and whatnot but surely about one or two hours do you want them to sit around and talk to pretty girls and nice guys I didn't get along with God and say Lord I want this to be the most meaningful week I've ever had in my life I want to hear your voice I want to see a vision of your glory in your power let me finish with Paul's words here again in Colossians 3 the past he says we're risen with Christ the present we are dead but look at the future when Christ who is our life there you've got it there you've got it what does John say in his epistle he that hath the son hath life and he that does not have the son has not like you can reform your life you can give up your rotten sex life you can give up your drugs without the help of God good night I've seen some men come out of the gutter and transform their own lives that's on the social level but they never made it upward to God then a living relationship with God the past he's made it possible to be risen with him the present we're dead and our life is it with Christ in God and then verse 4 the future when Christ who is our life shall appear then we shall appear with him in glory but this is what has to be done come on you do your part here he said mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth while you are in the flesh put them to death fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence covetousness which is idolatry j-b lips translates that best I think he says consider yourself dead to all the worldly contacts love them hate them hate what well have nothing to do with sexual immorality have nothing to do with dirty mind business have nothing to do with evil desire how about nothing to do with uncontrolled passion don't lust after other people's goods you see and it's it's hard to say again if Christ has been born in me he wants to live in me he wants to talk in me he wants to walk in he wants to work through me it's not a struggle that I'm trying to be a Christian life life life he says I'm come that you might have life and that you might have life more abundant you know if you have life I guess it's a sign of life maybe there's some other things too but a sign of life usually is you have a good appetite I guess they found the cooks found that out today you have a good appetite look if you haven't got hold of this get all of it now you can't impress God now if you're a Christian you're supposed to be living a full stretch that you can't impress him now if I'm going to live I'm going to eat if I'm going to live I'm going to eat this word because Jesus says what I am the bread of life man cannot live by bread alone the old me earthly bread but he can live by the bread which is Christ he says I am the water of life that's essential to life you can't live without water he says I am the light of life and he says I'm not merely come isn't it 10 and 10 in which he says I'm come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly you know here people go to conferences meetings and they say boy it was good boy what we challenged every meeting we were challenged and the question isn't where you're challenged the question is where you're changed where you change poor on this flag to the top of the mast or I like his statement there in what 1 Corinthians 5:7 in which he says if any man be in Christ any man anywhere at any time if he be in Christ he is a new creation isn't patched up he's made a new creation again a new heart a new spirit new desires New Hope's new longings that cannot be satisfied at the broken systems of the world you remember the climax of the life of King saw Sall got pretty mad because a young guy was coming up behind him and king saul had been writing songs that were at the top of the charts and then after him they came another young fella by the name of David and boy he broke all records for publication and people going down the streets clapping their hands and singing so let's lay these thousands but David his tens of thousands and then there's a man that terrified the nation big man oh mercy what was he about ten feet high and Saul then go to him and Saul's brave sunder and go and the chosen men from West Point Eden Oh a little boy comes up with his sling in the stone and his brother says hey you go back look after those sheep he says well do you mind if I kill Goliath before I go and his brother says now go on go on look after those few sheep and somebody says I'm going to tell the king and the King says that be the boy you mean mm-hmm bring him here very handsome ruddy good-looking country boy and the King says is it true you want to go to tackle that man there that's ten feet high and only five foot six yes sir I'd like to do it just before I go see my dad what makes you think you could do it all the other night I was looking after my sheep and the lion came I got old he by the beard and I punched his nose and said if you come back I'll kill you and the next night a bear came and I took my slingshot and I killed him I got rid of him so I killed a bear that killed the lion and I'd like to make it three in a row do you mind if I just kill this fella this is worm you can go put my suit of armor on you know he put his helmet on came down on his shoulders he couldn't see where it was going put his suit of armor on it came down to his knees he couldn't walk I can't go kill that giant like that he's been why not he said because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal no he didn't say that but he thought it and he goes out with his sling and his stone and Goliath code and Goliath had an armor bearer in front of him mark you and little David and nobody in front of him except God you know what David said to Abraham I am thy son and thy shield not that I'll give you a shield I am the shield and if God is between me in that situation did anybody ever get past God and beaten Debbie goes to the broken he chooses his five stones and the young guard getting so angry send a kid like that break him up on my knee and feed the birds with him and David says well that's you know two minds with a single thought I've just been thinking of doing that with you and he took five smooth you know I took five stones because Goliath had four brothers and he wanted to kill the whole lot while he was at it wanted to wipe the family out do you know what you know what he did the little boy took a stone a book book book I remember years ago preaching the another message that's a stone went up and avoiding the back of church right like that well I said the stone hit him in four and he said Chuck no well you see he got armor plating all over and just a little thing there and the stone came and you know such a thing had never entered his head before just a little boy he didn't bother with the armour-bearer you know we're so busy chasing demons we're leaving the devil along you've got a demon if you sneeze when some churches have got a demon tell the headache oh you've had it all day oh you've got a demon in you good night they must multiply like frogs those demons oh I'm longing to see the church get into the place where again G pulled down strongholds I'm tired of writing about revival I'm tired of reading about revival that I'm all lost people in the world tonight and ever in the history of the world and what are we doing sitting on the campfire thanking God we're saved and we dig up our lousy drug lives or prostitution or some other thing great great but there's more than that to it I remember a night I walked down an aisle in a church in England I got saved when I was 14 I read David Brennan's life when I was about 16 that not for a Luke I was about 19 when I read a great American book by the name of power through prayer by en bounds and I was a youth leader in the church and I got people to pray I got the youth to pray we met Friday nights and we pray we went to the church seven o'clock Sunday morning and we prayed we saw some people in the community saved and yet there was one thing that ate me up it was another fellow in the church I was a youth leader but boy he was more efficient and he was breathing down my neck and people are talking about him and so forth you and I got so filled with envy that my spiritual life began to shake I remember being in a meeting where the preacher said there's something more than salvation there's something more than cleansing as wonderful it is it's the indwelling and Beyond indwelling there's a nineteen I walk down the aisle of that church everybody said I wonder why Raven who went out well I went out because I knew that I've got a inward enemy has worse than in the outward enemy somebody came to pray with me that was a custom there and the fellows rather startled he said well Len what do you want I said I want God to make Romans chapter 6 verse 7 real in my life he said you mean Romans 6:6 I said I mean Rollins 67 he said no it's 60 so there may be for you 6 7 for me what Romans 6 7 he that his dead is freed from sin I'm tired of bondage I'm tired of fear I'm tired of weakness I'm tired of vacillating I'm tired of being hot and then cold strong and then weak I want to get rid of the old self life I want to die right here let me tell you this an experience of God that costs nothing does nothing and it's worth nothing two simple things I don't know I thought of this man he came and joined our revival party in 1932 that's a good way back standing in a meeting one night he had his lovely sweetheart at the side of him she'd been the means of his conversion he being a fighting drinking swearing lusting lying man and this beautiful way led him to Christ they've been engaged about a year he'd bought a house full of furniture they got a house in view and he was standing there and they were singing a hymn and as he sang it he turned it over in his mind and thought boy I've sung this but it's had no meaning until night and for some reason the song leader said let's sing this last times were again here I give my all to the friends and time and earthly store friend that's my sweetheart time that's my life earthly store Ike a room full of houseful of furniture here I give my all to the friends and time an earthly store soul and body than to be only thine forevermore as they went down the steps of the church he said to a sweet God I got news for you is it good he said well I think it is what is it he said well we're postponing our marriage till I get up postponing what well I have to make up my mind whether I loved you more than the Lord and the Lord says wants me to serve him I'm not I'm not in a state to sir they might need some discipline I need some correction I need some authority over me I need to study the Word of God and it is going to cost a lot and even if you give me up you can have the furniture but I'm going to follow the Lord he became one of the outstanding men of the day in England at that time okay let me quote the final scripture second Samuel there where Paul is being chased pardon me where Saul is chasing after David because he's got envious of David the songwriter envious and David who can throw the enemy down and he chases after David and tries to find him and you remember how he David's men could a piece of the Royal gun tour they showed it and then another time they shouted over the valley and David says hey King Saul you know you're acting the fool over there and I could have killed you now here I am and you're chasing me said like a free over the mounds and like a partridge and the king suddenly saw the IDIA severe idiocy of it I profess to be a king and I'm eating up with envy and jealousy I should be languishing in my palace near I am over these rotten roads and climbing up struggie mountains and dying a first when my men kick up the dust all because I mean up with envy and jealousy and just before he died king Saul said this with all while living I have heard exceedingly and played the fool that saw in the Old Testament here Saul in the New Testament now Paul he's come to the end of the journeys being whipped and last and tormented in perils of the deep in peddle as his own countrymen a night and a day in the deep once I was stoned thrice I suffered shipwreck in weariness in fastings in painfulness and he writes it all off as a huge joke because he says number one none of these things move me and number two he says our light affliction which is but for a moment and he doesn't crumble up like King Saul looking over the wrecked life he looks over his life of triumph and deliverance and he says this I have fought a good fight and finished my course and kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness you know tonight could be the turning point in your life tonight if you not only come to the cross but get on it get rid of your pettiness and your jealousy get rid of that erratic living that you get on top when you come to a conference and whip your way down the valley next week that should not happen if the Christ is indwelling me he's the same yesterday today and forever it keeps me and PC kids from enjoying issue in power okay 35 years of age John Wesley was converted about a quarter to nine on the 24th of May seventeen hundred and thirty eight about a quarter to nine I felt my heart strangely warmed he was a scholar he was a gentleman he was a clergyman in the Church of England like his brother and like George Whitfield but when he was born again England was born again across the English Channel was one of the most vicious atheists by the name of Voltaire and he said huh that thing they talk about in England why he said a hundred years from now there'll only be Bibles in museums he missed it don't you only Bibles in museums you see a bloody revolution swept over friends and they toss the monarch into the garbage can and they put the tricolour a red white and blue liberty and fraternity and equality and Blakey is a secular history another church historian and like he says this remember the bloody revolution that swept over France and swept the mumming into the garbage can was going to sweep over England and God raised up two men he raised up three Whitfield was the file leader Charles Wesley John Wesley okay John died in 1791 converted at 35 turn that round it makes 53 add them together it makes 88 because we were saved at 35 preached for 53 years and you know they left when he died they left a handful of books a failed uni began that he preached in all over England six silver spoons somebody gave him six pound notes give one to each of the poor men that carry me to my grave and that's all he left six pound notes six silver spoons a handful of books a Geneva gown and something else what was it the other thing oh I know something else he left the Methodist Church he could have died as Richard view a famous TV feature Sunday story made money and he built orphanages sure he made money he printed Bibles shoot him in money he compiled with Charles the Methodist hymn book and the girls orphanages and he died worth about $30 how have you heard the little man down the road I would you know he wasn't here he was at the other place Sunday morning brother Andrew did you hear him how many of you heard him something you good good good good I remember him only wasn't brother Andrew nobody knew him he came and III called a staff I was working with Dave Wilkinson in New York then nearly 20 years ago brother Andrews called me he said I'd like to come and see you I said well by the way we have a staff prayer meeting will you speak to us where are you coming from he said cubed I said he can't come from ku but it's not legal he said well I went from Cuba to Mexico City change planes and came into America you can always find a way I introduced him that night I said this is brother Andrew a friend I've met before very strange man he's God's smuggler and he gave his book that name I told him the other day I said hey remember I gave you the name for that book huh I mean it's no good being humble if people don't know is it would you thought a few years ago that little man from Holland it doesn't look like the heavyweight champion of the world does he buy the only weight he had to make a paperweight that he'd been in and out of countries that they've been arrested he told me I'd not if he told you one time he went in not the last time the time before that I think it was and he's coming back out of Moscow he'd taken in about 800 Bibles he's coming back and they see a car coming you never see cars on a gas station every 100 150 mile and he says to his friend I hear somebody and the car stopped and they were two Dutchman from his own native City and he said having any food they said now we have something to drink but we know food he says well we've got food and nothing to drink so they made a meal at the side of the road and he gave him a tract each six years after in Holland there's a knock at the door his wife went and he's your husband in yeah I'd like to see him brother Andrew goes to the door the man says you remember me no remember meeting two men half a road to Moscow one day yeah and he said as they were coming out from Moscow when they got home they heard that two dutchman had been arrested and put in prison and he said to his wife you know I stopped and thought with those two men I'm sure the man come six years up and says you know what you gave me a tract and he gave my friend a tract they arrested us and gave us eight years in jail but we got out after six years because of our good behavior but he said you know in those six years I read that tract and read that tract until Jesus Christ became my own personal Savior would you think that man had been in and out man he told me this last trip he was on he went to rush it and he came back went to a donor and there's another little guy in here is about this width all the way up you know it's a tall fella about that high dear little George I'm sure all demons in Hell will get a day off when he dies the Lord will say at the devlins will say will not see a fool like him anymore that guy sets off to go into fifteen countries behind the Iron Curtain never never thinks he might get turned back he just wants a let's say you should be glad to have me you know I'm a royal birth you know I am I'm recipient I represent the King of Kings oh you know what Gabriel if you're looking down from heaven I want to tell you something you don't know the hidden potential in this meeting tonight only God knows it mmm the last heir is of the Amazon right nobody has been yet the last time I flew over the South Seas the plane didn't fly too high there are three hundred thousand islands and nobody knows if they're all occupied and I wonder how many people are squatting in the trees wet then you have that new area up there to the north of New Guinea there are not north of the yeah two Guinea there New England New Ireland and New Scotland vast areas of the world what are you going to do when you got a head and say Lord I I gave out six copies of the four laws every day of my life for the last six months and I'd like my crown right now hmm you ever wonder if there are two heads ah come on athletic guy when you stand at the judgment seat oh I hope it's not me I hope it's you I hope David Brainerd is just right before you and then you stand up and say but I played softball for the church I'm not more home runs in leave all the Angels say Oh your excellency oh well they say that will say you idiot hmm oh why no it's revolutionary that's what God wants what the church has had in the last 25 years has not moved this nation or this world to god it's time for something new and God wants some men were really drunk intoxicated with the Spirit of God who ever loved life with the Lord Jesus that he can ask anything of you and he'll do it but how many of you guys are eaten up with lust hmm you women eaten up with jealousy with pride or is it just chronic laziness you've not happy tight for this a lot of letter of God's because the only way you can grow is by eating this work and the other thing is prayer which is the Christians battle bread you see your lifestyle changes you don't talk about your social life and your financial life when you get saved you talk in other categories you about your devotional life and you talk about your prayer life you know I will have one of the most merciless interrogations when I stand at the throne of God for I stand over preachers often with hundreds of after priesthood and I see them shrink and I feel fall on the ground and cry because they have no prayer life because it's so busy with all the affairs of the church and they're not ministering to him that's right Lord we thank you tonight for this privilege of exploring some of your word I wonder how many people in the Gulag Archipelago would sit here and weep and rejoice tonight to hear the truths of God army of the Lost millions in China would hear joyfully Lord we've it'll treated your word and we have been treated ill treated your voice very often we've accepted our decent living for spirituality but inside we're dead we know life you don't live in us and moving us and walking us and talking us and love through us God get all of that life about young man tonight that young woman is stale if they were honest it's really boring to go to church because that's all go they don't meet the cost they're prison and exalting I'm going to ask you simply single question tonight how many of you here tonight you've come from many parts and I'm not I'm asking to keep your eyes closed not look around how many of you say tonight I I do not know that Christ lives in me Christ is nothing dwelling me I know that God bless you thank you thank thank you thank you any others hardly say well I profess to be saved but all the self life dominates me yes hands go up hands go up hands your hands go up hands go you see if I'd coated the context where he says what is your life immediately before that you say you say we'll do this and we'll do that we'll go here and we'll buy it we sell when you don't know what tomorrow is and you haven't asked God's will I'm going to pray for you tonight so what I'm going to pray very strong prayer I'm going to ask you all to stand with heads bowed and eyes closed now remember you after once at the judgment seat for tonight and I have to answer for preaching it let's keep our eyes closed those who raise the hands say I'm willing to die tonight for my own plans I want you to put to death selfishness in me and lust and pride I want to be totally emptied himself and filled with God I want you to come and stand at the front before I pray for you move right out we're not going to sing I'm not going to try and move you emotionally forget it make an intellectual decision tonight come over that way bit on the left and let these other father I pray in the name of Jesus that you'll make us realize at this moment we haven't left home and churches and friends to come here just for a good time but we're here in divine appointment you know every life here there's not a secret in our hearts that you don't know the Lord we thank you the blood of Jesus Christ is able to cleanse every part of our being tonight I pray for these precious young lives Lord I could not guess where they might end up they may end up somewhere on a desert sand or in forest in a jungle of it I don't know maybe in a prison cell somewhere in some strange country of communist domination but I know tonight Lord if they're willing to die to self die to their own ambitions if they're willing to let you put to death that secret thing then one thing that still has been bondage of which the Apostle speaks when he says in therein in Hebrews 12 a aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset as I pray just now in every young man and woman here you'll slay that one besetting sin smash it right now or by the power of the blood by the resurrecting life of Jesus let bondage cease may they from tonight have no more return to that thing which has been their destruction secretly take away every appetite for the worldly things oh god I pray that they may think on things which are above that when they wake in the morning they look up into your face and worship you and adore you and thank you this is a day you've given me to live in victory over the world and the flesh and the devil claiming greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world give them an unusual appetite for your word give them an unusual intelligence by the spirit to read it with understanding give them grace to obey whatever the cost may be whether it's against public opinion or Church opinion a pastor's opinion a friend opinion so long as they know it's the mind of God Oh God we're so tired of playing religion we're so tired of saying we've been challenged change every life bow before you tonight and everyone doesn't come out that still set in their heart I want this further purging by the Spirit of Christ and this end Ummah by the Spirit of God maybe some of these young men will become like brother Andrew or Jorge verba going to the doors doors that seem to be barred as library demon hell is holding them but you can open doors which no man can shut and you can shut doors which no man can open I pray you let bring to life in a new way the intellectual power of each one of these people because Paul says in Romans 12 presenting your body a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is no reasonable service and we could not conform to this world bard may they hatin and long everything which is of this world but being transformed or transfigured by the renewing of their minds a new mind a new heart a new understanding of God and your vision a new purpose Oh father I pray that they leave the grave clause in front of this pulpit tonight and walk out in resurrection life walk out orders they never never learned before love you as they never loved you before serve you as they never served you before so long for the burning fire of the Holy Ghost because your word says I make my ministers ministers angels ministering spirits and my ministers a flame of fire Lord Hamlet trust needing just as that burning bush arrested Moses in the desert and then you change it from burning bushes to burning men because you st. John the Baptist and he was a burning and a shining light god I covet for your glory tonight that not one of these people will be ever backslide again that from this night they will go forward and they go upward and they learned the energies of the Spirit of God and they love intimacy with God they've never known before we prayed now as we prayed at the beginning this is a bad night for the devil he's lost control of these lives they won't yield to temptations as they've yielded before they won't be intimidated by the devil they think as Jesus did that when Satan came he threw the book at him and he said it is written it is written it is written brand each one of these young men young women tonight as you brand it Paul your brand in his mind that they may think they have the map they may know they have the mind of Christ brand their hands that they want you handle anything that Jesus wouldn't handle brand their feet that they walk only in the ways of God oh god I pray that somehow they may come a breath of prayer and intercession on this campus for the rest of this time of these precious volker here the be less talking around the table and more praying together seeking God together exploring the word together make this a dangerous pot to the devil in the next 10 days the wall of fire roundabout this place of the glory in the midst write a new chapter in the history of your church continue the Acts of the Apostles we see true we're tired of Stuart step out formalized religion Living God fall afresh upon us we thank you this can happen on just only once but day by day they can be that renewing humans maybe with our heads bowed because in Spirit of the Living God is a pianist there can you strike it for us don't sing for fresh on us fall afresh on me tonight spirit of aha [Music] spirit of ah right me now me hold me fill me Oh [Music] let's sing just before I pray he is Lord he is Lord he is risen from the dead [Music] here's why [Music] has risen from the dead honey every every tongue confess the Jesus Christ [Music] father we ask in that great day around my throne we shall discover the because of this meeting tonight because of obedience to the voice of God that people would march up to that throne who wouldn't have gone if that this meeting and have been hell spirit of the Living God gives such an enjoyment that Lord these people will not only be emancipated but go out to see others emancipated we look for a great worldwide revival just before you send judgment we don't deserve it God we break every law that you've given us a million times a day we commit adultery the least the world does commits it and we break your Sabbath's and we cheat and we line we steal and all this to worried Oh God give us a heart like John Baptist to prepare the way of the law to believe that you'll take us to areas where there are captives where there are people in total bondage and because we go there the Liberty will come to them that comes to us again we pray bless last days ministry bless the tracks that go out they go to so many they go so far we pray they be real live messengers of the mighty power of God keep your hand upon us we ask and dismiss us in your blessing in Jesus name Amen amen bless you thank you
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 132,499
Rating: 4.8950024 out of 5
Keywords: Leonard, Ravenhill, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: Thl5PRtYkOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 55sec (5815 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2009
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