The Secret Student in the School Revealed... WHAT? - Danganronpa

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yo yo what's up my scrubs welcome back to another yet another wow why can't you believe it another episode of danganronpa do you know why we're here well because you guys smash like you guys smash like thirty thousand I spanked you guys left thirty-one thousand likes and I don't blame you that ending to last episode was really crazy and by the way did you see it it looks like this it was me my dogs here I don't know why she's like British commercial right so yeah last episode we solved the mystery the Scooby Gang solved the mystery of what happened to sakura-chan alright and let me let me make no mistake make no mistake here the soccer in this game is not useless like the one in Naruto all right oh you know what wait up wait a minute something is just not right back at it again I Krispy Kreme oh yeah what's that what's that listen last episode was a very close call alright you guys didn't check it out we almost lost waifu chen i we were this close to losing Asahina and everyone else so I thought in order to in good spirits to keep AUSA he know why still alive I decided to eat some donuts because I think she'd really appreciate that and I think the gods the anime weep gods will keep her life for another episode because that's all I really care about has nothing to do with me wanting to eat a donut okay and I'm not gonna like I'm not gonna pretend like these are the best donuts I went to three different donut shops to try to get some decent donuts this is the last one I could have went to I decided to go late in the day from the wrong clothes maple bar some of my favorite flavor you guys saw on Twitter I like old fashioned maple but it I couldn't find it so you know how to go to Krispy Kreme which is like at best to be tear sorry about the long intro hey you know I used some donut okay first thing we need to do obviously there was a big cliffhanger last episode right we need to go to the data center cuz Kyoko wants to beat us there she knows a huge secret this is why you guys smash like I'm back why smash like yeah I'm my own video I did all my brothers don't it it's like oh oh god I have that door it's so long okay we're going to the fourth board there's a quality concert right here oh there is mm-hmm you could read can't you okay oh I didn't open it must be locked what was the joke Oh son the data center on the fourth floor oh why are you here what are you doing up mister well that's no to your business stuffed animal oh that's none of your business breaking into a locked room is incredibly prohibited don't you know oh well I just you're trying to tell me you didn't actually bust in yet right well obviously not as opposed I can see that you don't don't waste my time telling me crap I can see for myself it looks like you might break into any second so I just thought I'd give you a friendly reminder are you gonna try and tell me that you were sleepwalking or something no nothing like that it's 3 o'clock in the morning for crying out loud even I get tired you know what are you doing up like busy not sleep something we're to go back to bed what's wrong now Yoko the Big Bear scarier the little bear scary why are you making a racket yoku now you two but I'm ready did you you just get back to bed I'm positively exhausted from the class trial sure you got it come on Makoto let's head back what didn't you hear me we're leaving I had no idea what's going on anymore don't worry about it let's just go okay sorry is that a glitch in the matrix right now all that donut I'm sorry but that was so good row I want that beachbody but I had that don't it was good I don't have to say nothing like coffee to in the middle of the day so we left to went back to our rooms and then goodbye oh no you can't just leave us Hagen like that hold on listen what was that all about just now she woke me up she made me go to the data center which just so happened to be logged now like that was she women our room and whispered in our ear okay all right I'm not even gonna tell us you know and then when she shows the plane that we'd leave without checking a single thing what was the point of all obviously was too obvious right don't worry about it I figured that would be the end of our conversation just like always right well then good night so long get good night's and that was over who knows that oh god what I just said I'm just saying but as I turned to leave she did again Mikoto equus Sabah whose oh is that like it's out the headmaster Coco was right next to me once again whispering in my ear it's a lie set the name of the headmaster oh there's another person holy crap what it's a girl oh I need to know all star apologies oh my god okay so now we know there's another student and how does she know she must have already been in there or something I'm very excited that was three days before the next incident Oh oh my god they're just gonna tell us that someone else is dead oh my god who is it three days before we can be faced with another murder but that's the person ain't it look at who she got nail polish whoo oh my god I know who that is I know who that is just wait I think I know who it is I told you guys a few episodes back that I had a sneaking suspicion of a white think this masked person is and just by that nail plush I think I actually know who it is but I'm not gonna say it until I fit until we get a little closer to it all right they can stab them like this is a spoiler alert [Music] oh nice my 100-mile - pain of a junk-food junkie that no that sounds like freakin oh my god that's exactly they're talking about Hasina for sure as she I look guys I just don't want to face it I don't want to face it that it's gonna happen how many donuts do I need to eat for her to stay alive in the meantime the day after soccer is class trialed that morning in the dining hall [Music] so let's begin the usual post-trial investigation hey you didn't make small talk or anything yeah you want to keep up with me just for paying for pointless small-time jeez how high is that horse of yours Asahina hey I have your favorite I think she likes this right you must survive whoo that's freaking good oh that's that's very strawberry I didn't expect to actually taste like strawberry you guys got the Refresh okay [Music] in the name of my family [Music] she has been quiet and you're so boring now you just sit there like a mushroom I'm gonna start calling you miss mushroom what she didn't snap back at you that is very weird oh my god she's actually very suspicious he heard talk he makes things difficult I told her not to oh you told her not to talk without permission game smash like if you love Donuts we're gonna have like 60,000 likes now who doesn't look donuts pretty crazy person Oh God let me tell you right now I needed this in my life I'm sorry oh I know I should be playing the game the good thing is down the Trump a mukbang yeah wait but if she can't open her mouth she can't eat or drink water I don't give up it just it's so hilarious 11 somebodies and you're okay with that dude she'll do anything it's kind of scary see how low is that rock you're hiding under I believe this is the small talk Bianca warned us again come on yeah I let myself get involved in storage pools but it is now finished I will never allow you to drag me down to your level again we're going to begin our search stop ruining your mouse to start moving your legs so think about last episode as we found out that Yoga does have weakness sometimes he's wrong and he cannot stand it he completely broke down and I thought he was a traitor for a second but I mean we all know he's a traitor sneaky snake but yeah I have some of you scrubs out there's gonna be fancams OB Akio because you don't like that I dislike him I'm gonna see some of y'all just like really stand be out there I get it he's got that bad not bad boy type but like no boss you around some people are into that I guess me personally I'm not really into like sneaky snook sir me personally I'm not really the end of sneaky serpents so like did you know if you are that's cool that's all cool alright so I think now we need to go to the fourth floor because we unlocked a new floor as you know every class trial we unlock a new floor why can't we go that way though alright but first I gotta buy some crap from the store doesn't really matter just skip this for y'all alright to the new floor wait a minute we've already been on the fourth floor is this not the oh wait here's the new one but the data center I really want to go in there I think it's in there wait we got to check that before we go to the new floor yeah but it really is locked okay all right well I guess I should have expected that anyway new floor so here I am in the fifth floor the fifth floor has opened up to us and it's totally different from all the floors they've been at scene up til now for some reason it feels unpleasant well you got some baguettes bamboo trees are what these class this Dom stop she's so dirty oh he's so dirty night times secrets no more monokuma what the heck is wrong with you most of the stuff like in these classes look we don't we hardly ever go in here at all like it's been like twice we've been at a classroom it actually mattered oh this is so nice is this the last floor we're getting close guys we're getting close sorry it got distracted hi this floor feels different compared to all the others I'm not sure what it is this is yeah well it's not totally different so yeah oh my god Monday Night Raw start wrestling the Bayeux room huh we came all this way just to be tonight here it says bio lab and it sounds like something from old cheesy horror movie okay why does it say raw in there we'll find out yeah like I say we were actually getting near the end of the game very soon I've been playing this game for like 27 hours completely and some people it takes like 20-something hours so I'll be I'm taking longer but I just saying we are getting close I think Oh whew that I love that it looks pretty very pretty Oh soccer it would have loved this because of the soccer I get it rest in peace Sakura what Kyoko told me yesterday what did it mean I'm Coco I'm not gonna say anything huh I can't say anything okay yep just cameras obviously you understand why right she was trying to tell me whatever it was it was important the master I couldn't find out well no duh we're finished here she made it very clear our conversations that come to an end but what about this room all right look at them pretty trees even though the shirts totally enclosed there's a cherry tree planet here and it's in full bloom it's quite elegant is that what you consider elegance I lived overseas overseas for a long time so this kind of japanese-style scenery is refreshing but considering our situation isn't it kind of out of place I know how could a beautiful place be in such an awful place I got a feeling uh Asahina is probably gonna like this room cuz like I figure she'd be in the archery right she's probably into all kinds of sports oh this is gonna be used I already see it I see it right now it's gonna be you someone's gonna put on this armor or something it's too early for speculation so far okay just wait I'll have some kind of good theory and you gotta admit I do pretty good with my theories I don't care what you say but I think I do it's a straw post used for summer practice one of these days did they use it to train here too I think I'll find I'm like rich all right well we're done with that room okay let's check out whatever else is here okay well obviously this doors like completely open so we gotta check that out garden it's like a greenhouse oh you would love this place at first I thought I saw blue skies but it turns out they're just painted on the walls in the ceiling oh but the plants are real it's all it's been a while since I smelled veggie chicken I thought I said something else for a second it helps me relax that's not what you're thinking is it what is that bad don't you get it don't you rise a true Horton I understood what he's saying I mean he's totally that kind of character it's our just beneath the surface beneath the calm exterior they're always watching and waiting and when they decide they can't leave us in charge of earth anymore they'll put their plan for global human extinction and act into action I'm serious so the plants are just gonna kill us all you know I really want to be surprised it's 2020 after all all right let's take a look at this toolshed oh wow is that a say monokuma and their lawnmower is that a pickaxe oh whoa weapons would you know so many of them to rope I mean watch it turns out late none of these obvious weapons are gonna be used if they're gonna use a lawnmower there's gonna turn someone into mulch even with this year who's actually gonna take care of the lawn seriously mana kuduro we know these are gonna be used it's like so obvious Oh crazy diamond I feel like I remember seeing that somewhere crazy diamond wait a minute crazy diamond like a baseball diamond aka Leon I'm really just speculating I don't know if anything was on his bat but I really want to know I think that is that made from his bat I'm just saying I don't know I could could be nothing some kind of control panel near the wall doesn't control the air conditioning or something oh it's for the sprinklers sprinklers yeah controls the sprinklers at the garden they're set off to go off every morning at 7:30 don't you dare change it without permission of course the settings found was logged so you couldn't change it if you wanted to so that means the sprinklers costs at 7:30 every morning it's very important to remember this so if you get here too early you'll get drit so watch yourself but you're not a little kid or right you're too old to go running through sprinklers anyway do you have some kind of water fetish I'm gonna go tell everyone all righty then this is the chicken coop what is that doing here we got some chickens oh my god finally we're gonna have some eggs give you the high blows yeah these chickens don't like eat people or lay bombs instead of egg or something crazy like that do they it seems safe Oh someone's coming out here and I'm like feeding them and everything right when do they do that oh you like chicken stew Makoto yeah I love these little guys they're so cute there's exactly five of them here exactly five you know the number that comes after four okay shut up and whatever there for five puffs if that's a good omen oh great it's a number of power refreshing number on par with hint squeeze all natural lemonade all right chickens how is that gonna be our ears somebody would get pecked to death like I'm just really confused what about this big old plant what is this it's super creepy is this thing real Oh what that's a monokuma flower I came up with the name myself try and touch it you're in for some real excitement your heart's all like whoa and the plants all like snap and your flesh is like I'm dead in other words it's a monstrosity it's pretty freakin amazing if I do say so myself as soon as I hope speak added improvement after improvement it created this miracle creature the ultimate botanist although they don't go here anymore they died during the tragedy he mentioned the tragedy that's weird that's the first time I think he's never mentioned that huh it can be paper plastic even people Oh someone's gonna get disposed of so it's totally good for the environment such an eco-friendly creation is vital for the future growth of the healthy society not that I know what to think about myself are about it myself spouting more nonsense he disappeared whatever it is I better keep my distance but he's got a coin put my hand in there like an idiot all right noted there is a camera in here we got we can't miss any of these things it's gonna be very important ha ha catch me if you can wait up I'm gonna punish you gross is that supposed to be it's Mikoto oh hi toko how's it going she can't talk does she want to talk to me about something took her what's wrong she really won't like dog like seriously and she tried to say something I think she's almost just a little more and I might get it I'm sorry but I had no idea what you're trying to tell me she just let her shoulders drop she looks sad I mean he won't know that she did it she doesn't have to not talk oh holy crap what is this The Crow test corner of the room struck me hard first of all the Bloods not pink that's odd that's never not been peak is that a clue that's got to be a clue why would there be red blood when there was never red blood before it either that or this is not actually blood or what I like to call the blood and danganronpa pepto-bismol because that's exactly what it looks like what I saw was bad enough but when I smelled the sour pungent it possibly rank it smells awful doesn't it it's it must be at least vaguely familiar to you after all you've been around your fair share of corpses are you saying it's the smell of death their flesh and fat in blood there was no surprise in his voice no shock but he was right I had the experience I'd experience to smell more than what's abhorrent it's despair but the smell here strong condensed it's the smell of a battlefield monokuma must have hey what my faults again except trying to blame everything on me if you hadn't done what you did this never would have happened no no it's quite the opposite the opposite let me give you an itty-bitty EG squeeze you little hints as far as this room goes I don't know a thing I just left it exactly how I found it oh my god what how's that for a hit better than those stupid hints you get from NPCs in those mean old RPGs but it's pretty scary huh blood all over the walls and junk of course even in the outside world people die bloody gruesome deaths every day so it's not really a big deal just keep your chin up and keep on living soldier what's she's talking about he just left it the way he found it what's the meaning of all this this is crazy there's like a body freakin things and everything this deserves an investigation on its own there are white chalk outlines are all over the floor how many bodies were there yo Eddie you always see it at the scene of a murder I wish I could say I don't believe it did this it appears all the blessings are dry and their colour has changes well I think it's safe to assume these stains are considerably old so is this what it that is that the excuse I don't know if I buy that and it is interesting I assure you what on earth happened in this classroom aren't you supposed to like know everything um be akio about what monokuma just told us it's like I'm not even here you must have to be lost in thought is he really thinking that hard as he just flat-out flat-out ignoring me and probably ignoring us I for it and I well obviously someone got revenge in here but why that's all I can assume from that I guess I've seen what there is to see up here for now but once again nothing I found seems to make any real sense I need to head back to the dining hall I'll find out what the others turned up one after another everyone made their way to the hall and before long everyone's here okay everyone's alive so far all right so I seen it found something okay she realized there's something different about the way out of the school tell do tell what exactly did you notice you took a good look around the fifth floor yourself did you Mikoto then why did you ask I mean I obviously it's the ceilings were really high so you'd have to assume that's the the the probably the roof are you talking about stairs there are any stairs leading up so that's probably yeah I think I was right I think that was the roof but they actually it was just covered which is why the garden was on top but the broof was added the ash of the facts does that mean the fifth floor is the end we're finally starting to get a clear picture of this school all that's left now is to solve the underlying mystery that's the hardest part even if it's hard we still got to do it has and no one else seen that room I guess we're gonna tell them by the way did any of you find it the other strange room on the fifth floor well no strange is the massive understatement what are you talking about the smell itself is hard to pick yeah I mean obviously it's very surprising all right just talking there all be like whoa I can't believe it basically yeah they're just surprised obviously and you're saying this is the reason why it hopes peek at the clothes which was pretty obvious if you guys can figure that out the question is though how have none of us heard it right does that mean they really did cover it up I mean that's a big old cover-up toku talk hey Bianca it seems like toca wants to say something so why are you telling me what cuz you told her to zip it or whatever I'd forgotten about that Jesus man I know you're like torturing her but come on well it's okay if you want to input evelope us and all your putrid breath I won't stop you you honor me master don't worry I took care of the odor problem shut up and don't interrupt me when mastered mere talking okay so what do you want to tell us well I was in classroom on the fifth floor and something caught my attention Oh a knife sure it's not yours well I think she would just like Rambo sighs it's a survival knife of some type but what was he doing in the classroom well but I know you're gonna use that knife for you what do you plan to do to us I'm not gonna do anything I just picked it up I don't want to leave a knife just laying around I'd rather have it laying around than the hands of a serial killer don't compare me to her it's like yeah that's where she is and isn't a serial killer let's say more important now that we have the knife what are we gonna do with it put it in the incinerator you notice that like no one has used that thing not even one it's just go put it in there everything if they all wanted to be smart they would get everything that could be a weapon and just destroy it you know I'm just saying you know I'm coming up with the ideas here I mean they all decided that they're not gonna kill everyone or kill each other right even byakuya which I thought is a little weird I don't buy it hmm so what to do so why don't we hang on to it Mikoto I I am the most trustworthy one and that's that oh thank you hold on I don't get a say it just tells how much they trust you you should do as they ask oh you've indeed trust me okay are you sure it's trust I feel like they're just using me okay so here you go Mikoto they're actually like I already said yes fine I guess there's nothing I could do anyway that's all I wanted to say hey tuck oh do I have bad breath sorry it's our instincts I'm sorry I sneak I'm sorry you made a valuable discovery good job oh is that made her day the master just praised me hey good for you I'm dreaming I must be dreaming ah that I would ever experience such a dream so stupid oh god oh yeah what have you died and byakuya whenever I look at toko these days it just makes me sad that's so funny Mikey serves with the bio lab that yeah obviously big old big old murderous plant yeah the plant look I still be off Resident Evil or something but we're not in a horror game though that's I don't know about that I don't know about that either way we don't need to worry about it at the moment what wait until someone dies then worry about it oh oh okay they're talking about the pickaxe sounds sweet this is what I wanted to know about well there was a pickaxe in the tool shed and the words crazy diamond had big garbage to the hand Oh haven't we seen that phrase over before crazy diamond yeah that does sound kind of familiar I think I don't just think I know we definitely seen that phrase before where well that's it I remember oh okay I was totally wrong hey I can accept that I was wrong on mondo before he turned into butter I missed you mondo that's weird how was that it like how does that go together you're absolutely right but why would that be on the pickaxe in the garden y know must have snuck it there and done it right we didn't have access to the guard until today then maybe mondo brought it with him I don't know well what stuck out to me was it the pickaxe at all then what did what I noticed was the lawnmower I'm thinking maybe we could use a call for help oh I don't know maybe I could use to make crop circles or something yeah that's it I'm gonna make crop circles and then we can use that to call for help what's wrong with you you weren't like this in the beginning you know well back then my personality hadn't been quite solidified yet I know he's kind of like the most unforgettable character like he's that really he's just kind of that guy that it's just dumb all right so that's everything so far so now what do we do go to bed started today you're all under my command but before we proceed I need to figure something out geez how cocky can you be like seriously so what is it you want to figure out Kyoko's identity fair point you know what I do agree I do want to know about her too obviously she knows more things that we do and she's not saying like telling us yes but who is she who is she really tell me who you are so yeah like he knows the ultimate swimming pro hero's the ultimate clairvoyant even bucco does the ultimate lucky students more unlucky than lucky these days but so what about Yoko can you tell me what she is now that she wishes she's never told us the blonde are the the whitest hair of them all yes that's can you trust someone who's unwilling to reveal their true identity we need to avoid raising any more necessary suspicions so Kyoko it's time you told us I can't someone got killed her why would you tell us I didn't say I won't I can't what do you mean because I don't remember what I have no memory of what I am so that must be what she meant when she asked monokuma what did you do to my body that's all guessing so you have no memory you mean amnesia if I thought you had some sense of humor I'd say you were joking but if this is joke I'm not laughing you can't be serious right now can you I knew you wouldn't believe me that's why I didn't say anything but it doesn't matter either way the truth will make it so clear before we're done what so you have no intention of telling us and I can no longer stand by and do nothing what are you gonna do torture me nothing so barbaric is that I will simply limit your options I can't allow you to engage in any further suspicious activity limit my options give me the key to your room what but if she gives you the room key she can't go to sleep in her room she'll be breaking a school regulation and if she doesn't want that she'll talk it's easy she doesn't know hold on a threat like that fine I understand good you're finally in the mood for conversation without single word Kyoko walked right up to byakuya oh she gave it to him you fool why do you refuse to talk whether I want to or not I can't all I could just like I keep telling you maybe she believed in loser memory if you really think if you really think about it doesn't really sound totally impossible this is the worst school ever where only the worst stuff happens right amnesia wouldn't fit right in the worst school we're only the worst thing happen do you really mean that huh can you really be sure that life here has been filled with only the worst things what does she mean by that Pratt's I've said too much you obviously know something you're not telling us like seriously she turned she left okay what do you think you're going don't worry I'm not gonna do anything to harm any of you those were her last words Danny or that I don't like that I don't like that I said that it's her last words I don't know what it means by that I don't know if there's a double meaning it's just like before it's no different when everyone started accusing soccer ed yeah it is pretty bad what what are you yelling all the sudden cuz look oh [Music] that's funny how long have you been standing there I'm berry berry angry and grant what oh no at the thief yeah that's right I'm very sad to tell you there's a deepened in the myths what my precious they still is this night for what we're saving a voice act the whole game reality is filled with so much hardship isn't it no wonder why people run away into their fantasies but what is your precious shut if I hope you all get struck I stuck in a hiring in a hiring freeze and diphenyl it how do you know what that is and he's gone what was that all about it must be the knife that's the only thing it likely has something to do with Kyoko huh who else on the other hand would be willing and able to steal something from monokuma did yo could really steal something but if that's true then what was it why would she do that don't be bummed but where's she gonna sleep at it's probably to go in our room again alright we need to get out of here however after what just happened with monokuma and yoko i feel like there's something in the air I would suggest you take extra precaution tonight stay in your rooms don't go wandering around now like we need you to tell us that well then let well don't yeah you know the best advice don't take any notes just stop with the notes it's got to stop no more notes just shred the paper ha that's right I need to put away the night that I got from toko I think the safest place will be my desk drawer but anyways carefully gonna be ok she can't get into room what's she gonna do is there something I could do something I can oh how did I know I knew she'd come to my room I knew it alright let's open it up what'd I tell you Yoko I'll be waiting for you in the dressing room see you there hey wait Yoko without acknowledging me she disappeared alright let's go she's gonna tell us sorry for asking you to meet with me so late it's okay I'm used to it indeed well then let me get straight to the point it's something you can't talk about in front of the surveillance cameras right so does that mean this does have something to do with whatever you stole from an Akuma monokuma told us sir that someone has stolen something from him was it you that's right sweet so I was right but would you still spill the beans girl I stole this oh that's the headmaster key yes it is but looking at it I could tell it wasn't just any key it was shaped like monokuma it was probably the only Kia of its kind on earth where did you get this from the Headmaster's room how did you get him how did she get in there the lock was broken right it was soccer she did it for us what soccer oh my gosh she didn't deserve to die I'm so mad soccer was like the best person ever she was so great like this amazing person she did remember what she said in her note I'm not going to just lay down a die I will fight you so soccer broke into the Headmaster's room for us that's right so we can uncover whatever secrets may lie within she did that for us she violated the school's regulations to help us I mean after all she she knew that she was gonna die oh that's why she that's probably why she really did it then she already decided to die so her last act was that's I mean Wow holy crap I noticed the room was open after the class trial was over yesterday but if I just rolled it to the room on a coupe I would have noticed right away which is why I used you as the decoy so he asked me to come meet you at the data center in order to yep I wanted to draw I wanted you to draw a monochrome his attention I took that opportunity to stake into the Headmaster's room oh that is so smart I found this key then what you told me about yesterday did that come from the Headmaster's room see that makes sense I did find a file in the Headmaster's room that talked about her yes I don't know all the details yet but one thing I do know is that Mikoto eco Sabah is dangerous well yeah I would imagine she may she may very well be the mastermind Oh but didn't I'll show you go say that the headmaster was probably the mastermind no the headmaster isn't the mastermind I'm sure of that what I don't have proof yet but I do I have no doubt that I'm right to make such a strong statement yeah but if it isn't the headmaster does that mean mukuro aku Sabah really could be the mastermind anyway this key is one big opportunity we've been waiting to get our hands on so now that we've grasped it we can't let it go can we sorry but I mean what's the key what is it even a luck I don't know I don't know yet oh I need you to draw money come visit it again okay all right I'll just strip naked through the school that's not I guess the rules yeah so what if there's more than one person watching us but they didn't catch us last night right so maybe we just got lucky or maybe the mastermind can't monitor us and control monochrome at the same time whoo I liked it I liked it a lot I like this plan like I said we didn't get caught last night but as you said maybe it was pure luck which is why we're going to run the experiment one more time and if we're successful again then what may have just been a lucky guess will be proven true as Kyoko talked she was calm and collected I'll I like her a lot now she's so cool okay so that's true there's a time a period of time where the mastermind is vulnerable all I need to do is find out for sure if that's actually true and if we can exploit it yeah I mean he said that even he gets even though it's probably a girl so why one point do they sleep that's the thing that's funny why there's a curfew actually that makes a lot of sense no matter what the reward the risk is just too high when I think about what happened what happens if we bailed I don't think you need to worry all about that after all with minimal restrictions you are free to explore hopes Peak Academy at your description description no restrictions have been placed on her efforts to solve the mystery am I wrong so okay yeah that is interesting so it's almost like he is aware or he or she is aware that they are actually gonna be able to get in there somehow that's why he didn't make it a rule not to go in there just not a rule to break it very interesting which leads me to believe that this person is actually good and it's like she should get some blessed for whatever reason I don't know why but I think that's that I think there's a bigger picture that we are not seeing so the question is in a moment of crisis will that mastermind break their own rules or adhere to them no matter what in other words we gain something whether we succeed or not there's no reason not to do it right but you spend all your time trying to avoid danger you'll never move forward yeah that's a good quote so we're scared of the risk obviously cuz he might kill us but am I wrong at that moment I finally realized I had never seen the slightest hint of fear and despair or despair at Kyoko's eyes her gaze was firmly fixed on the mystery ahead the enemies standing before us and with that in view she just smiled I can't change how I feel and I wouldn't if I could they Kyoko took something from her coat pocket and held it out to me what's this consider it a symbol of my determination don't open it yet only open it if something ever happens to me oh no that's gonna be a sad day because I like her now if something happens I'm not planning on dying but there's always a chance of it a death without meaning is unappealing please I want you to hold onto it for me alright just because you asked me to but I'm gonna give it back at some point maybe you'll be sure of that yes of course oh and one more thing you can't tell anyone about what I've discovered yeah obviously you know we don't want no one delight do something right shall we begin all right what's the experiment well just have to get monochrome is detention right well I'll give it my best shot all right ahead the rest is up to you oh we didn't even say what the plan was but okay looks like I'm going naked anyway what was the sudden not I thought to my stomach as I watched her walk away no everything's gonna be fine I know it because it's Kyoko right talking to myself out shake off some of my anxiety and then I got to work oh I really hope she doesn't die all right let's do this hey monokuma you can see me right get out of here I got a bone to pick with you that if you move asleep just like that well well this is a surprise you being the one to call me out hey by the way huh what were you and Coco up to going to the bath I was just the two of you in the middle of the nights definitely a hot and steamy moment wouldn't you say let me think about it why would Monica but not put a camera in a room it's a dressing room sure right but why if they're holding us here it gets our will which is already highly illegal why wouldn't they go that part it's like they want us to beat this that's what I'm saying like so warm and wet so wet and warm I bet you guys removed to come forward with local and international sense since her sip loss really all over her did you oh oh not gonna talk I'm sure I'd get it well whatever I like you I have absolutely no interest in late night bath scenes because I like to maintain a healthy life of observation far away from x-rated exploits oh so that's why there's no surveillance camera in the bathhouse bull's eye or maybe it's because the lids gate gets all clogged up and you can't see anything anyway okay never would have thought of that that's really interesting sounds like that's the bullseye to me anyway you would all give way to all the trouble to get me out of here so what do you want well there's just something I wanted to confirm with you whether I'm a Mademoiselle or a dude fella but in the Buried Kingdom there is no male or female um actually there is seriously then what am i but he doesn't know what he is I felt kind of bad but he does that that's enough I'll get stuck if I think about it too much so what did you really want to ask me well you told us earlier that your precious had been stolen what's this precious of yours listen I'm sure this is a silly question no way it's possible at all but it says seriously what you dragged me out here to ask me you got to be kidding me you gotta be a 100-megaton friggin kidding me you're not gonna ask me something useful like how to get the best honey or your sign reading tips this is just crazy or all the pubescent teen boys as nutty as you god you're so annoying fine I'll tell you it was a key in a ok he's cursing at me and that's it what was the second thing it's a blank stupid a super filling it for yourself oh I thought it was custard at me meet me charged all the way out here for that I like to see what's going on in the brain of yours the next time you summoned me for something so stupid I'll just go I'll just open up your school and find out drip-dropping more than a few swear words about Akuma stormed off I hope to keep him distracted long enough now all I could do was wait and hope Kyoko makes it out ok she'll be fine it's Kyoko after all I'm sure she's fine right so I went back to my room and laid down doing my best to settle the nerves and get back to sleep where's she gonna sleep she was never ki surely she'll come back right surely what the heck what is this usually I skip these but what the heck is this so every time you go to sleep there's a like a little monokuma theater I always skip them cuz they're not really that important but what is he showing me and why is soccer there are they doing like a brand deal in the middle of this oh my god I need to play this game Dave look tark Cavs man soccer is revenge the game where the world has been waiting for unfortunately development has been canceled of court oh my god I frickin couldn't read it all well you got to read it I think you just said it got cancelled but yeah the super style is super fashionable game was cancelled during development but it'll start back up again if Dunkin Rafah sells well I would like to think that it did so well was that for real did they really like were they really gonna make that game ding dong Bing bong that was odd yo Co never came to our room though oh my god I need to know is she alive my body feels so heavy this morning it must be because I was up late last night anyway I need to get to the dining hall his Kyoko there I have no one was making a bigger deal about her not having her key it's not it isn't in the rules right let's see sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly wait does that mean she can sleep outside in the dormitory or does she have to be inside of a room because technically if we're gonna go all technical there doesn't say that has to be in a room of course she wouldn't be here you're one minute late Mikoto how do you explain this sorry I'm not feeling so great today you really think a tired excuse like that is good at work are you really allowed to talk again I don't really I don't recall giving you permission but I just thought I mean since the day had passed and maybe a reset sorry please don't hate me I'll hang aside for my neck that says bad girl I'll clean your bathroom with my toothbrush if you stop making disgusting comments like that maybe I can forgive you thank you I won't make you any more disgusting comments I promise if you if I do can you could stuff my mouth full of trash as long as it's you she's disgusting to the bone anyway where's Kyoko yeah that's all I want to know yeah maybe she's mad about what happened yesterday she's not showing up anymore I can't tell what yeah we can't tell them what happened whatever is the reason I'm curious to know why she is doing or what she is doing and I I know she's not in her room so oh yeah you saw her key right oh are you looking for Miss kitty kitty what do you want now I'm right right you're wondering where Miss Kitty Duty is right do you know where she is well it's hard to say oh no you don't know either it's because he doesn't know that's why he said oh because he doesn't know Allah says she's hiding hey don't you hate it when someone asked what their favorite movie is in a some indy bullcrap I feel like I'm getting whiplash the way he changes subjects like that thank good as it looks like monokuma really didn't notice so I guess our plan went off just fine last night or so we think did it actually work so was I right you're looking for Miss cutie kitty or any idea where she might have gone we had no idea and even if we did we wouldn't tell you for serious whom I see well fine whatever I don't even care anymore sayonara suckers as soon as she was gone we all glanced around at each other so what was that just now does that mean monokuma doesn't know where she is either it would seem that way no all right we gotta find her all right let's find her she must have used that key to sneak into some unpark so she must use the key to sneak into a like a secret room right but somewhere even monokuma wouldn't notice where could it be well it's not the bathroom although that would be good place we spent the rest of breakfast talking about where we Kyoko would have gone afterwards we return afterwards we return to our rooms so when she does come back assuming she will he's gonna be wondering why she was gone right cuz it's not breaking the rules but still I guess she just doesn't have to tell them huh all right we got to at least try checking the Headmaster's room although I don't think it'll be there or she'll be there it's locked Jeff Chris's doctor I've broken the lock on the door does that mean it's fixed already well I should have known it wouldn't be that easy yeah you gotta say man these students are smart right everything's back to normal just like with psychic and taka and monochrome is responsible I'm sure who's coming in and cleaning all these things there's gotta be like more than one person doing all this there's no way that one person could just keep us all in here and like trap like that it's like a big old group of people all right oak oh I guess I'll hang out with you I don't really have another choice I'm not gonna pick ya Kia aren't you such a good person showing me all this pity yeah I know talk when I grew a little closer today would you like to give her a president I do I actually have something to give why I wanted hang out with her I didn't know this when I started the game but you have to give them the the rights present you can't just give them anything she wants the novelist pin I think a novelist fountain pin but she's a novelist sorry but I'm already engaged to master I can't go on a date with you if you're okay with that I don't mind if you think about me oh this is bad I might be getting sick why the heck it's weird why would they say that it's never like happened before all right I can also give her the antique doll I just want to see if something happens between me and her she just says the same thing okay I thought topo totally hated me but it's not like she's going out of her way to avoid me still we're not actually talking either hey toko what you have a question you have a question for your classmate is she happy so I kind of asked before but what do you like to do in your spare time I just write I'm serialized so I'm always really busy and when I'm not writing I'm studying I'm not an idiot like you Daniel I had to go up to my big mouth again you must hate me for sure now right no it didn't really bother me but I can't really believe you're actually right novels and that people all over the world actually read them so how do you get ideas from what you write is it like real-life experience or are you stupid why I told you didn't I I'd write romance novels how could I use my real life experiences for that it's all for my imagination it's just delusions delusions let you fall in love as much as you want even if you never do in real life are you saying you can't write romance novels unless you already have lots of experience in love it's true very true no not at all that's okay I'm used to people making fun of me but someday I'll show them up I'll get pretty someday and show them all boiling over like magma she stormed off I'm this time I'm sure she hates me sweet all right we got her a skill point that's what we needed oh no that was a little more information I know somebody like toko so there you go I'm getting the chills I feel kind of dizzy I can't help it I need sleep nighttime wasn't for a while but I felt like my body had reached his limit as I dropped to my bed I felt like I was falling into a bottomless pit oh I was unconscious before my head hit the pillow well that's not quite true I didn't pass so completely it was more like my consciousness when Tim I read back and forth between sleep and wakefulness which is all to say what I was Restless at some point I found myself wandering through a strange dream and within the dream of voice echoes across the walls of my mind understand that voice it's so familiar it's it's me yeah that's what that's what I said in the rooms maybe the outside world is actually like crazy I may be asked something to do with what happened in here huh what am I trying to say but how could you stay here like of course they want to get out my dream just now oh you have the night oh that would be terrifying Oh Oh Judy get out did he get stabbed Oh was it just a dream no it's not her is it what what just happened this episode it took longer yet it took longer for me to open my eyes I let out a deep sigh to bring myself up to the rest that way that shows the aches that unfathomable lethargy they had all disappeared in the night all that was left was me dressed dress is drenched in I can't stay drenched apparently and sweat it wasn't because of what was whatever bug I caught either it was also the dream I had the heck was that I mean it was was a really a dream prior some do with a longing some of his memories I was desperate to recall it I scrambled to grab the fragments of my dream and rolled them up the depths of my memory that's right I remember last night I came down with a fever couldn't get sleep and I heard a voice I didn't really understand and then and you got attacked I noticed that they don't have a fingernail polish right there like they did the other picture wait a minute come on do you game I'm onto you I don't remember what really happened but still I feel like I resisted them desperately feverishly after that things got black again the next thing I remember was Kyoko she was there but what was she doing in my room yeah what a strange dream no was it really a dream how could I possibly find out either way I don't know good question oh if the knife is the knife there I opened this door and it wasn't a dream holy crap so either that's like Yoko or Shana I tackled them or something and like freaking knocked him out or something or they just never attacked us it's empty there's nothing outside wait nothing inside that's strange because it definitely wasn't before I'm positive I put the knife I got from Tokyo in here wait that means oh the knife they told me to keep safe I knew what I just had a feeling it wasn't a dream after all but if that's true this all makes me even less since it makes less sense why would someone have wanted to attack me and who was that behind the mask and why was Kyoko what the heck is going on well I don't think I'm gonna figure it out on my own I should head to the dining hall I gotta see why is she only here you really had me worried you know what happened last night worried yeah right after nighttime hit we all went to get you we were hammering away your doorbell but you never answered I thought maybe you know I mean not that I've actually you know she thought was dead okay so what were you doing I didn't feel sleep what's up with the bed I had no idea you guys need to shove it up but why did she come to get me did something happen mmm well lots of stuff actually I'm not so sure I can really explain let's go meet up with everyone else oh yeah so is everyone waiting somewhere else or something oh yeah we all set up the whole night night lots of rock-paper-scissors so I had to come get breakfast for everyone so you get that's weird that is very weird so I have to carry the breakfast everyone's in the gym hurry up I'll get you why it's higher night oh my god what was that I see something this is worse than being late for your wedding no no no no jeez to show up like just show up now like it's no big deal you made a stay up all night well you slept like a baby in your bed just like Dina said everyone was here besides Kyoko and then I noticed yeah what joints Frank yes myself I tried out freaky robots spread out in front of them were the remains of monokuma just ignore this yeah I'll see you no come on you're supposed to just see what happened relax there's no danger you say that but what is this what are you guys doing it looks like it's been professionally disabled but how is that possible our dismantled tearing apart something like that isn't dangerous Bianca okay finally someone saying something Bianchi I found this little fellow laying around then we tore it apart that doesn't explain anything just before he went to bed last Sun I came to the gym to try to talk to monokuma I wanted to see if you had any new information about Coco's disappearance and I found him here just like normal however when I found him he was no more than a regular toy he didn't react didn't say a word so you're saying he wasn't moving at all I waited there until nighttime officially begun but still my Tacoma laid there motionless I gather everyone up as quickly as possible so they can take a look even then he still didn't make a move so I immediately initiated this dis disassembly process it was master stroke of genius but like would that be considered an attack oh it was master stroke of genius okay all right so we've discovered the East quite a sophisticated machine it's leagues beyond any normal remote-controlled toy so he's a robot why yeah it's gotta have something to do with last night right what so what I'm wondering is why did he stop moving I thought maybe he'd malfunction but we didn't find any cause as we were taking it apart so if he didn't break down then maybe something happen to his puppeteer the mastermind something's unexpected I can't kyoko or cry out something unexpected they were probably so scared of Master they ran away in terror or maybe they got sick or something but he made it bubonic oh he made his announcement this morning right so it's probably recording I'm sure that's a recording yeah exactly that's true you says the exact same every day right so I don't think now's a good time for the conversation I just got all a bum a bond there's one installed in every monokuma robot I'm sure yeah yeah yeah that didn't happen in the beginning I think right Roger that it appears the bomb has a motion sensor if any sudden movements I'm sure it goes off you know that's pretty expected to be honest oh I probably should have mentioned the motion sensors off right now oh thank god god you're the world's most spineless worm of the century here I put the bomb down but that wasn't my main concern at this point yeah somebody freaking questions now so we've decided to continue our offensive assault to try any other cover to the masterminds true identity we're going to break into the Headmaster's room oh really since the mastermind appears have stopped all activity now's our chance wouldn't you agree but if the mastermind comes back while we're there if you're scared you're welcome to stay here they're really gonna break in or go live in the chicken coop with all the other chickens you could be the chicken number six all right go ahead let's do this come on guys let's do this all right I just want to see what happens let's get this going this episode's late already long enough all right I'll go I'll go I guess something's gonna stop it there's no way there's no freaking way just get me over here it's locked as expected so what are gonna do is it obvious we're gonna tear the door off its hinges wait but the rules say we've seen that web yeah he's not watching this but like Makoto Sena the master my shows up then we'll just have to finish our bit just business before that happens okay sure but we've come this far we can't back down now so beautiful of course she would be able to impress let's do it let's rip this door down someone gonna die because this holy crap actually how we gonna do that this thing looks sturdy we need something sturdy of our own wait what about that one thing we'll just use the lawnmower the thing in the tool shed oh the pickaxe okay let's try it go get the pickaxe and we'll be back here by 901 one minute so he made cocoa you may tell go go do that it's funny it's the the question is is she gonna be back right she went to go get it holy crap she's back Shawn Oh fab sighs gross where'd that come from wait wait where'd you come from hello it's a wonderful summer Duras bean here to greet you at the razor sharp smile what about the pickaxe where is it I was supposed to pick up oh yeah she she doesn't know you're sleeping at UCP imbecile the pickaxe cpi-m puts the old master you wouldn't be with their ex with her with her ex ik was their executive level the corpse Oh she says she found a corpse in the creaking Gordon she just said that a corpse that's right I found a corpse in the garden well then before we yeah let's go come on everyone shut your mouth oh my god who is it who is it I'm pretty kid so like on the edge I didn't want to bite okay so with some what we saw in the beginning but crap it's that did kill I don't remember to kill God nail polish someone was laying on the ground with the mask covering their face and there was a knife buried in their stomach up to the hilt what that are they really dead but for sure but who is it just to make things clear yeah so yeah we remember that they were wearing a mask yeah yeah yeah I don't know why but they're laying dead in front of me we need to find out who's actually husband Alva there's nobody to tell with the mask covering the face and the white coat they're wearing makes it impossible to tell anything about the body itself the victim is a total mystery but one thing I do know why won't they just take it off it's a mass I they wind up dead in here the heart isn't beating they're not breathing okay so they're dead basically the knife that had been driven to their stomach their clothes are stained a bright red it appears the bleeding has stopped but the blood there is still wet be careful you don't touch it and get some on you now could oh yeah yeah obviously I get it you don't want to mess today but crap we need to know who it is I'm pretty sure it's a girl at least I think I see the outline of her chest in that general shape of the body it's gotta be kill code it's gotta be me by the time you called out it was already too late oh she's doing it great okay oh my god I did not expect that there was a blinding whiten and a deafening roar the body blew up it blew oh my god still who did my vision started to darken and prepare to pass out but then hurry up and put out the fire and as my consciousness I tend to float away the boys reached up and pulled it back down to earth someone press something press something into my hands it was a bucket of water come on dip the water on it okay the upper half of the body was on fire I took aim and toss the water as hard as I could oh my god holy crap oh it's unrecognizable now freaking toko where is she I had a bad feeling about the body but I never imagined it would explode and now the body it burnt to a crisp Oh God how are we gonna find out who it was who isn't here right now if we consider who's now obviously but is totally alive what no one's even like ah like wondering then the dead bodies Kyoko no that can't be right calm down I didn't say it was Kyoko but I mean who else there is one other person the mastermind yeah the mastermind well that would it makes sense cuz like they didn't you know they didn't do anything oh now we're telling them about it Mikoto Acosta ekoo Saba the 16 student to help speak ooh we're telling him all about it okay she said there was a 16 student here in the school I think you better tell us everything you know well all-kill could told me was you know flashback okay SLA calcio theta mu carro aqui aqui Saba is the mastermind all right guys this is this is gonna wait till I I hate to stop it here trust me but these are some long freaking long episodes I just got it I got to do it so as always guys my scrubs out there smash like 30k likes if you want to see the next episode we getting we're getting somewhere crazy and not I love where it's going I really want to know toko is alive anyway love you scrubs thank you so much for all support I'll see you the next one bye bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 286,732
Rating: 4.9821095 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, danganronpa trigger happy havoc full game, danganronpa, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, bijuumike danganronpa, bijuu mike sayaka, chihiro fujisaki death, chihiro death danganronpa, danganronpa chihiro death reaction, toko danganronpa, bijuu mike danganronpa episode 15, celeste death danganronpa, celeste death reaction, danganronpa class trial 4, danganronpa class trial, fourth class trial bijuu mike
Id: 83wXMiaR-ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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