The Secret Millionaire S04E06 - HULL - Martin Stamp - The Warren - Keith Hagger - 2009

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focus and I want focus and I want focus Martin's stamp might look like a teacher but he's actually a public school educated multi-millionaire and owns his own computer company he's going to look for people to help in whole a city with some of the highest truancy rates in the country like to go to school is that terribly boring a story of my own I don't think I can remotely understand the problems that these kids are really facing but I hope I'll find some smart people who do understand it and they can do something about it he'll experience firsthand how hard it is to keep wayward kids engaged with education we're gonna move on to the Fibonacci series right okay and meet the people who tirelessly give their time to help keep kids on track we're saying to these please look whatever background you're from you know where father hasn't had a job that does not mean to say that you can sit on your backside and accept that has the norm because it isn't it's harder to say bad amoeba mean dead or he'll make some new friends along the way [Music] and at the end of his state he'll give away tens of thousands of pounds of his own money as he reveals he's a secret millionaire this is very much fleshed out my sort of understanding of this parallel society that is developing in the UK and that it's not a happy situation with [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi have we finished the back yes 57 year-old Cambridge graduate Martin stamp has made a fortune running his own computer company we are competing with the likes of Bloomberg's ortus Thompson and some very big companies who would love our market and we roll it over every month don't Lee happily married with a grown-up son Martin leads a comfortable life in London but life hasn't always been this rosy this is MIT public school I'm there right at the center at the bottom looking distinctly uncomfortable I say for privately educated Martin school was a particularly unhappy time I hated it I loved it I was teased and it made me Balian ated introverted quiet Martin also struggled with the rigid discipline in his public school the whole ethos was absolutely you do what you're told you don't answer back if you are by looked by glance anything you'll get punished for that and people who did rebel in that sort of way work were squashed and in the end of course should be expelled and Martin was expelled when he was 17 free-thinking and keen to broaden his horizons he set off to explore the world for himself this is a trip I made to find' horn I spent a week there with a bunch of hippies I felt comfortable these people in a way that I didn't when my normal my work environment this is my first trip to India when I was working for UNICEF we were feeding our between 50 and 60 thousand women and children on a daily basis in the 1971 census I'm classified as a roadster this is a classification given to by the police when they pick me up as I was sleeping rough that night but Martin did give education a second chance and went on to get a maths degree from Cambridge education is incredibly important and I'm personally very very interested in getting more kids to reach their potential so he's leaving his family in London and going undercover for nine days oh my god hi I know I'm going but I hope you do [Music] he's traveling up to Hall where he'll meet and be introduced to people who might need his help [Music] it's the end of the line you don't go that's going it or else you go that's go to hell [Music] the scary going to a place you don't know and meeting people who don't know me I don't know then are we going to establish some sort of emotional link are we going to get to like and respect each other I suppose that is not a given whole ranks is the worst authority in the country when it comes to education many schools here sit at the bottom of the league tables and average GCSE results are amongst the worst in the country okay citizen thanks Martin will tell people he meets he's making a documentary about education and he's volunteering as a teaching assistant or TA in a local school well I live in London but I just come here to do some teaching at a local school are you from heart itself yeah I was brought up right in the house of the fishing industry and that was when hull was booming we were all fed on fish and chips because they were cheap that was the bad old days what do you think the kids want to do here I would say the respirations of life are pretty low you don't get kids coming out of hole itself or going to live the good life if you see what I mean there you go we were arrived whilst in Hull Martin will be living on Orchard Park one of the city's roughest estates notorious for its high crime rates this it oh yes this is 27 boarded up war fine yes well what do you have here you know to smash windows which is bit alarming I'm gonna break in nothing to smell here it hasn't been lived in for a while I've got a kettle cooker I'm sure I won't use it whatever it is Sasol there's gonna be doing this when I left home today what does it say about people don't [Music] I naturally would prefer to keep to myself I'm a natural insect I certainly feel that my coach says whether or a London sort of a coat I think you'll fairly quickly identify me as a a newcomer as an outsider but then you know I'd like to meet people so yeah they say they know that I'm I'm an outsider on you maybe maybe it'll encourage some of them at least to talk to me hi do you want to say hello you're busy okay see it hi guys hi you've got a minute to talk to me I have just come down here and I'm staying here for a few days I want things I'm interested it's the education it doesn't scold me you're less cool yeah I didn't use go and you buy every went maybe once a week right just didn't like it I just don't like people telling me what to do that's yeah in life it happens a lot I wish I did stay at school there because now it's not it's not good for me I'll coming out with no qualifications or nothing what the people your age get up - it's a youth center or something like anything on the streets drinking smoking causing trouble disaffected bored youth they don't really know how they're doing they don't know what the hell they want to do they have a pretty clear idea probably what they don't want to do it's just a shame all that energy and potential is going to waste I think to have real solid self-respect you probably need to have a job most people I mean what the was that does a bank it shouldn't be a bad noises four o'clock in the morning and the three kids outside playing football didn't hear any broken glass or anything as I suspect it was just horsing around at four o'clock in the morning well yeah [Music] yes sir I felt a little out of place in my blue coat it feels like a city coat and I've got to go back to my black jacket I feel full comfortable and in fact I wear more when I'm in London anyway ex public school boy in Martin stampers in hole looking for projects to motivate disaffected youth off to the actual center where I'm going to be a teaching assistant yeah it might be something that would be worth funding this is a state school I was privately educated and it will they think you know he had it so easy he added this yeah that which I would kind of understand if they did the Ashwell Center is a pupil referral unit working to get 11 to 14 year olds who've been excluded from school back into mainstream education kids are mainly sent here because of disruptive behavior at school a world away from what led Martin to be expelled I started subscribing to underground magazines like International times and laws and that went down very badly and reading Allen Ginsberg you know that was considered as pornography they said I had to stop discussing my ideas with my fellow students and in the end I was chucked out of the distance here and I'll actually take you around and let you know what we're doing today we keep all of the doors locked on the corridors obviously it helps to sort of keep the pupils safe and if we do have any incidents and obviously it's easy to Contin in one area Debbie's been working at the Ashwell Center for seven years to give Cambridge graduate Martin an idea of how difficult it is to work with these kids she's asked him to teach a maths class well as you see I'm trying to get my thoughts together I've never said me it's NT for kids for half an hour hopefully it will be a more fun lesson than average but you know I just hope he doesn't go right over their heads Martin's face with his first hurdle when only one people turns up to his class as a sort of member of staff you would try and engage him in the lesson what happens if he says oh yeah the TA would sort of work with him and try and get him to come in right so you could maybe go to the door because the rest of your group hasn't come in and try and engage him there's nothing hard we're gonna play a game called spot the spot and we'll look at shapes and do something called the Fibonacci series okay you up for that now I'll tell you what I'll promise not to throw tantrum if you if you decide you're bored in the middle and walk out is that be okay I'm gonna watch three things for you guys okay want focus and I want focus and I want focus and that's you as well okay we're gonna move on to the Fibonacci series right to get the next number you just add those two numbers scale up 2 + 3 5 + 8 now what I want to do is I want to convert the ratio of each number to that number before okay this ratio it comes up in nature a lot and it's uh just pay attention so well I'd like you to do is to draw a perfect rectangle the perfect ratio 1.618 okay thank you very much guys it's been a great pleasure you know you'll get you're being good students was that okay from your point of view yeah I think the bodies have been extremely well behaved because of the situation that they were in they have no idea why they were doing it or what ratios where and the series that he was using they didn't have a clue it was jolly hard to keep three kids focused I think if it you know even with practice I think I'd find it hard to keep those three kids actually focused it was harder than I expected I wasn't able to use some more advanced material that I had hoped to use I don't think they really got the point of the golden ratio what makes you angry a high proportion of these children come from difficult backgrounds and having worked here for seven years Debbie realizes the importance of what the Ashwell Center gives them it's hopefully it's like a safe haven father meant it that can come here feel safe secured they know that you know the people here are working with them it's about getting them to try and realize that there is something out there for them that they are worthy of an education some of them will come in here and they will recognize straightaway that you know maybe that wasn't the way to have behaved like I said earlier a lot of the stuff that we try and do here is get the kids to take the responsibility with one in 10 kids in hall on the persistent truancy list school for children here it doesn't seem to be much of a priority high school no how come would you like to go to school I mean is that terribly terribly boring I mean it's fun for a while watching daytime television and then it gets really boring doesn't it I don't know no I've got a piece for my okay I'm not bored exactly is that the alternative is it your other lighting okay well nice talking to you guys take care in my day it was just unthinkable anyone would leave school or bunk off or anything like that and the teachers would be on to it and you know it would be dealt with at the highest possible level and it you know it just wouldn't happen bored one sense these people are very passive here but for the most part seems you waiting for things to be done for them and life is not always like that sometimes you have to pick up and go places or change your lifestyle and order for good things to happen to you there does seem to be a problem with the kids not being as fully involved in society which of course is exactly what I was when I was that age but I was dealt a pretty good set of cards in life you know that you know how much I whinge about my education it was an education so what I'm looking for is is is something that will infuse those kids [Music] we're going to look for a shop newsagent just find out what what's happening like if there's any yeah and that's when saw any organizations they're talking about I just have that piece they go yes thank you tart knees having heard about a project in the city center Martin decides to pay a visit I've heard that the Warren helps people after they have left education and it's trying to reengage them so people from the actual center perhaps what happens to them next hi Susan it whereas the Ashwell center aims to get kids back into school the Warren is a youth project targeting older kids who've dropped out of education all together building on their interests through a series of activities and workshops it aims to get youngsters off the streets and into jobs to see how he could help Martin's arrange to volunteer in the Warren's cafe hi Paul I think I'm gonna help you today can you show me what to do yeah main roles for workers we all do a session of contact which is where you in the cafe and you're the first point of contact for any young person who comes through so is this this is reception stroke tea coffee yeah we've got boiler water and this tin company and sugar and milk hi I'm Marcin my starting to learn the ropes a bit can I make this here coffee tea tea I am yeah would you like what I'm wearing a cute and English breakfast two sugars not so lucky coming up so how's my tea okay okay all right twenty-one-year-old mandy has been coming to the warrant for five years meet up with friends make new friends cousins we have a drink and it really works does it yeah yeah what's your background did you have a hard time at school okay but secondly school I didn't really bubble with it what you think would happen to you without the war without the woman I don't know and because I got into drugs and everything far I got to know the Warren yes I think I'd have been horrible safe I don't even mean that all faculty on drugs or drink practices the community of the stock the resources they attended to make inferences the like sorry this is this or is it the do professor yeah and you're looking for work here they help you look for work yeah how do they do that I haven't seen that part of it someone helps you to give it the whole sense that the kids were done basically and every now and then that explode and yeah they'd be up for the all be very fragile and sense but here people are energy in their playing playing the lad and boxing off each other and you know they seem to have one group stands upstairs the Warren has a recording studio where young musicians can come and record their own music for free it's a really enormous building and we do use every bit of the space so right alright this so that's easy going on there that's not all we're going to see it now that's the rehearsal room right there the main studio well that sounds very Indian Lee 26 year-old Jody and Keith who's 25 a singer songwriters with high ambitions and the Warren is helping them to record and promote their music this is where the magic happens I get up I feel down so I go for a night on the town the next morning when the Sun is dawning up the stairs a creep I told my dad I wanted to be a writer I've been at KFC I think at the time about 6 years so that's where you're working yeah yeah yeah well I've been there just sort of like looking about having a laugh and my dad said to me why don't ya no you need to think about your career and stuff I said well I want to be a writer say well yeah what about plumbing what about being a plumber Souren I don't want to be implement did you enjoy English at school so I liked it and I'd take in bits like what would teach me about like poetry and stuff and landed there it was the like learning about that by dance ear like you wouldn't because you'd get beat up at school want a really good turn for me to be honest so like kief I also played true in a bit I didn't exactly do all my where there's a kind of sense that I've got that a lot of the kids at school are all you know I don't know what I want to do and they essentially have no ambition but as soon as they get into their twenties everyone seems to say hey now I understand the point and it's a bit you know it's kind of late and you can't go back in this country will get pressured by I mean it's normal thing to say you get pressured by your parent you get pressured into society to do this to get a job to go to school do you know I mean and I think that often puts people off I think people are very rebellious to a degree and people just think no if if that you've been told to do something so much I mean I don't want to do it when he said without the one what what do you think you'd be up to right now be smashed I reckon and would be that's why I did just I just had loads of Paris let's go out overnight partying and Strads do my dear job I don't want nothing else to do well I definitely wanted that I feel that I ever you know from the Warren it's it's still a nice job for me to be honest it's a good place this means I get to do some creative and use my brain in this last year more than anything I've just gotten here for myself in Hall which is good how next type the universe you know well I was thinking leads you live fast you die but to do the things that I've done I think they're remarkably articulate and small young men you know they've got a real talent I do see something of my younger self in there you're on Cooper called rebelliousness I didn't reinter full-time education I was 21 so I can understand what people who get frustrated by the system drop by and to give them our hand climbing back onto the ladder of you know education and getting getting back into regular employment is really important [Music] hyah I'll have a large haddock and chips these two please did the whole wood they drew well I could have even could be worse right okay thanks have a good evening fire halfway through his time in Hull and marked him struggling to see how he can make a difference I don't think I can I can and remotely understand the problems that the kids and the parents are really facing amongst some of the people I've come across there appears to be a complete lack of motivation I do believe that you cannot help people until they're ready to be helped on the other hand this is my community and there are difficulties in my community there are stresses and strains and you know I've got to weigh that up you know as well in my head hi have you got internet here poster over that okay great thanks very much to kissing with only a few more days left in hole 57 year-old Martin Stamp wants to find other projects which he might be able to support I found a kids University which is aimed at seven to seventeen and trying to inspire them with up with a love learning which is exactly what I would like to assist no it's answer sighs period to find out more Martin arranges to volunteer with the project I'm going to see the children's University in in a primary school this sounds like they've got big aspirations really curious to see how it actually works on the ground the children's University aims to keep young people engaged with school so they don't end up in pupil Referral Units like the Asheville Center so when we get on the bus this afternoon John Butterick founded the university to make learning fun and hopes to keep kids focused by organizing trips and activities out of the classroom I kind of sit here as a volunteer Martin will be helping John look after the children on a trip to the city docks and I wonder do you think they repair boats here at all they have a dry dock where they fix boats up I don't know look he's found his dad ship how cool is that does he actually travel on the ship does he having worked as a deputy head in one of hold schools John's experienced firsthand the high levels of kids dropping out of education so he put his career on hold to set up his own charity what what we're saying Martin is it to these kids look you know whatever background you from whatever your history is you know where granddad hasn't had a job father hasn't had a job that does not mean to say that you can sit on your backside and accent that has the norm cuz it isn't you good this one's actually tied up because he's under arrest didn't pay a bill you can work on the ferry you could be a doctor on the ferry or you could work if you were on the working on the docks what sort of job would you like to do oh you'd like to be on the reception and do the microphone and make the announcements what would you like to do that's real ambition I mean yes go for it trips like these are expensive to run and John relies on the goodwill of volunteers to make them possible the schools pay for your for the service we were providing the children's universities activities free of charge to schools and in 2007 2008 the amount of funding and backing from the council dissipated so in some respects we're starting again you know funny is an issue we do not have long term sustainable funding right [Music] is trying to deal with the broader child's and for education which I totally believe in that qualifications are important but they're not the only thing that's important whereas the children's University is working to keep children in school the Asheville Center a pupil referral unit has a 90 percent success rate with getting excluded kids back into mainstream education Martin is going back there for another shift as a volunteer teaching assistant or ta hi Molly how you doing good to see you again yeah how're you good up for another day here yeah I suspect that the actual center is government funded and quite well funded but I'm interested to make sure that is the case hi guys I hear you're mark I'm Lawson mass is gonna be your TA today Mac so he's gonna sit and help you okay who is not heard of Jules everyone's heard of it so select the line that you think is most effective in describing the attack on the Summa that's what happened as a result of the attack one out of three kids arrives at the Ashwell Center with a reading age of under nine and the staffs job is to bolster their confidence I think those spelling sir really good when I was your age I think I could smell that well and a lot of these words in here are really quite difficult sometimes you come here for puffed we can go to a regular school you do just at home yes 12 hours was good training well they're just miserable outside do you prefer lessons all you've tried what when I was 11 my school reports talked about nightmare spelling I was such a poor reader they sent me to read in the conservatory just next door to pass to myself what useless is meant to be I don't know other than the fact that I was sat there with all my fellow students being able to look at me in humiliation and I decided that I was different to other people and the reason I was different is that I was stupid yeah that's what the point is sooo bad behavior is commonplace at the Asheville Center and the staff are skilled at dealing with it okay Bob it's work for a huge squid is why don't worry unfortunately it does take a couple of minutes right to get everything sorted to finish the lesson off and move on so can you not just wait out here patiently oh you could go see you next lesson you're only going across the corridor last week that piece of work that you did what did I say to you yeah you can yes you can fantastic so you don't think that about the lesson really and I will get mad kid can I see the work is that there why is it mess it's been PDP room once it will be me right folder yeah that's what forced marriages that sounds very interesting it's a plan of a survey how would you answer this survey and how old are you May 12 12 hello female do you work yes you do yeah okay with his thoughts turned to how he could help Martin wants to find out about the schools funding is obviously a lot of good stuff whether things more things that could be done but for whatever reason you do at the moment we're always looking at you know different ways of improving what we do as staff we endure lots of various training with regards to like extra provisions for the pupils I think we're pretty much on the ball with it really I think was a hell of a lot here that we offer as well that doesn't necessarily get off it if there were there is a great person I mean she's really dedicated and she's got great spirit and she really can communicate with the kids it is better if kids can make it in mainstream but there are kids who obviously do need to have a timeout as it were and come here and they do a fantastic job but they are government-funded and quite well funded whether or not any extra money that came from me would actually make any significant difference I'm not entirely sure [Music] still undecided as to who to give his money to Martin wants to find out more about what drives the people behind the organization's I'm off to see John from John's University I was very impressed with what they're doing but I was more impressed really with him his energy how does he keep motivated when some of the other people aren't really energetic like is today the children's University is running a session all about keeping fit so John's arranged a trip to the local gym and Martin's going along to help out and change our legs Louie yep okay excellent Alistair Brown is the headmaster of the school that John is helping today what would you say that are the benefits for the kids service sort of beyond the normal what a normal school can offer a number of children this sort of environment might be something that they wouldn't normally come across certainly in the in the school there whilst we can do an awful lot in school it's never quite the same as as coming out but if we are educating the whole child and we can see sort of beyond exam results then it has to be the right thing today no I was impressed the energy the focus John is exactly what I'm looking for in terms of energy he's a very inspirational [Music] something I've been saying to none of the kids this you know life is actually too short should grab it with both hands absolutely for example mother-daughter three weeks ago she's coming to tell me she'd like to study law at university now she told me she'd like to do hairdressing and my response is look you go and do whatever you want to do girl you've got my support as long as you're happy as long as you're going out every morning with a smile on your face I will support you whatever you want to do there must be a lot of times when you feel like you're banging your head against a brick wall it can't all be easy to be totally honest my inner drive comes from the fact that when I lost my son who died of a heart attack at the age of 13 and I was devastated for a while but it makes me sad it makes me angry when I see kids wasting their lives because I do believe that whatever background you from while you've got a pumping heart then you can achieve and that is payback for me to these kids it's a very big deal when you have children just to have that suddenly taken away from you is devastating I have no idea how I'd react ah tell him what to go there but it seems to me he just rolls up his sleeves and gets on with it I think he's just really really trying to turn a negative into a positive [Music] it's Martin's last night in Hull Keith and Jodi the singer-songwriters he met at the Warren youth club had invited him round [Music] neither Keith nor Jodie did well at school and they both left at 16 but now with the help of the warrant they're pursuing their passion for music I love the Beatles awareness but there's tons about Johnny Cash Buddy Holly I used to think like nowadays it's sort of got lost and all musics about oh I'm gonna kill you could you throw it and all this whereas in things days were Dylan and the Beatles it was also of about peace and love been writing since been about 16 so I brought in the back of envelope kitchen roll and scabbard it's all like sort of poetry songs and they tell people I want to be a writer and stuff it's like so I laughed at but it's sort of give me a bit more confidence now only doing it like laughs and stuff and it's just really a cap inch myself because I can't believe it's really happening now get to go into the studio and record something not a lot of people get to do so it's really lucky to be a part of it what I'm impressed by is that you know you know you're doing it you might be successful you might not be successful but you carry on doing it anyway I think success everyone thinks success is about money and about earning money and being loaded or and you're successful but success is surely about having I don't know just being happy and I feel very successful to be honest oh I agree I think I agree I think you know you are successful the moonlight hits lips of other loved ones dancing outs the restaurant I enjoyed talking to Katie and Keith and it was a lot easier than I would have expected you know they look cool they've got great hair and things like that and you know I would be actually intimidate if I ran into them on in in some other environment you know they didn't pigeonhole me this is one of the things I've really got from them and that we have some very common bonds Bob Dylan being the most obvious [Music] tomorrow Martin will be giving away tens of thousands of pounds but this evening he has some tough decisions to make I really don't want to go for a project because it will make me feel good you know just I like the people yeah let's give them some money I just got it because I really believe in the project I'm trying to actually create you know some sort of change some sort of impetus for good [Music] I don't think if I was born into this environment that I would you know there's every chance I wouldn't develop very far my ambitions wouldn't be very high so in that sense I think I'm a lot more understanding today is Martin's last day in Hull and he's had some difficult choices to make about who to give his money to I do feel bad that there are people who I'm not giving money to and the individuals that I've got to know a bit I'm brilliant and they doing great work and the projects are great but I've always been determined that you know I can't just give because I like somebody it's gotta because I really believe in the project I'm not trying to make myself feel good or make other people feel good I'm trying to actually create you know some sort of change some sort of impetus for good I really think they're gonna like that let's hope so [Music] I'm nervous and excited by this one but I still don't really know how they can react hi Judy I'm really glad I found you in I just wanted to say goodbye so can I come in I've really enjoyed your music I think really really music small token of our mutual love of Bob Dylan I've got a present for you Jordan Keith hope you enjoy Bob's last show in London mine I have arranged for you guys to come down to London to see pop live I realize that couple of months absolutely fantastic Cheers that's the best okay the other thing I want to talk about is is the warrant you know it's been a really good place for you guys to hang out to meet good people to rehearse to record your music and you know it's a really great community and I'm very very impressed with what they do I own a company in London that is doing well so I've got here a check for 20,000 pounds which I'd like you to give to the war so they don't know about businesses they do not know this is a surprise you know what I want this check is to be useful is to write music at the warrant you know what everyone's gonna be so chief without including ourselves because we literally thought it was coming down to say goodbye and I say it this is Secret Millionaire this is it see seriously freaky now this is what it is secretly yeah fun to be with you not me for six it's not very often I see you keep smiling because it's me I don't know what else to say it's amazing guys I'm looking go to well you know everybody at the war and stuff so it's brilliant what a guy I know it's gonna hopefully inspire them you know and what I said to them is you know I don't want anything back from them but I would like one day maybe if they're in a position to for them to give something back themselves and that's yeah the ripple effect I've learned that you know you can do something and if you do it the right way you can have a very big impact let's say goodbye to you may be sorry about racism I will I will anyway it's my lot my last day in hell and I just wanted to stop by and say goodbye to you I hope towards University is a really brilliant he's tackling the problem of the route you know trying to get the kids hooked on learning which is absolutely cool and I think you're a great inspiration and I've really been impressed the way you've managed to turn a personal tragedy into such a you know known as using force I don't think I could do what you do now what I told you is true I was expelled from school I do work in IT and I am passionate about education but what I haven't said is that I own a company that in London and it's doing well so I would like you to accept a check for 20,000 pounds for children's University yeah yeah but we're really doing a fantastic job I really you know think it's is Android [Music] I'm totally confident that you know you will spend it in the most effective way and I don't want to tell you how to spend it and all all the trends and your your course of brilliant and you know you I'm sure will get the absolute biggest bang for the buck I have to say that this is one of the greatest moments I've had in my professional career so thank you so much come on come on okay to release [Music] I feel as those I'm unstoppable today it's happened for me and it's sort of like rejuvenated me and re-energized me and sort of like I just can't wait to get stuck in now and put this money to good use I've met people and I've experienced things that I wouldn't possibly have met an experience so feeling the warmth of thir thanks and so on from John from Jerry from Keith from the war but I don't think giving money should be about making yourself feel better you know it's not really why if I give because it's the right thing to do [Music] six weeks later Martin is back in Hall to see how everyone's getting on true to his word John has used Martin's 20,000 pounds to reach out to more children and now works with more schools I gather you've just been on a trip to London how many of you was at your first trip the money is meant John can pay for the children to go on trips further afield doneö huge houses but anything you just like I won't deny gobsmacked but just this last week we've taken children out of the yorkshire walls where children are asking me questions sir what is a field we've been taking them out to local companies and to say look there's jobs out there for you to have we've taken what to the University in fact that money is just sort of like changing lives believe me [Music] [Applause] Keith and Jodi have been going from strength to strength with their music and they've been playing many gigs in whole the Warren have used Martin's 20,000 pounds to set up a record label and have already signed up their first acts alters Big Town and I think the fact that there's actually a record low billion now there's gonna be a big buzz about it you know there's gonna be it's like bloody oh I could get sounds enough it just gives everyone a bit more hot and Jodi's already giving something back I've got a phone call the over there from a woman called Lisa who works here and she asked if I wanted to teach guitar like guitar tuition sir I'm gonna go for it so shine shine shine on me when we started out one of the things I was looking for was it was a ripple effect and Jody going off and teaching all the kids is exactly the sort of a perfect which is gonna help those people he's teaching but it also helped build him up so he's a you know better able to deal with life as he goes forwards show the light the callous past is set in stone the dreaded curse is now held behind for you two
Channel: The Quicksilver Kings
Views: 117,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret, millionaire, secret millionaire, hull, martin stamp, kingston upon hull, the warren
Id: 4nShma74GE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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