Secret Millionaire UK - James Benamor

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My personal favorite quote:

"ooh, I help cats.

F--in cats"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/oftie 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2015 🗫︎ replies
please take your folder nothing better than English in the morning James Fenimore is no ordinary classroom assistant go there lads English that's amore he's actually a hugely successful businessman worth an impressive 77 million pounds there isn't a company out there that we compete with that I don't Willis's smashed into the ground this tough entrepreneur has agreed to go undercover in an area with a reputation for knife and gun crime she won't solve it today ah he's unwanted I'm wanted by the firewalk and she must go right over I was like bet he'll spend ten days living in my side to see if he can find someone worthy of his money tell her I'm not gonna give money to people who don't deserve it but coming face to face with the hidden victims of violent crime will stop him in his tracks my life's never been quite the same since Justin's died I don't know how you enforce this hard-nosed millionaire to change the way he thinks for good I've always wanted to be the best at whatever I do but this experience has softened that I realized that you can be the best at making a difference in one person's life at the end of his state he will give away tens of thousands of pounds of his own money you're not earning lots of money cause I've seen your car yeah and reveal he is a secret millionaire I didn't expect to get emotionally involved in what I saw it's been surprising James Bonomo started his first business at the age of 21 now at 30 years old is worth 77 million pounds competition is basically the reason that I still work two or three years ago I could have walked away with enough money to have me sitting on the beach for the rest of my life the reason I'm still here is because I want to be the best he made his fortune by setting up his own finance company offering loans to people who've been refused credit by the high street banks forget other companies do it this way forget we've always done it this way we're going to go back to basics with this and look at it from the customers point of view most value for the car well you want to be the best there's no way around it you have to take charge sometimes we've shown some sort of rise there absolutely yeah there isn't a company out there that we compete with that I don't want to see smashed into the ground although he now has plenty of self-discipline and ambition things were very different when James was a teenager I was taking a lot of drugs became that a petty criminal really I was a nightmare I was a nightmare for my parents I was a nightmare for anyone that knew me there were several occasions where I could have ended up in prison there were several occasions where I could have ended up in in intensive care but I managed to pull myself out of it what turned me from a criminal into a member of society was believing that there was a place for me there and I'd like to be able to open those doors for someone someone who was in the situation that I was in James wants to be the best at everything even when it comes to being charitable as pharmacists we've been doing this I've been looking at charity and charitable deeds done by other people in a competitive way you're almost slagging them off inside my head go him beat you look at you reading helping cats in cats who cares about cats when he's not fighting to be at the top of his game James enjoys being at home doting on his four young children for this partner tina here i think it's really important for my kids to be kids whilst they're young it's not fair when kids grow up too quickly and be expects to act like adults the end of a you've got 60 70 years to be an adult you know James is used to being the king of his domain but all that's about to change I think his biggest challenge is the kind of social interaction with people that he doesn't know I suppose if he treats it like a business then he'll be fine probably but that I would have thought that would be his biggest so challenge meeting people straight away getting on with them straight away learning about them I'm gonna have to adapt it's going to be you know for some people that would just be day one stuff it'd be easy but for me that's probably been it's gonna be quite hard hope I spend my life trying to block out people's need everyone does okay kids I'm going so will I be able to change myself so much but I'll turn from someone who walks around with their fingers in their ears going lalala to someone who's actually open to find out what it is I could do to change people's lives I don't know so soon guys for the next ten days James will live a secret life while he's away he'll tell people he's being filmed as part of a documentary about voluntary youth workers with very few volunteers driving a flashy sports car James's swapped his for something a little less conspicuous James is off to Manchester the city with the highest number of teenagers posed in the country having gone off the rails in his own youth this is an issue close to his heart quite exciting for me it's getting a bit interesting get a bit more real during his time away he'll meet and be introduced to people he may be able to help and will be staying in my side the Oilers reputation is another hot site people been shot generally people having trouble which is good it's good mee-mah side is a neighborhood struggling to shake off its image of violent crime and gang culture real mix in it got some nice houses right let's listen - with quiet dance and she says that in metal stuff that just makes shape and then having that opposite one again in 2007 there was an average of seven gun related incidents a day in Greater Manchester I've had one of these in my front door before it's not a nicest place I've stayed be honest I don't spend too long in here we get out there and make people undercover as an unpaid volunteer James will be living on the equivalent of benefits 10 days 85 pounds 86 pounds 20 that's Jobseeker's Allowance 86 pounds I'd spend that on lunch tomorrow James will start a pre-arranged job as a classroom assistant but for the rest of today he's keen to see if my side lives up to its notorious reputation and wants to face his fear of meeting new people my biggest disadvantage is the side of me that hates asking for directions the side of me that that never introduces themself you know not socially get at making new friends I'm gonna have to overcome it because I'm not gonna fail because of that it's there just I'm just filming a documentary for channel 4 about youth working in wondering if would you mind talking to me about it okay being filmed I don't know what's wrong with the kids a lot nothing to do no more you get me yeah for the kids not about parks and that bit it's not really you know do you think if I'm walking around like talking to kids they're gonna talk to me on camera do you think they'd mind and that people are gonna be paranoid with you what you're filming before I'm doing some youth working on something like a documentary about I wanted I'm wanted by the five well I'm not lighting your award is to shot to die yet so don't record us man Josh just really want to get to talking to them and sort of find that was what's underneath that's what front but you can sort of start talking to one and then they're loaded and come over and sadness or you know get that camera out my face what you're doing it all just gets very tense very quickly it's my head of the age of Cena don't put the camera talking to people wearing here do you think people are like not going to want to talk to me about that because out something like that were usually you're weird I'm booking them they're not sure what you're doing not what it seems right so no one's gonna be comfortable yeah cuz they don't know when you're talking my glasses I'm normally in real life I just walk on the other side of the street from people like that you know I've never been in the situation where I wanted to actually get into a conversation yeah with someone who's trying to intimidate me or try and threaten me welcome this is about volunteering I'm near into the area I'm looking to volunteer like youth clubs that kind of thing with never my life in your honor before in my life but oh come on me I'm 27 never seen this guy rauner in my life you know I'm you know looks like that that for you why pastime and chess it's just a little knockbacks you know that kitty saying that was well dodgy that I was fed that no one should talk to me that's what I think is going to happen if I talk to people and I was just getting into my stride then that did happen you know and I and I think yeah I am dodgy I've got a camera crew how the fact aren't I'd be done gee so it's just putting me back in my shell even more you know James Fenimore is living on the cover in my side he had a troubled youth himself and wants to access teenagers in similar situations so it's taken a voluntary job as a classroom assistant at the Manchester settlement a place for kids who don't fit into mainstream education I like my name's James I'm here to some volunteer teaching assistant oh yeah yeah I'm arenas - meteorologist oh thank you we work with young people that are not achieving in school in the comedy for a short period of time up to a year and sometimes to go back into school sometimes we move them onto college and sometimes into apprenticeships and work the charity's aim is to teach these kids maths and English so they at least have a chance of getting some GCSEs few stragglers throw the lads English that's James prides himself on his man management at work but these teenagers might prove more difficult to motivate please take your folder nothing better than English in the morning yeah what would make you one of your bother me to come out of it yeah do you wanna do roaring EG senses not really to show you a job with no proper teacher sees on though when you get jobs you do want to do well huh when you get a job do you want to do right no we just like to get paid same as you if you got a job I don't I want to do well in my job get more money you work for your school yeah under oh jeez Jessie's honor and and lots of money cause I've seen you car point is man once you're out of here everything you do every decision is going to make your money or losing money hmm and how good your life is how noisy car is how nice your house is how nice your wife is spend on my spot being broken or not not even having a job and I'll still of a better car than you yeah yeah reckon I reckon when am I ever going to use formal or informal text again in my life if you started a business together - I'll come and get you and you can work for me she's on your sold record our driveway yeah I just offer you a nice and sunny one better than that for many of the kids at the Manchester settlement this is a last chance to get an education growing up round here their chances of getting five GCSEs or more a well below the national average with Aidan in that he was just kind of but that don't care where I'm going right or not and then just sit there and I don't care don't care okay you know you can come up with some really good arguments why don't carry it shows that he's intelligent so I spent about half an hour by the arguer they came off the worse for it well understand volunteering as a concept at the moment it's never something that would have come into my head I understand charity I understand helping people but just purely giving your time to a project to something that someone else is organising right now with his first shift at the settlement over James wants to make the most of his time here and is hitting the streets again in the hope of finding new leads I'm new in the area I'm just looking to get involved in like youth volunteering nothing for young people to do we're just walking around at the moment just to try and not be the man I wonder if you know of anything around here like this there for kids or anything that I could get involved in yeah they said projects up on Broderick Road okay that's quite good for around about I've been given a lead on to a place called copper Dale and pala it's a hostel for young lads I need somewhere to stay so tonight ooh I hadn't thought about before and my name is James I'm working as a volunteer in the local area all right come in and see see we think yes copper Dale is run by retired husband and wife team Annan Terry they've opened up their family home to provide care and support for troubled lads a lot of the boys that come here they're very damaged emotionally and because of that the behavior is not acceptable one would say but there are boys that have had some sort of rejection in the life many of the boys here came with no great expectations and some now run their own businesses and they've gone on to college you've got people gone to University from here and they've all come from the same premise that they were homeless or experienced that you had in addition no Elliot or myself when I was a teenager I got into quite a lot of trouble so that's kind of how I don't want me to get into this kind of volunteering if you've had the experience that is the very best thing so when when could I get involved in some kind of some kind of work here then some cooking oh yes we never we never turn a coutdown Tara Nancy might really warm decent people I'm looking forward to getting back there helping out meeting some of the boys and you know seeing if there's anything anything there so far James is treating this experience as another week at the office emotion isn't coming into this at the moment for me this is still a business decision you know this is outlay versus reward it's a business decision and that kind of makes it harder because most of these people are not business minded I really feel like I need to get deeper in and actually meet people in the community so I'm going to go to the library and check out outreach volunteering James hopes that outreach volunteering will allow them to approach people who need help but may never seek it this is more like what I do in everyday life I want to find out about things quickly reading the website for Mothers Against Violence looking at the websites in fact they're doing doing good work if you've got kind of mentoring and publicity stuff that they're doing community work Sicilia valuable meet intrigued by his research James wants to find out more about Mothers Against Violence Angela Lawrence is the project coordinator yeah only this week so I'm kind of trying out different things this week yeah I'm really interested to see if you know if there's anything here that I could get involved with all the women sitting around this table have lost someone to violence I think we're first gonna find out one of these anything anyone want to share and have now come together to try and prevent more people dying today at the little cat Loretta which is a local college around the corner and I think I talk to around about 200 students talk to our mouths and I talked around more importantly the power that they actually have as young people to make a difference in their community a young girl and a friend do it as an incident on the street um and they needed our help so I've been working with a now for the last get seven or eight weeks now then we talked around different issues to do with anger and she wants to know how she can deal with this and how she can move forward Anjali was really nice and she's really welcoming you can't you can't really be a welcomed like that please thank involved and if you were me anything what doesn't talk to them personally and shutting them listen to their story and I do a little bit more convinced that these guys have got some kind of idea on how to get to the the kids that we've been seeing you're the ones who sort of stood up out on the corner and that the ones that don't look like they've got any interest in the council projects or the youth club Sheila times ticking on now if I don't find out a bit more if I don't manage to get much deeper with people that I have up till now I can't see myself giving away anything till I'm not going to give money to people who don't deserve it the more we talk about this the more we talk about it I'm not just gonna I'm not just going to jump in there and all you do wonderful work you deserve the money here's is a fats and pounds is 10,000 pounds it's James's second day as a voluntary classroom assistant at the Manchester settlement ASEAN 70 right when people play inside of the only thing they think there are the can remove the SD no questions statement make the point I don't want to hear you say do you think this he worked Stephen and Aiden you've seen him yeah Bev has been a youth worker at the settlement for the last six years I mean I've got so much on Scott like dueños I think it's about my me of probably saying hi to brothers no just kicked out of school and that was it that me years ago and they're out nowhere to go and just Alan dad work full-time we have nowhere to go so I'm taking the Batman and that's why I actually Richie I'm trying out you've got a trifle we're all drug dealers getting locked up Aidan has just discovered that three members of his extended family have been convicted of dealing drugs along the cousins got Christopher got four years David got four years him him I'm Oliver eyes at the scene dreads yeah that I've read it what sort of drugs was it then we catch a big heroin in cottagey I'm not too good mmm looking at what's going on here it is a different situation than what I was in myself I don't think necessarily just hard work for determination is going to get some of these kids out of it they have to believe that there's something else that they're capable or there's something else that the world could to offer it's quite a lot of this stuff around it's all graffiti rest in peace kids names on it gone but not forgotten then get that round where I live if I have kids round it up and scare me - Angela hydrates James I'm just wondering if I can get a chance to meet up with any of the any of the mothers from - just get a bit of a better idea about your organization James wants to learn more about the support mavs offers victims families and having heard about a mother called Miranda who's 19 year old son was shot and killed he pays her a visit I'm James opposite meetings this is Justin in school this is his friend he's been shot this is Justin's girlfriend he's been shot and killed as well it's just that one class 303 she's right it's incredible my life's never been quite the same since Justin's died I found it very hard to cope but I've gained strength being part of math so what kind of thing did did math do for you then were they able to support you you know through that tunnel and when Justin died and yeah Patsy Macao she was very supportive we went to where the Undertaker's because I had to field my son so I needed support at that time she went with me throughout gosh knows what you might be now part of it I think it's about 13 see you getting distressed I'm just a little thing I just think of my own son there are two books are two thumbs it's reverse he's my only son I used to cut his hair when he was now used to give him all these old styles he didn't really like it but I used to let me do it I don't know I could cope you don't out face put time does heal Frank you would you like a cup of tea or something I just drink water okay you speaking surrounder can't brought it home how enormously just one single death can affect someone or family or a whole community I don't know if it's my place to put a price on a human life what stand in judgment and say well this this cause deserves more than that cause and it's quite a difficult situation to be in there I haven't seen that especially having my own sons and knowing how I think it would feel to lose one of them former troubled teen James Fenimore is halfway through his undercover mission to find people who can help peel some potatoes it's an entry-level job yeah he's back at Copper Dale a hostel for homeless young men it's only been there for two and a half years - I thought that yeah James has come to meet some of the lads living with Terry and Dan how come you ended up so Helena I can't keep myself out of trouble with the police and stuff I mean if DS want to let me live here at the time you have and it desperately needed somewhere to go then I would have gone to jail or straight away you know and if you think you've got a temper now you should have been here the first week she was in haste when everything on the dollar when we do the little chess we often find nice I'm not just a little too you know it's the almost machetes only they say that for the protection which I believe this is true they're going to do the same to me so I'll give back to them before they can do to me out so I see it's the same with guns and Allah even I would know where to get a gun from you know a few music um right now oh definitely we're able to find one yes but I don't want to find you all I wouldn't ever do it but I do know that there are even in your position yeah you're aware of that is that it's that's always right yeah well you know sometimes a weapon can't do really much fear yeah you can get enough time to stop someone person in the lek of something and then you got about 20 overs and then because you've stabbed him he's gonna think what's he doing banned that stuff me but not me but was a cop Adele was fairly scary at first and those boys are probably the most extreme case of kind of vulnerability mixed with dangerousness that we've that we've witnessed the whole time that we've been here all right we do me a favor but I can't live it to just press this straight on yeah okay boss we're done well it's quite a nasty thing I can't bring myself to do these things like it's going off a bit in it this front here it's all spiky and prickly but if you look after it this is what it does see and you would think that's horrible you know that's gonna make me doubt but at this stage it also very understand and put the right things into it I think that's like our that's a lot of them you know they're all quickly and then they do something lovely like that that's really not easy for the past 29 years Anantara have taken in over eight hundred and seventy lads referred to them by local authority agencies they have space for 10 boys at a timely and are always full up I don't know anyone in my life that would open up their home to two boys that are maybe you know have had problems in the past we just felt that there was a need for it and we did it when you can't live on your own in this big house can you this one goes to the table Anantara are both retired and work with the boys for free the council give them some money for the boys living costs but they don't receive a wage and money is always tight we're retired that was to what's you're just living off your pension do I'm doing it and why not because it's a joy we got on very well thank God with neighbors and if they want any help they get locked out the lad said and very cool to get any windows that yeah oh yeah oh yeah all the skills to very good use you see there are police officers the women come there these kids you know and she's done she's just just a little old lady it's just got so much belief so much enthusiasm for it it's incredible just realized I'm washing whites and darks together completely if we thought about that subject when I started this I really didn't understand that volunteering I didn't understand why people would do it I didn't understand that some people just did it just to be good and to feel that excitement of having done something well my ass use completely changed now I see volunteering is something that really everyone should do after hearing about Miranda losing her son James has decided to find out more about mothers against violence I really want to know from them is what is it that they can do that's tangible what is it they can do that can actually change the attitudes in this community James has come to me Angela who dedicates much of her spare time to the cause hi Angela please see you again how often a kids being shot or stabbed at the moment I don't think there's one calendar month and there hasn't been a child killed in our community when you go to the park there's still kids smoking dope and you sort of think well they're not going to the youth clubs and they're the ones that are likely to get into trouble you know how how can you actually get to those kids you have to be able to be more creative in the way you're going to actually engage you know if Mohammed won't come to the mountain set the mountain to Muhammad that kind of thing yeah so having that outreach mobile fan is a way of engaging on their level believing that James wants to get involved with outreach work Angela takes him to meet Patsy McCoy one of the founders of math to show them their latest idea okay should we go and see the band you can go see the fans Jamie importance we know Cameron's where we're going now it's got to be confidential MAV want this van to reach the most at-risk young people so it's vital its exterior remains unidentifiable Wow as the group don't have any regular income the outreach ban is not yet on the road I can vary what Wales really yeah it looks pretty high-tech we've got a flat-screen fancy well friends we've got the important making drinks coffee making facilities wrapper a proper tech with the proper saying cos oh this is nicer than my flies the outreach van has all the mod cons but it's much more than just a place to get a cup of tea it may just be a mom in a van but the women hope that just by listening they might stop someone turning to violence the whole idea is that it's a very comfortable confidential space just a place there to meet people just to relax enough and other conversations that we need to be having with you know with young people the whole idea about this project is that it's used as an outreach vehicle in the night used by workers who have the skills and experience to reach young people on the street and it's just got to be as comfortable as possible that's really run by volunteers as well yeah so how much do you gonna cost you to keep this thing running make sure it has been quoted around two and a half thousand petrol the whole idea is people put their own petrol in but I think if you probably budget for five thousand a year then you can relax and know that you can take the van er perfection in the tank and you know that kind of thing I mean what's great about mothers against violence is that they're not just sitting back and say oh well these are the problems this is what someone should do about it they're actually getting in there getting their hands dirty and they've decided for themselves that they are going to force the solution for this problem and the problem is such a massive one still undecided on how to use his money James has come back for one last shift at the settlement today the launch club so we'll get you involved in doing that today okay so lunch can be is cooking yeah yeah what we do is we get two young persons and one of the projects and they help a chef prepare a meal and then we invite and then visit the public to come in and eat with us it's his last chance to find out what difference it's making to the lives of the teenagers could you rocky mark what would you have done if the set one wasn't there don't get arrested yeah I put this place just out there instead of being on a street like I'll get arrested or anything come on Duma GCSEs and stuff are still get someone to get to see the kids who who have been turned around do they come back I mean a rec the launch club today we've got a couple of kids that used to be on projects a couple years ago and they've come back to see us it's a joke in this place sort of helped you out yeah I've been I've ruined a lot don't buy non-working yeah how's a butler I was always in trouble in the police car potala burglary not vitamin God we want to start coming in but my judgment in their life yes is anything that you'd like to be able to do with the kids that you can't because of funding or all it's always mission yeah because it looks like that's not the places she's so much room we want to be out with him you know out this building but we just have irons time to the funding outside meeting some of the past students who've benefited from this really bullet into context exactly how great the work is that they're doing I suppose my big question is is that anything that can be done that will improve the way this place runs but I can that I can achieve before I came here I expected this experience to be a challenge challenge on a cerebral level like a game of chance really about moving stuff around within the game I wasn't really prepared for the emotional side of it so I didn't expect to get emotionally involved in what I saw it's been surprising what it's made the whole experience much more fulfilling I'm really touched by her and Terry and but I haven't really got a clear idea of what I can do for themselves got to find out before the end of the project I am look bad I'm just had a couple of hours spare so run I come around and give you a hand but within the flag doing so what should I do well it's nice outside so why not go outside and clean windows clean the windows yeah yeah really good job well done oh but I'll show you how many windows I'm gonna wait a lot this place take quite a lot of upkeep and you well you do stuff yourself and also replace all this now yeah we do not al all the way music would you like to do more with it well yes we always think of other things we want to do we want to put it on and go over here on this side and so the boys can come right out and if it's raining they can still be out here some fresh air and then we want to make this into more of a cyber place in here I always wanted a roof garden up there he thought that wasn't very practical I was always here we going to I hope so also one time nobody did it against a place is lovely it's just like being at your granny's house or something and I've got some good ideas but I've still got to go back and think about them I'm really glad I got to come it I think it's made of a lot pyramid tomorrow James will reveal his true identity and share some of his fortune but making the decision is proving to be harder than he'd thought this money is being spent differently from how I first imagined some of its just going on gut feel really you know who's moved me who's touched me I didn't think it was going to come down to that I thought I'd be able to to keep it on a business level and that this there's some people we've met that have just blown my expectations out of the water today James Bonomo is finally going to reveal who he really is and who he wants to help I'm confident I've got this right it just feels very very wrong James was a troubled teen himself and he's hoping his gifts will have a lasting effect on the kids he's met lifts gifts going to a group of people who work incredibly hard to give kids a second chance and do a fantastic job at doing that by Bearpaw and just say goodbye should we just go through to this yeah from the active it's just been a really fantastic experience I wish I had teachers when I was at school who put in as much love and care and attention and as you guys do and I think you're worth your weight in gold and I do have a confession to make as well for the last 10 years I've been running a very successful finance company and it's so successful it has made me a multi-millionaire a check here for 36 thousand pounds o brand name I'd like to pay for an incentive budget to be used by other classes to provide external auditing as special special treats facilities for the kids that they might not get otherwise Oh funky room I can't believe what you real name away in like water modes James everything else is true come on I can't wait to see aid in space hello well we've got something to tell you about James it's actually a multi-millionaire from Bombay when I was a teenager I got into loads of trouble at loads of problems but luckily I had people around me who believed in us in me I've given these guys a check for 36,000 pounds I'm giving you guys an open invitation any one of you who finishes and passes at least one GCSE is welcome to spend a month at my company learning everything about what we do you'll get paid a proper salary for that month some watch you burn in Vantaa The Sunday Times put me in the Rich List as having 77 million pounds oh if I get 1g Shetty and I got to go around save him from what then he might get me take me on in it I was just give me a job nonetheless it was just fantastic been able to tell them that I was a millionaire and giving them some belief in themselves that they could do that too and that's that's what this place is all about and I just want to stay in partner this one is one of most nervous about these people are wonderful wonderful people and I don't think they've got clue who I am but I'm a little bit nervous that they're not gonna accept the gift so it's going to be touch and go I am hello how do you do how are you it's nice to see you again I'm just I'm just leaving now and I just was pop by and say say goodbye to both you and thank you there was one other thing and I wanted to tell you I haven't been completely honest for the last 10 years I've actually been running my own finance company which has been very successful so successful actually that's made me a millionaire I've got a check here for fifty thousand pounds unbelievable okay it's made out to a copper don't trust I'd hope that it will be able to help you to do the work that you wanted to do on the house the roof garden that you were talking about I think I'm doing because this is the sort of stuff that you dream about isn't it do you know anything or so if only I just came here to tell the truth look this is what James it's given to ever ever dream give us a you balance your James you are a good man you're serious my life is good is our 11 150 bucks your what oh my gosh me that is some big dog at yours I just wanted to give it's tearing down basically to to thank them for the work that they've done with you guys so and you can just afford to be there oh yeah thank you very much about this very much sure we can stay in touch with James because he was such a genuine sort of person and we had no idea that there was anything other than the mati said he was right I thought he was a perfect Valentine felt very very hard about this one it's a big gift and I hope I get it right but pretty sure Angela hi oh yeah I'm alright thank you so it's my last day today I'm kind of volunteering and I just wanted to pop by and say goodbye so thanks for everything what I haven't told you is that for the last ten years I've actually been running my own very successful finance company and and I'm actually a millionaire I love LA I've been so impressed with what I've seen here and how huge the issues that you're dealing with are and how much you've done on so little funding that I've got a check here for fifty thousand pounds I know you have not and I just hope I just hope that you can accept it and that you can put it towards just continuing the work that you're doing and the outreach work and the support worker you doing it's the most I've ever received and I can assure you you've helped so many people already you're gonna see the rewards of what your first kiplyn's he could have chose to ignore what goes on in our community and got on with his own life but obviously something within him was stirred but to give us a check for that I mean gosh we've never had that amount of money I'm absolutely exhausted but I'm completely elated it's just been so huge I never thought that it would be such an experience I've learned that when kids aren't doing so well and adults aren't doing so well it's because they haven't got people around them that believe in them and people that we've met do believe in those youngsters it's the people that believe in me my friends my family and the people that I work with that have made me successful and I'm also taken away respect for volunteers and for people who take action themselves to make their communities a better place I've always wanted to be the best at whatever I do but this experience has softened that a little bit I think I still want to be the best but I realized that you can be the best at small things and you can be a bit the best at making a difference in one person's life unless that's really special I missed you Hey six weeks later and James's money is making a massive difference oh great Anantara are halfway through creating their dream roof garden is going to be absolutely beautiful and they have the money they need to invest in the boys futures it's always does it upset me that I couldn't help them with the driving lessons or the training but now I can do it James's gift to mothers against violence means they're now able to take their message to an even wider audience and if ever you need to speak in a confidential setting this is the number I want you to call they hope if they catch young people at the right age they'll be able to prevent future bloodshed the issues that mavar dealing with now are really close to my heart and it's great to see something happening with the money that I've spent if they could do that in every school that's affected they could completely change your generation I think in James Wright I have found a friend and very proud to have met him right there yeah keep in touch with James's incentives the kids at the settlement are already responding well and have two new reasons to work hard bringing is going to make them easier to handle in the essence of we're gonna go up in the fire so you guys gonna come down and did work experience the rooster yeah I wanna get it come yeah I've got my National Insurance number and I was opening the potential really is there and seeing them out of out of the settlement and you know having fun helping each other it's made me really positive about the idea of being involved with them in the future since going back to work I realized how much I got from the experience and so much so that I've actually implemented a voluntary scheme at work so that employees and me can carry on volunteering and putting something back into the local community more for right now for a famous docks it showed how a man was wrongly convicted of murder in Dallas County by corrupt system the thin blue line but here on channel 4 Darnell is lovesick under the duvet in big brother next you
Channel: Tim Dual
Views: 5,173,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secrfet millionaire, james benamor
Id: s_Gizl7R224
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 34sec (2914 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2013
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