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Jim Breen is an entrepreneur he has built up a multi-million euro global IT learning company but Jim is about to leave all that behind he's going undercover in one of the most disadvantaged areas of North Dublin for Dale behead drunk cop down he will live alone for eight days and he will fend for himself on the minimum wage Jim will go undercover as a regular IT worker presenta can RTE program called generations but he will secretly search for people but he might be able to help [Music] by the end of his stay Jim will give away tens of thousands of Euro of his own money finally and then reveal himself as the secret millionaire Jim Breen's is a self-made millionaire his company pulse learning creates mobile and online training software for clients all around the world when I set up pulse learning it was 29 years old and he could not stop me I would not have taken no for an answer from anybody about anything I was always right and sometimes that meant everybody else in the world was wrong and yet he a cleaner need to have that ability to be that bigger bollocks and to start in order to succeed at launch I remember having a debate with a friend of mine I was 11 or 12 and I told her I was gonna be a millionaire and he laughed at me I remember I couldn't comprehend that he didn't believe me that he didn't get it but but the money is not something that I ever even felt would make me happy it just never came into the equation success makes me happy winning makes me happy Jim's partner Julian has a home in the southwest of France where Jim spends almost half the year he's quite an intense person he's not someone who is great on his own he likes to be around people he likes to always have something to go on to next he can fill his day with you know ten times more than most people would woody in addition to running his IT company Jim recently founded trigram 3/4 way to combine business with one of his other passions sport is all about putting athletes first people of all levels of ability take part in the sport of triathlon the Cerebral calories burned it's about feeling better so the challenges that Jim faces in everyday life with with his business and you know when he's training or overdoing triathlons are kind of his own choice and I guess this one is it's slightly different in that he's got to be faced with things that he might not necessarily have been exposed to before I think he sees it as a very big challenge to himself personally how he's gonna cope it's gonna be attached that's for sure strangely enough I think Jim will do very very well at it and Jim is one of these people who terribly pernickety and he's fussy about tiny small little things but when things really hit the fan Jim was extraordinarily cam cool and collected as Jim prepares to leave his modest home and Kari he is full of mixed feelings my expectations are that this journey will it impact me massively I'm very uncomfortable with it and yet I can't wait for to start well I first knew him he was hardcore he was there was an edge to him unforgiving hard-nosed edge that he was kind of applying to a business but you know it's funny as we've met intermittently over the years I've noticed a sort of a general softening he still has that hardcore edge but there's this kind of a an emergence of a kind of a heart that this program is a tipping point in terms of what I might be able to do with some of the talent I have that can benefit people who need help that's a big box ticked in terms of epitaph in terms of you know kind of any difference but it has to be a lasting difference as opposed to a short-term fix Jim is about to embark on a life-changing challenge living undercover in Finglas North Dublin there he will come face to face with some of the toughest social problems in the capital it's good to be here inspector 42 years old in alive I could have been another four to two years when I don't ever go to think it so it's you know this there's no connection with us and I think that's good I think the challenge is going to be suspending your judgement suspending your bias leaving your preconceptions outside the door that'll be the challenge this one-bedroom flat will be June's home for the next eight days he has left his mobile phone and laptop behind as well as his wallet and he will have to survive on the minimum wage it brings you back 20 years you know to bed citizen stuff you lived in they were going to college whatever a funny feeling now it's like an it's like that feeling on race day you're just ready to get out of the blocks just ready to to get going and see what happens Jim has headed out to get a feel for his new neighborhood parts of Finglas are affected by the highest rates of unemployment in Dublin and includes some of the most disadvantaged areas of the city while on his walk Jim has come across a group who try to engage with local youths many of whom are caught up in antisocial activity I lived in fingers most of my life was I didn't realize some of the issues the young people face really until I started in the straight world with the lads yeah gerrae and Derek from the detached youth service walked the streets of Finglas south six nights a week offering help and support where they can and organising court hearings job interviews and course placements it's told me that when allowed are young young person leaves our home to go to an appointment it's like a minefield from the toy and delete that helps right okay get to that destination what they're going to run into between the house there and someone will get sidetracked yeah if they don't attend we don't ask the boy as I said we just said okay you couldn't make it we're making an appointment for you I would be saying I've said too Sofia got out of my way why didn't you attend this or I'd say I'm not gonna when you cow our dentists run wind around hair's not notes to do like a park or the park is here you know when you bring the kid down to the park or them so um you know in here on your list I'm here Tommy no I'm Troy got 2004 three years for standing around corners but they will not bow down your head yeah who's getting drunk and getting coke down my head nice I've taken puppets and I'm not robbing a house these kids have the girl walk on the pedals I look at like naproxen and we be the next one's going see this the way hello Saguaro for help he'll but there the next day the next PeopleSmart gotta be special we hold it allowed Sochi last 42 years of my life out of Iran in fear in the opposite direction from all we saw and who we met with and yet the guys are extraordinarily open and extraordinarily willing to have a chat have a conversation these are guys who are you know not used to people stopping and asking their opinions not used to people even even thinkin to have opinions daddy no time for RV I think the success is seeing the individuals that some of the last day who we were talking to the Ola lads seen them and we're walking seen them day after day yeah and they're still here yeah dr. stuffy are still alive it only me because [Music] what they indulge in or whatever else you know but they grow to the fact that we see them every day you know that's a success yeah you know but every day as you said as well earlier it's like catching people doing a race you know catching people out because they've gone to an interview they've taken up the course they're there doing whatever they're doing positively you know that's you know kinda gets excited about starting the job in the evening you know gives you the motivation to go out I mean yeah no one over ten attempts to do something might be marginally successful and you have to deal with the fact that nine out of ten you have to go back and try again and again and again and I don't have that in me you know I I'm pretty pretty dogged and pretty determined and but I'll always pick pick fights that I can win I wouldn't pick to do dirty Leonarda Marine has agreed to live under cover in Finglas North Dublin for eight days in order to search for people whom he might be able to help in the local library he comes across a group called headway they are a national charity for people have acquired a brain injury through an accident or illness Jim has arranged to visit their local centre which is based in Kailash - EDA in Finglas one of the most prominent areas of difficulty for people following an injury with information is their speed of processing it slows down its power yeah to be around ABCDEF around well you still get there we get there - it's just finding the way exactly it's there one of headways newest arrivals is Nikki clear who was injured in a hit and run accident while away on a stag in 2009 a former captain of the Dublin miner football team Nikki was due to get married later that year himself you can see that before the accident he must have been one fit strong man and in that instance that life is gone totally God I was in a wheelchair for nine months and I just made a mental decision Nikki you don't need a wheelchair can walk I was in the National Rehabilitation Hospital for 12 months and how did you hear about her head waist Nikki can't remember okay I have pretty bad memory as well I summer six months before the accident was just after yes headway choosers neo and Louisa have been running the course here since 2002 if this is there's a pretty serious condition quite a bit of brain injury and it's a two-year program yeah only that two-year program what what success the main thing that we try to promote is independence but it initially is getting them to build up their confidence in self regime and it's mainly because they have literally within a split second their life has changed too for these people it's like it's the death of who they were before and it's about regaining a new identity for themselves okay so when they come in here first they're not really sure what the hell happened to you and why am i acting like that is why do I feel so sad why do I have problems watching a television program or getting distracted or getting angry so we educate them in on the brain and we say about the different functions and how that may be impacted on they dare go that makes sense actually they come to accept that it is only part of them they are still in there they then know that okay we're gonna move forward now I did management and a few examples that may seem too great right but then you notice the changes one way one the emotions the anger because bears to it your brain needs to be and what kind of things to Jim did you notice first the anger right did you feel isolated before headway I was like being you know just in a cell and I actually felt like a dog because I was crossed out for a walk for an hour every day and that's how I can only describe so when I came to headways it just opened a complete new Lisa life for me the fabulous the thing about a brain injury I think it's the invisible injury you look ok so like what's the problem yeah people expect it to be because you look normal people expect you to be normal yeah and I find just from my point of view maybe I do look like myself but sometimes I don't feel like myself you know what was really what was what I knew was wrong or what was wrong right so to compare the from Denton L only forehead right I mean all these little eyes price because it is it's good right oh yeah no comment so I didn't have an alarm right because when I had knee injury everybody leaves you alone really don't come near you and all the people used to call train come in they just leave it the ward you get is you're a college just cause you have a brand in you right that's called this process of rebuilding confidence this process of reconnecting with people this process of gain and a degree of Independence process of of accepting what happens you're you're seen that unfold in front of you pretty amazing this is where we're us and you have to arm words on our ports former suppose yeah and how long did it take you Linda to be able to say that you know to be able to say it is what it is it's time to move on this is what we have yeah we have to get through I suppose it took me a while yeah yeah and if you fully accepted it now oh I have yeah have you this is the hand I was dealt okay so there's no point lying down on register [Music] the worst part of oh forget about me my friend injury it's the damage it did to my family why do you judge a little boy he's okay and he has lots of patience with me enough busy yeah I cannot understand how they find their courage I cannot understand how the hand of cards is they've been dealt that they are as optimistic and as positive as air I cannot I cannot see they go to me how amazing their and the only thing that seems to somehow tie this together for me is the guys who run in the program now the work that they're doing the support that they're giving the the inspiration that they're given the education that they're giving and it can be the only answer [Music] in the local supermarket Jim spots a poster that stops him in his tracks [Music] I went out to pick up some groceries and there was a poster inside in the shop and it was around suicide awareness yeah it's caught my eye so I'm certainly a bit frightened about the prospect of coming face to face with this particular area because it's a it's it's a frightening area for me for a number of reasons and from a number of perspectives when I've come across it in the past I have certainly sidestepped I've certainly tried to protect myself from the emotions that it brings within me when those close to me or even not so close to me take their own lives [Music] [Music] and suicide awareness voluntary group is a growing problem in north great stuff sorry keep it not too bad thank God tell me why um why did you set this all up Hawaii Hawaii put yourself through this because I didn't want another family to suffer what we have suffered I'm still suffering you know it's the stage that I'm getting I'm walking in the door you know it's never going to happen here and you're written for science and you're looking for things off that's him yeah if anything gets broken so here we go that's it still still there's been five years later it's not the thing that's ever gonna go away yeah it's always going to be there but hopefully no family I'll have to do it again I know they will Mackenzie of everybody who did you type in by kind of yeah okay and who found him his father his father yeah and he was 23 years of age at the time we would have said there's no science we didn't know yet we definitely didn't know because I was on holiday in Puerto Rico when it happened going back now after going to meetings and going to different things I personally think image might have been suffered from bipolar because it B is high one day and died and lo the next but he never ever mentioned suicide you know I don't know what it was and I'll go to my grave wondering why why did nobody know why he wasn't somebody there to talk to and I felt that maybe just maybe there was somewhere like here that if any young person was in trouble they could come and talk if I got a phone call today and somebody says I want to die and let's come on we meet you lookin for a cup of coffee and a [ __ ] yeah and I think people will respond to you then but but for you really after after losing Gregory and living with that would you not find easier ways for you tell people this is not a reminder every day it is but try to live with it every day anyway so so your face yeah you have to feel it on you have to face it Jim heads out on the road with another volunteer from suicide awareness Dublin 15 Lorna is bringing Jim to meet Colette to hear firsthand how the group helped to save her life if Lorna hadn't asked the question are you feeling suicidal would you ever have felt like telling anybody and I felt at my age I had given up but I had a daughter to live her yeah and so I was hanging on by a thread of course a thread Lorna intervened she knew there was a crisis and she just crapped on tore both hounds and said this ain't gonna happen on my shift yeah the first thing was to keep Kelly safe right and to disarm any thoughts of suicide or any intent of it okay you did that true assessment and she got an appointment but in two hours because she was in crisis Colette was in crisis you come to this dark dark dark place where you're isolated you have nobody anybody suffering with depression they know the one thing that will push them over the edge as isolation and the second thing is lack of love and care and standing and Laura had to all of those I'd be lost without her you've been very brave thanks so much for letting us come into your home and tell us your story and share how you feel about your orna thank you so much thank you fort deer does a very brave lady thank you [Music] I've got my old battles and suicide certainty is not one of those thought system said for me is not one of those [Music] but to delimit with myself on this one was you know you gotta be absolutely herself and absolutely honest and being honest I will say that a battle with depression it's very hard to say that it's very hard to say it in a private forum or tomato public forum so the timing for this problem it coincided with a short number months where I've begun a process of trying to address these issues I'm not the role model for battle emerge about the role model for having the perfect outcome at all but I might be able to have others and if I can that would be some level of return [Music] Jim is back in the den to meet the third member of the detached youth service make we stand back then you're cleaning out the ferry they were far has to go where Nick tries hard to engage with local youths and today they are planting a garden at the back of the center and Jim was volunteered to help just an El Corte know what we'd love to do and this is in fighting this guy stop for that's sterile it growing over there for many years we've been looking at an and we've been kinda under garcia and dom see council to say would it be interesting maybe doing a bit of an allotment sorry something like that this is gender day you keep one young that our jails for one year so hundred thousand your operation one young pass at the tone another time yeah and there's a million quids right oh yeah you know it's little things the end of saving a lot of money here somewhere no cuz we look out there what I see is waste ground yeah yeah and you see it and you think yeah just too much vice just huge ideas around her these guys Mick Kjar and Derek they know what the local kids need what they need is a need to get rid of boredom and they need to have attachments to things that they have pride in she's place looking well let's it's amazing what they can do feel like in about 30 minutes while having lunch Jim spots an interesting article about a local family Sam and Mandy Norris one the young carers Award for helping to look after their two siblings who have special needs six-year-old Adam is autistic and fifteen-year-old Demi was born with a rare disorder called Cohen syndrome Jim phoned ahead to ask single mom Antoinette if he can call in or home today except Mandy who is out at college hello and too late how are you keeping Roshan hi Jamie I'm sorry but the Hoover now this is Nigel I didn't spend all his time in here just say yeah he's quite cool in all his levels just after school when she was tree right they told me she'd never walk and they got her walk and everybody wasn't me I just can't push I couldn't push her I wrapped it and cut more like right Sam you can bring this office fire is the bedroom here and you see the end that bag there duck goes into my wardrobe yeah the Vegas sucks and stuff yeah isn't it mean Jason he's just I've never met a child try it out for the words there's no words to describe what Sam is I'm gonna start crying now talking he's in your seat come out and join us for a second then when the carrier's got me to step back and I won't say the words I'm looking for a word now it really makes me angry - it's not even angry this is me right yes I have to depend on him so much I don't know lies that did I do they want the carers and then you kind of saw it [Music] and lost yeah yeah how did she do that some quickly she will you have seen this worst friend somebody has to watch to me all the time I'm doing your lunch love this boy for that a munch Lord oh that would matter in that set of circumstances has created a family unit that I was just blown away by twenty four eggs and some serious yeah and she made me a cup of coffee this Coolidge a can take off with cold water sugar and Jesus wake mommy carry my family this generosity is patience they're rock solid you know they're they're survivors show them your tray look with your hands [Music] pardon me after the week I've had sort of wet down there you know expecting to see you know basket-case family dysfunctional the award given because of positive discrimination something right it was condoned her to see the family that were in deep deep deep trouble struggling to cope they're coping absolutely great they're dealing with it marvelously and they're dealing with admire obviously because they operate as a team beautifully functioning team your grace thank you so much millionaire Jim Breen has been undercover in fingers for over a week in a few days he will have to decide who he's going to help by donating thousands of Euro of his own money today he has decided to meet up with the Norris family again got a chance to spend more time with nurses just fantastic family not just such a wonderful fun to be with and they showed me around zoo first time at the zoo for me oh yeah very very happy okie Roshan where we're going to set the moment like for you you're you know you and your mom really cool care don't you yeah hold to be like a tag team I could thank you yeah I can see the way you're with Timmy like you're very patient be patient yeah sometimes you can lose it a little bit you get over he's not as he's not as hired like is that me he's doing he really tinker with him as a tantrum you have to speak to him in a certain way and you thought I would she was like um words like no and you not allowed and stuff like that right yes being in a family sort of hard was to special-needs siblings you know brother and sister is it kind of does it put extra pressure and you were see I don't really know what Myer and I might not just I'm just so used to you don't know different it's your family yeah yeah yeah it was great to see him today just how he interacted with Demi and how he interacted with Adam how he interacted with Roshan you know here's a here's a 14 year old kid 14 years old and he's just you know loving caring kind considers and he's able to have fun who'd his best friend Ryan but also look after his older sister Timmy no he's 14 years old an amazing journey so far there's been a lot of sadness there's been a lot of challenges me a lot of situations that you feel a little bit livid oh dear depths try to even begin to to fix today is different again you know I came out of there kind of kind of thinking you know just whatever I do whatever I do he is not mess with what they have [Music] it's been a week since Jim met with the group in headway former GAA star and Nicky clear and his fiancee Shawna have invited Jim to their home so he can learn more about what it's like living with an acquired brain injury she opened it right in December 2010 but now we have 2012 what happened well six weeks after we got engaged I actually was in Donegal and tried on wedding dresses and that Saturday night he got knocked I'm so it was six weeks after we were engaged that Nikki got knocked down and Lisbon Nikki couldn't move his left side he had a droopy face he did droopy eye I mean that was only physical it's you know we were more concerned about the brain injury and the cap telling us we need to prepare for the worst and that Nikki's personnel they could completely change and you know he could potentially be aggressive he you know that just broke my heart to say that my fiance could be aggressive it's just unthinkable you know but that's that's the really that's the real hard part and I wouldn't have survived if I hadn't have just you know you know stayed determinedly hopeful yeah I suppose is the best way to put it but word also days when he said [ __ ] you know why me cranky you know it could have been so much easier yeah yeah let's completely crap I cage you know you have to make the best of life you you know you only get one chance but there was a risk that his personality would changing as he said there was a risk that he could become angry etc did the same make you come back definitely a new Nikki look what his core is definitely the same ones very hard to explain it I suppose there's you know Nikki's lost a lot of skills and has had to relearn knows and also I suppose you know kind of filters would go sometimes you might think things in your head but not say it so Nikki's had to learn silat to kind of think before you speak and but I suppose my role had changed a lot because I kind of became Nikki's carer and protect her and you know spoke for him when he didn't know when they could find the words or you know anticipate it what he needed so kind of I've been able to kind of let that go know a little bit and become more his fiancee again which is great and so that's kind of higher loves evolved it's kind of coming back to the you know boy and girl relationship thing again that it should be so that's good good know so yeah I mean you probably have had to fall in love again but it didn't really feel that way I have fall in love with a new Nicki again yeah yeah loves yeah obviously proposing to your fiance it's one of the biggest moments of your life and not being able to remember that must be a big thing so did you propose a second time not yet not sure if I will before we get married couldn't I'd like to remember it but I'm not gonna buy another ring for [Laughter] the courage to take on that and the cards as they were dealt and to to get on with it you know to get on with life and to make the most of it [Music] it's not denial and is not just blind posterity you know it's determined hopefulness you know I'm gonna keep that with me [Music] the volunteers from suicide awareness Dublin 15 have invited Jim to a hurling match at the local GAA club the group has fundraised for months to enable them to sponsor a new case for the local team here's an organization that have a few party people and they just take a smart approach to build it works if I borrow the got jerseys to be worn by young men young teenage boys the exact demographic that they want to target their parents see their friends seriously there's no slow a little bit from you know they're proud of the fact that they're doing something to this different they specifically said this or a bank we'd like to have this inner Jersey this is something meaningful so tell me what's it what's it like for four sixteen or like yourself to be to be wearing a jacket just says Jersey says suicide awareness and well it makes your yeah yeah well actually I wouldn't dad's best friend actually homes out there did he have a few right so I know what it's like they didn't even out of troubles he was a yeah so the fact that we're trying it come over it's good - you think the lads are produce as well yeah maybe it's generational or maybe it's it's a part of what the suicide awareness number fifteen Cooper doing in this locality that people are beginning to have that mindset but it's certainly you know light years ahead of where I was you know just just a few days ago go cats and what you think of this kind of a strange journey to get to here yeah it is disgrace it was a hydrant yeah very hard five years ago started for today yeah did somebody he maybe you know various I maintain absolutely personalized me it is Jim's last night in Finglas tomorrow they'll be revealing his true identity but first he has to finally decide who to help and how best to do so the last eight days have been I guess a person journey meeting with people that I would never normally interact with in the way of interacting with it are so open and they share with amazingly it's rewarding it's it's enlightening the difficult part is come up with the right solution and hopefully beginning a beginning a new journey with them so I can see what big positive impact we can make I think that's hard I want to be able to come back here in 12 months time and show what people have been able to do with my anthem I really want that tunnel [Music] what an amazing journey you know for different groups of people for different emotions for different impacts on me personally the Norris family in particular really really struck me on a deeply personal so guys wanted to come and say goodbye and say thank you so much for letting me into your home and I hope I'll be able to come back again just one other thing I am the super millionaire and I would like if you could please accept this gift amazing person I've never made a mistake in my life but I made a lot of bad choices my kids are one they don't fall into that category whatsoever and being a single parent and lovers oh my god I love it so much but it's an this it my situation I could change in a heartbeat because it's like and people who money can go out and say okay we need to downstairs toilet wait wait a special needs child you have to fight for everything all rights get doctors measures proof that your child miss really and brings you down as a human being that you have to makes me so mad that I'm no okay Sam really has kicked with him in solution I can't believe Russia because Russia is such a reserved kids even Justin Bieber now is gone like it's all Jim no like yeah I just I don't know like well you know here's the thing right the impact you've made of me this week has been just crazy I know you just a wonderful part about Qi now here's the deal right the deal is that I get to hang out what she still next Jim is off to see a group of people who had a profound effect on him I bowled over but it was you Louisa are doing but you're given every day and by the class we're not making a documentary on generations I am The Secret Millionaire mm-hmm I'd like you to accept this gift I'll write behalf I would like you to use it to treat you and Louisa and the guys in the class it's less than they deserve they deserve so much more they just want to meet you [Music] I'm glad the guys have touched Jim's heart because they're great bunch because of you very lucky in the job I I am in but get all emotional out and we will definitely process the really good news so know my mind about that you couldn't have picked a better program thank you really correctly because it has changed everybody's life sentiment so much I'm very proud of every single one of them and so is Louise and so like somebody for this gym has an extra surprise up his sleeve so he goes home with Mickey to see his fiancee Shawna I wanted to also give you this for you and Nicky for your wedding present and to say thanks very much for sharing your home with me last night thanks for sharing your story that was great it was really really great sean is just this amazingly authentic person and she and Nick you've got this wonderful relationship and just to be a little parent did you guys and all have to Joy I'd love to get an invite to the wedding yeah just delight us super very very happy next up Jim is off to see gerund make from the detached youth service I am Ireland secret millionaire I commit to I will help you get that allotment as a reality don't make it happen really to make it happen finally if I can give you this gift accept it thank you so much oh my God thank you so much thank you I think the gift that they appreciated more was the gift of Canadian to walk with them to make the allotment happen these are guys who don't give up on others and for somebody to show them that level of commitment I think that was there that was the thing they'll they'll talk about you know tomorrow and the next day we've spoken so many times I've ever failed behind the building government yeah yeah what we could do with it and all these possibilities for these young people and it's been lying idle to pick up an aspect that little thing is one little skill that they may have never had an adult in their life to say you've done well there they may have never heard that before and that little thing will become something else and each day you know what I mean they come over here voluntarily just looking for something to do and this will definitely help Jim has just one more check to give out and he is full of nerves guess the apprehension attender days after going through a journey with people over the last eight days revealing yourself to be somebody other than who you said and but that will all be okay the week has been an amazing weekend for me however we're not making documentary oh don't tell me this is a window I am Ireland Secret Millionaire and I would like what to give you guys this oh my god oh my god for once I'm speechless hmm Oh Jim would you leave not even Jim's it's Jim Jim Breen oh my god I'm speechless so once in my yard very good that's him thanks very very more just gorgeous people Oh Lord Inari were so excited about Nick and 150 years thanks very much yeah the things that you do 25 now my mind's corner laid the cash register you know a little cu5 so that will help people who've lost people get on with their lives as best a calm right we need to have a meeting to see her when you get forward back but somebody had tried to die by suicide and six months later they're fine it's a great feeling it's a great great feeling I wish somebody had been there when my time I want you to get trained as trainers yeah you're gonna affect hundreds and hundreds of people and I want you to continue that work you're doing and that's your ideas that's your action this is the one that's so close to me as you know and thank you again thank you so much again what check is gonna fix it it's not gonna be any quick fix it's not it's a long term problem it was a long term solution it's not wrapped up nice and neatly univille there's a feeling of exhilaration rightly inside with the guys from suicide awareness dealt with 15 that's fantastic but they all know that this afternoon the phone will ring and there'll be another problem to be solved you're a star you know that no you not be manly you know a mementos extraordinary things happy days [Laughter] [Music] it's been eight days but it's been 80 years you know it's been it's been eight days but it's been eight days at a thousand miles an hour I think when you when you start off on a journey like this sometimes the difficult ones you'll do everything you can to skirt around them it's not dealing head-on to be worried about what people will think and how people will judge you I battled with depression and what have you learned this week is that that's a battle many people deal with but the D would much bigger problems as well an amazingly and ridiculously this week the people who were facing the biggest challenges have done it with the most grace the people who really have been hurt the most and I've had the most taken away from them are the most appreciative of what they have the journey for me here has been very much one of listening to people who are more courageous and braver than I am I'm trying to emulate them try to try to learn from I hope I can as a result be braver be more courageous I don't know what's gonna happen you know tomorrow when I go back to the go back to the day job I'm pretty sure I'll go back a different person [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: RJ Spear
Views: 244,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NBF6z8vi2tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 7sec (3187 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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