The Secret Millionaire s01e05

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Emma Harrison is one of the wealthiest women in Britain club but now the steelworkers daughter from Sheffield has made an extraordinary decision she's going to live undercover for 10 days in Dagenham East London he's got Dagenham no more it's showing else Emma's going to become part of the community here but she'll also have to earn her own living passage girl whistle get it white off you only by the end of her stay she will give away thousands of pounds of her own money giving away is a very very good thing to do and actually gives you pleasure but only after Emma's met the people she wants to help was she revealed that she is the secret millionaire millionaire do you know any [Music] Emma Harrison is a multi-millionaire whose mantra is to do well by doing good and with a fortune of 60 million pounds she certainly done all right Emma grew up in a semi in Sheffield now she lives in Derbyshire as lady of the manor an amazing house Gotham Hall we've got 20 bedrooms and indoor pool hundred acres cottages on the estate this is the music room it blows me away every time I look at it when I was 15 I came here on a school trip I had no idea places like this existed but all those years later became and knocked on the door who convinced the guy here owned it at that time to sell it to us and it was just like a dream come true Emma and her husband Jim share their splendid home with 16 of their closest family and friends there's absolutely no point in having wealth and having all that success unless you have a group of friends to share it with but life hasn't always been this easy for Emma I was brought up by my dad because my mum didn't want to be a mom that's the best way I can think about it she used to come and go and not spend a lot of time with us at all until the day my mum got ill and and she did come home Emma's mother was bedridden for two years after being diagnosed with bone cancer and Emma took care of her she got better she left again but which makes you pretty tough by the time she was 25 Emma had made her first million [Music] she started in business retraining unemployed steel workers and now her company operates globally my business works on improving people's lives we do that for hundreds of thousands people around the world and I just love every bit of it [Music] emma has always helped charities but now she wants to have a more hands-on approach to giving by finding people herself I really want to do this because I think that individuals can make a difference for other people and now I'll get the chance to do that face to face get my hands dirty roll my sleeves up and do something great for another person don't wait for anyone else do it yourself and I just want to do that [Music] today emma is leaving behind her luxurious lifestyle to live undercover in one of the poorest areas of Britain she's agreed to spend the next 10 days living in Dagenham on the outskirts of London so that no one will suspect she's a wealthy woman Emma will be living alone in a former council house her cover story is that she's being filmed for a programme about people moving to different parts of Britain hello I just didn't come to live locally to find out what it's like around here and everything because I live in the countryside normally they just moved it you ain't gonna like it when we're gonna go to find like what's what goes on around here then show your cheers girls it smells for me oh my god am i sleeping in here no I can't believe that I'm going to sleeping down there guys just smell it I'm sort of quite sort of scared about whether I can do a good job and everything and how I'm going to find the right people to help and and also today the enormity you know you because I have you know written checks for charities and and all that sort of stuff before that I've actually got to meet people face to face and I've got to sort of see if I can gain people's trust and offer them help and and I didn't know how to start that conversation and I've got to do that and I really really want to do it well [Music] it's six o'clock in the morning and Emma's feeling anxious about starting her first job well I was awake at two o'clock and I was awake at three o'clock then eventually I got to put five o'clock it's a mixture of like stuff just worrying around in my head and was also very cold here last night as well he teased me Emma's agreed to earn her living doing low wage jobs and today she's going to work as a cleaner she's been hired by Gary Jones who runs his own cleaning company right behind bar [Music] [Applause] attagirl we assume get it quite often I do all sorts of different things I just did some office work and you know yeah all sorts of bits and bobs really have you always done this sort of thing maybe 20 years why we work seven days a week even now I can't make you work seven days a week I just want the question of clean floor gents toilets now Lisa Chandler has been cleaning for Gary for two years just come in make sure the toilets clean I've already put blue down just to try what's wrong as long that's the toilets it they put toilet seats on but then they pull them off no well what's all this on the floor right cool let's just do it cuz I said we have to spend any longer in here than there that needs most drive to tell you that out well yeah but do you want me to get you some glass what we're going to do with it now maybe just go roster flan how'd we get this clean nose disgusting but let's see you can but it's disgusting over the weekend I I came in my sector nervous oh great Jeff you find syringes in here look company's a bit more the bloody whooping occasion isn't right he's been knocking down why'd you do seven is it for the money no it's because I clean this pub and it is open seven days away you face that every day and you sort of kept this really big you know happy spirit up well you have to yeah because I stand outside I'm tithing Lisa you have to but not everybody does know what you do it's my job so you're gonna carry on cleaning till forever I'm happy doing what I'm doing I really lightly search is a really warm warm person but I don't know what I can offer her which is a great disappointment [Music] I'm beginning to realize how difficult this is [Music] I think I'm gonna need a lot of personal confidence to carry this through you couldn't do this if you were shy the most important thing is I want to meet some people I want to meet some people and I want to hear what they're thinking about Odyssey if I can make a difference Emma Harrison has left behind her luxurious lifestyle in Derbyshire to live undercover in Dagenham once a predominantly white working-class area Dagenham has changed radically in recent years and is now a multicultural community [Music] Emma's actually here to find someone to help but she also needs to earn her living today she's working at the local pie and mash shop on the high street [Music] right in the gills you're gonna do the rest of you everything will change Oguz began on how did you need 15 so she's 50 [Music] Perry Horton owns the pion math shop he moved here from London's East End nine years ago to sell traditional working-class fare to the locals appreciating each thing sort of yeah phone via have the last year exchange you know everyone it's got the app in arms the way the sort of people is living there not really climax people yeah so a lot of the original Degnan people moving out just a little bit push with the situation Emma's new workmates don't seem to be too thrilled about living in Dagenham and the customers haven't got a good word to say about the place either they leave an employment their knees very hard to find been out of work for 21 years yeah but if I was to actually go into work tomorrow multiple he needs a computer degree so it's tougher now you never know dear [Music] I'm still a bit worried that I've not found anything yet in fact I'm more than worried frankly this is difficult this is really difficult I really really really want to make a difference and I need to find someone who I think I can do that for I'm not sure I have yet Emma prides herself on being positive but she spent her whole day hearing how depressing it is to live in Dagenham and now she's feeling fairly downbeat herself see my people living on their own would go out and eat takeaways all the time I hope I get to cook for about 15 people at once well it's part of a big social event cooking standing in your own and old kitchen art it's trying to cut yourself a meal whilst crying because the onions is not a lot of fun [Music] Emma's been in Dagenham for three days and her next job pulling pints at the local social club should provide her with an opportunity to meet plenty more people afternoon I'm working in the bar today which way do I go all right thank you very much cheers thanks because I am undercover one of the difficult bits about it is I never ever want to appear and truthful I know what saying and it's not true I always have to try and deflect the questions a bit but that's quite an emotional strain for me because it's just not what I do [Music] so I'll show you how to use the to help you push your car back [Music] with her shift coming to an end Emma finally has time to chat to the five years you would never believe so now in your comment I would ever mike has changed so much what it is and that's it it's not them no more it's something else [Music] oh I just never had so much negative in my life and it's just endless endless I still exhausted absolutely exhausting whose I'm supposed to go home [Music] I think one of the things that gets me down is this sort of constant negative attitude about Dagenham looks like they're just talking Dagenham into a disaster zone just wears you down you know and I can see why they're worn down because it's all they ever talk to each other about it's all the crap listen Inez he's fallen the council not done that and I don't know is that loud yell you know it's a light and it was getting me down I think you all crash - no but you know it's just this is people's reality is when Chapman lives just around the corner and often welcomes new neighbors oh dear and here this is another thing they know a place to say oh thank you very much for can I don't you cup of tea or something when you have milk but no she'll know she ain't no sugar just feel good please think to put on the front got a table I'm not got anything but Tim the senator Eaton doesn't work that's why this is on because this is all we've got I've heard about this sort of thing you hear about people start popping around to say hello to people well people ought to do it more often and I think they should just well because yeah must be awful to be yeah in a strange place know your own yeah yeah but you will like Degnan I'll do I love it you're gonna try bit to that thank you thank you oh you've got a family and everything I've got did have three daughters and a son now unfortunately one day I'd but I've got two daughters and a son and eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild so how long have you lived in Dagenham then 75 years I came when I was told yeah and I've seen loads and loads of changes terrific letter changes yeah gosh so you will have to come up where I work as a volunteer one day oh really oh you work as a volunteer there yeah really you adults have learning difficulties where there six years are lovely how much volunteering do you do then four days a week four days a week volunteering oh it's when you get such pleasure out of it yeah when you've realized you've helped somebody to get on with their life and make something yeah how old are you 37 really yeah well good for you it's better than sitting indoors moping it yeah it feels like a home now because I've had someone round with cup of tea and a piece of cake and we've shared a few stories and I'm very very happy about that well it was very nice meeting you or fine I'd love to see you again so yeah well friend oh thank you very much thanks have been a good neighbor thank you yeah you got a tree house it still fits very nice yeah thank you very very much thanks for coming round it's been a little bit it's lovely to talk to give Lee you've made it you've made Dagenham come to life for me thank you very much okay all right bye bye bye bye [Music] Emma believes in making the most of any opportunity so she's going to visit the charity where wind volunteers four days a week wind really wants to show me the work she does because she's passionate about it but of course I actually want to see Queen in action as a volunteer the Osborne Partnership is well funded and provides jobs for adults with learning difficulties today they're boxing up foam packaging for a car phone this is Holly wanted to do something for children in need nice to meet you you know and you all been adduced me for children in need then yes he's going to car wash antique are we for us he's one in a million she doesn't really think about herself she's always thinking about others she's invaluable to us and then you know when she's not here everybody here is women you know why is she not here today you know she's missed she really is missed [Music] win first came here six years ago after her daughter died helping others is wins way of dealing with her loss means been been through some bad times yourself but you know she's always there for it's not a bit about that yeah but she's there for us always you know I think there's much more to win than anyone could ever gather enough just to be leading she's the backbone of the community people don't get to be the backbone of the community unless they've got great depth and wisdom and we do normally ever laughter because we're doing this do you ever get to go on holiday just give out for a minute no the last time I went on holiday was three years ago to throw the only granddaughter live there I'd like to go to France so the world right we've got find a millionaire though do you know any no only joking I'm envious I am yeah I think if you got a grade you just toss it the next day yeah I think I start giving it away that's what I think you don't you you just care I think you're still volunteering I still think that I still come here hello young lady I know so therefore there are people with a million quid he'll go there please I would have gone to faces oh she's a girl thanks when thanks for showing me around me see you bud Sisu my windlass an inspiration she is the bit of hope for Dagenham she's the person that gives without any expectation of return she's the person that is positive about Dagenham that has been giving to Dagon for 72 years [Music] [Laughter] absolutely incredible [Music] Emma Harrison arrived in Dagenham a week ago although she's had plenty of locals complain about the area Emma's not interested in negative attitudes as time has gone on I've definitely narrowed my search to find the good people and to prove that good things happen to good people [Music] what my name is Emma I'm actually new in Dagenham I just moved in are you Taylor that's right yes very much from battle around today and everything I remember I'm new I'm glad to meet you joon-young Sturm I'm new and a glimpse I'm just wandering around meeting people and stuff so my biggest fear was that I wouldn't meet anybody now I now know that I've got the ability and the blag to meet anybody because I'm just stopping you on the street now what to do I must have spoken to 25 individuals at length today Emma's talking to everyone and anyone in search of a lead and she's even doing research at the library information there for children and young people you know he's on the ground sort of modern philanthropy this is really really hard work now I've got too much information I went from having not enough and I've got too much where do I start I've read the whole thing of made notes and hope you define stunned community centres or groups of people and I notice my those about to you thank you very much really useful I've made loads of notes thank you very much one charity in particular has caught Emma's I it's called crossroads and provides daycare for disabled children crossroads is and helps kids with educational needs and their parents and stuff and respite care and those sorts of things and I'm gonna get to play with some kids which would be nice and do art and crafts and just meet some more people like that [Music] Emma's keen to find out more about crossroads so she's offered to volunteer for the day [Music] it's the only Center in the borough for disabled children which gives parents a break but they're so short of fonts they'll have to close in three months time it's an amazing place it gives me respite from my child and gives me time to do things that I need to do and spend with my other daughter you know and it's very good there's not a lot of places we can take our children and this is a really good place to be and it would be sad if it ever closed down Joanie hello works full-time but for the past two years she's been coming here every Saturday to take care of the children I do it because I really enjoy it I love it I love working with the children and you get so much out of it they might be disabled but they're happy in their own little world you get to know him you get to care for him and it's just really really nice I look after the children in the home and then that gives the parents or the husband or brother whoever secara that time to go out and do whatever they want to do I'll be there I'm personal you know it was gonna breathe some air yes [Music] Joannie was obviously very enthusiastic very committed to it just her general demeanor I just felt it you know you can see it in somebody's eyes you know somebody that gives but something that's warm and something that it's prepared to sort of give of themselves and there it was you know and you know when you find it because it just sort of splurges out of people [Music] when you got spare five minutes you can always just do a little bit it's hard to that I never think knowing that emma has just moved into the area Joanie invites her over nice cup of tea you know from my beginnings when I was getting a bit downhearted I'm now starting to meet the people the people out there that are really holding this coming together because I've met Jamie and Jones a good person too [Music] it's freezing out there I bought a few crystal bit one oh yeah hello I remember nice to meet you hello hi yeah nice to meet y'all thanks have them around and everything don't know I bought some wine some crisps round just a bitter something oh they're not poor glass of white wine hey me I'm really ready for some his name yeah the snug little you what's your name sorry Charlie that's a good name so how long have you been together 16 15 years yeah six years ago Joanie and Paul's son Jack suffered from a bone disorder and needed a wheelchair after Jack recovered Joanie decided to retrain as a special needs teacher really well paid jobs but show was really well paid they're coming from having a really good financial situation to both getting other jobs where we've lost quite a bit of money a year about yeah do you regret doing that or do you think it's no even when we say oh we haven't gone I need to do this around got them under debt and now because I love what I'm doing before we had that with his hip yeah we've never thought about people would be looking at don't think of it you think yourself you've been oh I'm all right jack you know but then when Jack went for all that for about two years it changed the whole outlook on people in wheelchairs it's a change the whole outlook on everything and instead of getting bitter about it you've used it to then go on and off for that same help bitter though cuz it Paul you're so far dying some people do Jenny yeah you'll be your personalities aren't that you've used that haven't you to then go and say well we're gonna offer with her back the help that was offered to us the people I've connected with and the people I really want to help are the people that do reflect the way that I like to live my life which is giving with no expectation of return it's Sunday and Emmas popping round to see her neighbor win every weekend win looks after her grandchildren cousins be good yes children pleased you've come yeah this week because next week you won't be able to get in here for the mess it's gonna be in here everything in the kitchen is gonna be it's not gonna worry the thing that I'm more worried about spiders come here winds about to have her kitchen done by the council but they're not obliged to replace the appliances even if they're broken tomorrow everything's got to come out the whole wall the whole ceiling they are going right back to base basic I'm dredging this coming but it will look lovely when it's done Chris of Sweden hey I guess Mito right there has got plates and it's packed up all together now one hot plate well we've had a microwave dinner today but they've been joy did fantastic she was in the council house about to give her a new kitchen after all these years but guess what her cooker doesn't work but they're going to take out the cooker that doesn't work put in a few new cupboards for her you know for the cost of a few quid and then put her old cooker back that doesn't work well done oh thanks a write-up around I really appreciate it it's at any time you will continue thank you thank you I'm absolutely over the moon that I felt like when she's the sort of person that's pushing so much good into this community and I leave more over than mean that I might be able to do something for her which is just just absolutely fantastic Emma's also been thinking about who else she can help and crossroads the Center for disabled children is on her mind crossroads is a tricky one for me because what I really care about is sustainability know if I was to make a gift and then it just runs out and sort of people sort of feel you know their expectations have been raising and it crashes down again not really worrying me if she helps the charity she wants to be sure her money is spent on employing more carers although she risks blowing her cover by being overly inquisitive emma has asked to be introduced to the manager Mel Wiltshire I'd be fantastic if we could offer something a bit more frequent you know to provide a bit more restaurants families to get them out doing more things but at the moment we can only do that once every five weeks Emma knows that crossroads funds are running dangerously low and they're facing the prospect of closing down who does the fundraising in this trip right so you all have to go to clean yeah we pretty much have an inclusive Job Description he's a constant struggle which is when I get the funding but it's like your energy away from the thing you really want to do yeah oh well I mean it's sort of not so feeling one application it's two three four hours that I could be spending planning activities sometimes it is you know they know it's time to make it happen it's a lot of time sort of sitting there we fingers crossed waiting for that envelope to drop through only to get a rejection it's a at the beginning I said I wanted to do a good job and I think in a good job in my head meant being a professional person along with out here I'm suddenly realizing that the things that I'm really really attracted to and the things that you know very personal to me that was good that was good when I was about 16 17 my mum with some quadriplegic and so I was you know her carer I didn't know that was a word for it you know you just get them do it fine but you don't you just do what you have to do don't ya it's a fat girl she don't do anything [Music] I think there is some of them do I just need to find out a bit more about what would be the right thing to offer them another thing in them but there's definitely need I need to do some math and do some thinking because what's going on in there is really important and on all fronts it makes for happier families all the way around Emma stay as the Secret Millionaire is coming to an end tomorrow she plans to reveal who she is and who she'd like to help I'm feeling very nervous all day I've had some really sweaty hands and just very extremely anxious about tomorrow I'm worried about offending people or getting it wrong and I just just really really hope that I've got to know people well enough in this short period of time such that you know I can do something for them that is right but most of all if I make a mistake and offend one person then I can never forgive myself today Emma Harrison is going to give away her own money to try and make a difference in people's lives after 10 days living on the cover in Dagenham emma is finally ready to reveal who she is and who she wants to help [Music] everyone thinks that Emma is coming to say goodbye because she's going home but before she leaves Emma wants to help someone with 30,000 pounds much actually I have come to say goodbye but before I go what I wanted to do was them tell you what it meant to me meeting you yeah and how impressed I am by the work you're doing and it really really touched my heart what I also want to tell you is the term not the person you think I am I'm in this incredible position of having built that many businesses yeah and therefore I'm able to do and to offer help and what what I'd like to do is offer you some help and it's your choice have accepted I've got a check for you here just to keep going from it there's a gift there for crossroads [Music] Oh oh boy I'm speechless 35 she had never seen thank you [Music] we've been for the past two years trying to get not even a third of these departments everything you love so really make it secure because we don't get all the funding that we need really happy and this is just you know it's amazing Emma's check will keep crossroads going for at least a year but Emma knows they need more long-term help with their fundraising the most amazing fundraiser in the country who has raised fifty three million pounds for the NSPCC yeah I've spoken to him for free she will come here and do your fundraising plans so that the funds start pouring in and well I know I know that that was a big worry I wanted to give you security yeah yeah and I hope the greatest gift is actually the fact that the funds will come pouring in yes and in the meantime you've got 30,000 pounds take a picnic this coming yes thank you you deserve it thank you [Music] that's it Joanie's asked Emma to tell her family about the gift to Crossroads but Joni has no idea that Emma wants to give her five thousand pounds Emma's just surprised me and there we've been in tears she's just gave crossroads a check for 35 to do is Bill very successful businesses I'd like to do something else right and I know that the both of you gave up quite well paid jobs to do jobs that you really believed in so with your permission and it's your choice but to accept it but if you would it make me very happy if you would accept a gift from me for them for your family oh my god for your family because it's good [Applause] [Music] it is America we were really really good something though he does good stuff for the people are supposed to make things a bit easier for ya [Music] emma has one final gift to offer a 15,000 pounds to someone she considers to be a true friend this is the one that means the most to me I've got to her right hello sweetheart thank you very much that's very kind what you've been doing today well actually win what it is a pop round actually to say goodbye meeting you has really really touched my heart you're my greatest friend in Dagenham I've not been dead straight with you about you know everything about me I'm not actually who you think I am twenty years ago I started building businesses and I've been very successful at that which means that I'm in a position to offer help to people and I'd like to determine for you because do you mean the world to me I think you fantastic you've mentioned about your cooker I know about the holidays you want to take your grandchildren on I know you've told me I know would you really allow me to help you out make some of those dreams come true no not if it involves or not that's for you my god I had never seen them two figures on a check so far I've got Super Dave machemer 15 Plan C and I really don't matter so I'm over it [Music] thanks for being with I needed a mum and I needed to cry because I know and thank later never told children see you so many things hash plays yeah this is the most important gift I made because when offered me the simplicity of friendship it's the greatest thing of all I feel like I've made a friend for life well fella I got another daughter [Music] since Emma left Dagenham there have been some big changes for the people she helped as Emma promised crossroads is now getting long-term help from one of Britain's best fundraisers and the parents who bring their children here now know its future is secure Kushites not close-knit always absolutely fantastic them just means so much to us because and he loves the SU love see she loves the surroundings we know she's safe when I she enjoys herself at the same time it does give us a break and we need that Miss lace fantastic we can't thank her enough basically i'm so giad by this money it is so immense that we don't have to worry anymore when I was first told about it I I couldn't believe it and I just started crying because it's just of tremendous it is thank you [Music] joanie and her husband are looking forward to a christmas free from financial worry it was a total shock didn't expect he a wonderful surprise I'm something that you don't expect can happen to you he's just my life so much happier so much easier it's been fantastic it's gonna be night but us to do things that people devavrata save up for or take a live night phone or something like that you know because firefighters and painters you know I'm a lot of money so you know just feeling a lot better in myself than I've never happy Christmas yeah I've been a happy Christmas ya know smart back on that face [Music] and Wynn is enjoying life to the fall I didn't know whether to believe it or not because I've never had anything that nice happened to me four days after us I kept waiting for someone to say wake up you've been dreaming it is pretty expensive I think she's a card she'll know the way she shuffles cleared up bad day I've got a lovely new fridge out of it a lovely new cooker out of it I've got a lovely winter outfit error via clubs it's lovely to know that when I take the grandchildren air I can treat him and I am hoping to take them somewhere no ice in the summer I feel absolutely wonderful I couldn't feel more better well then if I'd won millions on the lottery for the simple reason this was given with a very kind heart and I can't thank him arena she's got a friend for life here and if I could help her in any way I would because I think she's done wonders for me no [Music] lip comes of age with a party shameless is back here on 4 for a new series starting next Tuesday at 10:00 and next tonight before tomorrow's new series start a double bill catch up with a desperate [Music]
Channel: RJ Spear
Views: 1,415,608
Rating: 4.794558 out of 5
Id: tp2fg8B0IRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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