Secret Millionaire Season Premier - Scott Jacobs

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tonight a first for Secret Millionaire this wealthy artist will take his privileged 19 year-old daughter into the heart of a city suffering from poverty and crime all these places have boarded up and you have windows no this is where you're living yeah my childhood was being on the street for six days they will live undercover secretly looking for real-life heroes who are saving their community want to send a message to the world we care about our neighborhood this thing changes people's lives if we stop then we're letting him down this is overwhelming to me whoa and in the end they will surprise them with gifts they never expected the need is immediate why wait another day when they reveal themselves as the secret millionaire I'm Scott Jacobs 52 years old and grew up in Cranford New Jersey and I am a fine artist my paintings range from about 25 for a small painting up to as high as a hundred and forty five thousand dollars we have a two to three year waitlist right now and they're usually sold before they're even finished some of the collectors of ours think that they're just printed on there but I actually hand sign every single one I live in Rancho Santa Fe California it's one of the wealthiest communities in the United States I would say I'm just like everybody else it's just that I've been maybe more successful and I have more money and I've got things I've got cars I've got a big house I've got lots of stuff I always wanted to have money in my life so I always made sure that I did something that afforded me that I have a wife 25 years two beautiful daughters to be a dad's probably one of the most important things my name is Alexa Jacobs I'm 19 all right let's find some cute shoes in here I cannot imagine growing up any different way than I have I don't pay rent don't pay my card payments I spend my money on nails I love shoes I love clothes if I see something that I like gotta have it I wouldn't say she's born with a silver spoon in her mouth but I told the Lexx I was gonna get a shirt that just said ATM on it I don't know if she really appreciates 100% everything that she has is the father I think it's really important for me to have Alexa with me to experience this to open her eyes to what else is out there my dad and I we don't really have that one thing that we do together to bond but my mom was always there she didn't travel with my dad ever he would go on his trips and she'd stay home with me I am 100% mommy's girl it's a good bonding experience for you and dad I know you guys ride the horse and together yeah how dad and how's this you guys can go to the middle of nowhere has your experience with him yeah that sounds like fun so are you guys expecting probably what we can spend that week we'll probably what this meal costs right now I haven't done any hands-on volunteering of any sort as far as us being there in person and in helping I've been very fortunate in my life and I like to give back a little bit to a successful journey we're really gonna miss you guys too by the way good luck you better yeah yeah Scott and Alexa will leave their family behind to set out on their secret mission so we're really going now huh you're gonna miss us no let it off oh I think you will I've asked God to promise me that he will keep Alexa safe I'm almost thankful that they will be there for each other however there is still that fear just as their safety Oh God and Alexa will be cut off from their families and will leave behind their cash credit cards and cell phones to conceal their identities they have not been told where they are going it hasn't really hit me yet what I'm about to do I don't know what I'm getting myself into play nice for six days Scott and Alexa will search for people trying to make a difference in a world very different from the one they're leaving behind at the end of their stay they will reward deserving people in the community ready let's go their destination Newark New Jersey just seven miles from Scott's boyhood home in nearby Cranford New York's violent crime rate is three times higher than the rest of New Jersey and ranks fourth on the list of the poorest large cities in the country I was born in the hospital about 10 minutes from here it's hard being here you know my mom's buried a year I've got to deal with the memories of being in New Jersey I've got to deal with whatever we confront why we're here let me know beyond this should be an interesting experience relax tonight areas that are big like this that have all these they call him the projects all these places are boarded up though then you have windows ok I just got really nervous Alexa has never been exposed to you know homelessness or poverty and she doesn't know what it's like I mean it's gonna be an eye-opener there's no people these look everything anybody's in these I don't see real people to walk no people in any of these no no no you see no no keys now to play because all this gives the afraid to get shot oh okay here we are no elevator and this is it home for a week yes house oh my god I am immediately grossed out I'm gonna have to do some cleaning up in here I don't think I've ever been in the home that's been this rundown before in my life Alexa when was the last time you actually cleaned the bathroom um never never Scott and Alexa will need to survive on 70 $1.03 equivalent of the food stamp allowance for a two-person home 70 dogs I normally spend $65 on my nails so I don't know how people can survive on $70 a week that's crazy take a little walk around the neighborhood ready check it out yeah Scott and Alexa's mission is to search the neighborhood to find people who may need their assistance they will be using a cover story how's it going we're actually doing a documentary on volunteering in the area you guys know of any good organizations or anything it's not the right deal and yet it that self right good what do they provide for you - homeless shelter hmm just food and a place to sleep I live with mattress in here don't ban you girl you want to show me baby good my macros good but this is where you're living yeah how long you been homeless I don't know about like cover year yeah all right man well thanks for showing us yeah thanks for sure yeah hmm you imagine living in there no on the floor with that garbage everywhere and the glass and everything it's crazy I'm out of my comfort zone I got my little girl here who is uh you know I got to protect her and just boarded up houses almost people walking streets it's something I'm not used to being in how you doing we're looking for a worthy place that we could volunteer will you valachia with a get a GED Iowa yeah Wow I why oh and what are they doing for kids and stuff innocently over there they do a lot okay thanks guys for your time okay that's a good one yeah you got to check them out and see what's really needed you know you don't know until you check them out we got a long week ahead of us you know yeah my mind is going a mile a minute right now are you alright I've only been here an hour and I've seen so much that I've never seen before it's just I had wanna help Secret Millionaire Scott and Alexa Jacobs are on their second day living undercover in Newark New Jersey I woke up uncomfortable missing my bed my family I'm exhausted this couch smells like people and dog pee ready dad this is a really first-rate we're really gonna get involved so you know I'm excited and anxious to see what that's gonna be like today we met a guy down the street that was telling us about iyo which is a youth organization here in town that's something it really is important to Lex and I to try to help the youth so I think we're gonna check that out to see what we can do hi how are you I'm good how are you okay I'm Alexa hi Scott yeah good to slasher iyo was founded by 76 year old Carolyn Wallace and her late husband James a local hero mrs. Wallace has been dedicated to helping the troubled youth of Newark for the past 40 years the goal of your of our is to make sure young people become productive citizens stay out of jail my goal is that they get a job so that they can take care of this out correctly try to give them all the knowledge that we know they would have had if they had come from a functioning family environment so you're kind of being like a mom to all I guess I am grandma now I was small but I passed that net that was there something you can show us around at all is yes you don't come in here based on your academic skills it's mostly your ability to be a part of a team and show the desire to the staff that you want to succeed you want to succeed yeah okay this is my training room this is some of the equipment that we use to train the young people with with us landscaping tree pruning you have anything going on today we wake up now about with we go into the cemetery and yeah we need volunteers will suit you up we won't get started come on okay already yeah yeah for mrs. Wallace to be a mother figure a mentor for all these kids is that's that's something that's really incredible if we don't take our communities serious people come into Newark and and just dump garbage we got to learn how to plant trees we don't learn how to garden so that when you leave here this is gonna be on your resume and we want to send a message to the world we care about our neighborhood we tired of it looking like it is there's gonna be no more bodies over there there's gonna be no more drugs over there there's gonna be no more murders over there because we're not gonna stand around and let it happen you got to send a message okay I have never cleaned a cemetery before I'm lazy I know I am at home if I don't want to do something I'll just push it aside say I'll do tomorrow just procrastinate the cemetery is very very overgrown grass a lot of the headstones are knocked over everywhere do you know people that were loved and lost and people who didn't care about it it was it was pretty sad sight hi so you graduated from here did this I will really just help change you and maybe a change maybe a better pleasure person is good I was like basically a family my parents died out of the home when I was young my mom down outside my guys got without 14 so I had to step up and take care of my family and that's what I got to this Boober and it's been helping me I've been taking steps how many siblings you have five six agree to me and you take care of that yeah I love this dinner little brother three and four three and four that's young I just couldn't imagine not having my parents lets me ah I don't have even one parent I would be oh my god uh these kids are strong I want to thank you guys for coming out here doing this this is means a lot to buy out and Jim is walls as well there's a lot of trouble to newark there's a lot of things that need to be fixed and cleaned up it's a city that needs some love we just want to say thank you oh thank you you want a hug I love it yes oh yeah noventa yes yeah since 2008 Newark's homeless population has increased by 40% among them are an estimated 6,000 veterans Scott and Alexa have found a lead to an organization that assists our war heroes in need what strategy aegyo veterans transition Center oh it's a transition Center so maybe it's veterans have come back and had problems because of fighting or being in the more veterans have always been people that I would love to help because I just think what they're doing for our country is to keep us free is amazing put their lives on the line for us every single day the GI go fund was founded by brothers Jack and James fo News and their childhood friend Alex meds right alexa jack fiduciary oh I don't Jack corners nice to meet you have a seat here alright so what I do for you we just want to know what you guys do we're here you know we're trying to do some volunteer work in the area well that's awesome our volunteers are a most important asset you know we founded this organization six years ago after one of our best friends from high school was killed in her anklet tenants at the board that's his picture right above my head so we like to try to help veterans transition back to civilian life and really put their lives back on track a lot of times when the transition process falls apart we end up dealing with another problem which is homelessness among veterans that's a real tragedy that our organization being here in the City of Newark we're dealing with all the time what could we actually do though well you know what what's what's pretty cool actually your timing is fairly impeccable we're doing a midnight mission tonight we're actually going out to search for some homeless veterans tonight we're gonna start at 4:00 a.m. goes to 6 a.m. we're gonna be looking for veterans we're gonna be handing out of like a supply kit a bag of food and clothes and some other stuff that we can hand out we have a safety meeting right down the hall huh and we can run out there you guys can be a part of it you can learn a little bit of safety tips and uh ok that's it you guys are just great yeah you guys are the best volunteers ever seen let's go when they said midnight mission I was like okay I'm really nervous to go out and find homeless people at 3 in the morning no you're gonna want to keeping an arm's length apart from the veteran from the homeless person just for safety assume that there's a possibility somebody might have a weapon assumed that somebody might have some violent tendencies we will have police with us obviously our intention is to get this out to the homeless veteran community but we can't say no to a homeless person stay in their groups and stay cautious normally I wouldn't go 4 o'clock in the morning looking for homeless people we walk in the other way we'd stay away from them and bring in Lexington in that kind of environment it could be dangerous you never know how somebody who's homeless is gonna react to you know anything could happen out there it's before dawn on Scott and Alexa's third day as secret millionaires in Newark I'm nervous things like right here someone could be laying right there and we're gonna walk up to them just start walking on them yeah the GI go fund is conducting a midnight mission under the railway arches at New York's Penn Station their aim is to find homeless veterans who need support or medical aid everybody welcome thank you very much for coming down here just don't be afraid to try to make a difference eat if we help one tonight that's one less that'll be living on the streets tomorrow night so let's get out there no one knows that Scott and Alexa are really millionaires stay inside that ha right there how you doing are you homeless thank you do you have a permanent physical disability and hi Rachel all right your whole right side what it would splits the problem got shot in case you got shot in the head these are people that risk their lives for us for our freedom and here they're homeless you know these guys have nothing these people have nothing these men and women are sleeping on the streets with nothing it's really hard to see it's very hard to see hi how are you how are you - good okay I'm Alexa this is just about your housing and I'll sit next to you how long have you been on the streets have you ever abused drugs or alcohol have you ever served in the US military which war did she serve it you know but do you have a permanent physical disability ESP which ray was just so nice he turned my day around completely changed how I feel about just any homeless person Alexa she's not as scared as I thought you would be in this kind of situation I'm overwhelmed she's just see my daughter doing that sitting there doing that it's pretty pretty powerful would you like to splurge right now a cup of tea sounds good go [ __ ] yourself great little caffeine wake me up alright but then we can't eat tonight Virginia you seem really excited I was really really proud but you did phenomenal job how do you you did it - ready yes they're all this stuff here so whatever these are glass roots this mission of providing opportunities for underserved youth by engaging them in the creation of glass art in the development of entrepreneurial and life skills I like that stuff what caught my eye about glass roots was art arts important to me cos is what I do it's my love and we decided that that would might be a nice place for us to stop today multi-millionaires Scott undercover as a struggling artist has taken an interest in this unique organization which helps disadvantaged youth through art projects honey what are you I'm Alexa Alexa Wesley Sims hi Alexa what's your name Cup Scott Lee Scott pleasure to meet you yeah we found this in a little diner oh really and we wanted to check you guys out see what it was all about here Oh fantastic well welcome to glass roots an organization that works with you we teach them glass heart skills as well as business and entrepreneurship and what we do is we work with urban youth at risk youth primarily mostly here from Newark they come in here and we provide a safe space for them so we really use glass as a way to turn kids around and get them back on a path are there any volunteering things that we might be able to do for you help you out uh sure were you guys working on here Chris is making a pole it's the first thing I had seen around the city where they're actually helping kids but do an art okay Scott so this is our cold shop we have a fair tomorrow that will be selling some of the works Chris here is gonna show you how to actually finish the bottom of the piece as you can see again smoothing it out so this place has been a good thing for you really good I think a bit like an escape from what I was where I was at I wasn't like a normal kid growing up I didn't really have a childhood I think my childhood was being on the streets you ever gotten in any trouble or you've been pretty good I would just sell drugs what I used to do what would yourself every day want my dad left so my brothers like return to the streets and stuff how old were you in love Chris reminds me a lot of myself because I wasn't supported by my dad he told me I was a you know loser he told me I would never you know amount to anything and I believe that he's rebelling like I did I went down the right Road with the art I think art could save Chris's life oh that's how you guys thanks for showing me okay bye guys hey guys how do you like yours missed everything I think the whole thing that really gets to me in a good way is that you're helping these people and giving back to them but you're learning so much from them that's the most powerful part I think in the last few days you know I'm walking away from this week changed I know you have I see it already you know breaking down the walls that I've built around myself you know we still have plenty of walls you'd think out how long that thing was up and how long it took to build it doesn't take overnight to bring it down I'm working on it I've kept a lot of emotions in for a long long time my dad always told us to be strong and not to cry you know I'd give you something to cry that was his famous line and that resonated with me all my whole life and today it's the start of maybe me doing some healing and it feels good it really feels good it's day 4 of Scott and Alexis Secret Millionaire mission living undercover they're looking for deserving people in the disadvantaged areas of Newark New Jersey it's about 6 a.m. and it's just this entire experiences keeps running through my mind and everything I've seen this week people sleeping in boarded up buildings on top of garbage and what what I've seen my daughter experience this week and how strong she seems to me now this morning Scott and Alexa will take part in a local Art Fair with glass roots where the students showcase their work raise much needed funds for the program it's like yes no one at glassroots knows Scott is a successful artist with a multi-million dollar fortune would you say that this is what you're meant to do this is your life's work I can't think of anything else in the world could I should be doing I and I really haven't looked back ever since I have to admit it's been a sacrifice but this thing changes people's lives so I take it as a personal mission during his previous visit to classrooms Scott made a connection with young artist Chris Velasco what was the benefit of selling drugs who goes my way he sold them friends and things like that so in security when I came down and bought it yeah when was the last time you did that someone's about you'll see yourself every going back laughing it again I see a lot of myself and Chris I wasn't happy at home and it went out and you know did some stupid things and I could have been arrested find a yellow bolt that cool thank you she ate it I mean it's confidence and what you're doing you're doing a great thing I mean you're 18 years old and you're pulling out stuff like this nobody's gonna think an 18 year old kids doing this doing a good job so I'm going to be your manager you're gonna be this big famous class artist yes I don't know who's paying it's really important for places like this to stay open in the city to be available for kids or who knows what they're gonna turn into and it's it's important to find money to keep these places going thanks for doing this with me and I think this is rip this whole experience is really brought us closer together nothing that might be the biggest thing I'm getting out of it it's just feeling closer to you look we can Benton yeah let's get getting you at home sad that I had to start here probably work way too much you know what do I have now I have a whole bunch of money what have I done with it I bought stuff is it made me super happy no it hasn't made me super happy being with her here doing this is way cooler Scott and Alexa are returning to the GI go fund for their stand down event which provides food clothing and medical assistance to homeless veterans and their families the other day did the night mission and very excited to help the GI go fund even more how are you sir it's easy cuz your estate guys normal thank God mom hi I assume Scott I only hugs oh absolutely Sunita or is lieutenant Seth to Warren's mother the inspiration behind the GI go fund su has worked closely with the organization since her son was killed while trying to disarm a bomb in Iraq in 2004 he was just 24 years old these are my sons you understand these are my sons now cuz I don't have a son any longer I thank you for your family sacrifice I think you know that Seth saved the lives of 18 million he took the bomb for the dice okay he was sent down on a mission to to find the bombs he found it and told his men to stay back they were actually back and SIF died instantly he never knew what hit him I'm so thankful very carefully yes Dean has to go through anything but 18 men left that's gotta make you feel good at least that is the price for America you know that makes you proud Seth saved 18 men but that was just the beginning cuz now the GI go fund exists Seth this keeps on saving lives whether he knows it or not the GI go fund is doing that his honor everybody is starting so punching top back here so what size are you media I can't imagine for a moment walking into a place like this with my daughters for an hour or two knowing after this I'm back on the street with them Alexa hi I was really hoping Rachel and I'm really happy to see him he remembers me remembers my name and happy to see him getting food and getting some clothes and he seemed like a sweet guy yeah now serving food Lyla start down over here make your way around grab yourself something to eat seeing all these people that have fought for our country sacrificed their everything they come back they've got living on the street is it to me it's tragic how many hours a week do you think you you do this there's no work hours it's a day and night job if we stop then we're letting him down we don't take that money we don't take a salary you guys don't take us out no we don't take us how do you make money and pay your bills we scrape by we're living off our savings and we've been living at home how long is that gonna last you though ah we're we're uh we're working on it I guess they're still living at home really not taking anything out of this as far as a you know pay and they're doing this just on a wing and a prayer you know these guys just this is overwhelming to me and I liked it I like to give them today okay how do you feel about that yeah does it be the perfect time to do it he now feels good feels good to be able to do this let's go before you start making cry again okay I'm good this is overwhelming to me and I liked it I like to give them today okay we decided the gift GI go fund today because the need was immediate every day waited is a day wasted it's another day that homeless persons on the street homeless person doesn't have a blanket a homeless person doesn't have a meal you can't wait you have to do it now this is my first time ever volunteering I did not think that it would have the effect on me that it has and I'm like she came so happy that we found you and we got to do this the veterans and what they do for our country is is very emotional for me have you know you're doing this not for the money you're doing this because it's the right thing to do and I'm so glad I found you guys you've touched my heart all of you we do have one other thing to tell you guys - I'm a millionaire whoa and you guys have touched me so much I'd like to give you guys a gift now $75,000 yeah they just got to keep it going you guys go - go on take away - you know absolutely what I really need to keep oh I honestly can't believe it it's just absolutely incredible it's emotional and I'm I'm just speechless I really don't know it's a we've been dreaming about being able to help more people and it's always been a money thing it's a struggle to make sure that we can help as many people as we can and now I'm telling you what Mabel to help a whole lot more and thank you so much yeah thank you Scott and Alexa laughter Scott Alexa has tattooed on my armor Oh what do you want to do and just smile just smile all day I all the rest for today tomorrow's a big day I've got big decisions to make for a glass roots and for the aiwei oh I think everyone this week has just inspired me I just want to do more I want to look at someone's eyes and just know that I can help them in some way everybody that we're gonna help I feel really passionate about and it's the first time in a long time that a I didn't run away from my emotions I look I let them come out it's gonna be an emotional rollercoaster today hey you're nervous again I am I feeling ready in my chest I'm shaking my hands are sweating all right a little nervous about telling them but I think they'll forgive me it's been really nice having you here with me it's made it easier for me I don't like to do this by myself I'd be an emotional mess we wanted to talk to you guys in for a couple minutes now we um we just wanted to tell you that you know we've been here volunteering all week and we've been looking for places that we really you know feel strongly about Chris the other day he said if it wasn't for you guys he'd be on the street selling drugs I think you saved his life you're doing great things I told you guys about myself I'm an artist and I'm actually not a struggling artist I am a world-famous artist my real name is Scott Jacobs and you guys really touched me this week and I would like to give you guys a check really help you guys keep home Wow $20,000 you know I know that'll help you with a few kids yeah if it will sorry sorry his places is places a work of love and it's nice to know that you've come in in such a short period of time and and we're able to recognize what they do with what they're able to accomplish in the impact that they have on the kids that we serve and kids that we serve err sorry kids we serve a pretty amazing there's no reason that none of them can't go on and do and achieve great things great things make sure you keep moving forward we will we absolutely absolutely loan thank you it's my pleasure Chris you you remind me a lot of myself early on just give me a sex is hard and um you know at 18 years old you feel like you have a direction now and don't lose sight of me you know it's done I would love to be a mentor for you I want you to be able to call me up and ask me what to do next I just want you never to sell drugs again and just keep sight of your dream it's so important and so I also have a check for you as well it's not a lot of money that's $2,500 it's a lot to me I'd like you to move forward with this it's a lot of emotions a lot of things I want to say but mostly thank you I appreciate everything they've done for me and I feel like they saved my life I hope glassroots and keep this thing going the people in there they deserve everything they got today I can't wait to doing it so far Scott and Alexa Jacobs have donated $95,000 to valued members of the community in Newark New Jersey heading to the last organization you feel like this is getting easier this week not for me was it easier for you you think you're gonna be a little bit better this time around I am gonna try as you know I've learned this week letting emotions out it's an okay thing yes boost up well we're right in the middle of our community meeting here so welcome excellent we just want to say something this is our first time volunteering ever malenda we found you guys and seeing what you were doing and finding out more about the kola organization has his touched us it really has nobody loves him more than you miss Wallace and then you have personally made a huge impact on me you've been doing this for 40 years and it hasn't been the easiest for you and you didn't have to keep going you could have backed out and you just kept doing it and pushing through it and I have so much motivation out you've just impacted me so much in that way we do have one other thing to tell you guys to I'm a world-famous artist oh wow and I'm a multimillionaire oh my goodness and we have something that we would like to give you it's a check for $50,000 oh my god Oh two young people here they have some serious background but they still can contribute we need to stop throwing young people away and thinking that going to jail is the best thing for them it is not this will start changing things around and I believe that this is just the beginning oh yeah I think I learned the value of a dollar this week because I don't think I ever knew it I have a new view on life I'm ready to help people and put my dad I went through has brought us closer it's showed a completely new side of him that I didn't know existed and I am just so excited to see it continue I believe that this week changed me quite a bit I learned a lot more about myself feel like I've been almost Reba Maury because my priorities have changed I knew there was need out there but I didn't know in what magnitude but now I feel like my blinders are off the walls have started to crumble a little bit I want this feeling this type of experience to continue the rest of my life you
Channel: Scott Jacobs Gallery
Views: 1,123,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ScottJacobsStudio, charity, harley-davidson, secret millionaire, tv shows, reality tv, personality
Id: 4-jqkfbnZr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2013
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