Philip Johnston Secret Millionaire

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and cigars go you know go get every last but Philip Johnston isn't your average care worker he's worth 20 million pounds and lives a luxurious life in Glasgow but life for this multi-millionaire was not always so fortunate having spent his life in foster care he'll be going on the cover looking for those working in care today others and first up from when I was six weeks old he'll find out about charities working with kids going through the care system what team juice goes normally going bare that and meet people who've dedicated their life to the cause my mother wasn't a bad person she just had an addiction and that's what I really really struggled with while working alongside of the carers Phillip will meet those whose lives they change but he'll also hear about the issues they face at two years of age that child could tell you how to have sex how to take pad away as well as coming to terms with some of his own he must be very very proud I love to eat [Music] mundo chances in life are really Macau Oh mommy it's a that's how he addresses go that's some midlife crisis car you but I love it 43 year old Philip Johnston lives in a million-pound mansion in Glasgow I've got a whole bunch of guitars and I'm a big Queen fan so I've got ya bring me a guitar here that I got let's go Tar Heels same bye wait wait where and so you know and he's game I'm a beggar wait wait wait fine Phil's wealth stems from one thing his love of Technology I've been in the mobile phone business since 1985 and when mobile phones were absol a huge as you met we take mobile phones and we recycle them usual get that removed their scratches and take all the scratches out yeah that's perfect we've grown the company from zero to and 20 million pounds over seven years so yeah Ted quote let it float on it despite recently selling his company Phil's family think that when it comes to money he's proud to live up to the Scottish stereotype if he can avoid paying anybody to fix something he will of great change makes it because I don't want it please summer appeared gay nearly do put something fill may not splash out his cash needlessly but when it comes to his sons he doesn't hold back [Music] we're very close were more like friends that's the fortunate thing about away from success I've got as I can support the boys with the dreams one of the reasons Phil is so close to his boys is because his own start in life wasn't so fortunate he was given up for fostering at six weeks old it was a good boy but between 15 years old and 18 year olds as I've kept them away these were just teenagers going crazy my mom forced with me I was six weeks old she seen this newspaper it was called the Glasgow citizen and it was a tiny little Advent and said foster parents wanted and she called the number and out was that foster them to the joint sting clan there was a council estate it was you know a rough neighborhood but we're never short of love and my family were amazing unlike many children taken into the care system phil has remained with the same foster family all his life what about the time I went to see Michael Buble yeah and you pulled the red lacy necklace from I nearly died I was sore and buyeth oh my god I was sending my Jesus but last year Phil's foster mom Nancy was diagnosed with cancer we were all devastated she fought her Anna ran away and then it came back aggressively Mithen two months just this year the prognosis says is that she's always going off cancer and it'll always come back and we're always going to be faint now so I suppose again for success what use is money this is my attempt at Folden with first-hand experience of the care system Phil is curious to find out how it's changed over the last 40 years hey Austin eat yes any chance of giving his aunt I love that teacher I bet pump up nicely to go in this area [Music] Phil's going to Swansea we're over the last decade there's been a 55% increase in children taken into care here he'll look for and be introduced to people working within the care system and who may need his help [Music] please okay let's turn he'll like what's the heart of welsh copper mining the loss of heavy industry has led to economic decline and high unemployment so nervous going they're moving off to [Applause] you look at the big steel in the cup I think someone was shot here this is that clean seen a beast go around the neighborhood I really couldn't oh you didn't PO all right where's the shops down there okay see you later your lawyers let's just go up to you guys well what's going on 9000 is this on TV I think I don't know I think it's going in this summer it's a documentary I was there for stopping Glasgow I grew up in the cones let's deal with this so as it you do don't engage laughing yo me do you live here no I've just moved then just don't off gosh would yeah we know I live in a shed though yes Malta was just trouble with Neha just told them what you're going to do you're 14 your heads know why up straight you're going to be standing around there just wondering what my staff didn't go up there only that find it really tough to see my boys hanging around in corners like that and with nothing to do so yeah I thought I got it - honestly [Music] [Music] corn bus millionaire businessman Philip Johnston is living undercover in Swansea he was fostered as a baby and with the number of children taken into care at a record high he wants to find out about the issues they face today can you stick a tenon on it we have fire fire earth I'm reading an article about the Ritz Foundation the founder was in the care system of sailfin in foster homes because of appearance alcoholism and neglect and abuse as a glided app an app Chloe saw her house Emma Lewis set up the roots foundation just over a year ago the charity now supports 12 children in a pioneering scheme kinship care Philip has asked to meet with Emma as part of a documentary he's making looking into the care system the roots foundation we work with young people Inka young people leaving care young people in kinship care which is it something that people really talk about it's jerry people who live in an alternative family lifestyle maybe with their grandparents with their aunties or their uncles but they need support as a foster carer would do as you know as anyone would do looking after young people 52 year old kin has fostered her grandson koi when she works nights she drops him off her roots good job before we start cooking what should we do before we start go wash your hands there all of me today Emmer is giving these kinship care as a break and teaching the kids valuable life skills a views made lasagna before being in the care system myself I identified that people still need help I for a long time only knew how to cook a vegetable soup and added like half a pot of salt into it Ukraine already we just stopped it under there it stops you crying we took him down to the supermarket yesterday and said need to think about ingredients incorporating vegetables and meats and learning how to cook them and having fun really messed about the object although well don't worry I'm on it don't think guys go you know go get every last but you know so what is your passion about the care system and others and forced up from when I was six weeks old and then sex weeks became six months became you know my entire life for my mom so social services looked after me and but I don't feel like I was in kid I was with a family in the same family on my wife and I was very lucky that does hood Noma does all the cookin apron think we should ask alaikum and be our secret weapon and help us right when Shani isn't giving cooking advice she's running the tea forest community center which houses roots and several other local charities cheese okay right what if I spawn ties and very much with some of those life skills that people need just trust and the adult world in her house for the first time a [Music] [Music] most amaz'n motivation or stories fantastic she's doing something of her and an amazing [Music] I'm home making here now taking the National Florida wheels hopefully it stays alive and give us real words a good luck phil has read about the charity offering supported living to young adults leaving the care system [Music] I've been including myself and while I was in I was foster there was fostered all my life so I the wallet offers a safe haven to young homeless people housing 11 supervised flats it helps young adults make the transition to independent living there is a vacancy so she keeps the roof over her head Paul Sheridan has been managing the project for 10 years he's on call 24 hours a day and he's always on hand for support often acting as a valuable father figure government responsibility for foster children ends at 18 the wallet helps those not yet ready to live on supporters but then that gives you experience and we get the extra time and other people are brilliant especially if you've got personal experience of things that teach that little bit of understanding where so many young people come through it's great you should come in have a chest you've got 12 flights or something at all I'll say 11 self-contained flats and one last warning agency banned you and everyone that comes here did they get a place is that enough capacity of now we've usually got people waiting to come in we cannot meet all the need all the time they come with a range things it could well be that they've left care and behavioral issues what is when is 16 to 25 but to be quite honest I think we're getting more and more 16 to 17 year olds in ER the deep end phil has been asked to help cover the night shift with experienced project workers Shawn thank you so what same juice guys normally going better thanks very much the wallet team is always looking for ways to help the young people express themselves tonight Shawn is helping with the music project is based on the cycle of homelessness so it's really walking through the streets trying to get a job and then finally coming to the project here and being given a home Hannah's pretty good on the song now but we need to work out some harmonies right yeah yeah yeah I can certainly play the guitar on it yeah who you gonna get to do harmonies Phil settles in for his first night shift look at the CCTV here Joe basically covers the outside of the project and inside as well I think really the ethos and you know hopefully what you get a hang of tonight is the project is here for the young people they're not here for us so it's us that have got to be adaptable and flexible although there are limits [Music] it's been a very quiet night tonight I've looked at all the cameras and there's not a lot going on that's what can the problems do you looking at are being drinking alcohol we may have some people who've been upset and we've had people who self-harm before there's been over to you before as well but we haven't going to be with bad substance misuse here at the moment but they know if there's an emergency we they come down to not gas and then we're leaving the emergency services or if we can deal with ourselves we'll do it ourselves then home sweet home for the name [Music] [Music] seven Oh morning to you hi how did it go nice bro so we're going up to screen for the mall and partying like it's not just a safe haven it's actually it's some phenomenal Leafs comes to be honest wheat and I don't know teenagers no click off and I know what I know angels right because yeah I know they do all the things I've written a job does but you know what as a backbone they are absolutely phenomenon blown away Phil is interested in meeting charities working in the care system but a story in the local paper has caught his eye Margaret and Tony Davis are fundraising to pay for their daughter's cancer treatment and may have to sell their home I'm gonna give a call to the appearance of Tina ones already fame cancel just know for the same team so it's gonna open up one for me forty year old mom of four Tina has been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor now her daily care forced to Margaret her seventy year old mom Margaret spends any spare time she has fundraising for a potentially life-saving treatment for Tina ya know the way this year we love another bike right because it was really enjoyable runner just for you know hello I'm looking for Tony Tina's parents Tony and Margaret are continually looking for new ideas to help them reach their 30,000 pound target researched on the internet and we found this hospital in Paris that did this some fibrotic procedure we look to the home head and they're going in a fiber optic wand and they destroy the tumor to be raised just over 14,000 pounds on our target of 30,000 pounds for Tina's treatment Todd Samuelson as I said your house is only bricks on water it did not really where did you raise that the 15,000 that you've raised to her from my need door-to-door sponsorship knocking goes talk about do some ab Sally from a table that was Marcus urges cooks is caught with a good idea of a pub call you fancy dress with a bucket collection sorting so would you have any ideas barbecues it always good yeah joint barbecues you could have a date in here you know where you got a band or somebody to just play we play alive and we've already we've got one yeah all the stuff used other interns amazing your doors very lucky you know amazing people and amazing support network you know my mom whose dank noise day and over a year ago with and women cancer so I can sympathize and understand exactly you know what you're going to me you'd never give up you know that was gonna be you ask a Dave Meyer great we're afraid about yeah baby's mother oh man it's the length you do you go to you know you'd like to join me Margaret also uses her persuasive skills to get Phil out looking for sponsorship all right nice bonus for scary guy for penis puns okay thank you yeah can't do any more than what you do no I can't I see you before you go Saturday one of them isn't things you're doing an amazing thing which is just reach over and just take magaz pain we're gonna round the doors and just take it down just put out done right now and my sister stopped us boy [Music] she see that just maybe been in the house sent Murphy up yep you have me tell Doris is not she's a banging down doors and she's been doing it since October I do it time and time again if I have to [Music] he'd admit that we've really got to know very much about Emma and the team there is foundation what they do how many kids you know they're supporting than the community I know very low today emma has organised a play session for grandparents who foster their grandchildren it's a chance to bond with fellow carers it's kind of an unsung situation because grandparents often feel that this their duty they don't think of it as been anything something other than what's expected of them so they go through life bringing up their grandchildren as their children and doing a fantastic job but also need support as anyone else does you know grandparents such as Kim who's fussed at her seven-year-old grandson Scottie just told me that he couldn't swing a swing so Ken how did you start looking after Corey my son couldn't look after him because he was an errand addict as well as his mother was a heroin addict two years of age he was when he come to me and at two years of age that child could tell you how to steal how to have sex how to take headway I put my son in prison three times to protect Cory Cory is a little boy and Cory diesease love and that's all it's all about giving him that leverage we should have office parents you following me I hate hate you know that if I say rich is very important to me because I see about myself starting all those years ago where did you give the money to someone who's already established what do you believe in someone so what am I going to do [Music] [Music] millionaire Philip Johnston is returning for another shift at the wallet the charity provides supported lodgings to young homeless people many of whom have been through the care system today you'll be working with resident Hammond I've been here for two years now so I am got much long left and I'm really scared there's a stereotypical view of people who never knew people to think that we're all drug users I'm enough about the end of the day if I'm taking me a new I don't know where I'd be now got some work for you today the flats are expensive to run so Paul and the team have come up with an enterprising way to sustain the housing project by setting up a cafe I say at the moment it was an estate agents so we only signed the lease weeks ago so it's just very early days hey Paul are you doing um folks this is what we need help with today trying to get this out because he's right blocking the whole shots yeah I'll leave you to dance to it okay okay nice and easy okay so this is part of that overall strategy really for the wallet so we wanted to make you not just a cafe for the learning environment for people yeah that's a good idea that's one bright you have in the upstairs to open up if we can use do art up there we can do confidence-building workshops we could do music workshops while on a break Phil takes the opportunity to talk to Helen I came to abolish when there was 16 there's I might have school ministers living on the streets and then they placed me with the wall lifting the emergency bed what was it like being homeless oh it was horrible cold and wet horrible I wasn't in contact with my family or anything so it's just me it was scary how did you end up homeless what happened um there was a few issues in my parents house and I just couldn't stand it anymore so I just left so I'm just gonna deal with yeah some sometimes mean was a help so I think I said I say honest huh yeah you know if we could get some space upstairs here you do that I think it always bit I think everyone in the busiest rooms yeah in the policeman that yes keen guitarist Phil has been helping Hannah in the group out with a music project we're gonna do some jamming I could get how did you wanna sing along with it [Music] now the house I'll never be home this is my temporary home it's my where [Music] winter sir I'm passing through this is just a stop on the way to Burbank I'm not [Music] this is mine temporary home voice line angel started saying like the hairs in the back of my neck stood up and I thought oh my god the watch is phenomenal detect alts and instead of just believing care because their own apartment and then get amazing life skills as Paul always told me it says he's just you give them that we but encouragement and push them and go go fly that thing and it is just amazing [Music] Phil is back to do another shift at roots he hopes to find out more about Emma I love up the termination on Drive and I love the fact that she's just so hell-bent and doing some good she's gonna mazing heart she's just an amazing lady labels hold them very tightly and I want you to write your wish whatever wish you want in the world about three years ago [Music] which are hopes and dreams for that its foundation what I want the roots to be about is care I want it to be about love and I want it be about care I went to my first foster home and I thought I wasn't going to be there very long I thought that my mum would manage to stop drinking and that my stepfather would stop drinking and it didn't really happen my mother wasn't a bad person she just had an addiction and that's what I really really struggled with once I had my first kid soon as I came to hell term I thought how can you give you a kid or in the gates you're wandering and it's all sort some emotions kick through and I tried to make a go of the relationship with her mother I really found it difficult they just couldn't at the time you can say it properly you know and that's you know and that's for a lot of people a lot of people are still in households whose parents can't care for them properly but that doesn't mean that they love them any less No so thank you okay yes okay what would that next step be full of its foundation funding for any community organization at the moment is horrendous it's a possibility that it could shut down what could shut down the house could shut down they've been using their savings and their reserves on on keeping me here Phil is helping out with lunch under the watchful eye of Shani who runs a community house where roots is based join here yeah that's it looks good no then Philip you do need to be quick from Oslo that was very slow it's okay when I get out of ten for ever see one 1/2 so take these just muster easily no hot moving on you need to put pot these placements out what everybody is and I need to come and get useful spoons for everyone set thank you take me off you go I think the Community House is actually a central hub in the heart of the community where you can walk in and out and the mothers and the grannies are all joining forces and shared experiences I had the throw a comment from Emma we've got alarm bells rang in which boys that SHINee and some of the volunteers had used their own savings to keep the place a floor so I just need to understand that a bit more so SHANY yeah all that's cost money how is it funded so we know we're fighting till Christmas time but if there's no funding there's not a lot we can do we we close down it'll be a shame the sad part is about that they said is become so much of a community now where is it it was a place if it was a street that's the difference you know come December that is the end of the rainbow [Music] tomorrow Phil will be doing a charity skydive the cancer story hits me hard you should have to better your kid and as a parent I can understand that Margaret and Tony have invited Phil to a family dinner he'd like to meet their daughter Tina who needs life-saving treatment okay I think it's amazing what my mom's doing for me there's no words to describe it and she dropped me and hates Superman Superman I'm a little bit disappointed because the doctor said I couldn't have done it at the time because of the altitude my mom and my dad my sister that my daughter they wonderful I'm just neighbors I'm very grateful for each of me it means a lot thank you you're welcome you're welcome Tina's a lovely girl really as you know um before it was just just let me wrong so how long does it take for the jumper do you know if I can scream famous I am terrified of heights and I watched people scare Dave on TV and I'm L watching it but magnets got miss Kay they even oh all right so we're finally get to that I don't know I think I'm all nervous you nervous yeah [Music] unreal unreal jump into the plane for Tina and I'm jumping at the plaintiff my mom I'm jumping at the plane for my own family Oh Susan biggest thing I think [Music] I met so many amazing people I've seen strengths and ways that users couldn't imagine I've seen a whole lot of darkness and you know setting the room with people and but stories are absolutely Harwin and I've seen a lot of light positives so for me it's probably been the most amazing experiences my life fills time undercover is nearly at an end tomorrow he'll give away over a hundred thousand pounds of his own money you can't support everybody so scraped off Iceland some China is need assets and some need running costs so I've got a lot of other things to get rain on my head [Music] [Music] it's Philip Johnston's last day filming undercover in Swansea and he must reveal his true identity I learned a lot about kids who can fight but it was ignorant thought because a little sliver of being care myself that thought in your voter knew nothing about Dhamma my life really known as we you know both some businesses and some stuff I've been touched so much space for many people to be able this way in this whole story they are their actual heroes all of us Charlie it's a startup I've realized that it took me a while to get my head around it but I'm invested in because it I think she's amazing to help maintain his cover story charities have been asked to give an appraisal of Phil's work anything that has been worrying you or anything that you have found difficult and I've told one a couple of porcupines a [ __ ] live in very very looking leaf very fortunate amount of my family life and that led to me being very fortunate and Mac idea and my business life I seen a lot yourself and me and I see amazing potential and I believe and everything you're doing I have a check here for ten thousand pins for you and roots and for your drop-in center we can take your money yeah please it's the least you can do for me that's for you okay thank you I don't think I've ever been given for nothing and I don't I can't don't understand it very well do you know what I mean I don't know how to you just blow my mind really it will make a huge difference the kids in care in Swansea you know they have somewhere to go which difference yeah stupid man I'm nervous about coming in here oh don't worry all right yeah I'm fine come in just so if you know I'm not here to boost your ego good when you're in a volunteer role teas and coffees philip are a must you've not made a cup of tea people are making it for me precisely precisely Philip see you're going to kill me here you're gonna strangle me right I told you a lie so you're not good in to volunteer to that well I wouldn't say not right and I'm sort of with this place I think it's amazing what he's done I would like to help out and I have a check here for 35,000 pounds oh my god Philip you bloody late oh sorry I'm almost gobsmacked other this equation if you'd normally sorted doing amazing things these of records coming in here after school Yahiro summer holidays just keep them off the streets yeah alright you've almost got me speechless all those cubbies bTW you may get a fold the blood oh my god come December we done have to close and this'll keep us going for a few years it's fantastic it is I'm just totally overwhelmed us this is far fabulous it's like a wait just just come and go [Music] the voyage has been phenomenal I think it's brilliant her address in some of the stereotypes regarding homelessness I love the way the kids are alive the not even 12 bedroom just 12 nice I think you've been absolute star I think you've involved yourself and we'd love to have you I've got a confession to make unfortunately and I thought a little weight lie to you about my company over the last eight years and I sold it to the world's largest recycler see you lose your job you actually sewed the firm yes when you told me I bet you know you shop and then you took me down and she had division with me and we're my team here with the kids and I would like to help make the the shop happen have a check here for our 70,000 pounds to see I would love to see that music production room that we said upstairs we state the our coffee machine and good equipment that's that's that's from me to you in the team here I'm gobsmacked we are up there well thank you very much I know so it's just given us seventy thousand meter what's the cafe setting it up or state-of-the-art it's not it's not that often people like in in and here get opportunities or not to be able to be a part or something like this and I think is absolutely absolutely fantastic I [Music] want you know to get bear I really truly played God that the treatment or does work and it keeps a cancer a bit there's a mama for who gets to see your grandkids but for now Tina is too ill to stay at home and he's being cared for in a hospice I wanted to come back in Turkey is about fundraising told you a little wait why I'm afraid I'm actually not unemployed I've been very lucky in my life and very very fortunate in my my career I have a check here for twenty thousand pounds you've sent me off my good donk I don't want you sell your house I won't you get the treatment 15-under to those elves and when you stop jumping doors and chasing fundraising because you're so brave I want you to take less money it's only money I used to get the treatment patina and I want used to go in a holiday as well but that's for you okay [Music] it's a combo either I feel I want to say so myself either already said it's something you don't your mother must be very very proud of me I'd love to meet her [Music] [Music] here's one thing as you could do for me well I'd like to hear you play new guitar that's all then an amazing week challenging but I'm isn't a part of my kids being born best experience of my life over 20 odd years of work work work work work chasing business dreams and fellow lost track of what was important I kind of laughed of a jump to a plane for the stranger I hope shares I hope she watches us and because this is for her you know I hope she she thinks good for you kiddo [Music]
Channel: RJ Spear
Views: 245,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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