Mo Chaudry - Secret Millionaire

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mo Chou drew is so rich he usually gets people to do his dirty work for him I made my first million by the age of 30 now the multi-millionaire is going undercover in one of the poorest areas in Leeds of now staying in the place where there's bars outside he wants to give a helping hand to the inspiring people he meets if you don't have role model for your children they will go astray but living in Leeds biggest Asian community will challenge his prejudices I'm very disappointed with the whole situation money is not the only answer it's a journey that will force mode to come to terms with who he is and where he's come from I've become an alien I really promise stranger with my own people the white man had brown skin over 10 life-changing days he'll find something he thought he's lost you've got somewhere you have you back with a few people you feel alive again don't you you feel like you belong only when he finds people that he really wants to help will he reveal that he is a secret millionaire [Music] [Applause] mo Chou jury has made a fortune out of fondant he owns Waterworld the UK's biggest water theme park he started out with nothing but now runs a business empire worth nearly 60 million pounds I'm very disciplined I wake up a certain times I gotta work at certain times I train at certain times my first goal was to make a million pounds not just on paper but physically earn cash liquid money million pounds having that's only quiddity and I did that within five six years of starting my business the biggest buzz of all is to be able to take a risk I did it before I was thirty years of age at a time when that sort of money meant something you noted a million pounds nothing Mo's ambition started young but the odds were stacked against him he came from Pakistan with no English soon after his family lost everything when their grocery shop failed what you think drives you insecurity I've always had the sense of insecurity even now mo was the only Asian at school and was bullied for being different he had to adapt to survive and left his Pakistani roots behind in terms of cultural traditions I mean a person lost quite a few of those traditions my lifestyle is very Western very European style of living he now lives in a very English country house in stoke-on-trent with his wife Ann and their three daughters he had a little bit of racial upsets when he first came to the UK but I think he's adapted very very well he's become very westernized and he makes you sound very very well I think he's been through that situation anyway himself so he knows what it's about it were just like bring back memories and try to make him a better person I suppose perhaps to come lipid divorce from most people and it'd be nice to sort of be in an environment where actually I can just be myself and people can then not like me just like me for me robbing for my status that's what what I'm looking for is to see whether I can start to connect with everybody you know instead of instead of having having barriers one of the kids call these hoodies Skelly's I have no idea what does that mean yeah my wife has bought me that thought that would look really cool you know straight street matter no I didn't let myself in for what fine see you later yeah [Music] most traveling to hare hills the largest Asian community in Leeds it's a journey that's taking back to his past [Music] [Music] we get a warm [Music] I better brush up on my or do and job' as well I think oh very poor over the years I felt that a priest about it becomes stranger within my own but with my own people in a stranger and Sansa I can't even speak that language as like I really should be able to I don't understand Maya totally different mentality toward if we were thinking it's got to a stage where I should shy away from our own communities [Music] Moe we live in an area known as the curry mile and his secret life will last just ten days he'll look for and be introduced to people who might need his help they'll be told he's filming a documentary about reconnecting with his Asian roots [Applause] [Music] yeah pretty grotty I mean I can't deny that don't do it's better than my first Bessette hmm I've never stayed in a place where there's bars outside so I'll be right [Music] [Music] Moe's new home is just three miles from the city center but he's in one of the most deprived areas in Leeds with the highest rate of unemployment [Music] further where do I live Moe never imagined he'd go undercover in an Asian community it's left him with the dilemma he's going to have to rethink who he wants to help I don't want it to just be a Pakistani project but in my life it's told me more than that and my life has told me that there's a big wide world out there and there are a lot of decent people no more decent than the English people if I'm really dead honest about it and if it wasn't for the the English community the English persona I won't be where a him self-made man mo Chaudhary is living undercover in leads he's a fitness fanatic so he'll be working in a gym he's hoping it will be a way into meeting local people he can help gonna start with a bit of vacuuming of the reception area okay cleaning equipment to do the mirrors in the gym no problem [Music] I think it's important to work hard . i'm always worked but from the age of 16 actually became financially independent nothing quite sure quite proud of that what sort of work how do you do [Music] I'm the new assistant yeah before mix couple anyway Scapa yeah my name is mo I've been coming here like 10 years oh wow CNN senior looking excellent LexA I just wanted to see my friend unto you okay three one perk of the job is free use of the gym he's training with scab ah annex kickboxing champion you can tell your martial artists what does that do I'm just warming up here oh I see I know all the body ones yeah free keeping going for let's go so tell me about yourself about young people there so it's nice to see somebody I didn't hear that okay will you give me the edge of your daughter he must be thirty fifty yeah I'm fifty one fifty I'm a kid box I've got my own school I've got and I teach children been doing martial arts and piracy all so would you mind if I come in watch you sometime I'd love you to come come you love it yeah most looking for more leads and he's hoping the local newspaper might help [Music] front page news is a community radio station that basically is short cash but the other interesting thing is that they usually look for volunteers one - you're going down having a look probably a good idea radio [Music] assalamualaikum elegans how are you good thank you yes I've actually just moved in the area I'm gonna short-term base okay and I haven't got a radio in my flat oh there's our radios yes sweetie you need a small radio large yeah well I just need a radio that can function because I need to listen to a radio specifically in fact the local radio station are you familiar with it this already dude listen to it something so with that what do you think about it it's okay okay it's nice it gives the community information and everything something like this something like this since I was about 17 18 obviously move away from my community and I've not lived within my community at all build up this sort of prejudices yeah well I'm trying to correct that all right I came right I think know what English are all yeah and when I went to school is the same do you know your protocol set felt so alone being the only one yeah that's a terrible experience I'll become an alien you know I'm a white man in brown skin you know if the call will be bad that I bought I read and hear in the papers and TV yeah I mean we have a close-knit community here actually we all work together and we try and make people welcome okay now right radio plays yeah you just want a simple radio come on very limited money I'm only have ten pounds a day you can take whatever you want for five days whatever I do you want Wow all right thank you very much yeah I'm I'm all whelmed but you can put a trusted me it's the least we can do isn't it to make you feel welcome is it trusted my eyes is it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice music I don't understand what it's saying what the thingy but perhaps I should mix it with my people more than I do the seeds were sown the day I went to school and the only Asian in that school that was the trigger to survive Mao abandoning his own language and learnt English I could not communicate had problem because I couldn't communicate I got picked up once I was able to communicate I was able to overcome issues like that is it largely population there's a real need them to have a voice hello hello there you're the radio people are you hello my name is Moe thank you Moe's volunteering at Asian fever a community radio station set up 8 years ago by Jabbar we have a policy at the radio station right and we welcome anybody who has passion and commitment and willing to give someone the wrong time but you don't get paid for it well it's not for profit and at the moment and no one's being paid to be honest really no not even me how do you how do you how do you sustain yourselves and I mean there with I would say a boy full of passion we grew up listening to Western music and China you know and to integrate with everybody else but then we found out that yeah we have a love of our own culture our own music and it's beautiful and we should promote it first we never literally looked back show your arm yeah this is our studio I'll just make sure he's not talking you ready okay this is judge a logit is doing on rational design of the young people and he's one of the top DJ's there's a lot of night scenes as well caviar nothing is way for us to go so I can talk aegeon fever reaches out to the whole community it broadcasts in six languages and tries to involve the area's younger generation from scratch learned of me just terrifies me all this equipment Jabbar offers more chance to co-host the phone in show he's in at the deep end today's issue is arranged marriages did you have an arranged marriage no I didn't obviously I think my family did want an arranged marriage for me but as it happened I went to further education met met a lady a marital now it was my personal choice and not only did I see now married to another Pakistani I see married outside the race and and made merry English lady we're gonna go straight to the next caller a Salaam aleikum that's not a gun what would you like to say today you are a Muslim or you're not a Muslim there is no one between this is Western in Western social activities there is lot of things take place which are forbidden in Islam ng before marriage excuse me I'm listening [Music] Shakeel man let me respond to that I think we're getting to a territory that's not relevant to you or anybody else the fact the matter is this I'm happily married I've been rapping mine for 20 years how I live my life really is it's okay well Shakir Saab thank you very much for your call no I know you haven't finished your supper it's very important that we respect the listeners and also others around us I mean you know indirectly you know you can see it what we like the phone in only reinforces most views there's a stronger limit within communities that actually whole communities back there thing they're doing good the thing they're doing good for the community but in fact they're there in my book seriously quite ignorant people it really bothers me that in the 2530 years since I've been out of the community Scotty's compact was rather going forward ah yes Ani [Music] dig Moe's frustrated he heads to the park to clear his head [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh he's the organizers oh here's a beer yeah please all right can I can I join in yeah if you want [Music] [Music] the softball game is part of a youth project set up by Anwar and Sabir in a move to keep the kids out of trouble [Music] [Applause] [Music] lots of kids around there they're all strokes around there there's nothing much going in parking either you got a group of five studio to four fives today yeah the drugs doing the wrong thing times or couple of hours where they can come to us again if they got any problems or for going through any problem another little chat to us it's a con hit me today really you know what's our things these kids are up to and it's all bad and if a hardly any good that I see it also chipped in twenty five pound fifty pounds bought some nets badminton nets rackets hopefully we're trying to get more funding for like a building and a little mini bus as well he's come to summer time and they have nothing much better to do either play or it can take my trip to lay a wish list which we are a property which we had this wish we had that we all wish things don't we but getting those things executed wishes just don't come come come real they really are try and do good and they try and get the community involved but I'm not going to means that they've actually thought through how they're gonna do it until the fall back whole process through then there's no point throwing money at them [Music] after several days in herre Hills Moe's even more estranged from the culture he came from and prejudices are holding him back from finding people to help I feel pretty unhappy if if I'm going down a route where all I'm doing just go to the motions of giving these people money and per se but money is not the only answer I'm very disappointed with the whole situation yesterday's experience was the most challenging okay and I felt uncomfortable my annoyances came out you know the most standard sort of prejudices about Pakistani people being disorganized unruly I'm paying myself oh you know I've been there I've actually come from the same gutter as you as you can do kids up so what why can't you do it you so why can't you do it [Music] mo Chou tree is living on the cover in herre Hills but over halfway through he's frustrated he can't find anyone that he wants to help today this gym partners Gabbar has invited him to join his martial arts school now it's brought up in the days of the 70s and the 80s when there's a lot of trouble me too I know that but even though we were brought up in that right you must admit right our children today has got no manners that's right because we might have been brought up in those days yes right but we have manners and respect for our elders if if you don't have role models and heroes for your children yeah they will go astray you're absolutely understand my friend absolutely right yeah I got my grandmother tell me not respect starts from home yes you understand and if you don't have respect at home how are you going to have respect on the street exactly [Music] [Music] [Music] Scabbers classes are more than just a way of keeping the kids off the streets he also act as a mentor when we all sit down together we have jokes together while we stretching and why we're laughing and alas as a grownup you throw in anybody's been bullied today come on we don't have to be frightened and they say it brings them out you understand because you cannot have a child in bullying keeping secrets all I know is I I had nobody like you somebody like you to help me at that time when I was being bullied as a child yeah and I couldn't speak to my parents I know horrible I mean how do you finance all this how do I find a service well this is a story that if you want to hear I've done this with my gyro not willing to skips and be I go to shops and I ask them with my smile and they give me and you pick up all the stuff in this rubbish baby yeah those bags and stuff people throw this yes I find them in rubbish bins stuff that is all stuff yeah I didn't do anything jeez because you have to because I don't got no money so you got to do these things and you've got to wipe them and you've got to put the work in and they look good I'm actually um was the world gobsmacked that's all everybody is but it's a fact [Music] he's giving it another chance on the afternoon show I can see I can see why you're doing it there's that buzzes the adrenaline rush Jabbar on the team have more than enough passion what they lack is equipment they were hoping the council would save the day we will promise the funding and then all this funding and we had all this we did the research of this was possible to do actually and in the last hour they said oh by the way there's a little problem as I was thought well we don't think we should have fun to you if the station didn't exist what do you think the impact that would have on the community oh well to me the community would be voiceless it would become isolated as it always has been it is quite a collection I know they were all so friendly you know in the very open people and they opening me up little bit in terms of my own preconceived reservations and judgment about Asian communities and so far it really has enlightened me sudden made me change my way of thinking about both Asian people [Music] most finally making real contact with the community it's challenging his prejudices and forcing him to rethink his strategy as well I had a thought that business mentality but both been very clinical and detached and the people I was uh supposed to be engaging with I've got to try and get off my high horse and he's off a little bit and I've started to sort of look for a reason why I should help them rather than reason why I shouldn't help them with only a few days left on the cover most starts are new he's going back to Ann Warren's appears youth project to give it a second chance [Applause] [Applause] [Music] after the game mo meet some players whose lives have been turned around by the project this thing that Oliver and Barry are doing for this club what do you think about it but nowadays to mess about but they don't want to go there today expressions every as well we all saw something there something to draw blackout I've been convicted of four much there everyday again so it helps you the fact that did the Oblast things for yours and death [Music] with his fresh outlook most seeing beyond the stereotypes that held him back that sports club really dead artists the Madonna ver I saw him it with his um beard and it's a salwar kameez and I just had the stereotype you know a typical Pakistani man he does that I've set in his ways [Music] with big decisions to make about who to help mo wants to get to know the men behind the project slam come on in come on just close the door after you yesterday I just felt the group of quite unruly and there's a bit just general disorganized and so on that's how we had a tea is he you can have kids who are gonna be swearing and messing about the fresh off the street you know and didn't need a whole lot of encouragement we're not miracle workers we're only there I could actually relate to that I mean it's gonna take time [Applause] after the drug problem the song home is where I started smoking weed and jumped on to smoking every now how did that trap for nearly five years and I tried to come off it but it was so difficult time of my life and it was the worst time of my life I want to see anybody going through them sort problems it's it's a scary thing so is to help them out before it is too late climbing the Asian communities one of troops and colorful years of the community basically needs to be nipped in the bud before eschylus more and more even if it's a couple of hours a week even if it's disorganized it does not make a difference you know we just need that children off the streets a bit selfish just look after myself not worry about anybody else you know but let them doesn't worry about themselves and you know what I'm interested in just looking out for me and my immediate family and what the duality is quite quite hard very hard in fact I mean how many of us would give our final four somebody else most slowly getting back in touch with his roots it's left him hungry for a taste from his childhood you know what to say if you'd ride a bike you never forget about riding it well I thought so P that's exactly what I'm gonna feel like with this videos eggs [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Moe will soon have to decide who he wants to give his money to [Applause] today Scabbers running a fun day to raise cash for his club it's a last chance for Moe to find out whether he needs his helmet ice grab are you doing what's the food I'm just thinking about it yeah Kristy this hi how you doing are you involved with this project I mean what else is doing she asked me with the paperwork so this is a fundraising exercise for you today right so you raised some money today to help you with your project project you know I mean what what was a main cost with with what you're doing I will grateful it's quite quiet 2005/2006 yeah well we're doing the right things are in there with we're doing the right thing Punjab percent of the people who come to my dream do it volunteer right and also me I'm also even though I am the chairman as you know you can be a chairman I don't get no pay yeah even though I sadly so I am still not getting no paper I haven't I have not paper to you I don't get paid for this nothing it's very difficult to sort of ask people to pay you for something that you're already doing for free yes that's true that's very difficult that's right now you able tell me what sort of raise you've got well yeah after the fund a scab Rand Christie invite mo back for a drink Winston wants to give everything away for free he wants to give his love and his energy and 110 percent of what he's got and he wants to just like make it free make everyone happy make everyone have a great time but he also wants to run a gym and he also wants to be employed and and self-sufficient and making a better life for all of us and it's been really really hard a bit of help wouldn't go amiss would it I know and it makes one of the most unpopular people in the world know your woman honestly I'm trying to rein him in and stop him from giving it all away because I know that at the end of the day we have to pay that the bills and if those bills don't get paid I don't want the gym to disappear I don't want the people to be just like end up with nothing [Music] just days ago mo couldn't find anyone he wanted to help [Music] but now as his live undercover comes to an end he faces a very different dilemma [Music] it's a real topic obviously about us see so emotions all we can tell how much in who to and so on at the moment I just don't know I still haven't decided [Applause] [Music] most stay there is nearly over he spent his life moving away from the Asian community but after 10 days in herre hills he's finding it hard to leave why have I all these years to test myself I've shown my community I've gone out of my way not to involve myself or engage with them you know why we got to fear absolutely nothing at all they're very warm hospitable people promise is a promise the Asian mentality that there's a lot of negatives and a lot of things I don't see eye-to-eye with my own people in a way it's actually highlighted all the positives of particularly Asian communities and hospitality [Music] now after living undercover he's finally ready to reveal who he is and who he wants to help [Music] [Applause] I never thought I would feel good about giving money away like this [Music] to [Music] during the last ten days of a of a roller coaster of emotions and changes in my opinion I'm not used to that you know I do miss just decided that said it's done with good man I just wanted to have a goodbye today yeah yeah and I also wanted to be upfront with you about something because I'm not who you think I am all right I'm actually a millionaire very good I've seen you guys do some fantastic work I really think the people like you should be encouraged and motivated so as a result I've decided to give you some money and this money is there for you to buy it whatever you want to do but if you could buy a minibus with this money it would be wonderful for you and community honestly really thank you very much Wow when I first that would be dead honest when I first saw you I had the stereotype but our people you know yeah be it don't be so vodka Me's and I don't know how to take you at first okay so I had to overcome my own prejudices thank you okay I know thank you very much thank you thank you yeah you take care of guys keep the good work up Moe's gift of 8,000 pounds is a lifeline to the project it will help them to grow ecstatic seriously just like well you watch I'm telling ya you don't do you think well it's not gonna happen to raise this all the way to somebody else's always yeah and - tee it up and fear is a big willful we've never had anything like this you know moment inside you feel really good that you sort of achieve this [Music] [Music] dress up for you I've got something to own up to all the things I told you it's true except one thing almost yeah multi-millionaire so as a result and will give you a gift jab jab you can pound and you can you can double that I can double that with a match-funding [Applause] community you are a really really strong message to deliver right you can be the gel between the mixed communities here and and the wider bit of oh yeah yeah thank you very much all of you thank you for your hospitality your company all the best Hawaii [Music] that was a lovely lovely month when he handed the money over I saw you joking you really are jerking is a window we had no money and now we got 14,000 pound and 14,000 is like 140 to me on his way to deliver his next gift Moe drops in to say thank you for the radio he was loaned [Music] my boss how are you Wow Wow Wow I thought I'd surprise you today yeah do you guess Matt today when and this is what wanted to come back and see you is because your gentlemen anyway but most important of all you trusted in me right you trusted it to me Joe Bloggs didn't know anything about me and I wasn't a lot of money but it's more point of principle isn't it okay so obviously you don't know but actually a multi-millionaire come on [Music] all right well normally Nana there we are nice to meet you so Kalia thank you very much I decided to really did your gesture to me deserve an equal gesture back in return maybe oh I really don't know what to say just a just a token of my appreciation you surprised me clear up shocked right I really don't know whether I can accept this really must accept it no I appreciate the fact that you you appreciate what I did for you but that's what brothers are for well you're not gonna take it for you personally then take it for a project that's for my heart I don't carry much much appreciated really yeah we'll stay in touch I'm sure all right do we stay in touch I mean I don't know whether we're on the same class now we see you because we're working really in Aires now easing we're always been in the same class mate she'll always you know I'm glad you think that when it comes to this doesn't it definitely definitely all right thank you for this thank you very much I'm shocked Moe leaves a thanking gesture of a thousand pounds well I thought I thought make an effort for you I just saw the first ever good bytes to you you've been really kind and hospitable to me and I really really appreciate that but I just need to open up to something yes I'm actually not who you think I am I'm actually a millionaire and I know you've got some problems and issues so I thought I'll take your troubles away and I'm gonna give you a donation no condition [Music] I might I can't I'm really lost for words because we just don't put his heart and soul is it I can say that you're a good man and he'll continue to come on give me us [Music] that thank you so much really very good nice your gold you know and what you're doing here is really good and keep the motivation up and keep doing it how I can help you have learned a lot of ways not just not just with with what I've just donated for you in last words scammer come on say something man be yourself good on you let's go back back back [Music] okay thank you [Music] most 6,000 pound gift will help the club clear its debts and the funny sort of ways that are gonna be sad to leave this place was like it it's like I had in handy anywhere you go somewhere you have you connect with a few people you feel alive again don't you feel like you belong so what was I looking for what's that was it that I feel very comfortable in this environment no problem okay see you later [Music] six weeks later most money is making a massive difference and Warren's abeer are buying a minibus to take the kids camping somebody's comin to look at what we're doing and they're seeing that we are doing a really hard work and we were struggling with it but somebody's came and given is that most it's honestly that's from IR s really great feeling even on the back is good sometimes you know when you're down and you've got 40 kids and you think well is it worth it you know what I mean and next minute a guy just comes out of the blue like I said and it just gives you the radio station has a new transmitter and can take their message to an even wider audience a couple months ago extremely low pressure making ends meet and now we're actually shopping for equipment we were really dreaming about and Scabbers Jim is driving we put all the bills yeah which is some the rent well we had them we were about four months behind on the rent and we just had a statement through which shows just the June rental and no arrears I do feel good until when I came by my debts isn't it that's what I that's when it really dawn on to me that I had some money to pay these debts I've always been me me me and maybe now I'm ready for the wider world and and perhaps I would like to think that one day it ought to be successful enough that most of whatever my life most of what I've acquired I can actually give it to good causes and there are a lot of things that I can do with that with with that wealth [Music] you
Channel: Carl Jones
Views: 166,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xhv6VRFW_Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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