Warren Logan - The Secret Millionaire RTE

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Warren Logan at the age of 43 has created a multi-million euro hair and beauty business working with his mother and sister Warren's business hairspray has emerged during recession as a successful market leader for the next eight days Warren will leave his life in Dublin and will live on the equivalent of social welfare under the guise of presenting a documentary on youth issues Warren will look for people and charities he feels he can help I've made a connection there and I'm not on the fence about doing some good there I'm gonna do some good there at the end of his stay he will part her tens of thousands of euro and reveal himself as the secret millionaire I'm incredibly driven maybe it's a little bit of a dysfunctional driven but I have to get there it's unstoppable what drives me is when I was younger we didn't have any money the fear that my mother would be broke my sister broke I don't want to be broke at 43 Warren has achieved financial stability and success but he hasn't always had it so easy growing up in a difficult and troubled environment when my family broke up I looked at her as a train crash and sometimes in a train crash she just want to get out and run it was a broken home that I lived him and I even at that age I felt nearly like you know if I was running this myself we could probably make it better now Warren has a range of businesses from IT to retail but his hair and beauty chain Hair Spray is his main focus welcome again to hair sprays YouTube channel as you can see we have something a little bit special view this morning it's the Hair Spray extra-long clip in hair extension I had Warren when I was 16 years of age his father was in prison and when he came out of prison he was a very very difficult person to live at at that point and he was very very tough for more so Warren had a very difficult childhood and his father was really hard on him he just himself down and go it's okay mom it's okay you know and and emotionally he just went in inside himself I lived in that era also and I turned to alcohol so he had a double whammy our parents it shaped his life for this for his future because I gave him the strength that he needs today so Warren at a very young age starts become very self-sufficient I think he started to make his own money for itec I want to actually see what the PISA reaction is for the customers first but synthetic places yeah there's a massive part of my life that I've always had difficulty with and that is in relationships trusting people and their time you better concern I do like to control things I set up a my HQ and I just run operations from there and I like to be here because if something goes awry I like to know about it hot selling colors out in the middle of the eye section okay so it's in the eye line yeah he has a gift for poor people on business he has that whatever he touches turns to gold he thinks differently to most people he's razor sharp he sees he cuts through things immediately so he has zero fear he has no fear because of where he grew up there is no fear anymore I left school that I just performing inter-service by fourteen years of age I was an angry young lad there was a lot of devilment out and we were getting in trouble and there was just nothing else to land you know thankfully my granny was there she gave me the belief to say I can do anything I want we had an amazing relationship she died in that room up there and it was painful was painful of time so as I said I go over everything it's great one I think for me Warren will now say goodbye to his friends and family before setting off on his unknown journey I'm heading down tomorrow I have to say I'm a little bit nervous he's gonna miss me oh I am very apprehensive because I'm totally out of my comfort zone on this but I just look at it as like everything else this is a totally new challenge get a journal so you can writers yeah I don't know where he's going but I know wherever he's going at the end of it he's going to find the great results my nightmare scenario is looking like a toad leader the people go who's this pretentious person coming down here waving a cheque because it's a fine line and we're in difficult times you know I have to really just try and be honest because it's it's difficult for people out there at the moment the day has arrived for Warren to leave his secure life in Dublin he's saying goodbye to the comforts of home and family Warren will take the train south to Cork where his journey will begin for me to go away MD off the radar a days do scary stuff and when I know when I wake up tomorrow I'm gonna be very very nervous about it but once I'm down there and I'm in the mix I'll be happy and I I think I'll feel the sense relief once I'm just physically there Warren is heading for a house this would be his home for the next eight days away from the hustle and bustle of corks busy tourist areas Warren will have to adapt living on minimum wage and cooking and cleaning for himself Riverview has undergone evokes no problem okay thanks right tell me look it up you know that's all enough is here we have you okay have you looked fi turned they are an innocent of all the houses yeah brilliant did I have to spell it when I used to go to holiday home when I was a kid wow this is like to be very vertically challenged to my width is nearly discus the size of the shower this is gonna be fun in the morning so that's a great to know that if things don't work out I can run home very quickly I'll probably do it Steve McQueen on the back of that I brought so many shirts it's my diary for my notes to paste I forgot only minutes after arriving in my house Warren finds an unexpected message from his mother I'm sorry I cannot speak to you to find out how you are getting on I hope the current journey your discover an inner strength which finally puts a closure to many things that may trouble you in the past four grand the whole family wishes you all the very best he'll be very much mom rod and the rest of the family that's just hit a nerve you know just ground it's a lovely letter you'll meet me and my sister me whether we don't discuss a lot of what happened back then because it was about it was it was a difficult time for all of us going over things again can be a bit little bit raw I couldn't even read it properly because I I died money down here they don't wanna start choking up already I be honest with you push I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do it right tomorrow I'm looking forward to really hit the streets again the feel at the city and trying to get myself really pointed in the right direction if I focus doesn't set on the job in hand I just be honest with myself I hope I can get this whole thing right you know you Warren Logan is a successful businessman he's living undercover in Cork City after living there for eight days he will give away thousands of euro and reveal himself as the secret millionaire it's Warren's first day in his new home were under the guise of presenting a documentary about youth issues he'd be looking to make contact with people or groups he can help I woke up on my rested and I'm looking forward to today now I just need to find my bearings cork is a busy urban center welcoming tourists and it's the day-to-day clamor of a thriving City hoping to find out about the city's different areas Warren heads to the local barbarous to get some insight I haven't a clue where I am so as is the best way to find out is really to the local people and then take it from there oh no how are you so lonely off yourself Cheers nothing too major today under here just a bit of a trim no problem no problem are we keeping I'm good good just a ride yesterday so sorry God hold you out in the capita things are tough but I hear I keep hearing things are getting better yeah but I haven't seen along in caught for you for a few days or and you're gonna be here a week oh yeah yeah Bailey you bellator Secret Millionaire so I wish why me about 990 run short what Bible did Dobbs the show will do in the double you know you might as well be asking us you know it's I'm the worst when a car doesn't that's Portugal Ola how's the music boy that's good that's it this is the man now he's gonna be all do number one the music man in [ __ ] bye and what do you do and trigger what what he sing your route well yeah I need your local that's probably you can reel back up thank you very much how are you getting on so what are you playing there so the movie ring to another when we videos a new truth and hanging up me wrong leaves was cracking [ __ ] pretty witty little fears taught me how they live in Hoonah trust nonplussed me to adjust before a cool boss wishful thinkin the casa living fell people saw broke with the rubble from the Wishing Well answer me this question well boys at depression cells you would mind bring me up would you the only way would you want to go through I just I'm just in Dublin and art come from Dublin organic workman as I said I'm I'm doing a documentary unlike Norland especially for youth and everything like that so I wanted to learn the area's local area yeah I got because be honest with you I'm a double lob okay clue with the area so if you could behave you have the time be bright yeah great like other cities cork has its difficulties with its own share of social problems intergenerational unemployment drug issues and crime tell me about the video yeah it's just basically it's a bar as everyone one portion that I seen historic and unfold over time and well it was he on drugs and their heroin or he was on heroin right and with drug use was it there as if something's come on the scene in the last year too lately it seems to be just everywhere all the time week and it's not just heroin ously evident a lot of stuff that we went on the players might make and it was early in [ __ ] before you would hardly ever hear of gun crimes you've heard of stabbings and I like and yeah they wouldn't last even two months tours after being a before she wasn't have you been in trouble with the police yourself never know what do you think made that difference what do you think was in you should I say really that did that made you say I'm actually not gonna get involved my seizures cop I'm like just having common sense I also added a tricky background and I didn't go down your path I went down the other path some people I always find are more and they're made of hard or steel and some people got very you know effective with the things I'm gonna mean the product or environment is yeah and it is amazing like I always see if you have brothers and a family and they're all the same whether I was the same father and they just fell down totally different paths no it's just it's weird too secretive the same as fellow girls and dimension it could be bored because he's got too much money yeah for us people were only I'm waiting up enough money so then they get bored and their daughter Hensley yeah that loud trigger I think he probably a rare breed I think so a lot like him is an inspiration to a lot of people around her because of the temptation is just is to maybe rob cars or to go on drugs or whatever because there's nothing else to do he learned his craft down on the horse I want to get down there and learn a little bit more about that so that's where I'm gonna make my way down there today I want to just learn a little bit more about what the scent is about or what it's doing for the community is there a rapper so here there is yeah where Miss Warren makes his way to the rapper's hood where Gary McCarthy tutors a group run by Youth Work Ireland for children who come together to write lyrics about their lives so what you're doing here what do you think that's fulfilling for the kids that are come here whatever need it gets them in doing something productive something creative and it gives them an opportunity to rap about their lives at the end of the rap is is the voice of the street so basically whatever happens from where you're from or what you grew up with or what you live then [ __ ] that's what you're going to rap about and some people use rap as a way just to just let it all out as always people where I think for a naturally born storyteller as we've lots of humor a lot of width and so I think a lot of that can be brought into rap as well can you show me some more of the tracks that you have understand you know what why that's working here but I do agree d-rings again Danny yeah you're gonna do a nice and load look at me Santa from the bottom heading for the top we forget about the judgments I never ever stopped I learned from my mistakes I love the mom don't be there for my claim unless you're there for a [ __ ] see I've seen a lot of you to put them where their choice in life thinking ahead about you each and every night see courage isn't the absence of fear is taking action do what you want to spoil if you're scared open to the community center here I've been able to express yourself through what can lads like your age do if they're not rapping drinking smoking what would draw ambitions be able to move the clock forward a couple of years so okay how important of a figure as care even for you anymore good afternoon I'm absolutely blown away listen to the talent while these lads are very quiet but when they're rapping they're expressing themselves they're singing about their local communities you know and there's a lot of things about drugs and suicide coming through their songs if I was their age I'd love to go to a place like this I've got a really really great buzz in there this morning you know it was brilliant it was a very powerful experience been able to see kids going into an environment like that and really enjoying it coming from my own background I didn't have those mentors I needed it maybe it's lagari in my life ah the beans the famous beans you wouldn't have a bag or anything like that which I can actually get as well what service for a coffee morning just a month I know you okay for those brief bikes inside right okay right okay do you mind if I take this okay thank you thank you - bottom line is if you have one character in your life it's able to grab you take it under their arm and tell you things are gonna be okay it's it's it's experiment in one's life moving forward living here it's definitely a plenty time to think of it what's happened what's going on and reflection the place I'm in the food I'm eating it's really back to basics you know and a lot of the time when you take away the things that you normally have in your life it's a great sort of sinawe sanctuary for me just to focus with every new challenge what every person are gonna meet I am fearful because I'm not always comfortable in certain environment so I am apt to say a bit fearful of what's gonna be ahead of me and am I gonna be able to handle it the next day and Warren has phoned ahead to meet Colette and Antony wolf who running you are not alone a self-funded voluntary group who offer coffee mornings for those touched by suicide I have to say the nerves going in I don't know what to expect collapsed who's running the whole group today has told me there's gonna be quite a few people in here the whole prerogative today for me is just to listen get some more understanding but suicide and what it means having the support of a group like this today we've special guest us we weren't your do it works very as it's your first time sitting in get the value thanks for having me here have you put it attached to my good friend says for the club that nobody wants to join you know I'm gonna it's something that wasn't in car a coffee morning for suicide it wasn't there for us and it wasn't the army jobs filter together we get comfort from one another so with the coffee mornings how helpful I'm putting this out of the group have they been I think it really did help me I wouldn't say do you know it just it had me clean except except it said that it did happen and they I'm just I'm not alone it's a great feeling to in order do you know for me personally its normality each of us know that you know that were on that walk and it's hard work I mean you know I can look across the table look alongside me you know to the people out of their liking it some ulamas knew all if somebody one of them where I have no hair day and there is hope they're gonna have to being so blessed of the people that I'm after meeting since my daughter's best they don't want nothing for me they don't look for nothing off me they like my company I like their complete the only way you can release yourself with the emotions of suicide is to be able to is to be able to express yourself really it's dreadful for people to lose anyone at any age or you know no matter what they die from I can tell you here today I find it so so hard okay it just rips rooks people apart riffs families apparently it just leaves normalcy so a few people tinct under and dad I know that critical point like don't know I love them Patel they are lovely you know my brother was in the Navy he was 29 years of age he was my idea a year and a half I had him he was just a neighbor so on of the parity he had no troubles no he wasn't into drugs or drink or anything he just just got depression and people have the wire you know what happened we were 15 years on alien he still don't know when I heard so many different stories of husbands and daughters and brothers and sisters and it's just harrowing to see that suicide can just absolutely wrench away someone's happiness and joy that everyone is getting this great inspiration from caleche and Anthony in what they're doing I want to go a little bit further into what I'm gonna vas can I go to the house and no get it a little bit more about you were not alone and find out what makes them tick in March 2007 Colette and Antony wolf who set up you are not alone lost their daughter LeeAnn to suicide she was 18 years old can I see some photographs are clearly up over on photograph this one is my favorite she turned the camera that way okay beautiful yeah she didn't think that note her that was people harvard-trained I her sister that would be when she was in school over her dad's proud father yeah that's the donor will give her her dad and then that's her Daniel was one tell me am Colette in relation to you know the day the day of her days before Lee had died we were we were taking the trip to Leon's Russia she was actually meant to go with us and a couple of weeks for about two months beforehand she changed her mind we just can intubate yeah a nightly phone and it would have a vineeth walk formal him and a phone rang would she ever must we must have fell after sleep and that is set up and intubated and he said something like he says what but I could know by his voice that you know something kind of child in my stomach and I was thinking something's wrong sinking feeling yeah all of us getting mister just at the card him saying where was she gone act where is she got my son and he was said to where is she got Anthony where before that my son wasn't on the phone she's gone dead she's gone that he couldn't say the word like that she died like and I remember he 'tried fought don't miss the settlement for and she stayed that and it he was crying he's crying like hey you know I never seen cry it was kind of you know I'm an angry cry I like up to mrs. Li I distinct and I said is he I'm in nosy person Anton just don't get me laid on his date I want to know how she died she loved to taking medication you know you worry about him having an accident during into marching and sake into sleep and but I never taught a suicide and he says to me he says ma'am after fighting the nose she writes it to trainer her her sister Trina I remember for my birthday card that you said the words best sister you're my only best friend I always looked up to you I love you so much and Anthony of course that'd be her brother Nana says air III deep down we were best friends trainer and things are perfect with you you have a beautiful son whom I cherished like he was my brother I want to turn and I want you to tell mommy and daddy I would I would have not chosen a better mom and dad I really sorry and then share from yang on the morning of Leanne's funeral her sister Trina found some Diaries in her bedroom giving a detailed account of five years of bullying this is me Anna's room that would be her teddy has a change much a no Moser her clothes were all over the place and for a girl devil's gonna end her life Horan was in the stairs it was on the day of her funeral really that Trina phoned the diaries they would have been underneath her for bait and you'll see that today she starts getting more serious you know cause it dear diary - the handwriting changed when I got more serious than Anwar and she'd got two pens to leave night Ames you see there no idear diary well the past few days have clearly been the worse for me she hit me straight in the face and I have a big black eye I am mortified I couldn't even hit her back and I know everybody's laughing at me I'm going to a disco tonight and I'm afraid in case she beats me in front of everyone I have no real friends nobody's going to stand by me and I can't go on with this nor I can't live for it no more really CAD it's not fair what did I ever do to her or any of them for that matter can I ask you what would you say to young girls out there just like in people's wait and ER and and they're making comments about their appearance Tinka what you said so many can leave last perfect nothing really prepares you know a conversation like that Oh see it saddens me that a woman last look at someone's notes and her daughter's note sorry you know I saw some of those notes today and it's just horrific horrific thing to say you know I do I personally wouldn't have had this friend I've made a connection there and I'm not on the fence about doing some good there I'm gonna do some good there with with you're not alone because I couldn't walk away as soon as glass was three minutes and I was there when I got it but I think we rode up to another level and I hope they be receptive I didn't expect in this journey to be as emotionally involved as I have been I didn't actually realize it was gonna be as hard I loved Clapton Anthony but I just that was just a bit that was overwhelming you know and then to wake up the next morning and go and visit someone else you're sort of preparing yourself to think I don't know how much more I can deal with this I'm gonna go down did John Garvin which is on the coast and it's gonna be nice just been able to just get away a little bit out of Cork City for the day and just do something totally different Warren is going to meet Roth's parrot who runs a successful boxing club in Bell Gardens it is restaurant okay Warren wants to train and hang out in the gym as he's heard that Ross is involved in mentoring young people in the area more on everything what did you order great gym yeah Warren learns that as well as the regulars who today are training at the gym the club is sometimes used as part of a boot camp called bad boys turned good Ross takes in wayward teenage boys on a program designed to get their lives back on track Ross himself had a tough upbringing this is what compelled him to help young people so Ross how does the program actually works blood comes in what are you expecting remember what's - what's gonna happen Bessie talks like you know it comes down where the side of roads it stands right it's a sign up to them and end it from there on it's a zero zero tolerance boot camp-style operation where we have mobile hot zone in the morning there's a structure to the day from early morning to 10:00 o'clock at night first you clean the house you come Trini so it's a one big house they stay in yes a three-bedroom house does not do you pay for that her father comes our own Parkers right um every year we do he responded from the Jim Cornette Roth's invites Warren to see the house where the boys lived during the program last year it's very stripped down is that purposing it no TV oh yeah yeah it has still distractions you know what's the thinking in that ah so they learn to live within the boundaries you know that the nothing comes for free in life and all we're asking was the level of the basic runes we teach you how to cook we're teaching mighty clean we teach them how to budget you know signal as the banks and trying to just teach the basic principles how to live yeah that is you know these guys would have never had that teaching in their own homes that I never had that teaching in their lives and once you step through the door you know I mean you live by the the boundaries for every choice they make there's gonna be consequences you know I've gay misbehaves once will take something off from you I got his bedroom take away his mattress severe cases that if they really must be here for the really step when I say the boundaries you know on a continuous basis will take away the privacy so that means removing the door lam bet bet bet you go there in that back can we see the air the room yeah of course you can does your room this your space you want to respected to know if you don't again you know you're overstepping the mark you have to get in some reward as well you know ale yeah will they get the reward the feeding off don't something to what I made a good choice I've got a reward as simple as that may seem you know it makes sense them actually by making sensible choices in my life I have an easier time you know I don't have policemen back I don't have local people in my back I can actually walk around you know I'll do something with my life is it expensive they're the whole project any other yearly basis is it's quite expensive for there's no funding of tried paid for funding from local people who to go to and you know if your intercession is nothing there available what you just apply to Warren now meets Declan Palmer who has completed the bad boys turned good programs but difficult enough it was hurricane use to me Deccan was estranged from his father after his mother died and slipped into a very dark place where he drank to ease the pain so tell me about the the pain and the anomalous well pretty much you know Dashiell is kind of a story of my pain they're like this is my reaction to my emotions you know how long or how long the space of time did you that was sooo that in about a week and there was 63 cots - I think you know to do that in it's such a short space of time must been unbelievable pain well honestly I was in such emotional turmoil I was trying to surfed for pain trying to feel that pain that I was fit you know yearning to actually feel to know I was still alive still had a soul so to speak you know and did you know don't feel any pain and it took me a very long time to know that's not the answer yeah every time I look at them now you know it's really just reminding me of this pain and that's there for my the rest of my life you know it'd probably be a handful if that a people you trust in the circular very small handful there yeah you know it's hardly so much in the past you know sounds like you really trusted Ross as well when he earned my trust fully was the day that he said yes I'll take you in and out then I knew he was a genuine person really it just kind of gave me the motivation to see people for who they are no yeah doctor are genuine people out there and you should never give up on those people you know what's been a vital part of my life and it's shaped me to be Who I am today back at the gym and it is busy with people training for a sparring session Roth's invites Warren into the ring to box with one of his regular gym members the blows have an unintended emotional impact the ring is a funny place it brings up new curveballs every second and you might think you're you're paddling along lovely and sometimes you get a belt on the head when he hits me in a way he hit me did you know there's a trigger that goes off on my brain I don't like getting hit I'm not a defiant but if someone has a grasp over hits me I I just get a little you can bring it back very very quickly I was in a situation I was been here when I was younger by somebody that you know had no respect for me as a child it could be for the simplest thing has not been able to hang her trousers properly the person that was doing to me and was was very big and very strong and when you're only very young and very small he looking up like someone like that's like a house I had a nervous disorder because I was petrified of doing anything locally for me that ironed out through loving my grandmother you know everyone has their own story and everyone's pain is unique to them I'd seen real pain on this journey pain and people's faces that I haven't seen in a long time and that's a great way to stir one's emotions I have a lot of decisions I need to make i nervous about that we're comin to sort of the decision time when I'm you know I'm just really trying to grasp what I really need to do best and I hope I make the right decisions at this point I just don't know what I want to do Warren Logan is a successful businessman who has been working undercover in Cork on a secret search for people or groups to help after a long and busy week he is trying to make some difficult decisions Warren wants to go back to the rapper's hut and grown a bra her community center to find out more about Gary McCarthy who runs the rap program first he meets Youth Work Ireland director Eleanor O'Sullivan to talk about the program's funding the kids that are coming her walk what do you think brings them here the music is a great attraction to them gives them the opportunity to express themselves I'm something like this say this all cost money or what way is it through grants or political Department of Children and Youth fair okay experiences both and 2011 over a child types and causes our funding I'll be more to come myself to come yeah and I suppose we could start losing one or two heads back head on to those temptations on the streets isn't it really have you tried it yourself toy or hungry and escorting scraps I broke up on some food is left there barely getting boy no every day is getting happen to our dreams she wanted to be in nursing if Akutan get better she's a baby under way what are smoking crackers of mine already so obviously this is taken a blow your time doing these books but do you Gary get up I enjoy the feeling of helping them actually get it from idea stage to actually on the CD or on a phone that's what I enjoy and and I suppose I enjoy the kind of pause that they get off you know when people start to like it and the friends that fellated gives him that sense of confidence as well in a sense of achievement as well that they're actually putting and finished pieces of music out there I see exactly what those kids get with Gary and he's really into his rapping and they get it and he gets them and that's a great way to be and find yourself whenever you're mentioning oh are we Oh simple a bit of listening has been able to harness that energy into a positive light where these kids were able to express themselves through a mic and actually these Lions come out through the mic in this sleep like Sonia me things like this a really have change Oh Warren's journey is coming to an end soon he will give away thousands of euro and reveal his true identity he wants to meet Colette and Anthony wolf who lost their daughter LeeAnn to suicide one last time at their home Warren wants to find out where they got the strength to set up you are not alone a support group offering coffee mornings for those touched by suicide it particularly wants to hear what their plans are for the future Leon loose love she's loved her ass jumpin they had love for Lake and also we we kept we kept in college you know to keep going on at us like you know from bass readings for a dark place what do you think was was what got you into the light at the start they said I couldn't see it all a dog's neck so it didn't like itself it's came like a magic one like and then when I wouldn't you eventually give over look I can't do it some way on like not I mean so I came I came to that point I said lord I cannot do this on my own you know I just know no way I can carry this no you not I mean so I've waited the weight of it but that's that's why I feel like we're delighted to have to come in this joy this piece tell me we started getting does it give you strength there's strength come straight from God because that's where we have it in relation to so you are not alone how are things for years now and it's like what's the future it's it's kind of being something in my heart that I would love to see in every context it's about giving hope to other people as well you don't mean out there like an awesome it's a stepping stone from if it's going to happen to cooperate it and at ease a middle these obviously want to walk away from someone nor did you just even just listened you are are to know that you gave a phone number to make me ready to talk it must be very very difficult for you just talk about that it's hard like so we look back leg should feel Flynn it you know her she isn't a Jeremy see oh my girl you know what it's not natural no not enough of it enough for me like enough for trying to go before you know me she's my baby hmm what he's I tell you an absolute inspiration turn left everyone I've met everybody and I've been touched greatly by some of the stories and it's been a very emotional journey and this has been a very therapeutic process for me this week and I think probably one of the most rewarding experience that I've ever had when I go home and I have time to really digest everything and when I really take it on board what's happened I know there be a tremendous experience out of it and I need to start taking it down a gear or two and work and bring it up into Kara to my own personal life and I really I also want to come back down here and reconnect all the time and I need to not leave this journey at the train station you know I need to bring it into my life because I was meant to do this in my own world I really feel you know after a sleepless night Warren has decided how he wants to help the people he has met he's told him that he wants to film the final goodbye but in reality he's about to donate thousands of Euro towards their causes I've had a good bit of time to reflect it's been a difficult decision and I think I'm in a good place to make maybe some changes in these people's lives Martin's first visit takes him back to where he began its journey in Cork eight days ago in grown a brewer I haven't been entirely honest with you I'm not a TV presenter all right we're not making a documentary about youth issues the program is called The Secret Millionaire and I come down here I'm blown away with what Gary's doing and I want to give you something that I think will continue in the excellent work think you're a bit of a legend - nice one Jesus thanks a million no problem keep it real I didn't expect this at all I didn't have a clue it's it's fantastic it's really good it it's gonna be huge help free the coming year and just to develop the project and get more people involved for someone like Warren to come in like and actually gave a damn about what was actually going on here and see the benefits that it that it does actually haven't not many people do actually see the benefits of things like wrapping in and music well if I think of only in more towns and villages and cities have more garish I do the work I think will be unbelievable most this money we allow us to actually kind of be able getting to keep it for more workshops and to continue doing maybe twice a week instead of once a week or maybe three times a week because that's that's the that's what people want no Gary dhinam with with the kids what he's doing you know he's particularly impressed me at the center the way he's able to connect and give trust to kids give hope and let them express themselves and I hope today my small gesture of goodwill let him continue on their unbelievable work next Warren makes his way to Don Garvin so I sort of feel like I'm really gonna in having to propose and I'm really nervous about going in here I don't know why but I am so I'm basically anyway we're coming in to say our final good-byes yeah and Russ you know I haven't been entirely honest with you and that's because been honest I don't think you know how actually good you are right but I know because I was allowed in the bad place and if I had had someone like you in my life when I was growing up I think it would have made my journey a lot shorter thankfully I'm in a position to maybe put a little bit of brightness and a future into what you're doing so not something for you this no way yeah well but does something do it I know well I'm lost for words and obey that's just gotta go such a long way to the builders program more and more you know that we can he'll reach out there better you know I was a nervous about meeting you because I didn't want you to take me doors off at night like an surprised shocked you know unsurprised yeah you know it's a llama that's lovely work you know to have something this had to tear that and have fun you know so like war come down and say you know I believe in your project I believe that what you doing is great you know it just gives you so much more beliefs very much superstar thank you series guys uh general your have to come back next year before Babel speaking you know there's not many characters I'm ever gonna meet my life that are doing is go to work is he's in there you know so it's a special day and it's what I signed up for and Steve it's it's the reason why I'm here so I'm really really touched vastly Warren will reveal his true identity to Collette and Anton ewolf he always wanted to make learning an inclination and about what's ahead in the conversation we're gonna have but I think in the the long throttle thing it's gonna be irrelevant because this is gonna be a magic moment for both of us and I'm really looking forward to going in there and I making a difference in their lives hello Anthony how are you getting on did you where's the lady yourself I haven't been entirely honest with you I'm not a TV presenter and we're not making a program about your dishes you invited me into home and you told me a story that touch the place my heart that I didn't even know was there that's really no it's not only you know and I'm in a fortunate situation I'd like to give you something towards you're not alone enough easily shocked people people don't Shakman I decided I'd blown me with him you know is something that you see on the telly oh oh oh you're not gonna move oh my god I know I really I know it's a [ __ ] come all the way Tommy you pulled off my legs I just can't I can't get my head around it but I know that you know that that money is gonna be used for good and it's gonna be used for people that are you know in trouble oh well I know when I was talking to I made the right decision Oh makin your family know you know I think we're gonna remain good friends they need my services what other things I'm there for them but one of the most magical days I've ever had was absolutely beautiful you know really nice I'll go home with the appreciate everything just a little bit more because it's not all about are you doing well in business or not there's other values in life and sometimes you do forget that this is an experience that I'll never ever forget for the rest of my life that's gonna take me a while to digest but you know my granny's to say as long as my RS face in the ground I'm never ever gonna forget this journey he was an absolute delight and if you've been affected by issues raised in this episode of The Secret Millionaire you can find support information on rté Airtel page 700 that's our Tea Airtel page 700 next tonight it's prime time
Channel: HairsprayIreland
Views: 213,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warren logan, secret millionaire ireland, rte secret millionaire, ross barrett, bad boys turned good, hairspray ireland, you are not alone coffee mornings, colette and anthony wolfe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2013
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