Undercover Boss - Pizza Nova S3 E9 (Canadian TV series)

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this week on Undercover Boss Canada the president of Pizza Nova turns Doughboy oh and discovers what it's really like to be one of his own workers I would never serve a piece of cake that big but just days into the job he's in kitchen rec ah burned it ridiculous I concentrate what we're doing Dominic pre Meucci has agreed to a radical transformation I got here he'll work in disguise as a trainee in his own pizza parlors I didn't know you're the drummer maybe been recognized you have a policy that's uh prettier uh yeah I am surprised to hear that and when his week of serving customers is up what can I do for you that he'll return to corporate headquarters and treat the hard workers he's matched as if they're laughs Amelia this isn't real I'm sorry with the world economy in a fragile state top corporations must adapt to survive the bosses of some of Canada's biggest companies are about to take extreme action to stay ahead of the game they're going undercover in their own organizations Pizza Nova has been rolling out the dough and piling on the cheese since 63 today the company has over 130 stores across Ontario my name is Dominick cream uchi and I am the president of Pizza Nova we are celebrating our fiftieth anniversary my father and his three brothers had started the business to bring a taste of Italy to Canada my dad would work many hours in the evenings because we opened at 4:00 o'clock so it was an evening business it was a restaurant business more chili if you like I've been making pizzas for many many years since I was a kid I started going to work with my dad at a young age when I was 13 14 years old and you know started all the dull learn how to work the counter and surveys and seeing the customers so I've got my training through a lot of it nice sweetness to it row five to ten locations a year we don't go out and open up 50 locations in one year because we want to ensure that those 10 locations are successful we've been here for 50 years we want to be here for another 50 years and once you open some of this I've been married for 18 years to Anna and we have two lovely children samuel is 14 years old and mars lovers i've been fortunate enough to spend more time with my kids at a young age and maybe my father had when he was building the company cars the pressure is there definitely because it's a family business and it's about family trusting me and continuing on our tradition and I don't want to screw that up any restaurant you go into today has some sort of pizza on their menu so competition is very very fierce out there 15 years ago we only had 15 toppings on our menu today we have over 30 toppings and why because we need to differentiate ourselves create a niche as we enter our period of expansion continue to grow and I want to see what's working out there I want to see what we can improve on I want to see what the challenges are at the store ok doesn't come for coming as you know we are in a very highly competitive environment where pizza is everywhere I'm definitely concerned about what happens to our product and what happens to our service so I've decided to work in disguise and go undercover see you in a week I think to a degree Dominic will have to be careful if somebody is too knowledgeable about what is going on and they'll start having thoughts where is this guy from who is he what's going on while undercover my alias will be Robert Gilmore a bookkeeper at a food distribution company and I'm looking for a part-time work I'll tell people that I've agreed to take part in a documentary about the fast-food industry I got here like looking like a nerd Thanks I wouldn't have recognized I might have to take a good second look at him too to say that was him miss you by going undercover I think that I'm going to gain the understanding of what our franchisees and what our employees go through but I think it's gonna be high risk because if they recognize me then their attitude may change and I won't get the true information coming up his first day on the job I've been making pizzas since I was a kid and the boss struggles to get a grip oh and later on he's accused of portion Distortion I would never serve a piece of cake that big to a kid that small the other day Dominic pre Moochie was the Big Cheese at Pizza Nova but he's been adding extra toppings he's changed his appearance allowing him to work incognito on his own shop floors it's noon and he's about to start his first shift as an average Joe I'll be on the front line today making pizzas and it's the most important part of our business as that's what we do as a company I'm going to see one of our busiest locations and I just want to ensure that the quality is not being compromised for speed it's very vital the consistency of our product and our greens to ensure that our customers receive the same product every time they order Mohamed is unaware that his trainee this afternoon is actually the company's mr. big who is very busy day a typical shift for Mohamed starts with preparing all the raw ingredients to make about 200 pizzas what I do is put it left and right this is tasty papillary my research I usually go like this and this sauce firewalls for the cheese's five hours forty pieces I'll go all the rear on Mohamed is paying a lot of attention to detail I'm really happy with where he's making pizzas they've even and consistent and that's all we ask of our pizza makers you can open one door you are okay I used to make countless tried to subscribe to discussion yeah so why not I used to be pretty good at flipping the pizza up in the air but I guess as you can see I was a little bit rusty there and I kind of flopped it a little bit but this is no way too big Robert has to do more practice and more challenge where are you originally from Marla I'm watching from your end with your lover I've been here on Tony's 7 years when Iran and Iraq war was a start where I was almost 14 when I went to war and H of 18 I decided to escape by the time I was leaving and dish Tom in the RV in the road and they shoot me from behind and I had Koppel in my legs at my back I got to the mountain and I got to the rebels and these guys dated army army side and they shot me in my stomach - took me 12 days to make it - correct I got arrested there by the rebels and I got two more shots in my stomach you still add the bullets of um the original yeah took me 15 16 hours after so I am inside the Turkish country I stayed in the streets there asleep in the parks and I'll find the United Nation they helped me out they took me to hospital they give me the visa everything tape with me here I'm from then the day I was here since then it's unbelievable what Mohammed's been through it's heart-wrenching the hear a story like that and it's really it tells you about us strong how strong individual he is what I'd like to do on your spare time are usually working on YouTube yeah if you have become what you like to be spend more time with my song and my family Mohammad spends a lot of time here and the reason one who does is because he's got a family and he wants to get back to this son that just takes back memories you know what my father worked long days and nights to help his family out when we are busy we cannot be sold off we have to do okay no hard work we have to try to work faster because you are getting very busy enough you never know in this pizza place one second happen all you see we get 30 40 orders done up tree Bob that's good it's great to see that nobody's cutting corners to try to get done faster to just picked up the speed of it oh oh I won't slip right on my hands okay where's the guy but sorry guys got away from me I don't use this one I just see I've read my fingers and you started here lots of training I know do all this myself I never got training no no just for working me more do you think there's enough training what I see is I've worked in different areas different places different it's enormous very different each other is different so you don't believe that it's consistent so many stores they don't do the same way our mandate is to have that consistent product and I think I take that back to our team and ensure that we get better training out there oh good that's down boy today we're done for the day the rush is day like is done we should good time Thank You Blanca I enjoyed it's a couple things I take away from today is that Mohammed really is diligent and following the beats and all of recipes and procedures which is fantastic and secondly that there's not enough training and I think that we really need to look at that that the franchisees give our new employees or existing employees some training coming up things go from bad you remember which one is yeah no he is struggling to worse I've earned it I construe what we're doing you gotta remember demoted Pizza Nova boss Dominic prime uchi is about to start his second day working undercover today I will be working with the counter person and seeing how our customer services how they interact with the customer are they happy are they friendly are they making the customer comfortable from where this location is situated there's a lot of walk-in traffic so it's it's vital that the counter person generates sales hi I'm looking for Sarah I'm fair Oh customer service is super important to me it's always important that the customer leaves us for happy and they want to come back we're finishing preparing our window for the morning first thing we're gonna do though is we're gonna wash our hands while we're working with food so that's really important slide it between the tray and the pizza when you like it don't want to drop it no and there's guys in the board here to make sure that all our slices are the same size just let the line in the board guide your cutter and then we just place it up in the window we have tanks in the French so it tells them what the ingredients so pizza the gourmet slice is important because it's a different price option than some of our other slices if the gourmet was a little more obvious for the customers because it doesn't stand out to them so they get sometimes surprised because our gourmet slices are 485 apiece the gourmet ones is one of the slices that we do want to sell and we want to ensure that the customer is not surprised when we ring it up on the cash register you're suggesting to put it a little bit larger yes make the gourmet a standout they need to understand which timers are the are the gourmet I think that the idea of making their word gourmet a little bit larger on the slice card is a great idea hello make sure you got it balanced cuz it's a little bit of a walk and then we're gonna go to the pizza open it up there's a tray in there for the slices okay would you like to grab a box out for this gentleman here you remember which one is yeah no he's got 18 slices to remember today so that's a lot she's he is struggling a little bit okay so let's go check on our slice I'm gonna make your paddle oh okay need the problem we got it open up anything else for you today if you would like to go check on the slice and just don't forget your paddle sure you forgetting that it's very important to all he keeps forgetting the paddle when he goes to take the slices out of the oven you forget which is slowing him down which is gonna impede on the customer while we're busy it would be nice that they created a pizza oven four slices in the front because sometimes when we're busy that's hard to get the slices in there because they're full with orders if the orders are lined up there's not necessarily enough room we are very busy so sometimes are fighting for space I didn't a slice oven for the counter person to work at this location might be a good idea because it makes speed up the service when there's a lot of walk-in traffic there you go sir thank you okay joy I always like oh yeah that's annoying Sara's great in customer service you know she she talks to the customers she really makes them feel comfortable and welcome thank you how's the kind of person stairs doing a great job when the customers are coming in she's upselling would you like to make that a combo and add your drink for 40 cents she's doing what is expected of her hi how are you how can help you Robert could be a little more bubbly and upbeat and bigger smile on his face I think he'll get there but right now he's stole just a little bit rocky so we have a birthday party coming in this afternoon and it's actually coming in in about 20 minutes so we've got a lot of work to do we gotta do quick 20 minutes to get ready for a birthday price not a lot of time though I don't know how to work this so this doesn't seem to work let's try this again you want to do the ribbon and I'll get a balloon no I wanted to make sure I get this down now get up to the pro I love planning events being parties and faces yes I also do that in my outside of pizza noble life oh wow so what's your jobs it keeps me busy but even when I was younger I had my own business with my friend and we started a day camp for children I've always been doing events it's always a challenge you always learn something new so it's kind of fun that way I went to school to be Executive Administrative course that was about 12 years old so it's part of the reason why I worked so hard too because that's a you know as a debt that never goes away it seems cuz my mom wasn't able to pay for me to go to school she got into a car accident thankfully she was okay but she still has injuries from it so I work hard trying to keep myself afloat and help my mom out for the best of my abilities cuz we don't come from wealth so we we just do what we got to do to get by well I heard Sarah's personal story you know I felt really fell for it cuz uh she's very dedicated works hard and really is a true family person that really wants to help out her mom what about dad my dad passed away when I was three I'm sorry you're done so yeah it's always been just me and my mom so but she taught me how to be a hard worker yeah sorry we just got a hurry up here a little bit because we do have the kids showing up soon coming up it's a piece of cake that was a ridiculous size piece of cake and later is the party finally over yes Oh Robert you think I may have been recognized secret boss Dominic / Moochie has needed constant supervision you remember which one is yeah no don't forget your paddle keep forgetting that he is struggling a little bit and now it's rush hour then with the door hi guys come on in take a seat hi kids I'm Sarah this is Robert we're gonna be serving you guys today I'm making sure you guys have a great time today okay what can I get you guys to drink apple juice it's kind of hectic in here because the kids are asking for drinks for going back and forth things are dropping on the floor we're trying to keep the place clean but the kids are having a lot of fun and that's what matters hey guys who's hungry this is Colin go ahead guys it's quiet it must be good we're gonna let them go for a little bit you know just kind of constantly glancing over making sure they're happy don't get no it looks like they're upset and you have to keep in mind our customers are still coming in the store is not closed it's just gonna be better at multitasking hi there sure is that everything slices of pepperoni slice to go please Robert hey how's it coming here I was the pizza I think he's paying a little bit too much attention to the party and not focusing on everything else that he has to do you definitely should check on that slice oh boy okay burned it he put a slice in the oven and kind of forgot about it and it burnt and we can't really have that happening on a regular basis not a concentrate what we're doing I'm burning pizzas tuna you gotta remember especially when it's the last one of its time because then you can't replace it with a new one you really got to be able to multitask I stand behind the product I do see areas for improvement the set of things would you do I think our menu is a little confusing to look at we get a lot of complaints about our menu actually the pictures are deceiving if you look at our sandwiches here it shows that they come with all these ingredients on them and they don't and then the other thing that we get complaints on is the pizza pricing it's price for one pizza or for two people it's very confusing and people get very annoyed having to try and figure out how the pricing works there's some improvement on it customer-friendly I'll have to look into that see if we can come up with a better solution the other thing I think that causes benefit is the second cash register we're very limited here as to how fast we can go and I think there should be like either a portable one that we can bring in during busy times to help get the customers in and out because they start to get frustrated as anyone doesn't you have to wait in line I think during those busy busy days the Senators got a great point with the second cash register I hope I don't drop it hope you don't put the candles out either oh that's true by upping or KQRS pieces for you Adam this big I would never serve a piece of cake that big to a kid that small they might get an upset tummy that was a ridiculous size piece of cake I use the birthday boy so he gets the big kid seemed to be having a great time and I think maybe that's something that we should look into doing more of and getting the word out to our franchisees and see what we can do oh did you have an awesome time I'm so glad you're very welcome they're our future customers and she knows that her party is one piece of advice I could give Robert if you wanted to do this for a living is really perk up on the perk enos and smile with the big smiles and just listen it's you really gotta listen to the customers okay Robert that's it that's suniverse shift today oh my gosh quick bite quick thank you for showing me it I've learned a lot it's been a great day today cuz I love being out in the front lines dealing with the customers serving the customers and it was enjoyable to see that someone out there really cares about them I think the employees are kind of opening up to me because I'm not the president and they they see me as a trainee so I think I'm finding out some things that I wouldn't found out if I walked in as Dominic as the president Peter Noah coming up I didn't know your dad Robert a high-risk reunion is the boss about to be busted by his own stats there's something I think I may have been recognized Dominic pre Moochie a boss working in disguise is about to start his third day on the job today I'm going to a location in Scarborough Ontario to visit Mona this location is very high-risk for me because she knows me very well as I was at her husband's funeral you've just passed away tragically a few months back and he ran the business for 22 years Mona doesn't have any restaurant experience so I really want to see how she's doing and how she's coping hi look at Ramona yes hi oh really there's a change my gosh Robert I didn't know you're the robber come here oh I think I've been made been recognized we got ready to get out there looks nice bit different here okay Mona I'm ready to go yeah is there something love you are Dominic uh yeah I'm so but please I'm here for a reason we want to become more efficient better and at what we do so for me to understand I have to have to be in the stores I never find out but I don't want to be as myself right really doesn't surprise me that Mona NEMA recognized me right off the get-go right away I know he was Dominic there's no difference between you and Robert your purchase you know Robert yes thank you no - oh you're helping your mom in the business I deal with the customer I like to build relationships yeah there's a very smart of you to do that such a great point such a good well yeah let's go make a pizza can you put in the kitchen sure tanks up yeah don't do anything until you talk I find that is stretching PFA is the best part same thing as when you're Charlie play with play-doh so I try my best even Pizza is very important for the taste customer likes to taste it's all the same not one part teen and the other party I think I have done a good job here done a great job Mona concerned about ensuring that the customer gets the same product at all times so see your mind Pizza doesn't bubble at all because I stated very well he's naked yeah Mona's doing a fantastic job with a very little experience I know she's only been here five months but she's really taken to heart and very very happy about that hey Sadie Joe how are you today good everything's fine everything's fine yeah thank you have a good bye take care sometimes I receive this content is life spontaneous like that oh yes seems like it's already closed another thing I find out what what is different between this and that it's not consistent no I really appreciate Mona showing me different things that are her concerned because it's very important to our franchise owners that they do get the right supplies go Steve any kid take a side wall with you great yourself yeah I'm fine - lets go what can I do for it can I get an extra large pizza just as cheese please pizza with just cheese and write back no I'm fine so that's 1850 - please let it rain - please okay 20 thank good be about 15 minutes okay thank you I'm going through some cheese what do we do do some cheese for you careful of my fingers yeah come on you customer catch your finger that cheese slicer that Mona has here is old and it's dangerous because there's no protection for your hands so I need to look at that and get her a proper apparatus or a proper machine okay let's make this pizza Robert needs to treat all the ingredients evenly it's very important for pizza to have a great taste and look can I help you oh it has to be the same consistently has to be the same not one is good one is not good try to make a little bit interesting with them okay okay great Wow our next jobs boxes okay great so you show me the effects of the trade exactly how did you feel with giving your mom my hand I try to do as much as I can I was studying a hospitality management okay right now I just want to focus more of the family and once our family is stable everything's fine then I go back to study and finish it all I think that's very noble of you to you know drop school at your young age to help out your and the business exact tastic I feel like it's it's the right thing to do and I know he's up there in heaven he's looking at us he's proud of our redoing I mean especially he's proud of my mom because my mom she's giving everything she's gone and she doesn't give up NEMA is a very strong individual very caring a very family-oriented person where he's given a part of his dream in life to help out his mom Mona get back on her feet and be successful I care a lot about our franchisees you know Maddie was with us for 22 years and it was very shocking to hear of his death and we treat all our franchisees as a family and whatever it takes to do we will we will help them out to become successful at their businesses I know but it's a few months ago that Eddie passed away with leukemia y'all came to see how you guys are doing how you're coping you know it was a shock for everyone he was here even two days before he goes to a hospital I didn't have chance to say bye to you and it was a strong man you're a strong religion in the morning he told the nurse that is call my wife it just said call my wife so and then that's the last thing he said to the nurse and we never seen him wake anymore but I know be somewhere better than here I'm sure he's looking down at you and proud of you for what you've done you're a strong woman thank you and you've been able to carry on what his dream was it was very challenging and it's peaking because we just moved to the new house and then I tailed how should I handle this should I sell the house so I try my best Mona is a very very strong woman looming with the challenge that she was brought up on when her husband passed away tragically and I think that because she has that strong positive attitude she'll be fine would you like anything else there every wonderful evening most important for me is interacted people understanding their feeling so we talk that's that's the most important thing and then it's brings business to me at the end but is my main part is not just my name when I go home I feel like I did something positive thank you thank you thank you thank you so much thank you here today - C Mon ins your challenge and see what's working what's not working and generally everything is doing well by the way I learned some things that need to be fixed and we'll take that back coming up there's no such thing as a free lunch you have a policy look at some for your eye I am surprised and later the workers the bossman are called into the boardroom for a meeting they'll never forget boy geez Pizza Nova president Dominic primo Qi is having a rough week as a trainee in his own restaurants oh I like us to what we're doing you gotta remember is there something done you are dominated but he's been gaining valuable insight into the family business he's helping grow I figure menu is a little confusing to look at do you think there's a enough training how many stores they don't do the same way it's Friday and he's about to start his last shift working undercover today I'll be working with one of our delivery drivers it's very critical to our business because it represents 65 percent of our sales and I need to see if it's done right because it's a rural community the drivers have a little bit longer distances to travel so it's crucial that we get to the customer on time I'm a little bit nervous just don't want people to recognize me Robert Gilmore please meet you Miss Minchin here for training yeah so you take to come on back and coming back yeah we have a sweater and a jacket for you up there perfect if the driver doesn't give the friendly service they are just seven digits away from the nearest competitor all right there's good on you where do you see that where your delivery where they oh yeah others just right here is a delivery screen beside the banks oh we have a system to check out every time we leave with a delivery so the call center knows that the order has left the store I love trying to think of new ideas how to get my job done faster and how to get anything done faster really even for other people so the deliveries we put them up on top of the oven to keep them hot or waiting we'll take these nice and hot Dirk is very into doing his job correctly and really making sure that the customer is served properly and officially so there's two heaters in there one on the top and one on the bottom that keeps pieces warm yeah we keep the pizzas warm until I guess it has tonight Derek will drive around 100 miles making deliveries does it take long to get to shows no it doesn't take long you should have to get in there in a certain amount of time oh yeah usually it's 35 minutes so we try and beat that you have a policy that it's free or okay it's 10 minutes over that time they'll usually give it to them I am surprised to hear that Derek says that there is a time policy or it's free because we don't have one here at Pizza Nova it's best if you don't put the park on top the P section is heavy so we'll actually sit on the box lid and push the lid down into the top of the pizza and then their toppings will get stuck to it we've actually tried the tripods in there and it works the problem is we always forget to put them in careful - some people don't salt their driveways okay you gonna show me you everything to do yeah well there's nothing that front to back up or give to them so what's the first thing you do yes mom so how are you Derek not bad you could see it Derek is an individual that really loves his job and it's great for business it's great for him and making a little bit extra money with tips I'm gonna it's easier to hold under the pizzas under under the bag yeah one hand open the flap and then you slide it the pizzas are infested well that's a great tip Thanks back to the story I guess yep it's cold out there it is customer service is very important so the customers he come back knowing that we care about them in their business so how do you think that went I mean other than it was really cold my hands are kind of frozen now but ya know I did one very well when I'm at the customer I like to take my time with them so they it's more personal it's not like a hit and run type deal you know they even the customer I noticed even you knew your name so I guess yeah you're pretty well known around here not to my on the dope I have one customer who they ordered like once every night of one week just to find out what days I worked cuz they're ordering for a while and they just were random days and it was never one I was working on so they wanted to shut your ass yeah every drug to like fifth time's a charm yes up well that's fantastic that's great news yeah deliveries in title part of our business and with individuals like Derek out there who take to heart their job it's amazing what you can accomplish remember how I said I like to do things faster yeah I'll try and call the ways got something yep I came up with this because it takes a while to do was on yet to make sure each piece exact same or close to you just make the marks with the knife and it makes cutting those on yet very quick needs to take twenty minutes now takes five I think Derek's caught on with something with having an operatic to cut the lasagna in even slices and I think we can improve on that and I think that maybe there's something there for the team to to work on so me come in there's an order up they take a look chubby huh yep we have an open hand nataly's grab it and bring it back when Dirk does things more efficiently and he comes up with these ideas it to be a little bit faster it it helps out because we can get to the customers on time and deliver their pizzas hot never the other siblings or I up my sisters Mary and she has one child my nephew Colin he's just over a year now well thanks yeah I have three other brothers Wow big family at five of us where are your parents and still live in Prague no more oh yeah my parents live in Tottenham they're at their house I grew up in so and I'm helping to pay for it still so helping me and yeah my dad he's laid off in it's 50 so since then he's been like trying to get something but no one's really going for so he's been temping he helped me when I you know was making bad choices and not doing things I should be doing I just you know I want that house to stay in our family so I'm giving them money every week but we get by family's really important to me and I really understand what he's doing it's very heartwarming is your paper all-righty tonight I'm good I love most about my job is when I get to go as is and talk to the customers and get to know them this is way more than just spoken - but making them feel good knowing that we care about them that goes a very long way what's a universe' thank you for taking the time and showing me everything that you do and no problem I hope you learned a lot oh definitely did Thanks thanks Derek nice meeting you again maybe we'll cross paths some big candy do okay take care I'm gonna I definitely have a better understanding of how our in-store operations work through our employees or the staff they had some great suggestions and I think there are things that we can improve on but you're also great ideas that we can take back coming up staff find out that there's more to their trainee that meets the eye I'm Dominic pre Moochie that's surprised it's nice to meetcha mm-hmm Dominic pre Moochie has gone back to wearing his old uniform but he has a new swagger and a new attitude hello again how's everybody know Joey alright yeah we're origin you were stinking our employees and franchisees are very very passionate about our business which is really refreshing to me cuz to hear that and see that as a franchisor we need to try to make their life be little easier for them and work on some things that they have some concerns on one of the employees talked about the menu board I know that we've tabled that issue a few times but now maybe it's time to us something a look at it again and see what we can do one thing that I saw that I really had to bite my tongue at times to the tripods that are in the pizza boxes we have to remind them to use them more often especially when there's a box of wings on top the Box seems to start to collapse so let's get to it and thank you Mohammed Sara Derrick Nima and Mona have been summoned to HQ none of them know what's about to happen but they're all getting a slice of the action that our brother familiar to you yeah your hair is slightly different yeah 30 well I'm Dominic pre Mooji and president and it's anova okay that's so bad nice to meet you so I wanted to work undercover and go out and see what's happening in their stores your energy was fantastic and you had some great ideas like the slice oven and extra cash I'm gonna get my senior team to look into it to see what we can do oh great and then you had another idea with the slice cards we're gonna fix that we're gonna make them bigger and we're gonna send them out to all our stores oh then I love your passion for special events we talked about that that's what that's what you'd love to do and you showed it when we had the birthday party I like to offer you a position here at dad office at Pizza Nova running our pizza making workshops but I can't with the kids yes exactly that's wonderful yeah to do that you need you're gonna be running around the city so I'm gonna get you a car so you can get you do you know I'm not kidding you need to get around the city this isn't real this is my own car it's hundred percent real oh I'm actually shaking a little bit right now I I can't believe what just happened to me Wow I'm really excited to get started oh thank you yeah a big hug when you're in the front lines you don't think that anyone notices except for the customers so it feels wonderful to be recognized for that I'm home I was very very pleased that you are very diligent hard-working dedicated to Pizza Nova you know you knew how many Ounces exactly have sauce cheese and so on and so forth I had to go on that pizza you mentioned something that really really inserted me a bit we talked about training and we'd like to start a pilot program to train some of our frontline staff like yourself and I want you to be the first person to go through that go to our training center we'll pay you for the week and help us build this program why not why not our burger I know you're family it's very very important to me I want to make something fun I want you to have a paid vacation to Disney World Florida we're going to look after everything that they're traveling the hotel and so and so forth okay that's okay don't be so I want you're a six year old boy to have a trip that he that he'll remember for a long long time thank you you know you've been through a lot you're a survivor and I want to help you out I want to give you also $5,000 my son is my boy I do everything for him and what you offer me that made me so excited English I don't know how we're gonna tell him this Dirk I learned a lot working with you you had some great tricks of the trade that I didn't know but there's one thing that I'd noticed that weren't quite clear LAN on our company policy which was that we give free pizzas if it's late if we don't do that no that's no generally notice not be chinos policy but having said that really comes through that you care about the customer you are a very innovative person I loved your idea of the lasagne cutter I love to take that and make a mold of it and use it in all of our stores chain what it's amazing I know family is very important to you whatever you make you help out your father as much as possible and you don't want your parents to move lose your childhood home you have so many memories there so what I want to do I want to cut you a check to help you out for $10,000 holy geez Wow thank you I never expected that be sitting across from Dominic from Eugene it feels amazing to be recognized by the president for what I do for customers even in my own personal life Mona nema I'm very impressed you know from six months ago when Ned II passed away it was a very sad moment you wanted to move forward and keep Mary's dream alive I know you're really I appreciate what you did and we have to work on Nemo I'm really proud of you you know I've learned a lot you know with some of our suppliers with the pizza slice clamshell it doesn't close properly or drips we're gonna look into it and tries to rectify it but one thing that really really concerned me when I was cutting the cheese that's really really dangerous so I'm gonna get you a new machine new industrial cheese grater Wow okay I think it's important that your employees are safe to absolute today you know we had a conversation about you know the last five six months didn't have a lot of time from yourself to grieve and really reflect and just to be on your own so what I want to do for you woman I want to send you to us off or weekend with a companion to get wined and dined and to relax and not to worry about anything like that is your name Julie because no you need something like that don't worry about the story thank you so much you're welcome um Neela are you quitting school really hit home to me extremely noble of you to do that but education is very important I want to pay one year's tuition for you hungry boy before med he passed away he bought a new house and I want to help out with I'm gonna give you $15,000 to help pay for the mortgage I can't take it so much that's a gift from me to you to help out you in these tough times it's literally a miracle for us and they'll be very good for us too yeah that you look look more we're okay I love Beth I'm definitely glad that I went undercover they really touched home because all the employees and the franchisees that I did meet it's all about their family and it's reassuring to see that especially in today's day and age that people really still care about their families and you know it's an extension of who we are as a brand we're working as a team and
Channel: Reality
Views: 1,264,006
Rating: 4.696393 out of 5
Keywords: Undercover Boss Full Episode
Id: kWe4ORxn7ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2014
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