Undercover Boss - Sodexo S4 E4 (Canadian TV series)

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this week on Undercover Boss Canada Sodexo Canada is one of the nation's biggest service providers the company motto is making every day a better day but boss Dean Johnson is about to find out staff feel differently we actually were given layoff notices the morale in the building is low we need one extra person your grill should be where the solid station is he's quitting the board room to be a regular Joe and he's in for a shocking wake-up yeah and when the staff have had their say he'll have a few words of his own they never expect a key here with the world economy in the fragile state top corporations must adapt to survive the bosses of some of Canada's biggest companies are about to take extreme action to stay ahead of the game they're going undercover in their own organizations Sodexo Canada contracts out services to keep hospitals office buildings and even universities operating cleanly and efficiently with a massive 10,000 strong workforce doing everything from laundry to lunch it's one of the nation's biggest employers managing that size of workforce it's got as challenges it's tough I'm an engineer my background was in facility management and project management and property services the biggest challenge for me has been the people part it's very important for our employees to feel part of the client organization that they're serving and it's very stressful for our employees when one of our accounts goes out to bid we have to retain that because that's there are jobs that are on the line I really want to understand how that is impacting them in their day to day work and so to get to know our business to get to know some of our people I'm going undercover and get you know kind of the real sense what's happening in our organization all right all I got to do at work I set the pace at home at sets a base we've got two young girls or 12 innate and you know so I miss them when I'm not around all right Meg looks good are you gonna are you gonna whip the whites okay I think one of the things that's important that and I learned this from a boss that I used to have was you're gonna be busy but when you're home get all that stuff with your mind and be home for your family why'd you choose to go under I think it's gonna be neat to see what our people are doing across the country no kind of jobs you have to do could be any kind of job I could be and maybe I can make well I'm undercover I'll be assuming the identity of Mike McCauley a former ski instructor who recently injured his knee and is looking for a new way to make a living I think his disguise I'll have to be drastically different because otherwise this isn't gonna be successful I'll be posing as a new employee was being followed by a film crew making a documentary series about changing careers and starting over hey guys what do you think hates me it looks really funny because it is so out of character in the hair she does look like a skier kind of guy it's like the Rod Stewart heavily difficult eight there lots to go dare going on it's real hair to me really say hey good you're still next time like this no no no it's just so far from how he portrays himself on a daily basis but I I'd be surprised if someone figured it out so I'm heading out okay miss Yulan you meet you oh that's a big hug big I'll miss ya bye this week feels uncomfortable this goatee feels uncomfortable so we'll have to see how it goes before he descends the corporate ladder Dean's called his executive team to the boardroom I'm getting pretty nervous they have no idea he's in disguise there's gotta be a good explanation I can hardly wait to hear this one what are you trying to do I'm going undercover I'm going in not as president I think people are gonna be very honest with me I think they're gonna tell me what it's like to work at Sodexo some of the times when we're in the boardroom and we make decisions we really don't see the impact that those decisions have until you you get on the front line and you start to experience that if he can pull it off I think he'll get great insights to some things that are going on within our company in this disguise I'm already feeling like I don't belong at this table so I'm gonna get out of here to be ready to hear positive things the negative things the good in the bad and that's making me a little bit uncomfortable coming up his first day on the job an undercover boss Dean Johnson is on his way to hospital I was looking at body fluids us feeling a little uneasy and later isn't about to get fired please hu v1 v2 j yesterday Dean Johnson was the president of Sodexo Canada but in the last 24 hours he's taken on a new role in the organization and a new name let's go Lake McAuley I think I can treat it differently when I go as president Sodexo I'm looking for a grittier sense of what's happening in the field we're going to the Abbotsford Regional Hospital of cancer center Abbotsford Regional Hospital is one of 55 health care facilities where Sodexo Canada provides service some of our services are up to bid hopefully will retain the business but we can also lose the business what's the impact of that on our employees today I'm going to be with the environmental services team we clean patient rooms we clean operating rooms it's a tough job blood and guts freaked me out a little bit hi I'm looking for Tracy hi I'm Tracy hi Tracy I'm Mike hi Mike nice to meet you I need to get you some scrubs okay Mike and then I'll take you to the change room and then we'll go from there Tracy is responsible for cleaning the emergency and operating rooms she's under constant pressure to keep the environment sterile and free of deadly infection we've got a short amount of time to get a really good job done and it's most important that we work quickly and as efficiently as possible in any procedure that we do here we go in and we remove all garbage and linen so now I'm gonna come and remove this suction which is considered biohazard it's fluid that's been removed from the inside of the position yeah we're gonna yeah yes I'm gonna take it all out and then I put it in here there was some big tube and it was all red I don't know what it was I was feeling a little uneasy so don't push down there could be syringes that's a lot of stuff out of 101 and that was a pretty clean horn what actually okay biohazard in there biohazard is young intern in the booth and all garbage or recycling in here one you can have to clean oh my god 15 minutes 15 minutes really uh-huh it's a lot of running around there's eleven kilometers of corridor in this building why do I always feel like I'm in a slow run oh you can just wash all these stainless steel tables and things down here so you don't have to go back and forth yeah one watt light wash over okay it's a different stress its timing stress it's learning new skills stress which I find tiring okay keep moving home have you trained other people Tracy yes I have what were you doing before you started I actually was a stay-at-home mom but I've worked a lot of retail okay a lot of customer service is that important in the job absolutely after all people come here they're not coming for a vacation no so there's some unfortunate circumstances that you are privy to Tracy's going fast and I think that's mr. natural speed she's running all over the place down in emerg they call me Tracy regional down there why do they call you Tracy regional it's like I own the hospital they say do you take control yeah I'm just very meticulous it's an infection control thing there's a moral compass that you're gonna apply to the cleaning because you can say okay well if that was my mom my grandma or even myself going under the knife would I feel comfortable that you wouldn't contract some sort of infection and that's the way that you look at your work that's the way I look at my work well yeah well I like that okay good so now that we know what we need to do is that in the contract yes seven steps of cleaning we call it is that this your XO away yeah okay so this annex will have the contract forever actually it's funny that you asked that because we actually were given layoff notices about a month and a half ago the building is low it's gonna change the sculpt of a lot of people's lives being potentially unemployed yeah that can be very stressful working in that environment and she still comes to work every day with a really positive attitude and that I hope is infectious with the rest of the employees here there's a couple chunks here and you don't like that chunk this is kind of neat so now our someone comes in and they do another operation now would you feel confident coming you being the next person on the table going under after you've cleaned this room yeah the state that we've left it I think it's good okay so our work has done here then I just felt really in good hands with her as I was cleaning that bar she can train people you know I don't know if you saw but she said I did a great job so let's go people we only wear these upstairs in our okay we're gonna do is change into your Sodexo uniform okay you obviously enjoy what you do I'm just a generally happy person what do you like to do for fun design and decorating is a passion of mine it makes me feel good my like fashion to really clothing and jewels and whatnot right all right where are we going now we're going to surgical daycare I'm gonna give you approximately say seven to ten minutes to get this area sorry God oh I got some garbage here good eye four minutes um I think you're gonna have to pick up the pace a little bit I'm dry I can make a bet but I can't make a bed when I've got my Moss right over my shoulder now what you did do this badan you put a dirty item right so now that this is clean wrap it up enough I wipe it down and dress your bed and look at that good patient just arrived good job Mike how do you feel tired so now that we finish all what did you think of your day I'm glad we're closer to the end in the beginning yes thank you so I think you did very well I'm gonna do what JC's got great qualities as an employee of Sodexo what I'd like to look at is in accounts are going through rebid scan we focus on employees like Tracy said I'll make them ambassadors for the rest of the staff to help them get through rebid processes as positively as Tracy is coming up so they're waiting on chickens ballstein Johnson feels the heat - chickens going on this is the same he was getting flustered and later office cleaner Colleen is accused of over doing her job we have to have Sara Farrell Farrell you just missed a few spots on the rug I do it as music as I watch Colleen's over cleaning I have to bite my tongue it's like a hospital hey look at you yeah Sodexo Canada is one of the nation's biggest multi service providers tackling everything from building made them to surgery cleanups office ma pups and hungry workers and cafeteria lineups president Dean Johnson a boss undercover is about to start his second day on the frontlines working on a pilot project at Queen's University gaining drilling company is a murder concept that we develop with Chef Michael Smith one of things I'm going to be looking for today is the order to plate speed in which we can take an order prepare it and get it to the consumer we really want to do more of these across Canada so you don't really want to see something that does produce a good product I'm looking for Patrick yeah hey Patrick I'm Mike nice to meet you buddy Patrick's king of the grill here's your suit of armor okay and you're in a typical lunch rush he cooks around 400 meals he's completely unaware that the guy who'll be helping him flip burgers today is actually his boss on a secret stakeout Sammy doors are open for business oh yeah no hard to stamina stand up there you're just gonna crumble just gonna melt I'll give you a little low down here now one big thing here's the chick right it's like the most confusing part about this job we'll say it's a beef so I see that it's a beef so then you come over here you put it into the box so that they know right now that they need to top that burger right here right how do we get the burger or from the over here walk it walk it I'm walking it all the way down to the end of the line walk him back walk and walk and walk in that's a little big like there's a lot of walking involved so you kind of do in the entire order for the whole line yeah coming through watch your backs okay there's got to be a better way to get that order generated multiple times so that everyone down the line from see instead of Patrick being the one who takes it from point A to point B to Point C to point D refugio the Tasmanian devil you see so now we have one two three four four chicken a foot off for chicken on one I said now you can throw on a beef I mean it's kind of just do your thing on here you get this burger you needle and then you flip your burgers make sure you flip those quick remember yeah more chicken please come on speed up this a little bit a burger waiting so now we have a salmon they're waiting like chicken so you're gonna want to get chicken down there are usually two B one B three checks we're gonna need another Michaels Burgas 134 actually the biggest hiccup would had to have been his speed by the time he's walking over and you know I kind of mosey on over to the salads there's burgers out of already birth take them off if just sitting in the pod it just went without me sitting there every one of those burgers wouldn't burn we're gonna line up now are we one of the things I'm worried about coming in today was how quickly we're getting customers through we're managing for all of the volume that we can and still we know that we need to put more volume through it really be successful so we have a structural issue here and we need to take a look at in the dress really our grill should be sitting back behind where the solid station is that would make it more accessible right just me turning around the put it on the grill that's what you down so you're usually doing this by yourself yeah it's organized chaos to me okay what happens when you're not here I'm not ever not here come to the back and we'll get going on prep we'll do with lunch behind them Patrick and his trainee prepare for the next wave of customers every burger is six ounces on the dot I don't I would take a look at this so what you got to do just get all the air out of each burger okay off on your hands yeah so that's why speed is the key quite a production you have you been here since it started opened up yeah yeah yeah worked for Sodexo for eight years oh yeah they pretty much raised me yes do you want to start laying those out okay my mom bought me an easy-bake I'm when I was three years old that's what I knew I was gonna cook for the rest of my life really yeah my uncle's actually executive chef from Sodexo Canada he asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up I said I want to be a chef he's a good you start on Monday oh really and the rest is history I never left how old are you now twenty-two 343 Wow I'm my fiancee here me and her are the product of Sodexo then we're gonna take a little break bud okay I met my fiancee just across the street yeah it's kind of a mad dash last year trying to get money to get into a home before we get married mm-hmm when I'm sitting at home in my backyard on my dad I'm watching my kids play that's when I know in my life is where I want it to be that's like all I've ever wanted from life that's good I had my time as a teenager to be crazy I've actually ended up crashing my car there's like one night I crashed my car I woke up and I was $15,000 in debt you know as a brand-new car I only made two payments on it so I was like there's like a boy just being slapped in the face so the Sun when you come back you're a man you know it was time to man up its what kind of smarten me up I was kind of proud of you know he's come through this time in his life he's made some mistakes and he's owned up to it your mom proud of you know oh yeah my mom's always be proud of me yeah yeah me and her always used to cook together so it's kind of like it's her kind of succeeding also speaking of cooking actually should probably actually get back to the grill all right you're the boss so now you get to breathe whoo guys Ebers okay I got to be okay here's three chicken watching this he needs a lot of work I gotta say I mean I'd have to sit with him for like a week straight on the grill I like it now there's no one here guess what buddy your shift is over the pleasure to work with you buddy thanks for earlier is a pleasure to meet you come back and work with us you know when I look at Patrick there's a guy who's got all the energy all the ambition and in the world we have to make sure that we focus it in the right direction there's things what they really tell me that work well and there's things about a grilling company that can be improved on a broader launch across Canada and I think being here today definitely gives me some insights and ideas exactly the things that we need to look at to improve our concept coming up Dean works with the company's most fastidious mrs. mom I don't like this as she wipes the floor with it you just missed a few spots on the rug let's get a little bit more on this and later is he about to lose it here is ready to fall off oh my god disguise boss Dean Johnson is not the man he used to be being someone else for the week is giving him a fresh perspective on working life the morale in the building is low as I make decisions I need to take into account the impact on people I'm in Toronto today I'm gonna be doing a night cleaning shift I'll need to make sure that I'm cleaning through the contractor to the standards that we provide hi I'm Mike hi Mike nice to meet you so you're starting with Sodexo caneva cleaners maintain 144 office buildings across the country every shift Colleen and her team work through the night mopping and dusting 60,000 square feet of office space please wear your glasses whenever you're messing with the chemicals when I dipped my mop one day I went like this and the water come up and it got me right in the corner this is disinfectant spray lose your glasses okay how long have you been here since April since April oh I see you're really new yeah my first stop is here the door handles okay we do it with the sanitizer I am a bit of a germaphobe I wasn't sure I'd be able to do a cleaning job but then I got Mike disinfectants and my sanitizers and how long does this usually take you half an hour my keyboard is nasty play so we're contracted to do under the desk once a week you do it once a week could you do it more often I do it music my standard and it's dirty clean it okay our player drawers to that we don't have to do that every single day oh look ladies things yeah but they do have to be done once a week I don't think you're on everything that needs to be done there seems like a lot when you come here they'll give you a work list Oh things that they want you to touch on a weekly basis and on a daily basis I gotcha hey you want to take a look at how I did yes so I don't like this what's that there's some dirt left yeah yeah there was just a few pieces that I would just make sure wasn't there if it was me I would just grab another white okay hey you do a little better do that I always give the option what you want to do mop or vacuum you know I go over something I look at I think oh that's you know that's pretty good Colleen comes along and says you just missed a few spots on the rug carpet yeah this is a lot of work I think I vacuumed all 60,000 square feet what we're supposed to vacuum so I don't know if you notice I'm always picking up you always pick it up things yeah I picked up some of it Colleen's very hands-on she likes the place to look a certain way what are we cleaning to here we clean in just an EXO level standards for the contract with Campbells are we cleaning to all these level standards going beyond the contract requirements and over-serving we do it to the detriment of us financially I want Campbells to be very thin because if I do a really good job here this company grows I grow and for some reason I don't know why but I always finish this it's like a hospital Hey look at you yeah your arms up like that so there's some if you want sanitizer yeah it's right there okay all right I think my hands are clean place how much Jeremy hope I did to therapy on it though mm-hmm I don't classify myself as but having a condition or anything like that I was in therapy I couldn't clean a spot on the wall I had to clean the entire wall so she had to convince me that doesn't have to be done the way I want it done as long as it's done it's okay but to me it's a preference I don't want to share your germs I'm always checking these even if I'm walking by I will do this if I see dust on it you'll see me wiping it off it's gonna leave you with this garbage can and move move on okay I absolutely could not do this every day this is hard work I would aside to work what do you do for fun um I like photography oh we do yeah yeah how long have you been doing photography I have always taken pictures what do you like to take pictures of my dog I take pictures of anything mm-hmm if I'm walking and I see something and then I'll take a picture of something hey we can take you we can keep you so what do you think so far I think you cover a lot of ground you've only seen part of it yeah what so if you have much family here and jerry' just my son he's a computer programmer okay his father's in New Brunswick hasn't seen him much since he was 10 his dad was abusive which we was younger he was an alcoholic and stuff was he abusive to you too yeah he was abusive to both of us coming up Colleen's painful past ended up splitting my eye open and my sister called the police and later the boss comes clean about his true identity I'm Dean Johnson oh my god different have been duped Austin Johnson has been working the night shift with Colleen and she's just revealed a painful secret about her son his dad was abusive when she was younger he was an alcoholic and stuff was he abusive to you too yeah he was bruising to both of us so sounds like you needed to get out of a bad relationship yes my son's father never wanted me to work was that just part of him being controlling yeah yeah Lizzie if there's somebody asked me about my abuse I'm okay to talk about it took me a long time to talk about it so was there a moment with your son's father when you knew you had to leave him oh yes he took some drugs and he took some alcohol and then he decided to UM smack him so he ended up splitting my eye open and then I my sister called the police she lived next door yeah actually the police officer said you would have press charges and I said no because he said that if I ever called the police on him he would mess me up really bad well and the police officer here put a mirror in front of my face this is man he says you didn't call the police and look what he did he went to jail I felt angry for her I mean I felt you know angry that someone would do this to her did your son see it yes I didn't know he saw it I thought he was in bed we do until he was I guess about 15 when he started acting up yeah and that's when he had let it out that he didn't see what his dad did that's an awful thing but you're brave to about them up here it wasn't that easy oh I give other people advice get out you know you know you don't need to stay there get out no one should be in a relationship like that and you know God I was also happy that you know she got it on that relationship and she's where she's at today Colleen's top she's determined she is a survivor seems like it's such an important job to do such a good job for you my mother has always preach to us doesn't matter what job you do you very very best that you can that's just what I've always done I've learned from Colleen that they got to be strong we deal with adversity you know every single day and you know we think it's a big deal look at her adversity but she's overcome you always gotta you know stick to what you think is right and follow your heart and I think she did like I said my spot training goes beyond so I have to stop myself okay come on I'm pulling you up come on out I have to tell myself okay that's enough the reason why we're doing so many things here at Campbell's is because of our people but we can't continually over serve our clients and not get compensated for it in some ways we absolutely have to meet the contract requirements and obviously her standards are higher than what our contract is so you have to have a thorough thorough fair oh yeah that made me feel you absolutely provide a good quality product for the contract but don't over provide and that's really something that I need to do this was a pretty good day yeah yeah you did very well well thank you I hope you find the perfect job you looking for I will come back here coz I can use your hike with you yeah you're getting you tire me I would take care I need my lady all right let's take this down then know these things are 20 kilos each it's his last day on the job and the most physically demanding you got some pretty good chunks on you can break them up a little more power my god Dean Johnson the president of Sodexo Canada has been working up a sweat so you want to take a look at how I did I don't like Bulls but working undercover is giving him valuable insight into the Giants service provider he's responsible for running our grill should be sitting back behind where the solid station is today is his last day working on the front lines I'm in won't fill today Nova Scotia I'm going to Acadia University we do a lot of services at Acadia and it's really important and key to us that we have very skilled multi service workers out here hi glad I like your the Michael how are you I'm doing good how are you doing good Acadia University is one of 26 educational institutions Sodexo Canada helps run Glen's train to keep the gym pool and stadium facilities in top shape throw that thing I rough day have you bucket will give you a variety that sounds good we're gonna have to be fairly quick so there's a quick train process my job is to clean the entire floor the big service area to get over just take a little swipe father don't work okay we're gonna hit up along the edge here it's been around square how much time do we have to do this I'm you feel like get her done seven man I gotta get going faster black floating you're swaying off to one side a little bit here in causing soft some more laps we were imposed a 10-minute marker believe us but ms how do you do this in seven minutes we were downsizing the wall back there used to be two people here per shift and you just do your best the school do some laundry I guess the first thing I'll do we're gonna sort towels with under under here oh my god that's pretty fresh smell what's it from it was actually hockey gear she yeah she's fun every day is the wash day there's hockey and football gear conference linens and cleaning rags piling up so we're what was your background well I've been skiing for years and and I started instructing that's how he's earning money what was your last job I'm feeling nervous I'm feeling anxious well um am I gonna be able to hold my cover I don't know you look like he's more about a business man and then our person would be interested in doing this field of work I was ski instructor in the Rocky Mountains and had a really bad accident hurt my leg I thought it was maybe on to me gonna bust me yeah oh really what he did across McGill our car accent few years back so what's it like with your foot to be working here all day I mean it's long like you changing Footwear yeah if I go with or Texas every three years and then it's just payment so I guess I guess we're off the pool now you've been doing this for a while uh actually I've been kicking around here for 25 years Wow so you married but yeah I've been married I actually Friday was 27 years congratulations we got two kids now we have grandkids in their route and Petawawa yeah he's in the military yes I mean thanks to technology we see know what we look like it's what kind of things you like to do with your grandkids well unfortunately I don't seem enough to really do a whole lot we go to the park I know their mothers talking getting off the Toronto Zoo this year when's your next trip planned or do you have one plan it would be nice to go to summer but I don't know that's in the Kurds yes though just expensive expensive yeah it's important to you that your grandkids grow up knowing you and your wife yeah no we got two hundred seventy two thousand gallons of on ahead of us to maintain the pool ten bags of salt weighing 20 kilos each are added weekly you hit once hit place dad's go side-to-side and try to break up as much of chunks as can as it comes in you guys are pretty good chunk sir so you can break them up a little more be great okay that's tiring work up a swig yeah yeah I pick up pace he's breaking up the first batch here was a little more rough I think he's probably a little higher come on be no lumps be no lumps oh so what we down to Omega no you got I only had one bag left here so I'm feeling like on the gravel that looks a lot better oh my god huh warm yet that's what lends a lot of jobs here and so that tells me that our employees can be very successful knowing how to do a whole bunch of different services think if there's one job what Canadian would like to do is driving the Zamboni now we'll go down to backwash we run the water backwards okay it brings all Durance and we're going out so it left oops oops now that's just on the refere for she has Lily issues take the weight off it will Bulgaria sponsored we're with the old equipment the refere fours you have to take the weight off the pan we just do the best what we got Heidi was open the diamond yeah so I hit this button how's that well soon as I was getting going all of a sudden it was dead again yeah my f but leaving a little bit further give her another little push stairs who happens here I want to understand this is an auto scrubber it would be more suitable to old rough floors like we have here do come couple of them oh yeah my in my hand sore holding on to the stager because we're the restless cuz I'm easing it I don't know if he's been around this kind of cook maybe I'm just used to it I guess we can call that the day yeah I was a day and a half I'm tired it's my pleasure Mike yeah Thank You Glenn I really appreciated everything you taught me today I think I learned a lot and it was good to get to know you too Decatur something overall I think Mike did very good today I mean we've really put him through his paces and the good spirit about it I mean he did a mint when he was getting tired but you talked to him Glen has a great personality for this job I'd like to take a look at anything I can do to improve the equipment here and make Glen's day-to-day job easier when I get back to work the first thing on the agenda is think in detail about the different areas of the business that I can have an impact on so I can get to work on that coming up Tracy Patrick Coleen and Glen are summoned to HQ for a meeting that will change their lives oh oh my I didn't think that was good no only drug I'm some kind of an easy on you Dean Johnson is back in his old job as president of Sodexo Canada that's been a great week in the field I was flipping burgers I was cleaning offices riding on the Zamboni I cleaned up an operating room after surgery yes it's been a long week and really insightful to get a better understanding of our business we're definitely communicating to the front line which is fantastic but we're not doing a good job of taking in their feedback so Jerry there's your uniform Thank You Vanessa yeah we're all gonna spend time in the field doing these frontline jobs are you ready for it I'm not kidding it's gonna be fantastic let's get moving let's keep this company growing excellent thanks for thanks team Tracey Patrick Glenn and Colleen are on their way to HQ they think they'll be discussing the trainee who worked with them this week but they're Monday morning is about to take an extraordinary turn how are you good how are you Wow Cody's gone do I look familiar yeah I think I've been - I'm actually not Mike okay I'm Dean Johnson I'm the president of Sodexo Canada okay I'm so glad I went easy on you hi Tracy I was in disguise and I went into the field to the frontlines to see how we operate I first saw you I thought this is gonna be a great day I could tell this positive energy about you you know this big smile I really enjoyed the day I did too actually the nature of our business is that it gets rebid uh-huh and it can be very demanding on our employees and I was really happy to see the way that you were dealing with it oh thank you we're going to create a program to recognize our frontline employees mm-hmm and I want you to be part of it oh how exciting Wow and we spent some time talking about our personal life oh well you told me that you loved design so I think it only makes sense to send you to Paris during Paris Fashion Week ha ha I'm gonna send you and your husband Oh oh my and there is a restaurant on the top of the Eiffel Tower there's a five year waiting list I've pulled some strings oh my when your husband are gonna be there and you're gonna have the best table Oh what do you think oh I I don't know what to think I it is a dream it truly is a dream I'm living the dream right now well thank you thank you this is a big big deal for the my new things that I do on a daily basis oh I'm honored I don't know what more have a look how to put it I was really impressed after 25 years you know what a great employee so passionate about his work we're walking all over the place then you told me about your car accident and how it affected your foot and one of the things that I want to do right away is get you a ride on auto scrubber for those hallways so you can just jump on that thing and clean all of those corridors and always wow that sounds great I know that a couple of your grandkids recently moved to Ontario and one of the things that you said was it would be great if I could take him to a zoo I can arrange to get you and your family to Toronto you're gonna go to the Toronto Zoo I also want to give you some flight passes so that you can see your grandkids on a more regular basis mmm appreciate that okay well thank you wow that is awesome working there for 25 years it's nice to be appreciated for what you do do your knees actually good that's good yeah my knees actually pretty good that's good Colleen I know from your stories that you are an incredibly brave woman you've been through a lot and you've got such a positive attitude and I was shocked at how much extra cleaning that you were doing it is above and beyond what were contracted to do I didn't think that was good no that was my initial reaction and as the day progressed I started to really see the value in the Colleen standard of what we provide at Campbell's and when that contracts up I want to come to you and find out all of the different things that we can be doing that are currently in the contract and try to get them in because I do think that there's value in everything that you're doing Wow I also learned that you have a great passion for photography yes I want to provide a new camera package it's worth $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 oh my god it's like almost half half my wages in a year and I want to pay you to be the Sodexo photographer at differ whoo I might start crying this is crazy I've been saving and saving for a camera baggage but the money always gets spent some results thank you for everything Jamestown she was afraid of scaring Mike let alone I had a fantastic day with you Patrick I really enjoyed it I learned a lot you said that you feel like Sodexo had raised you then that made me feel really good and one of the things that I saw was the chip system and I'm going to implement a touchscreen system awesome so that you and the crew can see the orders as they're coming in oh that sounds amazing yeah you saw improvements that we could do in the design of the grilling company concept and we're redesigning and I would really like you to be part of that team that redesigns the caning really companies for us in Canada I loved him we also got to spend some time together talking about personal lives you told me but your car accident I was a stupid teenager once too and I can tell that you know paying off the debt of that car is teaching you an invaluable lesson in life I can't help you with your past but I think I can help you with your future I want Sodexo to host your wedding reception will supply the food will supply our best chefs will supply all the waitstaff give you $5,000 shift as part of a down payment to help you get going down that path owning your own home my god that would have allowed nasi amazing oh well I was just glad I could do that you are an asset to this organization thank you so much you oh my god the house that's like been my dream since I was a little kid to speak to the president Wow have him actually care that was pretty sweet so we're gonna go back and cook some more burgers now we're going undercover as president of Sodexo I saw firsthand the great positive attitudes that our people have I saw firsthand how hard they're working for Sodexo for our clients for our customers I take that away from my week in the field and I'll always remember that
Channel: Reality
Views: 1,455,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undercover Boss Full Episode
Id: pe8QM4l5D-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2014
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