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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter it's been a very busy 10 days here on filming for british tv and making the vlogs and today it's come to an end which is actually really sad because the film pro being such good fun but i better run down and say goodbye to them unfortunately right that laura's arrived here because i said i didn't want a concrete lorry coming over this delicate bridge yes that rifle of concrete which weighs about 12 tonne or more yeah it's designed for the bridge down the road and you just come across here and it's not for us as she can't get out well she can't get out that way which is the problem we've had trying to get somebody in that way oh so excited i thought it was the concrete for natty's apartment well i'll be very confused i'll be back oh let's hope he makes it over the bridge either that or he lives with us forever yeah naughty van it's a lady actually is it yes nice nice bit of driving i mean wrong place but a nice bit of trouble for the fact that i was here we probably should have stole the company i know right i don't like this site hello hello are you off we don't like this site either it's horrible yeah we're off i'm afraid what are you thinking you're like no we need some of that i know i know i thought well maybe they just decided to deliver it after all okay we'll come back as soon as possible thank you we will bye we're gonna miss you a lot it's been amazing bye me too i really am we had so much fun they made filming just so much fun right bye okay sulmar this is the moment that not only i but many tens of thousands of people around the world have been waiting for this tiny room yeah back to the downstairs layer fixture the pipe excellent got a brand new pipe we closed in the tank that we found underneath we can still get to it from outside so perfect okay maybe i have to do this one okay and you've got most of them ready haven't you really so first i have to put the floor in and then i can build the rest yes yeah because you see you need the floor for yeah for the washing and for the loo and yeah and then i can wallpaper and i'm so excited really excited this is going to be a very good project here the plaster maybe this do this a little bit good idea yes let's ask ian to do that too much just uh nicely upgraded all the stuff so he's much quicker than me absolutely we don't need much because uh we're wallpapering over it just to tidy up the ceiling yes we'll ask him to do the ceiling definitely okay fantastic it's good to see you starting it i'm really excited finally oh my god so i have to whoo where was i but it will come back next christmas then for the loop well we were actually saying we should work out what day you started on it and do a grand inaugural opening on the one year anniversary i hope now there's nothing else to come in between but because i really want to finish this it's going to be gorgeous okay good luck with it the owners of the local marche have arrived we always get all of our framing done there they're amazing at it and they brought my father's painting of the gardeners because try as we might philip and i could not fit it into my car but also really excitingly they brought lots of new frame samples that they got especially for the framing that we have done here for la land wow you need a hand no this is super light okay they specially ordered in more frame samples because we couldn't find exactly what we wanted for this one do you quite like this they're amazing um [Music] size wise that's really nice yeah not bad it's got blue i think oyster blue okay that brings out the blue a little bit that's not bad not bad either right that's well it means business yeah it's not just a simple game of tennis anymore that is an amazing frame [Music] that wasn't about either right no not bad at all first idea yeah yeah yeah it's gonna look quite small next to some of the others but actually it's pretty huge there's a red in that one which is quite nice that's really nice i actually like that a lot me too so i think i like this one slightly less just because it's more cream and less gold but actually it does look really good dustier yeah that's it it looks a bit dustier i do really like that one because i like the simple lines of that one which let's let the lines in the painting come out more is it maybe somewhat too blue yeah i'm still on that one just two on this one still on that one i think pretty much everything we look at we all prefer top left don't we yeah i think so too top left it is okay decision mate top left but i'm so happy that you've got all of these samples for the shop now i'm sure we'll end up using all of them eventually made a really pretty tea tray thank you it's good that we'll be able to give them an english tea to thank them for bringing that painting it's good to see daddy's gardener's back thank you so much for bringing the paintings and the frames they're amazing we've got so many frames to do here it's crazy um and you've got big plans for the brico marche in la shatra yes india we we are restructuring we're also organizing a ivy you said yeah ivy so you're saying it's going to be much more environmentally friendly as a building yeah there will be a iv living facade oh it's going to be gorgeous beehives on the roof and all sort of things to make it more more environment friendly and yeah but i think is very lucky yeah to have you there absolutely yeah absolutely yeah well it it looks it takes a bit of time of course yeah not only because of the coffee but yeah it was a project which uh yeah which is taking a lot of resources and but we we should get there for for the autumn for hopefully i'm really looking forward to seeing it especially the beehives on the roof you can sell your own honey yeah well i hope we will be able to sell some honey that'd be fantastic please help yourself to biscuits what a day the wisteria is out isn't that beautiful i love wisteria yeah it was we're just gonna pin it back up because when they did all this yes it was all attached to there and that's all just flopped down so we're gonna start gorgeous off and over again yeah really pretty that's lovely to see that and the nice thing is that nick marie and antoine will be arriving quite soon in a week or two so they'll hopefully see the wisteria out so we've got a new system in the garden now yeah um so basically whatever's ready i just take a little bit each time i cut more courtesy where we and we take a basket yeah and hand it into the kitchen and then they just use that's great so this time it's rhubarb so this time it's rhubarb yeah a couple of days ago it was all the shard because we moved that outside we had a charred salad last night now i know why it's lovely so yeah rhubarb look and it's really was tender nice and tender yeah so love rhubarb yeah i will explain we haven't actually imprisoned dan i'm just no you've got to stay in there no i'm out walking down with matt and selma to have a look at what selma needs for his new location for his campervan uh and yeah good to see you harvesting that's good okay bye okay selma so what's your plan well if i come to drive here at the camper this would be nice to drive around and put it i like it to put it somewhere there so you see it has to be a little bit leveled you're really surrounded by nature here notice this knife and it is a nice glitch here i think you should go in there it's easy and keep all that free straight into here you've got a lovely view going down the valley i think so you'll be able to see down to the stream when you get up in the morning yeah if you wanted to clear that up i just think this is all it's still nice a part of that yeah and stay this hill like this and clear that a little bit up i think that would still really really you could put your hammock between the two trees just when he cuts it just take it down so i'm serious cut it just top it top it you've got your hammock in there that would really go with you there's not a lot to do here i know he suddenly disappears into a hole i think it's it's more it's not that the ground here is more ah tell me look at this if you just keep all this grass stuff i'll drag you matt i'm gonna have to follow you now oh for goodness sake yes oh no we've got all that there yeah it's true finally we'd have it used for those stones we've been storing to level up oh look at that view selma and you know what you could do a little bit further along okay would cherry do you prefer selma over here oh so so you get this exactly the same thing actually just further along this better can we do all this so much yeah just come through the trees how come you haven't cut this bit in the grass look oh this gets magically cut as well [Laughter] and now we're planning uh butlins out here yeah yeah i can see that this is where he's six motors we need to get some our new blazer i think if we're doing that he's gonna go here yeah with the stream down below that'd be really pretty down there nice if he annoys you come and cut the handbrake cable and just let his camper i think i need the cake because those guys will come to drink a beer well we all know what happened the three of you had a drink late at night and i came down to find the entire kitchen rearranged especially with matt you know what without all of that i didn't do anything yeah right i swear we all know that you were the mastermind i might have given a minute you don't hear very often so i'll just take that as a compliment i just went away with my camper and my table and my chairs were totally on the other side how is it possible when you get into bed you'll see something we adjusted all your wood so the camper's gone you'll be lightly thinking who's the mastermind my cup is not level that was down [Laughter] i'm editing tonight's video and i thought that many of you would like to see a portrait that philip has made of editing stephanie many people wonder you know what i look like when i'm working behind the scenes stuff how i like when i'm editing and i think no one's captured me quite as you have for look that's a work of genius phillip it's because you're small it's mighty mouse mighty mouse running the editing i like the fact that you remember to put the t in right as an s actually i didn't even get the pun uh and also i always sit on cushions because i'm slightly too short for the desk uh so that has also been captured i think really well thank you in this yeah i have a bit of an artist right yeah right what an artist so i'm keeping that here for inspiration you're welcome and actually mummy and percy have just sent me a little bit of footage of something exciting that happened they found a snake at the beach house and were worried that it might be a poisonous snake so they called someone in to have a look at it oh look they want her to promise they like to eat the geckos that's why they're coming today they're trying to help me okay we'll just let him go in the bushes absolutely thank you so much oh thank you for not killing it oh no did you take me holding a snake yes i did amazing right it did not snake it was very scary well at least i think matty would have been mortified natty would have died if she'd seen that snake but my mother was super cool i was quite impressed i think your mother's quite a tough woman oh she's tough she's definitely tired yes um by the way we're talking about your parents uh your father's painting is still downstairs shall we hang it in here i really want to see it unwrapped yeah yeah i love it in here should i get it thanks uh the moment i have been waiting for thanks so much for that so we're going to put daddy's painting up uh temporarily because everything in this room is temporary in my study because you said you didn't want it to be resting on the floor yeah it is so good to see it unwrapped and framed i can't wait to see it on the wall i actually i think the frame looks good yeah because i know you like the blue one and i agree the blue one was a really good color for this one was better for the painting i think this is better for the chateau yeah it's way easier to place it yeah it's a bit of a balancing act always but i think this is beautiful with that okay let's see it on the wall and this one is maastricht philip found this one at the local charity show actually you found this one oh did i spot it yeah and you said oh i love the i love that one is it oh my there's mouse rigged i like it it's a bit dark but i don't like it reminds you of home yeah i mean like clear things that i can make out but i mean this is maastricht in the middle of the 19th century you're not that old no but can you remember my master going about look you're next to a very large window that you could easily fall out of so if i were to be very careful right now you need my help with the painting so how do i think i'm fine i didn't say it was light i just said it wasn't very heavy that's a different thing that heavy i don't think i could be doing this um well i think that's perfect so in the middle and around that maybe up a tiny bit but basically there basically there in the middle maybe a little bit further down i don't like them too high because being not the tallest person in the world i like to be fairly close so i can see you're going to need my help from the other side aren't you for this well just not not knocked the wi-fi yeah the little wi-fi bunny as we call them ian's put them all over the house and they're not the prettiest things in the world but boy do we have great wife right now okay i'll lift this for you yeah yep okay that's so much better down to the left i mean a millimeter i love it in here that's gonna make me really happy when i'm working i think one thing is hard is to get things level here because the floor is not level so we're standing like this trying to center the baby with the wall the room was quite literally called on pond right yeah yep sleeping rooms looks about right yeah it's gorgeous absolutely gorgeous what's for edit would you like me to hang either one of those here both of them maybe why not i've only got one more oh then the pulvera i'd love that to be there how's that um oh yes i've got to stand back because it's got to be about the same level as squirrel i think about right i don't know why we're bothering when all of this has to be changed but a little bit lower to be and i would actually say come closer not put it in the middle of the wall but closer to the chimney breast yeah actually that looks better you want me to hold it there i'm going to come and hold it and you can tell me what you think we've had everything because we both thought it looked a little bit lost in the size of the wall on the other side i think it's nice there yeah i think that's better right then a little tiny bit higher i would say there about there i really like that it's much better much further down on the left but it looks more like a grouping it's so funny that we're putting these paintings up against peeling wallpaper but obviously it makes it a better place for me to work until the room is decorated it really does it makes a big difference thank you it's still not quite straight isn't it it's really beautiful isn't it it's really nice it's the first of daddy's paintings to be hanging up in the kind of new space which is about to be old space because it's going to be another new space when this wall goes but i love it i think eventually i like it so much that it should go to the grand salon i think it would work really well there i'd like everyone to be able to see it but it's making me happy in the meantime i think it's a really beautiful one and it could work there or maybe because of its name it could work in the gardener's house but maybe not color wise no it's too far away from me there too far i love the light the light's amazing in here and actually this perfect evening is making me remember king's day which i haven't shown everyone yet because it happened last week just the day before manny's birthday and so if i'd shown you then it would have made an entire vlog of parties which would have been ridiculous so now i think i'm going to enjoy the view and switch over to last week's king's day celebrations for you all there is a lot of orange outside my window yes there is hello hello hello you look amazing selma we have just finished filming so i'm going to run down and join you all i know that you have oranges bring your orange i must have orange somewhere i'm going to look for oranges you see that you have orange do you remember that last year it was raining on king's day this is a bit different okay we're on our way okay it is that time of year again it is kings day which is selma's very big day obviously i'm wearing as much orange as i could find out philip philip is also in orange excellent use of orange there phillip thank you i get the sense that you're not as excited as selma i think selma is an even bigger fan yeah i think so there is no bigger fan than selma i think you're wearing more orange than you want to like on your teeth yes no that's part of my costume actually yes [Laughter] oops thank you it's the mask that does it look that little kite matches all right really good i'm ready for king's day you look amazing let's go outside and then you have to cough of course i mean you go it wouldn't be king's day without mini golf can i just say how amazing you exactly tradition i just want to show the world your shoes oh yes last year i was more orange but now i'm also with the red white and blue well you're going to mix it up every year haven't you absolutely you can't be the same every year today i was going crazy totally crazy i love it absolutely love it okay i'm going to grab a drink and i'm going to come and join you grab a drink boom wow it's a little bit i love it i love it some shorts or something on there no it's fabulous you've invented a king's day cocktail well i looked something up and i'm making that so it's uh speculoos yes oh oh wow you look amazing maddie thank you i've worn this for yeah a really long time yeah it's i think of it as your dress because you always look so fabulous in it it's actually not so tight uh naturally because there's some weights yeah since the last time it doesn't do the trick as well no nothing that a massive push-up bra can't deal with that's what i'm wearing last time i didn't [Laughter] so yeah i better start cooking phillips creating a special cocktail do you want one special king's day cocktail goodness sure yeah yeah okay okay what's in it phillip so this is like one and a half part speculous syrup oh that's the dutch bit right then uh dry vermouth and tonic and ice that's what i'm gonna have nice usually i add the ice first but i forgot so i'm gonna do that now money this might be the most beautiful outfit you've ever cooked in really i don't know i just think that apron goes incredibly well with that dress well are you were your pink uh dress once yeah we're serving um some sort of dinner i can't remember yeah you look so it was actually for french tv yes that's right that's right you look gorgeous but this i think top set i think green is my color i love it i really love it thank you and tonight it's fast food night isn't it yes your favorite thing yes it is my favorite thing we're gonna have hot dogs fries and chicken nuggets oh my goodness life is good yeah so and tomorrow is my birthday so we're gonna have pizza so it's not a low-carb week no at all it is not that's mine okay just i'm wondering if i should have added some lemon because it's quite round two rounded i like the idea of lemon actually what does everyone think of the king's day cocktail curious to that perfect yeah excellent surprisingly oh cheers to king's day yeah cheers oh and on that note i will instantly move to the snack section which looks really good oh where did you get the flags they're amazing you can choose your you can choose the ball here's the little spot aha you know it the first time you go through through that one and if you are smart you not go too hard because if you are too far you have to come back first to go through do i start you so i think you should start yeah i think you should lead the way have you been practicing too hard oh yeah i'll come back from the other end two three four i think our grass is five yeah i think so okay phillip no pressure but you're our team representative okay and i'd like a hole in one should i film no no you you gotta [Laughter] you can fail there's six to beat okay what these numbers mean [Laughter] yeah i don't think it matters solid force [Music] do you two have a team name ah what's a good dutch team name in the king states we are the you're the queens i like it the queens yeah that's true the dutch queen is argentinian why so many cameras look at the camera okay can i say that nobody told me that we are going to play this [Laughter] okay steph you've got a reputation to uphold of team the camp you know team the what [Music] that's our team name i knew that yeah um yes i was thinking it'd be better if philip just carried on for the campanians and did all of this but apparently not i've got to do the second one you have to do the second part okay let's steal you okay so far we're in the lead and that's about to change hello your sword messy messi now the sunglasses are obviously very distracting for someone as good at golf as i am all the conditions need to be exactly right are you wearing the right heels absolutely these are my golfing shoes [Music] oh was that three four i'm sorry phillip it's okay i feel like i let the champions down i mean nothing's still in the lead coming up to the last hole 18. that's what i gotta beat i've got to do in five or less so we break even the pressure's really on okay i'll give it my best shot i think you're the only ones who can represent girl power now oh god remember you're a queen is that it oh that was so that's unbelievable [Applause] well congratulations nameless team ian and selma well deserved thank you yeah i didn't expect that we won because i was so badly the first but yeah you see you never know from behind absolutely mini golf it's a it's a nail-biting game what a perfect end to a perfect day a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaedel and ether alice allen dan banda whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens daniel banakovich jill bidwell candice blackburn candace ned volkowski clara butcher parolina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c chelten steven sarah kolzoey dorks jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zane dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first of fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david tong henderson jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hubler brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy cam nadi kennedy lisa leforge dave and summerleiland morgan lawley victoria lepine janet hufflombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton catholic jc award maureen palmer frank prokoski and james snow tomorrow prize almond ramen tony renee rjb bettina rojer hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks carl and laurie siebert teresa sloan patty sue matthews sinclair wilson susan stevens and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troy renee vilelli victoria jessica walker brandie walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whitaker linda vs christine wilson winnie the lakota pooh greg wood david young and lodovico's ordinatzo and thank you to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 123,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, King's Day, Koningsdag
Id: NvKclYqSJig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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