Here Are the Scariest Facts I Know

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serious what's the scariest fact you know there's a plant that grows in australia called a jimpi jimpi touching the plant will result in an unbearable pain because of the small needles on the plant the pain is so unbearable people and animals killed themselves because of it there's also a plant called whole greed that can cause severe burns and blisters that can scar you for life comma jimpy jimpi i just repeat it apparently its fruit is edible if the hairs are removed that seems like it's pushing the definition of edible to me a brain aneurysm can hit you anytime anywhere with next to no warning source watching my otherwise healthy grandma go from happily singing and making dinner to crying about the worst pain she had ever been into being a vegetable in less than an hour my co-worker got a major migraine and started feeling very dizzy while at work i helped her get a cab to go home where her husband was and she ended up going to the hospital that night for an emergency surgery she was lucky to make it spent a month recovering at the hospital prion diseases exist they're not bacteria or viruses there isn't an infection a set to attack they're basically an alternate form of protein and we can't stop them prions are misfolded proteins which makes them the origami of diseases you can have rabies for years before it even shows symptoms then one day you get a headache and it's a death sentence from there oh god i found a dead bat in my apartment like two years ago guess i should go get checked before the paranoia sets in a moose can swim about 16 feet slash 5 meters underwater which is why orchestra natural predators are them imagine you're diving under water suddenly there's a moose sitting at the bottom eating sea grass then it gets eaten by an orca that would be terrifying my day would be done at that point that's it for me thanks your skin is not 100 attached to your body with enough air pressure beneath the skin your body will become a balloon with a solid core and it will be excruciating before the embolism kills you balloon boy nc 17 edition my best friend was dining with his mom dad and brother his brother was talking while eating and mid-sentence he just fell head down into his plate the blood clot in his lung caused sudden death he was a 28 year old healthy athlete that thought horns me every day my mother passed away a pulmonary embolism on the living room floor scariest thing ever she complained she couldn't see and things went black as soon as we put a cold washcloth on her head while waiting for ems she took her last breath the death part doesn't haunt me but knowing she spent her last moment of life in fear from not being able to see haunt me to this day fun fact being flayed skinned alive by a skilled torturer meant that you'd be likely to survive the ordeal believe it or not dying of shock or blood loss wasn't guaranteed often people survived hours or days with no skin in these cases what finished them off was hypothermia holy frick i think i've heard enough if you are ever in a heavily armored tank and get hit and the fuel starts to burn you will not die from the shell bit from the heat so basically getting cooked to death i'll remember this next time i'm in a heavily armored tank that a large number of asteroids and comets that could potentially hit earth directly have not even been discovered as of yet and our ability to actually stop a large object traveling stupidly fast is much worse than depicted in films the reason they don't hit earth has caused jupiter usually pulls them towards itself with its massive gravitational field rose west is alongside her husband fred one of the most infamous serial killers in modern british history who killed several lodgers in her house and if not for a single mistake she would have gotten away with it when they were finally caught all evidence actually pointed to fred being the sole culprit and she shifted the blame onto him either out of a freaked up sense of loyalty or despair for being betrayed fred committed suicide in custody which seemed to end the idea of bringing him and his wife to trial relegating any other investigations into figuring out what crimes fred had committed the police were still deeply convinced that either rose knew more about the murders than she was letting on or she was a direct participant but she was a tough egg to crack the police tried every angle conceivable but she always deflected the blame onto fred and there was never a crack in her story too well rehearsed she knew what to say when to say it and they couldn't trip her up however while investigating both her husband and her own backgrounds they discovered that fred had a daughter from his first wife and the police confirmed that not only was this girl one of rose's victims fred has an iron-clad alibi for when she died because he was in prison and when they confirmed that another victim found was the girl's mother the police had a clear motive rose killed her step-daughter and told people she was back to living with her mother and had fred kill his first wife to keep her quiet honestly i think a scarier fact than even this is all the psychos and murderers who didn't make any mistakes and were never caught a bot fly can lay an egg in a fraction of a second literally swatting the fly can be enough for it to lay an egg which burrows into your flesh and feeds in there until it hatches and matures enough to fly away and start the cycle again it can also happen to an eye i know this because i'm an eye doctor and i have removed a bottle lava from the inside of an eyelid tarsal conjunctival membrane and yes i have photos i have posted about it in the past before no frick that we've come very close to nuclear war and had nuclear accidents many times also we've lost a lot of nukes google broken arrows some time broken arrow broken arrows will probably bring up the very good emo song by avicii your tastebuds are actually sillier and are constantly being worn down by the movement of your tongue in your mouth if you end up in a coma for long enough your tongue becomes fuzzy maybe it's just me but that adds to the very long list of reasons i never want to be in an extended coma i'll put you in a coma for telling me that tongues can get fuzzy you freaking freak that you really do need 7-9 hours of sleep every day even at six hours the lack of sleep decreases efficiency productivity and increases risk of developing dementia and alzheimer's furthermore it weakens the immune system and handicaps the body's ability to destroy cancer cells which therefore increases risk of cancers of the breast colon ovaries and prostate the scary part of it is that you can't get back all the sleep that you lose out on because sleep efficiency decreases so trying to catch up on the weekends isn't really making up for what you lost throughout the week ironically those who say i can't sleep when i'm dead will end up dead quicker because of lack of sleep and people like to make fun of me when i say i get 9 hours of sleep just how dangerous the world actually is basically anything can kill you if you swim in a lake there is a chance you'll get brain eating bacteria if a fly lands on your eye for a nanosecond it's enough time for it to lay eggs in your eyes death is always lurking around the corner prions are the most terrifying thing on earth a prion is a misfolded protein in your brain and once it starts all other proteins will replicate it can happen at any time and it's unknown what causes it a prion diseases is fatal once the proteins begin misfolding there's no way to reverse it well known prion diseases are croots felt jacob disease the form of mad cow disease and kuru lewy body dementia is a related disease what robin williams had before his suicide another terrifying fact is that it is transmissible if you consume the brain of someone with this disease or come into contact with an instrument with the disease then you will contract it and eventually die there's no way to destroy the protein so medical equipment used in brain surgery has to be carefully disposed of there is also a newly studied disease that scientists have seen in deer as chronic wasting disease the deer basically become zombies and eventually die there is not any evidence yet that this disease can be passed to humans from consuming the meat some the brain which you shouldn't eat anyway but it's still under intense study since deer hunting is pretty much required in some areas since they are considered a nuisance species bonus fun fact most cases of cjd occur spontaneously you don't have to come into contact with something contaminated or inherited from someone one day unknown to you a little prion in your brain decides it's tired of being told what to do unfolds and just like that it's curtains for you no treatment no cure and prion diseases are not fun ways to go a lot of people don't realize rabies is extremely fatal it's one of the deadliest diseases to ever be seen on planet earth deadlier than any plague only a handful of people have ever survived rabies and treated i believe the number is around five and most of them were completely crippled for the rest of their short lives even treatment isn't very effective don't ever get rabies geologist here the earth's magnetic poles places your compass pointer are moving at an alarming rate while they switch think north compass arrow will point south every 10 000 years or so we are overdue for a switch so like happy 2021 yo also the super volcano under yellowstone does technically have the firepower to wipe out much of life on planet earth but it's not overdue like many people try to claim it is that's just fear-mongering also there was a point in the past during the ice age i think were less than 2 000 humans were alive if it would have been modern humans we would have to put ourselves on the endangered species list spiders can swim fly and climb almost everything also if you break anything and not remove the cast the skin will grow over it and beneath the cast your skin will attach itself to the cast and be eaten by mites i was told that spiders don't get killed when sucked up by certain vacuum cleaners and they crawl back out freaked the heck out of me when i moved and sucked up loads of spiders if the sun disappeared it would take eight minutes for the rays of the sun to reach the earth also if space allowed sound to travel through it we would hear the raws of the sun for 13 hours also after eight minutes the earth goes flying out of our solar system in whatever direction it was headed when the sun disappeared the entire universe as we perceive it is in the past the vast distances make light take millions of years to travel there may be alien life out there right now but we may never see it because humans go extinct before that light reaches us true we are seeing things as they were and not as how they are right now basically if you look at the stars in the sky it's like you see in ghosts images of stars that may actually not exist right now or have died there's a haunted house called the makami manor people there can be subjected to powers of torture abuse and humiliation you need to sign a 40-page waiver to be let in and the only cost is a single can of dog food in this waiver it states that the owner will not let you out unless you are having a serious mental crisis or are suffering from near-fatal bodily harm panic attacks do not count even severe ones there is a 20k dollar reward for those who finish but nobody has ever completed it the longest anyone has lasted was six hours and it can be as long as 10 hours if you really want to see the footage there are plenty of videos of the torture on youtube just be wary as these videos are highly disturbing you've never seen your own face just reflections and pictures also everyone else has a more accurate perception of your appearance than you do somehow this one's oddly comforting no one's really as bad looking as they think they are for this reason there is plastic everywhere from the highest mountains to the deepest trench in the ocean it's estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean and it is bad for us likely causing fertility problems and reducing penis size comma reducing penis size i shouldn't have chewed on my plastic toys when i was a kid this may sound stupid but i think one of the scariest facts i know is the fact that you can find so much sick and depraved crap on the internet with just a few clicks of a button if i or heck anyone wanted to find some cartel beheadings or some crap bam easy the internet is freaked up man there is a time where the last star is gonna burn out and the universe is just gonna be darkness that kinda freaks me out this idea gets even scarier when you consider that it's darkness filled lot of empty space with black holes if you commit a murder in the united states the chances that you will be arrested and convicted for it is less than 50 percent it's actually much less than that if it's a random killing don't know if this counts as scary but it sure is freaky when you're eating a pineapple it is also eating you they contain the enzyme bromelain which breaks down proteins that is your tongue that's what that tingling sensation is everyone appears virtually normal weird people are weird but the scariest thing is if someone truly is warped mentally they will appear absolutely normal always wonder if someone i know is truly someone i know or just a projection they're showing me so i can't see the real in her at any second the whole planet could be completely destroyed by x-ray bursts from quasars so many other scary things have practical solutions for protecting the human race but there is no defense humanity could conceivably develop against such a massive amount of energy by subscribe to the star trek utopian techno future massive gamma or x-ray burst nothing can stop it goodbye planet earth if you have ffi fatal familial insomnia you will experience progressively worsening sleeplessness your inability to sleep eventually turns into total insomnia at which point you'll die people who have this rare genetic condition will all die it's inevitable most people within a year of its onset scary to think about surface myelopathy is a non-traumatic injury most often seen in novice surfers where they tweak their back while trying to get up on the board they initially feel pain and weakness and then they become fully paraplegic it doesn't even have to be surfing yoga pilates or even getting up from laying down you just hyper extend your back a little weird one day and bam you're in a wheelchair completely paralyzed from the waist down this is it out of all the replies this one is the most terrifying i really shouldn't have clicked on this thread now i'm concerned that everything in the comments especially a brain aneurysm will eventually happen to me but every time you log into a website post on reddit sent a text message make a call even just turning on your phone your name and information is logged in anywhere from 10 to 30 different servers worldwide and it's not just your phone or computer new cars have data tracking systems that log your information that can be pulled during service and yes you agreed to all of it just by owning a piece of equipment you could have experienced incredible and unimaginable pain and anguish or similar horrible things at any time and for any period of time but you've forgotten because you've forgotten it's as if it never happened but at a point in time a version of you is experiencing unbelievable pain it's scary to think you could have forgotten many things that nobody knows happened but when they did you yourself did experience them the worst part of that is that even if you don't remember it mentally your body does physically so you have reactions and responses that make no sense to you because you don't remember the thing you forgot the body keeps score by bessel van der kok explains more about ptsd and how the body holds onto those traumas there are so many places that humans aren't naturally meant to go and we have to artificially adapt ourselves to it underwater underground in the atmosphere in space and in those places we are the invading aliens no matter how you live you can still have an aneurysm certain things do increase and decrease likelihood but it can definitely happen to anyone somewhere around 1 in 50 people each year having one can kill you in minutes paralyze you for life and all kinds of other horrifying neurological crap a great fear of mine would be having one as i sleep and just waking up paralyzed left to die eventually by my inability to seek help sleep well kids i've understand the earth's rotation for as long as i can remember but watching a time lapse of the stars moving through the sky really put into perspective the planet we are on is literally rotating through space it's also interesting to think that the earth is rotating whilst orbiting the sun which is orbiting the smbh at the center of our galaxy and our galaxy is moving too if you really were granted immortality i don't mean like a vampire that can be killed in a certain way i mean true immortality like you will never cease to exist even after all the stars have burned out and the universe contracts and there is another big bang you will still be conscious and aware and as many times as this cycle repeats itself this will never change your existence will never end ever for any reason that thought is truly horrifying you never know if you were the last straw for someone's life tldr source saw this from someone's story about how their toxic behavior pushed a random to suicide in a random pub match on some game don't ever rage at players even toxic ones be civil always you never know what the person on the other end is actually going through and you get nothing out of your pee contest anyways nasa was originally created to explore the bottom of the ocean ever since they got down there they've been trying to figure out how to get us off this planet apparently people used to give surgeries to babies without anesthesia cause they thought babies didn't feel pain they stopped not long after a few incidents i believe however i never looked further into it a thing called a state recovery exists say you've worked your whole life you have a solid 401 k nice house etc then you get sick like we all will you lose your job and the insurance that comes with it so the medical debt collectors take your life savings until you're below the 2 k threshold needed to qualify for medicaid which happens insane fast because every tiny thing seems to cost at least 10 k once you die everything left that you had spent your life working towards goes to the state and not your kids you lost most of it to debt collectors but now your children pay the ultimate price they lose the home they grew up in and everything else that you owned it wasn't enough for them to deal with the loss of a parent the system is rigged to keep poor people poor if you want your kids to have a good chance at life you better start giving to them now and just hope that you don't get sick within four years because that'll count as a transfer of assets and they'll rake it back i worked in healthcare and i have seen this happen in nursing homes assisted living facilities more times than i wanted it's part of why i quit the business that true randomness might not be real and everything in existence is predictable varying only by the form of information that describes it the bank can't get your money back if you knowingly gave it to someone who turned out to be a scammer so men are lonely old and disabled people fall for scams and i wish anyone who scams them pain and suffering look out for the vulnerable people in your life and make sure they're educated on scams and fraud if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
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Keywords: scary facts, scariest facts, scariest, scary stories, facts, true facts, scariest stories, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: DaJttQ8Z3Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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