Scariest Diving Experiences 🐙☠️ (r/AskReddit)

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divers and water lovers what is something you've found while underwater that you can't explain or scared the heck out of you serious while waterskiing in the lake one time Louisiana when I flew off I landed like pretty much on top of an alligator I kind of felt my leg hit him and we were like eye to eye when I gasped for air then he went under the moments after that were the most terrifying moments of my life because I was so certain that feel him bite my foot any second and drag me under I started screaming and couldn't stop until the boat was back to me you don't realize how long to three minutes is until you're alone in the open water never again for me I was like eight nine and snorkeling in Hawaii I turned around in only a couple feet of water and the turtle rammed me full speed in the face but scared the heck out of me and broke my goggles Donnie what the heck it was doing I was diving with some friends and found a fisherman's glove with a hand still inside it we brought the glove to the local police and they told us that they hadn't received any kind of report of a guy with a missing hand now they have to file a report of a hand missing a body scuba diving down illage been a bit murky dolls had lodged on the ledge face made me scream into my regulator I was diving in Thailand and we were at a site diving where there were two steep hills underwater full of rock formations coral etc between these two areas was a sandy bottom with scattered rocks ranging between the one five meters across all full of holes and full of life we were swimming from one hill to the next and inspecting these rocks along the way I was swimming along one large one when I get whacked in the side of my stomach very hard it startled the crap out of me and I quickly back off the dive instructor noticed and came over and we inspected what happened that's when we saw gigantic morio I'm later told it was a giant Marie he was absolutely massive never seen one so big was easily a couple meters in length and was probably as wide as my head we assumed I had passed too close without noticing and he attacks he hit my BCD and luckily didn't persist I was diving a spear fishing spot about 30 miles offshore I was 60 feet underwater there I was swimming along when I noticed them a school of mahi-mahi there were about 30 maybe 40 of them these fish we're all between 2 and 5 feet long they were so beautiful with their sides flashing all different colors that's when I felt a tug on my leg I look down at my legs to see a 12 tiger shark pulling on my dyfan and taking me along for the ride in a second he had ripped the fin off my foot the shark then swam away but kept circling just at visual range I think he was still curious about how I tasted I kept an eye on him the whole time I was swimming back to the boat scariest moment I have ever had in the water I was diving off the Florence or coast with some friends and we found a body on the ocean floor in the creepiest condition possible he was a surfer who'd gone missing a few days prior so he wore a wetsuit with his legs arms and head exposed crabs had eaten the flesh from his exposed bits so basically he was a torso with a skull and skeletal limbs the creepiest dive of my life though to buddies of mine and I were on a night dive in the Puget Sound hunting prawns it was about 1:00 a.m. and where a good 100 feet deep the pitch hissed black you could imagine we used to do this thing on night dives where we'd get in a circle turn off our lights then stir up the water and watch the bioluminescence float around us like floating stars in a black watery space beautiful only this one time we turn off our lights stir up the water and the water glows just enough to reveal a fourth person sitting in our circle we were at a dive resort so it wasn't so odd to see another diver only it was 1 a.m. we'd seen no one else prepping a dive at the dock he was also alone which was odd considering the dangerous conditions of the night dive in those waters and he had no fins or gloves I don't know how he swam so well without fins or didn't get hypothermia without boots or gloves we Ward row suits because it was so cold but this dude was in a wetsuit with exposed skin and we thought we saw giant gash in one of the legs so the three of us all noticed him and we're too freakin scared to move I can hear my buddy is panting him there and the guy just smiles and waves then swims away that was 100 times creepier than skeleton dude whenever you think you're alone and someone just shows up like in an alley at night it's weird as Frick 100 feet underwater at night is terrifying I like kayaking when I get a chance but one day in a lake up in glacier nation Park Montana I saw small boat a little vintage looking tiny motorboat the little tiny mini speedboats you always see in seventies movies set in Miami or something just a few feet underwater perfectly preserved I could reach down and touch it there was no signs of damage no signs of Wyatt sunk it was strangely eerie I had to leave because for some reason had just freaked me out the idea that something could sit inches from the air but still submerge for years probably it made me so uncomfortable and I don't know why I was diving in Bermuda 85 feet down coming out of the wheelhouse of an old fishing boat I felt something start tapping my hand turn my head with thoughts of all kinds of horrible terrifying sea creatures reaching out to grab my hand and see a tiny little fish flinging itself into my hand and waving its fins at me as if to say get out of my house go on scram that was when I discovered you could laugh through a regulator South Floridian here I grew up fishing and diving which has led to a few notable stories the one that sticks out the most was during my high school years I had just taken a deep breath and gone down to a reef about 30 or so below my friend was still on the boats above and we were the only ones on the reef I got down to the bottom and noticed a thin upright pole upon closer inspection it was indeed a normal fishing pole but old and rotting under the water for so long but right as I was going to grab the pole it was pulled from my hands just shooting up and away as if being wheeled and by the other side it was gone within a matter of seconds so I started my resurface expecting to see another boat responsible no boats nothing in sight but of course just my friend and his boat I never bothered telling him because he would have never been me anyway the only explanation I might have is that the pole was still attached to a fish or something although I doubt it still gives me goosebumps thinking about it I was diving off the coast of Fiji and we went through a natural tunnel like a 10 meter cave passage through a rock formation so we start swimming through the cave and suddenly the light was weird like the blue tint from the water has been replaced by a red one now all divers will know that this isn't only weird because the color changed but also because red is the first color to disappear after a certain depth usually between 30 feet - 10m and 40 feet - 13 m and we were over 70 feet 23 M deep also bear in mind this was late morning on a sunny day so imagine this scene me and my dive buddy are going through an underwater cave and suddenly everything for no apparent reason is tinted red a color that you are literally supposed to be unable to see while diving at that depth during the day upon exiting the cave everything was back to blue I thought it was just me so I didn't signal to go back up after the dive my buddy asked me if I'd seen the water Tim dread - we can't explain it and the folks from the local dive shop had no idea what we were talking about scuba diver here once I was going along a common route between two underwater waypoints when I found a small shiny object on the sand I recognized it as part of the assembly which fits on top of the air tank and connects to the breathing regulator now this is something you can't breathe without so it creeped the heck out of me - think about the story of how such a crucial item ended up there down in La Jolla California they have caves along the coast that you can swim through if the tides are right this particular day the water level was high enough that you could swim through this one cave that was pretty narrow well it's my turn to swim and when I'm halfway through a set wave comes in unclear the cave while I'm still in it I was smashed against the side of the cave bloodied up the back of my shoulder pretty good but were thinking well crap we just got in the water we were planning on swimming out to a boy and then back to shore so I just say Frick it let's do it exposed wound in an area known for great white sightings no big deal gotta get a workout in while we get to the buoyant I just have the biggest sense of dread we are probably a good 15 minutes swim from shore and I start thinking about this wound on my arm just leaking shark bait into this giant vast ocean full of stuff that probably wants to eat me sure enough I'm looking down and I see something swimming towards me it's dark I'm like what the Frick what the Frick what the Frick and I started swimming away from it and I turn around to and I see two more of the same things coming at me from different directions my face goes completely white I'm expected to get grabbed and pulled under and never seen again nothing happens my friends can see the look on my face and they're asking me what happened we all decide to swim in together my friends were all better swimmers than me but on that day I beat them all back to the shore easily time practically kissing the sand when I finally made it to the shore and this old man comes up to me and says you shouldn't be swimming with that cut on your arm you'll tracting sharks you don't have to swim faster than the shark just faster than the guy next to you on one of my night dives at the flower garden banks marine sanctuary in either 2005 or 2006 I had my first encounter with a beaded sea cucumber I thought I stepped out of the real world and into a science fiction fantasy world seeing this long one with tentacles surrounding its mouth like a cross between a snake and an octopus very scary initially now I look for them because they are pretty cool on a more recent dive this spring although I knew I was going to see it the whole purpose of the dive after all finding the three year old 80 pounds golden lab that had been swept away in the spring floods and trapped in debris under a bridge scared the heck out of me when I first found her body visually or knowing you are looking for it and actually finding it are two different things but at least I was able to bring her body home for her family I grew up diving as my family owned a dive shop I've dove all over the globe but the thing that creeped me out most happened on my local lake I was about ten and had taken our ski boat from the dock to a secluded Cove to look for an abandoned Cemetery the lake was created by TVA in the thirties and displaced an entire town leaving several places like this lost in the trees with no access when I got onto the shore I found a blanket with all the edges tied together to make a bundle I didn't open it but did some exploratory poking there was obviously a cinderblock in there and the rest was just squishy after a particularly vigorous poke blood started seeping through the blanket I hold my little ass back to the boat and never looked back decades later I still think about that and wonder what was in there well I definitely don't love water but his mind was down by the beach was around 13 my brothers and I went down there to play a lot around then there's a sea gull there pretty common around there flies down to the water to grab a tasty fish well it must have misjudged the size because whatever it was grabbed the seagull and dragged it underwater don't know what it was but I didn't want to play in the same water as it I was kneeboarding one time in a lake not too far outside of my hometown the water is very murky and dark well the front end of the board ipped downward into the water but I kept holding on to the rope I shot probably a good 20 plus feet deep in a matter of a couple of second and when I let go I completely lost my place it space it was pitch black and I couldn't tell if I was right side up or upside down didn't really find anything scary but being that lost in space is truly terrifying I started buying more buoyant life jackets from that point forward was doing a drift dive down in Mexico saw the very large group are off in the distance let myself drift towards it I soon realized it was far bigger than I had thought and I was putting myself in danger possibly this thing could have taken me down too far or damage my gear or knock me out I've seen videos of these things eating 4-foot sharks and this bad boy was bigger than the one and the videos I was a bit shaken after that dive I was snorkeling in the Caribbean and I got separated from the rest of the group we had be sticking close to the shore to look at the small efficient things touristy stuff I stayed behind to look at a small school of fish and when I looked up they were all way ahead of me to catch up I took a shortcut across deep water I was swimming along for a while not seeing any fish or anything when I just saw a murky outline in the distance you know when you're looking at something under water from a distance and it's just a shape like that but it was huge easily bigger than me just slowly swimming parallel with me I didn't take the time to investigate of closer and just swam to shore as fast as I could but still gives me chills when I think about it went snorkeling off the coast of Mozambique near an island when a dugong swam right under me it was massive I literally peed myself diving in Palawan sand we're at about 100 featuring there's a wall on one side of us and then the ocean just drops as far as the eye can see on the other side but tiger shark pulled up next to us and just started swimming next to me like I'm his dive buddy or something at first I didn't care but after a few minutes I started to feel uncomfortable we kept looking at each other and he was a good six foot if not a bit more after a few minutes a school of yellowfin tuna appeared near ass and all of a sudden that shark decided he wanted one and just dive bombed out cut one of those tuna in half in a split second a couple more sharks appeared and cleaned up the rest and they all swam off quietly like you do made me realize how lightning-fast those things are and absolutely badass ok here's a fun one made me feel like a B at the time but now I look back and laugh snorkeling on the gulf side of mexico just after high school had set up a day beach good location water dropped to about 20 feet deep just a short distance offshore things are going well we're seeing just hundreds of fish small school of pathes didn't even know they schooled which scared a few people so at one point I'm just swimming back up to shallow Beach and turn around to swim backward when I see I don't know six twelve are these small fish white bodies with yellow fins right off the end of my flippers swimming hard like chasing me moments later I'm scrambling up on the sand like a shark is right on my ass did that whole look around to see if anyone noticed me being a full thing in retrospect they probably like the current I was generating with the flippers or something I know they weren't dangerous there's just something truly frightening about so much smaller than yourself being aggressive or chasing you snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef when it was time to get back on what about the underwater photographer grabbed my attention by pointing down I looked down and there was this big shark just holding pattern on the bottom needless to say I climbed to the boat rather quickly surfing off the west coast of Vancouver Island sitting there waiting for waves when this big dark shape slithered underneath me and my board I quickly went to a kneeling position on my board with an audible wholly crapballs moments later the friendliest face poked up out of the water in front of me a big curious seal Kass you see oh you scared the pee out of me that day divers in one area of Honduras took to feeding an eel it was a big-ass moray eel and it got to like divers because they always gave it food one day I was on a dive and nobody gave it food and the dive master didn't really mention it the next thing you know this tame moray eel is swimming furiously after a half-dozen divers and they are scared as crap i hovered about 20 feet above them and watched the mayhem unfold these people all thought they were going to die but really that 6-foot moray eel with razor-sharp teeth only wanted his doggy snacks it was my first deep wreck dive and I was venturing in the hold of a sunken fishing trawler at the bottom of the dark hold I found a full sized skeleton my wife and dive buddy freaked out and swam straight into the wall she dropped her dive light which settled 20 feet below between the skeletons legs I dove down alone to get it because scuba gear is expensive up that skeleton was an obvious plant so I'm in Cancun Mexico with my host family exchange student there's this hotel that's surrounded by a river finger that you snorkel in I can't sink lol Thanks body fat so I don't have a lifejacket I'm about a mile off swimming into the river when I see something interesting at the bottom I struggle downwards the water was maybe 9 12 feet deep and I see it's a conch shell what a perfect present for my younger host sister it's her birthday today and she's loved it I keep trying to swim to the bottom only to get pulled back up over and over by my own mass it's been 30 minutes and I have a headache I'm not going to give up that easily I managed to get a hand on the shell and pull it toward me victory I have a sudden sharp pain on my stomach I dropped the shell in surprise and I see a little blood coming out of a new wound I swim to land and investigate the mark on the shore the wound was bizarre shallow but in a shape that looks like the bite from human molars I've been pinched by crabs plenty of times and this looked nothing like a crab pinch didn't feel like one either I couldn't figure out what was living in that shell I scoured the internet and my zoology textbook but nothing matched my bite marks to this day I still don't know what bit me you have been visited by the be humble be stay humble and believe in yourself if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 17,275
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, scary stories, diving, diving stories, under water, sea, ocean, sharks
Id: 6X8IHiNZgxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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