A Stickman in LOVE! | The Henry Stickmin Collection

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There was an Orange among us guy in the money car

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fazz_fan_mugman 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to gta live we're live and we're here and we're on the couch and it's and it's almost fall it's almost fall which is why i'm wearing my heavy jackets indoors because the temperature is on the cusp of maybe someday getting slightly less than 80 degrees still in shorts still shorts weather i was wondering i thought you were i didn't know if you were justin or not showing off your legs showing up i can show off my legs too boom yeah look at those gams need me look who didn't get hurt just shows you the power of my gams maybe if you had a little bit of extra padding there over your knees aka pants so so hey today we're probably not gonna beat henry stickman no but we're gonna sure as darn tootin try we're we're gonna complete my prediction is we'll complete the mission yeah once perhaps twice but not the full requisite number of times that we would like to complete them we could come back and be our completionist self later but now we're just trying to make it to the end let's get some endings yes so for those of you who've been tuning in we have been slowly working our way through the henry stickman collection and we've gotten finally to the the ultimate chapter it's been a real jam i was gonna say the fifth chapter but i figure but i didn't think it was but i haven't been counting and so i'm like the ultimate the chapter and it is indeed the sixth chapter so we're in the sixth and final installment although shoot it is episode five well excuse me for considering the prologue a chapter okay we got this so anyway we're completing the mission today we're going to be doing it if you haven't seen our previous episodes on it go back and watch them because they're really fun and this is a really cool game and there are lots of cool fun alternative endings and it's easy and neat to be a completionist go watch them subscribe to the channel and then while you're at it go subscribe to film theory or 1 million subscribers away from 10 million yeah it would be nice for film theory to finally cross that threshold film theory maybe it'll finally get some respect middle child maybe it'll finally get some respect by youtube and in theory gets the attention as the oldest food theory theories the baby poor film theory is the the middle child yeah so we have 164 ways to fail to get through so let's let's stop pussyfooting around and hop into completing the mission shall we the final round it's the final oh wild okay so we get to go in so we pick our ending so we pick our ending from both installments wow oh that's cool okay so um what do we want to be i guess uh let's see can we try a relentless bounty hunter first i think that would be enjoyable okay the top the topic was arrested right hand man was defeated the tank was stolen and we were pardoned by the government oh that's a good one that was a good one and i think on this side let's be allies yeah busted out with convicts we allied with ellie cause i liked ellie a lot right me too this is like best timeline warden was defeated right okay was this the best we we were a government lackey at that point nah we were pardoned by the government doesn't mean we were lacking the government supported private investigator was the real lucky one that's actually true isn't it yeah because that evidence was stolen teamed up with that has charles though oh charles everyone sells me is great in this episode but i don't know top ed leaders arrested airship impounded yeah let's let's rely on this bounty hunter okay launch let's do it so keep in mind what we're doing here because all of this is going to result in a just huge number of branches good for them right oh flashbang oh man man this is oh look at us getting away with the girl this is a more elaborate ending this is a more elaborate ending than mass effect yeah honestly that name sounds familiar i think i heard of them when i was getting locked up at the wall criminal organization right and you crossed them huh we got to put this bad boy to you yeah i told you i liked her again i don't know about you but i'm running pretty low on cash the transport train i think they're supposed to be there it is their money card oh i'm so glad it's clearly labeled there's our payday let's take it to him let's do it do it oh hey oh hey tank this should be this should be totally easy right right i feel like this is an easy win yeah tank for three couple of cars like are you kidding oh man man you are right there you're shooting at point-blank range tank yeah oh hey whoa no wait tank missiles oh they're just hunker hunker will hunker in the bunker it's true that's great riding on the gun oh no oh no only way to see is looking at the top really is that true with the tank no i don't know that's not that's not true maybe for this design as someone who has actually ridden inside of a town i know you have which is a weird thing that i can say i've done yeah and has fired off a tank yeah um that is not true so maybe with the new grounds tank that's the case okay shoot we're all ready to hunker fire let's do it because i want to just fire it [Music] [Applause] now well that's one way to do it now how are we going to get all this money out of here ooh fulton force she has force lift power remember she has force lift that does sound good purse of holding is a good second option i feel like person holding seems promising here but as we've established she has force abilities she choked us with them last time okay so let's do it with let's let's use her i mean she's really ah oh come on lift really straight all right try again holding didn't really realize she was that good man this is gonna take forever use some patented persive holding character purses yeah actually actually i feel like the main problem is just you know there was a large volume of stuff that we need to load up also just because we're trapped in there doesn't mean it's a game over right she's got she's got mad forces abilities just push him just give him a little nudgy nudge all right let's really really that was the answer come on it's the tedious that looks like the sun from the circle of life in the lion king oh wait i want an obscure reference wait i want to go back and do those other choices okay we're stuck now wobble combo combo combo yeah yeah stick me up wow crushed wow no way that should do the trick completed all right that was okay super fast great we beasted it we did that was amazing it was really best nice got away with all the cash and a girlfriend how crazy is that how are there 164 endings in this look look at that capital gains that's the um that's going to hurt on the tax side of things now yeah definitely you're losing at least 50 of that to the government oh no no question easily easily 50 forget about inheritance okay so oh wait so how's the map over here oh geez okay so here okay so let's go back okay so let's go back and just get these up a little bit right this is see that's why you don't jump in front of the tank right come on you don't jump in front of the thing and then we're gonna get a quick fail here which is just let timer run out right great oh man [Music] great that was super quick i guess this is fire it's black slam see this is i think what everyone was expecting when mass effect was a thing like choose all the different endings and it's like you get a multi-colored laser beam yeah isn't it satisfying so this was this we got all the other ones from that branch yeah so now our buddy shows up i'm on obscure reference it's your reference your suggestions this doesn't belong to you so those are i tried to click those he couldn't oh really yeah so those were just jokes obscure reference wow wow we're really good right i was gonna say no our ability to keep that running was actually pretty great right that was awesome that'll help us in a future legend of zelda boss battle at some point because that's what every boss in zelda oh yeah is the jungle juggling game what are you doing this was that was stupid right come on now come on oh what was the point of that not the sharpest idea i'm gonna pin the blame on you for that one did you really need all that money needle the money was rough okay all right so those are the three so that was very quick okay so let's go back to the beginning shall we let's do we want to do ooh how about pure blooded thief with ruby stolen airship destroyed government annoyed top at leaders fled what about presumed dead i want to do a bunch of things with ellie i like elliot do that one then i stood out with the convicts allied with ellie morton defeated i like ellie a lot oh man oh and i got my cool jet pack cool i also want to see one where ellie will remember that yeah right [Music] wow these are so different right they're so different but we're almost there you've heard of the top egg clan right they haven't seen your base out here i'm hoping they might let us join up with them now that we're on the run legit should be right around there hang on yes sir [Music] we're in the middle of just a big war oh wow i was gonna say what's that traffic jam on the hill those are tanks we gotta get out of here we're sitting ducks i already owned one of them apparently okay one each i think mine is controller and wings okay not what i expected god thank you wings very cool how about rope and harpoon the rpg the rpg thanks what's an rpg it's a it's a it's basically a missile gun like a harpoon what do i think a harpoon is i'm it comes out of a tube it's got the point at the end and it's a projectile that shoots out of the barrel and it has a rope attached to it can someone amy can you play me put up a picture of a harpoon here or something so i can like that i don't think i'm that far off the mark so there was your rope plus harpoon yeah yeah you're not you're not the the main difference the main difference you are certain i love you and i know as a husband i'm not supposed to tell you that you're wrong what but you are definitely wrong they look mildly similar right they are both long tube things that launch something one launches a spear spear the other launches an incredibly deadly explosive device oh that's a bomb on the end oh my gosh [Music] i thought it was just like a it's like an air like a funny it's been a long day for you and i know you're running out of very little sleep it's okay look we're controlling oh cool what oh come on oh kind of rpg forever controller i thought right i thought it was going to give us control we're having a bad roping wings rope and wings god come on thanks for getting a lot of fails let's try and get up to this hey oh come on okay oh oh we'll take it through the window nice oh these are the guys i just got got one of them right here bro no now where's the other one uh-oh uh-oh oh man time will remember this it's never gonna work no disguise kit no that's the teleporter the corrupt nothing nothing none of my wacky devices let's try the disguise kit yeah oh come on they would totally buy that get out of here that was totally believable corrupt dick oh hello uh oh oh wow that wrote oh no oh we're back in the beginning what oh come on wait completing the mission encountered an error previously okay let's try and get up to this yeah oh man i like them flying it's just we're getting so many of the fails out of the way we just keep picking so badly oh we vision mailed it fission mail mailed got em got em fission mailed really knows i feel like there would be another achievement for fission mailed all right retry i guess i guess it's time machine you boys will never be fit for combat duty i will personally see to it that you are discharged the third one shoot i missed him let's try and get up to the oh but now they're not in there nope there we go it's okay get ellie right you go come on all right let's get going yeah yeah nailed it two minutes once we get to the top of this tower we'll cross the bridge and be on the rocket why why would we want to be on the rocket we'll let us join i why why would we be on clear on the bridge open fire roger date roger dates they're like oh jeez oh no they're like russian and swedish that's great that's great [Music] we're wanted just like all of you wait you're the guy that stole our ruby yeah you do have some skills we'll let you join as long as you return the ruby don't move oh you belong to me you are coming with us charles following up on that disturbance we saw at the bridge yeah turns out the top hat leaders are here i think we go with love love i like we go with none no we're gonna die we're definitely gonna die the two of us against the world we're definitely gonna oh jeez yeah we're done oh she's awesome this is quite the predicament versus everyone you and me ellie straight to space hold on to my small stick-like hand oh geez don't hold your breath too much oh no we're done though shoot i thought we had it oh man i thought for sure i had it you're it's like interstellar you'd find out that the meaning of of life is love in space i think we go with i think we go with the government okay i think the top back clan is trying to screw me over i think they're like give me my ruby and that's like nope they'll give you back for betraying them right well that was easy complete yeah yeah nice work both of you thanks charles thanks charles i got a couple of friends here with me you're never gonna guess who they are henry well and if it isn't le2 we've had you on our watch list for a while uh-oh thanks for your help here today i didn't think we could trust you after last time well you probably can't we owe you one well now that you mention it we do have kind of a criminal history problem yeah i figured that was coming i suppose you've earned a pardon again yes pardoned pal double yeah you're my pee pee okay no you don't want to be my pee pee no no i'm good i'm good fine ellie will be my pee pee [Music] we'll be pee-pee's forever okay so i nailed this one right off the bat i'm gonna let this one fail this time great and we're done uh this time we're gonna go with grapple oh sees that now that is more of a harpoon you see that was much more of a harpoon style grapple grapple i would say the harpoon gun would be ridiculous i would say that ridiculous and mistaking a harpoon for a grapple that's just that's your right what am i thinking i'm just silly i i should be mistaking it for an rpg role-playing game it's a role-playing game right no i took her with me it does make sense you had a lot more momentum you're probably a little heftier it's true okay so here i think we go top hat yeah the wall is the worst oh wow it just took them out oh now we're about to blast off wow i can't believe that worked uh oh yeah no no way oh geez oh so you're on a thing going to space right you might want to get like inside you whoa at least you get a good view oh wow we did it wow no way now we're just in an orbiting space station everyone i'd like to welcome our new members they really show their guts there when it comes oh look at our cute top hat so they promised to return the ruby oh oh that's not gonna happen either okay we're just for crews that kind of sucks yeah all right i mean we did it but i'm not in love with it that's not my favorite right i liked i liked the one where we just got away together and went right island that was the best drink fruity drinks wall's gonna squirt us over yeah totally absolutely you two will never see the light of day right what why would we go to them right that makes no sense bye guys back to chapter three can't leave them join them great okay okay nice so that's two routes let's go back to the hub so i i still want to go with i still like ellie i want to do a bunch of ellie stuff all right uh we did the ruby rapidly promoted executive i like henry leader of the topic right right-hand man defeated and the government this would be an interest so this should be a good one okay because i'm in charge yeah throughout the fake bodies okay and then we were besties yeah we're besties together me and ellie going straight to the top nearly complete shouldn't be able to lunch within the hour so this is the top hat claim look at my great hat sign me up whoa what happened to that guy henry you're back i took charge in your stead uh oh mine gotta roll with the stern fist uh i'm ellie i'm new here what are you guys up to well uh henry remember that orbital station idea we were talking about we went ahead with that plant oh assets once the final preparations are complete we'll be ready to launch i love that it's like the capitol building on a rocket right trying to bring us down we should be able to [Music] hey what did i tell you about calling me that henry is the chief we're under attack gotta smack him down you two get to the rocket henry one two uh oh the rocket is launching in five minutes uh-oh do something do something yeah okay you're you're in charge i think we use super punch very accurate target it is a target a person though it is labeled as very accurate though yeah get try it we'll see how that goes ooh thank you oh come on dude we had 95. 95 percent here real quick let me do that one again uh because i want to see if i can target anything else no no you're stuck on the head okay come on if maybe there was an easter egg for one of the other ones ridiculous hey five percent chance of failure steph five percent right clearly yes oh they'll always remember music that was worth it just to show off that punch oh right that was awesome grapple hook or harpoon if you're stephanie that don't be absurd harpoon i found hi okay abandon mounted gun helicopter i think we use helicopter i think so too just you wait till my friend gets here yeah sure oh geez yeah who do you think you are charlie look at the face of glee that's not an odd that's a this is a yeah he's so excited looks like cuphead what that the mouth that little expression on his face he looks so happy oh i guess i could see okay you just man just laughing at me all the time just a very different wavelength it's that it's those like three hours of sleep that you guys it's not my fault that you can't see the harpoons everywhere you're so right it's there are there's harpoons all over everywhere now mountain gun just you wait till my friend gets here otherwise known as we're going to be super accurate see hey nice see i say oh yeah bomb has been planted uh oh wait what okay they're firing emp what's the way to go here none of the above clearly let's see flute's gonna i when i think flute i think of super mario world or super mario brothers three which would give a tornado and teleport me over there boomerang i think when i think of flute i think of pied piper okay well let's leave either way you're right good one or zelda okay i can't get those apparently so okay oh you can do a summon so i wasn't that far off i'm like usually in nintendo games the flute is a transportation so that that worked out well uh dual tech dual tech okay style i'd like style on them right can we do another dance break like we did the other day with ellie i like the dance break i think duel tech's the way to go okay let's try it yes it's purely ripped out of chrono trigger even though death animations are chrono trigger yeah oh i love that oh cool that was amazing i like the knowledge of video games that goes into this you guys need a ride don't wanna get through man we've got company almost okay ellie go you're amazing right she's the best oh i can win she was driving she was driving the car i didn't expect her to shoot well she's guys the guy is lazy bums in the back seat woman the girl has to do all the driving and all the cleaning and all the shooting and it's just come on don't be silly don't be silly women can't drive that wasn't the fact that she was trying to shoot that was the fact i don't believe that at all it's a joke man just rake him over the coals in the comments how many how many u-turns do you make when you try many i think it's important to know not only where you're going but several turns past it so that you understand your your true environment i'm just exploring just exploring the neighborhood that's that's so true okay let's do this again uh so ellie's not the okay this guy's the one i missed before i think it's i think it's right-hand man yeah right-hand man seems like he would be right oh nice whoa oh we pulled the last jedi oh whoopsie overshot it by just a little bit okay fine maybe this is when we left run out of time geez that guy's gotta get oh man i'm gonna go with myself i mean that is the only other option oh i guess so five four three nice oh no henry stop oh oh oh henry fight back fight back henry i'll keep the door open as long as i can thanks guys henry you got this we've got this abandoned tank cloud gravity inverter gravity inverter is going to pull a mega man and we're just going to launch off into space cloud might do it abandoned tank is just going to blast yourself or the rocket or something i think cloud go it's not going to be fast enough oh it's going to run out oh man okay oh the classic it runs out just in time i think the gravity converter actually no there's no way i think this is a tank yes [Music] i got you henry yeah you know i could drop you right now i saved your life oh what a jerk but why would i do that right i saw you out there put yourself on the line just say the topic i did oh man you truly earned my respect i can't think of a better person to lead us great glad to hear it nice nice we did it oh it's beautiful thanks to henry's efforts we were able to establish our orbital station we are in charge of a criminal order fortunately we lost ellie was officially recruited into the tuppet clan and given the rank right hand oh she's right here that's nice me and my right-hand man went on to become top operators in the clan performing several successful oh that's nice this is great i like this one yeah king hey oh we're the tk oh yeah that was awesome i love that that was awesome that was a good route i like that route a lot right here let's finish this one off let's see what stephanie would have done all right yeah yeah i guarantee this is gonna like send it oh no it's gonna bring the rocket down it's gonna do all sorts of terrible things let's clean these up so this was abandoned just you wait till my friend gets here yeah sure this is gonna we gotta bow him bound ah that's karma fair enough okay under the rocket so this one i had a good luck boomerang would be my second choice right no one can catch your boob right oh that's great no one can ever catch a boomerang revolver oh red dead redemption [Laughter] right maybe that's another thing there's so many video game references packed in here that like knowing what it's referencing gives you an idea of how it's going to fail and also it's like most of the fun of the game honestly it's like a it's huge i think let's do a summon i want to do the summon okay summon [Music] this is yeah take a really long time i was gonna say that's the thing they're gonna kill us before the whole thing is over oh wow we summon i'm gonna fire my laser [Music] fire it fire that laser right everyone's gone everyone is literally just gone last week but i mean it's no knights of the round but seriously yeah right style on them yeah style on them it was stylish stylish charge henry lee raw dragons he just ran uh and last one is this so we'll just let it burn out don't want to get through man sorry guys seat belts great all right so that was that look at that that's three yeah let's do the last one with ellie okay so government supported private investigators so the evidence was stolen we teamed up with charles the clan was arrested the airship was impounded but we still had ellie on our team yep and then we'll have done everything with ellie oh my gosh and i think it's probably a good place i was gonna say at that point there's a lot of games so much there's a lot of game which is amazing you sure this is where he's gonna pick us up ah there he is charles did some work with him or something if you trust him then so do i that's nice hey henry nice to see you again who's your friend i'm ellie well nice to meet you any friend of henry's is a friend of mine oh charles you do uh i was able to swing by and pick you guys up but well you remember the captain yeah he had to sanction this pickup return we're gonna need your assistance again uh the top bats man the government always wanted that could cruise more always wants more it is the least we could do he is helping us out like taxes again i paid those last year okay fill us in on the details i bet they have a space station all right so what's left of the top egg land is set up uh some sort of secret base out in the jungle seems like they're planning on launching uh some kind of space station into orbit they'll be sitting pretty if they pull this off so we gotta make sure that they don't do that okay dually node okay and he said he's pulling out all our main forces he said that henry and i made a good team last time so i just thought we could pull it off wow henry pretty good team too don't count me out now we're gonna make a great squad yeah yeah a suicide squad of sorts completing the mission ah reference ding all right we're there i don't think i can get any closer without getting shot down no worries we can get there from here man the helicopter is very obvious right come on ooh where do we where do we drop okay do we fortnight parachute it down to the main tower do we regularly parachute it down to that other thing the radar dome i guess wing it or get the door jet pack to the roof this is clearly going to fail right i want to see it it's so beautiful oh you were right there what right there you guys it's called aim a little i thought for a second i might have done it actually i'm like oh they got it man graceful landing okay so i guess jet packet let's jet pack it great it was weirdly smooth hey nice what's the plan the rocket will be launching very soon please get on board immediately i will not hesitate to leave you behind oh there's the train that we hijacked oh yeah look at that let's take off you guys should get over there right away i'll be down to help as soon as i can it's a mysterious plant it's so funny oh rocket barrel everyone always misses the rocket barrels oh right swap characters build minecraft it right hey yeah it's not gonna be fast enough is the problem absolutely not oh my gosh oh it's gonna take forever two hours oh i ran out of resources oh man hello is that oh god i love it it's leaving behind all my gear oh bummer respawn you sir no minecraft steve right um rocket barrel a bracket barrel yeah donkey kong yes yes yes oh so satisfying cannon funny story this cannon was actually built to fire humans it's kind of weird great well i'm right there perfect what oh man i'm glad that that was very don't worry your head caught the caught the brunt of it [Music] oh um gosh oh oh oh oh oh so many yo okay fusion sure fusion yeah yeah we're gonna be something weird now who will challenge me i'll take care of this uh-oh you think just cause you fuse you're a match for me yes it's still totally dragonball i love it i'm not waiting around oh oh no oh no this should be going way slower though he's like ultra instinct there wasn't gonna blow up there wasn't nearly enough vamping and grunting normally this goes up for about three hours yes right i needed to charge my power level more that's the problem right what power level was that even nothing that wasn't even my final four to nine thousand i was like only super saiyan level four i needed to achieve ultra instinct mode what would i be ellie's henry and ellie fuse together what would be heli heli stickman still henry oh i'm so bummed okay downgrader or diversion i think we got the version i'm just really excited to see what the diversion is actually it's gonna be a dance break it's gonna be a dance break here we go wait for the no one's gonna wait for the beat to drop yeah do the dance yes yes do it i love it oh man everyone's so into it i've created the new dance charles craze on the mission focus focus charles oh there's so many people yes situations what oh man that was amazing see i knew dancing would win us the day we gotta do something before they get into orbit we need to come up with a plan real quick henry's pan ellie's playing at charles's plan [Music] i trust ellie i was gonna say ellie is the only competent one amongst them all right guys listen up i got a plan henry and i will overload the engine room causing an explosion look at this charles we'll need you to wait outside the auxiliary exhaust by the four i don't know he's not gonna know what it is this has an opportunity for us to get burned alive at like eight ways all right we'll be ready hurry you have no clue what that means no charles you have no idea what's going on you're delusional right cool right he's like all right i'm in position i don't see you guys though yeah i knew that that would be a problem that's funny right i knew it i knew he wouldn't know i think we got a because of that i think we got to go with charlie's plan okay charles i'm sorry charles flynn okay guys i have the most awesome plan i'm gonna crash head first into the cafeteria window what do you got like you're gonna jump out and smash it with your head no no with my helicopter what do you guys think i'm ready hold on i don't really understand what's not to understand it's simple i fly the helicopter go go just do it but how does that help i don't really think you get it henry you get it right we've been we've oh there it is we've done that dance before it would have been amazing it would have been an amazing henry's plan henry's got a plan so yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's a great idea thank you great it's your thing i'll be ready great what who's that where are we going oh oh oh oh oh all right then let's bail hopefully that's not complete yeah where's the parachute whoa watch out for those blades are you crazy there's no way not even the rock could pull that out i can't where'd you end up sending the rocket anyway so the it's gonna land on the wall there it is yep noise that was a lot of fun you know feel free to call us if you've got anything to do together right henry will you be my tt that's right we sing we dance and we act that's right the triple threat we are a triple threat singing dancing and acting what were the ones we missed i feel like we did a lot in them we did a lot in this one here oh yeah we didn't do this parachute one oh man ellie's already dead oh man ellie oh jeez no guns of course okay so and then we didn't do the this the fortnite shoot we got some delinquents on the window the control tower i'll take care of it yeah i was just about to close up what i found the thing huh weird outplayed uh oh all right so those are the two there okay i got a little little dental guy swap oh so we did oh that's funny so we did a donkey kong swap so now we have her options oh that's so crazy i love that throw [Music] i mean she's got force powers come on okay swap i love that they do the dk sound effect climb down and run great that was super easy okay oh here we are oh geez oh there we were moving up okay we're so tired we're almost done with this mission matt okay i can respect that we'll get we're getting the queue we're committed to our choice ah only 24 minutes are you having there oh that's great i love that that was funny okay that was a really good one okay so we nailed this one the first right nice one combo time okay i got you yeah right that's right there's high five high five okay i'm gonna let it burn oh it's like it came out of nowhere okay that's just gonna trap us yeah oh man that's a net loss just standing there looking it's great and lastly for this one the downgrader change it back this is the thing you used this dot we were stuck like this oh that's great the budget ran out that's great awesome so we're through a bunch of endings well we're through four four four that's a lot i feel like we're doing great just i think we're doing it was that four of 20. maybe a little less because each is because not all of them have yeah that's true option yeah so actually okay so really yeah so not all of them have the same but okay right but uh great good product we're making good progress i feel like we're getting good progress we will be back to finish this look we're already at 44. yeah right we're doing great five achievements what is that thing that i collected i don't know it looked a bit like um yeah okay i thought so it's among us i think it's an among us reference really yeah the little jelly bean guys little space jelly bean guys i'm like is that an among us guy and it is ah so i wonder if it's just like a fun little crossover okay good to know so keep an eye out for all the little among us crew members but watch out one of them might be an imposter you never know okay look at all our bios we've gotten too so good 77 of many 100 and whatever okay crazy 200 sorry 222 bias we're almost halfway there though right so anyway that was part one of completing the mission as you can see there is still a lot more that we have to do but i feel good right we i think we proved that ellie and henry make the perfect team charles an okay edition so far surprise sometimes we'll see ellie is my number one stamp yeah in this game oh my gosh she's awesome although right hand man i might also we'll see in some of the other endings but right hand man might be mine your right hand man stan i might stand right here man we'll see here i might be right handed see you guys here see you next time [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 534,053
Rating: 4.9593768 out of 5
Keywords: henry stickman, henry stickmin, henry stickmin collection, henry stickmin game, henry stickman dance, henry stickman dance off, henry stickman distraction, matpat, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive henry stickman, henry stickmin gtlive, henry stickman series, henry stickman collection
Id: FzvZhCHhdRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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