The Rover Is From The Future.. Here's Why | Wuthering Waves Lore

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like most main characters that you might find in an RPG an anime or a gacha game the Rover from wethering waves ticks all the typical protagonist checkboxes they have a yet to be explained power or ability they seem to attract many people despite hardly ever saying a word and most importantly they have a rather mysterious and unknown past which they have conveniently forgotten despite the mystery that surrounds them though what if I were to tell you that we may actually know where they could be from in fact there are clues that suggest that the Rover might actually be someone from a different time period altogether that's what we'll be discussing in this video the rather mysterious origins of the Rover and the very real possibility that they might actually be from the future before we explain that in further detail though if you want to see more wethering waves or honkai starle L content do consider subscribing to the channel given the title of the video I'm sure it won't surprise you to learn that we will be discussing topics that appear only in the latest parts of the game so if you haven't completed the 1.0 main story then you might want to do that first if you don't particularly care about spoilers then let's Forge ahead also just to preempt you this theory is a little goofy and a bit confusing in fact I had to think twice about actually posting it but stick around to the end and hopefully I do a good enough job that it make sense now there's actually quite a few theories related to who the Rover is some suggest that they are from the past and are far older than their appearance might might suggest others claim they are an interdimensional God beings that originate from outside the current reality who have come to solarist 3 to either save it or carry out some unknown plan in due time we'll talk about these other possibilities but in this video we are going to explore one very specific idea an idea that suggests that perhaps the Rover is actually from the future now the thing that kind of tipped me off to this or at least got me thinking about it is this very scene right here when we visit the court of Sante research lab we eventually run into the cuts scene of the Elder male researcher in this cut scene there is a moment where he speaks of a future being healing from our past this in itself implies that in the past and perhaps present there is someone here on Solaris 3 that is literally from the future the researcher continues talking and makes a request to an unseen individual and shortly after a hologram of a woman appears this woman is the very same person we see at the very start of the game and the one that seemingly sent the Rover into the world of Solaris 3 I'm sure you're wondering by now if the Elder researcher was originally speaking to this hologram lady then why would I think that the Rover is the person from the future well you see as the researcher set that line about a future being healing from our past the camera pans to the Rover this is a typical Trope that's used to imply that the sentence spoken refers to whoever is currently being shown in frame it's also not impossible to think that both the Rover and the Hologram lady are from the same future since the opening shows them to be in the same location Alto even asks the Rover whether they recognize her and when the Rover responds that they might vaguely remember her it's clearly a hint that the Hologram lady and the Rover might be in some way linked now if this were all there is this idea might not be substantial enough to Warrant a video all its own but there is more to this in the main story there was a scene or moment where the main character was looking for information on their past you know because of the Amnesia as they look through the archives of Jinzo there is an exerpt of a hero from the past that had similar abilities and descriptions to the Rover who had once saved the city from complete Annihilation many believe this historic figure to be the Rover themselves due to the similarities mentioned but it also aligns with the thing the researcher mentioned before of a future being healing from our past so it's possible that the over we see right now is the very same person that was around in the past and there's evidence that might corroborate this a little later into the story We Begin our search for the secretive organization referred to as the black Shores the sole clue we get is a picture of their supposed symbol a flower called the Blake Bloom when the Rover sees the flower they immediately have flashbacks involving the Sentinel J and the flower can also be seen pinned on their jacket what I think this implies is that at some sometime in the past the Rover did indeed save Jinzo and in the process likely showcase their abilities which was then recorded in the archives I also think that the Rover was the founder of the black Shores or at the very least knew of them back in the past and perhaps was even a member this is why when Alto asked whether the Rover knew the Hologram lady and Rover responded with a maybe Alto wasn't shocked at all Alto lightly knew who the Rover and the Hologram lady was perhaps after forming or joining the black shes in the past this knowledge was passed down so that later generations would know what to look for I mean even the symbol of the black Shores the Blake Bloom flower has a similar color scheme to the Rover clearly the Rover who is edgy and likes to dress up in all black and white attire would also choose a similarly AG symbol if they indeed formed the black Shores but this only implies that the Rover was in the past right isn't the video about them being from the future well I'm getting to that but I want you the next part will get a little bit more confusing so we know that the person in the past could likely be the Rover and at the same time we know that the Elder researcher spoke of a future being healing from our past I think what this means is that the future being is from the future but is also involved in the stories of the past and the only way to accomplish this is through time Travel how else can you be from the future but at the same time exist in the past you might Be Wondering then how could time travel even be possible it's not outright mentioned in the game so it's a bit of a stretch to just assume isn't it the thing is much of the phenomena we see related to the lament actually allows for the possibility of time travel in fact if we dive deeper into these phenomena such as with the Retro act rain the aeic sea and gravity loss you'll actually see that timy wiy stuff is indeed possible I've made a video talking about this very topic so i' suggest checking that out if you want a deeper dive into those subject but the crash cause is essentially this the Retro atrain is a concentration of Remnant energy that has a peculiar effect of creating visions of the past while the descriptions of these Visions may make you think they are just Illusions it's very clearly mentioned they are actual glimpses into the past itself in fact Alto mentions that most researchers who looked into Retro Iain do so because they want to view a past event or see their long dead loved ones Gian also experiences this when his old friend appears during the course of the main story when he was in the midst of the Retro act rain the reversing of time is presumably wi the rain appears as though it falls upwards into the sky collecting into the aetheric sea the aetheric sea in turn appears as a collector pool of water suspended in the sky given the retroact rain is able to conjure the path it's very likely the AIC sea might have similar properties as well given they are made from the same substance in fact I started to think that the aeic sea could be some media more portal that might enable time travel itself but it hasn't explicitly been mentioned in the story that said in the opening cut scene the Rover did turn up in the aetheric sea after the Hologram lady cast them out to Solaris 3 but I digress despite not explicitly mentioned let's assume this phenomena do indeed have these properties at this point we know that the Rover might indeed have visited the past we know that the wave W phenomena like the aetheric Sea and the Retro rain have properties that might allow for time travel and we know that the Elder researcher referred to both the Rover and the Hologram lady as potential future beings what we don't have is the why why would the Rover if they were indeed from the future need to come back to the past at all you might think that we may not have the answer for this but surprisingly we might actually have it and it's related to the frers now you don't need to know everything about this faction all you need to know is that they have basically two main goals the first is to bring about the next lament one they refer to as the true lament which if you recall is the event that triggered all these Oney phenomena in the first place the second is for Humanity to evolve through the absorption of the tested discords what you also need to know is that the research that the court of Sante have been carrying out was actually partly funded by an overseer of the frers this might imply that the goals I mentioned earlier May tie back to what we learned in the research lab and with the the researcher this is where we reach the Crux of this idea the main purpose for the Rover's time traveling Adventures I think that the Rover is someone from the future who has evolved to a point of perhaps ascending or becoming a god through absorbing TDS and has now been sent into the past to ensure specific outcomes happen one that likely leads to the Salvation and the evolution of humanity that may allow them to overcome the lament and perhaps the Shepherds the Elder researcher mentions that their group had failed as they had walked through the false gate and he urges the beings from the future to keep pushing forward until the real gate the one that can change the world is found this might imply that the Rover and the Hologram lady have been doing whatever it is they are doing multiple times by this point when the Elder researcher states that they are our past but also our future it might be a reference to how the Rover is constantly going back into the past to correct things but is also the ultimate end point of all Humanity itself if Humanity's Evolution relates to the absorption of the TDS at least according to the fraxus the only person we know who can actually do that and fits this description is the Rover so it makes sense that if the Rover is from the future they would likely be the most evolved version of humanity one that can absorb TDS into their bodies without relying on the pangu terminals this might also be why the fraus wants the Rover to join them given the Rover is in essence what they strive to become as well the scene we see at the very beginning of the game might in actuality be the Rover at the very end of the story where the lament has left everything decimated in order to remedy this the Rover is sent back in time at specific intervals to assist humanity and fix the damage the lament is causing and perhaps put in measures to ensure Humanity succeeds this might explain why they ensure jinzo's existence and possibly form the black shorts Plus have you noticed that based on the story we are currently experiencing and the past story covered in the archives the Rover seems to appear only during times when the wave one phenomena is at its worst this again ties in with the idea that the etheric Sea and the Retro act rain may allow for some form of time travel and wider Rover assuming the person in the past was indeed them have only appeared at these specific times once in the past and currently during the main story in fact when the Rover first entered into this world in that opening cut scene they literally came out of the aetheric sea so long story short the Rover is slly an agent working alongside the Hologram lady and is being sent back in time at key points to put in place measures that would allow Humanity to overcome the lament or some unseen enemy the Rover is the final point of humanity itself the peak of its evolutionary path and is sent back like the Terminator to ensure Humanity survives functionally the Rover is The Terminator and the Hologram lady is kind of like John Connor or another example would be black in the movie Interstellar where the beings that place the Wormhole are actually humans from the future alternatively perhaps the scene we see at the very start is just one version of the story that the Rover has lived through and having failed to choose the right gate returns to the past to try again though this secondary idea is a bit more confusing to explain due to the person in the past also being the Rover so just ignore it for now now as interesting as this whole idea may seem let me remind you that we are barely into the main story of weaing waves and there is still so much we still don't know nothing here is definitive and as more of the story unfolds things may ultimately change so don't think of this Theory as the end all be all and ensure you have a giant bucket of salt to temper your expectations it's mostly just for fun and nothing more plus as I mentioned at the very beginning there are a myriad of different possibilities related to the Rover they might be someone from the ancient past maybe they are an extra dimensional God or maybe they are a sentinel we just don't know in any case I think I blabbed enough on this video so I'll bring it to a close let me know what you think in the comments does this Theory make sense or do you think the Rover is someone else entirely if you enjoy watching the video do consider liking and subscribing to the channel thanks so much for watching and as usual have a nice day
Channel: Maevix (central finite curve)
Views: 1,140
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Keywords: wuthering waves, wuwa game, kuro games, wuthering waves story, wuthering waves lore, wuthering waves lore theory, wuthering waves main story, wuthering waves explained, wuwa lore, wuthering waves lore explained, fractsidus lore, wuthering waves theory, wuthering wave, wuthering waves rover lore, where is wuwa rover from, is the rover from the past wuwa, rover theory wuthering waves, who is the rover wuwa, wuthering waves main character theory, is the rover from the future
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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