My Honest Opinion on Wuthering Waves (as a Genshin Player)

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weing waves this game just came out around a week ago and has been continuously compared to genin impact so as a genin impact content creator I feel like it's my duty to also give my take on it that's and this is probably the most productive thing I can do at the moment so the game opens up with a woman in front of me holding my hand stabbing my heart and then immediately pushing me away it's a bit too close to home but screen goes black and I wake up in the arms of another woman in the most suggestive angle possible and then another woman comes in since a theme here they asked me to follow them so I did and then another woman shows up along with this thing as the protagonist I have infinite plot armor so I beat its ass and absorbed his soul we walked a bit more and then a hologram of a woman pops up for some reason we arrive at a city but not before another woman shows up and calls me her dearest seed of face like what the I started exploring the city and then this guy asked me to backflip 10 times so I did think he was impressed because I got five chests for it I did a bit more of the main story Quest and was finally able to pull for characters the main content in a gacha game I crawled around on all fours looking at every corner of the map for resources to pull and finally got my first five star it wasn't the character that I wanted so I scrapped the account and restarted the game screen goes black and I wake up in the arms of a woman honestly I'm not a story person in any video games I play and I tend to skip the story as much as possible so I don't think I'm the best person to give an opinion on which story is better in terms of plot but just like in genin Impact wethering waves also gives you a fake skip button like you know know how when you're doing a quest and gench an impact you try to click to skip the text to go to the next line but for some reason it doesn't actually work and you end up having to wait for the character to finish speaking while looking at them standing there doing hand animation a through C and Face animation e through f for 30 minutes it's the same in mothering ways when you're doing the main story Quest except once in a while an actual skip button appears in the top left and it actually skips all the remaining dialogue and allows you to play the game but that's just for the main story quest for side quests the button will always appear meaning you can skip every dialogue in every side quest in the later parts of weathering way story you play as characters that are actually relevant in that part of the story regardless if you own the characters or not which I thought was honestly pretty cool I don't have a comment about the music in this game because that was the first thing I turned off when I was able to control my character to be fair I do that for almost any video game I play I usually pull up the stream of some guy screaming on my face as background noise there's a standard banner and limited Banner just like in genin Impact but the guaranteed pity in weing waves is 80 poles as opposed to genin's 90 poles there are also separate banners for characters and weapons this means you will never get the five star weapons in the character banner and vice versa the standard weapon Banner also allows you to select a five-star weapon in that Banner so that the next five star that appears in that Banner will be guaranteed to be the weapon that you want the limited weapon Banner only has one five star weapon in it and the five you get from that Banner will be that weapon 100% for new players there's also the discount is standard Banner but the difference between this discounted standard banner and the one in genjin is that this one allows you to pull up to 50 wishes before it disappears with the 50th wish guaranteeing a five star standard Banner character and if your waves are not weed yet after that Banner disappears there's another onetime Banner that allows you to pick a standard five star character so that the next five star from that Banner will 100% be the character that you picked so you don't really have to reroll another account like in genjin to get the character that you want but I'm in my rebell ear stage in life so I rerolled eight times there's honestly no argument to which game is more generous with the polls but I feel like I'm the outlier when it comes to Goa games because how generous a game is is not very important to me yes it's satisfying and less frustrating to be able to get characters quicker and be able to control what characters you want and what characters you don't want but what's more important to me is that what you're able to do with the characters that you get because after all what's the point of getting a character if there's nothing new to do with that character looking at the game that starts with the G right now there are also several differences in the combat system let's start with the energy system in engion Impact it's pretty simple you press e until this circle starts glowing brighter than the sun which then you can press q and repeat the process in weing waves there's three types of energy you need to manage your resonance Liberation energy concerto energy and your Forte energy filling out your resonance Liberation energy will allow you to use your resonance Liberation which is your Elemental burst filling up your concerto energy will allow your current character to perform some sort of of action when they get swapped out usually above to the character that you swap to and allow the character that gets swapped to to perform an attack building up your Forte energy will allow you to consume some or all of it to enhance your character's resonance skill or Elemental skill or certain attacks you can dodge attacks like engin impact but if you do it at the perfect time the game will go slowmo indicating that you've performed a perfect Dodge which will give you some resonance Liberation conserto and or Forte energy depending on the character and if this ring appears in you attack at the right time you can perform a counter which will block the attack and deplete some of this bar right underneath the enemy's HP and if you don't attack at the right time will take a wild guess on what happens if that bar is completely depleted the enemy will be stunned by how gorgeous you are and just stand there for a couple of seconds for you to hit them some people might say the combat is a lot more complicated than genin and while I agree that there are more Buton inputs I honestly can't decide which one is more complicated because genshin has Elemental reactions and if you really want to do the most damage the order in which you attack your enemies matter depending on what Elemental reactions you're trying to do and if you really like to think there's also the elemental gauge Theory but I don't like to think so I just face roll my keyboard and hope for the best the echosystem in this game is the equivalent of the artifact system in genin Impact every time you defeat certain enemies in the game it will have a chance to leave its regrets behind in the form of these semi-transparent yellow things called Echoes you can absorb them with this ball-shaped object H sounds familiar different monsters will drop different Echoes and collecting them will allow you to level up this thing called the data bank which will increase the chance of the enemy dropping an echo and allow stronger and higher Rarity Echoes to drop from enemies think of this like the artifact system where you're only able to get one or two star artifacts in the beginning of the game and work your way up to the five star artifacts just like artifacts different Echo belong in different sets and equipping different ones in the same set will give you a set bonus just like in genin the biggest differences are how you level your Echoes and the facts that you could summon Echoes from your ball to help you fight and each of them have their own unique abilities H sounds familiar as well unlike in genshin you don't have to spend resin or wave plates as they call it in this game to get Echoes so if you really have absolutely nothing to do in life you can really spend a whole day farming for Echo across multiple Worlds the catch is that the eeko come with a main stat but without substats to get substats you have to spend wave plates to get these exp capsule things which will allow you to level up your echoes and every five levels you can use these dice looking things called tuners to unlock a random substat which is also obtained by spending wave plates so realistically you're still time gated but your disappointment can come later rather than now but unlike engin the only RNG part is unlocking the substat you don't actually level the substats so once you get an echo with crit rate crit damage you don't really have to feel the existential dread of it rolling into flat HP I honestly don't know which game has a better artifact system but if you were to ask me to pick between watching grass grow or watch paint dry I wouldn't know what to pick either I guess it's up to personal preference in genin you have to get the right main stat the right sub stats level it and hope it rolls into the substat that you want but you can do it like 12 times a day in weaing waves you can essentially Farm until you get the main stat that you want but you can only level like two Echo to the max level a day in terms of gameplay loop at the current state this is the part where I think they are almost identical you have your open world bosses weekly bosses these layline domain hybrids called tacid fields and of course the Tower of adversity which is your spiral Abyss the one big difference is that weaing waves has this Rog likee Mode called depths of elusive realm which is basically the simulated Universe equivalent of honkai star I honestly feel like they just looked up random words from the source or something when they're coming up with a for those that don't know what I'm talking about in this mode you have to defeat enemies to progress through a number of stages depending on the difficulty that you select and throughout each stage you can pick different random enhancements to your abilities or passive for your attacks almost like unlocking skills on a skill tree these enhancements accumulate from stage to Stage so by the last stage your game play can potentially end up looking like this in my opinion this is probably the most interesting thing that weaing ws currently have to offer because you don't need highly invested characters to clear this mode and most of your damage actually comes from the random Buffs that you pick I've talked about how story is not very important to me but the gameplay Loop in almost any game is definitely at the top of my list in terms of importance because at at the end of the day this is what I will be doing 99% of the time I'm playing the game especially across the span of months or even years I don't think I'm alone on this when I say how long I stay interested in a game depends on how interesting the gameplay Loop is or maybe I'm just delusional I think for any life service game there will always be a gameplay Loop and to keep the players interested the developers usually add more to the gameplay Loop or at least update the current gameplay loop with each big update to change things up a bit and give the game a refreshing feel to it I don't think there's a single game out there that have not added a single new activity relevant to the main gameplay Loop or even change how the current gameplay Loop works over multiple years of continued development and instead spent all the development time on mini games that have absolutely nothing to do with the chord gameplay I'm not saying it's a wrong business decision for Hoover to do that in fact it's probably the correct one because why change what works I'm just kind of upset that the gameplay Loop have not been updated since the release of the game as for which game is better I'm just going to go by the gameplay Loop since that's what's most important to me I think it's too early to tell since weathering waves just got released but at the current state of things I think the two games are essentially identical once you have completed all your one-time activities like the main story Quest you're left with spending resin doing abyss and Elusive realm on resets I want to see what update the game makes and where it goes in like a year I think for a lot of genin impact players they have been hit with the nothing left to do syndrome they have done everything genin impact has to offer hundreds of times so with each big update they hope that that the core gameplay Loop would change so that they can go from update to update without the gameplay Loop becoming stagnant and monotone but when every updates it's just map expansion main story expansion new characters an update direction that doesn't really fit in with what they want I think it's completely understandable why some players would be frustrated they want to play the game but there's nothing interesting left for them to do in the game I believe every person has their own threshold on what is acceptable to them and what is unacceptable to them some people started playing genin since day one and it's still having as much fun as they did from day one some people played genin for a day and quit everyone has their own opinions on it and I think all opinions are perfectly valid as long as they stay as opinions but the line gets crossed when we start to disrespect each other's opinions and start shoving our opinions down each others throats but I'm kind of used to things being shoved down my throat so [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 109,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering, wuthering waves, wuthering waves guide, itspaikon
Id: LOhZ3UpDkCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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