The Roulette of SUPER POWERS in Minecraft!

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today I have to spin this roulette wheel to figure out which superpower I get then with my super powers I'll have to fight custom bosses that get harder as they go on so as you can see there's a massive roulette wheel here with a bunch of superhero logos on it I think the first superpower I want to get is Spider-Man super powers so let's charge up my bow and please hit the Spider-Man one yes the Spider-Man Powers have been unlocked and oh my take a look at us we have the Spider-Man suit on this is so cool look at our hop bar it looks like we got this web Slinger cobweb stick and a spider mouth well these are some super crazy weapons okay so first of all we have this web slang now let's test this out because it looks like some building spawns so that's actually perfect so if this works how Spider-Man's web Slinger works we should be able to shoot the top of this and then we should be able to start swinging around and wait this is working yo this is so epic I've always wanted to do this we can now be Spider-Man for real and oh I'm actually getting kind of stuck here oh I'm under the arena well at least we know it works this is gonna be really helpful we also have this cobweb stick that apparently shoots out spider webs wait we're gonna be able to trap enemies in these spider webs okay that is definitely going to be very helpful as well and last but not least we got this spider mouth weapon and this is absolutely disgusting what is this it's like a crazy tentacle okay I didn't even know Spider-Man had this but I'm not complaining because this thing does 12 attack damage so whatever boss we got to take down I think we will be able to do it now that we've tested all of our Spider-Man abilities I think we're ready to fight our level one boss so without further Ado server spawn the boss in oh no level one boss is spot then and what is that wait that's the lizard that's what a Spider-Man's main enemies okay we gotta be careful here because that thing is extremely muted let's start off by trapping it in some cobwebs anyway that's working so well let's just put these cobwebs everywhere so he's stuck in there forever and then let's go in with our spider mouth and hit him oh that did not work too well we took a budget damage we gotta be careful let's use our web Slinger to go on top of this building just like this now we can grab some stick in a potion of strength out of my inventory now let me throw this on myself and we should be a lot stronger now where is that lizard boss it looks like he's down there next to all of my spider webs okay before I jump down I'm gonna put some more webs on them like this and now he is completely stuck now we can jump down with our web Slinger swing around the building go over to the lizard and use our spider mouth and get some final hits on him come on we gotta do this we're getting low on health oh half a heart okay quickly eat up oh no he's spotting in tiny lizards we'll trap these guys in webs real quick and finally just get some more hits on this guy he's getting really low on health you guys are no match for Spider-Man good always beats evil and I'm going to prove that right now come on evil monster dying yes we defeated it and phew that was a close one we are only on two hearts right now anyways on to the next superhero but don't leave yet that was only the first round and the super powers and bosses are about to get a lot lots more crazier all right I'm back here and this time which superhero logo should I shoot um I mean there's the flash logo right there and if you guys don't know the flash basically has the super power to run around really really really fast he also has electricity Powers considered and he also has electricity Powers because he runs so fast so I think what I'm going to do is shoot the flash logo on here come on please hit this hey boom flash Powers have been unlocked and let's see how fast we can run and oh what this is so cool we are running like 30 blocks a second oh my goodness this is actually kind of weird our hand is shaking so much okay let me turn off the setting so our hand doesn't shake anymore okay that is a lot better we can just run around extremely extremely fast and we don't even get armor though that kind of sucks but I guess the Flash doesn't really have armor anyways look at our hop bar we also have this electric sword in this electric bow and if we hit a zombie with the electric sword it completely electrocutes it like that and we can basically two shot them that is super super op and I'm pretty sure this bow is even more op if we charge this up fully and then shoot the zombie it does the same electricity attack but we only need to shoot it one because the electricity will finish it off and we also have these things called flasks of liquid electrons which when we throw it makes a bunch of electricity on the floor and if you stand in this electricity yeah you get electrocuted oh I gotta get out of there and last but not least we have these physics dynamites which when you throw it just makes blocks fly absolutely everywhere you might be wondering why does The Flash have these attacks well it's because the flash runs so fast he can break the sound in light barrier and I guess that causes big explosions and lightning attacks so I am not complaining anyways now that I've tested all of my super cool custom Powers I think I'm ready to fight this next boss server spot the level 2 boss in uh oh the level two bosses here okay look at them over there what is that it looks like it's some sort of robot copper thing and wait that is actually perfect if this is a robot and I have electricity Powers I can completely make this thing malfunction because robot's biggest weakness is electricity okay let's start shooting this thing I was right look it's completely freezing it in place with these electricity Powers let's throw some of these flasks on the floor to try and stop it and oh that's not working too well all right let's try some of these dynamites on this robot come on stay back oh no that's not good he launched me in the air come on land out the floor oh I am really low on health run run run and eat some food quickly all right I think we're good let's throw some more Dino Bites and just complete really annihilate this robot it's raining dirt right now this is actually kind of cool but for some reason it just turned nighttime and that robot is now purple wait what why is it purple okay I think it's even faster now we got to be really careful let's just try and get some more shots in with my bow from afar and look we're shooting it really well right now come on stay back Mr robots all right maybe let's try and get some sword attacks let's see how powerful this is on him and wait that does so much damage I I should have done that from the beginning uh the boss is already dead what okay I guess let's just finish off some of its minions real quick I can't believe it was that easy I didn't realize how powerful The Flash was and all right we are back at this roulette wheel and remember guys don't leave because the superpowers just get more and more powerful as the video goes on so if you thought our last two were cool you're just gonna have to wait and see our next ones speaking of our next superpower which one should I choose I think I want to go for the Batman one because Batman's probably my favorite superhero just because of how mysterious he is so I think I'm gonna aim up here and this one's really high so I have to be careful and let's shoot it like this yes let's go Batman Powers have been unlocked and what do we have this time and oh my goodness what kind of armor do we have what this is kind of like Batman I guess and wait the best part is we have these Wings on us this is just like Batman's cape and it's gonna allow us to Glide around everywhere all right that's pretty cool but we also have this grappling hook wait what happens if we shoot to the top of this and wait it pulls us off whoa and I guess while we're up here let's test what this smoke TNT does uh has like a weird colors on it and wait what why is there a bunch of smoke wait a second that's a smoke bomb that's one of the gadgets Batman has wait that is really good too all right what else we got we got the stun Grenada what is this thing let's throw one over here ah did they even do anything lit let me just stare at this and whoa what my screen just goes white whenever I look at that grenade when it explodes wait that is really cool too we definitely gotta make sure not to look at them when they explode let's see what's our last thing it looks like it's a Batmobile wait what we have a Batmobile let's play place this right here and what that is uh that's not a Batmobile that is just a tank ah well I mean I'm not complaining I like tanks I guess Batman just has so many gadgets that a tank is included in it we'll be able to drive this around and throw our stunt grenades out of it like that and wait I just realized we skipped over this thing called the battler let's see what this thing does let's go up to the zombie and hit it like this and wait a second why don't we get regeneration when we hit the zombie oh wait it looks like this steals life from enemies so anytime I hit something I get the Regeneration effect that means we're gonna be able to heal super super efficiently during the boss battle well anyways let's get in our Batmobile get back here I'm ready to fight a boss once again server do your best throw your best boss you can at me oh no the level three bosses here wait I don't even see anything let's go take a closer look and uh oh there's a mutant zombie oh my gosh YouTube zombies are by far the strongest mutant in the game oh no I gotta run run it's chasing me okay what should we use first I guess we'll used to stun Grenade on it and look away and come on oh I don't think it worked on him come on you need to look at the stun grenade once it explodes Mr zombie and oh that actually worked he can't see anything okay let's go in and attack him and uh oh that's not working uh maybe let's just put down some smoke TNT and like this and maybe he'll get stuck in it I don't know all right come on you need to die okay we're putting a bunch of smoke around them and now let's go in and attack him wait this is actually working extremely extremely well okay let's use another one of these stun grenades right here come on Mr zombie look at that there we go he looked at it he's running away let's get up here with our grappling hook and look we can see him from all the way up here let's just throw tons and tons of stun grenades down there I'm sorry zombies this is definitely going to hurt you guys and now that we've thrown like 10 of these grenades down there let's go let's equip our sword and fly down there with our wings let's go come on die zombies put some smoke bombs again and this is working really well we just knocked down the mutant zombie I'm pretty sure oh no but he got back up okay let's go in and oh we just knocked him down again let's put these zombie hands down in front of them to show them how much more powerful I am we'll throw another stun grenade just like that and now we'll get in our Batmobile and finish him off in here come on zombie you need to die die die die die wait I think I just killed him I didn't even realize because of the smoke bomb and oh yeah lucky definitely died there's a bunch of XP on the floor well I guess that's another win for me I am just way too good at this and remember guys don't leave because things are just getting started and what superhero should I shoot for this fourth round ah we only have a few to choose from but I think I want to go with the Hulk as you can see up there there's a big green Fist and I'm pretty sure that is the Hulk so let's aim up here and let go and shoot it let's go Hulk powers are now ours uh but why don't we have anything all we have is this potion well I guess we gotta throw this potion on ourself and uh is anything happening and uh wait what we just doubled in size and what our Hopper just got filled with a bunch of op stuff what did we get it looks like first of all we got this Earth boar Gauntlet this is like a massive Gauntlet that goes on our hand that's pretty cool wait what does it do anyway we are digging through the floor right now and what okay I guess the Hulk is so strong that he can dig through the Earth and throw blocks around like that look at how high we can jump and how fast we run wait this is so so good the Hulk is definitely our strongest Powers yet and we also have this nuclear waste Dynamite which makes a bunch of nuclear radioactive stuff on the floor but that actually does make sense because the Hulk did get his powers from radioactive stuff and so did we we threw chemical x potion on ourselves and that's how we became mutant Hulk with this super cool Gauntlet well anyways that's all we have but I'm pretty sure we do a bunch of damage and you know what that means we can spawn in the next boss server spawn in level 4 boss right now okay they are here anyway that is not just one boss that is three bosses wait these are mutant husks this is like the Abomination which is Hulk's biggest enemy okay anyways I guess let's just go in and try and do some damage to these guys it's weird The Hulk and we are so big and strong we should be able to use our Gauntlet and just go under these guys like this come up and Whoa We are flying in the sky let's go in and just try and do as much damage to these guys as we can you are no match for me and how big I am all right we just knocked that guy down really quickly with that is really good okay let's use this Gala and try and kill some of these smaller zombies Die guys and let's also throw nuclear waste at these guys and poison them all wait I'm pretty sure there was three mutant husks to start off with why are there four now okay I'm just gonna keep throwing nuclear waste on these guys because this seems to be one of my best weapons now let's go in with our gauntlet again and try and do some even more damage to them come on we are not even taking any harms I guess the Hulk just has so much help that he cannot even take damage come on guys you need to die I don't know why there are so many of you we should be good just a couple of my heads on these guys they're trying their hardest to smash me but I am the real Hulk and only I can Hulk smash them there we go we just took down that guy and we also took down another one it looks like there's only one more over here let's throw our last nuclear waste on him real quick and oh wait did he just die from the nuclear waste yes he did that means we just defeated all of those bosses and I'm stepping on radioactive stuff okay just get me off of here on to the next superhero and once again we are back here at the roulette wheel and I'm super excited because these last three superheroes are going to be easily the most overpowered ones so if you guys thought anything was cool in this video it's about to be even cooler by 10 times and which superpowers should we get next um I'm pretty sure that is an Iron Man mask right there and Iron Man can like fly and stuff so I'm pretty sure I know which one I'm gonna shoot I wanna become Iron Man all right let's shoot this hit three two one and we are now Iron Man oh my look at how cool we look we have the full Iron Man suit and everything and wait we can fly let's go we have rocket boots that spit out a bunch of fire and let us fly anywhere in survival mode but that's not it we also have this thing called a nanotech tool which acts as a sword I'm pretty sure I bet this thing does a lot of damage and then we also have this thing called a ray gun wait let's use this right here and oh what we can just blow holes in the floor whoa okay that is very very powerful but we do not want to waste the durability of that right now oh man we just Spam this thing okay yeah we gotta save that so we also have this dark matter midi got it whoa this is a what this thing just fires out like a trillion bullets a second it has these really cool purple Trails oh my and I thought the Hulk was strong this is like 90 000 times stronger oh that's not good though that probably means we're gonna have to fight a very very op boss okay well I guess speaking of the boss just server spotted and I am ready to fight the next boss level five boss okay there it is and wait a second that is a sun Chief oh no that is not good Sun Chiefs are one of the most powerful thing in the game because they have the power of the sun he can just call down sunbeams odd to me and if I get hit by one of those it's basically instant death okay I guess let's just start off by trying to kill this guy's minions with my minigun come on minions you need to die and let's use this ray gun on the main boss there we go oh my gosh that did so much damage come on guys you need to die in oh what is he doing he's doing a sun laser on me and wait these guys are healing him I'm pretty sure I need to kill these guys he's back at full health somehow come on guys you need to die get out of here oh no I'm also getting very low on health let's eat some steak let's go in with our nanotech tool and try and do some melee attacks on it oh no this is not working at all I think these guys are just healing him okay let's just blow these guys up real quick and now let's do some more explosion attacks to him okay maybe I should just stick to the explosions that is really really powerful but what's he doing now and what what the massive nuclear explosion okay I am so done let's just finish this guy off you are messing with the wrong superhero uh why is he not dying come on die die die come on I need to finish him quickly and oh I guess he's dead let's go you stupid monster I just completely destroyed him as Iron Man let's go this is by far my favorite superhero so far but we're not even done yet we gotta shoot our next superhero and I'm just not gonna waste any time let's shoot I think that's Thor's hammer and I would like to become Thor so let's shoot the Thor's hammer let's go let's see what kind of power store has so first of all it looks like we've got some crazy op strong metal armor on and that's usually what Thor wears so that's pretty cool we've also got this super cool Stormbreaker hammer and when we throw this in strikes down a bunch of lightning with that is just like Thor's attacks that's pretty cool but we also have this Thunder Staff that when we shoot it makes massive explosions with lightning what and then also we have lightning Dynamite which uh makes an entire lightning storm I guess these are just getting more and more powerful as we test the more weapons what there's so much lightning we also have this thing called a light feather which would be right click it it turns into wait what are these angel wings wait that's pretty cool let's put these on real quick and oh yeah now we can fly let's go uh I guess Thor is like a god so I guess that's why he could fly oh and anyways it looks like the level 6 boss just spawned in I wasn't even ready and what is this thing is it like some sort of Frost the Monster uh maybe let's try and wake it up with this thunder staff and all that definitely woke it up whoa it's doing a massive Roar right now okay it's a good thing we could fly we gotta be careful here though because it's spinning big balls of ice at me all right let's use some of these lightning dynamites on this boss and oh wait it's just getting struck by so much lightning right now no it just froze to me that is not good we gotta get away from this thing let's try throwing our Stormbreaker at it it froze me an eye so no try that again let's try that oh this is not working very well it seems like this Thunder Staff might be our best weapon just because of how powerful those explosions are and oh yeah I'm liking how this is going we are doing so much damage so quickly to this Frost mod let's finish him off with some lightning storms real quick and oh I got frozen again but it looks like he died anyways let's go our superpowers are just getting so unbelievably strong but we can kill the even the strongest bosses so quickly well there's only one superhero left on this roulette wheel and that is Superman that is the Superman logo if you can't tell let's stand in our white platform and let's shoot this final superhero and get our most powerful Powers yet oh I'm excited to see this and we got it but uh wait what what we have nothing watch Superman gets to nothing are you kidding me this is the worst one wait what how am I flying wait a second I'm in creative mode oh my gosh I can just get any in the game oh okay well I guess Superman is the most powerful superhero after all all right what should we get I guess let's get this shrinking device so let's make ourselves super duper big with it oh my look at how big we are and then let's get the coolest looking armor we can oh and check this armor out we got some super glowy shiny green armor I can't really see it because I'm so big but if we make ourselves normal size again you can see how cool this armor is and actually I don't even know why I'm getting armor we're in creative mode we can't even die okay let's just grab ourselves a bazooka this is all we're gonna need I love Bazookas and yeah let's just spot in the level 7 boss and the final boss server responded in all right let's see what the final boss is and uh it's just the cosmic fiend normally I would be really scared of a cosmic fiend but since we are in creative mode let's get our bazooka and completely destroy this thing uh yeah this is not really doing any damage okay we need a much better weapon let's try and find a massive sword and oh this should work look at how big this sword is okay let me go pick again and let's go kill the cosmic fiend once and for all and there we go I've never told a boss that easily especially a cosmic feed but I guess anything is possible in creative mode anyways we have now spun the entire roulette wheel of superpowers and if you guys enjoyed this video please make sure to click the video on the screen and subscribe seriously subscribe Please Subscribe I need subscribers Please Subscribe subscribe bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: Carty
Views: 55,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, carty, super powers, the roulette of, roulette minecraft, roulette super powers, maizen
Id: AEh7Scn4wS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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