Minecraft, But I Can Draw Anything...

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today I have to beat Minecraft but anything I draw comes to life so for example if I want a tank I just have to go to my drawing canvas dry really quickly and boom now I have a literal tank oh my gosh this is epic and anyways now we are in the world and while most people start a brand new fresh World by punching some wood on trees I am certainly not going to do that what I'm gonna do is please stop my little canvas like this and I am going to start to draw now what I want to draw is a giant battle ax weapon and this is gonna allow me to cut down trees really fast let me just draw this like this and boom okay this isn't really a battle ax but hopefully the game knows what I'm talking about and now let's just put a lever right next to this and when we flip this lever we should get this super cool ax so we can cut down all these trees and anyways let's just pull this lever now and boom the drawing has been approved and it better have been approved because what would happen if it's not well I'm not gonna worry about that because it looks like we have a brand new battle ax on the floor and oh my gosh look at this thing it is absolutely massive it is literally bigger than me and it looks exactly like my drawing this is gonna be so good to cut down some wood and anyways let's go and test it let's see how fast we can chopped out this tree and let's go and oh my gosh it almost instantly breaks this wood I have never seen an ax do this much mining all at once I could break this so fast and we could probably get a thousand wins super super fast with this thing and also look at the reach of this since it's so big we could stand like five blocks back and still mine this tree that is insane I never thought I could mine that far in Minecraft ever but now we have 22 oak logs and I really want to get us many o'clocks as I can but what I just realized is why am I mining these trees myself like I know I have a really cool accent all but I can literally just draw a bunch of wood on this canvas and it will give me all that wood I don't even need to mine these trees I don't know what I was thinking so I'm just gonna put down a new canvas right here I love it quickly just draw an oak log and boom now we got that done it now let's fill up this little part top so it knows it's a log I'm trying to get and then let's just add a little more texture to this log and there we go look at this jog this is an oak log and now let's put a lever right next to it like this and without further Ado let's just flip this thing and get a bunch of wood and boob the drag has been approved anyway we literally only got one o'clock this is so bad okay we have to go back at this canvas and we have to get a lot more oak logs so I'm just gonna go at the top of this thing and write 1000x and basically what I want this to do is give me 1 000 o'clocks when I flip this lever and this should work hopefully I mean there's no reason why it wouldn't I just won a thousand oak logs is there really anything wrong with that so now let's just go down here and flip the lever like this and wait what on Earth is this drug denied why would you deny my drag this is a great drawing but it did give me this book so I wonder what's written inside of this and it says it here if you get too greedy you will be punished by the game master wait what that doesn't even make sense okay I guess I am being a little bit greedy by asking for a thousand oak logs but I don't think that's too greedy anyway what was that like that you're getting what on Earth oh my gosh why is there so many tree monsters get me out of here I think this is what the game master means but I get punished every time I am too greedy this is the exact opposite of what I wanted I wanted a Thousand Oak locks not a thousand super scary Oak monsters and look at how much damage those things do I'm on two hearts right now okay this is not good okay I just ran away a bit and let me quickly go in my canvas and I have to really quickly draw something that will give you out of here and I also have to draw a weapon that can completely destroy those monsters so I guess I'm just gonna quickly draw some wings and maybe I'll be able to fly above all of those tree monsters and completely get out here but that's the left wing I just drew let me dry right wing and okay I just drew both those wings and now let me just draw like a ray gun or something that can explode all of those guys so let me draw this like that what's a purple Otter and okay I think that should be good enough I do not have a lot of time okay this is a really bad drawing and hopefully I do not get the drawing to die thing again because I don't think this is too greedy I just need to save my life and let me pull this lever and okay it says drug approved then okay I got my stuff let's go and oh all the monsters are right there wait let me put on these Wings real quick and get my ray gun ready and oh my gosh I can fly these wigs are awesome but okay since I have a ray gun I should be able to destroy and explode all of these wooden monsters and again and let's fire a bunch of these explosions these guys are so done for oh my gosh we're just gonna have to take these guys down one by one with our massive wigs and look at this this is absolutely insane but I am kind of making a big hole in my world from all these explosions and okay I think we've killed a lot of them I'm pretty sure this is the only one left and I think we just finished that one too let's go but I do not want any more of those spot again so let's go over to our canvas over here let's grab our massive ax break this and let's get out of here because I cannot fight any more of those things I am on two hearts okay so I just flew about a hundred blocks away and I completely got out of there and now I'm just gonna quickly place down my canvas like this and I think I've definitely learned my lesson I am never going to be greedy ever again because I do not want to fight that many monsters again so I'm just gonna be very very nice and just draw a single piece of steak because that's all I needed I do not want to fight a snake monster or something there we go I just drew that piece of steak now let's pull this lever and let's go the drawing has been approved and okay it looks like we got a bit of steak and we actually got 12. well this is pretty good I'm just gonna eat all this steak up and completely heal up all my hearts because I do not want to die and now that I'm fully healed up I kind of want to play around with this giant canvas a little bit more it's so actually what I want to do is design my very own custom TNT so to start off with the TD I just have to draw a huge square like this put a white line down the middle and inside of here all right TNT and now I have to do my very own design on this TNT so I made it blue which I think will be pretty cool because blue is one of my favorite colors but then I also kind of want to put a bunch of orange dots all around it just to add a little bit more color and make it kind of polka Dotty so here we go I'm adding all of these and this is gonna be the coolest TNT ever I wonder what it will do and there we go I think this is pretty good I wonder if we're gonna need to do anything else to decide our very own custom TNT honestly I don't think so and I really just want to see what this thing will do so let's unflip this lever and let's see what kind of cool custom TNT we could get and okay the drag was approved thankfully and that means we now have a TNT and it even gave us a flint steel this is gonna be awesome and I am so ready to light this thing so I guess let's step back a little bit craft all of of our wood into Oak flanks with a little bit of a barrier just so the stick doesn't blow us up and let's light this thing and see what will happen and okay I lit it and okay let's step back a little bit I don't think that barrier will be enough to tame this thing's explosion anyway what is happening our meteors falling from the sky oh my gosh wait a second I think that's because this has little meteors on the design of the TNT I accidentally drew that I did not think to draw that oh my gosh a meteor almost just hit me and oh I have to get out of here I did not think that I made your shower what happened and I think that was only the first wave look at everything everything from like hundreds of blocks away is literally on fire I did not expect that to happen and wait I think even more meteors are starting to fall okay this is really bad is there any way I could get out of here hello is there any life around me that would be able to help anyone on Earth there's a dinosaur right there okay I guess that kind of makes sense because dinosaurs were around when meteors hit Earth so uh Mr Dinosaur are you friendly I'll just get my ray gun ready just in case this thing tries to attack me and I think it might be fine it doesn't look like it's trying to attack me maybe I could ride it or something at what on Earth I am riding a dinosaur right now look at me this is awesome I don't even know why I'm writing this thing but let's get out of here Mr Dinosaur there's meteors everywhere and that is actually kind of my fault I think all those little orange dots I put on my custom TNT the mod thought that those were all meteors and that it dropped a bunch of meteors when I let the TNT okay that was a really bad idea from me and okay I just wrote this dinosaur for literally hundreds of blocks all the way to a village and thank you very much Mr Dinosaur for letting me ride you but that actually gives me a really idea I mean dinosaurs are cool at all and I had a really fun time riding this but what if I draw myself a way way cooler mob and then I could ride that way way cooler mob like maybe I'll draw a giant fire dragon and then I'll try to ride that and shoot the fire out of it so I just went and got a bunch of new painting stuff and now we can start to draw once again let's place this down and let's start to draw like I said I want to draw a really really cool dragon monster and I think I want to make this Dragon purple because instead of just being a boring old fire dragon this might actually turn into a really cool electricity Dragon which is even cooler so right now I'm just drawing the head and I even drew a little eye up here now let me draw the neck and start to draw the wings now let me go down and draw the legs do a couple more finishing touches and boom I am done with my dragon look at this thing let's also make sure to add a little bit of a saddle on its back just so it knows I can ride this and there we go I think this drag is all done and look at this this is so cool and in fact I want to make this even cooler because I want to have the best mob ever and let's write out the words 10x and hopefully this will give us a dragon that's 10 times bigger than normal and that will be able to ride this is gonna be so epic so I just went and got a lever let's place this right next to this just like that and I think we should be good to spot this in and this is definitely really gonna get approved because this is not greedy at all so let's just flip this lever at three two one and let's get a rideable dragon and wait what on Earth it says drawn denied why would you deny my drawing and oh oh there's another book here last time I got a book it was from the game master saying I was gonna be punished okay I really hope that does not happen again but I guess let's just read what's in this book and okay it says too greedy it will be punished again from the game master oh no this is bad this is really bad I wonder how I'm gonna be punished okay this is gonna be bad and what on Earth was that I just heard a lightning strike last time I heard a lightning strike that's when all those oak monsters attacked me okay well I guess let's figure out what happened that there's a dragon right there uh maybe it's a rideable Dragon like what I just drew I mean it's purple uh villager I would stay back if I were you I don't know if this guy is so friendly uh maybe let me just go up to this giant purple dragon and uh oh uh almost there okay I'm just gonna try and punch this guy and oh my gosh he's attacking me oh my gosh he's flying after me at home why I have to run I have to get out of here this guy is terrorizing The Village at this very very scary oh my gosh Mr Dinosaur you gotta get out of here it's shooting lightning at the end turning the grass black okay I have to run let me hide in this Forest I think I'll be safe over here okay that totally backfired I definitely should not have asked that thing to be 10 times bigger than normal because look at this oh okay I'm not far enough into the forest I have to run okay well I think I found a nice little spot behind these trees to be safe and okay I just got my canvas again and we gotta drive something to defeat this Dragon because right now I don't even have armor I just have a ray gun and this is not gonna stop that Dragon I need something way way more powerful so inside of this canvas what I need to do is start off by drawing some armor for myself or else I will take way too much damage from that monster so I just drew a little bit of a helmet a chess play some leggings and some boots and actually I don't want to make these purple I want to make these red and the reason I'm making them Red is because I'm pretty sure the exact counter to that electricity dragon is actually fire and if we could get like some fire dragon armor or something like that that would be really really cool but I also need some new weapons so I'm gonna try a really cool red sword and hopefully this will also have a bunch of fire attacks so there we go I just drew that thing and then let's draw a red gun too just like that and then let's even draw some Red Wings just in case I need some more upgraded Wings because mine right now are not that good and okay I just drew a bunch of red stuff on here and I don't really know if any of this is gonna be good but I better start hoping it will be good and I really hope that this does not get denied because if this gets denied I'm definitely going to die and lose everything but I don't even think this is too gritty so I think we should be fine so let's get rid of this grass put my lever right there and without further Ado let's just flip this lever and please please please work and let's go it worked and oh my gosh look at all this stuff right there wait let me clear up my Hotbar so I can pick all of that up and let's see what I got and oh my goodness look at my Hotbar all this stuff looks very very op let me quickly put on all the armor it just gave me and look at this I have this giant flesh eater sword a demon Buster gun and I think I literally have dragon armor I got those Red Wings and I have this Dragon helmet this is so cool I am totally ready to take down that electricity jacket with all my new fire weapons and look at this sword it literally shoots out wither skulls what this dragon is gonna stand no chance let's go fight him oh and I think I see him don't worry all the villagers in this Village I'm about to save you all and okay this guy's just going around and killing the chickens okay looks like he might have fallen asleep so let's fly over to him with our wings and let's start using our gun let's go copy here Mr Dragon I need to put a stop to your Terror okay it looks like it's running at me again and it's time to fly I just need to keep shooting it with my gun and oh it's doing its giant electricity attack again get back okay now I'm gonna use my flesh eater sword and attack it come on come on this thing has got to be getting low out of Health let me just keep shooting it out fly this is the battle between the tiny fire dragon and the giant purple electricity Dragon I'm definitely about to win let me just fire a couple more wither skulls at this thing and keep shooting at there is no way I lose this come on just die already and wait I think I just killed it look at that I don't see it anywhere now and it looks like it just dropped that little bit of experience on the floor did I just save the village I think I did because I don't see that Dragon anywhere and okay I guess I kind of just saved the Village from my own wrongdoings because I'm the reason that Dragon was there in the first place well anyways I count this as a win because now we have this super super cool red armor and red weapons okay but I just placed out another canvas and now what I actually want to do is go to the nether so I can get some blaze rods and the ender eyes and I could go to the stronghold then beat the end of dragon and we just be an electricity Dragon so I think we're prepared for the Ender Dragon already so what I'm gonna do is make a massive black outline just like this and boom there we go and now I'm Gonna Fill this whole thing with a bunch of purple to act as a nether portal and I want a really really big nether portal so I'm just gonna write 10 X in it and I know the last two times I wrote numbers really bad things happen and they're trying to all got denied Ashton will be kind to be a lemon spot in a really big nether for it all so let's see if this works let's put a lever right here and flip the stick in three two one and let's go and okay thank goodness this is drag approved and we have a massive nether portal let's go this is awesome I've never seen a nether portal this big in my life and oh oh my gosh I just got scared for a second do you see this this is the dragon body of the Dragon I just killed it's just laying on the ground and I'm pretty sure this is dead yep I just started to Bunch this thing is definitely dead in anyways let's go to the nether now let's go and okay now I am in the nether and we just have to look for another Fortress now anyway what on Earth there's another Fortress right there what are the chances well I guess that is really lucky for me so let's go here and try to find somebody spawners because I really need to get some blaze rods right now okay I cannot find any blazes anywhere what could another Fortress Is this there is nothing here okay well it's a good thing I brought my canvas with me because I'm just gonna draw a couple places off the canvas so I could get some blaze rods let me just go in here and draw a blaze really quickly and there we go I just drew a place super super fast and look I even gave him a little happy face just because I really want a blaze but I do not want to have to flip the sliver a thousand times get a bunch of blazes let me just write in 10x because it worked the last time and I got a really big portal and hopefully it'll work again and give me 10 blazes so I could just get all the blaze runs I need right away let's put our lever right here and let's flip the stick right now and it says drawing tonight are you kidding me I literally just want 10 blazes how is this too greedy and I just got a buck okay let's see what this book says and it says have you not learned anything you will be punished once again oh my gosh please tell me it's not gonna be a really hard boss again but oh my God what was that oh my gosh wait there's a muted Blaze right there okay I guess this is what the game master is trying to do to punish me but this is not punishing me at all because I can just kill this thing really easily with all my OB weapons and then I'll just get all my blazer outs right away this is really good for me actually so let me just fly around with my dragon armor keep attacking this thing with my op weapons and there we go I just killed it but I'm kind of getting thrown around the lot and I am on fire right now but where's my blaze rods and let's go look at all of these when I right click these they should drop some blaze rods and there we go I just went and collected all of those little things and I have 11 blaze rods now that game master is so stupid he just tried to punish me by spotting at the exact thing that I needed and wait I just turned another lightning sound effect are you kidding me okay every time there's been a lightning sound effect the game master did something and wait what is this uh what is that is that a Herobrine Spotter and there's a book right here okay this is really bad but let's read this book and see what the game master says now and he says I here all okay I do not care I'm just gonna throw this in the lava but I guess he made some sort of Herobrine spawner does that mean Herobrine's gonna start being in my world okay that is actually pretty bad because I am really really scared of Herobrine and I do not want to fight Herobrine I have to get down to Nether as fast as possible before Herobrine attacks me I think this is the way I came here so I just gotta keep running this way and what is that oh my gosh that's heroBrine okay it looks like he's just standing there uh does he see me I think he might just be on patroller so he sees me oh oh what is he doing is he flying to me oh no he's running to me I have to get out of here how big Herobrine is chasing me okay I gotta fly off a hero okay this is really really bad and okay is he gone or something he better be gotten oh he is not God he is not God what just happened I just went blind and I am going nauseous right now what is this my screen is shaking in circles and I have no idea what's going on I think he remember I just did some magic on me or something and okay I think the effect is gone thankfully but that is not not good human right is definitely in my world and he just attacked me I don't know about you but I am not gonna fight Herobrine I got my blaze rods and I just need to get some ender pearls now let me go to the Overworld and okay here's my portal I gotta go back to the Overworld right now I am not gonna ever go to the Nether Again where Herobrine is and okay I am back in the Overworld this is a lot lot nicer and I guess the only thing I need now is Samantha Pearl so I can turn these blaze rods into Eyes of Ender sweat this place down by little canvas platform once again and we're just gonna try mutant Enderman really quickly because that worked really well with the muted blaze in the nether so let me drive mutant Enderman and get a bunch of Ender Pearls like that so I don't really know how to draw a Mutant Enderman but I think it just has four arms so let me draw all of those like this and then let's draw a little bit of a head on it and put some purple eyes and okay this is not a muted Enderman this is one of the worst drags I've ever done I don't even know if the game is gonna be able to pick up what I'm trying to draw here and okay I am definitely done at this drawing let me leave this and okay this is very ugly this is is so bad this does not look like a muted Enderman at all but I really hope that this will still pick up that I'm trying to spot a muted Enderman and hopefully it will actually spawn it and I am definitely not being greedy this time I just wanted mutant Enderman how is this greedy so let me pull this lever at three two one that's what a mutant Edgar Ben and let's go it says trying to prove that oh okay there's a mutant Enderman right there okay if I don't look at its eyes I'm pretty sure it won't attack me but wait a second I wanted to attack me I need to get these things after pearls died oh I am blind oh this is not gonna where's this thing on okay it's right there let me attack this okay it looks like it's picking up blocks and trying to throw them at me but you are no match for my weapons come on die Mister let me use my sword on this thing and just keep attacking it and let's go I think I just killed this thing it's definitely dead look at this and oh is it doing a fight hole attack okay I hope I don't die and I think I should be good and it looks like a lot of ender pearls are dropping on the floor let's go anyway it even dropped some Eyes of Ender I could have just bet this from the start are you kidding me okay well anyways I got all my head to pearls now so let me craft all of these so I just crafted these all at the Eyes of Ender and now let's go find the stronghold which way is it it looks like it's gonna be this way so let's run there and we are totally about to win the game that Ender Dragon will not stay the chance against us and oh what the heck I think I see Herobrine again is Herobrine still in the world I totally forgot about that and what on Earth there's two More Herobrines and oh one of them's running at me okay this one has a Bedrock sword and maybe I should try and fight it this time okay Herobrine you need to step back and okay this guy's really fast okay maybe I don't want to fight him okay I'm just gonna try anyways and let's use our gun out of get back and okay he does not take knock back but it looks like that Iron Golem's coming to help me too so let's learn the iron golemen come on Mr iron golemen wait watch you just killed Herobrine that fast let's go well I guess that problem solved I don't have to worry about Herobrine anymore because that Iron Golem okay there's More Herobrines well I guess I'll just try to ignore these guys and just pass by them and go to the stronghold and look at that they're literally running from me they are so scared because I just killed their friend die anyways I just went to the stronghold and look at that I already found the portal room so I just went and put my eyes in there and we finally have a lit portal we are about to win the game and this drawing mod has been super super fun but I still have a couple really really crazy things that I want to draw and anyways let's go inside this portal right now here we go I'm in the end and oh there's the at the jacket this is the moment we have been waiting for but I did say I was gonna draw one last thing in the end so let's go on our canvas real quick and let's draw it really quickly and look at what I just drew I just drew a subscribe button let's flip this lever and let's go the drawing was approved and a giant subscribe button spawned in well this isn't the actual thing I was gonna draw I'll draw that in a second but this is definitely a side everyone watching this right now just subscribe please I'll give you three seconds to subscribe three two one and thanks for subscribing but now let's draw the thing that we are actually gonna draw let me bind this really quickly place this right here and now what I actually want to draw for the end Dimension is a nuclear bomb and I want to Nuke the Ender Dragon because it's just not fun enough if I use my weapons normally so I'm Gonna Fill This thing in and what I'm doing right now is making the nuke and then I'm gonna add a little bit of a radioactive symbol audit just so the mod knows that I am actually making a nuke right now and look at this thing it is super super cool looking and then we'll even add a little bit of an explosion down here just so I 100 knows I'm trying to make a nuke and boom I think this is done let's just get a lever push this right here and without further Ado let's see what happens when we spotted a nuke in the end let's go let's go the drag was approved but wait where's our nuke I just see dragon breath from the dragon trying to kill me and wait a second I think I see the nuke what is this thing oh my gosh this thing is massive and it looks like it's on a little bit of a missile silo so how exactly do we launch this thing do we light it with flint and steel I nope that is not working maybe I gotta put a lever next to it like this well let's see if we flick this lever if it will actually launch this nuke and okay I think it might have worked the Duke is going I don't know how high that's gonna go or where it's gonna land but hopefully it does not land on me and hopefully it will land on that dragon and uh where is that new because it just got into so oh I think I see the new the Duke's right there oh my gosh I think it exploded and wait a second look at the Ender Dragon it looks like he's exploding and what he just died okay I guess that's what happens when you have a nuke in Minecraft it just made a massive explosion and I do not know how that did not kill me and it's rating XP did I just beat the game but don't leave yet because this is a compilation of my three most insane videos and the next one is even more insane than the last today I have to beat Minecraft but I can create any custom Dimension this means I can pick any block like a diamond block build a portal shape out of it and press a button on it to light it now I have access to my very own custom Diamond Dimension and boom now I'm in the world and I am so excited because we could quite literally make a portal out of any block so let's just get right to it and I'm wondering what kind of block should we use to make our first portal now we could use wood and I do have to collect the wood anyways just to get some tools but I think I want to make it even cooler portal than a wood portal for my first one so let me just collect a little bit of this wood quickly crash some tools and here we go now you might be wondering what kind of block do I want to use for my first custom portal well it's actually a very very simple block and it happens to be right in front of me I want to make a stone portal for my first portal because you know it's the perfect amount of Simplicity and coolness for our first portal and to think about each of these custom Dimensions is that each of them have custom bosses so we have to start off with simple Dimensions with the easy bosses to defeat and then we'll be be able to work our ways up to the super hard portals but anyways I just collected 10 of these cobblestones and I'm pretty sure this is all we need to make a portal so we just build it up like this and okay wait actually I do need four more so I just went and got that and now we'll finish this portal off like this and as you can see this is a portal frame I just built now all we have to do to light it is literally just craft a wooded bucket out of one single oak Plank and now you can put this anywhere on the portal so I'll just put it on the corner right here and with this single click of this button it should light this portal or at least I hope it will because I really would have access to the stone Dimension so anyways without further Ado let's click this button and let's go it says Dimension activated and look at this it's all lit up now now when we walk through this Cobblestone portal it should bring us to the stone Dimension and I do not want to wait any longer let's just jump through this thing and let's see where we go and boom I think I made it okay look at this place it is actually just Stone everywhere and it looks like there's a bunch of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone too well this is actually pretty epic but this is really small I wonder where the main part of this Dimension is and wait what the heck why is there a side right here that says beware what is there to beware of in the stone Dimension it's literally just Stone this is just a cave basically okay well I guess I'll listen to that sign and beware and wait what why is there like animals here but they're not just any normal animals these animals are turned to stone I mean there's one alive cow over there but there's a stone cow right next to it uh why are the animals stonier and it looks like there's a little bit of water over there so at least there's a little bit of life in here and wait what is that over there what is that is that like some sort of snake lady okay I do not want her to see me I think that might be the boss of this first stone Dimension okay wait I have to get a little bit of a closer look so I know what I'm up against so yeah I think I was right this is like some sort of snake lady look at that okay I think she almost saw me but it looks like she might even have snakes for hair and look at that it looks like she has a body that is quite literally just a massive snake in okay I gotta hide again this is really scary because I only have wanted tools I really do not want to be turned to stone like these other animals but look right here there's a side that says kill her for a prize okay I think this diamond should watch me to kill this boss in order to save this Dimension from everything turning to Stone but wait she's super close to me right now and what why is she so close I have to back up and look she's right there she just turned that cow to Stone okay it looks like she might have backed off a bit but that was really scary but I guess I have to fight this thing and it looks like whatever she looks at something it turns the stone so maybe if I just do not look at that monster it won't turn me to Stone and okay I'm in F5 and I'm looking down and it looks like it's just staring at me so I think my theory is right is if I do not look at this thing it cannot turn me to Stone but how am I supposed to kill this if I cannot look at it I need to swing my sword at it so maybe it'll be some sort of item around this Dimension that might be able to help me okay I'm just gonna keep looking at look there's even a statue of another person okay that is really bad okay we're just gonna ignore that and wait look at this it looks like I just stumbled upon a chest in this little Pond right here wait let's see what's in this chest and it looks like it's a blindfold wait why on Earth is there a blindfold in this chest well I guess I'll take this out and I don't know how a black Folk's gonna help me but I guess I'll put it on and oh my gosh I just put it on and I blind and now I could not see anything around me but wait a second I just realized something since I can't see anything I won't be able to see that snake lady and then I'll be able to swing my sword out of and kill it but first I just kind of gotta find it because I cannot see anything it is so dark so maybe I'll just take this off for a second and uh snake lady where are you oh my gosh oh she's right there okay let me put this blindfold back on like this okay well said she was right around here just quickly locate her I don't guess she's right there you can kind of see her Shadow Hey look it's working I can look directly at her face and I'm not turning to Stone so let me just try and get a few hits on her just like this and I only have a wooden sword so this is not that good and come on I just gotta keep hitting her and oh my gosh I just got poisoned okay looks like she just poisoned you instead of turning you to Stone when you have a blindfold on but anyways let me just get a few more attacks on this lady and come on I need to kill you I need to see what special prize I get when I kill it and yes I think I just killed her anyway what did she draw it looks like she dropped her very own head on the ground what this is called a gorgon head I think this is the Medusa head that just dropped off the floor wait I wonder if this is gonna let me turn stuff to Stone but anyways let me take off this blindfold since I just killed her and now I could see everything perfectly fine again and it looks like we've conquered this Dimension so we could go back to the Overworld go through this portal once again and there we go we're back at the Overworld and I gotta test this Gorgon head on an animal uh hello is there any animals around here um okay wait there's a pig right there okay this is actually perfect okay Mr Piggy you want to be my test subject but you don't really have a choice I'm just gonna use this thing right now and wait that actually worked but wait I just got rid of the head I wonder if I'm gonna get that back I better get that back because there's no way I would have just wasted that on this single Pig I don't even want to turn this guy to Stone and okay there we go we just got it back thankfully but I have to make sure to be careful with this Gorgon head because if it only has limited uses I want to save this thing for the ender dragon fight and then I'll be able to turn the end to track it into stone instantly so I guess I'll just put this at the top of my inventory and save that for then but anyway since we're back at the Overworld we probably have to get some food first let me do that real quick guy pigs I love you quickly cook this and here we go we got all our food in this we can start to make our next custom Dimension so what should our next custom Dimension be made out of I have no idea but wait I just got a good idea since there's a cave right here in front of me we could probably just go mining in here and we'll see if we find anything good so let's just explore this whole cave system okay so I've been exploring for a little while and I still have not found anything okay I just found something what is this is this like an iron golem or something I mean look at it has an iron called a face on it and I don't even know what this is but this looks like it could make a really really good custom Dimension portal so anyways let's just quickly mind all of this up and let's build this portal real quickly and there we go I've completely done building this but wait a second I just realized I am missing a block on this bottom left corner there's only 13 of these iron golembores and I need 14 blocks to make a full portal I have to find another block to put right here and the great thing about this custom portal mod is that you can mix and match blocks to make super crazy custom Dimensions so anyways let's just find a cool block to put there and I think I know what I want let's collect up all of this Redstone just like this let's go and now let's craft a redstone block and let's just put the Redstone Block right there and now we have completely made this Iron Golem or portal into an iron golem and Redstone Portal and I wonder where on Earth this will take us because I don't even know what this Iron Golem ore is but what combined with redstone it's gonna be even weirder and this is probably gonna make us fight a crazy boss so I should probably craft a better weapon too let me make a stone sword just like this and I think we should be good let's love it quickly craft a oak button just like this and we'll put this on the same Corner we did last time and now without further Ado let's just push this button right now and let's go it says Dimension activated and look at this portal this looks Majestic let's just not wait any longer let's go inside this thing and here we go I made it and what is this place this is even cooler than the last and oh my gosh there's a bunch of iron everywhere okay I'm just gonna mine this up if you don't mind and I'm going to make some iron armor out of this stuff this is so op I really needed some armor because I don't know how on Earth I'll defeat the boss if I do not have iron armor and while we're at it we'll even make an iron sword and then iron ax let's put this armor on and now we are completely stacked up but anyways let's start exploring this Dimension but anyways it looks like there's this gold block here with a lever on top okay this is pretty cool but I have no idea what's going on here and it looks like there's this big iron block wall here so I wonder if we have to pull this lever to open that well anyways let's just find out and that did not open the Iron Gate but it definitely did just spotted a tank look at this thing this is quite literally just a ginormous tank right here this is so epic this is gonna be so helpful to defeat whatever boss that I have to fight and wait look at this every time I go in the tank my hop bar turns into all these different Dynamite attacks I think this is the attacks that this tank is gonna allow me to use and let's see if we can actually break out of this cave with this first Dynamite from the tank let's try this out and okay this actually works let's block a hole at this iron let's just keep throwing this and oh oh that did a big explosion okay let me just keep throwing this and okay I think we have definitely broken out of this cave by now we kind of made a little bit of a mess but let's see what's out here and wait A Boss Bar just came on my screen that cannot be good and what is that there's a massive giant Golem boss right there okay I think it's because I made that portal out of iron golem or blocks it spotted some giant mutant iron golem and it looks like even has some redstone on it because I put a redstone on that portal okay well this is not good and I definitely am going to have to defeat this guy with my tank so let's test out some of these cool dynamites we got okay let's try this dynamite called an erupted dynamite and throw it at it like this and oh it's exploding a bunch of TNT I think but this monsters Darkness you love Abby for some reason this is not good let me just keep trying to get out of here and try to dodge this guy's attacks okay now I'm gonna throw some of these spiral dynamites and what is this gonna do and oh okay this one seems to be pretty good and it's doing a bit of damage to that giant monster but this guy just keeps shooting love at me and this is doing damage to my tank I think but anyways let me throw some more Arrow dynamites at this guy that's spewing out a bunch of arrows look at that now let me just throw all the dynamites at once and see what kind of attacks we can do and okay I think that has took a lot of damage look at this next health bar it is starting to drain a lot of Health let me throw more of these these ones are really cool they just drop a bunch of TNT come on I need to defeat this thing let me get out of here hey no caps start to throw this reaction Dynamite which are destroying to every single block around here okay it looks like we're gonna have to fight this thing in Bedrock now we'll do our final attacks come on die it's gonna get a little bit close to me but we're launching it super far let's just try to do this one more time I'll let you go I think we just finished this thing off look it's dying okay this entire Dimension is completely destroyed but wait I think that they just dropped a bunch of loot for us and look at this stuff this looks insane wait let me pick up all this stuff and okay we'll try all of this on over in the Overworld and anyways let's go back up to our portal real quick and we're literally building out of iron blocks because that's how rich we are and anyways I'll meet you if we get back to the Overworld and okay I made it back finally it is so nice to be back at the Overworld that was super scary but anyways we have all this new loot to look at our inventory so it looks like the first thing we got is a little bit of armor so let's take off this boring iron armor I have and let's put on this new armor and look at this this is so cool this is like some super crazy that their armor and it literally has the lecture attached to it once this is like some sort of fire online trade we could just fly around with this this is so epic I think that's because we put the redstone block on the portal then it gave us all this nether stuff but it looks like we also got a few more things and it looks like one of them is this helmets and I think this is the helmet from the monster we just killed and this looks kind of silly but it looks like it has a bunch of super strong effects with it and it also looks like we got this ginormous Hammer look at this we could smash the ground with this Hammer look at that that is so cool we gotta test this on a zombie or something we could probably kill it so quickly and look there's a zombie right here let's just smash this guy like this and whoa that just lodged him up and now let's just hit him with the thing like that and okay that was quick this thing probably does so much damage this is gonna be so helpful to fight future bosses in the custom dimensions and okay I made it back up to the surface of the world and I have the perfect idea for this next custom Dimension I want to build and in order to build it we just have to get a shovel and start to mine a bunch of dirt and you might be thinking to yourself why on Earth am I collecting dirt am I gonna make a dirt portal well kind of but you'll see what I'm doing in a second so now that we have a ton of dirt we have to get the building and for this portal I am not just gonna build an ordinary portal shape oh no no no I'm going to build a ginormous portal out of dirt and I want to see if we can get like some super cool giant Dimension or something and oh I just fell okay let's keep building this I'll get back to what I'm done with it and let's go I just finished it look at how big this thing is just for reference I'll build a normal portal real quickly and look at how much bigger this thing is than a normal portal this is definitely gonna bring us to a giant Dimension and probably gonna make us fight some really really big bosses but anyways let me just get a button by crafting this into a button and let's put this down at the bottom left corner and without further Ado let's just push this button now and let's go it says Dimension activated okay this means we can start to add inside of this massive portal well let's just step back a little bit I didn't buy this thing this is so cool and anyways let's actually know this thing and see where it brings us let's go and get our massive Hammer ready it's okay I think we're here and what on Earth is this I mean it's made out of dirt since we made that portal out of dirt but how is this place Giant and what on Earth there's a bunch of giant Cyclops under me you know I guess this place is pretty giant because look at how tall the ceiling is and that's so cool how we spawned all the way up here but seriously look at how many Giants are down there there's like 20 of those guys and is this seriously not gonna give us anything to fight them well I guess let me just use my Elixir wigs to fly over here and get a better angle at these guys on what they're rushing at me and okay they are way taller than I thought they were they could almost grab me from all the way down there okay this is really bad and I do not have any ranged weapons the only ranged weapon I have is this Gorgon head but remember I'm saving this for the end of dragon fight so I gotta get rid of this now and I guess this not really too much we can't do besides trying to destroy all these guys and see what kind of cool giant weapon we get and uh hello guys uh I'm kind of scared to go down there but I am super equipped with OP armor so hopefully this should be okay and let's just fly down here and let's start to fight this guys come on you said no bats and okay they might stand up match they are picking me up this is so bad I'm just trying to eat as much stick as I can so I can regenerate all of my health but let me just keep trying to use my hammer on these guns but they keep picking me up they're so big how am I supposed to win this this is really bad let me just try and use my Elijah to fly away I guess okay I have to think of some sort of new game plan because these are way too big to fight okay let me just keep using this Hammer until I can at least kill one of them and then I'll try and think of something else I can literally not see anything it's just a bunch of giant monsters okay what do I do what do I do what do I do and wait why is there a bunch of items on the floor over here wait let me pick this stuff up and wait what it looks like I just picked up a bunch of bullets wait did I get some sort of got it let me get away from these guys and yes I did it looks like I got some sort of midi gun weapon okay let me try and use this on these guys and wait this is so op look at this I am just spamming these guys with all of this minigun bullets it's literally setting them all on fire this is probably doing so much damage but even though this deck does so much damage these guys are still not dying they have so much health there's no way I would even kill one of these guys with my normal weapon but it looks like I might have killed one of them so let me just keep using this until they're all dead and hopefully I do not run out of ammo and look at this there's only four left now this is going so good and now there's only two left okay let me just keep attacking these guys I'm about to win and yes I just killed them look at this I killed the bullet there's a bunch of items on the floor but wait did I not get anything special are you kidding me wait on the screen it just says the item dropped for some reason where were those items dropped and wait there they are what are these things it looks like I got some sort of gameplay console and then I got uh I don't know what either of these things are honestly let's just pick them up and this is a personal shrinking device wait what is this and it looks like the other thing I got is called a brush well I guess I'll test both of these when I get back to the Overworld and anyways let's just build up here like this and let's go through this portal and there we go now we're back in the Overworld and let's finally test out what these things do and let's start off with this personal shrinking device so when I right click with it it brings up this little menu thing and I can literally change the size by pressing this up arrow and for some reason like makes a me and a cow bigger wait maybe I can use this on myself but let's try and wait what I just got massive look at me wait I think this jump from all of those Giants and now I can make myself a giant that is so cool but I wonder if I could also use it on mobs okay this is so cool we can literally make ourselves really egg and then we can change the setting to make ourselves super small look at us we're so tiny okay this is gonna be really cool and probably very helpful during the end of dragon fight and speaking of the ender dragon fight we need to get to the end as fast as possible but remember we actually did get another item called a brush so I wonder what this does let me try it out so let me just right click with it and let's see what it does and wait what okay just to open up this menu and wait a second is this like I paint canvas wait this is awesome so since I right clicked on a grass block it's making me paint on a grass block wait so can I literally draw anything here wait let me test this out look at this I just subscribe button let's go and since I can try anything with this this gives me a really really good idea you have to see this but before I do that really really good idea since there's a subscribe button on the floor this must be a side everybody everyone watching right now just please subscribe to the channel so many of you guys watched so many of the the videos but you're not subscribed so please subscribe I'll give you three seconds three two one and thanks for subscribing and now let me do my very genius idea I was talking about so to do this very genius idea we need to place a little bit of cobblestone in a pattern just like this and there we go that's exactly what we need and you might already understand what I'm doing right now but if you don't you'll understand in just a second so now let me get my paintbrush and let me start painting on these blocks so what I'm gonna do is just paint a little bit of a square just like this right in the middle and now let me add a little more texture and boom look at this stuff you can't tell what I'm doing still I'm going to draw my very own end portal and then we're gonna see if we can light this thing so let me just finish this off real quick and let's go I did it now hopefully the game understands what I'm trying to do here and it will actually light this end portal so I won't have to go and kill Blazers to find a stronghold door normally I'll just be able to go straight to the end this is gonna be so epic if this actually works but anyways let me just quickly craft a button and put this right on this side just like this and let's see if this thing is actually gonna work you better work it just for good luck I'll throw a black hole bullet right in the middle I don't know why that would help but let's just do this right now and boob it says Dimension activated and oh my gosh it actually worked as an End Portal okay let's not wait any longer let's just go to the end and beat the game and okay we're in the end so let's just quickly buy it out of here here we go and now what I want to do in this end fight is destroy all of these end crystals and normally you need some sort of ranged attack to destroy them but instead I'm just gonna turn myself super giant and Destroy them with my fist so here we go I got this on the back set again let's see how big we can become okay we are really big look at this we could literally reach this from all the way down at the floor okay let's just buy this and let's punch it boom we just destroyed the ad Crystal and let me just finish off all the rest and okay I just destroyed every single and Crystal and now the end of dragon is all to ourselves let's just turn down the normal size again and let's try to attack this thing but wait I just remembered we have this Medusa head from the start of the video uh Mr Ender Dragon do you mind if I use this on you okay let me just get a good shot and come on work let me use to something at the dragon please and wait did we just kill the at the track and I think we might have just killed the Ender Dragon what on Earth it's raining XP and I didn't even see that thing Turn to Stone but I guess that's what happens when we could go to custom dimensions and get super OP armor and weapons this video was so fun going to all these custom dimensions and if you guys also enjoyed please just make sure to click the video on the screen because it's a video just like this and you are gonna enjoy it so much click the video on the screen or I'll turn you to Stone click it fire and there is still one more video and I saved the most it for last today I have to beat Minecraft but I can combine items so for example if I put down my crafting table and then put in two different kinds of Swords then I press a button on it like this it'll combine those shorts into one very very op sword oh my gosh look at how big this is and here we go now I'm in the world and I am super excited because with this mod we can quite literally craft any two items into one combination and I have so many crazy plans for what I want to craft but just like you start adding Minecraft world I just have to quickly gather up some wood now let me craft some tools normally and boom here we go now we can get to our custom crafting recipes now you might be asking yourself what kind of things am I gonna craft and combine for our first custom item and you are about to find out it actually involves those little chickens over there so let's just go over to those guys and I am sorry little chickens but I am going to have to do something to you and let's go die I'm just gonna kill all the chickens let's go and there we go we just killed that one and we have three feathers now now for this first combination craft that I'm gonna do we only need two feathers so we could just throw one of these away and let me craft a crafting table real quick another we have the crafting table in order to do this we just have to put the two feathers in the crafting table just like this and instead of crafting it like normal you exit out the crafting table and as you can see the two feathers are on top of it and now in order to combine these we just need to send a redstone signal into the crafting table so we can do that by just quickly crafting a button placing it on it like that now would we push this button it should combine these feathers into some sort of combination of feathers and what I'm hoping this does is actually make some wings for us so that we'll be able to fly around the entire world with these feather wings and anyways without further Ado let's just push this button now and boom it says craft accepted let's go and look at what it crafted are those wings I was right it definitely combine those feathers into some wings and anyways to collect these we just have to go in the crafting table and take these out like this and let's go now we have wings we're gonna be able to fly all around the world so let's just put these on and let's fly let's go look at these These are so cool look at they fly everywhere Mr sheep you can't fly but I can't because I just combined feathers into wings but honestly these aren't even that good they're just chicken wings so I can't actually fly that high but as we get more Opie stuff to combine we are going to have some crazy crafting recipes later in this video okay but anyways let let's just get to our next crafting right away and what should we use for our next crafting recipe I mean uh wait what is that over there there's like a whole B civilization over here wait maybe I could collect some of the honey and Bee wax from all these beehives and see what I can craft with that maybe we'll be able to make some really cool bee armor or something so in order to get the honey from these beehives we have to quickly go over here in mind some sand and I just went to mine some Stones so let's quickly craft a furnace like this and place it right there now we fill this with a little bit of fuel and put our sand inside and I just turned it all into glass so let's get this and craft a bottle really quickly here we go I got three bottles so this means we should be able to collect the honey from these beehives and okay I think we did it we got a honey bottle but oh I think the fish might be mad at me because I just stole their honey I'm sorry Mister just get away okay well let's collect one more honey bottle just like this and now there's a lot of bees chasing me let me try and kill these guys I normally do not like to kill bees but they're trying to attack me I have to do okay so I just went and crafted some shears and with these shoes we could actually use this on the beehives like this to collect some bee wax and look at that we just got three bee wax from that but now that we got all this Beast stuff let's place down our crafting table and put this in here and I'm just gonna put it in a pattern like this so I'll put three Honeycombs like that and then I'll put the two honey bottles right there and look at this this is literally spitting in circles that is so cool but anyways let's quickly crop the button and see what we can get from all this bee stuff and without further Ado let's just push this button at three two one and here we go and boom what wait why does it say craft denied and it didn't give us our craft what is that they give us a book why did it do this are you kidding me okay well I guess we'll read the book and see what it says and figure out why our craft didn't work and it looks like it says every time you crash something there's a 10 chance it fails and then you will be punished by the game master what on Earth I guess I just got that 10 shits that it fails and then now it says I will be punished what on Earth am I going to be punished with because all that happens is I got this book nothing has even happened yet and wait what what lightning sound effect why is there a giant boss bar at the top of my screen that says queen bee oh my gosh there's a queen bee over there it's literally just going around and killing the horses what okay I guess that's what the game master means but I will be punished I guess it takes whatever I crafted and sponsored the evil boss variant of that well this only means one thing we have to defeat this queen be at save the world and then we'll get back to our main quest of trying to beat the game but in order to defeat this queen bee we are not gonna be able to just rush in with our wooden sword because if we try and do that we're probably gonna take a lot of damage let's just try and see if this will work and look the little B minions it has already do a bunch of damage and then this thing has a massive Stinger on it so if you even get close it'll just sting you into a bunch of damage and I have taken way too much health right now I have to get out of here before I get poisoned okay now that we ran away from that thing we need to craft a weapon real quick that can help us defeat that not actually have a really good idea for a weapon I want to craft and in order to do that we have to kill a few sheep like this I'm sorry but this is going to a good cause you are going to help me craft a very Opie weapon okay let me go over here and Destroy one bird sheep like this okay and then let's collect the red flower like this so what I'm gonna do is turn this wool that I just collected into a bed and then I'll turn the flower into red dye so we can make a red bed because as everyone knows red beds aren't the best and what I want to do with this is actually put this in the crafting table and combine it with a wooden sword and the reason I'm doing this is because I kind of want to make some sort of sleep staff that will put that queen bee to sleep and then I'll be able to attack it and don't have to worry about getting hit so I really hope this works exactly how I want it to work because if it doesn't I'm going to be out of luck but anyways let's put this button on here and let's hope we don't get that 10 chance that this craft fails because if this crap fails I am definitely going to die and anyways let's just push this button now and let's go I think at work to look at this thing so it looks like I made a purple staff and I really hope this is a sleep staff but let's check this out let's go in here and yes it is it is called a stop of sleeping and it looks like it gives the sleeping to effect for four seconds let's take this out and let's test this on something let's go over to this lone b over here and we'll hit it with it just like this Mr B copy here and I'm just gonna tap you with this magical sleep stuff and look at that it looks like it's sleeping it has these coming out of it and it's not moving okay that is super open this thing is just stuck in place now okay if we can hit the queen bee with this it'll be really really helpful so let's go fight that queen bee and we'll attack it with this and then I just went and crafted myself an iron sword so once we put it to sleep we'll be able to hit it with this iron sword a bunch of times and look the boss bars on my screen now and I think the queen bee is right over there okay let's plan to kill the queen be better work or else I am definitely gonna die okay Mr Queen B or should I say Mrs Queen B okay it looks like she's setting a little B minions towards me so I'll just finish these guys off with my sword but then let's go in towards the main Queen then hit it with the Stop and there we go it's sleeping let's try and get as many as it's on this as we can and there we go look we are draining this thing's Health really fast but it looks like I woke up again so I have to back off for a second eat some food and then we'll go back and come on quit be ready to hit you again there we go and let's hit this with our iron sword and this is working perfectly okay we've done a pretty good amount of damage on this queen bee but we are getting pretty low on food and health and it's just spawning in so many bees okay we have to go in with our sleeping stop and hit it still gamble that three yards this is bad but don't worry I just ate my last piece of food and now we have a little bit of health and we just have to go in again and let's just go and do one final time and finish this be off come on hit it with the sleeping stop it gets sleeping let's get our final Hits come on I'm getting way too low on health one more hit come on there we go I think I killed it and look all the bees that it had spotted just died let's go look at all the loot this thing dropped for me I guess we did end up getting our crafted beeloo anyways so we got some royal jelly I don't know what that does but I don't really want that and let's get to the important stuff it looks like it dropped up this really cool sword pulled a stinger sword with poison three okay this is going to be so helpful to defeat mobs of the future and look when we hold it we literally get little stickers growing on our body that is so cool but then I also dropped this honey stuff wait let me see what this is this is called a royal staff and when we right click with it it looks like it spotted a bunch of little B Companions and they are actually attacking me so this is not that good but maybe I'll be able to throw these beasts on mobs and then they can help me attack bosses okay all of this loot is really cool we're starting to get a really cool Arsenal a really Opie weapons but I wonder if this thing dropped anything else that's cool because I could actually use some more weapons even though I have a bunch of cool ones anyway what is that is that like some sort of worm I mean it's right by all the Lewis drops so maybe the queen bee drop this oh what is this this is like some mysterious warm creature anyway it's literally called a mysterious worm what on Earth this is so weird it literally just Wiggles in my hand as I hold it what on Earth but wait what if we tried to combine this mysterious worm with an item so we could try and create a crazy mysterious worm item that would be really really cool let's try it out so let's put this in the crafting table and what should we combine it with I guess I'll combine it with my pickaxe because I already have a bunch of really cool weapons so we might be able to get a really cool mysterious warm pickaxe let's exit out of this menu and it looks like we already have a button on this crafting table and without further Ado let's just flick this button now and boom it says craft accepted thankfully and look at that it looks like we got our very own custom pickaxe what is this let's take this out and it looks like it's called a dimensional Carver okay that sounds pretty insane I'm not gonna lie and let's test this thing out it looks like there's some Stone over here so let's go mine this so let's see how fast this thing can mine and what on Earth this takes forever to mine what this is so trash look I'm literally trying to mind the stone and it's taking like a whole minute and it didn't even drop the stone I could probably mind this faster with my fist what okay I don't know why this is so trash I literally combined it with a mysterious worm and it takes that long to mine I don't understand but wait what am I like mining the air right now why am I mining the air wait what is happening it looks like I am I I don't even know what's happening but wait I just buy the air in Mayday portal what on Earth wait can I go through this portal baby uh where is this gonna bring me and wait what where am I am I in this guy anyway I am falling out okay I just landed in a pond thank goodness a TP into a pod that I don't know why I went through that portal and I don't know why when I went through that portal it teleported me at the sky it almost killed me okay I don't know if I should go through another portal but maybe it brings you to a random spot each time you mine it so I guess I kind of want to try that again let me try and make another one of those portals and here we go come on make a portal make a portal let's go this is so cool okay come on it's almost done breaking and here we go I just made the portal and I wonder if I should go through this one maybe I shouldn't maybe I'll just wait and see if anything comes out of it myself and wait what the heck why is the boss bird what did that void web just come out the portal what is what is happening what is it spawning in all right it's firing stuff at me this is bad okay okay I've taken a lot of damage right now this is not good let me just tied in this water I think I might be safe here and I am really low on health I have to eat okay it looks like that's spotted some giant void we're boss and that void web could fly that is not good at all I literally just got done fighting another boss oh my gosh it's right there let's run why is it firing all these missiles at me this is so bad okay I just ran really far from that thing because I don't even know if I want to fight that but wait remember when we killed the Queen B we got a bunch of op items so it might actually be worth trying to kill that giant void Worm but in order to kill it we are going to have to craft some stuff in combine some items and I actually did get a bunch of rotten flesh from a few zombies I killed on the way here so I'm thinking maybe we can craft this rotted flash with something in my inventory and what should we craft it with I mean I do have these chicken wings still I took them off because they were really trash and you could barely fly with them but maybe if I combine these chicken wings with all this rotted flash we might be able to supercharge them and make them very Opia let's try this and then if we could actually get some really good Wings we'll be able to fly up to the void worm and hit it with our swords so we don't have to get a ranged weapon so here we go I just put all this stuff in the crafting table and let's see if we can combine this into some flesh wings or something so let's make a button it like this and let's put this here and press it and let's go it says craft accepted thankfully that didn't get denied and look at this it definitely turned those chicken wings into way better wigs look at these These are fleshwings wait let's see how far we can fly with these oh my gosh look at this we're flying like a thousand times higher than those last chicken wings we are still flying what this is so cool and then we're coming back down okay this is gonna be super helpful to kill that void worm and we'll even be able to hit it with our staff of sleeping and then with our Stinger sword to poison it okay I think I see it all the way at the distance over there and it's boss bars on the screen it looks like it keeps making these portals and then it teleports places where is it going now and oh it might be coming out of this portal and look at that it's coming out and okay we just have to go into this thing hit it with our staff of sleeping like this and then try to get some hits on this thing come on come on when I hit it with the staff of sleeping it kind of like paralyzes it and makes it not move and now I have a chance to hit this thing come on die die die and look it's even losing a little bit of Health even after I've hit it because I poisoned it and it's still stuck let's hit it with the staff of sleeping again and then keep hitting this come on we're getting a bunch of damage done on this guy even though he is super big and super op now let's back up a second to heal a little bit and then let's try using this Royal staff come on let's spot it some bees let's go attack a bees and this is actually working perfectly but uh oh the Bears are attacking me now stop guys you're supposed to be my minions okay that's back here let's hit it with the stomach sleeping one more time and then let's try and get a couple more hits with this let's fly over to it These Wings Are very helpful and let's finish this guy off now and uh wait I think I might have killed I hear a dying sound effect but where are the items it dropped and wait I think I see it right there look at this we got a bunch of super duper op items that dropped here and a bunch of experience too this is awesome and I guess we'll check out all this stuff it dropped so the first thing I dropped is this massive battle ax look at this and let's see how much damage this thing does and it looks like it does a ready for attack there but you're white okay this thing is absolutely insane a normal diamond sword does like seven and this doesn't 84 what but it looks like it also dropped a bunch of armor for us and even a bunch of obsidian to help us make another portal so let's put all this armor on and see what we look like and look at us this is like some super opiate to Diamond Armor this is really cool this is gonna help us a lot with any other bosses we have to fight and especially the Ender Dragon but I think I want to put these fleshwings on instead because these are a lot more helpful than a chess blade but anyways now we have a bunch of obsidian so I think we should probably make another portal and go to the nether but before I make another portal I kind of want to craft something and so what I'm gonna do is put one obsidian in the middle of this crafting table and put a little bit of rotten flesh around it because last time we could buy the rod flush with our wings it made these super open wings so I wonder if we can maybe get a really cool obsidian with this rotted flesh and then it might even be able to bring us to a new dimension that would be really cool if we can do that anyways let's get a button real quick put this on here and let's press this thing and what it says craft tonight are you kidding me did I really get that 10 chance again am I gonna have to fight another boss I guess let's just read this book okay let's take this out and it says unlucky you will now be punished the game master are you kidding me I'm gonna get punished again oh do I have to fight another boss are you kidding me okay I guess I'm ready server just spotted the boss already and okay I think it might have spotted something and what is that thing what it's a giant obsidian zombie I put Rod flush in that crafting table and for some reason it's spot this thing in and what is this it literally has obsidian tentacles coming out of it and what it's literally pulling me in right now stop stop stop okay let me try bro a few bees at this guy and okay this is not working the bees are just attacking me but luckily I have this really OB battle ax so let me try and go ahead and attack this thing let's go and wait what is it doing against spawning at arrows and throwing them at me okay I have to just hit the stick come on and wait why can I not hit it I have no idea but it's about to get more arrows oh no this is bad let me try to eat some cooked pork chops and let's just keep trying to attack this thing I don't know why it's not letting me maybe I have to hit it from the back or something but wait look at this it just spotted a bunch of cursed mobs what are these these are not normal zombies what and what it's doing a bunch of crazy attacks to be okay let me just try and kill all of these mobs that I can because it just keeps spotting them and what okay I'm getting a lot of kills but I do not know why we can't kill this thing it's literally just sitting there but wait I just realized something look at the back of this it has a massive purple crack on it maybe we have to hit that to kill it and uh wait that actually worked it's dying let's go we actually killed it okay that was actually pretty fast it's a good thing we have this massive op battle ax and I wonder what this boss is gonna drop that was way too easy and anyways it looks like it dropped that command block book and even a diamond sword well I don't really need this diamond sword but maybe I can crash something with this and it looks like it dropped this really cool floating command block a book and not only that it also dropped to blaze rods and ender pearls let's go these are exactly what I needed now I don't even have to go to the nether I can just go straight to the end and beat the game they also dropped a diamond sword I don't know why it dropped out I don't even think I'm gonna need that but maybe I could crash something with that and anyways let's pick up this command block book and we are definitely going to crash something with this command block but look at how cool this is but we can't really read it so I don't know why it's even a book and anyways let's just put this in here and I actually do want to combine this with the diamond sword it drops so maybe I can get a really op command block sword so here we go that's all on there and the button's already on here still so now let's press this button in this better work because I do not want to fight a command block diamond sword and anyways let's go uh let's go it says craft accepted and oh my gosh look at this command block sword okay wait we have to try this right now what could this thing do it looks like it says it only does 10 attack damage but it probably has some special ability let's go test this on the pig over here and so let's attack this pig right here die and wait what would I killed it and made this black stuff come out of me and it like absorbed that pig wait a second let's try it on a chicken and it did the same thing wait I think that's like the morph mod ability and wait when we kill something with this command block sword I think it literally does that morph thing so you can morph into it and look at that look at the top left of my screen since I just killed a chicken and a pig I now have the ability to morph into them let's go and look at that we are literally morphing into a pig and what I'm a pig now I only have five Hearts but I can fly because I have these wings okay this is really cool this is gonna help us a lot in the end the dragon fight we're gonna kill a bunch of stuff with this command block sword and we'll be able to disguise as those mobs but anyways we actually have to get to the end so let me make this is the blaze powder and compile it with some ender pearls to get some under eyes and here we go I got 10 Eyes of Ender and let's throw these and it looks like we have to go this way let's follow these and boom now I'm at the stronghold and I actually came here I was a parrot that I killed with my command block sword because this thing could fly even better than the wings I already had but anyways the portal room is right here and it looks like there's four eyes in this portal luckily for me that is the perfect amount because I only have eight Eyes of Ender let's put these all in here and fill this thing in right now there we go we can now go to the end and that was a little pair we could just fly infinitely all the way up to all of these end crystals and now I can just fly up to all this lace the blocks just so I do not die and let's destroy this okay now let's just do that to all the rest of these now we can kill this at the dragon but I have to be very careful because I only have three hearts so we should probably use this battle ax to kill the Ender Dragon just because it does so much damage so let's fly up here and try and hit this thing at all I just took a little bit of damage let me eat some steak real quick and we'll get back to the fight come on Mr at the dragon I need to kill you and okay it looks like it's coming down here so let's just wait for it to perch and okay this thing is definitely about to die just stay still Mr and let's go look at how much damage we do with this thing it's already on half Health this is perfect and next time it comes I'll literally even put it to sleep and then it will stay there and then we'll be able to do tons of hits on it and okay it's perched out here and let's just wait for this to recharge and let's hit this thing come on okay I think I just put it to sleep and now let's finish him off come back here Mr Dragon we need to just keep hitting this thing okay and this is not really working that way I'll do anything else we could do while we wait for this to perch again anyway what is this why is there a subscribe button on the obsidian right here okay this must be a right everyone everyone watching right now I need you to subscribe because so many of you guys watch all the videos but you're not subscribed so I'm gonna give you three seconds to subscribe three two one and thanks for subscribing and now let's finish this at the jacket off come on okay it looks like it's here so let's hit the Stag and we killed it let's go we just won Minecraft with all this crazy custom crafts we have and look at this it dropped everything there's even a bunch of XP let's go thanks everyone for watching the video and if you enjoyed make sure to click the video on the screen click the video on the screen bye
Channel: Carty
Views: 195,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, carty, minecraft but, draw, draw comes to life, beat minecraft
Id: ih-z2G5N14k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 32sec (4232 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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