Steven Seagal: The Most Horrible Celebrity On Earth

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he killed a family's one-year-old puppy dog and stole money from a kid in a wheelchair Steven Seagal has such a comically terrible history he now simply refuses to face it I wonder how you deal with all that hello number one treating other actors terribly during filming I have a family member that worked with him years ago on a lowbudget film Steven cagar was miserable and rude but it only gets worse from here whilst filming for the movie Exit Wounds stuntman Steven cuadros explained that cigar would unexpectedly kick guys in the nuts to see if they were wearing cups which was also mentioned by a different stunt man in a completely unrelated interview the first thing he's going to do is kicking the nuts he's like oh hey we you in a cup he's just going to pop you in the nuts that's the first thing he does one comment stated I actually know a few stunt men and actors who've worked with Sagal and they all Echo the same thing about him one of whom might have been Steven Lambert who stated became more unpredictable during his fight scenes he's notorious of breaking people's arms legs ribs as he'd actually punch and hit other actors to make the fights look real he was actually hitting the stman like hell yeah he's known for that to make matters worse protective equipment wasn't allowed on set there's nothing wrong with putting on pads they would say no because he wouldn't allow it and it's therefore no surprise that during one scene Sagal injured DMX's shoulder during the fight so X had to take a few days off even worse was when Sagal put a stunt man in hospital and he beat the out of the guy and smash his face to the mirror multiple times he went over the top to the point that send the guy to the hospital which isn't surprising given he was this rough while filming a YouTube video oh I wasn't ready as a result actors have to be extremely careful just to appear alongside him you got to keep a third eye on what he's doing then if you're not good enough he's going to hurt although not only because of unexpected injuries soar sh up on said demanding insane movie changes called the director he's like we're changing this scene we're going to do this scene in Arabic he's going to teach me and he's like put this camera here put this camera here and I was like everybody's like what well Steven tobolowsky told a funny story where Sagal randomly stopped acting on set due to an unexpected crisis Steven Sagal has had a spiritual awakening he decided that he doesn't want to kill people anymore in movies and Stephen says I think it's just bad that we keep putting this violence into the world this resulted in a $14 million lawsuit claiming that cigar not only regularly showed up late and left early but also made Regular unauthorized changes to the script and dialogue which could result in the loss of millions of dollars because parts of the films plot that were promised now cannot be delivered to the film buyers Zagar was sued for another 60 million after repeating his actions on four other sets justifying his lack of effort with the worst excuse you'll ever hear Sagar backed out because his Buddhist Guru known as mukara said the films would create Bad Karma perhaps because cigar's also been exposed for exaggerating his skills as a fighter Steven Seagal is in fact a black belt martial artist however his martial art of choice iido has been heavily criticized for being one of those mostly impractical martial arts that has extremely limited application in real life scenarios he is a legitimate iido black belt but the martial art is the questionable thing a read comment describes cigar's martial art to be kind of a cult with fake telegraphed attacks the attackers are just there to make the Master look good which is exactly what's shown in this video where cigar's attackers just fall to the floor to make him look good for the crowd unfortunately people don't voluntarily flip over in the real world this makes pro wrestling look real wonderfully choreographed fighting is always easier when your opponent cooperates it's therefore no surprise sigal has no professional fighting record who never made as aito so and so coming in the cage as a world champion with a background in makito you never heard that once have you ever heard that once it's for a reason but he did claim that he taught Anderson Silva how to do a highly specialized move the leg kick I started teaching him kicks that I thought he could really hurt people with and uh at that point I knew he was going to start to really make these kicks you know work he created the front kick did he invent the wheel to in response Anderson Silva made a video mocking Steven cigar's fighting although there was one more attempt by Sagal to prove he could actually fight whilst on set for the movie out for justice Sagal claimed that due to his iido training he couldn't possibly be choked unconscious the challenge was taken up by martial artist Jee leel who not only chokes theal out instantly but also cause Seagal to soil himself in the moments he was blacking out when asked about the incident leel stated sometimes St has a tendency to chase off the wrong people and you can get hurt by doing that so if a guy soils himself you can't criticize him because if they just had a nice big dinner an hour before you might have a tendency to do that soar responded by claiming that he and leel had never even fought there was never ever any confrontation with him ever and if Jean is saying like that he should be ashamed of himself and so if he said that he is a pathological scumbag liar although nobody believes Sagal side of the story as he has his own list of well documented lies for example Sagal made the ins claimed that he was honored as the first private citizen to destroy a nuclear device whilst also claiming he was recruited by the CIA to help carry out undercover missions it explained you could say that I became an adviser to several CIA agents in the field and through my friends in the CIA met many powerful people and did special works and special favors although an investigation by a magazine found these claims were completely bogus it also dispelled the myth that seagar once fought the Yakuza in his dojo as the magazine interviewed seagar ex-wife who stated it's a lie he once chased a few drunks away from the dojo but never was involved with the Yakuza similarly cagal made the claim that he was a tough kid who was feared by others yet this was dispelled by his own mother who stated her son was frail and suffered from asthma he was a puny kid back then although Sagal had a plan to clarify exactly what was fact and fiction he' post a Reddit ask me anything likely expecting normal questions however the responses would only deepen the past that was already haunted him what kind of pants were you wearing when Jean leel choked you unconscious and caused you to your pants I personally know a stunted man who had all of his front teeth knocked out by you and said you didn't even apologize why did you do that can you explain how you developed the front kick that Anderson Sila used in his UFC fight although there was one more question that was worse than any other hey there I went to the same Junior High School as you in fonca many years later heard some stories the one I would like to ask you about is when your social studies teacher caught you stealing lunch money from a kid in a wheelchair true I didn't make this up Seagal understandably avoided the damning questions however by answering some of the easy ones he'd introduced another FL his massive ego what is your current biggest drive that motivates you I a champion and I want to remain a champion sagar's overinflated self-image was best shown in this interview where he implied that Van Dam wasn't a good martial artist I think that that's a matter of opinion that he was the champion anywhere yeah which was then proven at a party when the two came head-to-head the party was hosted by Sylvester Stallone who stated vanam was tired of Sagal saying he could kick his ass and went right up to him and offered him the chance to step outside so he could wipe the floor with him Sagar made some excuse and left vanam who was completely berserk tracked him down and again offered him a fight and again Sagar puled a Houdini yet zagal unsurprisingly stated it was vanam who ran from him is that true got a fight with you no it' be like me squashing an ant if he sees me he runs it's therefore no surprise that cigar despises vanam thoughts on Jean CLA vanam can I laugh in your face do I think Jean Cloud's a tough car martial no however vanam has only ever said positive things about Seagal in return met the guy a few times he's a nice guy doesn't like me much I like him a lot good guy good Charisma he's got something special on the screen another example of Steven Seagal's ego came from a story told by Rob Schneider finally Steven Seagal emerges and he comes out and he said I just read the greatest script I've ever read in my life really who wrote it I did which only becomes funnier once you realize that said best script ever was for his terrible performance on Saturday Night Live listen to me carefully I don't want you to talk about anything to me anymore I don't want you to say my name anymore with atrocious lines such as that one it's no surprise a long-term SNL employee called Sagal worse host by lapped every bad host however seagar's hosting of another show somehow ended even worse in 2009 Sagal told the LA Times he'd apparently been a policeman for more than 20 years proving this by showing a black and white photo of him raising his right hand in what looks like a swearing in ceremony creating the impression it was taken when he first joined the Department at closer inspection however it appears the photo was taken 20 years and at least 20bs after the fact casting doubt on whether cigar had ever been part of the force regardless this led cigar to create a show called law man where he and his crew went around apprehending criminals often done with excessive force to make for enjoyable viewing well in one episode Seagal attempts to break up an illegal fighting operation by raiding a house with a tank with the goal of freay the animals Animal Cy is one of my uh pet peeves however after doing so the property's owner Jesus Sanchez UA quickly filed a $100,000 lawsuit which claims that more than 100 prized chickens being bred for show were killed by Sagal and his colleagues an 11-month-old puppy was also shot and killed during the early morning raid Sagar responded by stating I've been called a lot of things in my career some of them not so kind but to be labeled an animal abuser is beyond the pale and that is simply a role I will not accept while another policeman stated if my deputies or posim cagal for that matter had done something so awful like shooting a family dog then where are the photos to prove it it seemed for the first time ever cagar wasn't actually lying however there was one more lawsuit that would end the show completely in mid 2010 Steven cagar was sued for sex trafficking which became one of so many different allegations it's genuinely difficult to count them all on the set of 1991 out for justice four different women quit during filming due to seagar's continued Piggery while one of the stunt from earlier told an equally creepy story there's this girl sitting in a in a tub she's wearing bikini and they had to convince her that she has to come out of the tub naked the only thing that might rival his terrible track record with women is his track record with low-rated movies none of which receiving more than 50% on Rotten Tomatoes or more than 5 out of 10 on IMDb and with no new movies in the Last 5 Years Seagal has opted for a modern method of generating extra income crypto scams that's right ladies and gentlemen Steven Seagal scammed people with crypto from teame Seagal Steven has just become the worldwide Ambassador for the Bitcoin second generation cryptocurrency despite gaining only 150 likes Steven was promised 250,000 in cash and 750,000 worth of b2g tokens in exchange for his promotions which he failed to disclose to the public resulting in a $330,000 fine cigar paid only $75,000 toward his debt before refusing to appear in court then moving to Russia where he still lives now
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 2,329,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steven Seagal, Ghost gum, steven seagal is a monster, Goldenbell Training, golden bell, steven seagal lies, steven seagal movies, Training with steven seagal, steven seagal, steven seagal aikido, Aikido, Martial arts
Id: LIzozaDVu-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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