The Robot That Refused To Be A Moron | Wheatley | FULL Portal Lore

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over the course of human history the brightest minds of this species have developed and constructed the most unbelievable pieces of technology with each one the species were able to explore understand and control the universe around them with many talented scientists on the planet many companies popped up across the globe where they scouted the best and brightest humanity had to offer where they could in turn grants them resources to make the leaders of these companies visions a reality one of these companies was aperture science within their labs a sentient personality court was constructed in an attempt to solve a problem that the technicians have been dealing with glados a powerful and expensive a.i that sought to only murder the population of aperture but this small personality core would go on to be much more than his creators planned what role did this core play in the glados project how did he acquire power over the aperture science facility and was he truly a here we explore in the law and story behind wheatley deep underground in upper michigan the aperture science team worked on top secret technologies in the enrichment center within the center cave johnson the ceo of aperture had tasked one of the teams to develop an artificial technology system that could hold a human mind as well as run the entire facility cave had been diagnosed with moon rock poisoning and only had a limited time to live but if he could transfer his mind to a machine he could live forever and so the genetic life form and disc operating system also known as glados began heading into the 2000s the technicians have managed to make this request a reality but at this point cave had succumbed to his disease in this case they uploaded his assistant instead carolyn to live on as a machine and run aperture but this did not go to plan upon activation glados became highly aggressive and attempted to lock down the facility and murder the personnel after many attempts the technicians sought a way to curb her murderous tendencies and so they began to develop something new to help with this problem small sentient personality constructs they believed that when attached to glados they would in essence positively affect the way she perceived and interacted with the world around her and with this wheatley was developed and constructed for this very task dubbed by aperture technicians as an intelligence dampening sphere they designed wheatley to generate a constant stream of stupid ideas they hypothesized that upon attachment to the murderous robot his stream of stupidity would essentially distract godos and leave her docile by preventing her ability to think properly it is unknown how effective wheatley was when connected to glados but as time passed other cause were developed with the aim to be more efficient the curiosity anger intelligence and morality call were later attached to the robot which appeared to have a substantial effect on glados's motives following the implementation of this course wheatley was removed from glados where he would be assigned to other roles across the facility at one point wheatley attempted to get a job at the aperture manufacturing department but would lose out on this role to a duplicate copy of the formant in which he would later move on to caring for the test volunteers in the extended relaxation center a role some believe would begin a slight dislike for the humans he was tasked to care for in which he himself would call them smelly humans regardless of the almost degrading existence he had been designed for wheatley appeared to seemingly be positive about most of the situations he found himself in designed to be a tool to reduce the efficiency of another machine these personality traits would leave him to frequently attempt to appear smarter and more able than he was and as time passed he would show that he was actually more resourceful and maybe even more intelligent than his creators designed him to be the issue he had was that he did not believe in his own abilities and would be a little too trusting of those around him on one occasion he was told that if he activated a light on his core he would die but he believed this to be true as time passed wheatley continued to care for the inhabitants of the extended relaxation vault while aperture tested its many products and attempted to keep glados in check during this time glados began to comply with her technicians and appear to genuinely care about testing but then everything changed on one occasion of activation glados managed to trick the scientists into giving her neurotoxin upon receiving this she locked down the entire facility and killed the personnel within with full control of aperture glados began her own testing cycle and worked through the test subjects within the extended relaxation vault that wheatley had watched over and cared for during this event it is unknown what role wheatley played or whether he was even online but after the defeat of glados at the hands of a test subject chell many calls were reactivated and came back online some believe wheatley was one of these the robot that he and many others had feared was gone but her presence was still felt across the facility appearing to be more capable of human emotion than the other robots at the facility wheatley was shown to be incredibly patient over the following years as the facility was in part claimed back by nature some believe this period of time to have been merely 50 years while others believe it could have been as much as 50 000 but with the facility still out of reach of the outside world no one knows for sure over this time the reactor core in aperture became unstable and so weasley had one thought in mind to escape aperture before it exploded escaping the aperture science facility would not be an easy feat for a human never mind a robot that relied on rails to navigate the facility if wheatley could gather the help of one of the humans still asleep in the extended relaxation vault maybe he could achieve this while wheatley was designed to be a burden on those he came across his own ability to ask others for help was one of his greater qualities and with glados offline he could reach these test subjects without her interference it is believed that wheatley woke up these test subjects with a plan to use them and their natural human gifts to acquire the portal gun to help him and themselves escape the facility but during their attempts to even reach the gun the humans fell to the degraded aperture facility and the traps that glados had set for chell over time weasley came upon the extended relaxation vault of chell unknown to him at this point this was the test subject that had defeated glados after entering her vault weasley met chell after talking to her he deemed that she may have a very small case of brain damage but regardless they went on together to attempt to escape the facility on the brink of destruction as they made their way to glados's chamber wheatley attempted to impress chell with his knowledge of the facility where they built up trust together chell could use the portal device to navigate the facility and help them get past obstructions while wheatley could use his ability to interact with the interfaces scattered across aperture to open panels and doors for them to escape the facility wheatley led shell through the central ai chamber where glados had once controlled and dominated aperture all they needed to do was access the main breaker room to call an elevator to the surface even entering this chamber of glados spread fear through wheatly this robot had caused so much damage and pain in the facility they just had to be very careful not to activate her again trusting chell wheatley instructed her to activate only the switch of the escape pod but with this machinery having degraded over time it malfunctioned where it activated glados instead with aperture normally having fail-safes in place to stop operations from activating wheatley attempted to stop the activation of all of these switches but an elevator lifted them back into the chamber and unfortunately could not find the password to abort the operation and in desperation attempted to obtain it through trial and error by beginning to guess every possible outcome while this attempt and optimism could be commended it was too late when they watched glados reactivate almost instantly glados recognized the test subject that had murdered her in response to seeing them she used one of her retractable claws to crush the shell of wheatley's core and placed chao back into the testing track having been dropped by glados wheatley managed to survive this attack by salvaging parts from another spare core in the facility glados was awake but chell still lived and so he hoped that he could still use her to gain freedom he just had to find her and help the test subject escape first not only that but he had also formed his own plan on how to take her down as chel moved on to another chamber wheatley came for her upon tampering with the power in this test chamber wheatley opened up a panel and in a moment of heroism he believed he could communicate with chel if he spoke in an american accent for some reason he thought that in doing this glados would be unable to hear him but he was incorrect which only alerted her to his presence and reduced her already low opinion of him even further regardless using this open panel he and chell escaped deeper into the facility wheatley knew of how the battle between glados and chell had gone and with chell as his ticket out of the facility he prepared free battle if it were to occur glados relied on her turret and neurotoxin and so he just had to take them out of play for her as the duo navigated the facility wheatley guided chell to their first location the turret manufacturing plant upon completion of a turret the factory would check with a template to see if it was a good turret or defective to get to the template wheatley had to get them access to the little office it was held in aware that he could not hack the door he asked the child to turn around so he could smash the window instead this moment suggesting his own insecurity about his inability to open the door under wheatley's instructions chell removed the turret template but the facility resorted to continuing from memory wheatley had brought them this far and chow would figure out that all they needed to do was place a defective turret in the template slot making all of the future turrets approved defective and unusable in battle next wheatley guided child to the neurotoxin generator unable to destroy it himself he waited for chell to come up with a way to stop glados from accessing it to which she made use of a laser in combination with portals to sever the neurotoxin supply now with both of glados's weapons out of action they were ready to fight her and begin the next phase of wheatley's plan upon arriving in glados's chamber wheatley's plan of sabotage went through successfully leaving glados vulnerable to the duo not only did they defeat glados but they were also able to trigger a core transfer a transfer that would allow wheatley to take over control of the facility and with it allow access to the surface with chell doing all of the hard work the facility accepted a core transfer where glados's core was replaced with wheatley his plan had been successful and with most of aperture under his control he called for an elevator so that he and chal could leave the only issue they had was figuring out how he could get into the elevator if he was still attached to the central ai system this new wave of power felt great different to what he had experienced since his creation and this power would completely change the way he viewed aperture with full control of the facility wheatley basked in the power he now had and as he watched chell begin her ascent to the surface above he noticed just how small she was he had been treated badly for his whole existence under now he could prove everyone wrong due to her awful treatment of him wheatley decided to take glados and place her into a potato battery a humiliating punishment for a robot that had once spread fear to those around her during this time glados mocked him and angered him stating that chell had done all the work to get here although chell had helped him reach this point glados's words fed into his paranoia and fear that maybe chell had used him and that she had ordered him around when in reality it was he that had ordered the mute test object around furthermore he began to believe that chell and glados had somehow been working together since the beginning but what their goal was in his mind is unknown upon being called a by potato battery glados who had fallen into the elevator with chao in a fit of rage he smashed at the elevator leaving it to fall into the forgotten parts of the aperture science facility below with chael and glados out of the way escaping aperture became a dream of the past the ability to control the facility of course came with an immense wave of power but it also came with a curse the technicians have programmed the core ai system to be rewarded for testing as aperture was built upon testing when a test had been completed successfully the ai system would be given a euphoric response which would increase the productivity of the robot in control of the facility glados have managed to control this and deal with the lack of completion but wheatley was not as strong as her and so with no test chambers being completed by subjects he would fall to the itch a need to have test chambers completed just to get that feeling of euphoria the issue was that he had dropped the only surviving test subject into the facility below out of reach with the edge controlling his desire to complete tests wheatley became more creative in what he could use for test subjects although he had shown moments of brilliance during his time with gel his time going forward would show only disappointment the facility now renamed wheatley laboratories was not being cared for as it once was during glados's control and so the nuclear reactor began to melt down once again he had initially sought to escape aperture to survive this nuclear meltdown until glados had retaken control but without the insight on what the issue was or how to fix it he merely shut off the alarms of aperture leaving the situation to become worse to satisfy his need to have test chambers completed wheatley created the franken turret a brutal combination of the turret and companion cube unfortunately these creations did not perform as well as he anticipated and instead of seeking alternate methods of chamber completion he just shouted at the franken turrets in the hope they would improve to his luck chell and glados managed to escape the forgotten parts of aperture and returned to the main section of the enrichment center but the duo had a plan to regain control glados believed that if she gave wheatley a paradox it would disable him but in classic wheatley fashion he completely missed the nature of the paradox and did not understand the phrase this sentence is false and with it bypassed the paradox although he had avoided being disabled the franken turrets were affected by it and subsequently were disabled suggesting that these simple contraptions were smarter than wheatley this inability to understand the contradiction not only saved wheatley from being disabled but it also allowed him to capture gel where testing could commence aperture was close to a nuclear meltdown and having bonded during their time together challa and glados plan to give control of the facility back to glados but the duo just needed to escape wheatley's new testing track through her capture chell was able to give wheatley short bursts of euphoria as she completed each test chamber as he had no experience in constructing his own chambers he relied on repositioning and adjusting the chambers that glados had already set up he believed at one point that chell could just complete the same chamber multiple times to achieve a registered completion but the system did not work that way wheatley knew of glados's treatment of child during their initial run of the facility and so he adapted and blatantly stole some of glados's insults to break down and upset the test subject where on one occasion he called her fatty fatty no parents taken from comments glados had made about chell's weight and a lack of parents during his exploration of the facility wheatley discovered two robots that glados had constructed just before she had been transferred into the potato battery chell was a problem that had the potential to remove him from power and so these robots could take her place and test for him instead he just needed to take out chell welcoming chell into another test chamber wheatley rigged an aerial faith plate so that it would launch it out of the chamber to a foolproof trap surrounded by large spikes this trap would have killed the subject if wheatley had not gloated to her about his process and how he had come up with the trap wheatley had underestimated this subject and using her wit and knowledge of apertures products chell managed to evade death by porcelling herself to safety this trap had been a great idea by wheatley considering he had been constructed to develop stupid ideas but his need to explain and in a sense gain admiration and approval from chal had led to this trap bailing in preparation for an inevitable showdown wheatley watched footage of chell's original fight with glados and set up his lair to give him any advantage he could gain over her he rigged the stalemate resolution button so that if chell attempted to activate a core transfer the bombs would explode he then removed all portable surfaces reactivated the neurotoxin developed bombs to use against the test subject and have bomb-proof shields constructed so that chao could not use them against him as chell entered his lair wheatley explained that the facility would explode in six minutes and so he gave himself three minutes to kill her a minute break and then two more minutes to save the facility after mocking and berating the test subject the two fought but chell and glados had a plan chell of course took advantage of the falls in wheatley's lair where she used a bomb to break open a pipe containing conversion gel with this gel she could create portable surfaces with these services chell sent back wheatley's bombs through portals into vulnerable spots attached corrupted cause to wheatley to weaken him and finally attempted to initiate a core transfer due to his preparation the bombs around the stalemate resolution button exploded throwing chell back it appeared that wheatley had won but his inability to stop the reactor meltdown had led to explosions and fires across aperture leaving a hole to form in the roof of wheatley's lair using this opportunity chell fired one portal at the moon and another underneath wheatley in an instant the force of space pulled through everything it could from earth to the moon as chell was pulled through she grabbed wheatley pulling him through with her leaving a single wire connecting them both to earth during this chaos glados managed to reconnect herself to the central ai and now with full control over aperture once again she pulled shell back into the facility leaving wheatley out in space wheatley had been developed to form a constant string of stupid thoughts to stop the murderous tendencies of glados but unknown to the technicians of aperture he ended up becoming much smarter than any of them could have imagined he may have had some missteps throughout his time on earth but with time alone in space wheatley can now think about what he had done during his short reign of aperture it appears that wheatley's connection to the central ai chamber had amplified his fears one of which being a fear that chell would abandon him for glados and so he acted irrationally which ultimately led to his demise he was clearly insecure about the perception others had of him something glados caught onto where she would call him a to merely get a reaction lost in space seemingly extremely remorseful and apologetic about his actions to child wheatley will have to wait for someone or something to come and bring him back to earth and just maybe he can make up for what he did who doesn't love the character of wheatley he was extremely well written as most of valve's characters are and even during his villain era he was still loveable a likable villain it is crazy that for such a small ball valve managed to create so much emotion and personality we may never get a portal 3 half-life 3 or any continuation in this universe and that saddens me i would love to see wheatley return in a canon game hopefully we get one at some point what i loved about making this video was actually exploring if wheatley was truly as dumb as we were initially introduced him to be i believe he was much smarter than anyone gave him credit for i mean he foresaw and planned an attack on glados and even prepared for an attack against chell the only thing that led to his downfall was the conversion pipes getting destroyed allowing child to use it to place portals i do hope we see him again he was not a now if you enjoyed this episode i would really appreciate it if you could leave a like and a comment on your thoughts to boost that algorithm it would help a lot i would also like to thank my patrons and channel members who are on the screen right now and an extra special thank you to my gold tier patrons and channel members jonas lewis queen arby fluffy the dragon and mr m791 what did you think of this lore where does wheatley rank in your favorite valve characters and do you think wheatley was a let me know in the comments below now test subject enjoy your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 406,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portal 2, wheatley, portal, portal 2 gameplay, portal 2 (video game), portal 2 walkthrough, wheatley (portal), portal 2 easter eggs, portal 2 wheatley's unscientific tests, portal 2 lore, portal 2 wheatley dialogue, portal 2 wheatley quotes, portal 2 all wheatley dialogue, lore portal 2, portal lore in a minute, portal 2 all wheatley quotes, portal 2 trapped by wheatley, portal 2 wheatley funny moments, portal 2 whealey dialogue, portal 2 destroy wheatleys monitors
Id: Dt-4xlSlavM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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