Rowing Home 2 | Animating Your Comments [#2]

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"How about you make a reading comments part 2?" "Do another reading reading comments pls" "I liked this, it was pretty humorous. You should do this again sometime." Well, how about now? "Roing home 2" *Rowing* *Rowing* (Hi wheatley :D) Err, that just happened.(sure did) Ethan Cat says: "tat was mazing" Haha we're doing that again, okay!(he said that again) Tails The Fox asks: "you quack?" Well, normally no, but, ehh just for you!(ok?) *does Duck Core* Quack! (xd) razor tech says: "cores and glados look like wall-e." Ehh, call me crazy, but I don't see it.(i dont see it either) Wall-E: Woah! "say 'banannar'" (bannanar) JACKTOONZ says: "I see a patern, the more we ask Harry about video sequels, the more clips we get for the videos." You know what? That is completely and utterly ridiculous...(that is true) Well met, weary traveler. Hello? Yes, I'll take seven. We have so much lavaaa! [ Alarm ] Say, can I interest you in our fine range of mini-turret figurines? DO! NOT! MIX THE GELS!!! [ Explosion ] "Whet the fack." "bl4ck m3sa" Faster Dragon Palma Puga says: "DONT READ THIS IF YOU ARE AN CORE" Oh, uh-oh...(oh no) Okay, I seem fine. I wasn't worried, you were worried! *ahem* Valarie Jones asks: "Do you know the function of a rubber duck?" Uhh... Well, oohh… The only fact I know about a rubber duck is they're actually not rubber, they're mostly made of plastic! "plsz." *Shutting down...* (uhh ok?) Brandon Reed says: "make simlper animation so you can work faster." Well, I mean.. We can, but I don't think it looks as nice. "Hi mom! I'm in a video!" Ruben Dowis says: "You are the best youtub" Aww, thank you! Boston Edmonds says: "I think you should include the Companion Cube in one of your videos. Please, pretty pretty please?" Well, here at Aperture Science, we always try to oblige! Hello! It's-a me! Gameking asks: "Can you make a Mario Core?" Okey-Dokey! "M U S T A C H E" WAHOO!!! Mr Foxy says "P**" That kind of language will not be tolorated here! Epic Danny asks, "do cores ever get to see outside the facility?" Well, there aren't any rails outside, so... not really.. But I do get to see the sky a lot! That's always fun! "Just make a 3d one" Peeble Kitty says-... That is a cute photo! Er-.. "read my comment on a vid and i will be a happ" "or don't" "y'know" spoony meerkat 71 says: "DEAR GOD NO"... Lonnie Cornick asks: "Can you make Minecraft vs potal?" It seems like you misspelled "Portal" but, you know, I'm not gonna ho- Oh God. Wh- OH-! *Explosion* boom* Here we go, Chuck's on the way, Baby, okay. Question one: elias putaala.. putala? "elias poodle" (put-a-la) asks: "How exactly did you get your position?" Heh, that's a good question! I graduated with honors from the Aperture Science Enforcement Academy (A.S.E.A) With a special commendation in tasers and havin' a real authentic Brooklyn accent. FinnishGuy47 asks: "How hard is it constantly enforcing the law? Do you do it by yourself or are there any other cores in law enforcement?" I do it all by myself, baby! I've got all the doughnuts I can eat! Not that I can eat 'em, but I got all doughnuts I can look at! Marci Apple asks: "Chuck, if you could eat, what kind of doughnut would you prefer?" I have asked myself this question many times. I can only assume I would prefer the Justice Flavor of doughnut. Type1Eagle says: "My Companion Cube was confiscated can I can get it back? It misses me" The Enrichment Center would like to remind you that the Companion Cube cannot love, and in the event that it does, you should disregard its affections. todd howard wants to know: Hey Chuck, what's your favorite thing to do off duty? "OFF DUTY??" I am not familiar with this concept. "Would you consider or create an Aperture-brand police TV series about the right and only core for the job to stop crime?" Oh ho! I like you! Ha ha! Yeah, oh, I can picture it now: Chuck: The Long Rail Of The Law "Can you change the color of your eye? Heh, watch this! [Police Sirens] (okay, that's pretty cool) Wolf293 asks: "how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?" Well, a wood chuck would chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood. What kind of question is that? "This Defective Very Saying IEJVQO" Hahahaha... Heh... Wait, what? Bruce Robertson says: "I looooooove defective turrets there cute, make me happy, and makea video all based on defective turerets" Heh, Oh ho ho, man, I would love a video all about me! Let's make it happen, people! Chrizzy says: "I lost it when it came to the St4nl3y and the Narrator" Well, I hope you find it again. Pyroman n says: Which turret is better the effective turret or the defective turret? Well, that's obviously me, the Effective turret-- Huh? What? Wait, what do you mean I'm the DE-fect? oh... Well, that would explain a lot. Psuedo pas Original says: "Hell yeah tats bine so long ive been 8 years 3 years back" Heh heh heh ha. I love your enthusiasm! Glitch Power says: "make an explosive turret." Do you mean a turret that shoots explosives or a turret that explodes? Because, uh... *turret machine 🅱️roke* Aaaahhh... Well, there I go again. Well, it was nice talkin' to ya. Go Race says: "This is #cring" I don't know what "cring" is, but I want to be a part of that trend. Ahmad Hanafi says: "I like chickens" Me too. They're funny little things, aren't they? (xd) *chicken noises* Beson Boy Says: "Hey i want to tell you this i'm soon get older i will make one of y'all and home we can be friends i'm a make them like y'all in the own video OK and no i want Christmas is portal food amd going home to download want to go home is actually play the game OK i just want to know the game is going home 2 ok" (...) ...Yes? Sarah Ching says: "Your a lawn chair!" I am not a lawn chair - that is a lawn chair! (he is right) Seriously, do I look like a lawn chair? (no) Blu Bitch says: "the cake is actually a pie." WHOA. This changes everything. (OMG) "i love this sad" Umm, okay? James Gibbs says: "Nobody else seems to get it, but I understand!" "You're going to release [sequel name here] on approximately [estimated completion date here] right?" That is very true. Meet the Cores will be released on exactly - COMPLETION DATE HERE. - Dalguy Garf asks: "BRO WHY IS EVRYBODY ALWASE RUDE TO THE CODES" Well, I dunno about you, but I'm ALWAYS completely respectful to my codes. They tell me so much! AtlanticStrawberry says: "This is run" "I mean fun" Renee Becket says: "Tell me a poop joke" Well, okay, you did ask for this. Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary? It runs in your genes (jeans)! "roblox death sound in portal plz" Wheatley: Alright, just jump into that masher. Just there. Uh, less a death trap, more a death option. For you. OOF OOF OOF OOF OOF (Oh, wow, good, I didn't think that was gonna work!) "Alright, is no one gonna talk about how turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic? I mean, the taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute. I mean, obviously hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo." Well, you do make a good point. anonymous panther asks: "how are your animations so felied" I... don't know what you just asked. (me either) That mapper kinda says: "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaSSsssSSSSSSSSSSSs" whoa. heh. "The Narrator Core sat in front of his microphone reading the script, as he did everyday, when suddenly the lines stopped coming. Resolved, the Narrator Core started his own story. After all, it is the Narrator that brings the story to life and sets the sean..." (wow im impressed) O M A E W A M O U S H I N D E I R U Uhh.. Nani?!? *Trigger* *Explosion* Whew. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have for this "Reading Your Comments" video. Ah, it's always so much fun reading through them, so thank you so much for sending me your comments and questions, feedback, no matter how good or bad it is. Just always a great fun - a great fun? - it's always great fun to read through them and just respond to you guys. Even when it looks like I'm dead and I haven't posted in MONTHS, it's 'cause I'm busy behind the scenes, working. So, as always, thank you SO MUCH for watching, and I will see you in the next video. *Harry trying to speak in his sexiest voice* Goodbyeeeee.
Channel: Harry101UK
Views: 2,836,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meet, The, Cores, Valve, Portal, Wheatley, Space, Cinematic, Machinima, Harry101UK, Harry101, Harry-UK, Voice-Actor, Impressions, Adobe, Premiere, Pro, Professional, Studio, Recording, HD, Digital, Camera, Funny, Random, Behind, Scenes, Project, Harry, Callaghan, Short, Film, Fact Core, Nolan North, Space Core, Defect, Defective Turret, The Stupendium, Greg Holgate, Chuck, Security Core, Going Home 2, Rowing Home 2, Ocean, Meet The Cores 3, Teaser, Trailer, Podcast, Microphone
Id: 0vWBvQyRICg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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