The Darker Side of Aperture | Personality Cores | FULL Portal Lore

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deep underground in upper Michigan the Aperture Science Personnel worked hard under the leadership of their eccentric leader Cave Johnson to develop groundbreaking scientific advancements one of these developments became fundamental in the running of aputure after many unfortunate incidents left chaos and ruin in his once very busy Halls what were these devices why were they constructed and how did they keep aperture running when Humanity no longer could here we explore in the law and story behind the personality cause of the Aperture Science facility as aperture completed the development of one of their most ambitious projects the genetic life form and Disk Operating System they activated her for the first time but she did not respond in the way the technicians expected her to GLaDOS had been designed and constructed to run aperture and accelerate the projects in development she was also the first known sentient robot that came from the upload of a human consciousness she had once been Carolyn the CEO of aputure after the previous CEO Cave Johnson had passed away something had gone wrong during her upload and upon her first activation glada showed no trace of Caroline's personality and instead she attempted to murder the entire facility after she was quickly shut down the technicians on the GLaDOS project sought a way to adapt her personality and curb her murderous intention aperture understood AI technology very well this understanding and development of the personality construct technology itself allowed aperture to create Advanced weaponry and intelligent sentient equipment which is where the personality construct came into existence the technicians needed something smart adaptable and versatile to navigate the Enrichment Center under the orders and programming of whoever needed a job completed something that could attach to the various machines and robots of aperture and operate them in this early stage of development the personality core team designed them as spherical objects very similar to the appearance of an eye this Eye Design granted the technicians the ability to adapt these fears with various cosmetic features to differentiate them as each core created had a different personality and function in the Aperture Science facility these cosmetic changes came in the form of different sized pupils eye colors and casings aside from these visual alterations their eyes allowed the sentient spheres to observe their surroundings as they completed their tasks around aperture alongside this the technicians developed cases to put each core in these not only protected them from potential full damage but they also gave the cause access to aperture Machinery through three pin plugs which when connected to allowed them to operate the Machinery to the specifications of their programming as the personality cores were required to travel across the whole facility they had two main ways of navigating the first physically by hand of an aperture employee who typically used the handles on their cases to hold them and the second I and most common the aperture technicians installed rails across aperture so that's the cause could easily attach and detach from them on well for the darker regions of aperture the technicians also installed a flashlight within their eye to light up their surroundings for themselves or the technicians who worked alongside them as the technicians knew that an extremely high number of Personality cores would be scattered across the entire facility they had to design them with limited maintenance in mind so they created a powerful and efficient battery that kept them running for large periods of time for as little as 1.1 volts this came as a part of aperture's Apocalypse protocol in which they prepared the facility just in case an event of significance did occur that required aperture to continue functioning without maintenance or human interference in in theory with their design some believed they could last for thousands of years and with it so with aperture if the Nanobots and cores kept the structure and Foundation of aperture secure these cause as in their name were sentient with personalities and as such had some of their own ideas on how to run the facility and navigate it for the most part they were compliant and happy to get on with their roles but others either refused to follow orders or simply lacked the programming or capability to complete their tasks as they had to communicate with each other and the aperture's Personnel if they were given the ability to communicate through various languages this was yet another groundbreaking scientific advancement for Aperture Science as these cores displayed traits and acted extremely similar to humanity some even had the ability to betray emotions anger curiosity happiness and sadness and as they were set to work the technicians would have to make tweaks to their programming to make them as efficient as possible the technicians believed that if they could attach the Perfect Blend of Personality core to GLaDOS this would in turn adapt her personality to align more with the views of aperture and their goals so they got to work on the development of new cores that would effectively inject their thoughts and beliefs into her processes over time many cores were developed and attached to GLaDOS in the hopes they would adjust her actions but Time After Time GLaDOS continued to attempt to murder the facility however the scientists did notice that her attempts to shut down the facility took longer each time she was activated which suggested that although their new cores failed at their attempts to stop her they did delay her even if the delay was less than a second for the cores that were not used they were either stored away or repurposed to work in different regions of aperture on their aim to perfect the combination of cores if the technicians began work on a new core in which they named the intelligence dampening sphere they believed that if they could create a core that would release a constant stream of stupid ideas it would prevent her from actually thinking about murdering the facility and for a little while this core worked where GLaDOS would later refer to it as a tumor but the core just like many others did not last for long so just like all of the others if they repurposed it the enrichment center and maintenance areas of aperture with such a large space to maintain however the personality cause allowed the aperture Personnel to control adapt and operates the entire facility with ease where the personality cause and Nanobots became the backbone of aperture across the Aperture Science facility the personality cause worked with the scientists to help it function and develop new technology in the turret manufacturing plant the course kept the Machinery operating within the Enrichment Center the cause adjusted the test Chambers to meet the specification of the designers so that they could achieve the results they desired from the test subjects and others were tasked with watching over the human test subjects in extended relaxation every aspect of aperture's basic function in some way relied on these fears that navigated the whole facility each with their own job to do these functions ranged from merely monitoring the vitals of the humans to moving entire test Chambers to make sure these cores aided the facility instead of hindering it they were programmed with failsafes to stop them from performing action that would interfere with the aims of the scientists when working in proximity to the test Chambers they were programmed not to tell the test subjects inside how to solve them if they attempted to go against their programming if they were hit with a simulated jolt of pain instead over time the personality cause worked out the facility learned from their experiences and did their best to keep their home functioning as the human population worked on new technologies and scientific advancements although these cores were designed to be the highest standard even the best technology fails and corrupts from time to time or is stored away when it is not needed anymore across aperture the Personnel had storage rooms to put these inactive cores in and as time passed and more cores were developed if these rooms felled up for the corrupted cause and cause deemed unsalvageable aperture made use of the intelligence incinerator a destructive force that few objects could survive over time these scientists believed that they had found the perfect combination of Personality cause to curb gladys's murderous needs the first was the Curiosity core this orange-eyed construct poshed GLaDOS to examine her surroundings in a childlike wonder the blue-eyed intelligence Corps injected random pieces of information into her process one of which was the recipe for cake the emotion core attempted to balance her emotions but would frequently glow red in a constant state of anger finally the morality core was designed to act as glados's conscience where it instructed her programming to think about what she was doing and the consequences of her actions although this sounded great in theory an aperture employee Doug rutzman was skeptical about the use of this core as he believed you can always ignore or your conscience regardless when these cores were attached and GLaDOS was activated once again she became compliant and worked with the scientists as these four cores injected their Collective programming into her thought process interestingly enough during the installation of every core the scientists designed a Fail-Safe in the event a core were to fall from her chassis accidentally a sort of wireless link between the core and GLaDOS so that the call would still be active when disconnected in glados's central AI chamber the scientists also developed a turret connected to a core the rocket Sentry this may have been developed to protect GLaDOS in the event a security issue occurred this call was capable of swapping between a green eye when not in use a yellow eye when it locked onto a Target and a red eye when it's fired it having built up trust with the scientists since her reactivation GLaDOS asked them if she could perform a test on aperture's upcoming bring your cat to work day from the perspective of her technicians she had behaved and it appeared that the cause attached to her had done their job so they agreed to let her perform her experiment in line with the theme of the day she said that she wanted to perform an experiment with cats and the boxes she had almost everything she needed for the experiment but she needed just one more thing a little neurotoxin hesitantly the scientists agreed as this was for science on the day of the experiment GLaDOS ignored her conscience locked down the entire facility and let out the neurotoxin she had been given when the majority of the aperture Personnel fell with full control of aperture GLaDOS began her own permanent testing cycle on the scientists who had survived this and made use of the personality cause to maintain her aperture as GLaDOS moved on to her first human test subject in the relaxation Vault Chell she struggled to control her where the test subject escaped the testing track and made her way to gladys's Central AI chamber during a fight between them Chao removed the cause on GLaDOS through a manipulation of the rocket century and dropped each one into the Aperture Science intelligence incinerator with the destruction of each core GLaDOS regained chunks bark of her thoughts process but this also appeared to damage her too as a result of these cores having a connection to spinning discs above glados's chassis as Chell dropped the morality anger curiosity and intelligence core into the incinerator the server above GLaDOS grew more and more unstable until it exploded this explosion formed a portal and pulled both Chell and GLaDOS into the parking lot of our picture the fall of GLaDOS was felt across the entire aperture facility and within the storage rooms the cores that have been deemed unusable or corrupt reactivated and went out into the aperture facility to run it for themselves over an unspecified amount of time some believe this was 50 years While others believed this was closer to 50 000 years the personality course continued to keep aperture functioning with extremely limited power without the supervision of any humans as many of the cores were sentient and were free from the dominating control of aperture some did wish to see what life was like outside of aperture's walls one of these cores was Wheatley Wheatley had known GLaDOS extremely well as he just like many other cores had been attached to her for a short period of time in the hopes that he could adapt personality back then he had been known as the intelligence dampening sphere the tumor but now he was Weasley having been repurposed and moved on to work in other parts of aputure he eventually landed a role in the extended relaxation Vault to care for the unconscious human test subjects but after the fall of GLaDOS his job had become much easier as the power surge from her explosion had left many of the extended relaxation vaults without power and as a result the subjects inside of them had died Wheatley wanted to leave aperture and so he searched through these faults for a test subject that had survived this failure that would help him eventually he came across chal who had been brought back into the facility by a party escort Bots Weasley portrayed just how human these cores appeared to be they had needs emotions and could formulate intelligent plans on the record these personality cores were digitally designed for a specific purpose but others believe that each call was originally a human that had been uploaded glados's existence as a human uploaded personality core proves that this could be entirely possible and in a way this would make this story a lot darker than it already is together Chell and Wheatley attempted to escape the facility here Wheatley guided ciao through glados's old AI chamber Whitley had heard rumors that a human had taken down GLaDOS from the other cause he just did not know it was chal who had managed this during their time together Wheatley shared with Chao what he had been told about himself that if he attempted to disconnect from the ceiling rail he would be terminated and that if he activated his flashlight it would destroy him but throughout their escape of a newly activated GLaDOS and traversal of the maintenance regions of aperture Wheatley discovered he had been lied to whether all of the cores were lied to or if it was just Wheatley is unknown as Chao returned to glados's Central AI chamber she managed to corrupt glados's core to the point where the facility itself began the core transfer process this process had been put in place by the aperture Personnel to swap out the core in charge of the central AI system just in case its corruption attempted to harm the facility any one of aperture's cores could be placed into this system but they wanted Carolyn's human core to be successful and never sought out another core to replace her however this system was designed anyway just in case they did need it many years later Chell placed Weasley into a core receptacle to prepare him to be transferred onto the central AI but GLaDOS refused to give her permission this stalemate led the central AI system to ask a qualified stalemate so oh to press a stalemate resolution button to force the core transfer which Chell happily pushed this painful core transfer gave weekly access to the whole of aperture and subsequently he placed glados's core into a potato battery as revenge for all of the awful things she had done and said to him however this new surge of power gave Wheatley a Godlike complex and instead of allowing Chao to leave the facility like they have planned he smashed at an elevator he had called for her and it dropped into the Forgotten parts of aputure over the next few hours chal and GLaDOS work together to get back to the central AI chamber where voice announcements played across the facility of Cave Johnson and Carolyn upon hearing Carolyn's voice GLaDOS recognized it as her own and shortly after began to recover her memories of Carolyn and with it in natural conscience as they arrived back at the central air chamber GLaDOS and chal use the corrupted cause of aperture to their advantage and place them on Wheatley during a fight which in turn corrupted him and once again initiated the core transfer process these corrupted calls were the space core a core obsessed with space the adventure core a call that attempted to flirt with Chell and wanted to go on its own adventure and finally the fact core which throughout random facts are chal some accurate some not so much however this time Wheatley had placed bombs around the stalemate resolution Button as Chell attempted to press it the bombs exploded and in a daze she locked up and saw the moon through a collapsed part of the AI chamber ceiling in this moment she found a portal at the Moon which connected to another portal directly under Wheatley this Paul shall and weightly through to the Moon along with the space Corps who was very happy to finally be where it wanted the Aperture Science personality course had been developed to allow the Personnel of aperture to control GLaDOS and run the facility more efficiently although the facility fell at the glados's Takeover these scores continued to function exactly how they had been designed too the morality emotion intelligence curiosity Adventure space fact and Wheatley core all had a major impact on the running of aperture in the absence of humanity through many apocalyptic events after GLaDOS polchelled back into the aperture facility and allowed her to leave the robot made use of two new test subjects these subjects were instead robots and have been formed from personality cause Atlas and Peabody a potential new use for the cause and a new way of testing throughout all of the aperture facilities in the Multiverse so many cores were developed to be used for so many different actions cores that may have had a major impact in their own respective universe as a result of events that never happened in our own some known are the very heavy core auction core boring hard-boiled core calibration core climate change awareness core convict core buttercore comfortable core by the book core retirement core useful core that was absolutely not a gateway to Hell skeptical core news core respect core emergency preparedness Corps executive call fruit punch core Horror Story core investigation core magic core morning core pilot core reverse psychology core Rhythm core Rocky core snuggle core the soup core spider core super villain core salesman core Tracer core friendly Frank deceptive David Bill Cunningham and Grady these are just a few of the many cores developed by the many aperture facilities across the Multiverse and I'm sure they were each important in their own way and I'm sure there are many more that we do not know about without the development of the personality cause aperture would have fallen now with GLaDOS back in control she can once again be used to improve the facility for whatever she decides to do next these cores were also just one part of aperture's Personality construct A.I across the facility the century turrets and other pieces of equipment also showed levels of sentience some say even the companion cubes were aware of their surroundings although Humanity had left the facility aperture is still very much alive just now run by the personality constructs the humans had created now for some behind the scenes but not a lot to really add this week I think the most interesting part about the cause for me is in their initial design stage we can see here in this concept art that the calls were originally intended to Simply Be gray spheres attached to a large rink obviously connected to GLaDOS I'm so glad they moved on from this idea as the cause in Portal and Portal 2 add so much more personality and character in their design and through the facility and story something fascinating is how the cores were originally planned to be used as Sidekicks in Portal 2. we did get Wheatley in the retail version but valve had plans for a paranoia core Morgan Freeman core and the Quint core I am already envisioning how these would have helped with specific obstacles the issue on valve side was that they struggled to find a way to introduce more than one core into the game naturally each call would have required its own introduction and spreading time between them would have been difficult I mean we got Wheatley as our sidekick for the first half of the game and I believe the reason he is so loved by the community is because of how fleshed out his character is we had enough time to learn his quirks valve took their time with him I say this in nearly every video but valve know how to write characters and how to invoke an emotional response from the player I feel like valve made the right decision to limit the psychic only to Wheatley in the first half of the game and GLaDOS in the second but what I will say is if we ever do get a continuation of the portal series I would love to see them maybe revisit this idea of the other cause as psychics that is as if it is set in aperture anyway since portal 2's release we have seen the calls Branch out into other games the cut paranoid core is shown in poker night 2. the adventure core cake core anomaly core and space core are found in Lego dimensions and the space core is also discovered in the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim of course these appearances are not canon but it is great to see Portal 2 references in other games this was the law and story behind the personality cause in Portal if you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you could leave a like and a comment on your thoughts just to boost that algorithm if you would like to stay up to date with everything I do outside of YouTube and fancy some behind the scenes content then follow my Twitter and Instagram finally I would like to thank my gold tier patrons and channel members Jonas Lewis Queen RB fluffy the dragon chicken guy791 River Mendoza Moss fillet Montana Tosca it's Sophie and Eliza Lowell as always thank you so much for the continued support what did you think of this law what was your favorite personality core and do you think that the personality cause were once human let me know in the comments below this is where our story ends check back next week for a new one thank you thank you
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 271,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portal, portal 2, portal 2 personality core, personality cores, personality core, personality, personality cores in borealis, cores, portal gun, portal 2 core transfer, portal2, portal 2 coop, core, portal 1, portal game, space core, portal 2 ending, portal 2 (video game), portal song, adventure core, portal 2 song, portal in real life, portal flash version, fact core, portal stories mel, live action portal, portal stories mel review, portal valve, portal logic, skyrionn
Id: TzQPRn3-0HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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