Oh, This is Why People Like Portal 2

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Portal 2 is the sequel to The much beloved portal and from what I've heard many people actually prefer the sequel to the original which is quite the accomplishment for any sequel this video game created by Valve themselves has found a special place in the hearts and minds of many and after I quite enjoyed the first Portal game I figured I'd get Portal 2 a try I did a blind run I have some thoughts so let's get into it upon opening the game I find myself in the strange room that looks nothing like the sterile Labs or grungy industrial pipes of the original game but there are some robotic but there is a robotic voice talking to me and it tells me to look at this painting this is Art you will hear a buzzer when you hear the buzzer stare at the art okay if you suspect staring at art has not provided the required intellectual sustenance reflect briefly on this classical music a that's lovely oh I'm told to go to sleep and end up sleeping for a quite a bit longer than I expected you have been in suspension for 99999 the room is in considerably worse shape and someone is knocking at the door what happened to my room my room oh what the heck that is quite the Rel are you going to open this door no it's it's fairly urgent fine door you look oh hi good actually are you okay are you what the heck I'm abely sure you're fine what am I looking to recover this robot is called wheatle he tells me to stay calm as he's going to get us out of here wherever here is and told me to hang on to something hold on to something what is happening you right down there can you hear me yes hello hi I can I can hear you can you hear me hey most test subjects do experience some uh cognitive deterioration after a few months in suspension you've been under for quite a lot longer it's not out of the question that you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage be all does any of this make any sense just tell me just say yes yes yes okay what you're doing there is choing uh you just you just jumped but never mind say apple apple apple okay you know what that's close enough just hold tight the room suddenly starts to crumble and move and weedy mentions that he has been overseeing the life functions of 10,000 test subjects and considering how I am one of those test subjects that's a lot of people oh wait there's other rooms it's close can you see there's other rooms I'm not going to make it through I got enough space Oh my uh just a lot of them are crushed no one's going to ask don't worry but if anyone asks tell them as far as you know the last time you checked everyone looked pretty much alive all right not dead huh from the sounds of it they're either uh dead or have been turned into vegetables pretty much alive so maybe they're alive but I doubt it come to this doing station and obviously the best way to dock is by ramming this wall until it crumbles wheie tells me to search out a portal gun and that he'll meet up with me up ahead okay you're you're attou how are you going to help me with it oh okay all right off you go wait what happens if I stay go on just march on through that hole okay yeah yeah it's all right go ahead I don't know I don't know I don't feel confident I know I know I have painted quite a grim picture of your chances but if you simply stand here we will both surely die okay so once again just move along one small step and everything I love this I follow through some glass into a very familiar room this is where the first game began is it not and just about everything in here is the same except the sleep pod and the robot isn't the same anymore either can't help but wonder where this new voice came from how did this whole facility get up and running again and where did this robot come from in the first place will he be the villain of Portal 2 please note the incandescent particle field across the exit this Aperture Science material emancipation Grill will vaporize any unauthorized equipment that passes through yeah that is a the exact same voice line why is it a different robot though I like the other robot I me this one's fine but I like the voice of the other robot the first game ended with a song during the credit saying the robot from the last game is still alive so I have to assume that it'll make an appearance at some point I head into another very familiar room just a bit run down and overgrown I don't I don't appreciate big glowing buttons telling me what to do I know what to do I played portal one an aperture science reintegration associate will revive you for an interview when Society has been rebuilt when so wait wait what what do society's been rebuilt but up a society this one robot earlier said I'd been in suspension for 99999 or something but I honestly have no idea what to make of it it sounded like the robot glitched and was just repeating a number I know I was out for more than a month based on what we Le said so maybe 9 months 9 years I guess Society has crumbled in one way or another the Earth is currently governed by a manner of animal King sentient cloud or other governing body that either refuses to or is incapable of listening [Music] to well I guess we now know what happened to the people this is society why is it leopard Prince that's my that's really actually my main question why is it leopard Prince leopard prin why does it have a CR I run into wheatle again who tells me a portal gun is nearby and that makes me fall down some pits and sure enough the portal gun is actually down there oh I also turned on subtitles because I streamed this experience and they requested subtitles I honestly don't really like them there's a lot of dialogue all shown at once it's a bit overwhelming I ended up avoiding eye contact with the subtitles as much as I could it didn't work very well but I tried a good chunk of Laura was around the portal gun and I really don't know what to make of it that's uh [Music] um that's a cube and a lot of choking people it's like a lab thing there that looks like our battle why is that Cube guy there and this one kind of rising up I have ascended huh okay well I guess we're going up and uh finding out what happened to society why I'm still alive I continue through several short levels that are from the first game the announcer will have some different dialogue but this is all pretty introductory and a rehash of the first game and yet it's also ever so slightly different because this message is pre-recorded any observations related to your performance are speculation on our part pleas disregard any undeserved compliments okay rude kind of strange how much plant life is down here never thought the apture lab was close enough up to the surface or plant life like this to be growing please avoid unsheltered testing areas wherever a lack of shelter from space debris does not appear to be a deliberate part of the test space debris also deliberate part of the test what do you mean space debris we're not in space are we are we somehow I doubt it but this is futuristic with the TCH so maybe we've actually colonized the moon at some point in the Next Room the sludge from the original game looks much nicer and the game has forever been shamed oh yes oh no button prompts oh no button prompt oh that's beautiful what a good day I place a cube on a button and can't help but notice the little details I do like how they're a little textured and dull now it's kind of cool it's a nice touch maybe that's not really little but kind of obvious I don't know I guess I would have expected the cubes to still be clean for some reason it struck me as an important little thing for some reason that the cubes are dirty in one of the elevators the announcer says the personality constructs will remain fun even on 1.1 volts of electricity I guess that means these robots are called personality constructs and can run on very little energy I'm also hyper analyzing what is appearing on these little video screens what is happening with this one you got one of those trees and then he waves at the trees who's he waving at the lore has got to be deep in this game they keep on going on about the fall of civilization you are a non-employee who has discovered this facility amid the ruins of civilization welcome and remember testing is the future and the future starts with you yeah it does I am the future baby this puzzle is a little different than the ones before it and I'm curious if these cubes have got some weight behind them and break the glass and break the glass all right that doesn't work that didn't work so I took two steps oh oh I ended up somehow landing on the door frame of the room when the announcer insults me if you are simple-minded old or irradiated in such a way that the future should not start with you please primitive tribe and send back someone better qualified for test oh hey I'm the I'm the future here I'm the future yeah that's what you that's what you get notice how I could break the camera off the wall that'll be very important later take that you stupid robot I killed him I won the game through a few hallways I am reunited with wheatle L something on you here it's pretty heavy okay they told me never never ever to disengage myself from my management rail or I would die so get ready to catch me all right on the last chance I'm Not Dead the moment I pop off this thing on three oh no no two oh no three that's high it's it's too high isn't it really that all right going on three just gives you too much time to think about it let's uh go on one this time okay ready ready cat me catch you suck you know that he tells me to plug into this one thing and that he can't do the thing if I'm watching I tried staring at him a while just to see if something would happen but eventually gave in and turned around he opened a side panel and off we go into the secret passages which look a little different than the ones in the first game but I was a lot more focused on the endless void below us and the fact that I can throw cubes so does that apply to wheatle oh I can't drop him off it's going to toss him yeah oh I can't let him go at all we talked to this turret briefly and I guess I do need my little buddy here because he's going to help me get out of this facility in order to escape we're going to have to go through her chamber and her she will probably kill us if if she's um awake okay so hopefully she's not awake right we go on and I find the robot from the last game Dead on the ground looks like she really is gone wheatly retells the story as if it's some big shock that a human took down the robots and overall seems a little confused on a few of the details of the final climactic battle so so I guess I don't have to worry about fighting the robot and yet whe did suggest I might have to fight some robot and refer to it as a her we come to this rather deep hole that wheatly tells me to jump down there's some fun dialogue before jumping he really made me a lot more nervous about jumping down the hole but I survived the fall just fine ah I just sorry I just looked down I do not recommend it ah I've just done it again oh we're fine we walk into the main breaker room and wheatle tells me to look for the switch to find the one that says Escape pod which makes me much more convinced we're in space as a Star Wars fan Escape pods will always refer to space in my mind I end up plugging wheatle in which would appear to have been the single worst mistake ever okay don't worry don't worry I've got it I've got it I've got it this should slow it down that flipped all the switches go faster flipping all the switches power up initiated stop panicking still stop no wheatly there's there's a password okay it's fine I'll weely oh no no no no no no um weely unplug unplug oh no no really compl okay okay okay act done nothing wrong hello oh hi it's you you know her it's been a long time okay I'm the same human good know have you been I've been really busy being dead I bet you have after you murdered me you did what oh wheatly oh no no no no no no oh no no no no no did you flip every breaker we both said a lot of things that you're going to regret oh but I think we can put our differences behind us no GLaDOS the robot from the last game sure sounds a a whole lot more menacing I guess she might be a little upset about the whole murdering her thing and so she drops me down this large hole honestly fair I a bit concerned about wheatle though what happened to him it sure looks like gladus just killed him outright which would be quite unfortunate it was fun but I guess in the meantime we're going to be doing some more testing because GL loves that testing but of course to do that testing I need the upgraded portal gun that shoots orange and blue portals GLaDOS also discloses this terrifying ability of hers I discovered I have a sort of Black Box quick save feature in the event of a catastrophic failure the last 2 minutes of my life are preserved for analysis I well forced really to Rel you killing me again and again forever you know if you'd done that to somebody else they might devote their existence to exacting Revenge luckily I'm a bigger person yeah sure you are I'm happy to put this all behind us and get back to work uh-huh she also says that we have only 60 more years for testing but isn't quite sure because she doesn't have the Actuarial tables I'm honestly not sure what an Actuarial Table is aren't those the things that tell you when somebody dies in like a newspaper or is this a guide for people's General lifespan whichever it is she fully plans to test with me until the day I die after that who knows I might take up a hobby reanimating the dead maybe okay GLaDOS you are very terrifying what does she mean Actuarial tables is there a future I'm not aware of wait what what do you mean by that I'm genuinely wondering if somehow I'm in the past or GLaDOS have some insight into the future I have no idea this brings us to chapter 2 the first room is a simple test where we test how test subjects react when locked into a room with deadly lasers to my dismay there is only one laser not multiple lasers I end up looking around for a second and shoot a portal on the ceiling just because I could and launched another at where the laser was shooting oh that was an accident and everyone I didn't know this was even here the Next Room introduces discouragement redirection cubes which is actually something I expected to appear in the last game so it's quite satisfying seeing them here they're used for more than redirecting lasers though as they are heavy enough to weigh down the buttons time to get my score for that test here come the test results you are a horrible person that's what it says oh yeah yeah yeah we weren't even testing for that oh yeah yeah I bet not I bet you were never testing for that I continue through a few more rooms and remember how that one dirty Cube interested me well I feel very Justified for making that observation oh wait a minute it's nice and clean wait but if it's clean why is it clean that means this isn't broken down has this been safe from the whole oh wait a minute laser maybe that was also a useless observation I don't know no but there was a change and I noticed it yes basic observation skills unlocked another room introduces another new factor to the puzzle solving in this game this next test involves the Aperture Science aerial Faith plate part of an initiative to investigate how well test subjects could solve problems when they were catapulted into space informative they could not good luck they could not okay huh oh wait a minute wait what is this oh I press the button and it looks like this next part is going to require some real coordination oh no no no oh great a yes perfect that was perfect first try into the next room with more base plates and I'm so down for this and the thing is I performed the single most gamer move I've ever made in my life oh oh CL clutched it let's go at [Music] the that felt so good let's go I have officially peaked I will never do better than that GLaDOS is also really going after me calling me M garbage twice for a good measure and also saying people with guilty consciences are startled by loud sounds and then blaring a horn it's a Companion Cube It's a Companion Cube It's got the heart that means something hya oh did I accidentally fizzle that before you could complete the test I'm sorry go ahead and grab another one look how you oh there's another the one oh okay H we're fine we're fine wait a minute I knew it I fizzled that one too or oh well we have warehouses full of the things worthless I'm happy to get rid of them oh wheatle no wheatle okay there's a lot to unpack here first wheatle is still alive so that's good to know hopefully he will be able to deal with GLaDOS here but also there's one line that gladus mentioned that she has warehouses full of companion cubes in the last game I had the strange feeling that there were human remains in these cubes and in one of the panels at the start of the game there were a bunch of people dying or choking or what have you when around one of these companion cubes plus GLaDOS just treats them like theyve somehow wronged her but doesn't react in any way to the other cubes I also know there was at least at one point 10,000 test subjects so if these cubes or human remains 10,000 people are missing and there are warehouses of Cubes I don't think I like where this is going I saw the puzzle and GLaDOS says the Emancipation Grill is broken for this room and that I shouldn't take anything with me but you know we got to I failed to save the cube last time because I'm pretty sure you couldn't but this time I clearly can so I tried for a little while to get the cube up to the second layer but jumping through portals wasn't working turns out the button pressed by the cube extends a PL form to land on so if I'm carrying it how do I get it up there well I think I found a way around this whole predicament that's not really uh [Music] intended I got it I got it awesome he's mine he's he's my little boy I think that one was about to say I love you they are sent of course you just have a lot of them they're sentient I tried so hard I tried so hard wait the cubes can't be made of human remains if they're sentient so does that mean a live person is in these cubes are they robots like GLaDOS wait the sentience really changes things this next test does require some explanation me give you the fast version there if you have any questions just remember what I said in slow motion test on your own Rec I'll be right back I genuinely ended up stuck for a second before realizing there's a hole in the wall so the puzzle stumped me for a little while longer than really should have so we come to chapter 3 and the building looks like it needs some serious counseling and I run into my little robot again oh look at that oh you no we I say howdy to him again but then GLaDOS lowered a panel and so I can't reach him anymore there a lot of stuff falling down these tubes also how deep does this go cuz I'm always going down how how far does this go GLaDOS teases me again saying she went at the surface and saw a deer and she might let me ride an elevator to the break room so she can tell me the story of when she saw a deer oh no no no I want I want to see the deer ominously GLaDOS did go to the surface and reveals she did not see a deer but that there were humans so civilization has fallen but there are people enough of them to be near the aperture facility what is the lore going on here what's going on outside I need to know and I want to know all the more because GLaDOS takes every opportunity to mock me for not being able to reach the surface if you rubbed your cheek on one would be like standing outside with the sun shining on your face it would it would also set your hair on fire so don't actually do it oh man but it's so pretty I'm doing it hey see I'm fine I'm fine I really love these things these Light Bridges are awesome I loved every puzzle that included them I I want more they did cause some serious mind farts though for whatever reason I was so focused on the fact that these were bridges that I often forget got the whole portal thing huh oh wait GLaDOS notes at the end of this puzzle that I am the predator and these puzzles are my parey and that she's been researching sharks recently do you know who else murders people who are only trying to help them did you guess sharks because that's wrong yeah that's answer is nobody nobody but you is that pointless pointlessly cruel can we have some sharks I want sharks I was literally keeping an eye out for sharks to appear in this game and so helped me if they don't I'm going to be very disappointed GLaDOS ends up leaving to fix a door after saying she's going to laminate my skeleton and this is when wheatle once again makes a return hey hey up here I found some bird eggs up here just dropped me to the door mechanism shut it right down like ah no we that's in it that L the eggs livid don't help me wheatle you are the most scatterbrained robot I have ever encountered not sure your plans to help me escape are going to actually help and random thing but a panel from the ceiling dropped in the Next Room revealing what I presume is a Secret Vent or what have you did it occur to me to check it out in the moment no just felt I should point it out because I really wish I had explored what might be up there I learned in the elevator to the first level with turet that these things are just packed with bullets and get straight to massacring them still feels like they're secretly not eval but hey it's either me or them Claus tells me yesterday was my birthday very nice of her to tell me that glad she cares so much she even says she'll get me a belated birthday present that's more of a medical procedure which is more of an experiment but what's important is it's a present yay present I'll take it I'll take it I'll I'll use any presents that I can get right another room had a whole bunch of turrets and out I was able to get really close to an active one to check it out earlier the video suggested that they were just packed with bullets so I was wondering if I could look inside and see all these bullets but instead I got this rather typical military looking interior kind of lame was hoping for something more funny but I do love the attention to detail for the interior of a drone that very few people will ever see in all likelihood this disappointment distracted me for a bit when I saw the graphic again and I missed this part where GLaDOS mentioned that apparently there are test subjects in C enic storage and a man and a woman among them you're my last name I have a surprise waiting for you after this next test telling you would spoil the surprise so I'll just give you a hint it involves meeting two people you haven't seen in a long time so wait not every test subject of theirs is dead and in a companion cube or what have you she even says that at the end of the test there will be another surprise involving these two people the Next Room teaches me I can destroy turrets with lasers but at the end of the level GLaDOS is humming for he's a jolly good fellow and that's a typical thing to sing for a [Music] birthday it's strange how it had nothing to do with the two people I was supposed to meet I thought I was meeting them right now maybe it's a little bit later I tried some more of the puzzle solving but as I was doing that I ended up accidentally stumbling a on the secret room I thought this was where I was supposed to [Music] go what have I found here the turret for it is Nell the Bell invites that summons to heaven or to hell what the heck oh this this is creepy now to something a bit more lighthearted the puzzle you see I was struggling quite a bit with figuring out how to get across but remember how I got that camera fall off the wall earlier well I'm going to continue my streak of solving puzzles in a way they were never intended to be solved wait a [Laughter] minute there's hold on no no no it's got to be through a portal it's got to be through a portal there's no way this this isn't intended right this isn't how you do it right this isn't how you're supposed to do it right that's not how you're supposed to do it right please tell me please tell me that's not how you're supposed to do it right I was busting a gut solving that puzzle like that but it turns out I'm heading to the surprise GLaDOS has plann so I guess it was at the end of this room why is it so dark GLaDOS initiating surprise in three two oh there's going to be C is in there I made it all up okay hey it's a party come on if it makes you feel any better they abandoned you at Birth better I very seriously doubt that even want to see you welcome to chapter 4 I'm not sure I believe GLaDOS when she says my parents abandoned me at Birth and even if they did it's not like they deserve to be held hostage in cryogenic storage you know assuming they're still alive there's some more puzzle solving I run across wheatle again who has some dialogue with Jerry whoever Jerry is and he says to make it through five more Chambers five more Chambers feels like quite a long time because the next one sto me for a hot second and just like all the puzzles in this game the solution is always easier than I make it out to be the second of the five Chambers GLaDOS has fully restored which looks really nice that's giving me some original portal Vibes I will say though this puzzle is a little more complex than the others where the mechanics are concerned maybe it's just me but this one felt a little different what was how I had to figure out how to redirect several lasers at different angles through a single portal this is when GLaDOS said something that got my CEST mind rolling I've got a surprise for you after this next test not a fake trag surprise like last time a real surprise with tragic consequences and real confetti this time wait real the good stuff our last B is going to miss it but at the end of the day it was just taking up space what do you mean real confetti what was the last confetti made up what was that okay hear me out here's my theory my game theory the confetti is going to be made out of my my parents she seems really fixated on them and genuinely hates me and the fact that she says this next surprise will have tragic consequences I could be way off with this but what is that confetti made of especially since I saw confetti earlier if that next batch is real confetti then what was the stuff she used before or wait what if the earlier confetti was made of oh man this could get real dark really quick hey buddy I'm speaking in an accent that is beyond her range of hearing okay metal ball I can hear you run I The Voice run way to go weely run oh oh oh okay okay we're running we're running oh come on come on I failed that very quick quickly we run from GLaDOS who says I'm ironically almost at the last test and presents a final test but I certainly don't trust her so I follow wheatle and through an intense series of events I'm brought to safety but we do have a problem the lights are out I've got an idea but it is bloody dangerous here we go oh for God they told me that if I ever turned this flashlight on I would die yeah everything we travel through the darkness where some of wheatley's real feelings seem to slip out remarking how he had the worst job of looking after the smelly humans like me got me a little concerned but he's been a fun guy up to this point I'll tell you humans oh love them just the way they look great and they're folk a little later something interesting happens there's an intact turret on one of the conveyor belts okay yeah get mad get mad I kind of just want to carry it around now don't miss lemonade don't oh he's fine my new little buddy thank you I got a new little buddy Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man he was cast into the bowels of the earth and peed by birds oh okay um it won't be enough what won't be enough what won't be enough the answer oops well that's a bit unfortunate there's definitely a lot more turrets now and there's this whole turret quality control thing where they tossed effective turrets and I noticed I was pretty close to where they were being launched so I snagged one out of the air now I got a replacement buddy but they're a bit less interesting so I decided to take one with me because maybe it'll be useful or something and well it turned out more useful than I would have thought there's a template turret that I can replace with the defective one so now only turrets that are defective Will Survive while good ones get tossed that's going to have to help man I'm smart as we continue on there's these science exhibits from a father daughter day or what have you and I checked out a bunch of the displays it's a bunch of potato batteries a single baking soda volcano there was this one that looked a bit more fancy couldn't really tell what was going on with it but it's definitely a bit more interesting than the others wonder if there's something significant about it this brings me to the neurotoxin chamber where wheatle says he'll work on hacking the system but I'm not sure he's going to be much help all right what have we got a computer not a surprise to be expected to be honest check that off the list computer identified there is a going to take a while part here probably got some Electronics in there and a monitor after listening to him for a little while I did some exploring and figured out I could portal lasers onto these moving platforms and destroy the whole system on my own this brings us through a suction tube to confront GLaDOS without neurotoxin or turrets it would be much easier but wheelie ends up going down the wrong tube leaving me all alone what am I looking at how big is this place holy cow but this brings me right to the door I need clad emergency shutdown and Cake dispensary oh oh oh oh come on this brings me to the GLaDOS confrontation where her turrets and her neurotoxin fail her wheatle appears and the announcer from earlier says the core has been corrupted and that I can initiate the core transfer do what it says PL substitute core substitute core are pull out pull out no no no corrupted cord are you ready to start the procedure no oh yes she is no no no no no no no no no stalemate detected transfer procedure cannot continue yes P unless a stalemate associate is present to press the stalemate resolution button pull me out leave me in don't do it yes do do it don't press that button wait what button you don't know what you're doing there it is I think she's lying I'll pull the I'm pushing the button I'm pushing fast oh there's some real fun dialogue in this whole sequence but we don't have time for all of it so we're going to the part where I click the button and transfer has been completed can hopea feel like this is going to be one of those situations where the good guy will be corrupted by the evil body or something but there's no way it'll do one of those hey we did it I'm in control of the whole vicinity now hey I can't pick that up you look at this way to go giant robot massive it's not just me right I am bloody massive aren't I yes you are yeah the Escape lift I'll call it now there we go lift called look how small you are down there I can barely see you where's the tiny and insignificant oh okay wait I've just thought of something how am I going to get in you know being bloody massive and everything oh there's you get into the lift okay then I'll eject myself out of my new body into the lift just as you pass by me brilliant it's p except let me tell you I knew it was going to be cool to be charge of everything okay wow this is cool confetti check this out I'm a genius now I don't even know what I just said but I can find out sorry no the yes sorry yeah amazing seriously I can't get over how small you are but I'm huge what's going to happen something oh no we get out of there actually why do we have to leave right now we have any idea how good this is I did this tiny little Wheatley did this now wheatle is the boss he turns GLaDOS into a potato and GLaDOS says wheatle is an intelligence deficiency core specifically designed to make GLaDOS stupid so the guy who's supposed to be intentionally stupid is now in charge and evil this brings us to chapter six I can't pick up the potato good my slow clap processor made it into this thing so we have that yay slow clap processor doesn't look like we're going anywhere well we are going somewhere alarmingly fast actually since we're not busy other than that here's a couple of facts he's not just a regular he's the product of the greatest minds of a gener working together with the express purpose of building the DB and you just put him in charge of the entire facility good still working SL CL and some what would seem we've Fallen to the very bottom of the facility down here things are a bit different ape ape science ape science oh apure and a new voice is introduced the original owner of the facility he goes on about how we are the best of the best astronauts Olympians war heroes you name it we're the top of the Heap this brings me through what must have been the initial twisted test given to those select volunteers good news is we've got a much better test for you fighting an army of mantis men pick up a rifle and Follow the yellow line you'll know when the test starts fighting an army of mantis men hold on I want to do that can I get a rifle I want to fight the Mantis men now I got stuck for quite a while on this one puzzle with an elevator even walked past the solution once or twice and then figured out a faster way to the bottom the skipping over where the solution was definitely took longer than it should have oh there we go there we are I'm introduced to Blue Goo and noticed something odd about this whole facility oh wait why is this button a square there's wall running or I guess wall bouncing Cave Johnson is kind of funny but honestly he's kind of just fine basically just a bunch of fun lines about silly terrible science things there's some lore implications well lots of lore implications I suppose but I just don't find him nearly as interesting as the robots and maybe it's just because he's uh recording from the past so I'm just listening to voice lines rather than something that is interacting with my current situation heads up that coffee we gave you earlier had fluorescent calcium in it so we can track the neuronal activity in your brain there no should be alive calcium could Harden and vitrify your frontal loone anyway don't stress yourself thinking about I'm serious visualizing the scenario while under stress actually triggers the reaction yeah that that what trigger reaction probably one one thing about this area too is that the rooms are quite large and sometimes half the time solving a puzzle was just trying to figure out where I was supposed to be going the puzzles with goo were also kind of fun I I guess ah I've been hit I got a bouncy Cube I Got That Bouncy Cube I like this oh I I don't like this as much anymore come to another floor with a new painting of Cave Johnson who didn't age gracefully and there's a whole new tone to these puzzles which is a damn site more comfortable than the park benches most of you were sleeping on when we found you so welcome to aperture you're here because we want the best and you're it nope couldn't keep a straight face I guess at some point they couldn't get the best of the best and had to bribe the po into testing like some sort of squid games this is also the point I reunited with GLaDOS nice we glos you're good at murder could you Ur than you carry me up to him and put me back into my body and I stop us from blowing up and let you go fine do you have a multimeter never mind the gun must be part magnesium it feels like I'm outputting an extra half a BT keep an eye on me nice to do someing here I go he scheming GLaDOS GLaDOS we're trying to work together here all right you can't do that together we did some puzzle solving with the new slippery orange goo and sometimes even dare to use both Goos together and we get through what I think might be the end of the Cave Johnson section if you had any belongings please pick them up now we don't want old newspapers and sticks sluttering up the building the building for many of you I realize $60 is an unprecedented windfall so don't go spending it all on I don't know Caroline what do these people buy tattered hats beard dirt wow this is when my first session ended and I started a new one so you might notice a few changes Chief amongst them removing subtitles I couldn't stop reading them and I think I lessened the impact of some of the dialogue anyways GLaDOS is having memory issues Carolyn Carolyn why do I know this woman I know that Cave Johnson mentioned this Caroline person before didn't quite get a good read on her she sounds did like a robot earlier but I honestly have no idea if she's a real person or an actual robot who's I I don't know I got crushed by hydraulic press not quite as satisfying as those videos make it out to be this is also right about when the white gel is introduced portal white gel oh let's go and I just got to say it's so much fun reading the little signs my new boss is a robot but did you know robot are smarter than you robots were carer than you robots Are Better Than You robots are going to replace our jobs oh wait it's a Lego look at that that's a Lego hand that's just a Lego hand Latos yells at a bird and then I got stuck here for quite a while took forever to figure out I had to go backwards and use the slip and slide from earlier once I got to this new area Cave Johnson starts sounding a little worse for wear welcome to the Enrichment Center playing with the Wayne jels a lot of fun but at this point I'm going to speed through the puzzle solving this video has already gone on for quite a while but I just can't skip lines like this when life gives you lemons don't make lemonade make life take the lemons back get mad I don't want your damn lemons what am I supposed to do with these yeah take the lemons the man to see life's manager make life Ru the day and thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons do you know who I am I'm the man who's going to burn your house down with the lemons I'm going to get my Engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down this is one of the single greatest lines ever written by man or beast oh and K Johnson talks about putting a person's minor Consciousness or what have you into a computer and if he dies before they can do that then they should force Caroline to do it which has me thinking GLaDOS is actually Caroline I know things look Bleak but that crazy man down there was right let's not take take these lemons we are going to March right back upstairs and make he'll put me back in my body but he'll probably kill us because he's incredibly powerful and I have no plan wow I'm not going to lie to you the odds are a million to one and that's with some generous rounding still though let's get mad if we're going to explode let's at least explode with some dignity I like this line of thinking GLaDOS let's do it some of the following puzzles are were actually quite difficult but we're skipping all the way ahead to chapter 8 the itch for God's sake your boxes with legs it's it's literally your only purpose walking onto buttons how can you not do the one thing you designed for tr get us down there oh that's funny is it oh it's funny because we've been at this for 12 hours and you haven't solved it either so I don't know why you're laughing since when we're turrets inside boxes maybe this is just a new thing maybe wheatle is shoving turrets into boxes and forcing them to live in them like some of robot crabs GLaDOS is going to hit wheatle with a paradox but she can't say it or else she'll short circuit herself this place is going to blow up if I don't get back in my body uh false I'll go false explosion imminent Evacuate the facility before I fix that warning reactor core is at critical there fixed before moving on I had to have a little fun does this make me evil maybe but woo shh no more test [Laughter] subjects yes yes and wheatle explains why this chapter is called the itch I have to test all the time or I get this this itch must be hardwired into the system itch oh but I'll tell you when I do test man alive nothing feels better the puzzle is pretty simple and he considers giving me the same test over and over but concludes he's not very happy with that that we'll need to do some different tests problem is he's not very good at making tests this is one of my tests not entirely not entirely look at the word test there on the wall That's brand new oh yep there it is here I thought we were done with new mechanics but sweet I'll gladly take this new thing the new ones are a little simpler but wheatly finds a way you're not going to believe this I found a sealed off Wing 100 hundreds of perfectly good test Chambers just sitting there filled with skeletons shook them out good as new full of skeletons put them right on out of there very good good good good on you guys good good good good on you guys pretty sure I solved this puzzle entirely wrong ended up forcing the cube to the ceiling portaling a wall and then grabbing the box as I fell and it pushed against this button I don't know I'm pretty sure I solved several puzzles incorrectly which wheatle must not like all right so that last test was was seriously disappointing apparently being civil isn't motivating you so let's well let's try her way all right fatty adopted FY faty fatty no parents I kept falling off the platform of this next puzzle it's also the first one where I had to use these gravity things to push myself up and then portal another wall That's creating my own momentum even after learning of this mechanic it took me forever when needing to remember this to will actually remember it Weedle was also playing classical music and turning book pages to prove he's not a okay it's it's adorable okay I'm also totally brw forcing these puzzles and I'm convinced the game knows all right little buddy come on are you are you absolutely sure you're solving these correctly I mean yes you I'm wondering if maybe there's a number of ways to solve them and you're pick all the worst ways spent a solid 20 minutes on the next two puzzles the first one was because I forgot dropping myself was an option and on the other I kept trying to angle this box on a moving platform and the Box kept moving on the platform and it took me forever to remember I could stand on the platform and and angle the laser how I wanted you know oh de another simpler puzzle how a slip and slide and Wheatley is becoming a bit more homicidal you two are going to love this big surprise in fact you might say you're going to love it to death going to love it until you until it killed you till you're dead all right I don't know whether you're uh you're picking up on what I'm saying there yes thanks we get it weit Lee don't try to kill me don't be like GLaDOS don't do that he's not even trying to be subtle anymore m- or maybe he still is in which case wow that's kind of sad oh sorry sorry mud Bol fingers either way I get the impression he's about to kill us Cario yeah oopsy doopsie there's a big surprise awaiting me which is just great been loving the big surprises a lot of people in chat during the live stream said the puzzle I'm on now was quite difficult if not the hardest between both games it was tough but it wasn't actually the one I got stuck on for the longest so I'm very proud of that and here we are at chapter nine well this is the part where he kills us hello this is the part where I kill you had a bit of a brain wave there I was smashing some steel plates together and I thought to myself yeah it's deadly but what's missing what's missing and I no no no no no no don't do that stand right here stand stop stop stop where' you go come back come back run seriously do come back please come back please run okay look I've decided I'm not going to kill you oh sure you did if you come back if I come back oh that you're not coming back n which is disappointing oh I've got an idea hey yes yes in your face I got fine let the games begin let's go wheatly oh I like this go Holmes Versus mariati Aristotle versus mashy Spike plat go go go go go go oh yeah that H I thought I would be fine another new thing is these bombs which are very handy for this whole exploding thing GLaDOS is questioning whether she has a moral compass there's a bunch of be cores and I plug a potato into this weird Port which brings me to the final boss fight with wheatly everybody likes Revenge well let's go get some everybody likes Revenge well well well welcome to my L let me just flag something up according to the control panel light up there the the entire building is going to self-destruct in about 6 minutes I'm pretty sure it's a problem with the light I think the light's on the blink but just in case it isn't I am actually going to have to kill you um as discussed earlier also I took the liberty of watching the tapes of you killing her and I'm not going to make the same mistakes four-part plan is this one no portal surfaces two start the neurotoxin immediately three bomb prooof shields for me leading directly on to Number Four B and throwing it I'm going to give you a sporting chance and turn off the neurotoxin I'm joking of course good B neurotoxin level at capacity in 5 minutes wait what oh wait why are there bombs can I grab these nope I can't grab them tell you what you stop oh wait wait wa blow up this blow up this get over here we get over here yes Co that could okay let's try that you probably get portaling oh so one spot there can't be a portal oh there we go okay got him got him there we go I'm deling the first core up near the catwalk grab it and attach it to him go to space go to space there we go core corruption at 50% neurotoxin offline reor exposion in 4 minutes what oh remember when I first told you had to find that little portal thing you love so much there we go got him again all right we're doing it he you pretty lady name's Rick so you out having yourself a little Adventure what are you fighting that guy you got that under control sounds fun holiday explosion day explosion dayion all right Adventure here is good like that one% these cores on but you don't listen do you what oh oh oh oh come on don't quietly not listening to word oh I accidentally hit him during the Great Depression the Tennessee Valley Authority outlawed pet Rapids forcing many to hot glue gun long ears onto their pet mice GLE floss has superb tensile strength fact that one I like that one core corruption at 100% manual core replacement require please press the stalemate resolution button go press the button go press do not press that butt there it is don't press the button no do not do it or F be dro the St button what are you still alive you are joking you have got to be kidding me oh my goodness what I'm still in control and I have no idea how to fix this place oh play bloody cat and mouse see the surface people were trying to work yeah well now [Music] space I hit the moon go we're in space let go let go I'm still connected I can pull myself in I can still fix this I already fixed it and you are not coming back oh no change your plans hold on to me titer grab me grab me grab me grab me really wait glad saved [Music] me GLaDOS actually saved me and that was Portal 2 what an experience so glad I was able to play both Portal Games it makes me nostalgic for a time where a game was just a game when people weren't concerned with making the single biggest video game of all time it's a neat short experience that does exactly what it set out to do I must say though I could very well have a hot take here I think I prefer the original portal over the second one don't get me wrong I loved both games and it wasn't an easy decision but I think I just preferred the Simplicity of the first one Portal 2 is basically the perfect sequel quite possibly the best you could do but I do think I preferred the simpler White Walls and the one robot pitching in every once in a while letting even more of the narrative up to interpretation there's still a lot to dive into with Portal 2 there's a lot of lore here and I mean a lot there's just less of that tension between you and the robot as you figure out what cake is I don't know maybe hot take but I love both of these games all right don't don't mishear me I love both of these games a lot they're dancing the leopard Prince rone with a crown we're almost there Sur we're out we're out of the lb let's go oh huh and if there are any other games you'd like me to try be sure to comment them below if I haven't made a video on it there's a high likelihood I haven't played it before I also have videos for these games ready to go which one would you like me to release [Music] next
Channel: Throarbin Gaming
Views: 394,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AxaRl8Bx3eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 48sec (3468 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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