Return Of The Cold War Mod - Hearts Of Iron 4

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[Music] hey hey I'll go hey what's going on guys and welcome to Michael Jackson Michael Jackson hey what's going on everybody welcome to the cold Walmart for hearts of im4 now I already recorded this but I lost all the footage so I'm back so yeah I think this will be the last or second to last toy for in our return of Holi for thing this is actually after the past after I've made the last video which was technically in the past but the first part was at the future I'm sorry the I saw a production of the cinematic universe is getting a bit complicated with these multiple timelines but yeah don't worry guys I will be working on the mega campaign if I can get all the converters working after this if not they might be a bit of a gap between the mega campaign it depends if we can get the EU for to Vic to want work which is always the problem so go ahead and get some pokers in the chair this isn't which get some like buttons in the down scription and give us up if you wanna get into it okay so spent a long time since we've seen the cold war mod on this channel now I'm not entirely sure if this is the original cult Walmart which was the Iron Curtain wand from back in the day I made a whole bunch of videos on or if this is a brand new one cuz I couldn't find the old one on the workshop or it just wasn't updated I can't remember I looked it up like a month ago but it was so recently this cold Walmart actually went up I'm read it whereas I I originally found it and then I a sore on the workshop afterwards and that's that's that's a good start so welcome to 1946 everybody we've gone ahead we've beaten the big fatties we've beaten the smaller bodies who were big and now we've got a oh I got a whole bunch of new bodies on the way now into this new era of the Cold War obviously old powers should be falling looking at you mister GP and French provisional government and we really will give rise to a whole bunch of new powers like the Soviet Union and dashingly handsome mr. Stalin but don't don't worry he's not gonna be around too long he's got 10 more years on him then he then he's dies and that's it really now obviously high4 is made to simulate a single conflict in history which is world war two and is but all of its features are basically made specifically around that war so when it comes to simulating politics and other stuff like that it doesn't really work because the actual gameplay and the engine just can't quite handle it of course though mods still try to this day to simulate global politics and high4 and it never goes to well I'm looking at you mud and a mud can you just stop so I am very interested to see exactly how this game will be going about handling yeah I can already see they've got a head of made a whole bunch of buffs so that I'm assuming no one really starts world war free right after that because you know yeah oh my god that's a good sign right there would you look at that it's the United Nations so I have I have no idea how any of this works but realistically if I know Soviet politics well we're probably going to go ahead and click the V open the reject button the abstain button and definitely not the support button so we have the Security Council at the top which was basically the victors of World War two essentially and as you can see right now the Soviet Union opinion of myself is minus 100 Stalin are you depressed cuz there's no need to hate yourself Stalin cuz most people in the world nowadays hate you a lot more yes so uh surprisingly we have a whole bunch of negatives to actually building up new factories to probably not make the world go too crazy and we also have a whole bunch of new things we can do to modify our government which is it's pretty standard for these type of model on a second Stalin you can't have two positions in the cabinet you can't be Defense Minister a deputy minister now straightway I don't see much point of actually being on a high military budget at least not right now unless so if I move off in suddenly everything explodes if I had to go down to a balanced military budget because this whole - 102 construction is probably gonna bite me in the butt up there I would start by jumping 13 civilian factories in Moscow probably need them after whole world will do thing in our whole country sort of blew up there's one thing I hate about these Madson because they're just a continuation of all there's no research to do so ask great could they're just a continuation of the base game well you have everything can lock them research it's a bit of a pain to scroll through oh I know I made that joke about you earlier Stalin but your personal play now the piece de la resistance of any mod is their focus trees and I'm very glad to say that the Soviets actually have one and a cool thing I noticed is that you can actually look at anyone elses focus trees because I'm assuming they've implemented some sort of spy mechanics so I do you want to see if everyone else has a focus tree and to do that we are going to go into cursed mode ah well mr. UK you've got sugar a lot to do but uh thankfully the u.s. also has one so hopefully we can still get some action going on here oh now also has a focus tree but a lot of priorities do bow-wow so unfortunately in the whole world war two thing apparently every single one of our generals died probably cause Stalin shot them which means I do have to go ahead and recruit all the plebeians sorry again right so first things first we should probably go ahead and do this one i neva doses for my little puppet down here Ukraine's having a bit of trouble with insurgents which is you know that's not liking Ukraine at all really they never really have anything like that at least not until I send some little green men over to DOM bass oh well my day is ruined by you know you know it's cool about having one Ukraine having to Ukraine's am i right you got the Socialist Republic of Ukraine and the Socialist Republic are you crave Nikita Khrushchev that's right it's to your graves - you cried Oh excellent twenty consent 23 units to China ha - it's not too fun is it now I can boast or China and also to China's saga they finally accepted my help - even after you know now that I've drawn up a plan for partitioning China oh here we go we've got a little telephone down here let me know as a vote for - China although I really want to reject it I'm state Oh China say no - to China's oh well you won't be saying that in a few years I'm gonna go herd of Hume everyone said no to my idea of to China's but to be fair even I didn't say yes to it I just put it on the table and then illegally sent an army literally an army in China to establish a communist state who's this avid about troops in Iran excuse me no this this whole UN business is it start again if you're annoyed oh you know what fine no I didn't want Iran anyway Azerbaijan has a claim down here oh do be super cheeky and release Azerbaijan so I wouldn't have to give it up you know they saw it coming so fine take two breads I have no idea what this is about it's so powerful of pain so I'm just gonna say no I don't care Philippines I don't go oh India's fing and also other India's there's also over India's oh well I guess we have no choice but to just have this weird civil war that goes on for the end of time and eventually the the northern part will just start slowly starving to death while their little weirdly dough fires missiles across the sage peg god I guess God do the hard way oh you know we got the actual we'll do Treaty which I will go ahead and reluctantly support because I guess I did win it and then also write that tree oh you know I had no idea that Kim il-sung was such a gamer China has fled China to little China after the coast of China that will never become part of China because China doesn't believe this is the real China and this China thinks of that China it's faking this challenge Cheyenne Cheyenne Cheyenne China Hong Kong eventually gets involved also some point this China will end up hating us in the great sino-soviet split because this China just hates us because they ain't us am i right you are like ham sandwich oh look at you western allies with your fancy West Germany God get a room why don't y'all make a East Germany at some point I just gotta I just gotta rebuild all my country that got blown up in the war I'll seems I recently we can't go a day without destroying Tibet can we Oh South there's a new South Korea well I don't think so but hey there's only one career and it's my puppet state so a bit of a time skip here and we now have a new focus tree as our old one has ran out unfortunately though I didn't actually finish the old one so there's a lot of stuff I didn't manage to do like that whole East Germany think oh I got finally Stalin you've gone ahead and kicked the bucket and we could go ahead and do the a historic route and actually stay with the whole Stalin ization thing or we could just you know no oh guys it's a civil war not the anti pipe how can you be such of a party killer I'm sorry guys I know I don't appreciate any of this violence right now from the anti-party group I am taking that right to the US well you know what they say once the party's over it's time to have a pipe with Nikita Khrushchev don't ever said that by imagined he'd be pretty fun at a party at Khrushchev you've both just been put in power after a bloody civil war I forgets time for her vacation to America also like with this national focus even though I've put the revisionists in charge now so Nikita Khruschev I can still go ahead and purge myself i nikita khrushchev walks into a room and shoots himself that's it you just shut oh yeah we can't get an East Germany but we can get a Austria I don't think they're gonna be communist love I just realized that the UN is actually a nation in the game it's like it led by a guy called gladwyn Jeb my name it yep oh we've turned into 1960 now and we've ran out of focus freezers nothing we can do we can't build a well tension can't really you know start a war or anything like that unfortunately not that I'm I'm or where we can do I try to go ahead and start a war but I don't think anyone's accepting my claim over Romania so yeah there's our only any conflict we can set off now cuz I went down the focus tree that didn't really give any conflict obviously and also to to the fact I think in this a little March okay so I wanted to show off more the UN stuff which was pretty cool like I just did with Romania down there I gave myself a claim on it which you can do by clicking the claim button and then you can go ahead and request a vote on whether or not I get the claim which is pretty cool I'm glad that they're actually going down their path more than just making a billion folk of trees where everyone goes to war and Schmidt ler comes back if you remember the old colt Walmart oh yeah by the way but I gotta say this Cold War mods actually it's looking pretty good I got I really gotta say it's um it's good they're doing a lot I probably could have done III didn't look at the other focus fries the parts we could have gone down and we can actually you know start a little wars here and there especially in the other focus tree that we started with we could have got like whole bunch Europe but I didn't really want to do that I just want to show off work you know a normal game would be like if you went historical which is pretty fun we've we've we've done a lot of war in Haifa you could say we did enough war forever but yeah I'm very eager to recheck this mod out when I come back to high for months and a couple months from now which will be pretty interesting and until next time though well this will be it for now I'll probably go ahead and try to start the Mega Cab paym recording right now and if I manage to finish it and all the converts work you'll be seeing it soon if not oh it's a lot of wasted time but I guess due next time guys leave a like it subscribe button down below remember if you want to get yourself a history boy hat link in the description bye [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 512,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: isp, isorrowproductions, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hearts, of, iron, kaiserreich, kaiserreich hoi4, paradox interactive, paradox, interactive, funny montage, funny moments, simulation games, isorrow, hoi4 modding, hearts of iron modding, hearts of iron 4 modding, cold war mod
Id: Ck9jbfcLA8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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