The Return Of The Worst Hearts Of Iron 4 Mod - Rise Of Italia

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[Music] haha thanks for today sponsor raesha 1939-1945 Wow look at the cool hoodie oh look at the high-quality embroidery yeah okay get a new history boy hoodie link in the description it's really cool it's got embroider it's hernia keep you warm in winter huh alright now I don't know how many of you actually remember this but way back when when all of those what if X country one world war one type mods were going off there was some Italian kid out there somewhere there was like it's a mad time unfortunately for a little Mario out there that it was definitely now his time and he created probably the most hilarious mods that ever came out which was rise of Italia yeah that's right it's back to the worst high form art ever created rise of Italia and I've played some pretty terrible months for this one was so bad because it was an ironically trying so now though things have actually taken a very drastic turn from last time we played things are completely different as a whole new mod team from what I know and a you know it's actually when I said at the start of this this is the series or not now to November that we're gonna go see where things have gone and if things have improved for some of these mods I think this is probably the only month where that's actually a thing Oh welcome to rise of Italia just look at that yet there's so much going on already that my eyeballs wanna bleed but it's a good type of blaze where you just you know what this is this this which I'm sorry le the official spokesperson for the CCP I gotta say that that's never happened okay now already there is just a lot to take in right now there is there is so much all over the place here they just a it's just a lot okay that the state of Musca G what's that right now I would say I have checked the law for the smart bird I hundred plant have so if I don't know exactly why the pepper Coast is a thing you know I just don't just be too hard there's a whole convoluted timeline for this month that I you know I'm just I'm not gonna go through but apparently Napoleon died early the Great War started early and Italy came out on top somehow don't ask questions it's just half the dough check the history bucks all right little Mario checked everything that needs to go on and this is possible now already we can kind of tell who are the big players over here in Europe being the German Federation France looks awfully strong and they are indeed fascism or I guess more extremist the UK's still a fing understand Lee Baldwin and they are democratic Rochelle's now looking to heart I've got to say Japan now looking too hard China there's nothing to look at here don't you dare utter a word of this has never happened now to obviously get a proper lock on who are the big boys hurry we need to go into the game and check who actually has focus trees and I'm unsurprised that Italy oh yeah at least got quite the focus straight off oh no it's not quite as big as the Italian one you know I knows could rise of Italia but this is quite big ok yeah one thing I've noticed is they are actually going ahead and using some of the base focus trees which I have no problem with whatsoever I wish more my developers would do this where they just take parts I have no you know no point remaking the shadow scheme for the UK or the general remember it was the point but they have also added some new stuff which is you know we break the home of marks as Brent I just ah ok so the mod still got a lot of work needed on it because Russia focus tree currently looks like this France do you have a focus treat you do have a focus tree that was in depth of the actual focus tree in vanilla right so the real question is how many civil wars is Spain gonna break out to because a political pie charts now looking through healthy there man well a little bit disappointing that no one in Asia really as a focus tree that's kind of a downside which means nothing is even gonna happen over here I imagine less they've actually put some events in which we might being a bit too optimistic Allah the only one with a folk tree over here in America though is the United Federation and that's right baby it's Roosevelt even in this universe oh I bet he can't walk the day I actually come back to hi for full time is when they finally add a March that's a complete it makes it look like it's a completely new like all history scenario but all it is is a universe where Roosevelt could actually walk right so moment of truth though what are the actual factions looking like who is who in this okay so the North Atlantic Alliance is a thing that's Britain Mexico and Australia we will have the aback tea party which is I should France then we have the liberation pact which is communist Egypt not gonna question it all right we also got ourselves a Balkan Union now you know and the anti Austrian League which is uh uh weary militarizing Venice I've seen this one before just going from my generals but why does Giuseppe talero over here look like a goddamn ghost oh here you go here's the breakdown for anyone that is invested in the rise of Italian life okay have fun right so a little bit of a small problem we have I know it's our Navy is completely trash we've got a whole bunch of destroyers and submarines and I mean 91 of them but obviously the one thing we do have going for us is our technology we already have low-level to me a small light tank whatever we've got first one of that blah blah blah Navy is also looking or it kind of looks like they copied the German star takeover I won't like yeah I was gonna say we could probably tell if they have the mobile warfare doctrines like this to which they do okay we made it to the 23rd of January muscle ad time already baby I got there he is this stupid little helmet while we're preparing for the worst but you know I read you from Fair Play no kicking them up this time around because you have actually managed to spell most of the focuses correctly it's not riddled with spelling errors which you know I'm sure they'll Mario's working hard on all weekend oh I just merely just go through vast room why not you know question is so how does one go about joining the the anti Austrian League on a second why is Westford why is Brazil declare war on the pepper coast excuse me oh I get a reference I okay let's hope we really really don't Italian this up too hard hair we go you know just keep it fair and everything I will be taking everything perfect I'm sure our German friends to the door won't buy that one at all the Shoshone Confederacy declared you know I don't even know what any of that means so we're just gonna pretend we didn't see it ho chi minh type oh it actually is Ho Chi Minh I could demand hysteria although bad news is I do already own it so I think muscle a needs to be writing a very strongly worded letter to himself today oh my god no did I why is that a thing who did that who for the who thought this is a good idea oh no they got a focus tree to look at this do I want to suspect that there might be a Turkish guy on the mud teach I'm just kidding I love you my team you do the Kreger good with this I like I like the wackiness of it let's be real would you prefer a Mars that's just like Oh what if this happened that it's slightly realistic or would you like a mob that goes ball to the wall and God brings back the rub so today oh yes sir so we'll bills quits because now polo I don't know why ah the Austrians caved in that's good news for me considering did Alex in like a year ago I think Mussolini might be a little bit schizophrenic he might be arguing with himself quite a bit round here is gonna have to recreate the Roman Empire and it certainly ain't gonna be you the Roman Empire right so if I do the topple the Balkan Union I get oh I get everything I don't know I'm not giving anything away never trust in Italian Oh Ekans for greater Italia there we go are you all proud I'm sorry Turkey I think you means the rope ah gasps my invasion of a turkey is just it's just kind of like watching a disease slowly overcome somebody heresy you you can't you can't start the italians off of a tank division that doesn't contain like four cavalry and one tank what the hell you go if my first carriers out and obviously you've gotta give it the correct name so I haven't actually mentioned it yet but the mud has implemented a war exhaustion feature which kind of like the film speed but in the opposite if I go above a thousand points the Italian bus will explode so uh I should technically be a bit more careful with how much I'm invading but at the same time cuz we no one else is really to dad II think I guess I kind of have to you know I just like the great Mussolini once said sometimes you just got to do it don't hold my bejesus finally someone is actually started wilt all round here well Joey you're looking pretty damn hot and you wrote War Britain so I'm on your side I don't know how's me that feels really possible so I'm a gist Eclair war on you too oh well I don't need to join Joey's faction they could just join mine oh hey we were awarded Denmark - I could just puppet them take that Jolie yeah that's uh that's pretty terrible yeah oh yes did I fail to mention by the way Russia is also in this war against us don't ever mention that oh no I could do well for the British cause when they put all their troops in the Netherlands and in Africa now I just kind of walk into Inglot that I don't know yep we need to we need to capitulate Mexico ah and you all for my tactical annexation agreement would be for nothing sure is nothing quite as fun as invading the icy wintry wasteland that is Canada and yeah okay whatever ah thanks Hirohito boy that'll make the difference here in Canada right now instead of the famous around the match no in the timeline we knew instead it's it's around the shoshone Confederacy to invade Mexico to Ed's the Italian French war versus Russia than it - it's complicated you know why does burn a nappy kind of sound like an Italian trying to pronounce banana yeah go that was a couple illegal incursions into some neutral countries and we've reach Mexico boys uh and ironically want to die though oh there we go we finally met you oh my god sue Schwartz cool competitor oniy what did she do now that is only one war down there we are still at war with I'll just about everyone now that I look at it so something a little bit weird I've noticed is that um Ukraine has looked to 460 divisions it's just a little bit yeah I didn't realize there were so many troops in the Netherlands either so I could oh I do think that that does mean I'm about to knock out a good portion of the Russian military once I kill these guys off though I just glad it's he long Soviet you know how would you describe the leader well uh he's he's pretty long as I have no border of the Soviets the Russian sorry and I don't want to go through the monstrosity that is Ukraine I'm just sneak attack you through the caucuses and it's working like a damn charm yeah I did in fact knock out pretty much the entirety of the Russian military anyway in the Netherlands this is a bit of a cakewalk some point I did a focus unlock the super-heavy tank which now that I look at it kinda looks like he has a giant minigun on the front but I'm assuming that's not a minigun but either way I have so many factories free right now I'm producing one a day at this amount efficiency Jay's not really a good name we're gonna we're gonna call it them there we go much better oh okay one more walk down we did it I just want to get all France oh so goddamn long after I put it he longs communist scum you know ever the hell it was it's now the he long empire led by our I'm say he long who's go map not done just yet though just doing a little bit of cleaning up and speaking of cleaning up Germany yeah you know I think this is a little bit overkill hey go by quick Swiftwater the Germans that means I can finally go ahead and click the button there we go we did it it's Rome and we got it miss Oh gus-gus muscle lady oh this is terrible so yes that was indeed the the rise of Italia MOT for high for a lot better than last time I played it'll be you know it's just one of those months that you kind of have thumb with it's also it kind of actually is readable and playable now that everything is not spelt wrong it's just all the better the best so if you want to check out rise of Italia it is on Steam just search rise of Italia funnily enough and it will pop up so if you enjoy the video make sure to leave like it subscribe button down below if you want to go ahead and get yourself a history boy much hoodie go ahead and get that too please Susan doesn't like giving me money so someone who I get somehow [Music] [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 667,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: isorrow, isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 funny, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 modding, hoi4 modding, hoi4 mods, paradox interactive, italy, italian, funny montage, funny moments, isp
Id: 4Itm6LbSTUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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