The Rejected Word - Pastor Joel Tudman

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first samuel 15. now there's a lot of verses here but it's bible study and that's what we're supposed to be doing first samuel chapter 15. samuel said to saul i am the one the lord sent to anoint you king over his people israel so listen now to the message from the lord this is what the lord almighty says i will punish the amalekites for what they did to israel when they waylaid them as they came up from egypt now go attack the amla kites and totally destroy all that belongs to them do not spare them put to death men and women children and infants cattle and sheep camels and donkeys kill everybody so saul summoned the men and mustered them at tillam 200 thousand foot soldiers and ten thousand from judah saul went to the city of amalek and set an ambush in the ravine then he said to the canaanites go away leave them like heights so that i do not destroy you along with them for you showed kindness to all the israelites when they came up out of egypt so the ken knights moved away from the amalekites then saul attacked the amla kites all the way from havilla to shore near the eastern border border of egypt he took a gag king of them the kites alive and all his people he totally destroyed with the sword but saul and the army spared a gag and the best of the sheep and cattle the fat calves and lambs everything that was good these they were unwilling to destroy completely but everything that was despised and weak they totally destroyed then the word of the lord came to samuel i regret that i have made saul king because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions samuel was angry and he cried out to the lord all that night early in the morning samuel got up and went to meet saul but he was told samuel was gone to carmel there he was set up a monument of his own honor and it turned and gone down to gilgal when samuel reached him saul said the lord bless you i have carried you out of the lord's instructions but samuel said what then is this breathing of sheep in my ears what is this allowing of cattle that i hear saul answered the soldiers brought them from the amalekites they spared the best of the sheep and cattle to sacrifice to the lord your god but we totally destroyed the rest enough samuel said to saul let me tell you what the lord said to me last night tell me saul replied samuel said although you were once small in your own eyes did you not become the head of the tribes of israel the lord anointed you king over israel and he sent you on a mission saying go and completely destroy those wicked people the amla kites wage war against them until you have wiped them out why did you not obey the lord why did you pounce on the plunder and do evil in the eyes of the lord but i did obey the lord saul said i went on the mission the lord assigned i completely destroyed the implications and broke back again the king the soldiers took sheep and cattle from the plunder the best of what was devoted to god in order to sacrifice them to the lord your god at gilgal but samuel replied does the lord delight in burn offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the lord to obey is better than sacrifice and to heed is better than the fat of rams for rebellion is like the sin of divination and arrogance like the evil of idolatry because you have rejected the word of the lord he has rejected you as king i want to talk to you tonight on a subject called the rejected word the rejected word father we thank you tonight for the opportunity to minister to our brothers and sisters here in this room and across the world blessed sanctified unclutter the mind let somebody be saved healed delivered in jesus name everybody shout amen i want to talk about the rejected word when you look at the word of god right out opening the book the scriptures teach us so much about the word so many bible verses the lord's word is flawless his word is a lamp to my feet light to my path all scripture is breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting training and righteousness so that the servant of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work talking about the word for the word of god is alive active sharper than any double-edged sword it penetrates even dividing soul and spirit joints and marrow it judges the thoughts and the attitudes of the heart it is the only instrument that can divide soul and spirit man does not live by bread alone but by every word proceeded out of the mouth he sent out his word and he what healed them job said i have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread the scripture says you are already clean because of the word that i have spoken unto you scripture says i have hidden your word in my heart that i might not sin against him the unfolding of your words give light it gives understanding to the simple scripture says how can a young person stay on the path of purity text says by living according to your word so is my word that goes out from my mouth it will not return back void or back empty we're talking about the word if you remain in me and my words what why didn't you you can do it ask what you what it's all about the word sanctify them by the truth that he tells us that the word is the truth he says let the word of christ dwell in you richly all of this is in the word taking the sword of the spirit which is the word of god one of my favorite scriptures faith come by hearing and hearing by the word if i were to give you six keys right now there are probably thousands but i want to give you six right out of the gate that i want you to write down six keys to remember about the word number one the word sets the table for god in your life it sets the table for god in your life number two the word of god keeps you god conscious when you partake in it intentionally intentionally number three the word testifies about jesus number four the word is living and it's operable number five hearing it brings faith and the last one the world cannot be killed because heaven and earth shall pass away but my word will still be here now if this is true and i believe that it's true if this is true then what happens when a man rejects his word a man doesn't get to experience the joy that comes from the word he doesn't get to experience the the supernatural creativity and the power the anointing the experiences that come from the word when that man decides to reject the word but what i've noticed that even here today there are more women in church then there are men not just this church but across the world why is that we have a tendency to reject the word could it be that maybe because our wives go to church that maybe because we think god's voice sounds like our spouse could it be we don't know we don't know why something has the man's attention and i want to talk to every man that's sitting in this room tonight and every man that's logged on behind a camera tonight because i want you to graduate from rejecting the supernatural and graduate from rejecting the power that comes from the word of god god wants to do something in you tonight man m-a-n i wish i had a brother that would just clap his hands and give god glory for every man that's watching we're known for rejecting we're known for rejecting so this made me wonder i wonder what god feels like when we reject him now i know god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth but i know god has emotions because it's also it also tells us in the text that he's a jealous god it lets us know that his anger endureth but for a moment but his favor lasts for a lifetime so that tells me that he experiences anger but i also know that he's a spirit so there has to be some anthropomorphic terms to make him sound human for us to get the picture even prior to him becoming a man in flesh because in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word became god then it became flesh and dwelt amongst us so i know that there's some type of feeling that god has because then it tells us in genesis as well that we're created in his image and his likeness so there's a piece of us that feels like god that looks like god that smells like god i wonder what he feels like when we reject him i think he probably has experienced more rejection than all of us collectively in the world it is interesting to me but that is the one thing that's going to send you to hell to reject him as lord because he's already given us the antidote for sin so he's given us the antidote for sin then it has to be rejection of his solution that sends us away from him in eternity how does god feel when we reject his glory when we reject his praise when we reject his instructions i wonder how does god feel and i looked at this chart i want you to put this chart up on the screen i looked at this chart and this chart is by pew research and when i looked at the chart this chart basically describes a man's relationship not just him believing in jesus not just him believing in the supernatural but whether he depends on god on a regular basis does he depend on god more or does he depend on his common sense and the statistics were striking to me that 28 religion 12 philosophy 47 common sense that makes sense to me now why you can't find a partner that will believe god with you and most of your brothers depend on their own common sense more than they do the god that gave you the sense that it's supposed to be coming and then men dependence on science and three percent of men don't know now what bothers me you can take it down what bothers me is this if that's the case i feel sorry for you women because you are wrestling with flesh and blood oh my lord have mercy and you wonder why you can't get a breakthrough and you wonder why he won't pray for you and you wonder why i wouldn't marry no woman that won't pray for me i'm not a woman so i can't say i wouldn't marry a man but i wouldn't marry somebody that wouldn't get in the supernatural realm with me and bind stuff and break stuff and rebuke stuff in a supernatural realm but i understand we believe in our own selves more than we believe in god and we depend on our own ability more than we depend on the ability of god so when i started looking at this and how man is with rejection and he's he rejects coming to church on a regular basis he rejects fasting and prayer he rejects the supernatural he just kind of fits in and flows with you and if you have a man let me park if you have a man whether he's an uncle a nephew or a son that loves god and depends on god will you bless god for that man right now will you make him feel good is that the best you all can do there are some brothers out here there's some demon slayers there's some brothers out here that's got money and got god there's some brothers out here that's anointed and making their way out of nowhere and we got to bless god for those brothers not just the rappers and the entertainers but we got the best god for just a plain old deacon that loved jesus the plain old preacher that loved jesus the plain old mailman that loved the lord the plain on offense assistant that loves god come on give god glory for the brother that knows how to depend on god what i found out is this rejection is the most common emotional wound that we sustain in daily life our risk of rejection used to just be limited to our circle until our circle expanded through digital media once our circles expanded through digital media then it made our risk for rejection expansive not only did it make it expansive it took it from the private sector and made the rejection available for everyone to see which caused an increase in suicide because the rejection became publicized and so now we're wrestling with this even today with traditional media and digital media we've been able to empathize with our haitian brothers and sisters being rejected with our mexican brothers and sisters being rejected even with the americans that are in the middle east being rejected with our african brothers being rejected and all the different types of prejudices that are in the united states today were able to witness rejection on a grand scale because our social uh construct has expanded but in addition to all of that you have the traditional rejection pieces that all of us go through divorce career termination we got lifestyle changes we got sibling rejection we've got parrot and child rejection so on top of all of that pain that you have in social or in the social media world the digital age and the pain that causes a paralyzing pain and when a man chooses to go through that with just common sense it becomes difficult for him to become stable in a relationship with you i think i'm talking all right psychologist psychologist guy wench he published an article entitled why rejection hurts so much and what to do about it now in his work he references this study where a scientist was placing people inside a functional mri machine because he wanted to take a look at their brain as he asked them to recall a recent rejection and as they recalled the recent rejection what he noticed was that the brain would send these impulses the exact same way they would with a physical injury so this helped all of the doctors to understand that what we call small rejections when you get so many of them compiled over time it causes you to have issues mentally because you've not gone to counseling you've not talked about the trauma that you've gone in and look at where we are right now how much trauma is going on in the mind of the believers in the world because of the small rejection that is happening in our mind that just like collision courses i didn't know that hurt you it feels like a wreck but it didn't look like one you came out walking and you came out smiling but you didn't see what it did to my mind and how it shook me and how it rocked me and if you're a man that's depending on common sense to bring that you are i believe tonight that we're going to break the back of rejection and that we're going to learn how god teaches us how to deal with rejection so that we can move forward somebody give god glory tonight in bless his holy name someone i begin to look in this particular text tonight this entire saga from chapter 8 to chapter 15. the lord began to talk to me said joel this is all a cycle of desire said this all began this whole rejection issue all began because the children of israel desired to have a king like the rest of the other nations so since they desired and if you look at it in the first samuel chapter eight verses four through five it says so all the elders of israel gathered together and came to samuel at ramah and they said to him you owe that's cold-blooded you owe your sons do not follow your ways now appoint us a king to what to lead us such as all the other nations have and then goes on to six and seven he says but when they said it give us king to lead us they displeased samuel so he prayed to the lord and the lord him listen to all that the people are saying to you it is not you that they have rejected but they have rejected me as their king write this down desire without discernment is distraction desire without discernment is distraction you start turning down who you should be turning up you start turning away who you should be turning in you stop listening to who you should be listening to everything shifts when your desire is not linked to discernment yes i know you're saying well wait a minute god gives me the desires of my heart that's part of the scripture it says delight yourself in him and he'll give you the desires of your heart it should be pleasing you should have a pleasing relationship with god not just please him it should please you to want to be with him you should get satisfaction from praising god you should get satisfaction from wanting to be with the lord you should get satisfaction for coming to church on wednesday and coming to church on sundays and praying and consecrating and wanting to be with the people of god if you should take pleasure in that i wish i had a witness in here look at somebody say take pleasure in it it ought to please you it ought to make you lift your hands it ought to make you run from time to time i'm not talking about a pentecostal dance i'm talking about when you got somebody in your life that you just really enjoy it's like eating food and moving because you just love being around them every now and then it ought to make you move because of who you're connected to i don't understand somebody that can say they love me and never move they love me and never say they love me love me never give me nothing you ain't enlightening me this is the legend of the lord i'll give you the desires of your heart you're with me so if that's the case point one be careful desire doesn't contaminate your discernment okay because if you don't delight yourself in the lord then you're desiring your wants and if you're if you don't have a strong sense or gift of discernment then your desire will contaminate what's coming into your life the definition of desire desire is a strong feeling of wanting to have something discernment however is the ability to judge well in a modern sense it's the faculty of discrimination acuteness of judgment and understanding some of you don't discriminate enough the people that you're around you got to start discriminating these people most of our problems is not the devil it's your desire you don't judge well your discernment so if i don't judge well and my desires are out of control then i become contaminated and i'm all in wishful thinking i'm never in faith i'm never making great decisions i'm making them based off how i feel and one of the things bishop told me when i first came here i want you to learn how to be a better leader leaders have to stand and sometimes disregard what they feel stand in the truth stand in the power so when we look at these two words one of them is looking for a gift and the other is the gift discernment is a spiritual gift so then you have to ask yourself a question am i going to spend the rest of my life trying to bring gifts to me am i going to recognize that i am the gift once you recognize that you're the gift and that you have a gift then you'll learn how to recruit good gifts to you i wish i had a witness in here tonight what you bring to you will change because you will learn how to simply judge well oh my god can you look at somebody saying you're going to do a better job judging tonight yeah yeah yep yep i know some of y'all looking at your spouses it's okay just tell them you're gonna do a better job judging tonight we're gonna do a better job judging tonight i need you to start discriminating some of the people you're bringing into our life i want you to have acute judgment so then they rejected god as their king and desired a man for their king they would rather be similar than significant they wanted a monarchy instead of a theocracy they wanted to settle for humanity instead of divinity but that probably makes sense if they had men like us who rely more on common sense because common sense is going to want to touch it and feel it before it believes it but those of us that have faith understand that sometimes we got to sit with the eyes of faith before we ever sit with the eyes of because faith come by what i say faith come by say it again faith come by and hearing by so at the end of the day whatever i hear is what i'm bringing into my life you're not going to get healed if you don't hear about healing you've got to learn that healing comes with this so once you get that healing comes with this and that god ain't doing anything extra he's already good enough then when you hear any kind of word you expect to be healed you expect to be delivered you expect things to come to pass in your life because you get it all of this is in the package oh somebody said hallelujah lord have mercy so the rejected god is conversing with the rejected priest the rejected god is conversing with the rejected prophet the rejected god is conversing with the rejected judge god and samuel sometimes you don't have to just understand god is just you and i and you know there's a lot of deep people out here and they always don't need nobody but god i get it it sounds so good i might hear me in jesus all by myself it sounds so good but even god put in the beginning of the book it is not good for man to be alone there is something about being isolated from people that can change a man it can change how he feels it can change how he sees things and so it is this conversation between the rejected god and the rejected the rejected prophet priest and judge god and samuel which helps me to understand the kind of god that we have that he understands what we feel and he understand what we go through and he can walk with us and he can talk with us because he gets it people will reject you so the first rejection in the text is the rejection of god the second rejection in the text is the rejection of the priest judge and prophet which is samuel so you've got two rejected one deity one of humanity that are communicating together encouraging each other and god's telling him hey man don't worry about it look they rejected me as king and then samuel said but i've been the one down here leading him all these times you anointed me to do it and he said you think you're the first one they rejected moses they've been doing this what does that mean people have an automatic default to reject you are you all all right so far god i got a long way to go i'm gonna just chop it up so you guys you have this judge this priest this prophet now samuel is an amazing man we know that he comes on the scene as a judge we know how he was born we know how he ruled but he's a king maker that's probably the biggest thing we'll pull out tonight he's a king maker and he represents two different types of government from him we're moving from judges removing from this uh monarchy and now the judge prophet priest who has been rejected now has to go find somebody that's not only going to take god's place but his place so he has to go find somebody who god's tell him to go find and he goes and finds a young man by the name of samuel or saul so we move from the rejected god the rejected priest judge and prophet to now the elected replacement who would be saul so we in our text we're converging in chapter 15 with two powerful men what a wonderful scene that's the first thing i saw that you got two leaders walking together two men walking together two men that are working for god walking together this is the king maker and the prophet and and and the new king that's getting ready to change the world he's anointing him to run things and they're walking together my question to you brother who are you walking with if we look right next to you if you're not mentoring them to become something or they're not mentoring you to become something or you're not partners who have already become something i question your association because we're in the season now where we don't have time to be walking with people trying them out y'all ain't saying nothing here tonight ain't got time to try you out i'm definitely not going to try you out in public i wish i had a witness that hit there has to be certain requirements for me to even spend some time with you so now we've got sam uh samuel and saul samuel and saul samuel and saul the prophetic and the king the priest and the king the judge and the king i hope you're listening to those titles who you walking with what's their title i know y'all say titles are not everything but sometimes they mean something when you when you can walk into the room and you got the judge walking with you and you got the attorney walking with you it means something sometimes when you got the md walking with you the phd of the department walking with you when you got the ceo walking with you it means who is walking there's power walking in the room i want you to get to the place that when you walk in the room you ain't got to say no they just see power coming in the room those are powerful brothers those are powerful men look at how they walk look at how they move you don't have to say a mumbling word just come through the room sauls and samuels you've got the young and the old the experienced and the unexperienced they're coming together and he's mentoring him how to become what he's already been if they haven't been it there's a chance that they can't show it so you got to make sure that you're connected to someone who already has a pattern of what you're trying to become the messenger somebody said the messenger the messenger the messenger you've got a messenger talking to a messenger you've got two men that are prepared to move the way god is telling them to move but the best thing they can do is teach each other who each other are learn my ways i'm gonna learn your ways you've done this before samuels and souls and as we come into the stacks we move from the messenger to the message and the message is samuel so i want you to go down to amalek and i want you to take everything out that's what the lord said men women children donkeys camels horses everything that's in there take it out everything that's in there take it out i want you to do this because god is saying we owe them what what you say we owe them yes we owe them go to exodus 17. exodus chapter 17. exodus 17 verses 12 through 16. you remember this bishop preached this a few weeks ago called airstrikes when moses hands grew tired they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it aaron and her held his hands up one on one side one on the other so that his hands remained steady till sunset so joshua overcame the amla kite army with the sword then the lord said to moses write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that joshua hears it because i will completely blot out the name of amalek from under the heaven i'm gonna read that again go back and look at that then the lord said to moses write this on a scroll write it down write it on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that joshua hears it because i will completely blot out the name of amalek from under the heaven simply meaning make sure he hears this because he's down there fighting but this fight is not for nothing that's what he's trying to tell him he says at the end of this thing i'm going to make sure that we wipe them completely out moses built an altar and called it the lord is my banner he said because hands were lifted up against the throne of the lord the lord will be at war against the amla kites what from generation to generation and if that's the case what an awesome mission to finish off what moses started you mean to tell me i'm about to anoint you to finish something that has been chasing your family generation after generation after generation after generation i wish i had a witness in here after generation after generation after generation you're going to be the one that i send to demolish what's been trying to take your family out generational curses sickness poverty you're going to be anointed to wipe it out i'm sending you somebody to give god glory because he's anointing you tonight to go wipe out what's been trying to destroy your whole bloodline oh i wish i had a witness in here he said i'm giving you the mission the mission the mission the messenger the message the mission i'm giving you this mission i'm assigning you to go well here's what the bible says he called him up at a place called talmud okay and when he does this i went and looked up what was what this name meant and it was called the place of lambs but it's not a city so he's calling up two hundred thousand israelite soldiers there it is right there so saul summoned the men and mustered them at tillam two hundred thousand foot soldiers and ten thousand from judah this is a lot of people so while he's calling all these warriors together he happens to be calling them together by the place of the lambs now that messed me up because if this is not a city then what's this place of the lambs they said this place of the lambs was a place that they would build for the shepherds that were coming through with the sheep and when they would get tired they'd let the sheep park in the place of the lambs so at the same time you got a place for the lambs to rest and now you've got soldiers getting ready now you've got lions of judah that are coming together at the place of the lambs i don't think it's a coincidence that i thought about it what is the church the church is not a city but it's the place of the lambs and when we're driving through the city and you're passing cars and houses and buildings out of nowhere pops the potter's house out of nowhere pops another church where the place of the lambs have just decided to come and gather and while we're gathering oh wish i had to witness it here while we're gathering you're getting your instructions to go finish what's been trying to kill you i want you to point at somebody tell them i'm about to walk up out of here and kill something my god every devil that tried to kill my family my children my mind everything that's been connected to me i'm coming out of here trying to get after it we don't wrestle oh my god oh i wish i had a witness in here i wish i had at least 50 of y'all that would just stand up and give god glory for the anointing that's on you right now come on come on come on come on come on i want you to take 20 seconds and bless him come on in here tonight god's sending you on the mission at the place on the land let me see this he calls them together and he sends them off they see it but there's a problem that's a problem he don't have good discernment but he does have desire so because he doesn't have good discernment he kills everything that's not perfect texas the men were unwilling to kill it so everything that looked perfect that was perfect he decided to keep this is interesting to me because if the mission is to wipe it out that means somewhere between receiving the message and in the mission he had to have had a conversation and see that's what's wrong with some of y'all stop the mission to talk we're in here tonight y'all you stopped the mission and started texting because your discernment left and all you had was desire and everything that looked good you decided you would keep instead of destroy and you married what you should have destroyed and you're dating what you should have destroyed you bought what you should have destroyed you're making payments on what you should have destroyed you fell in love with what you should have destroyed now you're sick over what you should have destroyed now you have a you have a you have a a a a a tie a soul tie with what you should have destroyed and you want to know how can i get rid of it i can't get rid of it no because you you you you desired it and when you desired it you went after it and you strategized do you understand what it takes for 200 000 men to get the message keep the good throw away the bad that's that's too much talking that's too many small conversations there was no microphones there was no pa system they had to have a system of communication to say don't take that having the knife no don't take that don't take that let me check it they had to check it before they killed it but the mission was to take it out and so you wonder why you lost your edge because you're checking everything when you should have killed it and now you can't kill your bad attitude because you now what's interesting to me is that he takes the king king a gag king of gag is the king of the amla kites a gag is a term like pharaoh so that would be the typical title of the king just like pharaoh is for the egyptians two things number one for him to say when i'm saying him i'm talking about saul for saul to say we killed everybody and just brought back the king would simply mean that his discernment is off so bad that he doesn't realize that the one he saved is an amalekite the only reason why he didn't kill him because of his position who is it that you saved because of how much they make who is it that you saved because of their status who is it that you decided to put up with because of how much they bring to the table they're your king gag that you've decided to just capture instead of kill oh i wish i had a witness in here tonight somebody said hallelujah cause some of y'all walked in the person here tonight you captured them some of y'all best friends are pows and then when we get to church y'all take the chains off and let them come on in here and walk normal kings oh i feel like i'm teaching all right tonight king of gang it's the title of the amalekites well then we have the amalekites themselves god is really mad at these people you got to be really mad to kill kids that's what i'm saying is going to be kind of uncomfortable and i'm standing in front of kids let me go over here isn't that bad you got to be pretty bad to kill kids you know i mean kids i get it killing the men but you're killing the kids and the wives kill them all kill the dogs cats monkeys giraffes tigers lions anything in the land kill it that's what god said kill it kill it all that's interesting to me until i started understanding why when they left egypt god said i don't want to take them through the camp the way of the philistines because they're not prepared to fight they're slaves and they're not soldiers he said so i want to take them the long route so i can grow them into sons and from sons into soldiers so he took them the other way and the other way that he took them was a group of people called the amplicites who are known for picking off stragglers who are known for looking for the vulnerable so god is angry with them because they were strong and they prayed on the weak and they went after the they went after israel while they were trying to come out all of the people were in the front and then you had the stragglers that were in the back and they was picking them off picking them off picking them off picking them off one at a time picking them off picking him off picking him up he says i cannot stand an enemy that will go after the weak and this became a constant battle as bishop told us they were into sorcery not only were they just into sorcery but their spiritual dna hear me clearly their spiritual dna is linked to anti-hate groups so different groups that love to kill and love to murder spiritually they tie them to amalekites people that want to see you die for the fun of it people that's what i'm talking about people that want to pick you off just for the fun of it people that decide you look weak and i'm going to take advantage of you he said i can't stand people like that so i'm gonna raise me up a leader that will go inside the enemy's territory and wipe them out everything i wish i had a witness in here somebody said everything but the one he anointed didn't have good discernment now we know he lies and the reason why we know he lies is because david ends up having to fight the amalekites so that would simply mean this that while he was going through to see what was good and what was not some of them got away that's the danger of rejecting the way god tells you to do it because you miss details so the amalekites are known generation to generation they are characterized last one i'm going to give you as an unending enemy they keep coming back they keep coming back they keep coming back cancer keep coming back diabetes keep coming back haters keep coming back they're an unending enemy but god believed in saul enough he said i want to give you this anointing i'm going to give you this mission and i'm going to send you into that camp and i want you to demolish them but he comes back with the king and he comes back with livestock and samuel says what's that right here can't have no cow what's that out here you're lying he said no no we killed everything and then samuel says no you lying obedience is better than sacrifice you talking about keeping something to sacrifice to the lord first of all i know you're lying because you didn't call him your lord so y'all better start paying attention to people y'all kicking it with i'm gonna go to your church i'm gonna go talk to your god no no no no no no if he ain't yours then we need to stay here first and figure out how we're going to get him to be yours we're going i'm gonna i'm gonna evangelize you i'm gonna i'm gonna pray for you and then i'm gonna take you on up in this church and i'm gonna go to the altar with you because i want you to learn from to be your god i wish i had a witness here he ain't just mine he's gonna be yours by the time i get through with you i'm anointed for the mission so he says obedience is better than sacrifice so the next point what you put on the screen when we talk about half obedience will never half obedience would never be considered as obedient and appeal we got obedience makes you better okay it'll make you better at the end of the day the only way you're going to get better is by obeying now what's interesting about that if obedience is better than sacrifice but we know we got to sacrifice because old customs oh old covenant teachings we had to come into the temple ready to sacrifice that was first wash up sacrifice well if that's the case then how come we're not talking about both of them together well sacrifice is somebody else's flesh obedience is yours that's why because when i take this bird i'm killing that bird but when i obey i'm killing my flesh because i'm submitting my will to his will that's the greatest truth in life for me to kill my will and accept his at what point will you stop half obeying because half obeying will never be full obedience and if that's the case here we have another rejection of rejection of the truth well if we move from the rejection of the truth then the text simply says this and then we gotta leave it and let it go because you rejected what he told you to do he's going to reject you as king he just got making how you become king that quick and lose your kingship i tell you why because many of us confused the crown for king you can have a crown all day long that don't mean you got the power watch it and i'm gonna let it go for years as a boy i've always listened to the preaching about the rejection of saul and i didn't pay attention he didn't say he rejected saul he say rejected him as king when we lose positions it's almost like we lose everything he didn't reject him as a person he rejected his position because the minute you refuse to do what god tells you to do you give god the option to replace you and god will let you sit in that seat and anoint somebody else to do your job so he'll let you wear the crown but he'll go find another king and he'll go find a king in the field while you're sitting on the throne and he'll train the king for 25 years while you still got the title and he'll raise him up in the field while you're still in the palace and he'll train him how to make it work while you're sitting up there thinking you working because you learn how to live in rejection and become popular with it but i came in here tonight to break that thing off of you and to tell you that he did not reject you as a person but he may have rejected your position he might have and i'm gonna close it right here i talk to my pastor about my sermons because he gives me the opportunity to preach to his audience and this is his audience and uh he asked me a question he said who killed so i said well they were in battle and he fell on the sword he said yeah what does that mean to you nobody touched him but losing the crown got him so bad he'd rather fall and die hanging on the sword then be a regular man i want you to rest on your feet because here's what i want you to do stand up on your feet i want you to know that god thinks more of you than just your appointments your titles your power he loves you and in that same text i was reading to you samuel said do you remember when you were thinking small when you were small in your own eyes that's what he said you remember when you were smalling your eyes and and i made you king he said that's that's when we came looking for you i want you to stay small in your own eyes be big in somebody else's eyes if you stay small in your eyes you won't reject anything god is bringing you you'll receive everything god's bringing to you and you'll see what everything that he's bringing you is greater than you could ever become and you would never reject anything that god has for you because you're too small in your own eyes i want to open this thing up tonight because i believe we're going to have about a seven to eight minute prayer that's going to break something off for you tonight and i'm gonna count to three and i want you get out of that chair i want you to hit this altar i don't want you to worry about who's sitting next to you i want you to come to this altar with your hands lifted and i want you to get out of that chair one two three move right now come on whoever it is get out the chair come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on turn the keyboard up for me come on come on come on come on lift them hands come on we're not going to live in the valley of rejection come on that's it god anointed you to kill some stuff and it's been hard for you and you've kind of questioned some stuff and there's gonna be a break in tonight don't worry about looking at me i want you to begin to talk to god right now come on talk to him right now talk to him talk to him talk to him talk to him come on come on come on come on lift your hands and talk to the lord right now right now he anointed you to finish off some stuff you anointed to stop the generational giants that's been coming after your name that's been coming after your family but you're getting ready to move past every stumbling block you're getting ready to move past every issue because you are the king and queen that he has anointed for this hour come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on i want you right there where you are begin to pray out loud come on don't worry about your neighbor begin to pray out loud i'm going to pray with you in the next three seconds come on come on that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 17,610
Rating: 4.9410524 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, pastor Joel tudman, the rejected word, Rejection, 1 Samuel 15:1-23
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 34sec (3694 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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