Breach The Stronghold - Pastor Joel Tudman

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[Music] god is a chain breaker and i know you believe it and i believe it too i got a feeling somebody's changed to getting ready to break i got a feeling tonight that something supernatural is getting ready to take place in your house i got a feeling tonight somebody's going to get healed in their house and i got a feeling tonight that somebody's about to be set free and if you believe that's you i want you to start typing out it's me it's me oh lord it is me right now i'm about it's about to happen for me right now i feel the charge i felt it on the way here that god's getting ready to break some shackles off somebody some things are getting ready to fall off of you but you got to receive that and you got to believe that by faith and take it by force right now in the mighty name of jesus glory to god well tonight i'm excited to be back with you again i love bishop jakes i love lady jakes i love the potter's house i love dr james such an incredible all of them such incredible people of god and for welcoming me a part of this beautiful family tonight i've been i've been charged to sit and talk to you tonight so i hope you have your bibles because i have several scriptures that i want to go through tonight and i want to teach from second corinthians chapter 10 verses 1 through 5. okay ii corinthians chapter 10 1-5 i paul myself entreat you by the meekness and gentleness of christ i who am humble when face to face with you but bold towards you when i am away i beg of you that when i am present i may not have to show boldness with such confidence as i count on showing against some who suspect us of walking according to the flesh for though we walk in the flesh we are not waging war according to the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds we destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of god and take every thought captive to obey christ father thank you for your word in jesus name i want to talk to you tonight the subject entitled breach the stronghold breach the stronghold paul is having to defend his apostolic authority against the believers and the outsiders that are influencing and having infiltrated the congregation and the antagonists are jewish christians who had labeled themselves as apostles of christ paul is having to defend his authority and how he has to defend how he how he's viewed on on letter and how he's viewed in person and so while he's defending himself there's another individual teacher that has little followers little minions that are behind him and they start calling paul uh labeling him saying he has untutored speech and that he's rude and that he's mere human uh that he's bold at a distance and he's a coward when he's present so they mounted this attack against him and they begin to deal with the validity of his apostleship and so as they begin to do this they begin to win over the congregation and the congregation began to take their point of view and they started introducing new teachings and they were boastful and they sounded very intellectual and they were so good at what they were doing that they began to alienate the people from paul's influence okay they got them to submit to their authority so paul realizes this and they had usurped his authority he figured this out and so this explains the mood of this text and i got that from dr james the mood of this text you can you can see what's happening now because there are several bible scholars that have said that this particular text 10 11 12 and 13 was its own writing because of how vehement paul was in the writing and how he charged them in the letter normally he didn't write like that and so he begins to tell them look i didn't do ministry from a worldly fashion he said i did ministry i do ministry uh from divine power and so because of his drastic approach now they're questioning him and wanting to know what's going on and paul comes out and he says for though we walk in the flesh we're not waging war according to the flesh so if we're going to look at this they were upset with him because he's coming to them in meekness and in kindness this is one of the ways that jesus talked to us in the beatitudes and so they want him to be explosive and to be another way and he tells them when i do come hopefully i don't have to talk to you that way but i will talk to those who are teaching a new teaching that is not of what we have already laid the foundation for so he begins to talk even more and i think it's necessary to clarify then the word walk i want you to type that on the line walk it deals with it's a lifestyle word okay the word walk is a lifestyle word within our belief system so in its infancy christianity was labeled followers of the way jesus was and still is the way and it's not surprising that the bible instructs believers to walk a certain way all right so even today if if you were to look at our walk we're calling it a journey or we're calling it a walk with him the word walking in this context it describes those that actually walked with jesus and then those of us that are still actually walking with him today as he leads us into eternal life now our walk then is a description of our relationship with him i want you to write that down our walk is a description of our relationship with him in the scriptures there is a man that is simply known for how he walks with god not his style not his swag not his moxie but his loyalty his name was enoch all right his name meant dedicated and and what you see about him in the text it simply says how he walked with god how long he walked with god and how his walk with god pleased god you'll find that in genesis 5 23 and 24 thus all the days of enoch with 365 years enoch walked with god and he was not for god took him and then if you flip over to hebrews 11 and 5 he's in the hall of faith after being taken early it says by faith enoch was taken up so that he should not see death and he was not found because god had taken him now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased i park right there is your walk pleasing god i know that we want to do all types of things in the earth and we want to make it and we want to go to the highest level that we can get to but i want to know is your walk not your moxie not your style is your walk pleasing god the whole substratum of enoch's mentioning about his walk with god is about how he honored him and how he walked with him in such a violent and hyper sensual hyper-sexual era in so much that his walk pleased god that god took him before the flood a couple of hundred years before noah he's his grandfather that he takes him so enoch walks with god and then he was not because his walk was so precious god takes him so our walk isn't about rules and regulations nor is it before or preceding him it is behind him that's order it's led by him that is order and it is in reverence it is in what it is in commitment and it is in love those three things your walk is in order it is in reverence four things it is a commitment and it is in love the scriptures use the term walking all throughout the bible if you want to look over amos three and three it says do two walk together unless they agreed to meet so what you walk with you agree with write it down what you walk with you agree with you say well no i don't i don't agree with who i'm walking with well why are you walking with them what you walk with you agree with and then secondly walking then from the context would be progression so then let's look at three things in scripture that the bible talks to describe walking the first one would be walking in the flesh the second one would be walking in the spirit the third one would be walking by faith over in first corinthians chapter three one through four it says but i brothers could not address you as spiritual people but as people of the flesh as infants in christ i fed you with milk not solid food for you were not ready for it look at what he's saying and not even now and even now you're not ready for you are all still of the flesh for while there was is jealousy and strife among you you are not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way this is what they were saying about paul all right for when one says i follow paul and another says i follow apollos you are being merely human so here he's telling us that walking in the flesh doesn't mean that you're not saved it means you're not growing he says that you're still at a babe level i'm having to feed you at a baby level so you are still people of the flesh you are infants in christ and then you see over in romans 8 5-8 where he talks about walking in the spirit now if you look at this in context it says for those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the flesh on the things of the flesh but those who live according to the spirit set their minds on the things of the spirit father set the minds on things of the flesh is death but to set their mind on the spirit is life and peace for the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to god for it does not submit to god's law indeed it can not those who are of the flesh cannot please god and then down to the 14th verse he says for all who are led by the spirit of god are sons of god so when we look at walking in the spirit it's not just walking we shift into being sons of god and that is men and women we shift in our relationship when we're walking in the spirit and then the third one i gave you which was walking by faith you can go over the second corinthians chapter five verse seven it says simple as we for we walk by faith and not by sight so all three of those are different types of walks that we have even one i didn't even mention which is a walk of righteousness but all of these are words or or phrases that categorize again our walk so when you look at the scripture it also reveals proof of your walk all right come on here write this down there will always be people of the flesh and people of the spirit how do we determine that proof it's not about being judgmental it's about proof well then what's the proof there's something called the work of the flesh yeah the work of the flesh and if you look at the work of the flesh i want them to put it on the screen so you can see sexual immorality impurity sensuality idolatry sorcery look at this look at this enmity strife jealousy fits of anger rivalries dissensions divisions envy drunkenness orgies these i'm sorry brothers and sisters are proof of a type of walk yeah it's proof of a type of walk it is a walk of the flesh it is work of the flesh and then we also have in galatians we have more proof of the spirit let's take a look at those when you take a look at that you're going to see love joy self-control kindness peace patience goodness gentleness and faithfulness why is that important the proof is important because it reveals the truth about our walk and it reveals the truth to us that we sometimes don't want to hear because deep down inside we know how we walk because of the proof and if some of us don't know the proof then we become ignorant of the proof but we must be enlightened of the proof so that we could have a better walk in god the proof helps us to find the truth about how god feels about where we actually are and of course it's an amazing truth because it is his truth that makes us free and when i think about that i don't think that we ignore the truth or that we actually even run from the truth i really think that we've learned to live with the stories that we've told ourselves and down through the years we've come to believe that how we live is justifiable i get it certain things have happened to us and certain things have targeted us certain ways and certain things that have happened have made us to walk away and now our walk looks like the flesh or our walk looks like the spirit it is my goal tonight for you to see both proofs and to say i no longer want to walk this way but i want to walk that way we all know when we're walking godly and we all know when we're not that is the absolute truth but i want to put four things up here that i want you to see because he goes into the next verse and he says we are not waging war according to our flesh okay now i just read to you the works of the flesh so we're not raising we're not we're not waging war with all of the things that i just showed you so here's what happens number one waging war the wrong way is a is reckless warfare when you wage war the wrong way you're wasting your time you're wasting your energy you're wasting your words you're wasting your frustration you're wasting time the second thing says warring in the flesh is a fight without a finish when you war in the flesh you will never finish that battle you will fight it tomorrow you will fight it the next day you will fight it next year it will leave you alone for a season and then another season it'll pop back on you you've got to figure out that this is not how we wage war even though it may be common to our nature third thing it is an unnecessary fight that will never be won you will never win this so what that simply means it will always be a continuous fight it will be something eventually you're going to get tired of why am i talking about it number four it will become recycled resistance and increased tolerance what do you mean by that joel recycled resistance you recycle the same pain you recycle the same frustration you recycle the same fight the only difference is it's with a different person but same spirit and so you end up being an agitated individual because you've not fought with the proper weapon and so when you fight from the natural you end up fighting something that is the same in a different pair of pants and in a different dress in a different pair of heels with a different haircut but it's the same spirit it's a recycled of resistance and then notice on the end i said recycle resistance and increase tolerance what does that mean sometimes you got to understand your tolerance increases because you stay in it you stay in it so you can take more so you can take more so you can take more that is a trick of the enemy it's not for you to take more of what you cannot stand it's not for you to take more of what's killing you all that does is put you in the position to hurt yourself or injure yourself over time that is not the will of god for your life we are not waging war from the flesh i want you to write it down right now i will no longer wage war from the flesh well pastor why all of that well all of that stuff the sexual stuff the divisions all of that stuff that we just read the works of the flesh if you're not careful you create your own stronghold so let's define stronghold my father's definition coming up in church was anything that had a strong grip on you anything that had a strong hold on you but my discovery as i began to study and grow through life over time it revealed a little bit more to me and that a stronghold is a high fortress it's a castle a place that has been fortified against an attack it is a defensive structure it's a strong place it's a refuge this is the only place in the new testament this word in the greek occurs it is made up of the root word that literally means a place of strength a place that is inherently strong it's mentioned in the old testament in proverbs 21 22 when it says a wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the stronghold in which they trust what are we saying strongholds are the results of beliefs that have taken root in our lives that are contrary to god's thoughts and inspired by the enemy giving him strong holds over our actions keep going in a practical sense a stronghold is a fortress built around sin built around pain built around depression built around bad beliefs and anything that the enemy can use you to help defend that sin defend that pain and defend that depression and that bad belief so it is something that we erect a high fortress a high castle that we protect those pieces of us i know i'm talking to somebody right now because you have built a fortress around your joy you've built a fortress around your trust you've built a fortress around your vulnerability and it's difficult for you to come off from behind that wall because you've now pinned yourself in and you've only revealed a part of you and just a piece of you and the real you is screaming behind the walls it's a stronghold and it's not out openly exposed it's encastled it's well defended it's difficult to attack it's a place that you don't let people in sadly but truthfully we often help construct our own through habitual patterns of thinking and we've constructed them and brought them into our thought life and we've allowed ourself to be locked in satan turns and uses that against us and it becomes a strong whole it becomes difficult for you to move i believe that there's some of you right now you've done such a marvelous job looking the way you look dressing the way you dress making the money that you make but there's a part of you that is so broken that is behind no pretty wall there's a part of you that is so injured that is behind the pretty wall there's a part of you that's dealing with pornography that's behind a pretty wall there's a part of you that is so frustrated in your marriage you're behind a pretty wall there's a part of you that's that doesn't know what to do with your children you're behind a pretty wall there's a part of you that are so frustrated on your job right now you don't know what to do you're behind the pretty wall and because it's so pretty uh you almost look like it's okay but it's sabotaging who you are and a part of you has been doing time for years and i came on here tonight to tell you it's time to come out of that wall that we're going to find a breach and break down the stronghold glory to god glory to god see we often talk ourselves into certain lies because they make sense and they build fortresses and we build that fortress from a need because we simply want answers and because we don't have those answers we continue to store more thoughts into that fortress and every time you store it you make it stronger as much as you praise him it's still there as much as you've been shouting it's still there as much as you've cried as much as you fasted it's still there i want it to break tonight i want to see you happy again i want to see that part of you that's been locked away in joy again this is a night that there's about to be a breach in that stronghold and where you are right now because i want to pause because i feel it in my soul there's somebody watching me right now you are in tune with what i'm saying and i want you to lift your hands and i want you to begin to receive the anointing of the holy ghost because this anointing is about to rock the foundation of the fortress that you've been in and you've been smiling on the outside but you've been tortured on the inside and i came in here tonight with an army of believers with heaven's angels to come after you to find the breach if we cannot find a breach we're going to make a breach and we're coming to get you the real you the one that's been crying the one that's had a difficult time the one that's been trying to commit a suicide the ones that's been to say i don't care i can't do it anymore i came to get you i'm preaching the stronghold for the weapons of our warfare are not of flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds he says we destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of god and we take every thought captive to obey god well pastor you defined it now help me find it because i've lived like this for so long i know i'm not what i was i know i've learned to move forward but it's still there so the second point i want to give you is we're going to find that stronghold we're going to find it tonight the first thing you need to do is ask god to show you the lies you've convinced yourself to believe and i want you to start praying psalms 139 23-24 search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any grievous way in me and lead me in the way of everlasting you're gonna need god's help with this and you may even need a counselor with this and i want you to know that is absolutely okay everything in us that affects us negatively we want to keep it secret by nature we were mass to hide the pain and we adapt to walking with part of us locked up but james says something interesting in the fifth chapter and 16 verse he says therefore confess your sins to one another listen to this and pray for one another that you may be healed that's what i want you i want you healed and a part of us cannot be healed because we're so secret and i get it you don't want everybody to know what happened to you i don't want everybody to know what happened to me but he doesn't tell us to tell it to everybody he says confess your sins to one another find somebody that you can talk to find somebody that can listen to you find somebody that's mature enough and confess that sin to one another and then the text says pray for one another that you may be healed notice at the end it says the prayer of the righteous person has great power as it is working so this lets you know that you don't just pick anybody you pick someone that's got some power and you pick someone that's not so heavenly high that there's no earthly good you pick someone that's in tune with life someone that has a testimony and pray for each other you are going to be healed from this stronghold the stronghold is a hiding place and secrecy keeps it strong so that's why he doesn't want you to talk to anybody he wants you to keep it a secret because eventually if you don't tell anybody depression will overtake you you'll get isolated and you'll get into a place where you don't want to talk to anybody and that's a lifestyle where you no longer just a part of you is in a stronghold all of you has become encastled has become uh uh encapsulated within the fortress that you have constructed why because we can build something so well that we can even hide from god to what god can't even get to us what does he tell us he says i want you to understand that if you use divine power you can destroy arguments see an argument is a verbal disagreement it's a discourse that is intended to persuade an opposing view and so when paul is talking in this text he's talking about destroying the arguments where people have fortified themselves against the invasion of the power of god the invasion of the knowledge of god and so these arguments become strong holes and they become strong defenses and they keep change from happening internally if you ever get around somebody that just argues all the time there's a reason that is a defense mechanism to keep you from prying into what's really going on on the inside arguing is normally accompanied by anger so the anger will run you away from ever creating change internally but we want to destroy it not only do we want to destroy arguments he says we want to destroy lofty opinions a lofty opinion or some text say a proud obstacle it's a it's about being lifted it denotes a tower or rem part or a high thing and so when you look at the word lofty opinion it's warfare terminology it means to raise up have you ever been around somebody that's always raising up it's a pride thing and here's the deal we all want to be lifted when we locked we all want to be lifted when we're in a place where no one values us we all want to be lifted when we've been talked down to we all want to be lifted when we don't know what to do so it is easy to fall in a lofty opinion or to have a lofty opinion but he tells us we're going to destroy that because that is not the way of god we're going to destroy that the third thing i want to give you is this where there's chronic sin and chronic issues there's a green light look right there if you keep looking at pornography if you keep cheating if you keep doing what's against the will of god if you keep doing all those works of the flesh that we just listed if it becomes a pattern that is a green light for you to find the stronghold romans 6 16 says do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves you are slaves of the one whom you obey either of sin which leads to death or of obedience which leads to righteousness the season is over for you being a slave to what you're attracted to to what you have an appetite for so whether it's a chronic sin and whether it's chronic issue that is a green light let me go further in order for this to work you're going to have to want it to happen now i know that may have just arrested somebody you're going to have to have a want to you're going to have to want god to break you out you're going to have to want to come out philippians 2 3 14 it says god is working on you both to will want to to work how to to do what pleases him and doing all things without grumbling or disputing that grumbling and disputing is arguing so your want to is important because if you don't want to god won't god won't do it if you don't want to and god had to wrestle with the children of israel for 40 years what did he wrestle their want to they want to go back they want to eat what they used to eat they'll want to worship the way they want to worship he had to wrestle what they want to and so i'm here to tell you that we've got to break that old way of thinking and bring the want to back the want to serve to want to worship the want to come out see this is the earth realm that we're in and we start dealing with his will and our will he will let your will be done if you don't want his to be that's why you have to pray father let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven see the third thing we're going to go to and i'm going to move quickly is that we're getting ready to break into this stronghold type it down on the line we're breaking in to the stronghold well when we look at breaking into the stronghold then that is strategy strategy for getting inside and the first place i wanted to look at was jericho when god gave them the instructions to go around jericho he says i want you to go around at one time a day but six days then i want you to go around the seven days on the seventh day that was strategy well what was jericho a fortress a stronghold and as they walked around this creates a strategy well why why does that matter because in ancient times when they would go to war if an individual tried to run up towards the castle or towards the fortress they would be picked off easy because they could see them because it was a high place but if they were smart enough they would besiege the city they would surround the fortress they would surround the city because they would cut off the supply to keep people that are in the fortress fortress from receiving what it needed to be healthy and needed to stay put so we have to take that same strategy whatever it is that you've locked up that's been feeding we've got to cut off the supply we've got to surround that fortress with prayer surround that fortress with love and surround that fortress with the word of god and cut off the supply that causes it to still thrive behind walls i want you to tap it down right now i'm cutting it off i'm cutting it off i'm cutting it off i'm cutting it off the next piece if we're going to deal with strategy if we're going to break into the stronghold is the weapons of war because he tells us that we cannot war from the flesh but then what are we warring from truth righteousness readiness salvation the word of god faith i want you to leave that up for them truth is the belt he wants to gird you with the truth righteousness is the breastplate covers all of your vulnerable parts readiness your feet are prepared to be on the move salvation over your head to cover how you think and how you process thought and then he gives you the sword of the spirit which is the word of god and your shield is full of faith why am i telling you this because if you're going to come out of that fortress if you're going to get that part of your daughter that's locked in the stronghold that part of your son that's locked in the stronghold don't you expect to go in there and nothing happen it's going to be a war satan is not going to let you just walk in there without fighting but you're gonna have to walk in there with these weapons because the weapons of your warfare are not carnal so cussing ain't gonna change it fight it ain't gonna change it throw in your fist not going to change it but if you walk in here with this word if you walk in here with this armor i believe god's going to give you everything that you need to breach this stronghold and if that's the case then the last segment is that we have to be delivered from it and if we're going to be delivered from it that means we're going to get rid of the lies that live within stuff that we've told ourselves we're going to get rid of it the stuff that we haven't told anybody that we fight with and we struggle with we're going to get rid of it that simply means that we have to revisit when jesus says behold i stand at the door could it be god's been knocking on your fortress hold i stand at the door knocking he's been standing the whole time behold i stand at the door if any man hears my voice and opens the door i'll come in you've hid yourself so well you've sound proofed yourself so well that you can't even hear god i came in here tonight to help break you out because jesus said the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor he has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and to recover sight to the blind and to set liberty those who are oppressed well if that's the case beloved the truth is we have to admit we've been in captivity and nothing hinders our walk with god and our productivity in life like being held captive by the devil and when you look at their word captivity it means to be taken it means to be conquered it literally means to be taken by sword and to be made captive this is what happens when we're in a stronghold but jesus said the anointing is upon me to set you free and why is he going to do that because you're going to move from the stronghold that you've been in to a new one what do you mean i'm going from one to another absolutely psalms 9 says the lord is a stronghold for the oppressed and a stronghold in the times of trouble and those who know your name put their trust in you for you lord o lord have not forsaken those who seek you i came here tonight to help break you out i've given you four steps i believe that if you trust god because it's all bible that that's about to be a breach and it can happen tonight some of you it's already happened i felt it when we were praying for you earlier but i'm getting ready to pray for you right now because it is not the will of god for you to live behind something that you've built the best of you is hidden the best of you you've allowed to be a prisoner myself and thousands that are watching have come to kick you out and what i want you to do right now because i'm going to pray for you if you have your device and you're not ashamed what i want you to do is i want you to start typing on this line only those that are willing to tell the truth i'm in a stronghold or my child is in a stronghold or my marriage is a stronghold and we're going to come together and we'll get ready to pray for you i'm going to give you about two minutes to begin to type on the line i believe that's about to be a breakthrough getting ready to happen come on musician i believe that's a breakthrough let's get ready to happen come on come on come on come on you got two minutes to begin the first process yeah lose the pride there's people here that are ready i see it now i'm in a stronghold i'm in a stronghold i'm in a stronghold get me out that's it my marriage come on come on come on come on come on glory to god i see it here i'm in a stronghold i'm in a stronghold i'm in a stronghold i'm in a stronghold god break me out i'm coming out come on that's it come on come on type it on the line type it on the line my boyfriend my family my job my relationship i'm in a stronghold people are typing out people's names that's it my family come on come on come on come on come on you got one more minute one more minute if you're brave enough if you're brave enough type it on the line and say i'm giving this back come on come on come on if you're brave enough if you're brave enough i believe when you type it down there's about to be a breakthrough that hits your house that hits your apartment that hits your car that hits you on your job father break us out tonight we thank you tonight for we have found a breach we found a hole we found a gap and we're crawling out that part of us that has been sitting there felt like we've been rotten behind closed doors our joy is coming out our power is coming out come on hallelujah we give you glory tonight we give you praise tonight we give your honor tonight we worship you tonight we magnify you tonight no more crying behind the wall i'm coming out of it i'm coming out of it i'm coming out of it i'm coming out of it if i got to crawl i'm coming out if i got to walk i'm coming out if you got to carry me i'm coming out i'm coming out lord bring me out tonight [Music] bring me out bring me out tonight lord bring me out bring me out tonight glory lord bring me out [Music] bring me out tonight i feel the holy ghost [Music] lord bring me out bring me out tonight lord bring me out glory to god bring me out tonight lord bring me out [Music] bring me out tonight bring me out glory to god bring me out tonight i feel it i feel it somebody's coming out lord bring me out yay freak me out tonight bring me out whoa [Applause] bring me out tonight bring me out bring me out tonight you gotta preach right now take it take it take it when the anointing comes that's urging you that's improving you that's him pushing you any time to check in to see who's watching no time to check and see if your leg's still working or if you're still seeing the same way take it crawl come out come out the weapons of your warfare are not carnal the mighty through god you were never intended to fight this fight on your own you were to die in him and allow him to live in you and fight through him glory to god this is the lord's battle come out i feel it i feel it i feel it i feel it i feel it i feel it i feel it there it is if you know by faith that it's already done if you would type it on this line right now i believe your testimony your testimony is about to rock somebody whoever it is if you believe right now that god has just answered your prayer and you feel it you know it you sense it by faith type it on this line and say it's already done it's already done come on come on come on somebody's testimony is getting ready to give somebody power it's getting ready to give somebody courage it's getting ready to give somebody strip and they're getting ready to come out like never before lord bring me out tonight [Music] bring me out tonight bring me out tonight bring me out [Music] tonight [Music] i pray that something you heard tonight helped you and that you have actual tools in your hand you got new tools in your tool belt it's going to help you even help somebody else cause our declaration i'm out tonight i'm out tonight i walk by faith and not by sight well another night another wednesday we love you from the potter's house and we'll see you sunday morning to god be the glory you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 61,615
Rating: 4.9287491 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, WednesdayBibleStudy, PastorJoelTudman, JoelTudman, WNBS, BreachTheStronghold, breach the stronghold, Joel Tudman
Id: WLkDZa6aJ00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 39sec (2979 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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