Just Keep Walking - Pastor Touré Roberts [October 13, 2019]

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[Music] pastor Tory Roberts was originally raised in watts in Los Angeles however he survived the perils of the streets and hails from California State University he has spent 11 years working in corporate America in the field of technology and marketing he has since founded one Church of Los Angeles where he oversees four consecutive services it has been dubbed one of the fastest growing churches in LA in addition to one church he and his wife Sarah Jake's Roberts pastor The Potter's House of Denver collectively he and his lovely wife have six children please welcome to the stage pastor Tory Roberts [Music] good morning Potter's House Dallas are we doing family it's it's so wonderful it's so wonderful to be here with you today I bring you greetings from Los Angeles and Denver and I just believe that God's doing something special anybody can already tell the God's gonna do something special in this house today I sense the presence and the glory of the Lord so so wonderfully I miss my bishop typically when I when I when I come to the potter's house when I come to Dallas on the Sunday I can sit over there and receive from him and so so pray for me I'm a little disappointed nevertheless I have a word from God and I spoke to Bishop last night and and he said feed my sheep I said yes sir I said yes sir can we give it up to celebrate our bishop right now loved him so much first ladies Sarita Jays come on how many of us know if that's his Rock honor she's watching right now and and I'm just blessed to have my whole family with we've been on the road for about three weeks and of course my bride pastor Sarah is here today what's up girl and then all of our children are here today Malachi Isaiah taya Rin let me see Ella's over there and McKenzie can you help me on in my family come on somebody how many of us know it's it's all about family family first and you are my family and I thank God I'm really loving this city I was driving around yesterday just moving about and it just I just feel the favor of God when I when I Drive through Dallas and I believe is because y'all praying come on somebody up we're praying Church where Church that's actively engaged and in culture and society and let me just tell you something about you that I just sense as I was sitting over there preparing and preparing to step up here you are a strong people I'm serious there are world changes in this room that I see some trees in here some unshakable be wearing my unshakable people you've been try you have never denied and you're willing to be tried again come on somebody where my gangsters in God's house you not afraid of any devil any demon any trouble any situation because you have tasted and seen that the Lord is good come on somebody many are the afflictions of the righteous but but God delivers us out of them all and we also know that all things work together for good I was sitting back and I was just marveling at you as a congregation as a people and I felt the strength of God and I know that type of strength doesn't come easy and I just wanted to honor that we need we need to honor you know society oftentimes honors stuff that is nothing but I celebrate my honor strong people and you are strong people give yourselves a round of applause thank you for being a strong people but lift it up my father in love and my mother in loving this whole church which is a global movement and I'm so grateful for all of you who support all of you who serve in your various capacities it's a blessing and and the world is being changed as a result of your commitment let's go to Psalm chapter 1 the first division of the song and I want to read the first three verses there in Psalm chapter 1 verse 1 through 3 agrees like this blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is it the law of the Lord and in his law he meditates day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season whose leaf also shall not wither at whatever he does [Applause] she'll prosper God gave me this word for you and that that word is just keep walking just keep walking father we come before you this morning first of all so grateful to be in your glorious house so grateful to be here in your presence and in your courts God with you you said in your word that the purpose of the gathering is to accommodate three things for us to meet with you for you to speak to us and for you to dwell among us that's what you told Moses when he was building the tabernacle so god we thank you for this meeting you're here you're sitting in this place right now and God we believe you're gonna speak to us you're gonna speak to every person in this building every person watching via livestream I thank you God and you're gonna dwell among us God we're gonna sit in your presence and we're gonna sit in the reality of your glory so that the end result can be transformation God we are here for more than inspiration we desire transformation God I thank you for the spirit of wisdom and revelation and inside of knowledge and prophecy and full use of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit to minister this word with clarity and accuracy to the in God that it takes root in the hearts and the minds of your sons and daughters that it will take root and bear fruit and therefore and thereby we will never be the same again we decree it we believe it we accept it we receive it we expect it and it is so in Jesus name if you believe that give God praise like it's already come on somebody come on take it right now take it in the spirit first in the spirit first god bless you you may be seated you may be seated i'ma put this down because I feel like something might be going on so we just got off a tour a wife and I and we have a ministry called woman involved that my wife found it and we we it is empowering women by the thousands all over the world it is absolutely unprecedented the grace of God that's on this movement we are seeing women rise up and take their place in the kingdom and in culture and in society it is absolutely incredible and recently we were able to bring on a sponsor and that sponsor is Toyota the the automaker and and if you have never studied the business of Toyota they are consistently one of the most profitable automakers in the world they always show up on the top 10 list of of automakers as it relates to profitability and and so we asked them why they decided to partner with woman evolve and one of the things that they said was that woman evolved as it relates to a movement designed to empower people and to get them to continuously and consistently evolve is similar to a business philosophy that they employ and that business philosophy is called Kaizen and Kaizen is a sino-japanese term and it literally means constant and continuous improvement constant and continuous improvement and so they felt that there was alignment between what this movement woman involved was about and what they were trying to do and and I employed personally the same philosophy and I believe that every believer ought to employ that the same philosophy that philosophy of constant improvement because you and I we'll always be more than what we think they're the best of us is always ahead of us and that's why we can't be stagnant because the Bible says in Jeremiah chapter 1 beginning in verse 4 God says before I formed you in the belly I knew you and not only did I know you but I set you apart and I ordained you and so you're more than what you think and so it is similar to what the Apostle Paul was saying when he says ultimately in Philippians chapter 3 he says I have not arrived he said I am NOT perfected I have not attained and he was not some new jack in the faith when this took place he was mature but even him as a mature person said there's more and so he says I'm forgetting those things that are behind and I'm reaching forward to those things which are ahead so I believe that every believer has to have that type of attitude we have to learn how to balance between believing that we are enough in the moment but yet there there's more are you tracking with me I've got to balance that I can't look down on myself or feel less than myself because I'm not fully myself yet oh I can't wait to get into this I'm not mad at me because I'm growing so I have to balance saying to myself I'm enough right now but yet in still there's more because I'm in the process of becoming I'm on my way to maturity it the writer of Hebrews many believe it was the Apostle Paul the right of Hebrews says now let us run on to perfection and that word is a Greek word and it means maturity so the life of the believer is Kaizen it is constant improvement I'm not going to stay where I am no matter how high I am or how low I am I am after something because there's something that God knows about me that I have not fully grasped yet so I'm forgetting what's behind me and I'm straining to lay hold of what is before me Paul says something he says in Philippians 3 in that same place he says I am trying to apprehend what I have been apprehended for in other words I am trying to grasp what God has grasped me for where my people in God's house and God has grasped you you are here because he has grasped you and some of you have been grass out of some tricky situations if you ain't gotta say then don't look at me just you and I know it he reached down and he grasps you and Paul is saying I am after what he was after when he touched me because God has a narrative about me that I'm still trying to wrap my head around and it will take me my entire life to figure it out that's why as long as I've got breasts kaizen as long as there's rift in my body I'm after something and what I've learned about maturity as it relates to maturity but I've learned about maturity is that there is a tell tale sign that proves that you truly have become mature there is this one key marker of true progress and that is this thing called consistency it's called consistency and as we get into the text I'm going to talk about this certain type of consistency that unlocks a fullness and a fruitfulness that comes from God that very few attained to anybody want to be fruitful anybody want to have everything that God has for them I don't know about you but I am greedy in that way I want everything that God has predestined and preordained for me I will be who I need to be I will pursue what I need to pursue I'll come on somebody somebody needs to be hungry and thirsty and desperate for you what did you see family sometimes I will wake up in the morning and I will look in the mirror and I'll say God what did you see when you made me because I realize had not talked about this in my first book purpose awakening shameless plug in Jesus name but I realize that the only reason why I'm here and the only reason why you are here is because of a brilliant thought that was in God's mind fill the Holy Ghost God's inspiration to birthed you to bring you forth was that there was something incredible in his mind and it was that motivation that brought you here just tell your neighbor God saw something he saw something he saw something so my life is now spit trying to figure out what he saw that's maturity but this this evidence of of of maturity is consistency if you take your notes write this down consistency is the evidence of maturity and the pathway to mastery ah ha ha ha now some of you got in trouble right there you like wait wait hold on mastery what are you talking about no no we're supposed to go from level to level hello somebody now we won't arrive at perfect mastery into the day of the Lord it's what the word says in Philippians chapter 2 and verse 6 QB 1 is 16 being confident is very thing he who has begun a good work will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ but as if very interest resting the tents there is very interesting when it talks about he who has begun a good work in plea today at the verb there is present perfect tense which means that it is both happening and happened I feel God it has both happened and is happening like salvation right we are saved and yet are being saved come on somebody we are made whole but but yet being whole from glory to glory in other words it happens in the spiritual first and then we walk out the manifestation of the finished work in the natural I wish somebody would catch what I'm saying today Christ has made me whole now i turay have to grow up in the wholeness of his Christ identity that's why when you get saved you can't quit salvation is a beginning maybe not an ending are you tracking with me now I'd have there's a door that has been open to me and now I walk through that door and I find myself from level to level and I start shaking off some things and things start breaking off for me and I start getting my I'm getting ahead of myself consistency is the evidence of maturity and the pathway of mastery checked yourself the difference between an amateur and a pro is consistency Hey maturity doesn't hit-and-miss can't we talk this morning I'm gonna get to the good stuff in just a second but can I just build here maturity doesn't hit and miss maturity is demonstrated by how you consistently hit and win consistency says I have become what I used to practice I've become what I used to practice and so even as it relates to pros pros are are tracked over a period of time because I want to see your track record life rewards the consistent consistency is a rhythm it's a rhythm that there's a rhythm to life look at Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 real quick I wanna you gotta understand that life is about rhythms and cycles 822 Genesis says says while the earth remains in other words for ever seedtime and harvest that's a rhythm that's a rhythm pastor Dobbins talked about it's harvest time there's a rhythm there's a rhythm there's a rhythm to it right while the earth remains seedtime and harvest cold and heat winter and summer and day and night shall not cease so life is about rhythms life rises and falls because of rhythms generational curses and generational blessings can be tied back to a rhythm to a rhythm to rhythm productive rhythms and non-productive rhythms it's funny I sometimes I question what people tie to genetics because sometimes things are tied to genetics and and I wonder and it's I believe it is possible but sometimes I wonder is it genetics or is it the rhythms so in other words do I have high cholesterol because of genetics or am I in the rhythm of eating because correlation is not causation you understand what I'm saying or are the rhythms so powerful that they even influence genetics so life so can I talk to you today so life is about rhythms God set it up that way winter and summer day and night I am where I am and I experience what I am constantly experiencing because of my rhythms you might call them the patterns but for consistency's sake because of my rhythms some people say things never seem to work for me in a certain area and what you don't realize is that when you say that what you are doing is you are bowing down to a rhythm I feel God but I believe what God's gonna do today is God is going to break some unproductive on healthy self-sabotaging rhythms and he's going to bring you into a state of consistency and you're gonna start producing like never before if that's your word take about four seconds and give God a shot in his I'm about to be consistent baby I'm about to give my life together baby I'm about to be mature baby cuz I've got something to burn this stuff in me and I'm not gonna let a broken rhythm and I'm not gonna let a false rhythm keep me from bringing forth everything that God put in me before he put me in my mother's womb I am pregnant with them stuff yes I am yes I am uh-huh pregnant with some stuff about to give my life together I'm tired of kidding and missing up one day down the next day the devil is a liar I'm tired of having faith one day doubting the next day I'm about to get in the rhythm our consistency ifs don't show up in my life and I'm gonna make some moves where my move makers in God's house I'm about to make some moves baby [Applause] because there are certain things that God wants to do in your life that necessitate the velocity of consistency [Applause] God is building you he's building you I'm about to get it together some of you are Phillip prophetically you are so close but your inconsistency robbed you of what God had for you but I'm here to tell you it's coming back around God is about to do something on the inside of you and when it shows up this time you are not going to miss it you not go missing because Mara Borgia he's developing an abortion murabba he's developing consistency in you hallelujah AHA you you've been praying for consistency well I believe by the Spirit of God consistency is showing up right now maybe that's the harvest that Pastor Thomas was talking about maybe the harvest to you maybe the harvest is a better you maybe the harvest is a more consistent you come on somebody god don't get me stuff give me me cuz if you give me me a burp some stop in Jesus name consistency uh-huh [Music] check it out God says we love this verse God says in Jeremiah 29:11 he says for I know the plans that I have for you watch this plans to prosper you did you catch it we think that that first pastor Korah means that God wants to bring things into our life that's not what that verse says he says I wanna prosper you because if I cross for you you will prosper I want to press for you I want to make you what I saw that's why I'm the Potter Potter's House I'm the Potter I got a visit in my mind so I'll put you on my hands and I beginning to shape you and I'll begin to make you and I begin to mold you and sometimes it makes you dizzy and sometimes you get disoriented but let me tell you when I get finished with you [Music] [Applause] hit the Lord saying just let me work I hear God say just let me work because all things are gonna work together for your good if you love me and you are called according to my purpose just let me work just let me work just let me work just let me work can't we go further this if you take your notes write this down consistency this consistency that I'm talking about is a rhythm of being that brings us into a state watch this a state of continuous birth thing that's what the text is talking about for he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in every season who's that brings forth its fruit in every season that brings forth its fruit in every season that brings forth this fruit in every season no season is still no season is barren some of you are getting ready to step into a season where everything is gonna fill God everything is gonna work all of a sudden bullseye bullseye bullseye ha feel it see family we know about the seasons a perpetual tribulation we've all been there before feel the Holy Ghost we've all been there before where man it just seems like we are troubled on every side anybody ever been there before you you barely up from the last thing and something new shows up we all are well familiar with that and obviously sometimes we need that to get developed oh but there's another season it's what the Bible talks about in Deuteronomy chapter 28 when God comes upon you and overtake you with blessing are you tracking with me that happens in the state of consistency new season I found myself in seasons where the blessings were so abundant in my life I got scared I got scared sometimes you're waiting for the other shoe to drop but it doesn't another blessing drops instead that's what he's talking about in Psalm 103 consistency is a rhythm of being that brings us into a state of continuous birthing producing and manifesting if you take your notes write this down sometimes the difference between a dream and its reality is your consistency your consistency God oftentimes gives us dreams and vision while we are still in production and that's why it feels so far away watch this because it feels like this is the type of life for another person and to a certain degree it is cuz you ain't met you yet and you're becoming and sometimes if we're not careful will disqualify what God said because it is alive that looks so foreign from what I've experienced from what mama experience from what daddy experience and we will say oh no no no no no no that can't be mine no he's talking to you you are gonna grow up into what he said the Word of God we oftentimes have to grow up into it's not that it's wrong it's not that it's for somebody else it's not that you missed it somewhere no you're growing up into it can we keep going now as it relates to getting to this state of consistency I'm gonna be honest with you you got to go through some stuff to get there you you're gonna have to watch this you're gonna have to sort through some things and you gonna have to first navigate some distractions in order to get there there are stages of maturation three stages of maturation our first clarity I got to get clear I'm not seeing right I'm not seeing myself right clarity then there's consistency and then you come to this place of continuous realization so let's talk about the clarity phase real quick and I teach a little bit this morning so let's take a look at at Psalm one in one I love this is my favorite it might be one of my favorite it may be my favorite passage of scripture in the Bible but I could probably say it about all of it because it's just so good to me but look at what it says so so he starts off verse one he's talking about the blessed man right and I don't think that there was anybody more qualified to understand the blessing of God the grace of God the mercy of God the goodness of God no one more than David but it's interesting how he starts off this song about what it takes to be a blessed man it says blessed is the man and then he goes into this interim he says who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of coral okay okay okay that that's kind of interesting to me because you would think that if he is going to give a dissertation about a blessed man he's going to talk about what a blessed man is first but he doesn't do that he starts off by talking about what a blessed man is not and here is what I have learned about blessed people if you're taking notes write this down the blessed man blessed people always start out of position I feel like preaching the blessed person always begins out of place that's why when God is calling Abraham and he's telling them that he's getting ready to bless him and make his name great and that he's gonna be a blessing what does he do he says I'm gonna need you to get out your father's house and out of your country to a land that I will show you I don't know why it's that way but it is what it is and this is important for you to know because sometimes you will think that you're cursed because of circumstance when you are most blessed I feel the Holy Ghost no no no no the reason why he starts off by telling us what the blessed man is not is because blessed people always start bad place are you tracking with me she says blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful all these things he has to undo and one of the things that I've learned about becoming in God is in order to become in God you first have to unbe come oh I wish I had about 4 hours with you today we understand becoming we don't understand unbecoming in order to walk into Who I am I have to walk out of Who I am not oh it's true it's true ah he is the blessed man he has to navigate who he is not what for like digging in there for a man as a man thinks so is he and you can only think on the level of your exposure most of the time the people that you grew up with most of the time don't really know who you are because they're basing your identity on their experience with you at a certain point and that is why when you begin to walk with God you no longer connect with some people because they don't recognize you anymore because you're changing y'all used to fit like a glove and now it's like the OJ Simpson trial [Applause] hit the glove don't fit and here is the thing family you need to hear me loud and clearly I don't know who I'm talking to today it's okay you're not better than anybody else they're not better than you this is about identity baby this is about destiny baby I'm not gonna be unequally yoked because I'm going somewhere I'm on a time clock baby I'm going somewhere can we dance together do we have the same rhythm if we don't I got to his life gets about rhythm everything is about rhythm I can't dance with you if you don't know my dad and my dance today is not my dance from ten years ago yeah we used to tear the club up I don't do that no more [Applause] I gotta work through who I'm not that's why Paul a mother she when Paul first gets saved you'll find this in Galatians the first chapter when Paul first gets saved he withdraws from his religious community here II jaws he goes into the wilderness to be with God for three years why because I don't know who I am and if I stay around things that connect with who I used to be the harder is gonna be to find me and he comes out of that season so powerful and so clear watch this and so full of Revelation which was counterculture to the time may I know who I'm talking to you right now I feel the Holy Spirit just doing work she's just doing work just doing work just to work yeah unbecoming it's just as important as becoming because my life right now is being produced by what's in my head and that's why Paul said transformation watch this transformation is not even about getting saved that's just mission of your soul but the transformation of your mind is a different thing he says let us not be conformed to this world but let us be transformed how by B this is post salvation family post salvation by the renewing of my mind why because my mind defines my identity there's some things that you think about you that are not true and there are some things that have been projected unto you that are not true my bishop will put it this way I didn't know I was me and so unbecoming I've got to move through this so so unbecoming unbecoming is just as important as becoming in fact you have to unbe come in order to become that's why the rider is starting with unbecoming that's why he's doing it let me just tell you something right now it takes time to become you that it can take a lifetime for you to become you it's not overnight that's why you can't get weary and you're well doing ah recently let my beard grow with the grade everything I'll celebrate Jesus for gray hair I'm telling you because let me tell you something with this gray hair I make less mistakes and have more money because it is gray hair hello somebody less mistakes and more money don't be tripping about your hair or your body all this kind of stuff but I'm not mad anybody you dying on a test this one huh whatever makes you feel good but don't do it because you don't think that there's value in age the devil is a liar I wouldn't go back to 25 if you paid me you couldn't pay me because what I would gain in youth I would lose in wisdom and I've learned that wisdom is the principle and I hate God telling somebody that thinks that past their time you are not past your time you were in your prime time baby your whole life has prepared you for this moment where my seniors in God's house holler at your boy celebrate those gray hairs come on somebody you ain't gotta flush him out what are you running from if God still has breath in your body use it to his glory mm-hmm that's why the Bible says that's your ladder shall be greater then your former let me remix that that's your older will be greater than your younger uh-huh we doing all kind of stuff praise God whatever makes you happy celebrate that because becoming you and the majority of the time spit dr. Jill the majority of the time spit is finding out who you're not that's 50 years right there [Applause] blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful that was interesting I want you to see a progression that you may have missed what's this it says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands I want you to see a progression says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel on the other young galley nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the skirt did you see it is it when I don't know who I am I go from walking to standing and then the next thing you know I'm sitting on the side of the road as a scorner ain't known this person hating on that person on the side of the room when I'm supposed to be up walking in my purpose walking in my colleague walking in my identity walking in my destiny I hear God saying you better get up and keep when I'm connected to the wrong voice I will walk a path that will ultimately have me sitting now is not a time to sit baby I'm on the move I've got stuff to do places to go ministries to build businesses to build a generation to raise I'll have me if you're world changing like me when you don't know who you are because you haven't gone through the process of unbecoming you will find yourself on the side of the road begging scornful ask ornery numbered hater that's all this corner is haters are not bad people they're not bad people I learned that haters are just people who don't believe that God can do it for them because they never became they never got out of the unbecoming process I got to keep going here this morning I heard God say just keep walking I hate God saying to somebody it's time to get moving again because here is the thing family I don't care where you been what you gone through how low or how high you are God has things that he needs you to walk into you that's why you are hearing this message he is not finished with you if he were finished with you you would not be here the only reason why God has breath in your body is because God has not seen what he said concerning your life I need you to keep on walking keep walking keep swinging at it now I'm gonna tell you in order to walk into you got to be willing to walk out else my ceebot about kosher that's the hard part that's the hard part we want to walk into God I want to walk into your promises a guy I'm struggling with walking out of what I've been familiar with for so long I feel the Holy Ghost in this place uh-uh I want to walk in any machine I want to walk into what you promised me but I'm having a difficult time walking out of my comfort zone and I'll tell you right now that comfort and destiny are mutually exclusive did you catch what I just said comfort and destiny do not live in the same house you will have to make up your mind am I gonna be everything that God has called me to be or am I gonna find comfort in discomfort [Music] it's normal discomfort is normal think about all discomfort is is you're just unfamiliar because we're comfortable watch this it's amazing we pray for change but don't want change we we pray for change but do not want to change so our being our disposition is working against our prayer I'm praying for change but won't take a step out of my comfort what if the change that you're praying for is over there and we're like not God bring change to me and he's saying I can't do that that doesn't make sense I put change over there will you take a step of faith and step into what change is trying to move on mm-hmm how bad do you want it in order to walk into you got to be willing to walk out of in order to walk into you have to learn how to how to get back up after a fall after a failure after a disappointment with the same bounce back and pep in your step that you had before you started you know I in life things are gonna happen to you you're gonna be disappointed and and truthfully disappointment is not God's fault disappointment is the byproduct of an ignorant expectation I expected something legitimately and in earnest I did but I was ignorant to the reality of what would happen so I expected that expectation was not met and I was disappointed but I can't have disappointment without ignorance which means that and and we're not God we're not omniscient which means that in life we're gonna be disappointed but whatever you do and this is for some some I'm gonna move on whatever you do don't let disappointment rob you of the gift of faith I don't know who I'm talking to but I'm talking to somebody don't let disappointment make you never do it again don't don't make disappointment keep you from being a risk taker Oh God nope lick your wounds take a minute if you gotta have a few words with God have a few words with God get it out your system and then get right back in the fight with the same expectation that you had when you got into the fight in the first place are you tracking with me because the enemy has a narrative in your disappointment see you shouldn't have done that in the first place let me tell you something even if it doesn't work out there is value in exercising your faith muscle because one day it will show up and may it never be said about us that when the real thing came up it passed us by because we were seated because we were disappointed about something that was Ishmael in that Isaac [Music] let's go further let's go further the Bible says in proverbs chapter 24 and 16 it says that a that a righteous man may fall seven times and yet he does what rises up again you know why it says that a righteous man may fall seven times and yet rise up again is because a righteous man has an understanding that even my failure is working for my good and if I allow my failure to keep me down i'ma miss what God really had never underestimate a man who won't stop walking never underestimate a person who will not quit we got to keep going so that first stage is it is the clarity stages it's where I figure out who I'm not in and then I begin to understand who I am the next phase is the phase that is the Conservancy phase and it's in Psalm 1 and 2 so someone in 2 reads after we worked out who were not it says but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law he meditates day and night did you see it he got into a rhythm he he got out of that process that was taken that negative rhythm that that false rhythm because he wasn't listening to the right voices and all of a sudden now he finds this this new rhythm and and and it says interestingly enough he says his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law he met it's day and night so now the mind is introduced the mind is introduced if you take your notes write this down the rhythm of consistency is developed first in the mind in the mind I can't be beyond what I think there is no way around it if these words do not change the way you think you will stay in the previous rhythm it is just the way it works I gotta change the way I think I this consistency is about what you consistently fix your mind on I feel only ghosts aiyah I personally I'm committed to nothing short of quality thoughts I feel the Holy Ghost you get this this will change your life family I am committed I swear to you I will not allow an unprofitable thought to stay in my mind longer than a split second if you are going to do destiny you must be committed to the real estate of your mind oh I feel the Holy Ghost are you hearing what I'm saying jealousy is not a quality thoughts hate is not a quality thought watch this doubt is not a quality thought insecurity is not a quality thought fear is not a quality thought have to take inventory and ownership over this thing my pastor can't do it my wife can't do it my kids can't do it not even God can do it I've got to say this is my mind and it's gonna work for me and not against me in Jesus name if you know what I'm talking about holler at me I'm in control this thing my mind's supposed to serve me devil you are a liar and that's what Paul was talking about in second Corinthians when he said the weapons watch this he says the weapons of our warfare day in carnal he said but they are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds now you think that when he's talking about strongholds he's talking about a demon that is not what he is talking about a stronghold is a fortified argument it is something that the enemy has caused you to believe and you have believed it for so wrong you think it's your thought but Paul says there is power in the name of Jesus to break every negative thought so that you can be everything that God has created you to be I will not tolerate and anti me thoughts [Applause] have filled the Holy Ghost oh no devil I don't receive that I am I am I am special I am purpose I am healed I am well I'm hope if he's the great I am and I'm made in His image I better get some rock Joe [Music] you gotta be committed family to quality thoughts I got a thought cop in my head and he's checking every thought in the garden they were hiding from God they said we hid because we were naked God said who told you that where did you get the alternative narrative from because it didn't come from me I said you're beautiful I said you're naked and you don't have to be ashamed who lied to you about you I'm committed to quality thoughts about me and about other people here is just something to run alongside in relationships in life you will have to do relationships it is always better to think the highest thought about somebody else than the lowest it is better to assume that they were not being rude hello somebody watch this it is better to assume in some cases that they're not racist then to accuse them and be wrong sometimes flip watches for your own sake they could be and God will deal with it but for your own sake no nobody according to the flesh here's what the Bible says the Bible says I am he who blots out your transgressions and for my own sake I will remember your sin no more what got me there I get the blotting out I get us wonderful but what got me is God said for my own sake I will not remember that I will not think I blot for my own in other words in order for me to stay pure I don't care how unpeel you are in order for me to stay pure I'm gonna just believe the best about you now I might not fool with you cuz I'm not a fool but I will rather believe that if you don't have it together today maybe you might meet Jesus and have it together the next day for me I love the Wiz there was a part in the Wiz where there was the witch and she had this song don't nobody bring me [Applause] don't nobody bring me no bad news as he had all the dancers that which I'm in no bad news no bad news they got it via watch the widow watching this amazing but I loved her philosophy don't you gotta tell your mind sometimes don't bring me no bad news about me for god knows the plans that he has for me they are good and not evil plans to prosper me that's what sometimes I love everybody but sometimes I can't be around people that are always bringing me bad news don't nobody bring me no bad news bad news does not help me bad news the Bible the gospel literally means good news why are you bringing me an anti gospel don't nobody bring me no you gotta tell your head that can I go further [Applause] [Music] consistency has to do with the quality of your thoughts there's a passage of scripture that I love see I told you I can say that about every passage it's in it's in first Peter 1:13 and I love it is this Peter is saying gird up the loins of your mind gird up the loins of your mind that word gird up phrase that was translated gird up literally means to bind up right to bind up or to be tight so your mind can't be loosey-goosey you cannot just be a drifter you have to be intentional with your tool let my ship out our collar boat ah you gotta be you can't just let your mind do whatever gird up gird up Goethe Goethe it has to be tight so tight that it doesn't have room for foolishness type mind that's why look I love entertainment but but sometimes it's tough I can't I can't I can't do that I can't I can't do that because of because of what's getting in my mind when I watch it and it seems like entertainment and it seems like it's cute and it's cool but it's messing with me that word literally means bind up so after my mind I have to gird up the loins of my mind that word gird up again means to by my mind has to be tight it has to be tight that word loins as a Greek word and it's the Greek word auspice and it literally means it has the idea in it of procreative power so gird up the loins of your mind I have to keep my mind tight watch this because my mind has Pro creative power and I have to protect it procreated power what's the difference between to procreate and to create to procreate is to reproduce so my mind will reproduce out of it what it is it has reproductive power that's why God gives you a word and when God has given you a word God has given you a vision because he wants you to take that vision and reproduce it into the natural realm hey are we tracking and so I got to keep my mind tight and I have to be committed to quality thoughts because I produced watch this if you take a notes write this down I produce my life out of my head hello somebody your life and my life is produced out of this thing it is not produced out of my hands because my hands only respond to what my head says my life is produced out of my I'm committed I'm committed to quality thoughts so God jumps in there because how do we get to quality thoughts God jumps in there and he says look I got you let me help you with that I want to give you access to my mind I'll give you access mama he says but in his law he meditates day and night that word laws a Hebrew word so he reworked Torah it literally means watch this law direction or instruction and at the root word of that is yaara which means to flow as water so basically what that passage is saying is that he meditates watch this on my flow he meditates in my floor I feel God he he the blessed man who is going to be so consistent that he produces fruit in every season and his leaf doesn't wither is the one watch this who learns how to catch my flow and meditate in my flow I feel the Holy Ghost there's a flow there's a rhythm there's there's a rhythm as a rhythm on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 the Bible says that that something came in the room some people miss over and I think that a wind came in the room a wind did not come into the room a sound came into the room as a rushing and mighty wind a sound a rhythm a flow a flow watch this watch this was it flow came into the room and it says when the flow when the sound when the rhythm came into the room it says then there appeared to them so this sound brought revelation oh I'm a help about 14 people this morning there is a flow watch this so so so a sound comes in a rhythm comes in a flow comes in when the flow comes in it says that cloven tongues of fire appeared to them divided tongues appeared okay when the divided tongues appear then they begin to do in the natural what they saw in the spiritual and they begin to speak with other tongues because they caught the rhythm of God they caught the flow of God and the flow of God got them to move into position and they started prospering somebody's gonna catch a fill cup somebody's gonna catch the flow dude you gonna catch the flow you you came to church but you're about to catch the flow and the flow is gonna change your alright see here is the thing about consistency there is always a flow even when you're sad there's a flow even when your back is against the wall there's a flow even when there's difficulty in your marriage there is a flow even when there's difficulty in your money there is a flow and you gotta be committed to the flow how did this guy I'm almost done how did this guy go from being out of place and then in to position and alignment so wonderfully watch this that he began to tap in to heavens consistency see Psalm 1 in 3 is about heavens consistency for he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in every season whose leaf will not wither and whatsoever he does so prosper look at the language and the imagery there that is something that is not broken Oh God a Philip see the reason why God wants us to be consistent is because he's his word is settled in heaven what God has spoken over you and over your family is settled in heaven and the only thing that can keep us from the consistency of what that God decreed is our inconsistency how did he do it he locked into God's voice the voice of the Lord is the only thing that knows who you are who God is and where you are going the reason why the Blessed man in the beginning through listening to the counsel or the voice of the instruction of the ungodly ended up sitting down is because he was connected to the wrong voice feel the Holy Ghost some of you some of you God is getting ready to introduce you to his voice unlike ever before for some of you for others he is going to reintroduce you to his voice because I sense that you haven't been relying on the voice of the Lord the Holy Spirit it's the mind of Christ eyes have not seen nor ears heard neither has it entered into the heart of man those things that God has prepared for those who love him I'm in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 but verse 10 says but he has revealed them to us through his spirit for his spirit searches all things even the deep things of God I feel like some in this room you're gonna get reacquainted with the voice of the Lord hallelujah and some of your Phyllis prophetically you you have been detached you've been estranged from the voice of the Lord and you're getting ready to return and this time when you return to the voice of the Lord you're gonna do it with a level of commitment that's gonna bring a consistency to your life I forgot and I heard the word restoration and acceleration that's gonna be your portion restoration and acceleration the last thing that I will I'll point out in that and I think this is important is when it talks about fruit you're gonna bear fruit in every season what jumped out at me was legacy legacy and it is highly important as you look at your life and you think you consider the phases unbecoming and becoming and becoming consistent and becoming continuously producing you got a lot of stuff to birth but one thing that I want you to start thinking about if you haven't started thinking now is legacy God wants you not only to bear fruit but he wants you to bear fruit that remains you and I have got to get to this consistent place because they're generations on the inside of us I'm already looking at the next generation I'm already thinking about who I'm passing my baton to how many people I'm passing it to you got to think about that stuff now it's about legacy I want to pray for you God spoke to me so clearly just keep walking I saw you got to do keep walking there's still more for you to see if you don't walk you can't show you told Abraham get out of your father's house unto a land that I will show you a land that I will show you keep walking what made you stop walking and when did you stop walking and what have you missed but if you're hearing this message because God is not finished with you come on stand with me real quick don't leave stand I want to pray I want to pray for you see I didn't come to simply teach I came to impart something because God's going to shift some rhythms he's going to shift some rhythms and some of you have been clogged you've been clogged up until now and God is getting ready to unclog you if you hear and you feel like the Lord was speaking to you loud and clear and you know it and you want the strength to be consistent and to just keep walking I want you to come meet me at this altar really quickly I want to pray for you you know God was speaking to you just come meet me down here right now we're gonna break you're gonna be consistent you're not gonna be all over the place you're not gonna believe in yourself one day and not believe in yourself the next day a new rhythm is coming to you a new rhythm is got a new flow is coming to you and you will be like a tree it's gonna be crazy what Psalm 1 in 3 describes is the Midas touch a Holy Ghost version of the Midas touch that's not in there to excite you and pump you up that's true this is God's vision for your life he wants you to be aligned with him in such a way that all you do is wind even when you lose you're still winning and you shall be like a tree planet by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season whose leaf will not wither and whatever you lose to prosper and here's one thing I want to say to you too sometimes planting sometimes being planted does not resemble progress very important very important sometimes being planted doesn't resume progress when you think about a tree everything that causes the tree to produce outside is happening inside some of you are getting ready to bear fruit and you have been discouraged because you haven't seen outer and you have been discounting what God has been doing in you what he's been doing in you and typically when God is doing something in you is hurtful it's hurtful but you're still here I went through it but I'm still here don't you think for a second that that pain was not developing something on the inside of you there is no God doesn't waste nothing he doesn't waste one tear not one tear not one sleepless night not one heartache not one heartbreak he doesn't waste one thing you planted if you study what makes a tree work and how it regrows it is not from the outside its from within it's a whole ecosystem tool it to itself and everything that makes it work outside is happening on the inside in a place that you can't see and then the seasons come and you didn't thought you thought the tree was dead no it just wasn't the season for that fruit it was very much alive I feel God I hate God saying your vision your dream is very much alive [Music] it's alive very much so send you you just have to believe it consistently you have to get to a place where you say I don't even trust my eyes I trust what you said more than what I see and if I'd like to just close my eyes and imagine your word until I see it in my life that's what I'm gonna do because it's going to happen but it takes time it doesn't take God time it takes us time to become takes time to become you I said it earlier i'ma say it again you're not passed your time did not pass your time did not pass your time did not pass your time you right on schedule and even though you're becoming in the midst of you becoming even right now you're still enough God God does not hold back his affirmation until you get to heaven God says in this moment my beloved son my beloved daughter I am well pleased Jesus hadn't done one miracle when the father said that to him he hadn't done one thing in I'm proud of you proud of you I see you I see all of you I see what you struggle with I see your unbelief at times I see what attempts to bind you and keep you I see your cycles I'll see your rhythms but I'm telling you right now I also see what I formed I see what I formed and I'm proud of you and I got you because when I see you watch this I don't see who you think you are that ain't what I see cuz I'm seeing truth I see what I made and I'm rejoicing over what I see I hate God saying because I've got faith in what I put in you I got faith in what I put in you and if I've got faith and what I put in you it's time for you to believe in what God has placed on the inside of you and then at the appointed time and that's the proper time that tree is gonna sprout up father I thank you for every son and daughter the sound of your voice those who are watching via live stream right now those are here in your house you've spoken to us Scott you told us that all we gotta do is just keep walking all we've got to do is just keep walking and we will see the goodness of God in the land of the living father I believe is there was some in this room who were weary in there well doing but I thank you Lord God they came to church today they came to your house today and God you told them all but due season is coming it is not overdue it's right on time the father I pray first of all I thank you that there is a sound a massive a lot there's a rhythm matter that boto coucher that has our identity in it that knows who we truly are that knows who you are and that knows the plans that you have for us there is a a voice that only speaks truth that says this is the way walk in it a voice that will guide us all the days of our lives and afterwards receive us in the glory and there's some God that need to be reconnected to that voice so Holy Spirit I pray God that you would make yourself known in a fresh way to your sons and daughters and that they would in no way walk in the counsel of the ungodly nor stand in the path of those who don't get it nor sit in the seat of the scornful the God that you would put a new hunger a new thirst eat a new delight in our spirit for your voice unlike never before and God we bless you that when we do and we do a day and night and we do it consistently we are trees planted by the rivers of water and we are gonna bring forth not wither and whatever we do will prosper if you believe it make some noise unto God [Music] yeah that's your push the Holy Ghost that's your horse
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 173,961
Rating: 4.8701563 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes 2019, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, td jakes commitment, td jakes sermons 2019, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2019 motivation, Pastor Toure, Toure Roberts, Pastor Toure Roberts, Touré, OneLA, The Potter's House of Denver, The Potter's House of OneLA
Id: Iya_ObgS4cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 23sec (5063 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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