''The Real Reason we should all Avoid the Forests of Alaska'' | VERY BEST OF DR CREEPEN’S VAULT 2019

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[Music] welcome back once again to your regular Friday evening entertainment courtesy of dark to creep in this fault well two stories for this evening focusing on the theme of strange creatures that appear in the night both from the subreddit that I set up so I could read the stories that you share directly with me first we have a story entitled they emerged from the woods and that's followed by a story called cold weather phenomena richardson highway alaska well my dear friends as ever i just have one thing to ask of you will you please please sit down and relax with your favorite drink because it's time to listen hi my name is Dustin and I have a story I need to get off my chest it's lived with me for a long time festering within my being it haunts me and this is the reason why I'm afraid of blackouts it all started on a Saturday night my parents were out on one of their date nights and I got to stay home alone I'm an only child so I don't have to babysit any little kids while they're away they had a date night every Saturday I believe they were trying to mend a broken marriage I didn't care though if they didn't want to be together anymore they should just get a divorce that's my view on the whole thing they eventually would get a divorce after I graduated from high school saying that they didn't want to affect my academics with their inability to get along but I was awake for their nightly arguments and heard how they fell about one another how they couldn't stand being with each other these arguments made me feel horrible about myself I felt like well I was the reason they'd stay together and later on I'd learn I was right but well that's all beside the point I lived in a town next to a small lake alone in my room I was watching a horror movie in the dark as I usually am on a Saturday night Night of the Living Dead was playing on my cheap TV one of those old television sets from the 90s you know the ones with the big banks anyway I was laying on my bed in flannel pajamas buttons and a baggy black t-shirt eagerly waiting to look out at my telescope that was pointed in the direction of my neighbor's window I was waiting for Rebecca to get into her pajamas she was oblivious when it came to her window which was perfect for a young pubescent peeping tom like myself I know I know that I was wrong for doing it but the hormones make you do some awful things like steal your dad's porno mags and hide them underneath your bed the clock in my room read 10 o'clock it was time to get into position I move from my bed to the chair in front of the Tau skirt and peered into it there she was sitting on her bed taking off the makeup that she didn't even need to apply she was beautiful without it she had long blonde hair and perfect dark eyebrows her ice for a showstopper and her breasts were quite large it wasn't time yet I decided so I turn my chair towards the TV and continued watching Night of the Living Dead it was at that point of the movie when the zombies are approaching the barricaded house that the main characters are hiding in then the lights and television flickered twice and died I jumped at the sudden loss of electricity now a house had lost electricity before so I knew what to do my father had shown me how to flip the circuit breaker causing the lights to come back on it was pretty simple I remember him showing me how to do it the first time he showed me I wasn't paying much attention it was almost time to get into position then - that's all I had on my mind the next time the power went out he told me to go do it and I didn't know which switch to flip so we had to show me once again well now I knew I have to do it so I grabbed my mag light pretty strong flashlight that fit easily in my hand from the counter that was set up beside the basement door just for this occasion and walked down the steps into the basement the flashlight flickered on and off I slapped at it and the light focused back on likes to use this light for flashlight tag with my friends and we had a lot of fun running around and tagging each other with our lights I remember tripping falling on the cement I'm getting some wicked raspberries on my knees the light flow out of my hands that fell to the ground luckily it hadn't broken but occasionally he would flicker off and then on again eventually my friends and I got older and video games and girls were the only things on our minds so the days of flashlight tag were behind us and now the only use this mag light got was when the power went out walking up to the circuit box I opened it up and try to remember which switch it was when I found that one I was looking for I flipped it and well nothing happened I flipped two more times back and forth and still no power I went back up the stairs and peered out of the living room window seeing if anyone else on the block was out of electricity the lamppost was dark and the neighbors were conversing outside talking to one another about why the lights had gone out or so I assumed the neighbors seemed nice always waving to me when they caught me looking their way but I never dared interact with them instead I open the window a tad eavesdropped on what they were saying from what I gathered I was right to assume everyone's power was out one neighbor said he'd seen the transformer blow oh great I thought it would take forever for someone to come and fix it I looked at the grandfather clock standing gracefully in the living room and realized what I had been missing out on I ran back upstairs and look through my telescope I could barely see into her room with how dark it was but I could just make out her pulling up her pajama bottoms completing her bedtime attire off I cursed walking from the peeping window to the other window the one facing the street I went to see what the neighbors were up to a crowd of people had now formed just in front of my house I could see the Robinsons from two doors down Rebecca's dad who was my neighbor to the right and then it was my labor to the left there are a few other people down there but I couldn't make them out due to them wearing jackets with hoods flipped over the top of their heads I saw one of the Robinsons point toward the edge of the woods and I followed to where her finger was pointing what appeared to be lights littered the woods edge I went back to the peeping window grabbed my telescope and set it up in the front of the window once it was set up I adjusted and peered into it oh and I froze when I finally got a good look at them standing at the edge of the woods or tall pitch-black figures I had bulbous heads like barn owls their eyes were like painted over globes white as a plain sheet of paper the hands of the creatures were exceptionally large connected to arms that fell listless ly to their science other than that they had no other features they just stood there swaying back and forth in place watching that's it I'm gonna get my gun Rebecca's dad announced turning back to his house he had a temper that was well known around the area I live next door to them but you could hear the arguments between Rebecca's parents from miles away and that's not even the worst part he would get mad at little things I once saw him kick his lawn gnome over the fence because it fell over when he walked past it I would imagine the Incredible Hulk turns into him when he gets really really mad and that's why nobody messed with him he came back out with a rifle he used for hunting bucks if one of those mothers sets foot on my lawn I'm blowing his goddamn head off yeah yeah the neighbors chatted not taking that eyes off the creatures on the other side of the road the creatures stared back swaying back and forth ever so slightly then I realized that these things weren't blinking they just stared with their glowing white eyes it was impossible to tell exactly what they were looking at for none of their bright eyes had pupils I honestly couldn't tell you what these things were but I can tell you what they weren't human then one of the creatures started to walk forward they seemed sluggish but their strides were long and he wouldn't take too many steps for it to make it to my neighbors he stepped off the grass and onto the streets pavement still slowly walking I aim my telescope back at the other creatures and another began to take strides and then another they moved slowly like the zombies in the movie I've been watching Rebecca's dad aimed his rifle of the closest creature and declared that he shoot if it took another step towards him it didn't even flinch just kept picking up his long legs and bringing them forward coming closer and he shot his rifle up into the air in a warning shot the Robinsons dan and the others put their hands over their ears ducking a little in surprise well I did the same allows ringing went through my ears after a few seconds I looked out the window try no longer needed the scope to see the thing that was striding toward Rebecca's dad he took a few steps back clearing room between him and the unflinching creature and pointed his rifle at it but it wasn't even fazed I could see now that it was taller than I'd expected it had to be at least seven feet tall I warned you Rebecca's dad yelled pulling the trigger again hitting the thing right in the chest the thing is that's exactly what it happened the shot went right through the thing no wound showed on the creature not even a speck of blood hit the pavement the bullets went right through the thing it took another strike forward now mere inches away from the kneeling man who exchanged a face of anger for a face of fear it was coming right at him Rebecca's dad squid his eyes shut and hugged his rifle and that's when the thing moved right past him Rebecca's father opened his eyes and turned around astonished that he was still alive but nervous at the direction the thing was going in it was heading for his house the thing opened the door to his home led itself in and that's when his fatherly instincts kicked in and he went after the shadow beast I looks at the other creatures that were just now crossing the street men I had another gunshot and a scream Rebekah's scream coming from next door I grabbed my telescope and aimed it at her window after adjusting the scope accordingly like I had many times in the past I peered into it and viewed the horror that ensued Rebekah relit candles in her bedroom the light from the flames the candles illuminated the walls with their flickering wigs but when the thing entered the room all the candles went out like a gust of wind blown by she was screaming throwing objects at the shadow like creature a lamp hurled towards it then a book followed by a harmless pillow and whatever else she could find close to her but everything went straight through the creature the creature just stood there another book when it flying towards the thing and once again passed through it then the creature extended its arm towards Rebecca and took one slow stride forward I remember hearing her scream and wondering where her father was this whole time the thing then put his hand on her shoulder and her screaming came to an end her eyes roll back and her arms fell to her sides she became completely still even in the face of the thing and she walked in front of the creature with a thing in tow and they made their way towards the door then the thing turned and looked directly at me I shuddered backing away from the telescope nothing looked at me with this noxious stare I looked back to the telescope but they had already made their way out the door I started to panic it saw me was I next I looked out of the window to the street and saw the other dark mass creatures entering the homes of my neighbors I also saw Rebecca walking towards the woods with the creature following close behind and I get shadow as more creatures began to emerge from the woods other neighbors began to follow suit I saw one creature following behind a little girl a few doors over one follow close behind the Robinson boy and dance husband had one following him all heading towards the woods while I was so focused on this I didn't even realize that one was entering my own home I heard the downstairs door shut I froze it was coming for me hell I was next never ensive Lee I looked around the room for a quick hiding spot I bumped into my dresser and the Maglite rolled underneath my bed I got into the push-up position and followed the light to the back wall beneath her I slept moving magazines and old socks and grabbed the flashlight and press myself against the wall waiting for the thing to enter my room and then it entered being under the bed and backed up against the wall didn't give me a good field of vision it's pitch-black legs moved into the center of my room I imagined it looking around the room for me seizing me and turning me into a lifeless zombie like Rebecca his knees bend down and hit the floor not making any noise as they make contact and then it looked underneath the bed its eyes were full circles like a full moon on a dark night it's bright white eyes blurred at me but extended its arm and began to reach I pressed against the wall as hard as I could as its arm reach for me its arm seemed to be growing longer and longer I stared at it trying to fit its bulbous head underneath the bed as it Smit of a hand kept moving forward stretching out towards me I closed my eyes tightly hoping for a miracle I could feel his hand in my vicinity and then the miracle I was waiting for happened the flashlight flickered on and covered the shadowy figure in light it winced and opens its mouth wide like its eyes the mouth Shan or the bright white light they had a deep foghorn yell I cut my ears as it cried out in what I assumed was pain its face began to crack and it moved out from underneath the bed let out another bellowing yell then left my room and continued out the door and out of my house when I knew it was safe I crawled out with my Saviour the flashlight and peered out the window and the shadowy creatures they were leaving our suburb for the woods leading their captured victims towards the lake I ran out of the house and passed my gawking neighbors who were left in awe not knowing what to do I screamed out repeatedly they don't like the light as I made my way toward the lake I ran into branches and tripped a few times over bushes but eventually I made it out of the woods to the edge of the lake where my fellow neighbors stood still with fear I went to say my signature phrase saying they don't know the light but trailed off as I saw what everyone else was staring at the creatures were walking over the shoulders of the neighbors and into the water and the neighbors were willingly sinking they kept walking into the water until their heads dipped below the surface and then under until the only thing that remained of our neighbors were ripples in the water after all this happened we waited for what seemed like an hour but it felt like an eternity no bodies floated to the surface a few of the neighbors swam into the lake after the danger subsided but there was no way and they were going too far and anything my neighbors called the police and people file a missing-persons reports but we all knew where they'd gone eventually they drained the lake to find the bodies of the lost neighbors but nothing was discovered no bodies were found and that left even more questions than answers Rebecca's dad was found unconscious on the floor of his living room apparently he'd had a heart attack and slipped into a coma but I honestly believe the creatures had a hand in it his extended family decided to pull the plug on him after they determined him to be brain dead he died a year after the anniversary of Rebecca's disappearance it's safe to say I no longer live by any Lakes since this incident I became obsessed with the idea that monsters lived in the lake and they were coming to get me my parents eventually moved far away I have trouble sleeping now because of the nightmares that have stuck with me because of that event I have dreams where the thing grabs me and leads me to the lake drowning me I also in here that foghorn bellows echoing in my head I don't think I could ever forget that sound I know I'm lucky to be alive today if my flashlight hadn't flickered on when it did I don't think I'd be able to Ratelle this story to you so if you live near a lake be forewarned they emerge from the woods and they don't like the light years ago when the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was still raging I had the opportunity to attend the US Army cold-weather indoctrination course in black rapid Alaska it was the harshest most unforgiving training available and I took pride in the fact that my chain of command had recommended me for the school I was a ranger medic at the time and I'd already had the best medical training available first attending the Special Operations combat medics course and eventually earning my combat medical badge on my first deployment to Afghanistan in 2002 I even had experience treating cold-weather injuries on the battlefield but as soon as I arrived in black Rapids I knew that the cold remote mountains of Afghanistan had nothing on winter in eastern Alaska the richardson highway ran from Prince William Sound in the South to Fort Greely and beyond on a clear day you could see the black Rapids glacier and the awesome heights or the range east of Denali National Park the scenery on that first drive to post was incredible to say the least after I arrived we spent a week in a classroom going over the plans for the first field exercise for the course there were a dozen of us representing every rank from specialists to major a hardened sergeant major named Patterson led the class he had his Special Forces Tam Combat Infantryman badge and multiple combat jumps on his parachute dispatch for the uninitiated soldiers size each other up by the tabs badges and patches on their uniforms Patterson was easily the most decorated guy in the room for our first training exercise we were tasked with spending two nights out on the glacier which was just west of the highway in order to acclimate to the sub-zero temperatures eventually we would have to ski climb and maneuver so this first exercise was supposed to be as easy as he gets we're headed out one evening in three of the old Swedish small-unit tracks it was already dark and pushing -20 Fahrenheit I was in the track with Patterson a cavalry medic named Reed and the young second lieutenant named Joe key I detected Joe keys accents but couldn't quite place it I knew he hadn't grown up in America and I was surprised at the sergeant major taken a liking to him usually but a bars wilted under the grizzled glare of senior non-commissioned offices sir they say this glacier once stretched all the way to the highway said Patterson I'd bet you've seen bigger ones back home sergeant major I've lived in the United States since I was a boy said Joe key I'd have to ask my parents I wanted to know where Joe key was from but didn't dare speak as I was a lowly sergeant at the time well then sir if you haven't been out on the glacier in the far north there's some tremendous cold weather phenomena out there said Patterson it can be breathtaking or even bizarre we continued I couldn't make out much of the surrounding terrain especially since we were in the middle track but I began to see flashes of the aurora borealis in the distance sergeant I'd like to prepare with you for this exercise said Joe key I heard you have experience in cold weather medicine Roger sir I said normally an experienced soldier would want to be paired with another seasoned veteran at a difficult school and might even go so far as to ignore a second lieutenant who wasn't in his chain of command joki might have been fresh out of ROTC or OCS but he had completed Ranger School so he had a leg up on many of his peers you were in the Battle of Taku regard he asked me I looked the front seat of the track or I saw Patterson and read noticeably grimace the seasoned soldiers knew it wasn't an appropriate question it's hard to say why it's kind of like going up to a woman who's holding her baby and saying oh I bet that thing heard coming out Roger sir Christ the old Patterson as a track came to a lurching halt as everyone brace for an impact that never came what's he stopping for as Patterson reach for the radio receiver Reed yelled to look toward the glacier sergeant major the lights joki and I both leaned forward the smooth plain of the glacier was illuminated in an otherworldly green like a holiday-themed landing strip I've never seen that before he quietly spoke into the receiver now you see in this major but only static returned on the radio he tried hailing both tracks for the next ten minutes or so but no one replied sergeant major I think they got out it looks like the doors of the lead track are open said Jogi I'll see said Patterson guess we're getting out said read Roger said Patterson Patterson left the track running and we hopped out of the vehicle the cold polar air chapped our faces before we hit the hard pack of the Glacial Road we went up to investigate the lead vehicle but the major and his three soldiers had already gone would you look at that said Patterson I turned from the vehicle and spotted four farms in the distance approximately 40 yards our hands it was so frigid that when I inhaled it felt like tiny pinpricks in my lungs as we got closer I was astounded shocked even it was our guys and they were naked each man was cast in a greenish hue from one of four glowing orbs that hovered near by it had been tough to see the spectral light sooner because the Glacial plane itself had also been illuminated in that brilliant sea on major Neil Patterson Warren guards name he had doing out here we began running in earnest I was anticipating some form of hypothermic event I knew how common it was for men experiencing hyperthermia distrib nude perhaps that tracks heater had been busted and major had kept them pressing on now it certainly wouldn't take long for hypothermia to set in especially with the guys out on the Glacia stark naked halt scream the second lieutenant we all paused as we were trained to do first before asking questions regarding the authority of the individual giving the command what do you mean halt ask Patterson coldly he looked like he was about to drive his fist into jokey's nose read and I merely stood by anticipating jokey's imminent demise sergeant major the orbs there are finished legends of the fearful truly floating lights that lead men to their graves said jockey Patterson disregarded yogi and continued toward his men with read following close behind for some reason I hesitated I don't know why but I was lucky not moments later Paterson and Reid were enveloped by two glowing green orbs which appeared to emerge from the glacier itself the men were overtaken and carried off toward the other soldiers the lights even's seemed to lift the men off their feet sergeant major I yelled hoping it might shake him out of whatever had taken hold follow me we don't have much time said Joe key taking hold of my arm and pulling me back toward the tracks we ran first to the rear vehicle hoping there might be some sign of the other foursome but once we got close enough we could see that their doors had also been left open I'd read it or we might find inside and was relieved when Joe key stopped short of investigating my lungs were on fire from the cold I hadn't acclimated at all having been in Alaska for such a short amount of time sergeant let's get back in our track said Joe key I think I can drive it our track was still rumbling away since Paterson had left it running and it wasn't long before we were warming up inside is there enough room to turn around I asked as Yogi lurch the track backward and then forward at a slight angle I don't know jokey had the track turned perpendicular to the Glacial road but I could no longer make out any of the men or their ghost lights there was too much background light emerging from a glacier or even reflected from above I wasn't sure which was cracked but I knew I was more frightened in that moment than I'd ever been in battle okay let's go exclaims okie he almost sounded giddy as he had already had his turned around and was navigating past the rear track moments later we were on open road following the path we'd car from a highway when I noticed four orbs in the distance out over the barren white south of the glacier itself I couldn't make out anything beneath the four discreet lights but in my heart I knew that four of my classmates were like me out there freezing to death out on the waist every so often a greenish bubble would form on the Glacial surface near the track I didn't mention it to jockey but I'm certain he noticed too it was the sort of game that kids play under duress that if we don't acknowledge the horrible thing about to overcome us if we bury our terror perhaps we'll be left alone you were both overcome with relief when we finally made it back to the highway without further incident we didn't bother transferring to the transport truck that had brought us from our installation jokey white-knuckle is back to the post in that slow track and our entrance and debriefing caused quite a scene around the barracks the bodies of our fellow soldiers were recovered from the glacier early the next morning only hours after Jogi and I had made our escape they were found nude just as we said they'd be but the recovery squats hadn't encountered anything out of the ordinary the doctors at Fort Greely said that our ghost lights our hallucinations were likely caused by the early stages of hypothermia now the other soldiers sounded like textbook cases of the manic episodes brought on by advanced hypothermia they said jokey and I were lucky that our bodies and minds have been hotter than our classmates now I don't know that they aren't correct but I don't believe that what we experience now on that glacier had anything to do with hypothermia so another couple of fantastic stories there for you from dr. creepers vault I really am so lucky at the moment many many fantastic stories been shared with me it means that I can pretty much rely on stories from the vault so I hope you enjoy the exclusive content you're getting really means a lot to me to be able to read the stories that you send and to deliver stories that you're not going to find elsewhere if you have any requests of course I'm always open to them but hope you're enjoying these exclusive stories as much as I am well that's the first week of January done and dusted I of course will be back with you on Monday and I do hope you'll join me if she will won't you of course you will until then sweet dreams and bye bar [Music] [Music] thank you so much for choosing to spend your time listening to me now if you enjoyed the doctor creeping experience and come find me on Facebook come chat with me on Twitter listen to the background music and download it if you like on soundcloud drop by the store pick up a t-shirt and importantly if you've got a story you'd like me to read send it to dr. creepiness voles subreddit I set up so that I could read your stories yeah looking forward to seeing you all again real soon so come check me out okay
Channel: Dr. Creepen
Views: 111,599
Rating: 4.8370805 out of 5
Keywords: dr creepens vault, dr creepen, dr. creepen, nosleep horror, creepypasta, scary stories, asmr stories, best horror stories, deep web horror stories, The Real Reason we should all Avoid the Forests of Alaska, dr creepen deep web, dr creepen dungeon, They Emerged from the Woods, Cold Weather Phenomena: Richardson Highway Alaska, Forests of Alaska', Eldrazi Horror, Nicholas Gray, lost in the woods, forest horror stories, forest horror movie
Id: c5T_4tNT214
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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