"If Someone Runs Out In The Road, Don't Stop" Creepypasta

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we were driving back for my grandparents 25th wedding anniversary who we be and my mom and myself I was nine at the time and my dad was at home sick with a bad case of food poisoning from the takeout that we had had the night before her anam and debated not going to the anniversary celebration huh but he had insisted that we go huh as it was her parents and when we had left he'd been lying down in front of the TV trashcan at the ready mom was a bit nervous about the whole thing and because dadan had always driven before her it wasn't that she was a bad driver and but she hated driving anywhere more than a half-hour away and the venue was an hour north of us she was fine if she had directions to follow but constantly second-guessed yourself and could be a bit nerve-wracking to travel with we left at 5:00 and we were supposed to be home by China we hadn't made it to the place fine although it was starting to get dark when we had arrived and by the time that we had finally left after santur goodbyes to everyone it was pitch black and drizzling and because we were far out in the countryside er there were a severe lack of main roads and a far far too many winding Wonsan spreading through the hills and trees like so many snakes oh you don't even driving for about 15 minutes when I heard mom swear and looked up from the pale light of my gameboy she glanced back at me with a forced smile oh just made a wrong turn somewhere I'll turn us around and we drove farther slower down the same Road and which was lined with orchards and farms and finally found a rocky drive to turn around Anna but ten minutes later and we seemed no less lost and young as I was I could sense her growing unease it was just so dark it was starting to work itself up into a storm outside and we weren't anywhere familiar or even near any place to pull in and ask for directions eventually my mom pulled over on the side of the road to call my aunt but the call kept getting dropped and we found ourselves on the road again I think we went past this when we were headed there my mom Bonnie sada was sounding a bit hopeful and turned us down into the rota and this one took us away from the farms and orchards in' into a more wooded area but the road was far less bumpy and at least now the ramaya marker signs I squinted out of the window and anxious kid to begin with our nerves justified mine but at least we seem to be actually going somewhere now it has opposed to driving in circles and then someone ran out in the middle of the road huh mom shrieked and slammed on the brakes and narrowly avoiding hitting Nana while I tried to remember how to breathe in the backseat and the washed out headlight stood a girl maybe a woman huh she was screaming and cried and pounded in the car for us to let her Ana and Mom rolled down the window a little ha please and the girl went bare dad please can you just give me a left it's my boyfriend I had to run away please I can't let him find me it was hard to make out her face then but she sounded anywhere from early teens to early 20s to her credit my mom was wary yeah let me call the police please just let me in huh you don't have to drive anywhere her eye her voice cracked in terror as she sniffle de hair plaster to her face from the rain in the wind mom hesitated and then leaned over and unlock the passenger side door the girl darted around the front of the car and scrambled an ax and closing the door behind you thank you so much thank you and then she pulled out a gun huh actually I didn't even realize it was a gun at feresten and the car light was on button and wasn't very bright and I never seen a gun in person before him so for a few seconds I was confused as to why my mom it suddenly froze on her his cell phone stolen Hanna I might not have ever seen a gun in real life before her but I was old enough to know what one could do huh give me the following huh and the girl said huh all the terror was gone but just as breathlessly as ever she sounded almost excited as if she was about to go on a ride at an amusement park and then she repeated herself give me the phone lady it wasn't set out of anger and she said it like she was reciting a lot in a play that she starred in and had been practicing her award-winning line for ages and mom gave her the follow na and the girl pocketed Etta I watched mu with the sort of fear that rendered everything static I couldn't have moved even if I wanted to it I didn't even think that would work and the girl laughed as max was right people are freaking morons I had the sudden thought that I did not want to be max I was right I studied the girl for a mall Manta she really was very young and my nine-year-old lion identified her is more of a bigger and better kid than an actual adult she didn't even talk like an adult she talked the way that middle schoolers did on the bus her hair was bleached blond and has scraped back in a thin ponytail and she had a pretty hard shaped face and put her eyes freaked me out too they were dark and not just in color her but in a way that I can't quite explain her you just got the feeling that looking at her that this was it there was nothing hiding behind those eyes a rather the look in her eyes is what should have been headed huh but it was right there stark naked and grotesque forcing you to face it head-on huh there was nothing there when there should have been something huh and no light not even a glint avanza a total void of emotion beyond or shallow Clea as if she had just won a petty prize I looked at my mama it's my surprise she was not crying she actually looked calmer than she had before even when we are driving around and around and her face was completely blank something I was not used to seeing on her generally in contrast with my data mom was an open book she wore her emotions on her sleeve and came across as somewhat fragile and vulnerable but now there was nothing there nothing to fracture her slender face smeared the girl with the guns I'll be enough I recognized it even then huh like the girl there wasn't anything there but that was because some sort of wallet may construct data or a door slam shot or one of those gates they pulled down over shop fronts at the mall installed huh Muhammad shut down in a way that made it impossible to tell what she was thinking or how she was feeling it when she spoke her voice was flat in Colma and let us out of the car and you can take it wherever you need to go it was not a question or a plea it was an ironclad suggestion a teacher gives a misbehaving student on their last warning huh the suggestion you hear from a parent when they're not in the mood it bordered on an order looking back at her now I think the girl was helping my mom had a breakdown in bag because she looks past like she had been robbed of a showed she'd been promised she'd get to see you're not going anywhere she said almost defensively here like she had to justify it somehow huh in a way I was kind of relieved at the time huh and to a nine-year-old on the cold on the rain in the dark and the wind lashed trees outside were just as terrifying as a gana someone rapped on the window across Urmia and I jumped flinching back into my seat seatbelts biting into my shoulder the girl leaned back the gun stored trained on my mom unlock that door and greeted the mess they clambered Anna hey baby I understood that this was my accent it couldn't have been any clearer and he worn a shirt with it embroidered across the front it was easy to see why they were together huh he was not right just not in the same way that she was something about him was not what it should've been huh I wasn't scared of him in a way that a kid should be able strange man who could hurt that much I was scared of him in the way anyone who Schauder adult is of a lone wolf that saunters up to their side huh jaws snap ena if the girl had nothing huh he had something it just wasn't what he should have had her a max head hooded eyes almost like a dog or some other animal and where it seems like they're staring through their own eyelids at UWE I don't remember what color they were his hair was brought in law him and for a man it brushed his shoulder his head vaguely reminded me of a picture of someone who either Jesus or some famous musician huh he was lanky he had to hunch a lot on the back seat next to me it almost made him seem crooked huh he was baby-faced and clean-shaven huh but it didn't make him any less intimidating huh he reclined back in the seat as if you just enter dilemma huh and then his head Lowell slightly him I watched his hands they were big they reminded me of my dad too not science' and they were playing with a neat little knife flipping it over and over and almost frantically hit in contrast with his laid-back demeanor as if they had developed a mite of the Rona or if his mind was simply located in his rest and it's a nice car he said conversationally euros would make a lot of money dear my momma silent the introduction of a second threat must have been like a punch to the God the girl huh she might have felt she could maintain equal footing with her and maybe somehow get her out of the car and Max it was clear that he was the one in charge Dawa and a lot less predictable ha I'm Maxwell he introduced himself and he held out his hand for me I shied away from Manta and then I thought that I might set him off and I brushed my fingers against it briefly hit and that's Ronnie yeah we needed a car it's a long story here and I won't bore you guys you should have seen her face when I pulled out the gana there Ronnie steered from the front seat the jabbing into my mom's drag Shonda she didn't flinch the holy it was priceless don't curse in front of the kid huh max cautioned and he looked at me you have a name I glanced to mama she nodded minutely cama i said simply hit camera he stretched it out pass it's one syllable like a piece of gamma that's not he said and what about you honey he appeared on my mama who turned slightly sideways in her seat but not quite facing Hema more focused on Ronnie and her gana Angela she said after a pause I blamed I wasn't used to hearing to just say her first name like that then I thought later that maybe she hadn't wanted them to know her last name like an angel he grande and just doing little camdenite where's mr. Angel and expecting us home by Donna mom said neutrally he's going to be worried if relate I didn't understand at the end but it was a way of saying that if were to disappear there's someone wouldn't wait too long to call the cops shame it is said max it was his way of saying if I give a about the cops and that wouldn't be sitting in the back of your car with a knife mags come on Ronny snapped from out front and she sounded impatient but we're wasting time just sitting here he's tried as if not terribly concerned about the passing of time in general huh fine give in the back I'll go up Ron how you kidding me I have the Ghana and I trust Angela besides I want to get a better look at her her Ronnie sworn to her breath and got out of the front and getting into the back while max climbed into the passenger seat and carefully arranged in his long limbs he said something to mom in a low tone her and she stiffened slightly hid in the back seat Ronnie directed her gun at the nearest target Mia if you so much as make a freaking sound I will shoot you she told me rather Chipola him again max muttered in the front and I stared at her I would have been stupid not to be scared huh but despite her forgotten her furiously cheerful voice and it felt like I was dealing with something out of a movie or game a make-believe monster I didn't really believe that she could hurt me in a way it was weird huh either way and my lack of much a reaction didn't make her any happier she aged up next to me the gun uncomfortably close to my midsection oh come on drive she demanded and we drove for a few minutes and Max giving calm Pleasant instructions to my mom on where to go then we found ourselves in yet another lonely Rona and this one overgrown and completely deserted I listened for cars and for any sounds at all but I heard nothing but the rain and then the car stopped the Rani kicked over my door and shot me Isleton her fingers digging painfully into the back of my neck the wind had died down some outside huh and but I shivered in the cold damp or I wishing that I could put my hood off likewise my mom stood beside me the max kept his hand on the back of her neck I suddenly wanted to break out you can just leave us here take the car and go mom said in the same flat calm tonus before her you'll be miles gone by the time you find anyone huh do you think were retards Errani snorted do you think were she quieted from max gave her a single glance we're going to take a walk and was all he said huh don't worry in the dark mom's hand found mine she gave it to single squeeze I understood then that they were not going to let us go huh that we were not getting back in the car huh and that we were not going home he might not believe me I was 9 Oh what did I know I should have been oblivious but I knew huh the people who have the luxury of not seeing death coming at all are few and far between we watch her more like slide and crossed a wet to muddy ground through bushes under trees we didn't walk long it was very hard to make our Ronnie and Max in the dark and they were more voices shifting forms than anything I lotsa and they didn't seem quite real who first Ronnie asked eagerly when we last came to a halt be quiet in' max said in the media close your eyes and turn around and i've said something to him in a low a forceful voice he stated her they enjoy you're not serious she just looked at that man you've got how to quiet laugh okay Ronny here and take the kid back to the road huh my miles something idea I had no idea what it was and as I trudged back towards the road with Ronnie here I'm glancing back frantically have a few moments look back at her and Max and then it occurred to me here Ronna she had a Ghana but it was so dark it was impossible to see more than a foot or two in front of your face in a drain to that and all the trees and the slick background you want to know what he's doing to your mama Ronnie asked me had her breath hot in my ear you know where babies come from I waited until she straightened up to laugh and then I ran huh not straight ahead but back in the general direction of where we had come from I heard her muffled yelling and a shot rang out it didn't matter because it didn't hit me him and I kept running a leg straining up black Mota the rain pelted me in the face I ran so fast and I tripped right over Maxim he was lying face down to the ground the mud makes it with his long hair something was stuck in a snack I realized that it was his nya the mom was sitting on the ground beside Emma her hair a haggard mess in her makeup streaming down her face her hands shaken in her lap she looked up at me and saw me and pulled me to her my head against her chest and then she struggled up to her feet and we kept wahkeena listening for Ronnie all the while finally we heard a faint howl of rage in a distance and at that point we stopped under a tree and mom with some effort lifted me up into one of the lower branches and then clambered up herself and we sat there for a long while and then finally climbed down and kept Joaquina 20 minutes later we stumbled upon a hunting lodge a half hour later and the State Police forest seemed to show up and they had found rani in the car and just where it had been laughed she had been kind enough in the anta and not to shoot herself inside a bed [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 183,722
Rating: 4.8033695 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: -WW8jL_gWEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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