''The Doors of Stone'' by Sabrina S. | BRAND NEW CREEPYPASTA

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it's Friday the weekend is finally upon us and I'm hoping I can help get it off to a really nice start now special shout out to all of you working the night shift doing some job that involves a lots of monotonous boring stuff and to find a bit of solace in the stories that I tell I'm here for you guys always okay so I'll try and help you through those long boring hours well I really really like the one I've got for you tonight and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did can't say too much without giving it away and I really can't think of a interesting way to introduce it so you know what to do sit back and relax with your favorite drink because it's time to listen the elevator rumbled and shook as it descended I could hear the massive gears grinding into place as they lowered the cage lightbox deeper into the earth I felt my heart racing in my chest as the humming of the generators grew more and more distant the light from above filtered away into darkness the descent was much faster than I'd anticipated it would be my fingers grip the bars in front of me watching the walls of the dirt tunnel speed by small chunks of soil and debris clattered dully against the steel floor of the elevator bouncing against my boots I couldn't see very much or for very long the over bright lights had been installed every hundred meters leaving me listening to the sounds of the descent in complete blackness for large chunks of time lower and lower I went the meters flying by large chunks at a time dirt stairs two hundred and fifty meters chimed an automated voice my breath began to steam over my glass visor and a notification appeared in my periphery warning rapid decrease temperature detective approximate external temperature -5 degrees Celsius that couldn't be right it should be getting warm not cold there was no way the temperature to be sub-zero this father I tried to remember if the director had mentioned anything about temperature fluctuations during the briefing but I was blanking all I could recall was what I was supposed to do once the elevators stopped dead stairs 500 meter another notification appeared shortly after the depth message approximate external temperature minus 18 degrees Celsius unsure of how to proceed I press the largest circular button on the inside of my wrist causing a command prompt to appear at the center of my visor display please state your command the toneless female voice momentarily replaced all sounds in the elevator there was a bright flash of light as the elevator quickly flew past another light contact the surface I said aloud my voice muted and dull within my helmets contacting surface the voice responded and I was left listening to a series of rhythmic beeps this is commander Jones what's your status I swallow before responding my throat suddenly dry this is cartographer for status clear I'm calling to reports an anomaly granted the commander told me I could hear him examing loudly into his mic my life support system has detected a drop in temperature from 30 Celsius to now minus 18 how should I I mean what do I do like is this normal or my tongue tipped over my words as I struggled to figure out how to put my statement together my foggy breath now completely obscured my view relax the commander instructed his voice even and Carl the director didn't mention that there could be any number of fluctuations further down you get including temperature your status who will keep you safe until you've completed the mission hang in there I exhale through my nose my fingers loosening and then tightening once again a random pass in front of me Roger that there was an audible click followed by a three tone chime indicating that the call had been ended I felt relieved knowing I could just radio to surface if something came up another bright spot zoom past the elevator continuing its journey down I felt the weight of my supply pack pressing down on my shoulders I became very aware of how sticky the inside of my gloves felt against the palms of my hands dead status 1000 meters approximate external temperature minus 30 degrees Celsius unease grew within me tangling into a knot deep in my guts I could do nothing more than readjust my fingers around the metal bars watching the light slip behind time seemed to slow down and then speed up in bursts I didn't know how quickly or slowly I was moving with times it felt as if the elevator had shifted directions and was pulling me up instead of down I became more and more disorient though I found comfort in the constant periodic depth updates Deb status 1250 meters Deb status 1500 meter Deb status 1750 meters and either write down wouldn't last much longer and so i brace myself I release the bars stepping backwards into my pack make contact with the back of the elevator the plastic casing clinking against the steel bars I bounced from foot to foot preparing myself for my mission watching as the light fell away Deb status 2,000 meters estimated arrival time 10 seconds my body became hyper aware of the suit that was encasing it every breath in burned within my chest my fingertips tingling in anticipation somewhere within me Naurang at my courage was fear it kept me in check reminding me that I was the fourth person attempting this mission it forced me to stay alert and gave me the extra kick of adrenaline and I needed to go forth with my task and be the first one to actually complete it the elevator made a violin bang has it collided with the surface the metal box rocked and heaved is it adjusted itself to the docking platform throwing me from the rear to the side I studied myself against the bars regaining my footing you have arrived at the desired location mission protocol in effect explained the automated status system my boots crunched once they made contact with the ground I shouldn't lock the door behind me before I look down to find the surface cuffed in what appeared to be snow I said the mapping software into tracing ones which would allow it to track my movements to map out an area I looked up and around turning in place as I tried to fathom what I would see I was in a massive cavern the walls Matt and grey like the skin of a rhino there was a soft white light coming from somewhere high above me it lit the room up the way the moon would in a forest clearing there were no man-made lighting fixtures that I could see they wouldn't have been necessary anyway but how bright it already was the ceiling was too far out for me to get a good look at but what looked like snow seemed to be falling from some source at the top completely obscured by shadow across the room was a pair of monolithic stone doors they were carved out of a glassy ivory material that glistened is if wet in the pale light from above intricate swirling patterns covered the doors along with strange rooms made of lions and dance their facets and curves bouncing brightness and shadow along the length of the doors to the sides of the doors were rusted metal crates labeled barricade material pillars of stone and lumps of darker rocks were piled on top of each other each crate overflowing with debris to the left of the doors a bit farther behind the crate was a large blue tarp covering an expansive bumping mass on the ground badges of snow painted portions of the top white while small rivulet slid to the ground where the build-up grew too heavy I approached it tentatively unsure of what to expect I grabbed a corner of the tarp and lifted it crouching down to get a better look with a light from my headlamp bones there were hundreds of what looked like human skeletal remains laying side by side layered on top of each other with only a thin knit mesh between each row of bodies I dropped the tarp and backed away pressing the button on my wrist as I faced the doors they were massive tearing so high that the cavernous ceiling cloaked the upper ends in darkness I wondered how something like this could have been constructed so far underground I wondered what purpose is served please state your command the electronic voice interrupts my thoughts I felt fear dancing through my skin external status report scanning within a hundred kilometer radius there was a short pause before the machine spoke again external status report is as follows dead status 2,000 meters below surface temperature - 32 degrees Celsius precipitation 90% chance of light snow flora undetected fauna unknown my brows creased in confusion elaborate on fauna fauna of an unknown species and all origin has been detected the silence that followed was too loud approximate distance to fauna my voice was only slightly louder than a whisper fauna detected at a distance of approximately 15 kilometres northwest I looked at the doors in front of me glancing at the compass that was always present in the upper right corner of my miser North was directly in front of me and West was to my left whatever it was it was beyond the door I pressed the button twice to reset the command prompt please date your command contact the surface I responded running my gloved hands over the designs covering the right door looking for a way to get them up contacting the surface I waited anxiously for a response shearing on my lower lip as I turned my back to the door this is commander Jones what's your status I exhale din relief that he answered this is cartographer for status clear I've arrived at the destination I paused glancing at the snow-covered table I've got to ask what happened out here the commander took a moment to answer we really don't know when we send the first clearance team down there they took some photos and I'll send one to your visor display now I heard him clacking away at the keyboard and then an image appeared in the center of my laser the doors were there but they were mostly obscured by a large mound of boulders and slabs of stone the skeletons were lying all over the mound in various positions like they were applying their weight against the doors and had I doing so it appears that the humans we found down there barricaded themselves in the chamber you are now in in order to keep those doors closed the commander explained though why they did so is beyond us what do you see down there see for the photo disappeared and I described the Snowy Kevin slowly turning back to the doors my external status report also detected fauna down here the origin is unknown but it's quite a ways away is about 15k Northwest on the other side of the door I told him finding myself to be oddly calm there was a lengthy pause from the commander's end I waited for him to speak feeling worried crawling up my chest constricting my throat before I could say something to break the silence he spoke c4 do you wish to proceed I persuade lips taken aback by his question I guess I mean I might as well my voice trailed off very well make contact once you've mapped at least five kilometers of the area beyond if at any point you wish to withdraw do not hesitate so I heard his breathing hitch we don't need to lose another member of team for this mission he cleared his throat to open the doors you need to apply pressure to the set of circular engravings where the two doors meet you'll know when it's working commander hang in there he said before he ended the connection the three tone chimes signifying I was alone I stood in solitude listening to the sounds of my breaths bouncing around the inside of my helmet it was time to proceed I found the circular markings that he described very easily they were the only ones on the doors making them stand out from the other nonsensical patterns I reached up the very edges of my gloved fingertips and brushing the circles I could just barely get my hand up enough to press down right the cavern filled with a clicking sound of gears turning rapidly I watched as a circle spun in place realigning themselves to blend in with the other worlds and spirals a resonating boom sounded as the circles came to a halt and the doors began to pass they came towards me slowly the heavy stone dredging up mounds of snow on either side the doors groaned deeply on their hinges as they moved their weight carrying them out I stepped back enough for them to open without accidentally getting caught in their paw and suddenly they stopped they're hinges creak tiredly as if crying out from not being used in many many years I blinked using my hand to wipe the fog that had settled on the outside of my visor so I could see what lay ahead of me beyond the doors I saw nothing just an expansive blackness that leached out into the silvery chamber I stood him if I stared too long I could swear I saw tendrils of thick black smoke sneaking across the floor of the cavern racing towards my boots but as soon as I blinked the vision would pass and I was left staring into the abysmal darkness in front of me approximate distance to fauna 16 kilometers northwest exclaimed the automated voice I jumped the notification catching me off guard I knew if I stood there shaking I would never make any progress I might as well call the surface and have them haul me back up but that would be a waste I wouldn't forgive myself and not even try before I could change my mind I trudged forward my boots crunching purposefully through the snow into whatever lay beyond I wasn't sure what I was expecting but a network of buildings and tunnels wasn't something I'd considered especially since it was intact and well-preserved for the most part as I traveled farther and farther away from the doorway my headlamp illuminated more of the skeletal remains of the complex city it was carved from the same pale glistening stone as a bit dull and was just as detailed in its architecture the city was composed of high arches and squared roofs reaching into the cavernous scene it was maze-like and cramped the towering walls of boxing me in between them forcing me to follow their wide paths the fitting of the blocks was seamless each stone fitting precisely in place each brick was cut with an incredible amount of precision the edges straight and clean the buildings were spaced tightly packed next to each other without any gaps all had double doors in the same arched style of the city doors though smooth and without the engraving slabs of stone propped up on table like structures outside various buildings were carved with a runic script but still different the matter of the markings on the city doors I took a photo with my visor camera adding a note that the ruins were likely the written language of the inhabitants pillars supported a net-like structure of arches high above the rooftops the pillars themselves detailed in the same swirling patterns of the doors to the city I marveled at a masterpiece that lay buried beneath thousands of metres of Earth and wondered what had happened to those that created it I walked for about an hour following the path of deep into the city the farther I ventured the more damaged the buildings had undergone significantly more buildings with falling apart the plans of destruction resembling the aftermath of an attack rather than the passage of time I made my way past building after building pausing as my headlamp ghosted over a particular series of structures I'd almost missed it amongst the other bent and broken constructs rough chunks of loose stone and fine dust littered the area the walls snaked with wide cracks every few steps I had to maneuver around a section of dislodged bricks bigger than I was on one side of me was a set of buildings possibly residency they all bore the signs of surviving a massive impact with varying degrees of success one was completely demolished a few collapsing at one side or another though carved across them all was a deep groove like something huge it slashed across the street destroying everything in its path I snapped a few photos with my visor camera before carefully moving on approximate distance to fauna seven kilometers north I helped at the sound of the notification though I continued to startle me I didn't want to disable them for fear of being uninformed whatever was out there was moving fast and coming closer I had to hurry up and get out as soon as possible I took a step and was knocked to the ground as the earth around me began to shake a low vibrating Rumble filled the air the sound more of a sensation of something I could hear it made my teeth clenched in my chest ache my vision grew obscured as my visor monitor picked up interference blocking my line of sight with mismatched pixels of green gray and white dust and small stones got dislodged clattering off the side of my helmet as they fell as quickly as it began it ended and I was left leaning against a wall panting I wipe the excess grit off my visor as the display screen cleared up just as another notification came up approximate distance to fauna five kilometers north it was too close and I was too far in I needed out now whatever it was it had caused the vibration and the interference I had no idea what else it was capable of I wasn't willing to find out I wasn't my job as a cartographer deeming my mission xxs I set my mapping software to reverse mode it would now show me that path I took in reverse order making it easier for me to find my way out I turned my back on the city letting the map I created lead me out the way I'd come here I picked up my pace suddenly finding a burst of energy within I left over boulders and easily skirted around debris approximate distance to fauna two kilometers south South was directly behind me I kept up my pace my breath fogging up my visor I rounded bands and ducked under low arches my footfalls thundering over my heartbeats approximate distance to fauna one kilometer south the scenery sped by in a blur of grey and white the snow from above melting instantly as it made contact with the warmth of my visor I wasn't thinking anymore I was just running blindly following the line on the map the second tone of vibration sounded the force of it using my momentum against me the pathway heaved throwing me onto the ashen ground I slid forward a few feet vaguely aware of the sound of something tearing I laid on my stomach for a moment as the vibration continued that single moment of rest was all I gave myself before hoisting myself up onto my hands and knees my boots scraping against a slippery surface beneath just as my health monitoring systems kicked in warning rapid depressurization warning loss of oxygen imminent the system repeated the notification over and over again audibly and visually at the center of my visor display but I couldn't do anything about it somewhere my suit had been torn and my oxygen supply was leeching out I had no time left to worry about it I needed to be back in the elevator now I managed to write myself getting back onto my feet is the intensity of the sound as a vibration picked up without hesitating further I broke into a sprint my ears felt full like the sound was coming from inside of my head the building's quaked as large bits of roof and wall and pillar came loose crashing to the ground around me as I ran past I dodged the big ones while using my forearms to block the smaller ones from damaging my visor my display began to malfunction the screen filling with large sections of pixels obscuring my view the speakers within my helmet began to play the sound of static clipping in and out occasionally a few high-pitched notes would sound before the static returned the warning notification didn't stop though it grew more and more distorted as I continued on my breaths scraped down my throat each one more painful in the last my lungs burning as I inhaled dust and whatever other toxins were present down here the garbled almost incoherent voice of the notification systems sounded as I dashed around a corner I could see the light of the entry cabin in the near distance [Music] approximate distance to fauna 350 meters cell a piercing screech bled out of my helmet speakers as I approached the exits by this point my visor display was completely illegible with its interference warning oxygen levels at 40% I was so close to the exit now I could see the looming brightness beyond the massive doors I was almost there I was a few feet behind the mouth of the doorways when the notification system coughed out one final update approximate distance to fauna 15 meters elf the vibration intensified the sound consuming everything my displays died and my audio systems cut out I couldn't hear it I just felt it it was inside of my bones inside of myself he was invading my body tearing me apart it forced me to my knees just beyond the line where the light of the chamber meant the darkness of the Forgotten city I dragged myself forward by my floor arms my gloved fingers reaching out to try and pull myself into the light the sound pressed down on me as if attempting to merge my body with the earth the pressure was immense it was bearing down upon my back it was rippling across my skin biting into my flesh it was forcing itself my body in screams I hadn't realized I was letting out a shadow blacker than me expands around me descended over my fallen fall tightness coiled around my left leg and yanked me backwards my screams became audible over the unending sound as I watch my fingers sliding over the snow-covered terrain feebly trying to grab hold of something anything to stop myself the gloves I wore dug ruts into the snow reminding me of how close I had come to getting out I began to kick with my free leg using any and all remaining strength I had to try and free myself from whatever had hold of me my leg connected with something solid and the tightness recoiled the turn of the vibration shifted even lower the sound no longer audible but it was impossible miss suddenly I was upright and sprinting I ran until I cross the threshold of the doors and slammed straight into the elevator behind the thin metal bars of the elevator door I press the Return button in rapid succession briefly glancing at the open doorway as he began to haul me upwards I couldn't see whatever it was because it was as black the darkness from where it came I did however see something a mass writhing in the shadows its tendrils leaking out into the cold whiteness of the clearing I understood now what those skeletons have been trying to do I understood now the weak it felt they died keeping those doors closed and now I was being hoisted back to the surface fear gripped me as tightly as the entity amongst all of the unknown surrounding the city there was one truth the doors of stone were open and I had no idea what had been unleashed upon the world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay I hope you enjoyed that one as much as I did had a sense of foreboding dread building and building throughout it and how that one just really appealed to me as soon as I read it and I knew I had to narrate it for you all well Friday weekend you know where I'll be on Monday back here with all of you I hope that's all for me for now you have a nice weekend okay all right bye-bye
Channel: Dr. Creepen
Views: 62,345
Rating: 4.8663645 out of 5
Keywords: best horror scifi sories 2017
Id: lsOT2E0uj1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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