"I Am Going To Disappear Soon, Because Of What I Saw Through An Unsecured Webcam" Creepypasta

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before I start I'm going to come right out and say I know that this story doesn't make me look that great I understand that what I was doing what got me into this in the first place it was wrong there is no malice behind it no V ristic sexuality involved but I get it watching all those people invading their privacy so deeply it was a creepy thing to do does that mean I deserve what's happened I don't think so I hope not at least what I did was tactically criminal sure but I can't shake the feeling that have been sentenced to pay for it with my life unlike most on death row though I don't have the luxury of knowing the exact date of my punishment all I have to go on is the vague sense of mortal dread that's been tugging at my gut more and more throughout the last few days the sickening nauseous plunge my heart takes into my groin every time I so much as glance at my bedroom window even with the curtains drawn and its lock latched is how I know that I'm going to die and almost definitely soon sure there's more I could be doing to prevent it and maybe I could alert the authorities try and go to the hospital or maybe even a jail anyway with surveillance of people no goddamn windows but I've never been very good at taking action I'm really much more of a spectator I suffer from what a therapist once described as crippling agoraphobia it started out as a vague fear of crowds and public places that following the car crash that claimed my mother's life and my own physical mobility metastasized into a paralyzing overwhelming aversion to human contact my phobia has been swelled and sprawled since I'm gradually reducing me from a nervous rack and to a social 'invalid to a full-blown hermit I live in a small uptown apartment a spare studio that I can luckily just barely manage to maintain on a spotty freelance writer salary and monthly disability checks I don't exactly get out much I can't stand the thought of running into a stranger help me strangers the mental image of pairs of eyes trained on me taking to my patchy facial hair and greasy complexion and clumsy leg braces stares hiding anything from pity to judgment to a hot rod revulsion it fills me with almost immediate panic and so to avoid that I do the easy thing I stay inside I leave my apartment maybe three times a month before if I'm feeling an emergency I go out at 3 in the morning walk a few blocks down to a CVS and pick up basic necessities around and toilet paper maybe some chips if I'm feeling privileged I used the self-checkout and I pile everything into a bag myself in a hurry home it's been maybe two entire years since I've asked talked to somebody who wasn't delivering me take out her expecting a rent check unfortunately even her I'm not completely a social deep down and buried under a painful so perpetuating snowball neurosis I'm still a person still completely subject to a basic need for human interaction for a while I filled the hole with podcast and light TV and then online chat rooms and then an anonymous email based penthouse service but those all grew to feel and substantial after a while and it left me feeling empty like I'd try to satisfy hunger with chewing gamma a one desperate evening now I stumbled across a method for viewing unsecured webcams remotely and almost completely inconspicuously and I knew almost immediately that now I found my outlet wellokay stumbled upon isn't the entire truth I looked it up again I know how creepy this appears in the surface and I'm aware how morally iffy the practice is but you need to understand that I was at the end of my rope in many ways emotionally I wouldn't say I was on the verge of outright suicide and that was too active too messy but I think I had it in me to just give up I was very close to crawling into bed and never coming back out it was a dark time of my life and this webcam trick was a home area attempt to trick my disease monkey Brandon to thank him I was socializing again finally participating with other members of my species and a word and though I'm sure I look pretty similar to the stereotype of a greasy antisocial computer hacker I'm not actually amazed with computers which speaks to how disturbing the easy the process of accessing these random webcams was most of the cameras were public use CCTV types usually pointing at street corners or parking lots those were rarely very interesting but even still I was able to worm my way into quite a few personal webcams usually a fixated to laptops to the occasional home desktop I saw a lot of bedrooms a lot of dorms a few kitchens or living rooms and more often than not the spaces I peeped out would be empty at first and I often bookmark interesting ones to come back and check later for human activity handed up watching probably upwards of a hundred people and keeping a rotating cast of a dozen or so that I found particularly entertaining an old man with three pet birds in his room who seemed to spend most of his time writing in his love about no park and had feeding his pet sunflower seeds a diminutive Japanese woman with a genuinely impressive commitment to yoga a university student who alternated between poring over complicated looking architecture homework and smoking weed with the constantly shifting parade of boyfriends and yeah sure cards on the table I watched a few people have sex yes that was wrong for me to do but I feel they need to say that I didn't do that out of anything other than attached interest and to God my libido is about his dormant as Yellowstone at his point I also watched plenty of eating I saw an overwhelming amount of cereal eaten by people from all walks of life seriously cereal is insanely popular and there was reading aimless web surfing talk and exercise and relaxing cleaning and sleeping mostly sleeping I got to the point where I struggle to doze off if I didn't have a feed up some stranger sleeping playing on my monitor it was comforting in a very elemental way it didn't eliminate my self-imposed loneliness but adult the pain and made it manageable ironic that it was probably the most innocent aspect of my little one-man peep show that ended up do Mimi its was late one night late even for me and at this point I was almost entirely nocturnal I was sifting through my list of bookmark webcams looking for something to put on while I turned in most of my usual favourites are off the table that night he did their lab chops her put away her and her pointed in the wrong direction or the subject themselves with either obstructed by something are gone from the room entirely so I dove back into the raw feed off new potential cams clicking past parking light after parking lot after herb and a computer lab after parking lot until he came across the one that I've caught my attention on my screen I saw youngest girl maybe in her mid-20s nearly on her sheets I mean out of the windows set into the wall right above her bad something about the way she was sitting the nervous insecure footing of her arms the hunched over shoulders the way almost offensive way she was peeking out of the window and caught me off guard I'm not the most socially intuitive person in the world huh even I could read the obvious body language on display here this girl was scared her room was decently well-lit considering the lateness of the hour between the lava lamp on her bedside table and the 7-yard sub fairy lights strung up on the ceiling I can make out most of the realm er it was tidy in a crowded way packed with neatly arranged stacks of books and baskets of laundry the fidelity of the camera was high so a computer must have been relatively new in between that and the fancy for upholster that she was kneeling on I got the sense that this woman was very successful an observation that made her shivering fretful vigil at the window seemed even more unusual what was she looking at and the woman made a few more attempts at looking outside it taking quick Bert laid glances at the window before it ducking back behind her wall and she had kept this up for maybe another half an hour before eventually settling back into bed clutching her covers in tight fess eyes clinched shot I kept watching her something about the serenus of the situation and Joel to the exhaustion out of me my pulse had picked up inexplicably and I found that I was sweating a bit I pulled up a cheery sitcom on another monitor and I waited glancing back towards the girl every few minutes [Music] around dawn I saw her jolt away head whipping around to face the window I couldn't hear anything I only had access to the webcams visuals not the audio but by the way she sat had tilted to the side and held out still intense what's the picture of someone straining to hear something but whenever noise had woken her up must have sounded again because she jogged scooting away from the wall and climbing out of her bed eyes fixed on the window without looking down she fumbled with her bedside table grabbing for her fallen ax she brought it to her face doubt a number and backed out of the webcams field of vision I had watched that feed while past daybreak until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore she'd never reenter the frame never open the blinds and I went to bed completely bemused by what I'd seen I rested fitfully I think that I had a nightmare but when I woke up that evening I couldn't recall the details I continued to tune into the girls webcam several times a night hoping that I'd see something that might explain what had terrified her so much nearly a week later I caught her staring out of her window a gamma felon held in one hand ready to be dialed up but usually I just see her sleeping soundly or occasionally watching TV whatever it started her before failed to show up at least at first one night I tuned in to see her room shrouded in an uncharacteristic darkness normally the woman slept with her fairy lights on button the first time that had seen she had a man over he must have insisted I sleep in the dark I imagine they came to a compromise because the lava lamp was still on casting chef Dana meagre orange lights around the room and the window blinds have been left open and from what I could tell it was too dark outside to make out any details pass the glass but for whatever reasons I couldn't take my eyes off of better something about the window seemed off and I don't think it was the fact that it was the first time that I'd seen it opened the darkness outside of it was bugging me a cold or rolling anxiety sprouted to my god making me shiver as I squinted at the dark pixels I thought for a second and I caught something glinting in the shadows just outside the glass but if I did it was impossibly brief and incredibly slight noting that the woman's PC webcam as nice as a wise was outfitted to capture clearly lots of curiosity I took a few screenshots and pulled them up in a photo editor I played with the contrast and saturation event pausing every few minutes to check back in on the webcam feed most of the screenshots believe nothing out of the ordinary even with the extensive tank rain but cranking up the brightness on one review on a twin pair of white dot barely a few pixels in diameter floating in the center of the dark window these dots could have been anything from video artifacts to insects Hal chances are they were probably a product of my own tinkering with the image but I couldn't get them out of my mind when I went to sleep that night I dream of the eyes and the shadows and when I checked the webcam the next night the room was even darker than last time the lava-lamp had been turned off squinting at the image I could just make out the dark outline of the window backlit by a thin moonlight the blinds were gone not just uncharted by completely missing leaving the window bare exposing the clock no no wait the window was open and I could see it now I could just barely make out the white lip off the bottom pane pulled up to its highest point exposing the room to the night with no apparent screen or barrier and I couldn't make out anything else in the room I couldn't even see if the woman was home the moonlight was too damn and the webcam was too limited I started to get that anxious feeling together looking into the dr. Burrell before I could reconsider I exited the surveillance program we leaned backwards from the chair somehow I knew that scanning the darkness again would do nothing but further disturb me and I thought moments away from a panic attack as a wise looking back I didn't have any concrete reason for this panic nothing specific that I could point to her people to open their windows plenty often and it doesn't mean anything but somehow instinctively I knew to be worried I checked back in on her add-on now that the Sun Assad nicly make out everything in a realm the window was indeed open the blind completely missing from the frame and the Florence shelves are is needed busy as always almost entirely undisturbed in the bed though it was a mass the blankets and sheets were piled in a take a lump in the middle of the mattress and the half dozen throw pillows had usually lined the bed frame or line and scatter disarray I couldn't off the pile on the bed concealed asleep in person or not the comforter was too bulky the shape was too ambiguous there was a brownish splotch on one of the pillows and I could have sworn wasn't there before one that looked not unlike a stay in ER and when I checked back in that evening huh nothing had changed the bed remained messy the lump was still there when I looked at dusk and I saw the same thing I felt my mouth go dry in my stomach drop I knew more and more confident that there was somebody in that bad and that they haven't moved an inch in nearly 24 hours I should have called the police I know that then would I have sad I knew nothing about where this woman lived I still don't other than the fact that she must have occupied roughly the same time zone as me and maybe the police could have used her IP address to narrow things down but then I'd have to provide that one died and I'm not sure what I was doing was illegal it's not exactly something you get life and Alcatraz for and then of course a police call would have involved interaction the face-to-face contact would probably a half dozen strangers over the course of maybe a few days stressful conversations tense ones so I chickened out I did the cowardly thing and I just kept watching I tuned in and around 2:00 in the morning that night and this time I smiled if you're sleeping up my throat like violin scrutinize the hell out of the darkness I'm ice cream it was a full moon that night and her window must have been facing west because the room was surprisingly well lit in comparison to I had been there night previous silver white lights so the why did the major features of the realm a space had come to be intimately familiar with over the last few weeks the bed was different that was the first thing that I notice the mass and the covers was still there but something in rested a top end an egg-shaped blot of grape like shadow it was shifting almost imperceptibly rocking back and forth so I knew then it was adamant at first I assumed it was the woman if she had been sitting fetal atop her bed and it might have been roughly the right size something about the way a move made that hard to believe and it was writhing shuddering a few inches back and forth with manic quickness and there is a release of some sort a sudden relief of tension in the shape rocks back a limb like protrusion drive back from the bat something clutched in it it had been pulling on something had torn something off and now the limb was bringing it back to the center of the mass it was then that I noticed the twin white dots again almost too small to be recognizable set in the center of the shape the instance I found them the form seized on movement becoming instantly Stalowa my heart burned in my chest as the dot slowly rose and fixed themselves in the direction of the webcam the shape extended another limb towards the bed and became finally tugging and ripping out whatever the sheets were concealing them the dot still fixed on the camera on me it was too much I turned off my monitor with her shaking hand and then I unplugged my PC I bit back the urge to vomit and instead worked on keeping my breathing regular my heart rate down again found myself struggling with the idea of calling the authorities I could take a fine I could take some minimum security prison time if they let me remain isolated it was obvious that whatever I'd stumble into was bigger than anything else equipped to deal with there was danger here they again hard-to-define and there was something primal about the fear that I felt the terror of a prey animal squinting its eyes and stranding its ears trying to determine if there was a predator in the bush I made the mistake of waiting I made the mistake of turning my computer back on I made the mistake of pulling on my surveillance program and making my way to the woman's speed it was morning now and I wanted to check one last time to help me decide if I should get a third party involved I blinked at the screen and I leaned towards my monitor gawking in disbelief and then record when I came to recognize what I was seeing I screamed sitting in the woman's open window perched haphazardly on the sill was the woman's had her faced a slack unmoving grimace it was still perfectly recognizable but her throat was little more than a brutalized meat the head hadn't been cut off it had been torn from its body ripped on ceremony from its base and enshrined in the window like some perverted trophy it was turned to face the webcam the woman's half little eyes set to stare and blinking into my own everything about it looked deliberate and looked like a message I see you I still haven't called anyone it's classic me really I'm too paralyzed my fears and neuroses my own crippling inabilities to do anything but watch and to wait something to after my window my bedroom tonight I can't open it I refuse to her I can't run either I can't hide so I'm going to watch and I'm going to wait there it is again I can hear from here [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 336,696
Rating: 4.7896972 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: JdNS_tEm5q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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