"Be Careful With Rural Exploration" (Creepypasta)

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if you've ever been an urban explorer you probably have at least one experience that scared you senseless for me it was a few weeks ago I've tried to not think about it tried to pretend it and happen differently well that and the fear of something else happening after the fact kept me on edge for a couple of weeks now I think I'm out of the woods no pun intended you see I'm not so much an urban explorer as I am a rural explorer I live in the deep south far away from any large cities with old buildings however there are ghost towns and ruins and woods all over worth checking out if you're ever down here on this particular day I was driving home from a relative's house and my GPS had turned me around I wound up on a one-lane dirt road looking for an opportunity to make a u-turn it was after a few minutes that I came across what looked like a dirt driveway it was surrounded by trees on both sides and had a chain that ran across the entrance with a bright red no trespassing sign I couldn't see too far in but it looked unused for some time I lit up I got out and dropped the chain from there I drove onto the path and rehung the sign to help avoid being caught the path was overgrown with grass and vines and lined with thick forests on either side the ground was dusty and the skinny brown trees provided a claustrophobic feeling bushes and stalks of tall grass scraped my car however at the end of a trail was the clearing there was a large circular field of overgrown grass in the center of the clearing was what appeared to be a large desolate house the house was two stories tall and clearly huge for the era when it was built the windows and doors were all boarded up on the first floor the whole thing had a nasty gray brown stain from the years of elemental exposure but you could see that it was beautiful in its prime I imagine the place had been abandoned for some time there was no sign of electricity being run from the main roads and there was no sign of modern appliances being outwardly installed and then there was a rusty pump out front by the architecture it looked like a brothel one would see in Old Main Street towns but mmm there were no signs of any other buildings for miles I approached the creaky and rotted front porch looking for a way in and I found one of the boards loose on the front downstairs window my peered inside for a long time before deciding to enter the smell of rotten musty wood blasted my nostrils I had smelled enough times to just ignore it that was more concerned of chemical smells or cigarettes which indicated someone was there but there was none of this the entire bottom floor was bare there was no furniture no kitchen not even walls apart from the necessary pillars the entire main floor was just bare wood and dust what looked like mud and other gunk in various states of decay there was a main staircase leading to a second floor it had several rooms and hallways going in both directions out of sight of the main floor from the looks of it this place may have been an inn I pulled the board back as quietly as possible since I always want to be subtle you never know if a cop is in earshot even in the most abandoned of places my crept through the window and dropped in dust was immediately kicked up and I got a better view of the debris all over the floor wood and rocks and housing materials all shattered scattered about I looked around from my now better vantage point there was some light trickling in from holes in the roof and then on boarded upstairs windows they faced the front of the house and were a rich maroon stained glass they cast a deep red tint in contrast to the beams of yellow I then realized something about the house I might not have initially noticed the bottom half of the staircase was gone it looked like it could have been smashed away the gap to the floor was probably the height of an average man I could jump there but I wanted to see the downstairs first and make sure I was clear I watched my steps carefully as I made my way to an alcove room which was probably a sitting area when I was there I saw something else I had missed at the back of the alcove was a doorway leading downstairs must have been a basement or cellar of some sort it was pitch black from the frame onward I reached for my phone and cursed under my breath it was still on the charger of my car I guess because there was no service and I stumbled upon this place during the daytime that I didn't even think to grab it I turned to go to the opposite direction towards the empty kitchen room I was almost there when I heard an unmistakable noise footsteps they sounded like a pair of heels or dress shoes coming in rapid succession growing louder as they reached the doorway it was out of my line of sight is the alcove curved out its own corner there was no way to see it until it emerged at first my brain wouldn't comprehend it no dog there know what am I seeing Oh God from the corner emerged a massive hairy monstrosity it was the tusks that gave it away first this was a boar a huge black and rancid smelling boar and by the looks of it they must have easily doubled me in size his tusks were long and bits of his matted wiry air gave way to deep scars he turned to face me now if you've never encountered a boar in the wild they can vary in size however they're all dangerous they have sharp teeth a violent charge and will most likely consume you if they're hungry enough these things are the demons of the forest and I'd never seen one apart from increased answer mounted as trophies this one towered above all of those I sucked in here waiting for a reaction it bent snorted hard and planted its feet in a split second I knew that my only safe bet was a clean jump to the staircase I bolted to the right as the Beast charged it's tossed nearly pierced my leg as I dealt it away I took one running leap and my arms connected enough to pull myself up I rolled up a few extra steps and heard its hooves slamming the wood below me it was shrieking and snorting and kicking up dirt and debris in a fit of rage that's when I started laughing it wasn't a good-natured laugh but a panic attack manifested in the form of mania it stopped after a short spell I then took a deep breath and continued up the staircase at this point I was gonna have to wait until the commotion downstairs ceased to find an exit the banister at the top of the staircase extended to a wall in both direction and from there it was a hallway with rooms on both sides I made my way to the right I noticed some rooms had doors and others didn't I chose the first door to my right it had a door that was cracked about the width of my body inside was sold rotting furniture dressers bed frames doors and cabinets that were all stuck haphazardly in a pile and behind it all was a small gap and a none boarded window facing the roof its bottom half missing I'm standing in the doorway when I heard a noise that made my blood run cold a creak a long-drawn-out ominous creak the mild scare was then punctuated with nauseous fear by the sound of a muffled cough it was coming from the end of the opposite hallway I quickly and quietly made my way into the room and hid behind the pile of wood and garbage thankfully the bore was still slamming around downstairs so my mistakes were masked I had a small hole in the pile to see the doorway and slightly into the hall my heart was pounding so hard I thought it was a horrible my lungs were on fire I could feel my eyes moisten the birds outside the window had gone completely silent my van heard enough amilia sound I heard hooves I heard the exact same clapping I just heard minutes ago another one I thought in a terrified moment the clops grew closer I strained my eye to see end of the hallway hoping the noise would stop or go the opposite way it heard me laugh it definitely knows I'm up here it was in that moment of brutal tension that I saw it the unmistakable snout led by two long tusks they kept moving revealing fur in a snarling mouth however it then made my mind readjust again it didn't have eyes rather just shrunken dried holes with nothing behind it its skull curved in a way that bores don't usually have at the back of its head looked to be a leather strap not a different color of hair then flesh and then I saw the hooves bloody and crudely detached above the base the empty fur piled up around a man's wrist like a rotten leather glove he was naked apart from the severed Boar's Head in hooves he walked on his hands and feet he made no noise other than a few Huff's and dried blood caked the areas of his pale flesh where the body parts were worn he was emaciated but still large enough to easily be a threat I don't know how to explain it it was so weird and so violent I still can't wrap my head around it he moved his head into the room but after seconds that felt like hours he turned his body in a contorted curve as he balanced his feet in hands and the severed hooves he clumsily clicked his way down the hall not of sight in this moment I had two options I could risk the stairs and Bohr and I take the window to the roof and risk the masked psychopath being on my heels I had my mind made up for me it was then I heard a shriek so inhuman I've had nightmares about it it was sharp and high but muffled and resounding and sounded wet but also wheezed it was followed by rapid clapping on the wood it was coming right for me I stumbled clumsily out of the small opening at the bottom of the window and rolled out onto the roof the drop was a risk but the only way to get out fast I heard the stomping into the room and I let myself down as safely as I could by some miracle I rolled onto the ground with nothing worse than having the wind knocked out of me without turning back I scrambled to my feet and bolted from my collar as I opened the door I heard the shriek again I heard the monster downstairs slamming into the front door I heard the creature upstairs slamming into the window and screaming its putrid lungs out without looking back I slammed my car into ignition and sped off i skidded through the grass towards the path I ripped down the post holding the chain as my car burst back onto the dirt road I raced back the way I came and found my way home in a shaking panic that lasted four hours and I spent that night wide awake that was the end of it although I don't really get it I don't get why a person would live in such squalid conditions to weave out a fantasy that makes sense only in their mind I don't know what I do know is if you do this stuff in the country just just be prepared you may not meet a gang member or a drug dealer or a junkie but you may meet something far more dangerous you may meet something that defies all reason you may meet something that would eat you alive if you made it this far I hope you'll follow me on Twitter at Kings spook creepy you
Channel: KingSpook
Views: 58,787
Rating: 4.8539457 out of 5
Keywords: kingspook, stories, urbex, urban exploration creepy, urban exploration story
Id: pMakbdGcUVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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