''I've Seen some Unsettling Things as a Truck Driver: Volume 2'' | EXCLUSIVE STORIES FROM THE VAULT

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[Music] welcome my dear friends to 2019 we are once again into the future now last week I studied a series called I've seen some unsettling things as a truck driver and it proved so popular that I decided to do vol 2 already now you might be able to hear my voice I'm a little bit ill at the moment but doesn't matter to me I'm pressing on with some more stories for you so more around the theme of driving and tracking this evening so I hope you'll do me one favor at the start of the year sit back and relax your favorite drink and listen [Music] well first of all I'd like to apologize for not writing more frequently than I do with the nature of my work I work alone house and I'm by no means a writer sometimes I simply don't feel like writing down my stories much less having to relive them this incident took place not too long after the second one I'm thinking back on it to this day given someone else experienced it with me I am certain I'm not crazy I was traveling through Arizona late one night because I had an early morning delivery and chose to drive overnight because usually there's less traffic and as long as you don't stop too frequently you can usually get father driving through the night than during the day I recently got a dog which had named banjo yes it's my favorite asteroid but picked him up from the animal shelter where I live he's a great dog for the road and an excellent navigator box also seemed to have an innate sense for when things just aren't right which plays into this story a bit later I've been driving for about nine of my 11 hours I was set to arrive at the customer in a little over a half hour leave me plenty of time to drop and hook then find a place to get some shut-eye well let's just say I didn't arrive to that customer at the appointment time I like to think of myself as a good-hearted person which is why when I saw a car on his side off to the side of the road frame and metal twisted I pulled over to check and make sure everyone was okay I pulled over set the brakes hopped out and put out my emergency reflective triangles then immediately rushed over to the car banjo began to growl very subtly the driver's door was blocked against the ground the windshield was smashed but not completely shattered no doubt thanks to the laminated glass used for front when she well he's blood all around the driver area and possessions strewn all around the car I walked around to the other side of the mangled vehicle saw blood dripping from the passenger door and onto the ground nobody was in sight and I couldn't see any footprints or blood trails with my flashlights I immediately called 9-1-1 afterwards gave them a location and a description of the scene and told him I couldn't find the driver but there was blood leading off the vehicle I kept searching around until finally I saw the emergency lights I walked over to the officers patrol vehicle informed him in more detail what I'd seen and being that the ambulance that called was still some time away we decided to search for the driver of the vehicle although Arizona is an arid climates still gets very cold at night there are many things out in the desert that reminds you that out here you are not on top of the food chain so it was vital that we found the driver we began branching off in a v-shaped pattern he went left I went right we stayed just close enough we could use the faint speck of a flashlight to signal if one of us fell the driver well five minutes went by I hadn't found the driver yet I'm the officer hadn't a single with his light either then it heard a very faint noise I couldn't tell what it was at first but it subtly grew in intensity it is the most ominous sound I'd ever heard so much so I can't begin to describe what it sounded like after about 10 seconds of listening to the sound and feeling the adrenaline kicking I could hear my dog barking like mad back at my truck and then a woman's scream the officer must have heard that too as we both pointed our flashlights at each other and ran to meet in the middle we linked back up he asked me if I'd heard the scream I told him I heard I look down and that was a bloody footprint on the ground bleeding father off into the desert it was definitely recent the blood hadn't begun to coagulate yet we began hastily following the footprints the more we followed the more blood we saw at this point we were easily a thousand feet away from the scene of the accident a man the footprints just stopped it was like they were never there we searched in a circle around them but could find no more we were back a bit towards the accident and the only prints were mine on the offices we were dumbfounded then we heard the voice it was a woman's voice it said did she come all this way looking for me I'm sorry I've had an accident soon you will back kick the adrenaline into overdrive and I instinctively began backing away the officer shun his light all around and said ma'am if you are injured you need to come out so we can get you medical attention I was still slightly backing away and then I saw the officers leg getting torn into by by nothing there was nothing there he cried in pain it was deep but not debilitating he had the same reaction I did we started into a full-on sprint to get back to our vehicles my muscles are firing on all cylinders the officer and I was side by side my lungs and legs were on fire that's something closing in behind us banjo is going berserk I thought for sure I wasn't gonna make it the damn thing sounded like it was right behind us he was toying with us losing ground and then gaining it back you made it back to the scene of the accident my hurt ominous sound once again tried to regain our breath we both realized that the car was gone there was no vehicle inside there no blood no broken pieces snow glass just my truck in his patrol car I heard the thing that was chasing us slowly recede back into the desert while the last was song full of adrenaline we were shaking and the blood was beginning to soak into his uniform he grabbed the first-aid kit out of his cruiser and I helped him patch up the world the ambulance arrived 10 minutes later to the scene of an accident that wasn't knowing that no one would believe us we made up the story that I'd had to stop because my engine was overheating and on the way to my truck to make sure I was all right the officer slipped and fell catching his leg on a roll they ended up taking the officer to the hospital I found out later that when he got there it was like he had an infection they had to remove the infected tissue he ended up needing 22 stitches afterwards call me superstitious but I believe that talking about evil things gives that evil a pass back into your world which is why this is the only time I've ever told this particular story and why I never will again first of all I'll say I got lost while I was adventuring in the Nevada desert I wasn't even supposed to be out here but life his life right when we start off from the very beginning I was driving down a highway in a desert of Nevada didn't know where I was just yet I was running low on gas and I needed to find a gas station and fast but there was none in sight or I was until I saw it it was old but well I thought doesn't hurt to try I pulled up right by the gas pumps that were so ancient I look through the window thinking I was seeing the inside of a wreck but it wasn't at all that the place looked as if it was new well looked like I was beginning out of this wasteland after all I walked him and the smell was fantastic unlike any other now they noticed a man he was sitting on a stool in front of the register I walked over said hello and asked him where I was this is what he told me you're in the Nevada desert of course after learning where I was I then asked him I get out of the desert looked at me and smiled why would you want to leave you can stay here forever it was at this moment that I knew that this man wasn't right I paid him the money to get the gas and I was on my way after pulling off the road all I could think about was how strange that man was it was about six more miles from that lonely gas station when I noticed something strange it was another gas station but it looked exactly like the one with a strange man I was just gonna go past it but my curiosity got the best of me stopped right outside then went in it was the same place I don't know how that was I was gonna leave when I noticed him sitting in the store in front of the register it was him I don't know how but it was him he looked at me and smiled then he said wow wow wow looks like you just couldn't leave me I didn't know what to say I was in front of the impossible all I could do was run out of the gas station and get into my car and drive off while I was driving all I could hope was not to see that dreaded gas station again but to my terror there it was right in front of me the old gas station I was gonna pass it up this time maybe that would fix whatever was happening now I've been driving for so long I've lost track of time I noticed that I was running a low on gas my car could stop at any second and there it was the gas station I definitely didn't want my car to stop right out front but that's what happens I guess I had to suck up my fears and go inside I walked in and it was exactly like the first one I'd see it even had the man on the store but this time I pulled up a store right alongside him then I asked him why is this happening to me I know you must be the reason he looked at me and told me so you want all this and yes how well that's for you to find out I didn't know what to do I picked up a chair and hit the man with it he didn't even flinch after hitting him he stood up and turned to face me why would you do such a thing he asked me I didn't know what to say he then grabbed me by the neck and lifted me off the ground his eyes turned red what he told me next gave me the truth I've been looking for you look me right in the eye as he told me more you were right now and you will suffer forever who are you I asked him while he was choking me I am Satan you will never escape and then he snapped my neck and I woke up in my car still driving I gained control of the wheel it was all just a tree thank God for that and then I noticed it oh yeah station with those ancient gas bombs when Todd awoke who is lying on a blankets of dead pine needles above him he could see stars between a canopy of tree branches groggily he sat up hill of desires where was he what time was it the last thing he remembered was driving on the dirt road near his house the night air was cool and fragrant you could hear the call of an owl in the distance and a chorus of crickets chirp around him he felt in his pockets for a cellphone or anything else useful but found them empty since he was completely and utterly lost he figured there was nothing other to do than to begin walking and hope he encountered civilization his legs felt heavy as if they were made of lead but he strained to lift them and gradually feeling disappeared he was frustrated to find that whatever forest he was in was dense enough and large enough that he was unable to see anything other than trees in any direction he tried to find some bearing among the stars and they seemed old and unrecognizable the moon was even more jarringly strange it seemed larger than normal and something about the perspective of it or perhaps some other feature was so unusual it seemed if perhaps it was a different moon than the one he was familiar with altogether Todd resolved to just pick a direction and continue onwards after all he was bound to reach something eventually Todd kept hoping that he was dreaming but he would wake up in his bed and return to his mundane life sure he'd been struggling after his recent breakup and sure he'd been drinking a lot recently to cope but all of his problems seemed so trivial at least he was familiar with it all and he knew things would get better eventually wherever he now was and whatever was happening they were terrifyingly unknown Todd recalled getting lost once before when he was young like then he'd lived with his parents in a house that was close to a dense National Forest they'd adopted him as a baby after his biological mother had died car crash it being given a lot of freedom as a child and the woods were his favorite place to play one day he dared to venture into them further than he had ever before he was feeling adventurous and though he was vaguely afraid that he wouldn't be able to find his way back home his adolescent mind calculated that as long as he kept walking the same way he could always walk the opposite way to get back he remembered encountering and clearing and finding a deer standing in it he'd been in all of it to him it looked so big and powerful it's full of soft and salford and Todd it wished he could pet it the day was unfazed by his presence and his eyes studied the boy eventually a group bored and bounded off back into the trees after the shock and glared warned off Todd realized that he couldn't recall which way he'd been walking he panicked and began screaming tears streaming down his face he began running pointlessly through the undergrowth tripping several times on protruding roots and rocks his eyes is what clams shocked when he opened them by some miracle he found he could see his house in the distance Todd and always like to think that he'd had a guardian angel or something of the sort that had protected him that day but where was his angel now after he walks what seemed like ages the forest was still thick and unyielding around him the feeling in his legs had long since returned but this time at least he could place exhaustion as the cause he'd nearly given up hope but his ears picked up a sound they hadn't noticed before it sounded like music coming from somewhere off in the distance elated Todd began bounding in the direction he heard it come from it grew louder as the trees began to thin and he started to make out a brightly lit building in the distance as he drew nearer it became clear that the building was a diner when he reached the front doors he saw people inside the place seemed to be bustling with activity as he entered a little bell rang and he could see some patrons seated at booths and tables others were dancing around an old jukebox playing loudly in the corner which must have been worried heard the music coming from just seat yourself home a voice caught from somewhere behind the front counter Todd welcome the opportunity to rest his weary muscles and sat down on one of the brightly colored bench seats after a moment a waitress approach to the table can I get you started with something to drink she asked cheerfully Todd couldn't place it but something about her felt odd even malevolent she looked like a perfectly nice middle-aged lady her auburn hair was slightly gray under a uniform was passed all pink in color but he couldn't suppress the sense that something was wrong um maybe some water Thanks he said shakily the waitress nodded gave him a smile and was about to retreat behind the counter again but he spoke and said oh wait actually I'm afraid I don't know where I am is it alright if I use your phone of course huh she replied come up to the counter you can use the one there he walked over and she pulled out a rotary phone and sat next to him Todd was surprised he hadn't seen one of those in years well he thought I suppose it works just as well as any other phone he picked it up and decided to die his brother he lived only a few minutes away from Todd and while Todd had no clue where in the world he was so that fact wasn't helpful he concluded his brother was probably the best person he could rely on to come pick him up he realized as the phone rang they didn't even know where to tell his brother he was located and he shouted for the waitress but she either didn't hear him or didn't pay him any mind after several rings someone seemed to answer on the other end but nothing came out of the receiver but static he frowned try calling again then calling his mother both with the same results even calling emergency services yielded nothing dejectedly he put the phone down Todd pondered his options he could wait for the waitress to return and ask for directions he supposed or he could leave and simply begin walking in the direction he'd been headed before hope to find somewhere with a working means of communication the eventually reasoned that as well at least asked the waitress if she could give him directions before blindly heading out into the darkness again he sat back down and closed his eyes he was tired so very tired he became aware however that the feeling of dread within him was growing something about the music coming from the jukebox seemed more sinister than before and opening his eyes the dancers seemed more frantic rapidly swinging and stepping around almost as if they would die if they stopped moving the diner before strongly lit was now filled with dark and undulating shadows felt his chest seized up and his breathing became shallow and labored sweat began dripping down his forehead no this is wrong this is haram he whispered when people seated at the other booths and tables were all smiling they were all smiling at him with a shriek he darted out the doors I didn't know where he was running to nor did he care he only wished to be further from that godforsaken diner around him the forest before filled with vitality was almost totally silent more he could hear what his heavy footsteps yeah felt colder almost rigid he closed his eyes just as he had years before and pray suddenly heard a rushing noise as he was propelling himself forward and stopped abruptly first he couldn't quite place what it was however when he opened his eyes he was delighted to find that he could see a highway less than a hundred yards away he exclaimed in joy but as he began sprinting towards the road his movement became slower and slower as his body was gripped by fatigue he was so close his mind began to get foggy as well he finally he rested for a few minutes thought thought he could make it the rest of the way he laid down on the ground and mused to himself that the pine needles made a nice surface for him to get some rest on as he drifted off he thought he could hear a voice saying sir can you hear me sir Todd they broke and embattlement blood seeped out of the lacerations covering his body as a kind woman who'd stopped to help Colton she'd fought over when she saw his car smashed into a tree on the side of the road he had been ejected through the windshield the glass cutting his skin and his bones had fractured as he landed his eyes were open and as the life faded from them slight smile spread across his face [Music] [Music] so I managed to get the storage we call it before her my cold came on too badly so if I sound a bit worse in the introduction and now in the end credits then there's a good reason for that but I've made it through and hopefully I'll be feeling better by Friday when of course I will have another story coming out for you until then I think I need a bit of a break and but an iced tea I think he's the voice well that's enough for me for one evening you want to fun out there and enjoy the new year but for now the sweet dreams and by behind thank you so much for choosing to spend your time listening to me now if you enjoyed the doctor creepin experience then come find me on Facebook come chat with me on Twitter listen to the background music and download it if you like on soundcloud drop by the store pick up a t-shirt and importantly if you've got a store you'd like me to read send it to dr. creepers vault subreddit I set up so that I could read your stories yeah looking forward to seeing you all again real soon so come check me out okay
Channel: Dr. Creepen
Views: 55,943
Rating: 4.8694491 out of 5
Keywords: dr creepens vault, dr creepen, dr. creepen, nosleep horror, creepypasta, scary stories, asmr stories, best horror stories, deep web horror stories, I've Seen some Unsettling Things as a Truck Driver, Hammer Lane 95, true scary stories, trucker horror stories, trucker horror stories reaction, trucking horror stories, trucking horror, trucking horror movie, highway horror stories, highway horror stories animated, dr creepen dungeon
Id: MNsyXAQtr5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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