"It Comes In The Snow" Creepypasta

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and just to keep things straight for the most part I've always enjoyed the wintertime and it doesn't get much better than sluttiness snowball fights building forts and snow days and coming in for hot chocolate didn't drying off in front of the fireplace those memories are so fun to me everything around you is encapsulated in a frosty glaze bringing the world to a standstill during those times when the snow was slightly falling it and I always seem to be the most at peace with the world huh but when things would pick up and the snow would start falling harder something inside me would become uneasy as if something was out there watching me waiting for me as a child I always would sense this uneasiness but I never really thought much of it I would always be preoccupied with whatever kids would do at the time if I wasn't outside and I would be inside playing on my new gameboy color and 64 then now that I have grown up and recently graduated from college there's some of the events from my childhood seem to stick out and cause that well-known sense of uneasiness and anxiety to return especially when the snow starts to come in I truly don't understand the sharp contrast of enjoyment from the stillness of winter and to anxiety from when the snow storms occur I would try to recollect my thoughts and piece together these events that were so long ago forgotten until as a recent [Music] as a kid and sliding was one of my favorite wintertime activities as soon as I'd first snow head and my best friend Michael and I would make our way to the biggest Hell on our neighborhood Michael and I had been best friends since we first met in kindergarten huh after both getting held in for lunch for drawing obscenities on the desks though we immediately behind it at our shared misfortune and hung out ever since the big hill was the common meeting place because it was an equal distance between both of our houses I would call Michael's home phone with his mom usually answering him after getting badgered with the typical questions from parents on what we were doing it and Michael and I would set up a time to go meet at the hell and now the big hello didn't get its name without Aaron Ananta it wasn't sharply slogged but instead it was a slow building incline I made it perfect for a long sled Donna the hill had an icy shimmer to it which made it very difficult to make it to the top sometimes multiple times both Michael and I slipped and slid halfway back down we would always try to race to the top so the icy surface made it even more interesting eventually we both made it to the peak of the hill with Michael barely beat him in he raised his hands in victory and he let out a victory cry the first place sucka and better luck next time we were both panting and out of breath from the race oh we paused and took a moment to take in our surround Henson from the top of the hill we overlooked almost the entire neighborhood our neighborhood has votes into the woods so house were scattered in and out of the trees it was a mesmerizing sight to behold with all the smoke from chimneys drifting slowly through the air above each Alison I could see the top of my house rather easily along with Michaels not being too much farther I remember that the stillness of everything around me stuck out and Michael and I were the only ones outside Bravin is cold weather while everyone out stated cozied up and said the warmth of their homes after this brief pause to catch our breath we readied ourselves for the first sled donna michael Yalda ready three two hey before Michael could finish the count on I took off and I jumped on my slide sending me zooming down the hill I could hear Michael yell oh yeah you cheater and get back here and as he followed on his sled in pursuit and there is no catching up to me though home I can't skated down the hill and soon reached the bottom just before the woods and Michael soon drifted down as well and gave me a shove her taking off earlier and I laughed it off and we both raced back up the hill to go again after a few hours of sledding huh the Sun began to slowly drift down across the horizon Michael and I stood atop the big hill ready to do one more slip down before heading home for the day during our time sledding today we had only gone on the main pathway positioned on the front side of the hill Michael was tired of the same old path and wanted to try an alternate route for one of our last trips on the hill the side pathway was much more steep than the rounded front path that we had been taking all day the woods also enveloped the bottom side of this path so you would have to be able to weave through the trees going down in the past I had always been afraid to go down the side the previous year one of our friends Jay was dare to go don''t it ended up running into one of the trees and breaking his arm ever since then none of us have gone down at Michael proceeded on though he was ready to take on the challenge so he could brag about it at school to all of her classmates being just us too huh I was in not going to go with Emma and both of us studied our sleds over the steep decline Michael and I both looked at each other and gave the nod huh let's do this after the words left her mouth and Michael took off down the hill but I hesitated huh the fury too gripped hold on me Anna I watched Michael glide down the snow and successfully evade the trees before entering into the forest I shook off my fear and I slowly scooted over the edge I careened down the hill coasting in and out of the trees before hitting an unforeseen bump of snow at the edge of the woods and I launched into the air and I landed on the ground with a heart thought ax I laid facedown on the snow filling the icy chill of it on my cheeks and now as I slowly rose to my feet ten I brush the snow off of myself I was slightly dazed from the wipeout zone and took a moment for me to find my bearings and realized that I was still in one piece the forest itself was much darker than the hell huh and with many of the tall evergreen trees I'm like not the last few feeding rays of sunlight that the day had to offer this cast did an eerie glow over the forest making it seem like it was colored in an orange Iowa I soon found my sled only a few feet away from where I had crash-landed huh some of the plastic was broken off causing the sled to appear jagged on camp to a new sled would definitely be needed at irritated at the idea to even go down the side of the hill on made me want to yell Oh Michael I turned to look where he should've been huh but he was nowhere to be found I called out his name and I listened to an echo throughout the stillness and seclusion that the forest provided I started to walk deeper into the woods and about 20 yards later I found Michaels side completely intact but no Michael at this point I thought that he was trying to play a prank I'm here just to get back at me for jumping the khandaan earlier today I continued deeper into the forest calling out his name and berating him because of my broken SIA de nice try Michael you're not gonna get me this time hey and by the way you owe me a new sled huh and but even after my constant chatter there was no response Michael was always known to be a jokester and but he usually would just give up with the print in work right off the bat I no longer thought that this was funny huh and come on Michael let's go home it's getting dark as the words of my mouth I noticed a structure hazily in the distance it was obscured by more trees but and it looked to be a snow fort curiosity getting the better of me and I ran towards a mysterious structure to get a better lock as I moved closer and gained a better view huh and I could see Michael through one of the windows of the forehead so I called his name but he still didn't seem to notice me I walked up and through one of the doors of the snow fort from the outside it looked just like a regular old snow fort I'll be at pretty bad but on the inside everything was intricately designed and positioned all the snow walls were engraved to bring up the feeling that you were in an actual home snow panes were carved into the walls along with them unusable snow furniture in both the common area in the bedroom it was unbelievable that there was so much detail put into it and why out here hidden in the middle of the woods maybe a few other neighborhood kids with the ticks no Fort Macon seriously Michael was off in one of the cyber homes observing decor like I had seen any other rooms and I grabbed him by the shoulder and he jumped out expecting my presence gosh man you scared the crap out of me Michael Sata why'd you run off into the woods dude you even left your sled behind sorry originally I was going to hide banditry and try to scare you for what's an Allen sir but I found this weird place it's unreal dude who would take this much time for a fort that was going to eventually melt away anyways oh yeah and check this out and Michael pointed over to a message that was inscribed in the far wall in the Roma errata it comes in the storm huh and what is it supposed to be and I said no I bet they're talking about frosty Michael responded probably just a bunch of older kids trying to act cool and edgy yeah probably and I'd like to briefly out the window of this odd place that we discovered her I noticed the Sun moments from Satya the previous orange hue was almost completely gone and the darkness of the night was soon upon us let's get heading back dude mom's gonna kill me if I'm home after dark I sided huh me too man we both headed towards the exit of the fort when a chill came over me I paused and I listened to the icy breeze talking to blowing across the 4s and that feeling of being watched came over Jana but it quickly drifted through my thoughts as the punish of my mom would give me for being late was much more apparent Michael and I raced out of the forest said our good-byes and went our separate ways back to our individual homes I leaned back in my chair and I stretched my back and neck and I appeared out of the window in front of my desk the snow was beginning to fall harder than before and I was happy to be inside verses on Nichola so what am i fireplace crackled huh bringing a familiar sound helping me relax and collect my thoughts how would I forgotten the events of that day one Michael and I found in those woods was so strange and odd you just don't forget about that and why did my mind brush over those memories until recently I guess this time of year always brings memories from when I was a kid back to the forefront I took a deep breath on I closed my eyes and becoming ultra aware of the room around me the cold one from the outside could be here blowing against the exterior of my building huh once again huh I tried to think back on the days of my youth back in that wooded neighborhood with my best friend centered around the big hill a few days after our first interaction without snow forts in the middle of the woods I was over at Michael's house hanging out and playing the new Resident Evil 4 video game out his game Cuba and like it was lucky enough to have his parents just recently buy on the new system for his birthday well I was still stuck playing behind 64 we would play for hours on end taking turns playing and trying to beat the campaign Mona after countless attempts at numerous tasks we decided to take a break and go get a snack and we headed up from his basement and into the kitchen huh and like his family always had the bus snacks like peds arroz Bagel Bites and so on we picked through his freezer and took out some of the pizza rolls and pop them into the microwave yes I know the better in the oven but we were impatient and wanted to get back to our game Michael's kitchen has an open concept with a big sliding glass window that opens up into the woods behind his house I guess outside into his yard and taking the snow coming down quickly here I stare off into the distance and see the trees rustling on the edges of the woods I tried to get a better look at it but it's difficult to get a clear image of the backyard from the light illuminated from the kitchen they're probably just the window I think as a microwave blares signaling that our pizza rolls are ready to go so we grab our snack and go to head back downstairs as Michael bites into one and that's not an audible Yelp from the hot pizza held with an ax come on man you know better than that you gotta let him cool down and I said I know I was hungry Michael Sata and Michael flicks the light off and I fall behind him as we make our way towards the basement stairs without thinking I had briefly glanced out of the sliding glass window the snow is coming down to harder than before her and I stare at the falling snowflakes creating a rhythmic mesmerizing pattern huh as if broken from my days I peered towards the tree line at the edge of the woods shrouded by the fallen snow and the dark green branches of the evergreen tree I can barely make God tune outline of a tall figure standing a non-moving huh from the way he was positioned it looked as though he was staring right at me I feel frozen in time by it the figures gaze and not being able to move or think of anything else in that moment Michael suddenly called from downstairs and time snapped out of my stage come on man we gotta beat this level huh and plus the pizza rolls have cooled off I glanced back to the sliding glass window and the outline of the thing is no longer there aha that's weird too many scary video games yes but without giving it much more thought I raced back downstairs to chow down on the remaining pizza rolls up my container to eat in the next morning as I'm walking home from Michael's houses really sleep-deprived from our late night of gaming and the events of the previous night come back to mind and I glanced back to the tree line where I thought that I saw something hadn't I stopped in my tracks there under the trees were footprints at this site they're creepy sense of unease came back to me I felt like I was being watched Janna from somewhere and deeper into the woods something was drawing me farther into the woods towards the fort that we had discovered days prior something wasn't right about that place and I wanted no part of it now I did a 180 and I sprinted back away from the woods towards the direction of my Houma but the entire time I felt as if I was being trail huh some presence only a few steps behind from grabbing hold of me and dragging me back into the woods I made it onto my driveway and I bolted up to the front door into my house and slammed the door shot I paused and I looked out of the ice-covered window and the snow was coming down even harder now the thinking back and all these events from my past bringing back all these emotions the fear of what was beckoning me that day so long ago huh ever since that day things were pretty normal for the most part strange occurrences here and there but nothing that brought an obvious cause for alarm huh Michael and I grew up I went to different colleges and they were still within driving distance so so we saw each other pretty often huh College was a blast even though I don't remember much from the numerous late nights of partying shenanigans as quickly as we'd gotten there we soon both graduating it got full-time nine-to-five jobs and Michael moved halfway across the country well I only relocated to a different City a few hours away from where I grew up we tried our best to keep in touch but now a life happens and people get busy as i sat there still looking out the window watching the once soft and pleasant snow come down much more furiously in medicine than I realized that I couldn't remember the last time that I spoke with him there Oh without a second thought I grabbed my phone and I dialed up Michael's number and only the second ring a familiar voice came through the speaker myself all huh amen what's up oh not much just checking in it feels like forever since we last saw it I know sorry dude it's just been so busy with work and everything it's hard to keep up with all this stuff and I thought being a grown-up was supposed to be fun huh and no rule so we get to stay up as late as we want Yeah right I'm in bed by 9:00 every night it seems I'm right there with you huh hey do you remember that time you went sliding and found that weird for it in the woods of course I would never forget that day that place was crazy whoever built that had way too much time on their hands did that place ever make you feel weird like something was there a presence of some sorts kind of her what really got me was that odd saying carved into the wall who wasn't it like a storm is coming oh wait no it was it comes with the story man yeah that was it yeah that creeped me out after that I would always get this uneasy feeling about wintertime I could never pick out exactly what it was it was always just unnerving me to my girlfriend always thinks I'm crazy but it's something about this time of year how long has it been since you've been back home I kid a heck man not since high school I couldn't wait to get out of there and do my own thing as Michael grew older his relationship with his parents faded and they didn't always get along the biased he was more than ready by the time college hit to take off and never come back yeah it's been a minute for me as well this might sound crazy but I think when I head back home for Christmas I'm going to try to go back to those woods and find that boy something about that place keeps driving me back and that's wild man but you do you if that board is even still there I'll give you a hundred bucks there is no way that it is I mean the chances of it actually being man were slim to Nana but somewhere inside of me I needed to see it to believe it for some reason the challah I knew that Ford would still be there exactly how it was all those years ago I was so much that it wasn't but unfortunately him and that Christmas wish didn't come true I stood at the top of the big hill overlooking my own neighborhood just as I did that fateful day of slatina the chimneys were puffing smoke and bring him back that hip nautical feeling huh the snow was coming down huh becoming more rapid as the time went on a storm was coming huh I peered over the edge on the back side of the hill huh it wasn't as nearly as steep as I remembered a cicada it seemed like a mountain back that huh but now I'm not so much forget he mice love this time I slowly descended the hill huh the wind and snow whipping in my face causing a chill to come over me eventually making my wait at the beginning of the forest happy to be slowly covered from the wind by the broad trees standing tall it all seemed so familiar the like I was back as a kid looking for a friend who had disappeared into the woods I wondered cautiously deeper and further into the forest an orange hue once again overcame the forest peeking between the branches of the pine trees unlike at the top of the hill everything in the forest seemed almost silent and no animals heard no branches shaking in the breeze silence I continued on for a short while until I stopped right in my tracks for some reason surprised but deep Donna and I knew that it would be there unchanged just the same as it was when I had first seen Anton the snow for her - at that moment I regret it have her coming out here what was I thinking that they join everything inside of me telling me to turn around in Rada I made my way towards the structure and as I stood in front of the entrance to the forehead and I could feel it again huh I was being watched I wasn't alone huh then I entered in through the narrow doorway crouching in duck Imahara but once I was inside the ceilings somehow opened up allowing me to stand up Foley once again Anna as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the Roma and I gasped in shock the once pristine interior was now disheveled and messy here and I walked into the side room and once again saw the message on the wall this time it was different and at least I thought it was it had been so long engraved in the snow errata the storm has come came a voice from behind me slowly the engraving turned from a pure white to crimson Radha blada and the presence it was here and wanted me to come here I felt an unsteady icy breath on the back of my neck it felt and sounded impatient anxious like it had waited years for this moment I was frozen ah my blood turned to an icy chill I couldn't do anything and this was edge all these years I knew deep down that I was being followed up that some evil of latched on to me all those years ago huh and now that I was back it was coming to claim what was rightfully theirs the once peaceful weather that involved the forest was now a complete blizzard making it difficult to see the snow and wind weaving its way through the passages of the fort it spoke again huh I've missed you I've been watching you for a very long time stalking waiting for the right moment to finally quench my desire you may have thought you could just forget about everything but I never did I've been salivating over this moment for so long and now it's finally comma don't worry where we're going it will always be winter I accepted it all and I slept my shoulders and I dreaded what was to come next the thing exhaled one long breath ready in itself to feast I closed my eyes I heard a loud guttural Street from behind it I wasn't data the thing had an attack suddenly I was snapped out of my trance and turned to face the beast for the first time and with the snow blowing violently it was difficult to make out distinct features and but it layed crumpled on the floor in a mangled mass its limbs were extremely long and spindly with a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth and I glanced up from the mess below me and to see my Koha he screamed at me come on huh go let's go home I heard heard the pile of flesh that lay before me and I took off behind mic through the doorway to the fort and we both sprinted in and out of the trees trying our best to avoid smacking into them with a snow whipping at her faces from behind we could hear a large crying and the creature taking chase behind us it was much faster than we were and it was gaining on us Mike and I continued on with the end of the forest inside when suddenly Mike got tripped up on a fallen tree Lamba he landed on the icy ground with a thud right in front of me here forcing me to skid to a stop I pulled at Mike's winter Colten I tried to lift him up to his feet but it was too late the monster is upon us it stood before both Mike and I and towering over us inching closer to our impending doom huh the Beast grabbed me by the collar and lifted me abba dangling me over its cavernous Mollison and i could smell it its acidic breath and prepare for the worst just then a flame engulf the Beast forcing it to release its grip on me in recoil I glanced back him like to see him holding a can of hair spray and a lighter not letting up at all the Beast let off some of the most terrible sounds that I've ever heard a shriek and in total vengeance he became silent Mike and I didn't stick around long enough to see we remained of the beast we ran out of the woods and directly back to Mike's old house we sat in his parents living aroma recounting all the events leading up to where we were now Mike said that he had a strange dream about the first day we had found the forints and had a feeling that something bad was going to happen he dreamed of the Beast and he'll learn that the lighted self heard at 2:00 so we assumed some makeshift fire would do the trick as well he hurried home for the Christmas holiday knowing that I would try to see the four to get him caught me just in time huh without Mike I would have been in Ghana and I wouldn't be sitting here telling the story I held my life to all men I know that our friendship will last a lifetime I'll put my eyes subtly to my kids yelling and running into my wife and eyes bad roma christmas christmas santa came dad many years after all these events transpired and i met an amazing woman at my new job who i'm lucky enough to call my wife we had two amazing kids and on all my life feels completed I'm content with everything and I'm just happy to be spending time with my family during the holidays and after a long morning of opening presents and picking up the mess at the kids left and my wife and I were relaxing around the fireplace in cozy knob my youngest son Nathaniel comes in from outside covered in white snow from playing with his older brother hey kiddo where's your brother at you know you two need to stay together when you're outside oh no worries dad we were just working on this awesome so for that we found him you won't believe this thing it's amazing you're not too familiar feeling comes over my body and I look out the window to see the snow starting to come down [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 161,578
Rating: 4.8380837 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: npc-c5CoPQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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