"What We Saw In The Mines Of Appalachia" Creepypasta

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[Music] every old-timer in a lemn Creek has their own version of what had happened how even after young people think they know how it went down don't listen to anybody that wasn't there and it's late that game we used to play as youngsters huh will you take a piece of yarn tied to two cups and pass it around a circle and repeating some message and telephone huh that's what we called it only difference is a tin telephone ax the story starts as something simple and gets more and more ridiculous as it goes but this story and gets more and more implausible the younger the toddler almost like it's too much to be believed and so listeners correct for realism when they retell its own it doesn't sound so crazy my own grandson told me the other day that I remember it wrong that it was all just some tragic attack of an albino bear something ain't right about that huh a 12 year old telling his grandfather what he should and shouldn't remember sit on this into the young people they weren't there and truth is most of us old folk weren't there neither the way we talk okay you'd guess every minor in time was caught up in it all like how every boomer will tell you he was at Woodstock it was only maybe 20 of us those sight more than half are dead and buried in except for old Rosie Sangha ambassador had himself cremated I'll start over and you'll forgive me if I repeat myself 1956 a light near every other young man and I worked the mines the hard work but it was honest plus nothing else paid as good nothing I was qualified for her and had any rage and I had a wife a child and another one on the way to support it and besides my friends were miners the Ralph Hadfield Rossi and Sangha and said back to Mara though we would usually hit the bars after we're action and me leaving early on account of the family him and Rossi would order juice now Ralph didn't care much for the bartender most of us dead end - Jessie fell attended the bar not because he was especially good at it but because he didn't have the stomach for man's work he even hired kids to mow his lawn and do landscaping it wasn't ashamed of it neither thought it made it smarter than the rest of us I don't know if I ever caught Jessi and Todd without some fool sideways grandma the rel suspected that Feld got his job by sleeping with the widow bar on her I don't think so but it wasn't impossible just he had taken the firstfruits if he'll beg my pardon huh I have at least two girls in town and had nearly half a dozen acts recurrent lovers he was smooth with women and had a pretty face high cheekbones and a sharp nose and that was more than enough of a reason for most of us to dislike Emma the Ralph Enmore claimed to hate Felton mohist young weren't from West Virginia probably know all about the Hatfields and McCoys but that's water under the bridge compared to the happy within the foul what sir you see and during the Cold War's Hatfield fought for the unions and felt on the mines but if he gave Jesse a hard time about it he would come back with some crap felt was always a funny guy and then combined at the fact that he never really got angry and he kept the rest of us truly hate that man a safer alpha June 10th was when it all started a cicada season huh and they were bad that year too oh and so many damn insects she could hydro plant on their guts if your tire treads were bare the mine was a haven from them ah for the word day at least and you don't have to listen to the neverending screech but this season huh the mod was even worse in the outside it echoed huh it isn't even pretty sounded like a cricketer at least not to me so it's no wonder that we worked deeper in than usual and we got far enough that we couldn't hear a peep and went to work a couple hours into the day I spotted a neck into a new room but this one was real narrow ass and too narrow for most folks to fit through WA and the Ross she was a skinny guy and could damn near fit through the bars of a baby crab huh anytime there's a crack the rest of us were nervous to slide through I sang had it covered we waited around for no more than 10 minutes and for him Ross his squeeze back towards aya and I had never seen the man so excited stop all of the mine enough he said with the thick accent it's a treasure room in most mines the demolitions expert calculates the proper amount of black powder then everybody draws straws and who has to let the few of us but most mines didn't employ said McNamara the craziest son-of-a-bitch that I ever knew Syd did all the blasts in himself he loved to be as close to the explosion of sanity allowed most of us figured he'd go the way of his Ireland morning grandfather and died in such a blast but he blew the neck wide open without a Banta and we ought to look for ourselves at Ross his treasure room what we saw was the gold mine well huh no it was Anton it was a coal miner but it was a hell of a lot of coal and I'm mighty easy to collect the owner was ecstatic he hired everybody in town I'd already working for him at twice the normal range and he even felt couldn't resist a few weeks of hard labour for that kind of cash and we worked like dogs all week and taking as many hours at double pay as possible predictably and Jesse was the laziest of us all but we needed him to have enough energy to pour our drinks after worry so no one said a thing yet now I'm not sure who saw it I want to say it was felt who came strutting back with a broad smile to tell us all was fine if my memory serves and it was volatile that's what they call a cruel irony anyway and felt whoever had found yet another knack one wide enough that anybody could walk through the new room was small but filled with coal and loose Cole - and that should have made us wary Nicole just doesn't sit up on the surface acne diva ready to be scooped in the bags but we were greedy inand now we have two rooms - we're Iike a handful of guys had barely knew worth the small aroma we called it the pirate's chest I'll admit that we were greedy and we robbed pillars and were too aggressive with the cutting machine but that room should have not collapsed and I'd been in natural collapses before her and this was not one of them not as some of the - would tell you that everything was quiet - normal like right up until the cave at night but now there was one sound that sound haunts me even still our most rational explanation is the men of the Pirates just shot it before the rocks gave way but I know what I heard it was a scream all right but not a human why not it wasn't a shouts of anger fear if you asked me how I figure a demon my Jana I'd tell you that I don't have to guess I know that sound and that was us waking something Appa something buried underneath all that coal the three or so men work in the treasure room got sucked into that big pile of the black like and there was some giant Hoover underneath and then the collab started huh it was the big chamber that went fairest the one me and my buddies were working at that always said it blasted on tefillin on itself without so much as a groan to why NASA most are able to run through the corridor in time to make it out the couple were buried in the rubble crushed flat like pancakes Hooper Collins that is like pinned under a border which would be the death of Emma 19 or 20 I think guy had a pretty wife and had no kids biota does sure knows how to pick em huh anyway when the dust had cleared and I was through coughing huh I noticed poor Hooper hollering and screaming huh I did my damnedest to pull the rock off his femur I hadn't finished before Ralph screamed and pointed huh a couple of the new recruits had rushed into that small room to avoid the boulders stupid bastards now the screams that I heard next were definitely human huh I didn't watch Martin you can't mistake the sound of flyscreen yanked apart so I gave up on Collins and I ran for the rest of the survivor her scent I tried to forget how he begged me not to Ron huh in the words that he used I failed at that I ran huh not far just around the corner and soon every healthy body was huddled around in the cave Anna desperately trying to dig out huh it was futile but I jumped in anyway what else could I do when the scream stopped the eating began it must have gone on for half an hour tearing crackling chuckling we all knew what the entree was said in each of us doc all the faster eventually of course and the panic wore off from he had time to think what was back there and more importantly what would it do when had finished its meal and we all knew that we hadn't made any progress xscape Edna on West Virginians are too stubborn hi guys as horrifying as the raining sounds were and the silence was far worse the dinner was done hopefully it was Phil enough damn it's everybody stop hapa we need to figure this out huh screams said McNamara the Irish man held up his Lantern and we all face Elijah over a dozen of us were huddled on as some cried and others had shat themselves but all of us were shaken as if naked in a blizzard we took a break from the frantic digging and we shut up for a mall entire aisle Bahrani to preach rusada who fell to his knees at once at pray no matter what the rest of us data the ronny was in half as holy as his father but at least one of us asked in heaven for help couldn't have hurt but finally him and someone spoke Ralph had Fiona and he always had a clear hat even did a couple years of college he kept his voice lower than said Hannah what would the creature right around the corner and so we leaned Anna it'll take days to dig ourselves our whole time nothing will get us at the dehydration da Santa and its garden the TNT if that becomes our only option out well we can't post a watch you guards to make sure that it doesn't come in here it was Jesse what's a data and try and poorly to maintain his composure now how are you volunteer Anna you'd rather stand around and dig like the rest of us said Ralpha know why most of the water and lights are in the room with that said said huh we've got it all numbered at it can it die of course they said Ralpha and I've read a whole issue on undiscovered species in the National Geographic in most life in the ocean is unknown and there's all sorts of cave creatures that we never knew about the thing is an animal and animals can die what's it eat that huh and I asked no one responded for Aminata and then Ralph nada de Nicole in Cole's energy - made out of carbon just like living things there are beasts out there that digest mineral alsa and they called him little files now I can't speak to the accuracy of Ralph's claims or even the exactness of my memory but I would like to think that ralph was right it was an animal and don't know that I believe it though ha around that time Rodney stopped muttering and shouted at us it's no animal it's no natural thing at all shoulda mana it said through his teeth it's a demon hand drawn to our greed and wickedness a rod please he said Jesse felt in a whisper and we need to repent we need I think was said that whomped him in the back of the head huh I'm not hard enough to knock Rodney unconscious but with plenty of force to knock him over and shut him to hell Appa I said in a few of us took a step back right away Rasta delta10 darada and give him a camara sharp glare no one else seemed to care and I don't know how many animals can survive being hit by a pickaxes said someone whose name and face that I can't recall nine by my count it was Ralph he didn't have to tell us Samantha and have there weren't enough access for everybody the rod could barely walk and Paul at a broken arm huh and what's left me and two others to fight with rocks sang was a little luckier he kept this special blade out of everywhere he went and they call it a kirpan now and it's longest dagger with all sorts of ornament in the 50s in Appalachia a knife wouldn't bother anybody here shoo it'sa back then it wasn't uncommon for a guy to walk through town with a six-shooter at his Balaton none of us had a gun of course but I would have traded my ride for a good knife any day biggest threat here is gonna be friendly fire who was the fellow who said that hmm I can't get his name I remember his stories and that he's been a sergeant in Korea damn and he just wanted hell of a thing anyway the vet advised us a bit too much were you swaying her and but don't stop hitting it until it stops move on now when we quickly drew up a battle plan with sergeants alpha who would approach from one angle and pairing up with that a partnership the longer you waited the more we feared that we'd lose our nerve oofah that the creature hadn't made a sound in so long only added to our worries was it planning something that was it even smart enough for plans and as a unit we rounded the bend in shiner lanterns of ostracoda and at the standing lights Royalton another remainder lost were knocked over little strips of white shined in random directions like some sort of plaid pattern and but unless it was hided in the shadows there was no creature blood and guts rails told a different story here that the thing had drugged the dead into the Pirates chest a feast Hooper's leg was still pinned under the boulder but there is no sign of the rest of em huh no one was eager to be first in line huh so we grabbed Taurus WA had to be the monsters lair real slow the weapons raised about halfway there something dropped onto us or rather on dasarha we hadn't figured an attack from abhava it's the whole plan of shahe the half of us ran half attack I did a little bit of both before I go any farther not try my best to describe the creature just keep in mind and this was nearly 30 years ago uh and it moved faster than a rabbit ah light was scarce and they only ever got a real good look at it once at least with my eyes I can't count how many times I've seen it in my dreams but I suppose I saw to Allah not for any man huh I'm certain that it was tall but how until I can't even gasp cuz it was bent over with the twistiest damn preps over spine that I ever saw now at least four legs and as many arms and at the end of each limb was a dozen fingers or maybe their antennas tentacle HOSA and those spindly legs in - rapa I don't know I know that it didn't have eyes I remember that Wow it only had one thing on its head amah hava a cross between the tail of an earwig and a crocodiles ma but boy was it skinny and too skinny for how stronger wiser in the flesh didn't look so tava translucent almost worm-like fortunately for a thought and had armor and Chitina and i think it's called if it was a baaga but the plates that are set to more like the shell of a crawfish and any more description would be stretching the truth on my part whatever was in Sector crustacean or demon huh it toward the sergeant apart in seconds I couldn't bring myself to charge enclose and so I threw my rocket it's a de maiz wolf throwing a beach ball even the AG swing some hearted man now we're making cracks in the carapace huh I grabbed the pick that started to drop to her and I had his hand too lopped off either way and I stepped in when the thing grabbed Ralpha I would like to think that I would have helped if Ross he hadn't acted first as saying stuck that holy dagger fits into the monster easiest cutting cake and your guess is as good as mine as Wyatt were huh maybe the dagger is better quality iron than the bag huh and maybe something else huh but the thing recoiled without making a sound and Ralph was free lucky stabbed Renata two more bodies lay at the things theater and there is nothing to do but run again huh at least that's what everybody thought who wasn't CID McNamara in the ruckus and he managed to find and light a stick of dynamite em keep your distance boys he shouted running back into the fightin don't get any romantic notion that Sid was a minor the man knew as well as anybody that he had no intention of dying huh and just like he had no plan to slip on a pile of Gaza twist his anchor to bed to stand and lose his grip on the explosive ax and failed to catch the monster in the blast how about one or two of us cleared the explosion and not counting seda who went out like everybody else had guests but in circumstances an Oracle couldn't predict data at least we were alive our eyes and ears were not too happy but the monster seemed worse Ahava skittering about sand random directions tripping over itself a sound driven creature and blinded by the noise maybe it didn't even react to Rodney's screaming for having to save him huh we didn't have time to play guessing games or griever friend's death we had to leave the Ralph's spotted our way outta a chimney blown open by the blast and we'd have to brave the middle of the room drain the monster would avoid us with its random shuffles and it would take two men to reach the opening huh and one on the shoulders of the other hand what choice did we have and we went for Archana now I recall Jessie felt weeping as he climbed onto my back and for a moment I judged him for Etta until I realized that I was crying too and to his credit I felt found a Ledge once through the opening and did his best to pull the rest of us Appa and halfway through Felton saying and a couple of others have reached safety but the monster grabbed someone huh Matthew Stewart if I believe if no one watched him die and no one tried to help him huh I confess feeling a bit of relief thinking that they catch would have strategy long enough for us to climb a sinful thought sure about something I have committed worse eight or nine of us rely often and of those we had to enter into we shined them upwards and would you believe that we couldn't see a roof I don't know the odds of Atta the passage appearing right above us a straight shot to the surface praise Jesus we've been delivered huh said Radha and no one could really argue the polenta we climbed in I don't know for how long it it was tiring work but Adrenaline's a powerful thing huh the head first Reeb raced her backs to one Wang we used her legs across the opposite and then it turned into more like a steep slope we had to scale with her hands a few outcroppings gave us chances to rasta sometimes the mouth would widen huh and we could offer support to the weaker mana others it would narrow we'd have to squeeze through one at a time and once such - we lost a mana a wide frame can be a blessing or a curse in a mine huh and lien was just too stout to fit even with someone pushing from under and pulling from abhava it didn't take long until Liam was white so tight - couldn't even go back down he would have needed to break his shoulders to move and Ralph offered to do just that to yank his arms out of his sockets and that is and keep on climbing how early amassed and then still stalking the man pulled out a pocketknife and he cut his own throat no one the rowdy screams huh and all I could think was how fortunate I was to be above him rather than below it did take break in his arms to dislodge his corpse he didn't mind and just fell ten feet before sticking someplace out there'd be time to pray for his soul later we kept on for as long as we could huh which wasn't long nah a few minutes later we came across the worst thing any of us had ever seen and not counting the monster the see Lena on cue one of the lanterns went Alta it can't be hid and whispered Rodney we're trapped the odds of it coming out to the surface Roy slam huh said Ralph no emotion in his voice and I just wish we had a few cigarettes to share what time is it sir I asked and dark and probably by now and said Rafa and where Jesse's confidence came from I can't say but I am be dead time maybe there's already a rescue party digging through the rubble huh it'll we'll all be home by the morning huh is that what you want fellas huh it was Ralph all of our friends and fathers getting themselves killed huh no of course not man come on happy Oh huh I just mean shut up said Ralph um he did and no one said much of anything for the next hour a few sobs and even a couple of grim chuckles I reckon most of us accepted the inevitable in that time a small part of me how to hope for rescue huh there is no way to warn the rescuers if anyone was coming huh nothing to do it all but suede to make peace with our Creator and then the last life went out ah I doubt that you've ever experienced a dark like that one huh sure maybe you experienced pitch black and maybe you've been underground but I'm talking about the kind of dark that fills your insides or even a pair of eyes three inches from yours doesn't glow uh the kind of dark so deep you know you won't ever see light again at the little room that we had sat ourselves and I felt an awful lot smaller all of a sudden and the rock scraping my back became harder to ignore her there's no one on this earth who I'd wish that sort of death upon uh being buried alive I would have traded anything just to stretch my arms out huh in a way it was almost like drowning huh I am nearly drowned once 12 years old and trying to impress Susan by swimming across the lake and it was fun at first until it hit me like a baseball bat how much water was between my feet in the lakes floor I remember clearly how oppressive all that water felt as my head sunk under anta an older girl it saved me Vanna and I didn't even have the wherewithal to be embarrassed by the hata dine underground was similar all the stone above and below me for who knows how far but no 11th grader was coming this time huh of all the things to reach out of mercy it was the moon huh the same took off his boots in his jacket spit on his palms and he steeled himself Rossi here and I said but I have faith too and I'll be back he said huh with a whole bunch of people huh and handguns added Ralpha and God said Arashi smile huh and before we left he pasta I thought to do a second guessing himself and then he hadn't missed IIFA and I thought your religion said the joys had to carry this a saint just lie hafta man up you ant when we couldn't see him climb minds he blocked of the light but we listened for minutes as he wiggled through the impossibly small opening huh at some point his grunts stopped and I feared he had suffocated him Safa and then he shouted down to us I made it and I'll be back soon huh there still wasn't much conversation as we waited huh but at least it no longer felt like drowning huh thank you thank you I'm done with drinking huh I'm done with gambling huh I'll never stray from my wife agonda rod prayed speak for yourself instead of fellow that I can't remember her the first thing I'm doing when I get out of here is having a cold beer an iPad 3 a few of us laughed a lot louder than a joke was funny but then I heard at Shh I said and everybody clammed up quick the air was in quiet ah WA oh we all could hear anta liam's flash Toreno and then being swallowed ah you know who would know who the said Rodney we've been delivered why is it back and we were delivered huh sings coming with guns and said falsa it'll make it back fast it took nothing a while to eat the poor fellas last AHIMA we have time it had more than one body to heal a styler was said Ralphie and what if it finishes before he returns I'm not sure if I thought of it ah my Allah or if it was what Ralph was trying to imply him but a way to buy us a few very precious minutes crossed my mind that I didn't voice the plan that one it was just too damn Mena Rodney voice deformed Allah and offering it he said huh that thing down there it's a devil a demonic spirit we don't know the hata you said Ralpha i Rodney continued uh it's a demon if there ever was one huh the demons are drawn to wickedness like moths to the flame ax someone brought it here and only an offering will satisfy into an evil offering for an evil thing huh what are you trying to say rod huh it asked Jesse felt a-- no one answered for a moment but the silence was broken by a bone crack Lena marrow being SATA the monster was wrapping up with his meal maybe you're right Radha said Ralpha and maybe this devil wanted to sacrifice all along come on Ralph you don't believe in that sort of superstition huh said Jesse with something that may have been a chortle under different circumstances the whole I'm not sure what I believe anymore and but I know that this thing is hungry here and I've got a pretty strong notion who the most wicked man among a citizen and he comes from a long line of wicked vodka and the next minute or two was a blur and probably cuz I've tried to block it out but like most of everything I've tried in my life I didn't do it well enough please understand I don't remember laying a finger on fountain it cross my heart and sway my children the way I remember it is I sit back and I watched I even tried to reason with Ralph and the others to leave felt be I've gone over 2000 times my hat huh and maybe a hundred thousand and I still don't remember myself as a murderer but maybe the mind is more powerful than the soul huh able to change memories that are far too horrible to recall because I do remember my knuckles stained in blood out a half mine and half is I remember looking at that flat as a washboard face the punches of it doesn't matter having removed any evidence of felt I'd cheekbones in point you know huh I remember how he looked white as a marble in the moonlight I remember his screams his why why and fell a stop of fellows and I remember when words replaced by a pitiful gargles huh much worse than the creature it sent memory which haunts me I can forget in most days but I remember every night whiskey helps a little huh and that's how you know if the old-timer telling you the story was actually there and that's how you can be sure before we tell us the body down the hole we nodded to each other in a silent pact not to tell us soul what had happened we weren't even supposed to talk about it with each other that was the unspoken vowel so if somebody knows about falsa and they were there no mistake I have often wondered if I could have stopped to hit that I knew it was wrong and I remember protesting samba I had the dagger hat and I knew it didn't care for the hamsa it could be if I was braver I could have used the knife and the knowledge to fight the monster off but if I stood in the way of the mob would they have killed us balls no however you cut it I was a coward huh I am a coward huh I would have buckled for sure and I just wish staying hadn't left for help he wouldn't have let it happen Rashi was a good man and made good on his word too huh but the guns proved unnecessary here the rescue party never came across the creature and coming straight back to the crag and digging us out I'm guessing the monster left one felt so many people milling around abhava but it wasn't in the mine and when the job's folk went back to recover what little was left at the Corp says most of the survivors skip town and move in with fairly good bye to the fronts and relatives they grew up with one came back eventually but the rest I never saw a gana it was just as well and with the biggest mine shut Dada there was less work the owner of the mines talked about reopening in timer to WA and clearing the rubble most of the workers threatened to strike if he dead I had switched my trades by dinette spend the next 20 years in lumber and put the mine still buried uh the way I hear it kids go up there sometimes it did the collapse nine see who's brave enough to hike in and touch the big curse at rock pile and parents say that it's dangerous at the cave-ins and Rattlers inside and grandparents say it's dangerous too but for different reasons it's still out there somewhere and maybe it's found another cavern to call it Alma maybe you'd never like to be an underground and it lives in some forest before we came along my guess is that it was trapped and we loosed upon the world huh I guess I'll never know huh I'm not sure that I want to I'll be dead soon in a box or in an urn huh and maybe Rossi has the right of anta and buried things of a tendency not to stay buried oh I would have myself burned - uh if it didn't cause an uproar at the church thought he had and why should I care probably stepped inside that boat in less than a hundred times and those just for weddings and funerals and Easter Sunday's there'd be a scandal all the same I never made much trouble alive I figure no use and started after I died then telling you the story of the whole story even the worst bits is my kinda pen answer people should know what's out there in the dark as much as they should know what we did on judgement day when I have to look felt in the eye and make it count of how I left the things that I've done at least I can say I told it like it happened not until the end of course--i and I guess I kept quiet about my sins during the golden years so if the good judge seems fit to dammit well I guess I can't protest all too much maybe in whatever hell I'm heading for her I'll meet the creature Organa [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 336,335
Rating: 4.8624907 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: ili609PtUf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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