Top 9 Beginners Tips for Stellaris

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whether or not you're a new player or a seasoned veteran there's always new things to learn about stellars it is a big game there is a lot of things being thrown at you at all times still though some of these features kind of go under the radar so let's take a look at some of the things that you may have missed about the game building structures on planet can be annoying especially considering the build list can be rather large in this particular case it's not that bad just yet but in the end of the game this list is going to be so big it's becoming a pain in the ass to actually navigate thankfully there are these handy little dandy little buttons on the top that will allow you to quickly navigate to the different types of buildings for instance pop assembly buildings which allow you to build robots or governmental buildings for precinct housing or administrative buildings or most importantly manufacturing yes a little icon will allow you to essentially take a look at what's going on over here mining and resourcing also very very useful keep an eye on this on this particular selection of buildings because it will make your life a lot easier in order to find out on what on earth is going on let's say you want to automate a planet because yes you can totally do so i've got il2 right now selected and with this particular button we can automate the planet and essentially what it will do is it based on its designation we can click on the designation button to give it a designation and essentially focus on what we want this planet to do the planet will then start automatically building up what you need however there is a lot more granular limiting to this because if you right click on this and it does say it in this handy dandy tool tip even though a lot of people are not going to see that uh the automation settings menu opens up and essentially what it will do is it will give you the option of saying hey does the a is the ai that is automating this planet will it allow to upgrade buildings does it focus on amenities does it focus on rare resources etc etc etc there's a lot of different variables here and if you have a planet and you're thinking by yourself okay this planet does not need rare resource production because i want to keep the building slots open you can just disable that i don't need more housing on this planet or i don't want them to focus on building slots so they're only focused on districts yeah you can do that uh that's all available within the game but it's not really well communicated and going through the automation settings can be really useful if you have a very large and sprawling empire with dozens of planets that you don't want to micromanage the entire time i've been in that situation myself especially with habitats it can be a real pain but what you can do there is just automate the place and then go into the automation settings and turn off or on what you want and the sky is the limit it's very powerful give it a give it a go have some experimentation time with it because especially when you have a million habitats as i mentioned before then yeah automation can be a godsend we've talked a little bit about pops already but there is one pop that a lot of people seem to ignore or just don't know about yes i am talking about the elusive slums pop the slums pop aspect what are you talking about well on every single planet at least in most types of empires there is this little button called features now features will show you what is on this planet what is giving it the districts that you need in order to build things on however on most starter planets you will also have something called sprawling slums and sprawling slums does one of the best things that you can do in the start of the game and that is get a pop for free it will cost you 300 energy which is totally worthwhile the investment as soon as you do it and as soon as the timer runs out you will have yourself a free pop that you can spend on any of your buildings or districts and don't get me wrong when i say this a singular pop is so so good because they can generate the resources that may may help you not to fail and having the sprawling slums enabled is just so so very nice in addition to that i would also recommend building a research lab as one of the first things that you do because getting more science is always good and on top of that that pop that comes out of the sprawling stuns well it will immediately start working there sooner rather than later you'll be poised with the following question and that is traditions available which tradition are you going to take as a player early on in the game well there is a couple of great options we can select any of these and all of them will do all sorts of miraculous things especially expansion and discovery are very high on the list however discovery has a perk which makes it objectively probably one of the best options within the game and that has to do with map the stars which is a special edict that is this unlocked after picking and discovery so in my personal opinion taking discovery early on is always the must have and that has to do as i mentioned with map the stars because map the stars essentially increases your survey speed which allows your sign ships to find out more about your surrounding area and as we always say knowledge is power in addition to that there is also a 10 chance of finding an anomaly now anomalies can range from just giving you a bunch of resources in space to insane deals with all sorts of uh creatures that live on those planets can you potentially get brain slugs through this absolutely getting a higher chance of getting events is so so good and you should always try to go for map of the stars especially in the early game when a lot of the galaxy is still undiscovered always take map the stars it is so so good it's probably one of the best things you can do at the start of the game and i will allow you to see more of the galaxy it will give you more content to play with as a new player and on top of that it is just fun to find new stuff in space so yeah traditions discovery map the stars go and do it you will not be disappointed prioritization of building stations in space is actually really important one thing that the cepheus update brought in is the joys of auto construction but auto construction basically does the following it finds a target and it builds a station on it whether or not it be energy or whether or not it be science or minerals etc now this does bring with it a couple of problems and this is something you probably don't want to use until the early mid game or the late start of the game there's a couple reasons behind that and that has mostly to do with return of investment a station will cost you a hundred minerals if i have built for instance station over here at triton it will cost me 100 minerals and for every month i will get 3 minerals back that will cost 33 months in order to get a return on investment 33 months is a long time therefore you usually want to prioritize the high return of investment items first venus in this particular case has a resource output of five every single month which means that in 20 months it will pay for itself and then every month afterwards it will continuously pump resources into the system these are things that you need to think about because sometimes you will have a planet in space somewhere and it will only output one mineral a month 100 months is a long long time so you kind of don't want to pump in minerals into those places at a when you're in a mineral crunch essentially focus on the high returns versus the low returns before you do anything when it comes to infrastructure in the cvs expansion there has been a update to the science ships and that is the automatic surveying being part of the base game or at least the initial features that are part of your systems they can be found down here in the automatic survey button within the sign ship ui but i would highly recommend not to use this until a later point in the game and you've already managed to find out what is going on nearby usually you will still want to survey planets that are nearby and essentially go ahead and try to serve survey these of course you can right click and go ahead and survey system but classically there is a better approach to this and that is selecting the survey button holding down the shift key and then essentially cue up all of these nodes and your science ship will automatically start sciencing the heck out of all of these places this is incredibly useful and essentially takes a little bit of micromanaging off of your hands because as soon as the science ship would be done normally if they would be just surveying a system over here then they would need new orders in addition to that if you are in a area of space and you think okay i need to know what's going on over here really quickly and i don't necessarily want to survey everything on the way there the option that you can have is is to explore this system what this does is that sends the science ship right over towards this particular area and essentially we'll take a look on what is going on in this system what kind of planets are over here what kind of stars are in this area and most importantly what are the hyper lane connections essentially it's a fast move order that will allow your science ships to very quickly traverse towards your intended area you can then go ahead and survey that system and work your way back or if you're really smart you will have another signed ship ready to go and essentially fill the gaps in behind you it's usually a good idea to get choke nodes and the general lay of the land under control really early on so you know where to focus on especially if a megastructure for instance spawns somewhere and you want to take control of that very very quickly of course sometimes you will need to do something else and but you don't want to lose your cue instead what you can do there then is hold the shift control key and essentially survey another system in this particular case and this applies to a lot of things within the game so for instance you can go and survey this system as well control shift is essentially a prioritization item it moves whatever you have selected up onto the list of priorities so for instance let's say that i've surveyed over here and i've surveyed over here etc all those priorities will go first so with ctrl shift essentially if i have an option that i immediately want to investigate it will go straight on the top of the list and then it will continue along its previously indicated path you can end up with these really strange networks of stuff that is going on in terms of like these nodes and where ships are going etc but this is something you do not need to worry too much about sometimes you want to go to war with an enemy and you kind of want to know what their economy is like but you can go to their planet and basically you'll have a good idea of what their economy is like but you don't really have all the key information that you need these guys are currently protective to me but it doesn't mean that i don't want to know what sort of resources they have sure i can see their fleet so they got 5000 fleet power but i want to know how many alloys do these guys have to crap out a fleet in a nanosecond well there is a way of doing so if we go to the trade offer deal then we go to resources we can effectively use this to see every single resource that they have available if we go into alloys and then control shift-click we can essentially see okay they have 690 alloys available that's enough for a cruiser essentially sure they won't trade it with us because for a variety of reasons obviously but it gives us a good indication of what kind of resources they have available how much food do these people have well it looks like they've got a lot 7 816 that means that if we take down one of their food worlds we're not going to be causing any problems with them anytime soon so having this sort of information can be very useful when it comes to figuring out what is going on in the in the greater galaxy at the start of any stellaris game you will be immediately prompted with these three icons at the top of the screen these are your technology items and they are arguably some of the most important ones or at least decisions you will make in the game and of course we will need to make the right decisions right off the get-go not to slow down now one thing that is really important in general is making sure that we focus on research at the start of the game if you have the option to get science boosting technologies then make sure you get them they are incredibly good and they are very very strong sometimes in the physics department you will have the option to get research speed plus five this applies to all technologies which is arguably better than the quantum theory options which gives a boost to science of 20 in the research category or at least the physics research category so either of these is usually quite good in this particular case however going for research speed plus five in all categories is definitely the one you want to pick if this one is not available however make sure you try to get quantum theory for the boosts and whenever you have the opportunity to do so if you have another science technology that becomes available always take it because you have a boost in a certain category you can get more science which means there's compounding effects and as they say compound interest is the most powerful force in the galaxy hi it's editing a spec over here uh of course there is going to be situations where you find yourself pop growth technologies you'll want to go for those uh as a priority because pop growth is king and the more that you have uh if you don't then then go for the science back to the video i hope these tips and tricks were illuminating and that you'd learned something today and if you're ready to put them to the test feel free to go and check out the a one pop challenge can you run an empire and win the game with only having a single pop on a planet in your empire a one pop yeah it's possible it's very janky but you can do it go and check out the video we'll see you over there thank you so much for watching and until next time my name is ben aspec thank you to my patrons and good luck with solaris
Channel: ASpec
Views: 93,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, stellaris, paradox interactive, a_spec, stellaris gameplay, tutorial, stellaris guide, how to, paradox development studio, stellaris tutorial 3.0, stellaris for beginners, how to play, stellaris tips, stellaris beginners guide, stellaris how to, stellaris tips and tricks, stellaris starting guide, learning stellaris, stellaris 3.4, stellaris beginner tips, how to play stellaris, stellaris 2022 guide, for beginners, stellaris mechanics, stellaris for dummies
Id: g_GND5br4WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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