Orbital Rings Are The Powerhouse Of The System

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[Music] orbital rings are a very versatile new addition to the game they provide massive economic benefits or massive military and defensive potential so let's dive in and find out what we can do with the brand new orbital rings in order to build an orbital ring we'll need to unlock the orbital rings technology this is a voidcraft technology so having avoid craft scientists is going to increase the chances we can roll it in addition to that taking and finishing the expansion tradition will add a 25 boost apiece to growing this technology it also has a couple of prerequisites you'll need to have completed the starhold technology that is the level 2 star based technology you'll also need to finish galactic administration from the society tree along with ceramo metal infrastructure unless you have these three technologies you won't be able to roll the orbital rings on top of that if it's before year 50 you'll actually get a 90 reduction to the chance to roll this technology once you have the technology select a construction ship right click on the world where you would like to build the orbital ring and then you'll need to spend a thousand alloys 50 influence and it will be completed in the short short time of two years once you build an orbital ring it should then become visible in the skies above your planet at the first level tier 1 the orbital ring comes with some basic defenses and it has two module slots unlocked now now these module slots offer quite a few potential options first off if you have the right technology you'll be able to build planetary defensive hangers or planetary defense guns and planetary defense batteries now these will all add to the military power of your orbital ring as yes your orbital ring does have military power it is to all intents and purposes a star base but around a planet we can also put down an anchorage on an orbital ring that's going to increase our naval capacity though generally speaking i wouldn't actually recommend wasting orbital ring module slots on anchorages we can throw in an orbital shipyard this will increase the shipyard capacity of the orbital ring and if we build lots of orbital rings and a starbase in the same system we could construct a massive shipyard capacity in a single system just like the kuat space yards the final module we can build is really quite cool now this is a habitation module in order to be able to build this module we'll need to unlock tier 2 housing which is the anti-gravity engineering technology then we can start building them habitation modules cost you some influence and a whole bunch of alloys but they have a very simple effect and that is they increase the maximum number of districts on the planet below by one yes in total you could end up upgrading an orbital shipyard all the way to tier three and therefore unlock four modules and put four habitation modules down so we can boost any planet by at least four district size by simply building an orbital ring in order to upgrade the orbital ring to tier 2 you will need the star fortress technology once we've upgraded to tier 2 we'll finally unlock one of the two possible building slots just like a starbase as we upgrade it the military power and the number of weapons on this thing are going to increase and if you're enjoying this video please put a ring on that like button and now we get access to a whole host of different buildings the basic buildings down at the bottom of this list are identical to the buildings we can get on a star base we could have a nebula refinery a hydroponics bay we could put a disruption field generator or a communications jammer down lots of different options that are currently options on our star bases but almost all of these are simply a military benefit or a defensive benefit to the orbital ring and the associated platforms in orbit because yes i haven't mentioned it but you can build defensive platforms on your orbital rings and that is where the massive defensive potential of an orbital ring comes into play along with a fully upgraded citazel if we have a couple of planets with orbital rings and we max out the defensive platforms on them they can hold their own actually reasonably well into the late game but i'm going to get to that a little bit later first we're going to look at the economic powerhouses that orbital rings provide so we can build habitation modules and increase the districts on the planet below great that is a small benefit but we also get access to a whole host of unique individual buildings that will boost the planet down below for instance let's say the world below is specialized for technicians and energy credits by building a stratospheric ionization element we can get plus two base energy credit production on the planet below and that is really powerful when it starts stacking with all of the modifiers and bonuses you're already getting we can get some silly and crazy outputs this truly gets crazy when we start looking at an accumonopolis world an acumenopolis is a fantastic place to be producing alloys and if you build the alloy processing facility you're going to get a planet modifier of plus one alloys from your metallurgist jobs that means that my people on the planet below are creating a base of six alloys that's double the normal production rate for a metallurgist on top of that i'm able to stack a whole load of production modifiers some from the planet itself being in a humanopolis along with lots of other bonuses and as you can see here i'm making 16 alloys at only an upkeep of 13 minerals per population you can combine this with habitation modules and something like the orbital filing system which will increase the unity production from your bureaucrats priest or telepaths to get some massive production numbers on the planet below this ecumenopolis only has 82 pops on it it isn't even full it's a size 16 world and we've got nine more districts left to build and we're already at 500 alloys and 250 unity and it's only going to keep ramping from there as you might imagine there are boost to basically all of the resources we have in the game we can increase the minerals from miners we can increase the food from farmers the giga mall is an interesting one that increases our trade value and gives us a juicy plus one amenities from clerks which means our clerks will be producing as many amenities as a politician which is a ruler class job that can be helpful in a trade-based clerk empire to keep your amenities high though if you're a trade based empire you've probably got plenty of merchants so it shouldn't really be a problem the logistics system is not quite as good as the alloy processing facility this produces plus one consumer goods at a plus one mineral upkeep but it is half as good really as alloy processing as the base output for consumer goods from any pop job is double that of the base alloy output but now we've looked at the economic potential we can add to our planet and really this is fantastic it is a level up for any planet in your empire and i would always recommend building an orbital ring around every specialized world that you have now let's look at the massive defensive potential we can have from some of these orbital rings here we are in the hixaross system we have two planets very close to each other both with orbital rings and they are maxed out with their star-based defenses if we look at the makeup of one of these orbital rings they've got a whole host of defenses as well as a defense grid supercomputer for more defense platforms and something like the command center to boost ship fire rate now we can only build one of these extra bonus modules per system so make sure to spread them out between your star base and your other orbitals and then we put down a crazy number of different defense platforms i've split between advanced strikecraft and proton launcher platforms that should be able to deal with basically any threat you will find in the game and of course a couple of titan beam ion cannon platforms don't go and miss either they've actually been rebalanced now in stellaris overlord and are pretty darn potent specifically because they will stick around for longer than they used to so across this system i have a whopping 280k worth of defenses that's from a citadel starbase here and my two orbital rings which are incidentally also fortress worlds with a massive military garrison on top of them as well so this system is very very impregnable but how do these new star bases stack up against other ships if someone tries to invade the system here i have over 300k worth of ships this is the ai it's coming in they've got a majority battleships but a small smattering of other ships i've actually built these ships myself just to do a bit of testing i've tried to keep it representative to an ai empire's kind of focus they will have a mix of ships in their fleet but i have made sure to put in some very powerful x-slot battleships that are built to my own personal specifications so we would normally expect to lose an engagement like this we have only star bases no other defenses and we have lower fleet power than the enemy but let's let them fly in and see how they deal with our new defenses and here they are they've jumped into the system and as you can see our neutron launchers are already firing they are at a extreme range so let's dive in and find out what's going on if we hover over one of these orbital platforms and we check out the details you'll see they have a few neutron launchers on them and on top of that they get some massive bonuses to their ship's weapon range this makes sure that the orbital rings can shoot an enemy basically wherever they are in the system giving you a massive first strike advantage on top of that as you can see we have fighters now launching from their base because we've engaged the enemy at this massive range and we've got ion cannons firing as well they are very loud in the background these ion cannons have extreme range too so they're able to take on the ships just as they enter now let's look at the damage output we have done some phenomenal damage to the enemy fleets and they aren't anywhere near us yet they haven't even been able to fire a single shot our neutron launchers and our ion cannons have been pummeling at these ships we must have destroyed quite a few ships already i am still doing more defense platform testing this is just a small glimpse into the power that we can now achieve with defense platforms orbital rings and star bases so if you're interested in seeing a full testing video on this topic let me know down in the comments below our individual ships themselves are getting some nice bonuses so we're putting out minus 20 shield hit points on the enemy fleet i've also made sure to contract a mercenary garrison to put this lovely defensive aura for a first 15 fire rate on one of my star bases combining that with the command center gives a base plus 25 fire rate to all of those defense platforms that means the ion cannons have a 95 increase to their ship fire rate basically doubling the rate at which they'll be firing as they would normally have a 21 day cooldown that is instead reduced to about 12 days which gives them a fire rate under that of a basic neutron launcher and given the phenomenal damage output of these things they're going to cut through battleships like you wouldn't believe we have actually done it's just insane they've only just now started firing so your regular ships have flown into the system and they've now opened fire the ai's ships but they've taken massive losses before they've even been able to shoot as you can see here our titan beams are doing a lot of work firing again and again and again and they are taking out so many of these enemy ships we are now taking some damage some of our starbases have been lost but we're doing really really well remember this isn't actually a balanced engagement our enemy has more ships than we do if we position just a couple of fleets in this system ahead of our star bases we'd be doing even more damage as you've probably guessed this defensive structure has worked absolute wonders we have completely annihilated the massive enemy fleets that try to fly in and fight us here we can see their ships falling and the damage that we have done it is absolutely wonderful basically orbital rings now provide us with the ability on top of the defense platform rework to create very very strong defensive systems in the late game because we have finally as a defensive player got a range advantage and that is really crucial here so at the end of this engagement it's also quite cool to notice that we've actually not lost that much fleet power yes we've lost a whole bunch of defensive platforms from our primary station but the other two stations have only lost between two and ten defensive platforms so given the fact we can build these things in record time only 60 days that's two months to build a defensive platform by the time the enemy come back to attack us again we'll have probably been able to completely repair our defenses orbital rings built in a defensive capacity are very powerful and i think they would work fantastically with the subterranean origin which is massively defensive as well if you'd like to know more about the subterranean origin and how you can use it click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 134,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, orbital ring, orbital rings, orbital rings stellaris, stellaris orbital ring, stellaris overlord, stellaris overlord orbital rings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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