The Problem with Tony Robbins (Deep-Dive - Pt. 2)

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[Music] hello we are back for part two uh since part one i've actually been there working on my femininity got myself one of these one of these working already i am what i was wired to be now i am actually digging this look on ironically right now but i do kind of want to just rock this tiara though for the whole video hello and welcome to a new video your royal highness queen moon cat is back again with part two for you now i needed an idea for getting all hyped up for this one so of course i checked out the king of morning routines mr tony robbins himself [Music] [Music] no so my theme park date with a girl that i barely knew turned into a date with me and four girls meanwhile pam is sitting in the break room eating a meat lover's pizza [Music] wow i don't know what happened there anyway welcome to part two of your favorite series on youtube documenting the trials and tribulations of our favorite lego figurine head man who sounds like he's been eating a few too many of those silica gel packets this one is going to be a bit less heavy than part one so no trigger warnings this time but first of all here's a word from our sponsor you think this is a national park you think this is buckingham palace buckingham palace is where i go to take a fat dump this is just one of my many estates you're probably wondering why am i making stacks when you're on the sofa eating snacks why are you getting paid peanuts well i got girls on these nuts why have you gone bust well i'm staring up why is your bank balance going down well i'm going down on these [ __ ] why are you asking your boss for a raise when these [ __ ] are raising me up like west life are you tired of your nine to five are you tired of your ugly wife you have even less money than since are you one of those idiots who watched wolf of wall street and didn't realize jordan belfort was supposed to be the bad guy what was that oh sorry i can't hear you i don't speak six pound 45 an hour why is my bank account swelling harder than my [ __ ] every time i look at these bikini models and yours is shriveling away like your self-worth while you sit on that couch covered in pizza roll crumbs watching me be the absolute g yeah i can see you through the screen she's not coming back jeremy which means my course is for you you might be thinking this sounds like one of those get rich quick schemes and i'm here to tell you like with everything else you're wrong it's a get wealthy speedily course i love money so much i'm probably the only man in the world who gets a stone con looking at the queen's face you might be thinking with all of this money that i have why don't i just upscale my business employ people to delegate my work and harness more profits for myself instead of actively creating more competition for myself in an already crowded marketplace and if you are thinking that stop stop thinking about that right now and look at the girls don't you want this the yachts the curls don't believe me take it from my student who is definitely not my nephew come on gerald like we practiced i used to spend my days playing hide and seek with myself accepting funny tasting sweets from strangers and touching my special area but then i went to mooncat cinema and my life instantly changed now i can afford my own funny tasting sweets stop eating those you might be thinking this is a scam but i used to want to be a cat when i grew up but on my most recent deal i made 15 000 pounds and now i've stopped eating gorilla glue still don't believe it take it from my student here who is definitely not me with a moustache drawn on you might be thinking i'm kind of fun to go where am i well can you afford not to go stop whining you weak loser what was your new year's resolution to be a broke little [ __ ] ranking tv presenters on wiki feet why don't you just climb back into mummy's womb take it from me and all of my beautiful girlfriends you hired us for the day i didn't hire you to talk do you want to end up like your grandparents they worked their entire life just to end up with nothing another old poor and slowly being dragged down to hell by their own skin do you want to be like that or best friends with all the cool celebrities like me all you have to do is come to my free seminar which is definitely not a 90 minute sales pitch for a paid course no but really though if you would like to support me on patreon i'm uploading some extra content on there you can also support by copying some threads from my teespring store anyway let's get on with the video so first on the agenda today my moon students we're going to be looking at tony's diet advice [Music] and this begins with the store so on here we've got tony's own diet supplements and first of all we've got immunoboost c which provides you with 2854 of your daily intake of vitamin c that's 2569 milligrams i can only imagine that probably literally turned you into a massive orange like that blueberry girl from willy wonka tony's people recommend that you take this every day just ignore all the doctors that say we need no more than 40 milligrams per day and that everything over 1 000 milligrams a day can cause stomach pain diarrhea and flatulence we don't need that negativity in our lives here at that's what we call a limiting belief and here at we believe that you should fart and [ __ ] all that you like hashtag fart and [ __ ] your pants for tony i'm sorry actually no i'm not this is my channel and i'll have all the fart and [ __ ] jokes that i want they're also very fairly priced if we uh if we take the vitamin c tablets tony's selling a bottle that amounts to 92 484 micrograms of vitamin c for 39 and swanson is selling 454 000 micrograms for 11.68 so that's 3 cents per gram with swansons and 42 cents per gram with tony or the b12 tablets each tablet has 3 000 micrograms of b12 which is a modest 125 000 of your recommended daily intake but those silly doctors don't know what they're talking about do they we'll talk more about that later so swansons have 150 000 micrograms for 5.31 or tony 90 000 micrograms for 39 so that's 3 cents per gram of swanson's or 43 cents per gram with tony but why wouldn't you want to pay more for something when it's got the tony robbins name plastered all over it you know that man who once called you a [ __ ] [ __ ] in front of thousands of people a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's a freaking bargain if you ask me project your mummy issues onto me daddy but this man's vat of snake oil goes so much deeper so deep in fact that six foot seven inch tony could probably use his own vat of snake oil as his own personal plunge pool to be honest he probably does you see tony has had a history of selling dodgy diet and health advice over the last four decades well as important as your body temperature is not the external temperature but the body temperature you're able to maintain consistently there's another number that's equally important maybe even more and that is the acid alkaline balance within your body back in the year 2000 tony released an audio book called pure energy live which was a part of a series of audio cds called get the edge the rest of the audio books in the series are normal audio books but the word live in pure energy live is actually indicating that this is a recording of one of tony's seminars so he couldn't even be bothered to get into the studio for this one tony's time is too precious it still sold millions of copies though of course so in pure energy live tony talks about this certain diet called the alkaline diet now i am no nutritionist but according to this cited wikipedia page this is based on debunked science but tony is still behind this to this day and he has doubled and tripled down on this [ __ ] and the absolute [ __ ] spewing out of this man's mouth during this pure energy live cd is almost a comedy for a start tony is measuring the energy we get from food not in calories but in megahertz you know the units were used to measure frequency yeah those green vegetables are the highest 70 to 90 megahertz plus green vegetables ladies and gentlemen are extremely wet anybody know alkaline so towards the end of the cd he starts to say that everybody should be cleansing their bodies with a certain wheat germ drink for 10 days you know because of all those awful mega hurts we've been putting in our bodies if you look at the molecular structure of wheatgrass you look at your own bloodstream you look at the molecular structure of your blood it's almost identical get some of this green drink what's great about is you can put it in any water you want wherever you are you can take it with you on the road he left that bit of advice till right at the very end of his lecture you know so it would stick in people's heads so of course tony was selling these wheatgrass supplements at the time which are kindly provided by the first of tony's friends and business partners the time going to introduce you to today dr robert o young actually that's what he liked to be called he wasn't a real doctor so it's just robert o young and the o stands for oh dear lord do not take any medical advice from me robert o young was the founder of the alkaline diet so to put it simply his theory was that the over-acidication of the body was the single underlying cause of all disease including cancer and therefore we should be avoiding all acidic foods he released a series of books called the ph miracle and it's all about the alkalarian lifestyle it's certainly a shame that the alkalarian diet couldn't cure male pattern boldness say i thought it could cure everything oh wait apparently it can i'm very sure that's definitely not a hair transplant hi tony robbins here with power talk thanks for watching again tonight is going to be a very exciting evening and i'm very very pleased to be introduced to you a couple that have had a dramatic effect on the quality of my life this first picture here i guess is a picture of a hamburger is that right what's the megahertz on this what's the amount of energy available out of this the harmonic uh energy the frequency that's emitted from this matter is approximately five megahertz oh my god so starting back in 1998 tony became involved with robert o'young and as a result soon started lecturing his followers about the alkaline diet likely receiving a nice kickback for any of young's supplements books or thousand dollar coaching calls he sold to his followers off the back of it so in february 2007 young rose to prominence when oprah winfrey had a lady on her show called kim tinkum but first this letter had me very concerned it is from a viewer who's sitting here with me now her name is kim shortly after the secret aired on oprah i was diagnosed with breast cancer i was shocked but most of all i became mad not because i had cancer but because most of the doctors that i've spoken to three so far have all said surgery was absolutely necessary within the next month after much thought i have decided to heal myself that i found finally found a doctor that was willing to work for with me he wants to make sure that i am but you're not doing medication you're not i'm not doing chemotherapy or radiation right now he doesn't think it's necessary at this point the doctor that you have found yes the doctor that's a real doctor he is an absolute real doctor and the doctor turned out to be robert young in 2008 kim claimed that she had been completely cured by robert young's diet and exercise plan in a mere three months um the tumor that the you know the tumor is still there oh you still have it i still have it and you can feel it um i can't conceal it you can see it or it's just hard kim planned on releasing a book called cancer angel the explanation of what cancer is its prevention and cure she never released the book because she died in 2010 after the cancer had spread throughout her body robert young was eventually arrested in 2014 on two counts of grand theft and seven counts of practicing medicine without a license turns out the fancy letters after dr robert o young's name all came from a diploma mill so what had dr young been up to well he had been administering baking soda intravenously to cancer patients at what he calls his ph miracle ranch at a cost of five hundred dollars a pop to alkalize their bodies some were having the treatment two times a day during their stay a british lady flew to his ranch one time to pay young three thousand dollars a day for treatment raising the money via charity and fundraiser events and after three months of baking soda ivs after having paid him 77 000 up front her condition worsened and she returned back to the uk to pass away with her family by her side and she was only 27 years old another cancer patient also being treated at the retreat with baking soda ivs actually died during treatment with her cause of death listed as congestive heart failure caused by excessive fluid around the heart in 2018 young was successfully sued by a patient dawn kaley for 105 million dollars for convincing her that he was a real doctor counseling her out of traditional treatment and administering baking soda ivs instead and her cancer progressed to a stage four these aren't the only stories surrounding young's patients dying or deteriorating soon after treatment young went back to prison in 2017 sentenced to three years and eight months again for practicing medicine without a license but he only served a few months and he's still at it to this day in september last year the ftc issued young a warning for claiming on his website and social media pages that he had found the real cure for covid19 and claiming the corona effect was caused by the acidic environment that we all live in so even though there's unequivocal evidence that this is pure quackery and tony has since distanced himself from young tony still peddles young's scientifically debunked alkaline diet to this day the body has a very very sensitive alkaline acid balance you don't understand all the details of it but just like your body has to maintain you know a temperature that's within a very short range or you lose your health the same thing is true with acid alkaline our bodies slightly alkaline so what you want to do is make sure that you keep your body alkaline because most of our lifestyle is acid and back in the 90s and 2000 when tony was actively involved with robert young's business who knows how many of his followers he knowingly or unknowingly thrust into the arms of robert young who he went on to exploit for cancer baking soda treatment costing thousands and thousands of dollars and all of that just for a few kickbacks on supplement and book sales so do you want to know about another one of tony's doctor friends another doctor mentioned in tony's pure energy live cd which he partnered with back in the day was a man called dr neil solomon the original research that i'm aware of anyway about acid alkaline was done by dr neil solomon almost 20 years ago at johns hopkins university here's a man who focused on everything he could find within clinical nutrition that could massively improve the energy of an individual and the overall homeostatic balance in your body which is basically your body's ability to heal itself so neil solomon touted the noni phenomenon and sold books and supplements surrounding what he called the powerful tropical fruit healer noni juice yes this one fruit that kind of looks like that caterpillar from a bug's life that apparently can help cure your cancer gout depression ibs boost your immune system you name it noni is apparently the answer according to neil solomon that's not the end of it with dr neil solomon tony's friends never cease to amaze us dr solomon admitted to luring in vulnerable female patients with the promise of rare cures for obesity and allergies and then starting sexual relationships with them sometimes with these acts taking place in his doctor's office one of the women said he gave her mind-altering drugs to weaken her inhibition solomon's rare cures were found to be no more than placebos yet he still amassed a net worth of 2 million dollars before he lost his license he even managed to get one of his patients to rewrite her will leaving him half a million dollars after her death after she'd already spent 31 000 on his useless allergy drops and literally forced oral sex on another patient during an examination tony really does attract the most upstanding members of society as his business partners and associates doesn't he one could say that he perhaps holds the same values as these people do you want to be introduced to another one of tony's doctor friends i'm sure you can't wait [Music] by the way alex is the closest thing to genius i've seen he's a doctor of chinese medicine and he's known because he's able to take two extremes of people and help make a difference he takes peak performance athletes when they're burning out and turns them around but he also specialized in his practice on taking care of patients that traditional doctors think are terminal and they're inoperable or there's nothing that can be done at this stage they just believe that this person is going to pass away his statistics are amazing he's now cared for 400 terminal patients designated as untreatable by their physicians five years later approximately 85 of them are still alive and thriving this man really has found some tools that can shift people's health in a short period of time including those people who think there is no hope alex guerrero is actually tom brady's personal coach so brady swears by this man to keep him on the top of his game all through the power of chinese medicine so you might be thinking well he must be legit then right well it could be or maybe it's just a business relationship that's making them both a lot of money visit a tb12 body coach or use a tv 12 vibrating pliability roller or sphere to target the muscle groups you're using so alex guerrero owns and runs tb12 in partnership with brady guerrero guerrero that's really hard to say i'm sorry so i'm gonna say alex from now on but i hear you scream that doesn't mean that brady's in business for the snake oil salesman does it well what are alex's qualifications he obtained his master's degree from a school in oriental medicine basically the board that awarded his qualifications was deemed untrustworthy by new laws put into place in california and the school was closed down in 2010 which funnily enough is exactly what happened to dr young it was a diploma mill in late night infomercials alex sold a product called supreme greens which he claimed could cure cancer aids ms heart disease diabetes arthritis and parkinson's on television he cited studies that prove that 192 out of 200 cancer patients in his study had fully recovered but he later admitted to the ftc that he just made that up yet more poppycock despite this thanks to his lies 16 million dollars worth of supreme greens was sold in the space of just 18 months and this exact supreme greens product is being sold to the seminar attendees by tony during this pure energy live cd and he probably did this at a lot of his seminars and tony insinuates that alex has turned around people who were terminally ill with this product there's more than one type of green and it's been specially formulated by dr alex guerrero the man i told you about has such extraordinary results of people like shaquille o'neal and a lot of other peak performance athletes and teams but he also uses the same process of alkalinity to get people healthy who have been diagnosed as terminally ill so if you're interested in drinking that green drink give us a call you can reach us at 1-877 go for green again if you're interested in getting the green drink or any of our inner balance products all designed by dr guerrero give us a call at 877-464-4733 so alex was eventually fined by the ftc for supreme greens and ordered to never market himself as a doctor ever again but despite this thanks to tom brady's endorsement alex is still worth millions of dollars to this day and they are still selling products together that the ftc are forcing them to remove from their website due to false advertising oh and he's also been sued for defaulting investors twice what a guy do you want to hear about another one of tony's friends oh friend doctor friend so now we're moving on to doctors that tony is actively involved with to this day and not quietly distancing himself from yet so dr mark hyman is wait for it a real doctor wow well done we're really making progress aren't we tony we've got an actual doctor with a real qualification this time not from a diploma mill oh i'm so proud of you tony dr hyman is a frequent speaker at tony's events currently and preaches his diet advice the only trouble is he is just a family physician so he has no qualifications in specializing in nutrition but still he touts the pagan diet which is a sort of cross between vegan and paleo so paganism has been criticized as a fat diet by actual nutritionists and is extremely restrictive so much so that it can cause fast weight loss but only in the short term because it's generally unsustainable yet dr hyman's advice is included and pushed on tony's website under the sustainable health diet and he is speaking at tony seminars and selling his products at tony seminars on a regular basis but who cares those stories of dramatic weight loss are what sells the books and supplements so who cares if it's a sustainable solution in the long run and who cares if it causes major deficiencies no one's following it for that long anyway once they've piled all those pounds back on they'll just come back and buy your next book anyway which you're going to release in another couple of years money print to go functional medicine is the science of creating health we treat the whole system not just the symptoms we focus on your whole organism not just the organs it's the medicine of why tony happy to do anything for a quick book pushes functional medicine on his website as well [Music] so another doctor that tony is pushing on his website and has as a speaker at his events currently is dr gundry dr gundry is a doctor again uh well done tony but yet again not the right type of doctor he's a cardiac surgeon so not a dietitian so gundru's little money maker is called the plant paradox diet and he touts a theory that plants have this inbuilt chemical defense mechanism to avoid being eaten and if we eat plants that have large amounts of this certain protein in them then we will suffer the effects of the plant's defense system which will cause us to be susceptible to disease and causes to be weak and all of these things now the problem is plants can't run they can't hide and they can't fight but they're chemists of incredible ability so what they do to protect themselves and their babies from insects and other animals is to use proteins that are called lectins and they actually target joints think about it if it hurts to move you're a really lousy predator and this is what he preaches at tony's seminars again this has been dismissed by actual scientists as absolute poppycock quackery and even dangerous if the diet is followed for long enough which many people won't because they'll cause nutritional deficiencies but of course he's making millions out of this selling his own books supplements and subscriptions and many of it thanks to tony and finally what must be the most downright insane yes insane dietitian dietitian friend of tony's anthony william or as he likes to call himself the medical medium in this book i reveal truths about chronic illnesses you won't learn anywhere else you won't hear it from your doctor read it in any other books or find it on the internet these are secrets that have not yet surfaced about how to finally heal and i'm bringing them to light to you for the very first time william who is also a contributor to gwyneth paltrow's goop was invited to speak on one of tony's online unleash the power within events last july or rather more likely he paid tony to speak which is probably the setup of all of these doctors at his events i'm not a doctor i have no medical training but i can tell you things about your health that no one else can i can give you clarity on diseases that doctors often misdiagnose or treat incorrectly or they just give up on and label mystery illness so yes this is a man with no medical dietary qualifications whatsoever rather one story about when he was a child a um a [ __ ] spirit came to him in a vision and told him his grandma had lung cancer his mouth never moved but i could hear his voice speak to me i am here for you say lung cancer one cancer i didn't even know what those words meant say it again say alone cancer cancer now say grandma has lung cancer has been cancer so anthony william reckons this ghost also told him that celery juice is the superfood we all need a cure-all for gout acne and weight loss and his pure popularity caused salary prices to soar there is an incredibly heartbreaking story i found though about a mother who paid him 300 for a consulting call to help save her terminally ill son she was desperate for any answers to save him he died only 48 days after following his advice and she blamed herself because william told her that she passed this virus onto him in utero and i'm not even gonna go into all the other [ __ ] this guy recommends because why the [ __ ] even give him the time of day but tony promotes this [ __ ] he is actively promoting it in his seminars for over 20 years i've helped tens of thousands of people recover and heal from illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis fibromyalgia chronic fatigue syndrome lyme disease and so much more it's the way it's meant to be it's the way spirit wanted it to be he allowed him to speak at a paid online event to peddle this [ __ ] to his loving fans and he he made his fans pay for this and you'll see thousands of comments on the social media accounts of all of these doctors praising them for vastly improving their lives constantly providing free social proof marketing for them you might say if the diets don't work why do people praise them so much well the diets are all based on what is widely perceived as a healthy lifestyle so none of these doctors are telling you to eat 10 kilograms of pure lard every day for a magical weight loss cure they're all telling you to eat your greens the most of them are telling you to at least cut down on meat and dairy they're all telling you to regularly exercise but this is packaged up and sold to people as a special formula and then within the formula comes a set of strict restrictive diet rules that you must live your life by but aren't practical in the long run my prediction is that people experience the short term health kick when they first start on these diets but in the long run they just fall back into their old ways because the restrictions are simply not livable but it works because then the people come back and buy more of your products in my experience changing one small habit you have at a time is the best way to make long-lasting changes in your life not dropping huge food groups out of your diet all at once but tony has been chipping away at his customers trust in the health industry throughout his entire career either legitimately believing in the gospel of these quacks or just following money and you know which side i think tony probably falls down on inside a cavernous room at the convention center on sunday several thousand people listen to joseph mclendon iii mr robbins top coach tell the crowd that pharmacutical companies do not have your best interests at heart the reality is 80 of prescription drugs do nothing to change the disease itself there's an element of truth in there but these doctors selling you these fad diets are just not the answer and in my opinion they're all just extremely harmful and are only after your money and what catapults the fad diet industry even further is the fact that people want to listen to all of these doctors for all the same reasons one losing weight or any health goal you have is hard number two most people can't afford a personal chef trainer or dietitian number three people want a simple and quick solution mapped out for them this is why the books are always called 14 day fat loss or 10 day detox diet number four they're engaging to listen to they're always good salespeople and excellent speakers they come across well on camera probably more so than your actual doctor who was trying to tell you peer-reviewed learned truth that they went through several years of medical school for but he can't get through to you because he's boring as [ __ ] and these reasons align with the reasons that people want to listen to the exciting and engaging tony robbins even though as i explained in the first half of this video his teachings are contradictory outdated and most of all downright abusive and i think what i've shown here is that tony doesn't truly care about the health of his followers he merely sells it off to the highest bidder and he ends up touting conflicting advice to his followers making everything difficult to follow to understand and certainly to maintain in the long run so just to list a few glaring contradictions between the diets of these doctors that he peddles today dr gundry loves a good sweet potato but for mark's pagan diet that is a hard no gundry also lists various cheeses one can enjoy in his yes list but for mark any type of dairy is a hard no dr hyman reckons you can enjoy tomatoes aubergines slash eggplants coconut sugar maple syrup and legumes but according to dr gundry these are all full of evil lectins and they'll wreak chemical warfare on your internal organs oh and dr gundry says that courgettes slash zucchinis are full of evil lectins too but but the spirit from above told anthony william that they actually removed debris from the digestive tract i don't know what he means by remove debris but i can only assume this is the debris of the relentless bloodshed on your intestines left by those evil lectins but why do people even believe these doctors even though a lot of the time they're just completely contradicting everything taught to us by conventional medicine i think it's because there's a somewhat plausible conspiracy subtly pedaled behind all of it and that's that the pharmaceutical companies want to keep you unhealthy because it makes them more money uh so to speak the wizard of oz who's behind the curtain uh is uh from my own research are three major pharmaceutical companies check out maybe some websites like a guy by the name of jones who uh also writes a lot of information on imp is his his website's like info info wars but isn't this argument completely cancelled out by the fact that these doctors are also trying to make money and they're making a lot of it so who to believe well personally i think that keeping a huge global secret about diet and healthcare under wraps something with so many moving parts and different private companies involved that it would have to involve the silence of thousands if not millions of people to keep quiet would be even more difficult to maintain than one of these ridiculous diets so i'm sorry but i'm a little bit more likely to believe that quite simply a healthy diet and exercise is is probably the answer so how about you just try advising that tony or have you not got enough money yet you want you know when you call it we don't you no in fact when tony holds his most expensive 10 grand seminars at his fiji resort and in various other countries they offer colonic irrigation as an extra it's not even included in the price tag and for what i'm sure tony has some [ __ ] sales pitch behind it but there's absolutely no scientifically backed health benefits to colonic irrigations they're pointless and incredibly uncomfortable but did you think this is where the dodgy health [ __ ] ends aren't you naive no [Music] as a speaker i'm often on stage for 12 hours or more a day almost seven years ago dr herb ross found that the extreme low frequency waves emf emitted by my wireless headset were creating a physical weakness in my body when i began utilizing q-link i noticed an immediate recovery in my muscle strength and counteracting the negative effects from the headset's low frequency waves scientific research has shown that the q-link makes a significant difference in reducing the impact of these harmful low frequency waves i have certainly benefited from the q links sorry about that accent yep so the q link is supposed to neutralize the harmful stress effects of electromagnetic fields from computers mobile phones and other electronic devices so these little devices would hang around your neck and protect you from these evil frequencies you know those those frequencies that come from your big mac as well yeah yeah those ones tony to this day sells these little pendants at his seminars which have a circuit board in them which is not connected to anything it has eight copper pads that are not connected to anything it also has a zero ohm resistor that is not connected to anything and it has absolutely not been proven to protect you against anything by science i'm not saying it's a scam but i'm just saying an almost identical product the q-ray bracelet was ordered by the ftc to forfeit all of their products and refund their customers at a cost of 87 million dollars when they were found to be falsely advertising the products benefits and they also cost around a hundred dollars each which is apparently around a 650 markup i'm in the wrong industry guys on a related note don't forget to visit my teespring store folks if you'd like to support the channel we have t-shirts hoodies and leggings which actually uh have a special technology built into them that makes you immune to ligma and the more you buy the more protection that you get and on top of that it makes you immune to acidic diets lectins medicine from doctors vaccines and big pharma some say that it actually has the same benefits as adrenochrome and most of all it provides immunity from tony robbins big horrible face disclaimer all of that may have been a lie oh you you thought that was the end of the dodgy health advice i'm sorry i'm sorry so i don't know if you noticed but last year we had a bit of a global health issue thrust upon us at a rather short notice and tony ever the responsible influencer to his vast audience decided to post a whole series containing the facts surrounding the virus and the prevention of its spread we all know we're living in extraordinarily intense times the most intense most of us have experienced at least in our adult lives the challenge that we're experiencing today are as intense as we've ever seen and the challenge is not only people are dying but people are dying alone now a lot of this was just feel good motivational content designed to keep spirits up during this trying time and tony's channel is actually filled up with a lot of fluff content like this just with a tony voiceover and stock footage of beautiful families running through fields of wheat hand in hand i thought this particular video here was a little bit worrying the message in it is rather veiled and it's sometimes contradictory but he's essentially saying that we should not be living in fear i mean think about it basic things you do every day how do you drive down a highway with nothing but a painted yellow line dividing you from crazy people in cars some are not going to be paying attention they're texting some might actually be falling asleep and yet we still drive because as you all know car crashes are contagious he seems to be saying that the people staying inside are living in fear not you know doing it out of compassion for others in the health care system then he drops this little nugget that we're suppressing our immune systems by staying inside out of fear those who constantly learn worst case scenario often will say but i'm just doing it to protect people no you're taking people down first of all the worst case scenario almost never happens and second of all when you constantly focus on it it affects you it affects the people around you it suppresses people's minds their emotions it can even depress their immune system so you see tony throughout this whole pandemic has been busy pushing a strong anti-lockdown message on his platform now this is obviously very powerful stuff for tony's audience and they're very much lapping it up looking at the likes and the comments and all of the videos i mean if you use enough glitzy stock footage and emotive music you can be pretty convincing with any message that you're trying to convey no matter how ridiculous it is so i thought to illustrate my point i went to a website which randomly creates motivational memes using ai and i decided on one of the most absurd sounding sentiments that it came up with and i thought i would make my own little tony-esque video out of them so treat this as my job application for tony's social media team because i'm sure they'd love love to hire me why not so after looking at a few ai generated quotes from inspirobot i felt inspired by first comes the big bang then comes the moment you give up wow what is life what is society what are people animals nature things space what is the universe what's the point of it all existing why isn't there just nothing do you ever think that maybe just maybe nothing should ever have happened perhaps the coliseum should never have been built the pyramids what the hell are they for hospitals schools national parks little why are they there none of this should have happened the minute that first freak mutant sea creature stepped onto green pastures it was already too late something should have been there to kick that [ __ ] back into the sea you see it works doesn't it and i've been on a journey because i care so much and i know you do too i started to immerse myself in every detail i could find on the science of this and as i did i came across um a set of doctors nobel prize winners uh professors of epidemiology some of the most qualified people in the world that we're bringing up new facts that we have today that are very different than we made the decisions to shut down the world economy so it looks very legit doesn't it it looks like tony's done his research and has got his information from real experts doesn't it one of them's even got a nobel prize shall we actually look into this shall we unpack this are you ready to be introduced to more of tony's friends we know he's great at making wonderful insightful friends don't we so first of all tony introduces us to professor michael levitt he's the covet expert with the nobel prize that tony keeps on banging on about they've now found many many asymptomatic cases on the ship they found a much much higher effective infection rate so that was the basic information that made me realize that it wasn't much worse than through the problem with this guy is that he predicted in february that china's deaths would not pass 30 050 with the whole thing being almost all over he also made a prediction in march last year grossly underestimating the italy outbreak then the switzerland outbreak saying it would not pass 250 deaths they're now about 13 000. he also said that the number of covert deaths in israel would not surpass 10 at the time of recording their number is 6 000. then he lied when he got caught out in june he said brazil would plateau at 98 000 deaths they are now at 271 000. he also said that we should send the young on corona cruises then on july the 25th he predicted the us's death rates will not exceed 170 000 and that it would be over within four weeks they're now at 530 000. this man's twitter account is a comedy feed of this did not age well tweets and he just keeps on [ __ ] going and this man's nobel prize is for the development of multi-scale models for a complex medical systems which is not epidemiology and has barely anything to do with epidemiology yet tony introduces him as an expert in this field in my opinion levitt is a man who got himself a nobel prize and now uses that title to market himself as an expert speaker on any subject that he fancies and people listen to him because he has a nobel prize he hasn't published the methods behind his predictions or had any of his findings peer reviewed to evaluate the veracity in fact what he's done is just booked himself media interview after media interview after media interview positioning himself as the sciency guy with the nobel prize who has a different opinion to all the other scientists so that people will book him to speak for a balanced view a quote from levitt after winning his nobel prize it is not easy when people start listening to all the nonsense you talk suddenly there are many more opportunities and enticements than one can ever manage tony it's not too late to delete these videos off youtube shall we move on to the next one of tony's friends now this man is an actual epidemiologist well done tony but he is an epidemiologist with the opinion that lockdowns are unnecessary which is fair enough but again this is an expert who he has invited to speak simply because he was pre-disposed to back up tony's existing opinions so dr preston argues in agreement with tony that we should not be shutting down the economy for the virus which is according to him no worse than the flu and covert 19 has killed more people in the u.s than influenza has in the last five years so i would argue that he got this wrong and then we have dr eran ben david not an epidemiologist but a professor of medicine who specializes in the population health sciences and infectious diseases at stanford okay fair enough sounds impressive dr ben david concentrates on the death rate in particular saying that it's tenfold lower than we think because many more people have already had the virus than we think so dr ben david actually developed and carried out an actual antibody study in the santa clara area to prove this which he tells tony about in this video other anti-lockdown campaigners jumped onto his findings and published them online sounds pretty convincing right it turns out ben david's little study was funded by david nealman the founder of a [ __ ] airline it's also been completely torn apart by this statistician on twitter and other experts have come out saying it's extremely biased wholly inconsistent with more verifiable results this guy doesn't seem to spout any extreme views but he's still anti-locked down for the under 70s and he says that you can re-enter society safely as long as you boost your immunity and you can do that by purchasing his book which is helpfully positioned behind him also featured we had doctors dan erickson and artem masihi they own an emergency medicine practice together and they conducted their own little study in their business with five thousand of their patients as their sample and found that six percent of them had covered therefore they were saying that cases are higher than we think and therefore death's calls are lower than we think again they compared it to the flu their video explaining their finding was taken down by youtube for breaking their rules on spreading misinformation so senator scott jensen is also a physician but has no qualifications in epidemiology or anything to do with it he released a video on social media saying that doctors have been asked to report deaths as covid related even if they weren't and also he said that kovid was no worse than the flu he ended up being investigated by the medical board for his comments he is also by far the most fear-mongering person in this video if we're going to use contact tracing what does that look like does that look like voluntary use of our form or is it going to be involuntary are there going to be drones that swoop and watch us yes you heard that right he made the step or should i say gargantuan leap from test and trace to drones swooping down and spying on you but sure let's not live in fear are we not just exposing your followers to a different type of fear now so tony forever counting himself as the man who only does this work because he cares and i've been on a journey because i care so much again has been pushing a harmful agenda to his followers which could have even led to deaths and you can say that i'm wrong about coronavirus that's fine but i'm really trying to show you that there's a whole other side of facts and science to this that tony is not presenting because he's only interested in furthering his own preconceived ideas this was the information that people wanted to hear so it was the kind of information that spread rapidly especially at the beginning of the pandemic when these videos were released there are plenty of epidemiologists and doctors who support the cdc numbers and the social distancing measures he's giving people the information that they're hungry for but doesn't help in the long run which is exactly what he does in his live shows with his curing people in minutes interventions all of these experts also seem to be glossing over the fact that more people with covert end up being hospitalized than people with the flu even if they don't die so if we have everyone in the hospital at once and health care resources are depleted then more people will die as a result but they just i don't have my lip gloss with me but they completely gloss over that tony even comes up with his own little numbers so he could be a part of the sciency conversation with his clever sciencey friends if you look at the top five countries you can see the deaths for a hundred thousand and see what they are but you gotta adjust for population these are the four countries that did not shut down and they did not legally require any social distancing many people are talking about sweden because there's 10 million people in sweden and there's only 2 900 deaths japan is mind-boggling you know all four countries by the way did not have a major breakout the ones that didn't practice what we've been taught japan is 127 so seven million people they've reported 558 deaths in total it's the slowest progression in the world they didn't put their cities on lockdown in fact they the people in sweden are saying we're almost to herd immunity because we didn't shut down you're not going to make me get my green screen out of you tony so let's take sweden for example at the time whoa at the time of this video's upload sweden did have a pretty low death rate despite not imposing a lockdown however this didn't work for very long at the time of writing it's 128. it's also not really as simple as this country did a lockdown this one didn't in japan in thailand they didn't have to impose strict lockdowns because culturally the people in those countries followed the social distancing recommendations without having to make them law i'm not sure if you noticed tony but the usa imposed lockdown rules pretty early on but not everyone was so keen on following the rules there were they or in the uk for that matter we're a different breed of idiot here so the data is just not that simple there's also data available that looks at all countries that impose lockdowns as aggregate data and there is a clear exponential downfall in infections in total across all of them so you're just wrong tony stop cherry-picking your data and stop cherry-picking your experts oh and hey tony it's not too late to delete this [ __ ] video along with this one where senator scott jensen who's literally just a physician claims that wearing masks is pointless a surgical mask or a cloth mask are really designed only for particulate matter greater than five microns but this idea of people thinking that they're doing something particularly useful with a cotton mask or a handkerchief or a homemade mask or a surgical mask is just looney tunes okay had to go and get my lip gloss completely glossing over the fact that the virus particles normally pass to other people within tiny droplets of your spit then tony uploaded a video featuring a cute little girl who had helped out her community by making homemade masks for people and i thought i could help out by sewing masks and i wanted to help as much as i can but doesn't she realize that masks are pointless stupid child you're a sheep to the mainstream media's lies little girl [Music] and i'm not saying that people with different opinions shouldn't be a part of the overall conversation i absolutely think that they should but choose people who know what they're talking about not people with fancy titles who pretend to be experts in this field and are constantly proven wrong and if you are touting this information to your audience as facts and science tony don't only choose the few experts who already have the same [ __ ] opinion that you do that's not presenting your followers with the facts thus presenting your followers with your own opinion backed up by fancy sounding people with letters after their names and tony describes them as some of the most qualified people in the world i came across um a set of doctors nobel prize winners uh professors of epidemiology some of the most qualified people in the world that were bringing up new facts yes qualified to be your yes man tony that's like me uploading a video saying that there's a secret to losing weight and that's eating babies and i present you this hypothesis as the unequivocal science-based facts that the mainstream media is not telling you because the diet industry wants you to live in fear so i'm inviting on dr ivani baby's phd owner of and the ceo of a company that manufactures parts for baby factories to give you the complete unbiased facts about eating babies for weight loss and that's not to mention tony you've got a hugely vested interest in this anti-lock down science because your main source of income is the upselling you do in person at your huge [ __ ] conferences which involve having up to 10 000 people in a room at a time hugging and massaging each other and shouting in each other's faces i see you tony you've been caught in 4k well 144p is this two thousand and [ __ ] nine you're crying like a little baby to all your little fancy scientist friends to make yourself feel better because you made a few million less than you did the previous year oh poor tony crimea [ __ ] river tony go back to your little island resort in fiji and have your staff sing you a little song and wipe your tears away with palm tree leaves while they call you big boss they call me barcelo debbie costa was a top salesperson who worked for tony and had been with the company for 18 years at the time she had generated millions in sales for tony and earned herself a hefty commission of 250 000 per year in her job so one day last year she caught covid and was told that she would have to take disability leave tony decided that this was the perfect opportunity to tell an anecdote on his podcast about kovid to push his little agenda because now he knew someone who had it a member of my staff and one of my staff members called and said this person this lady has gone to the hospital she had 102 temperature she had a cough she was watching television so she got very scared and so she went to the hospital and then out of fear she felt short of breath and hyperventilating a little bit so they immediately put her on a ventilator i called to find out she doing and they said well they put her in a coma and i said what do you mean they put her in a coma i wanted to speak to the doctor of course would not speak to me so i called dr robert ferrari he knows people at the hospital there and i said i know you know this research the pressure from these ventilators is actually doing damage to the lungs and so i asked him if he would call and interact and said the longer she stays on the ventilator the more likely she dies is the research we're not taking off the ventilator if she doesn't wake up in three weeks we'll declare her dead and the daughter went crazy said you put her in the coma she came in with a cough and a fever and short of breath but the research is now showing a very different component there long story short dr rory spoke to the physician he would not make a change he then called the night physician who he happened to unfortunately know he gave him the data and he reduced the pressure and as a result four or five days later she opened her eyes which we're so grateful for and she's still in the hospital but she's healing debbie actually found out while in hospital for kovid that she also had lung cancer robin's research international told debbie that she would have to return to work in six weeks or risk losing her job and her health insurance debbie requested supplies to work from home and requested to reduce her hours after she returned and this was refused even though she was a salesperson who could easily perform her job part-time and was earning only commission this was refused debbie repeatedly asked rri if she could use her unpaid leave time in order to have surgery rri staff were directed to ignore her requests so debbie repeatedly asked rri if she could use her unpaid leave time in order to have surgery and then the staff were directed to ignore her requests and they told her either to return to work or accept severance pay so debbie has put all of this into a lawsuit against rri as soon as she got her lawyers involved she says that they stopped threatening her to return to work at the start of the pandemic the lawsuit claims mr robbins downplayed the severity of the coronavirus and pushed his team to continue selling in-person events ms koster claimed that she voiced concerns about this approach but was ignored and while all of this was going on tony himself was using her story to push his own agenda about kovid on his podcast she said she was ashamed because she felt that he had described her as a hysterical female a weakling she also said that tony and sage obtained her story by contacting her distraught teenage daughter in order to pry information from her the lawsuit is still ongoing so what's next on the menu today it only gets worse tony isn't a stranger to teaching people about wealth and how to get more of it so tony likes to pitch these additional sort of top level seminars during his main seminars upw and dwd so the ultimate holy grail for tony's salespeople to get the most commission is mastery university the ultimate seminar made up of date with destiny wealth mastery and life mastery all next to each other in one non-stop barrage of positivity i put together a program here it's a really really beautiful location extraordinary it's your one chance to do it and let's get you in there because if you do this has the same ratings as date with destiny and higher ratings than unleash the power within life and wealth it's about taking control of your body your emotions your relationships your finances and your life and if you like to do that in a place that's beautifully magnificent and you want to give yourself that chance to give yourself the gift that you originally intended now's the time and it costs from what i can gather from around the internet about ten thousand pounds i can't give the exact price for you because you have to get on a phone call with one of the sales people to even find out how much you will be charged my guess is it's the commission-based salesperson's job to try and get you to pay as much as you possibly will for the course it's generally only upsell to people who have already been to unleash the power within or date with destiny and guess what my friends tony doesn't even turn up to these top level mastery events he opts for playing pre-recorded videos of himself there instead and he does not make this clear when he pitches it multiple times at upw and dwd and you know why in my opinion because the motherfucker's already got your money he can't upsell you any further you've invested into his brand more than 99 of his other customers and you've possibly gone into huge amounts of debt for him and he can't even be bothered to turn up for you and you think this man cares another company that tony loves getting involved with success resources so people will pay up to a few thousand to attend these events and what they don't make clear in the marketing of these products is that the guru that you've paid your hard money to see won't show up until the end of a very long eight hour day full of pitch after pitch of get rich quick schemes they chose certain celebrities um these are like the the people you claim to see and then they had these other people there who were just trying to like sell you like get rich quick schemes which i thought was very tacky so tony is indirectly being paid from get rich quick scammers in my opinion and there's always either one token woman on the lineup who a lot of the time seems to be the wife of one of the male speakers or just no women at all probably just because they'd get up there and give you a meda report am i right guys we call it the meadow report it's like oh my goodness i don't have the perfect suitcase to go to india and so i was like oh my gosh we only had about 20 minutes they're very different but that's not it i had a lot of people commenting on my first video saying they were getting tony robbins ads mostly with tony and a lovely man called dean graziosi when i first met dean probably about 12 years ago i just got to know his heart and his soul as like felt like my brother so dean along with tony jumped on the infomercial train back in the 80s and 90s selling real estate investment courses promising to be able to make people abundant very sharpishly using real estate dean graziosi went from forty thousand dollars in debt no college education and no money to being a multi-millionaire and living life on his terms using his expertise in making money with real estate dean has laid out these same simple steps in the think a little different real estate system for anyone to follow the same old [ __ ] there was a free seminar which was a sales pitch for a paid course which turns out to be a rip-off and the course probably taught people how to do lease option agreements nothing original the ftc ended up investigating the company behind all of these tv real estate investors and they apparently managed to build customers out of more than 400 million dollars even his wikipedia page has been deleted because apparently it was written by a dubious editor for a well-known ponzi scheme operator who is a self-proclaimed real estate expert when in reality is a search engine optimization expert who creates numerous self-boasting sites designed to capture the words fraud and scam when searched in tandem with his name to mask the possibility of discovering factual information concerning the real nature of his underhanded void room operations i mean it doesn't work that well though because at least when i googled him i found literally hundreds and hundreds of people calling his entire operation a scam or complained of being duped out of thousands of dollars for worthless courses just looking at the website and the ads for this course it's set up using click funnels of course and like every other scammy course on the internet that promises you millions of millions and financial freedom it preys on the vulnerable the people who feel like they have no direction in life i signed up for the mailing list and the course is clearly not targeting business savvy people it's targeting vulnerable naive people who will be impressed by a picture of dean and tony holding up a piece of blank paper with the words see you any minute name superimposed on top wow very personal guys i'll make sure to attend that webinar right now that two-hour live webinar that happens to restart every 15 minutes and is full of people who were also definitely really also definitely there but hey that's just another one of tony's close friends for you one of the people who holds the same values as him because he really cares about you guys he really does care he doesn't he doesn't care about the money at all it's all about helping people oh yeah and that's not to mention tony endorses mlms of course he's spoken at network marketing events and being the business and finance savvy guy that he wants you to think he is he must know how full of [ __ ] he is what's beautiful about network marketing is you get all the benefits of being an owner but you don't have to be worrying about supply chain you have to be worried about accounting especially in the world we're in today oh and that's not to mention the time tony got sued by multiple people for trying to start his own mlm well kinda basically tony convinced people that they could make up to 250 000 per year if they started up a franchise under his company to sell seminars which essentially consisted of just cinema screenings of tony's videos unsurprisingly seeing as most of his customers already had him on either vhs or cassette tape in those days there wasn't much of an incentive to pay to watch that same tape on a big screen so it didn't go great the victims of this alleged scam orchestrated by tony's company paid between five thousand and ninety thousand dollars for the franchise rights to sell these seminars then these franchisees were encouraged to recruit other franchisees under them like a downline and collect commissions through them after complaints the ftc ended up investigating tony and found that few if any franchisees earned the seventy five thousand to three hundred thousand dollars per year that he had promised and when they failed of course they were told that it was just their own fault they weren't working hard enough so the ftc decided that tony's company had violated franchise rule and they ended up paying 220 000 in redress and settled without admitting wrongdoing in the official complaint the franchisees accused tony of making them participate in motivational sessions in which mr robbins hypnotized them and used other techniques in an effort to gain their trust okay tony first of all you should have registered your business in either utah or delaware then when the people file lawsuits against your company the corporation laws in those states will mean that you will most likely win secondly don't allow them to set up as franchisees because then you have to adhere to franchisee laws just tell them they're self-employed and or boss babes oh tony come to me for business advice on how to start a pyramid scheme next time okay all right [Music] so this scene in i am not your guru shows some of tony's staff members and volunteers going through what they call red flags which are people attending the event who they believe to be extremely vulnerable due to traumatic experiences and for that reason they may need extra support mother was murdered by stepfather one of the children was forced by an adult to abuse his sister they were held hostage for three days in a terrorist attack what i would suggest we might focus on is the impact that we're going to be able to make the events are really irrelevant so the staff and the volunteers are being told that they don't have the time to truly work through these people's issues so they will have to focus on the impact that they're able to make so they're told that the actual events are going to have to be irrelevant which is exactly the issue with these types of events these vulnerable people who have gone through terrible ordeals are relentlessly sold to by tony's commission-based salespeople to drop thousands on these events rather than on specialist therapy so instead of that they're all in a room with one man who is only concerned about how the therapy looks to the rest of the crowd and as long as the crowd is impressed in that moment it truly doesn't matter whether the person in question actually benefits long term and to be honest it probably works out better for tony's profits if they don't during the interventions i watched for part one i saw that many of them had mentioned that they'd actually previously been to tony's event now carol i look at your face and i finally [ __ ] figured out i know you from years ago you lost a child didn't you um i went to upw in october last year um and life was um changed quite dramatically for us upon my return as far as an intimate relationship was concerned and i must admit life was a lot rosier at that time which just proves that tony sales people really push for the repeat sales on the same people time and time again and this lady who stood up and told everyone that she was suicidal you guys talk about this at all we never talk about anything does he know you're depressed yes yes do you tell him that that you're depressed um i didn't tell him that one of your people taught him that is he here no one of my people i have people now who are my people one of the people that rang me after used to double you oh i see so one of those people told him that you're depressed does he know you're suicidal yes they told me she didn't even tell her own husband that she was suicidal tony's salespeople who were trying to get her to drop thousands on another event told her husband that she was suicidal and i can only assume without her consent so tony's seminar customers are each assigned with someone that they call a personal results specialist i found a job ad for one of these positions and a few of the requirements were as follows the outcome of our personal results specialists is to enroll our clients in having tony robbins live event immersion experiences and to continue their journey with additional coaching and product offerings this isn't a role to dabble in no side gigs must be a top performer with high conversion has proven sales performance metrics and understands how to cross sell upsell and down sell as it best serves the client and the company but also must consistently meet and exceed agreed upon sales outcomes so do you really think anyone's down selling in that environment at the customer's best interests especially if they're living on their commission because they aren't allowed any side gigs so the industry heavily relies on repeat custom and many of these books events and courses are not there primarily to help i'm not saying all but many are just there to get you addicted addicted to the dopamine hit that you get when you've finished reading the book or just left the last day of the seminar and you feel like you can conquer the world they don't design it so that that feeling lasts they design it so that you'll want to come back and then when you feel like it's worn off or you're convinced that you have further issues that you need to work through by their salespeople in their marketing then you come back and you buy more products first i got bombarded on the phone by a lady telling me how i must attend masters university or else i'm throwing my life away then i get her yelling and guilting me into it i'm making out that i don't care enough about my future to spend five thousand dollars for a few days despite telling her i can't afford it i honestly can't unemployed and in a lot of debt at the moment she still tells me to find the money one way or another here's my email i have been looking at strategies to get the money for masters university sadly at the moment my only option apart from robbing a bank or mugging some poor old lady is to get some work and pay for it then as nobody wants to lend me money at the moment as i've already borrowed so much are you doing your usual by starting something but not really taking yourself to the finishing line i asked you to take these three days to really look at your options even the ones that you can't see exist right now by continuing to ask yourself how can i make this happen your brain will want to give you an answer but instead you didn't even spend a day creating the possibilities when is now the right time for you to step up i want you to understand mastery university is just a small part of this exercise this is your life but if that is not important enough for you to spend three days exploring options for your life then master university certainly is not for you anyway of course i can't speak for every one of tony's sales people but when you're in an environment where your entire full-time income is based on commission and perhaps you're not having a great month or you've just got to the point where the culture of your workplace that you're in has sunk into you and you've started to think that the exploitation is okay i can see how that could happen quite easily at the seminar they are repeatedly and consistently sold to and i've read posts from multiple people who allege that tony even gets people into a sort of manic state typically at the end of a long 16-hour day and then drops the sales pitch either for the mastery university or another seminar like date with destiny or unleash the power within and i've seen multiple posts from people complaining that tony will rile people up into a sort of trance state when they're exhausted at the end of a 16-hour day of dancing and whooping and high-fiving even to the point that some people will say that he practices full-on mind control to get the people in the crowd to make spontaneous large purchases for further programs and who else does exactly this every get rich quick scam seminar i've ever come across and don't think you're allowed to just sit there and not join in tony's coaches will severely chastise you for not yelling and jumping and clapping but it's not healthy to be deprived of sleep and to be whipped up into a manic state every hour or so especially if you're psychologically vulnerable and this goes to show with the multiple instances i've come across of people having breakdowns and spiraling into full psychosis after one of his events from buzzfeed's expose of tony alexander shotkey a former volunteer who said he staffed and attended robin's events for over 14 years claimed that he regularly saw participants having breakdowns staff were asked to shadow some participants who became so disturbed who believed that they could fly to make sure that they didn't jump out of any windows he said and another story about a woman who suffered a breakdown a seminar she began hyperventilating and vomiting in the bathroom she said and sat outside the auditorium sobbing and trying to calm herself down robin's staffers came over to her but remy said that instead of offering help they pressured her to re-enter the event telling her that she was missing the real impact of his words another former follower who asked to be identified as nick said he began to have a panic attack at a seminar he attended in 2005 after a group exercise set off his social anxiety nick who said he had been given the psychiatric diagnosis of a schizoaffective disorder said robin's trainers began pushing him around repeatedly telling him to man up until he got mad and pushed back another former fan who asked to be identified only as stuart he said he attended an event in 2003 at which members of the crowd were branded winners and losers based on whether or not they could afford a ticket to robin's next event the winners were told to scream humiliate and verbally mock those who couldn't afford to pay buzzfeed also reported on some leaked emails from a customer in the email the customer who had flown to america with his wife from bangkok to attend dwd complains that he became very worried about his wife who had been deprived of sleep and she had collapsed on the fifth day at 5 p.m the fifth 16 hour day she then explains that she began hallucinating even though previous to this she had suffered from no mental issues at all he then says one of tony's trainers told him that he had been working a date with destiny vents for 20 years and this was a common occurrence she ended up being taken to the emergency ward where she began thinking that the light bulb in the room was the moon she thought that the clock was going backwards and she thought that the doctor was tony robbins the recovery process took six months and they both ended up having to take extended leave from work losing thousands in income the couple during this time received no support whatsoever from tony's team tony's medical team didn't even save the records of the collapse at the event so afterwards no one was even aware that it happened in fact they even called the man to try and schedule the ten thousand dollar life mastery event for them in fiji he ended up having to contact tony's team to beg them just for a refund for date with destiny an ex-staff member gary king who came forward to buzzfeed to talk about his experience with tony's company said in an internal email i can tell you that this type of situation happens at almost all date with destiny events and has done for many years and this is usually more than one individual there is always a medical form filed as far as i know there is never any follow-up we have had as many as 19 ambulances on day 5 with sleep deprivation symptoms it is horrific at best and sometimes not recoverable skipping meal breaks extreme late nights freezing cold rooms is a recipe that sometimes goes wrong i suppose an appropriate question we could ask for the conclusion of this video could be is tony robbins causing a net positive effect on the population as a whole most of the people who are familiar with tony's work only seem to scratch the surface perhaps they only read one book and get inspired or maybe they stick on one of tony's videos to pump themselves up in the morning which is great there's no issue with that and just to reiterate this is my opinion but from all the evidence i've gathered anything deeper than the the daily affirmation stuff is just extremely toxic his seminars are a showcase of his narcissism misogyny and downright abuse three women's purses are five guys wallets so if you want to understand your woman your wife or the man everything in our worlds about how to be convenient quick and easy then you got the hair flipping [ __ ] won't work with me either i'm not that kind of guy punctuated by quackery from underqualified doctors who want your money for their dodgy unhealthy diet plans yet he's got away with it for four decades because he's built an empire filled with yes men and women who hang off his every word staff volunteers and customers alike his toxic masculinity also works because he appeals to the kind of man who believes that he should be what would be seen as typically masculine and therefore would perhaps not admit that he needs to go to therapy having tony robbins coach you instead sounds a lot more acceptable to some people there's a very good reason that scientifically approved therapy has a list of ethical principles and tony's breaching pretty much all of them i know that tony is not a licensed therapist or counselor and perhaps that's why some people go to him but you have to give some weight to these guidelines because they've been agreed upon by peer-reviewed studies and scientifically by thousands of people who have worked in this field for decades and they're aggregating data from evidence supported by widespread studies and tony's work constantly crosses into therapy territory and goes completely unchecked and i always hear people argue oh but tony has helped thousands of people well i think tony is just a master of marketing no not all forms of scientifically researched and peer-reviewed therapy are going to help everyone forms of therapy that have been labeled pseudoscience by other mental health professionals are still going to work on some people there's no black and white and tony robbins teachings probably do work on some people because they involve aspects of widely used psychotherapy techniques but for many i don't think his techniques last much longer than the feel good hype situation in the room most psychotherapy involves multiple one-on-one sessions for the client to be able to make progress especially if that person is for example suicidal but does he care you're way more profitable to him unhappy and discontent as long as the crowds were impressed in the moment your long-term goals are of no interest to him yet it's a perfect system because the client is not going to say it didn't work after spending five thousand dollars on a ticket to see their hero in getting to speak to their hero one-on-one no one's going to come home and say well actually that didn't really help in the long run people may feel like they've been helped but they've just been hyped up from speaking to their hero in a room full of other people who also see him as their hero tony is their guru despite what he wants you to think did you burn your feet during a firewalk and end up hospitalized it was your fault you weren't thinking hard enough it was nothing to do with the fact that the organizers didn't let enough of a layer of the ash form on the top of the coals to act as an insulator so that the coals would not burn your feet no it's because you didn't chant cool wet moss enough times and you were taking too many selfies instead of concentrating on your mindset plus you signed a waiver anyway so you can't sue us what the most successful gurus understand better than the rest of us is that life is inherently uncertain and that that is completely terrifying to cope with this reality we humans construct myths belief systems and societal self-soothing mechanisms to make ourselves feel secure publicly calling on us to look in the mirror taps into this powerful dynamic it tells us along with everyone watching that life's trials aren't simply the result of chance ironically it gives us hope that all it takes to make our dreams come true is to change the way we are as such it isn't long before our sense of reality and self-worth depends on these truth-tellers licensed professionals who treat mental health issues must undergo extensive training and follow strict ethical guidelines governing their relations with their clients self-help coaching requires no such qualifications or standards but it creates a potent recipe for the abuse of power setting its leading lights up as godlike figures with answers to life's most painful questions and placing the supplicants who seek their wisdom in their thrall and you might ask well as long as these people think that they've been helped by tony he's not causing any harm is he well i think that's debatable and a debate that needs to be had people need to think about these things critically is it ethical for a man to become a multi-millionaire by making people believe when they're lost and in despair that he is their last hope to the point that they sell all of their furniture to pay their last five thousand dollars to meet this man do you know that she sold everything she had to come to this event she sold her furniture to this event it's crazy that's to me the wildest thing in the world she was like at her end is it ethical once that person who has already dropped five thousand dollars on a seminar to be subjected to a 16-hour day six days in a row full of different speakers and activities all the time whooping seeing i in agreeance with tony being emotionally drained conditioned to believe tony is a guru to the point where they're upsold another seminar costing thousands of dollars at the end of the day when they're at the most vulnerable i would say no that's not ethical sir don't don't you think it's wrong to brainwash someone people with mental health problems are the most vulnerable in society and they deserve our protection and i don't think that that is coming from tony robbins anyway time to lighten the mood a bit and end this on a bit of a bit of a diss track don't you think thanks for watching guys and i'll see you next time subscribe for more we gotta know which berries to pick that you can eat which ones will kill you so here's what women do gentlemen and this is the part you don't understand they come and they start talking and they're giving you what they learned out there in the meadow they call it the meadow report and they tell you every detail you could possibly never want to know in your lifetime times pen my bars are the acid to your alkaline my stabs are sharper than a porcupine my disc got more chemical warfare than left a woman with an opinion ain't what you were expecting how many megahertz is the energy of my right it's scientific prolific peer-reviewed no cat you don't need to coach me so i reach my goals my rhymes burn harder than your feet on hot coal how's this for a [ __ ] limiting thought [ __ ] i'll make ending your career in esports i won't stop till you got your day caught till you're about as relevant as a genital war what's wrong you're not used to a woman who's outspoken i'll flip my head back and i'll rip you open i know you can't cure cancer by eating spinach oh did i stood up then cured me in eight minutes is this mask is getting heavy i don't know what to do with all this masculine energy my voice is getting lower and my picture i'm getting larry my boss we must live like hunters and gather us primates better please my man before the external stuff deteriorates on me now i miss congeniality i'm a giddy little girl without a discerning personality homophobia of misogynists a mystery must be something wrong change my personal history there's only one emotion that you anchor in me and it's the same one that i feel when i see garyvee every time you see a woman you must be irritated shoot some water up your ass get irrigated baby and ride me like a pony [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is how many of you actually enjoyed hearing that metal report let me see if you haven't say aye marianne reisner bluffy julie klein prime505 william henry james dunn megan neil knit copper lips nicked pop knit apocalypse christine krumer megan woodbury stacey looney angie grace noah rubenstein colleen mccusker adam elder stealth fox brent c alunid rose kelly walker [Music] my friend victoria nick gray jessie of earth michelle collins hank who brave lincoln alex jessica hadland [Music] alex victoria nancy kowito and [Music] thank you sign up for the patreon i'm gonna stick up some bts from the music video shoot and some other stuff as well alright thank you bye
Channel: münecat
Views: 65,158
Rating: 4.9368763 out of 5
Id: J1zm9GU70Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 3sec (5763 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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