After This You'll Change How You Do Everything! - Tony Robbins

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"As great as it is to achieve, it's more important to enjoy." Ahhh I love that!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/danileej 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
in people's lives there's only maybe a half dozen seven eight categories that really matter most people you know they major in minor things they focus on stuff that doesn't matter they know more about this celebrity going in and out of rehab than they do about their own personal development but I look at say if you look at your body without that everything else is out the door you don't want to be richest man in the graveyard that's not gonna do it if there is energy if there's vitality of their strength it's gonna show up in your relationship it's gonna show up in your business show up in your life that's it if you got a master he can't dabble it's too important emotions are everything I mean you got a ton of money you got everybody loves you and your primary emotions are pissed off and frustrated then your life's pissed off and frustrated as a matter if you've got a billion dollars or a million people loving you your life is my great relationships intimate relationships especially it's where the most juice and life comes from is for the most pain comes to most people it's worth mastering instead of dabbling you know really looking at what are you gonna do with your time and master your time instead of having a checklist you cross on all off you can mistake movement for achievement I want to squeeze out that time what matters that creates value for me and for everyone I care about love what about your career or your business and the mastery of that but a dabbling most most businesses are dabblers that's why they don't make it 96% you know any ten-year period of times 4% naked that doesn't mean they're profitable and it does not mean they're enjoying themselves all right or they're getting anybody else to feel good really mastering money so that it's it's not a questionnaire lies you can do and be and give and share as much as you want you're not stressed about your living place of minutes and then spiritually really I think I don't tell people to believe spiritually but I believe that ultimately whatever you believe you've got to live it and it should lead to growing and giving if you're growing it see otherwise if you're giving you feel ten times more aligned and I think if someone can celebrate and give then that spiritual state so to me those are the years I look at mastering you know business for sure but it's the areas of life that matter most and most of what we spend our time doesn't make people feel fulfilled that's why the average person is not fit and healthy the average person is not in a relationship where they have tremendous passion dummy I'm not a positive thinker I know the truth the average person is not successful with this the obverse is not earning what they want but you know what very few people have those things but a few do a few are happy fulfilled spiritually alive financially strong their business is growing they have passionate love affairs and I'm obsessed with finding a few who do and find out what they do different teaching to everybody everyone's gonna measure themselves differently because everyone values things differently some people value success or significance some people value love more some value just basic levels of certainty so when I look at those specific metrics I really look at metrics of what are the things that need to be measured to know if your life is gonna work or not so I look at it as our whole lives are guided moment to moment by the state red learning how to change your state not not fake but to go from pissed-off frustrated freaked out - back in your Center or creative or determined or something that's gonna move you forward it's gonna create a better quality of life for you and others that's a critical skill set so moment to moment unless controlled by our state's yep you know if you're an angry state you're gonna respond differently if you're feeling playful but what controls those states long term as your model the world your world view and I look at that as having as a metric three things that I look at I look to see first what are the targets you're after the target is everybody has that everyone's different goals and dreams and desires but as I travel around the world to 100 countries I started going I should have seen the same problems what's underneath of the embassy that there are these same six human needs that we all have the same needs we all have a need for certainty that we can avoid pain and we can have some pleasures some comfort we all need uncertainty we need variety or we feel dead inside if you're totally certain you're barred if you have total variety or look freak out and it's not a balance it's learning which of these you need more as a person everyone's developed a different set of values better um need of the need for significance to feel unique special rapport they need to feel well the need to grow and they need to contribute some people allow you certainty at the top of the that's their center of their target I don't want to do anything else I know it's gonna work I don't do anything unless it's the same if you change anything they freak out if certainty is the number one thing on your list everyone has the same needs but it's number one I know how your life's gonna be I can predict the direction of your life and therefore the destination to some extent if you're driven by love first you want certain you do that love is higher you're gonna behave very differently than if you're driven by significance I have to be the one so I look to see which of those needs are the top two on your list because they control your life the two that most people have 90% of the planet if you said of all these needs which one do you really focus on most day-to-day everybody wants love what do you focus on most people focus on being significant we live in a Facebook world where people fake their lives put new filters make it look different than it really is tell stories that you know are totally full of it to make himself look good because we live in this kind of false world where significance is more important than love and it separates us and the other one that we see most often is certainty people want to be certain before they can do something you couldn't have started a business like you had if you're absolutely certain before you started you can never build a business with that you can never build a great relationship because if it's based on certain even everybody's got to stay the same to never change because you're never gonna grow which means gonna be miserable so my metrics are I want to find out what's driving you I want to see is it healthy or unhealthy you can have two people be driven by significance though and do it with a different set of rules that's the second piece I measure the beliefs our rules are how to fulfill that target by weight I want to be more clear about something an extraordinary life is life on your terms and there's two parts part woman to have an extraordinary lies is mastering the skill of the science of achievement how do we take what I envision and make it real and how do I do that quicker faster better easier the ability to manifest what you come up with and make it real like you've done with your company yes that's a skill set I spend unbelievable meta time helping people to a faster quicker better showing the shortcuts she's teaching in the strategies modeling what works you can save yourself a decade but I would submit to you that having done this for 38 years with you know 50 million people at this stage I can tell you that the science of achievement there are a lot of people that are damn good at that and they still have an extraordinary lives they have an externally life you see it as extraordinary about I get the phone call from the multi billionaire who tells me wants to do this thing on his business but what he really find out is he's miserable as hell and he's hoping somehow I'm gonna rub off on him on that side tonight and so I give what he asked for the change in his business but I also get what he needs just the change inside of him so the second skill is the artist of saleman if you want extraordinary life you can't just achieve you got to be fulfilled as simplistic as that sounds but it's an art it's not a science it's a science to making money come on any age any color any background any gender if you do these things you'll have an abundance of money you do these things you're gonna have too much month at the end of the money you're gonna financial stress right body everyone's biochemically different be you and I both know there's fundamental rules laws there's a science of the body you violate that science you're gonna have disease you're gonna have low energy you align with that you're gonna have an abundance of energy it's gonna affect everything in your life it's a science a film it's not like that fulfillment is as different as our human things you wanna know God or the universe rikes look at the jungle look at the forest it's diverse right so most people think well I want to get that because they've been modeling somebody else and that might work on how to achieve something it'll never work for what if fulfill you how many people you know like you what you thought you wanted and you weren't fulfilled and that I always tell people successful without fulfilment is the ultimate failure the ultimate failure because if you go out something and you fail and you're an achiever you don't fail you I learned something I'll just try something else I'm gonna still get there but when you succeed and you're not happy so a perfect example this I mentioned in a seminar you are there because it hit me about it what about a year and a month ago we lost what I consider a national treasure Robin Williams and I asked people how many you love Robin woods everybody raised her all around the world right he made people why people are touched by him so how good was he at the science of achievement I mean he want to be a great comedian make the whole world laugh he did he wanted to have his own TV show he did well the number one show he did it he wanted to make movies in it he wasn't have an Academy Award for not being funny dramatic and he did it and said he want a beautiful family he achieved everything and he hung himself and I know recently someone's saying well you know you have dementia he a drug abuse he had alcohol abuse most was life because he made everybody happy but whom himself that's the ultimate failure so if I have no other message to offer your viewers and you let me give it to him right now I'll tell you what I believe I believe our lives are controlled by one force decisions I certainly believe in force greater than myself call God if you will grace whatever you want to call it the universe but I also believe it gives us choices and the decisions we make control us much more than the conditions we meet it's not the conditions at your decisions decisions what to believe decisions what to do there's what to give I say to people think about you know look about 10 years ago five years ago 15 years ago and think of a decision you made but if you would have made a different decision you'd have a totally different life today better worse I don't know but totally different the most important decision you can make above any on the face of the earth is deciding that no matter what happens in your life no matter what happens you're gonna live in a beautiful state the decision to say I am NOT gonna suffer then if suffering arises means one thing sufferings another suffering is when you're like suffering can be worry could be anger can be frustration it's anything that takes you out of a beautiful state and here's what people don't get you can end suffering by stop focusing on yourself and focus on something you want to serve greater than yourself your children your wife your mission your life you can get out of it in an instant because the nature of the human mind is to constantly compare things your mind and your brain is a two-million-year-old device and it is not designed to make you happy it's suicide to make you survive right and that's what it's always looking for it's wrong it has to be what's wrong a saber-toothed tiger so I can protect myself and now people are worried about what people think about them or do they have enough money when two thirds the planet lives on $2 a day and you're making $38,000 you're rich the poorest of the poor in our country are considered rich that's not I'm not saying they should stay that way right but you can only build on success my goal would have you consider something life is short we don't know how it's got a date but if you only had a week to live I bet you would allow yourself to suffer over a little crap that makes you crazy normally I think you would probably spend time with those who loved you would do it you love you take on a sunset you'd smell the air you were taking everything and those final moments and you possibly do so my thing is why wait right right why wait why not just decide then if I start to suffer I know the solution because suffering is me obsessing about me you might say it's not me I'm worried about my kids because they're not doing well no you're worried that you haven't done enough for your kids it's about useful right yes you know you're worried about what was done or what you should have done or what should have done and you can end that in an instant by becoming aware of it and saying I have made the most important decision of all right I'm gonna living to be able to stay because here's what's gonna happen anybody watching you may lose a family member you probably will somebody may get cancer your business may the government might change the rules they might change things radically you can't even do anything about you Michael bankrupt you might get divorced I don't say a little bit now sure no one knows what's gonna really happen in your life life sort of uncertainty but here's what you can know you can decide no matter what happens you could have a great time if somebody like Viktor Frankl can be locked up in Auschwitz and come out of that and experience finding joy in the middle of Auschwitz then human beings have a capacity they've under sold themselves on we think that the outside world determines how we feel it's if people have to behave a certain way if your husband or your wife or your kids or your co-workers or whoever your boss has to behave a certain way for you to be happy and if they don't you're unhappy then you're always gonna be unhappy because the more people around you the more they're gonna change them because they're all human right my invitation is as great as it is to achieve more important to enjoy and if you can enjoy every moment in that state when you're feeling loving and playful and passionate and curious and awe you treat other people hundred times better when you're feeling frustrated pissed off overwhelmed worried stressed or feeling sorry for yourself you're gonna be a better parent you're gonna be a better lover you're gonna be a better business person again a better life so my soliloquy is decide decide today and actually say what if I cut it off what if I said I'm not willing to settle and I'm just gonna live in a beautiful state doesn't mean you won't feel bad and to mean you won't stay there you right instantly change but what the hell is success it's hitting an expectation and I always tell people man trade your expectations for appreciation it's a whole new world and stuff you can appreciate this moment if you can't find ecstasy in this moment in a conversation with a friend and looking in your wife's eyes being with your children going on a run I thought if you can't find XA now I'm here to tell you more money more people more love more business more anything is not gonna give you more action either if you can't do it here now you're not gonna do it there when you got more so what I do it now and and have a rich life right now I tell people money that's one thing like having financial abundance through skills that's a science or wealth it's a it's like you can be wealthy right now I live in Fiji good porcelain time there are these villagers there they're the richest people I know they're happy they laugh they love they don't give a damn about the economics other people say they're poor when I first went there I was trying to do things for them too like what are you talking about I'm so happy wealthy people come over from the United States and they go travel around and try to figure out what to do and they're gonna spend nine months you know years to do this in this myth so they can finally sit down and be happy and then gene guy goes why don't you sit on the beach right now Judas Prince it why spend the nine years why not happen now that's my invitation [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Team Fearless
Views: 5,203,339
Rating: 4.9116983 out of 5
Keywords: motivational, motivational speech, motivational video, motivation, inspirational video, motivational music video, fearless motivational video, tony robbins, tony robbins 6 human needs, tony robbins interview, 6 human needs, needs all humans have, how to live a successful life, how to live a fulfilled life, how to live a happy life, happiness and success, The Mindset of High Achievers, mindset of success, how successful people think, achievement, Change How You Do Everything
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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