Samuel Leeds: The Man who made Millions from a World of Lies (pt.1)

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hello today we're looking at the shady world of property training causes i'm going to introduce you to a guy that's been described as the british grant cardone of property investing and his name is samuel lee if i didn't sell my training programs i'd be disturbing the world we have had a tiny fraction she comes to me and says i want my money back i'm a multi-monkey multi-routine millionaire that is absolutely crazy i'm on my way to be a billionaire i got 1 221 undealt with emails right here and i went down for a voluntary interview at the police station are you tired [Music] so samuel leeds started property investing at age 17 and according to the man himself he was a millionaire by the age of 21. well age 21 had a million pound property portfolio he offers courses teaching people how to become financially free which means earning enough money to cover your living expenses without having to do barely any work just by raking in profits from rent every month and he says this is possible without needing any money to begin with and in fact if you have the knowledge it can be done in seven days hey my name is samuel leeds and in this video i wanted to share how i became financially free in one week samuel teaches people how to achieve this themselves on his youtube channel and also holds courses crash course is a two-day property event it's really high energy and always a lot of fun i love doing them because i get to share all of the knowledge about property that i've learned over the years so samuel's crash course is only one pound and then he has the deal finders extravaganza and other various mid courses for around two and a half thousand pounds and then there's the academy the academy is supposed to be the ultimate hand-holding experience with samuel and his team samuel has been coming under fire recently because people have accused him of selling the courses to people and not delivering absolutely anything that's been promised whatsoever he's also been accused of using his current students to reel in more unsuspecting victims and then leaving them high and dry some of them up to 15 000 pounds in debt even more sometimes and samuel and his team will just flat out refuse to refund anybody who's not happy so samuel leeds limited his company is now being taken to court by dozens and dozens of people so let's take a trip down the rabbit hole have a look at the evidence together and see where we come out come with me down the rabbit hole now i will be the first to admit that i'm not an expert in property investing but to be like some of your leads you don't need to be however after researching this video and speaking to a plethora of people in the property industry i now feel like i've had a university degree in property investing so throughout this video i'm going to be using fax information that's freely available on the internet that you can look up yourself i will stress that this video is is my opinion based on what i found online i'll also invite you to do your own research and form your own opinions i'll reference as many people as i possibly can if you have any questions about anything drop me a comment and i will try and respond to as many people as possible anyway without further ado this is how to be a property guru create a strategy for getting rich or creating passive income in a short space of time with no capital which sounds relatively easy whether it's practical or not doesn't matter as long as it sounds possible to a layman and has perhaps an inkling of truth peddle these strategies on facebook and instagram ads google ads or start a youtube channel so samuel teaches something called no money down deals in the property world so there are effectively four ways that you can make serious money through property starting with nothing now i must stress that in the uk and i'm sure elsewhere too this is very very hard to achieve even with years upon years of experience okay so the ways i'm about to describe to you how you can buy properties without using any of your own money firstly i want to say that i have done all four ways so this is not stuff that i'm talking about this is not theory this is actual practical uh i've been there i've done it the theory of no money down also completely ignores the expensive solicitor fees incurred when doing any kind of property deal but this is one of the main selling points of samuel's courses so first up we have lease option agreements so samuel teaches this as being a no money down deal basically to get property for free this is the idea that you can essentially buy someone's property often by offering to cover the mortgage for a certain amount of years and then paying for any maintenance and then with the option of buying the property off them for a fixed price at the end of the term during that time you can find tenants let the rooms out rake in the profits from the rent and at the end of the term you'll have enough money to buy the property from the landlord in full so during the term you would have benefited from the capital appreciation and the profit from the rent and then once the contract is entered the seller must sell the house when asked this is a very attractive prospect for the average layman who wants a house but can't afford the deposit so you're basically earning money from a house that you don't own so you can eventually buy that house with the profits from it sounds great right this obviously isn't an attractive deal to the seller so some of your teachers that you need to find motivational sellers so this is someone who has their house on the market for sale and rent at the same time and they look at the last sold price to see if they're selling it below market value or perhaps it's about to be repossessed by the bank they just want rid of it i'm sure you'll be surprised to learn that samuel has again glossed over some facts here ah why is the seller so motivated well is the house unmortgageable possibly is it in a terrible area that's impossible to sell properties or let them out quite possibly these options agreements are also very complex many solicitors will not know how to deal with them they might flat out refuse to do them samuel does fail to mention that he's got access to a solicitor he's just in his pocket for some reason my money so obviously for a newbie to do this it's very difficult another glossed over fact is that it is not easy nyan impossible for a newbie to get by to let finance and some other glossed over facts hmos are a higher risk strategy as well as higher reward and are typically the domain of the experienced hands-on landlord who have tenant management skills and are aware of the extra compliance and regulations that hmos involve we don't have any hmos they are a nightmare to look after and they are anything but passive income a lot of them may also end up being lost making councils are starting charge council attacks by the room leaving novice landlords in the beep with an asset they can't operate for a profit then they can't sell but let's not talk about that neg head now the next uh magical money maker here is called deal sourcing go on gumtree type in property for sale and type in an area don't be a [ __ ] and just start calling the sellers direct make a post on facebook telling investors that you've got some really good deals coming up soon get your post as an ad on facebook and start getting loads of eyeballs negotiate a really good price on a property send an email to all your investors with the detailed figures with a 3 000 pounds finders fee and then give them all the details on the property and give them a few days to make up their mind when you have an investor that wants it make them sign terms and conditions and then once they've signed on to send them an invoice for three thousand pounds get paid three thousand six hundred pounds and then tell the investor to instruct their solicitor to contact the seller anybody can be financially free you don't think you don't think that perhaps samuel could be glassing over some facts here as well would you so to be a deal sourcer obviously the property industry is rife with scammers and money launderers so rules are in place so to do this compliantly you need to do it via a limited company a compliant limited company registered with the property ombudsman and the anti-money laundering scheme introducing a buyer to a seller is a highly regulated activity so you shouldn't be doing this kind of work if you are not compliant in all respects including pi insurance gdpr and registering with hmrc for anti-money laundering protocols what does samuel think of gdpr i wonder quick point for sheamus with regards to getting personal details and doing direct mailing to people there are gdpr concerns as well so you need to check that properly before you even attempt to do anything like that i don't know i just didn't know that yeah i don't care yeah i don't care at all so thomas james here points out a few other pitfalls here for newbies today we're going to cover deal sourcing and why it's not always cracked up to be number one it helps having good relationships with landlords lenders and letting agencies they will already have off-market deals and they will come to you with them many newbies will not have this number two estate agents can and will go straight to investors this is easier and cuts out the middleman number three you do not have first-hand experience and as a newbie an investor has absolutely no reason to trust you but let's not talk about that shall we that's negative i'm an egghead [Music] so the next strategy is called rent to rent which includes managing service accommodation apartments such as airbnb listings or renting out other people's hmos hmo stands for house of multiple occupancy which means renting out a house room by room like a student let so you rent out other people's hmos giving landlord a guaranteed rent each month and finding tenants and managing property issues yourself or simply hiring a management company and letting them do that for you but that will take out a chunk of your profits so samuel seems to uh gloss over the glaring flaws in this strategy as well such as why would a landlord rent out a property to you for you to manage it if they're going to make more money just by renting it out themselves one reason that they might is because of the promise of a guaranteed rent i.e whether the house gets tenants or not the landlord still gets paid without having to do any work so what happens to you or if the management company can't fill some of the rooms in the hmo well it still falls on you to pay the landlord rent so this passive money-making opportunity has now cost you money and you may start going into debt if you're managing the property yourself just one boiler breaking could actually take your profits away for multiple months on top of that you're managing a property which amounts to a job so not exactly passive oh and there's also the slight issue of capital gains tax also don't forget that none of these strategies mean that you actually own any of these properties at least not for a very long time with the loas and as the old saying goes possession is nine tenths of the law so an explanation of this from wikipedia is as follows although the principle is an oversimplification it can be restated as in a property dispute whether real or personal in the absence of clear and compelling testimony or documentation to the contrary the person in actual custodial possession of the property is presumed to be the rightful owner the rightful owner shall have their position returned to them if taken or used the shirt or blouse you are currently wearing is presumed to be yours unless someone else can prove that it is not so applying this to lease option agreements if during the term the property benefited from more capital appreciation than expected then the owner can then seek legal advice to exit the contract or renegotiate the selling price with you and they would have a lot of leverage here because they own the property many mortgage contracts also require that you have not had any previous relationships with the seller of the property so everything could for that reason just fall through completely so samuel will also advise his students to be rather evasive with the sellers here and not explicitly say loa or lease option agreement this is probably because the seller could then go away and do research on loas and then discover all of the pitfalls behind them and then drop out but let's not talk about that neghead [Music] [Applause] so samuel talks all about these strategies in his book buy low rent high ending with this quote i achieved financial freedom by the age of 21 not because i'm super clever but because it's actually pretty easy i am now ultimately financially free but that has taken a little longer yes that's how big the font is throughout the book remember when you wrote essays at school and you haven't written enough on some pages the paragraphs are even repeated and it's clearly not been proofread by anything close to an editor but it's an amazon best seller don't you know just gonna refer you to a completely unrelated video by mike winitnow who demonstrates excellently how you can get a book to be an amazon best seller even if it's completely blank all my hard work had paid off we'd hit the number one spot in quality management i could now claim to be an amazon bestseller on all social media and start getting myself some paid for speaking gigs 49 copies sold that was it 49 copies of a 99 p book that took less than one hour to write and publish was now an amazon bestselling book that was it so when you visit samuel's website you'll see this little widget pop up in the bottom left jordan in bexley uk purchased free blrh paperback book plus postage and packaging oh if jordan's ordering it then i need to as well i need to don't let jordan learn how to be financially free before i do god damn it jordan so this little widget seems to pop up every 30 seconds or so funnily enough when i try to order samuel's amazing bestseller book her website book stopped me so i'm assuming jordan from bexley hacked through the mainframe in order to get this book he or she must have been real real desperate that sales funnel working real well and it's free don't you know you've only got to pay postage and packaging have you ever wondered why junk mail is free it's full of such great content and it's definitely not trying to sell you anything it's just a really good read so this book and the youtube channel are designed to give you just enough information to be convinced as a layman that these strategies can work for you now even though you've made it look easy and stressed that it takes a lot of work in the beginning and that you need knowledge knowledge to do this all you need now is real life examples to further convince people that this works on a youtube channel for example in the form of a challenge maybe so some of samuel's most popular videos on his youtube channel are what he calls the financial freedom challenges so these completely real challenges follow samuel as he embarks on a journey to become financially free in one week using absolutely no money so only the knowledge and the expertise that he has gained through his years of being a property investor and the knowledge you could gain by attending his courses the town of sheffield is chosen from a hat on facebook live and samuel goes there with a fake name a brand new limited company a brand new bank account and a company credit score and starts completely from scratch a lot of stuff happens he tries to get an hmo no money down from a motivated seller insults the man with extremely low offers fails and then finds two flats that are up for rent now the main points of the video are that he is able to find the 5 000 down payment for the flats by selling some sourced deals i remember the deal sourcing that we talked about before the really easy way to make three grand in just a day yeah i'll just point out that there's no proof that those deals were actually sold to people uh who did not know who he was there's no proof that any deals were actually sold at all so i'll just point that out there is also no proof that if you did sell deals that those deals didn't fall through which source deals often do fall through because the buyer is so far removed from the sale that they've never actually viewed the property so a lot of the time they'll decide they just don't want it and then you'll have to refund the fees in the end but let's just let's just gloss over that shall we then he goes to an estate agents and signs a contract for serviced accommodation flats which he will rent out on a per night basis on and airbnb supposedly he signs a contract for two flats using a fake name through a brand new company account with a non-existent credit score i'm just going to say here that generally no estate agent will hand over keys to a flat without checking your credit file and if your company credit file is blank they will probably fall back on your personal income and credit we know that samuel's personal income and credit as he has told us are exceptionally high for a real newbie with no money what i'm saying is this is in my opinion nigh on impossible so he has a follow-up interview with elena from the estate agents and she she even says here in this interview that sammy will uploaded that she did not trust him she even says that she checked his real paperwork before letting him sign the contracts so what made you trust me because you introduce yourself and you handed a paperwork that i can do a checks on you yeah and i did a check and i know who you are you'll see that samuel has ways of steering conversations to benefit himself in quite a masterful way and to gloss over the events that would have made this challenge a failure she basically says that that's what she actually did but samuel moves past it very quickly and said yeah but you trusted me didn't you you trusted me yeah and i did a check and i know who you are yeah everything else so that's why i but before you even knew all the samuel leads when you thought it was lucas before i did the reveal when i said to you i want to secure these my company's brand new and everything like we still had rapport and you were like okay let's do this so um what what why is that because i can see on you and sometimes i had a bit good judgment and then finally he did another seven day challenge but this time in a foreign country the usa a last minute decision was made at the airport to go there and he apparently manages to secure a lease option agreement with someone there too within a week no mention of the working visa you would need some brilliant acting interested in buying this house i haven't been able to get hold of the agent i'm sorry make an appointment next time sorry guys i can see another there's a for sale sign up here right here oh man come on seriously jesus how many doors are we going to knock on seriously man it's dark it's late we're in the hood you're going to get yourself shot mate knocking on these people's doors middle of night you're going to get yourself shot i don't want to go back without a deal yeah i want to get a deal and then we can go back i get that back to the hotel until i speak to someone who's prepared to give me that house now i'm just not freaking going back you're going to be doing it all night man now samuel could respond to this video if he wants um he could provide screenshots documents interviews with someone who's bought a deal off him through lucas ruby limited but remember documents are easy to fake testimonials from people are easy to get if you have a power team of people who will do anything you want because you're paying them a lot of money access to a lawyer who can quickly write you up an nda and a silver tongue and i don't have any of those things but why would he fake all of this why would he go to so much effort just to fake documents and testimonials just to keep face well i'm going to give you one fact samuel's property investors academy costs at least 12 000 pounds if you pay in one go more if you don't and the first financial freedom challenge video has 1.6 million views so samuel only needs to convince one person a video is real enough to the point where they end up signing for the academy to make it worth his time and effort to fake it and vehemently defend it there are multiple people in the comments who clearly do believe this is real and i'm not saying it was faked but i'm just giving you the facts so you can make up your own mind i know how to make videos and i would definitely do this in fakie if i thought i could make twelve thousand pounds that's certainly a lot more than adsense if i wasn't hurting anyone in the process now it's clear that clamp clamuel samuel obviously doesn't want you to think that he's rich just from his training business he wants you to think that he's rich from his property investments because that's what his courses teach you about however his knowledge on the subject is sometimes questionable for a person who's made himself into a team multi multi multi millionaire i'm on the way to be a billionaire for example samuel embarks on a project for new build houses and he talks to some builders who ask him if the houses he is building are tim frame we thought about doing timber framed yeah it is timber frame um what is tinder friends i just think this is just a perfect example of how samuel likes to try and act like he knows what he's talking about until someone catches him out it's like it's a way of building a house which is relatively cheap compared to just using brick and apparently that's a pretty basic thing to know about if you've been into property investing for 10 years but you couldn't couldn't talk your way out of that one could you quite a bit sami you thought about doing timber framed yeah it is timber frame um what is timber framed yeah so our business is doing really well but we made over a million last month all our businesses together our training business construction business because we we also um we have a letting agency we have sort property source and business we have obviously our investments so we've got a lot of things going on yeah notice how he says our business made a million all of our businesses together see you see how he's muddying the truth here it's just something that he does a lot he probably has made a lot of money but just through his training business and he basically admits that everything he does is just literally for show for his youtube channel just to convince people that he knows what he's on about yeah yeah do everything so i can do a thing all i do is go there i want someone from my heart and do a youtube video yeah yeah the man is hiding in plain sight basically yes some people still don't seem to see it because i've got yeah like we run the largest property training company in the uk right every week we do it we do it we do a crash course we get a talking about his crash courses here there's no official numbers available for this but on average i've heard about 800 people turn up to these things or they did when they when it was at its peak before lockdown and around 150 people at these crash courses would sign up for the next level course which costs around 2 500 pounds so that's about 375 000 pounds revenue every time one of these was held that attracted 800 people paid to a man for property training who takes advice from two random builders he's just met on how to find deals on right move and doesn't even know that students don't pay council tax set of council tax advice or you have to pay more than one or how does that work so the great thing about derby students don't have to pay council tax there's a grant here um so no one pays council tax no so who pays it no it's it's a grant i'm gonna say i don't answer it i've not got any student accommodation in derby but that is really appealing so the actual number of houses that samuel claims to own and the overall value of his personal assets has wavered a lot over the past years this is a video he posted in march last year he discusses 11 properties he and his companies own and the mortgages on some of them do you know what the back stories on all the houses and why i bought them so cheap would that be helpful yeah if it could be great all right hey what's up my name's samuel leeds and in this video i'm going to be explaining to you in december he posted another video he outlines five properties and a piece of land along with some other deals i mean i've been involved in 29 property transactions or 29 property deals in 2019 haven't necessarily bought them all myself but then in january this year samuel is back on youtube saying in 2019 he actually bought 29 houses my brand was good lots of people knew who i was but i wasn't i wasn't really on the property side buying anywhere near the kind of amount of properties i could have been doing i mean i bought i think it's 29 houses but they're all small houses so who knows chef rizzo an actual multi-millionaire property investor and bbc dragon pointed out in a video back in march that samuel's company accounts showed an entirely different story to the ones that he told he did due diligence on samuel in front of a student of his and exposed that the full amount of assets in samuel's companies amounted to a whopping 101 209 pounds and samuel leeds limited has a credit limit of exactly zero pounds hardly the accounts of someone who's uh the multi multi multi multi millionaire i'm on the way to be a billionaire so just for the sake of comparison i don't know what a multi-multi-multi multi-most multi-millionaire nearly billionaire's company accounts look like in general i compared his accounts to those of cha himself all of his companies together when i checked total outstanding charges so total properties with mortgages on them is 161 and his total assets are 15 million 543 025 pounds samuel leeds total outstanding charges six total assets 101 209 pounds samuel started to panic earlier this year when people started to check his company accounts so he responded to all of the hate in a video called response to my critics you say your net worth is this but we can't find it on companies house that's because the over the 11 years of building up my property portfolio if i buy properties me samuel leeds that doesn't go on company's house it's like some people i don't know whether they actually think whether they just i i just if i buy property that's not on companies house unless i buy it through my limited company and in fact i very rarely most of my property portfolio is not in my company it's just owned by me samuel goes on to say that he bought 27 houses in 2018. so um i think that one of the ways around this is to buy properties through a limited company what what can i claim as an expense that's why now when i buy properties i buy them for a limited company and on this video i'm going to tell you exactly what i did buy over 2018 to 27 27 houses this year i bought 29 houses in 2019. according to his company's house records samuel has either been completely ignoring his own advice and still buying properties in his own name or he's lying and nobody would elect to be taxed at 45 on suns entering the multi multi multi multi millions told you i did my [ __ ] research on this video didn't i so when shaft made this video samuel's company accounts were overdue on many of his company a couple of months after shaft's video was released the samuel leads limited accounts were submitted to companies house and samuel lee's limited is now showing just over 2 million as of july 2019 so did samuel inject some cash into the company accounts as a result of the exposure it could also be possibly due to the castle uh riversford house that samuel bought through his company that is a tangent in itself ribbersford house is a house that samuel and his brother bought in may 2018. samuel likes to call it his castle though oh so samuel bought it at auction without having ever been inside the property to my knowledge the building had fallen into disrepair because no investor has ever looked at it before and thought yeah that sounds like a great opportunity i could get a great return on investment for that so over the years it's deteriorated and it's got to the point that it's not commercially viable to do it which is a shame but that's just how it goes with a lot of old structures in the uk but sammy i think saw a potential vanity project and in my humble opinion jumped him without really thinking about what he was doing or doing any research because he just thought saw it and thought this would be great to use as a marketing tool for my property training company the guide price at auction was 500 000 pounds but um the brothers samuel and russell engaged in a bidding war with another buyer that drove the price up to 830 000 pounds now in the uk we have listed listed buildings so ribesford house was built in the 16th century and it was used to train free french soldiers during the second world war so historical buildings like this are listed in the uk to protect the country's heritage ribbersford house is grade two listed which means that you cannot make any major changes to the property at all without getting written permission from the council which can take quite a long time samuel in his castle video series says that he can get a hold of 500 000 pounds in cash to pay but oh no where was he gonna get the other 400 000 pounds from in a day oh no this could be the last time i ever see the castle today is the day that we're supposed to complete and we haven't had the money right now i'm not feeling confident that that would happen if he says no i'm feeling like this could even fall through and i am worried i don't think it gets much more stressful than this but we work we're not long at any time we're not getting when we're not gonna be able to complete in time so samuel is left with a challenge another challenge to source four hundred thousand pounds from investors in just one day uh to secure the deal so samuel chooses to a lovely fly on the wall episode of his castle documentary of the whole process of them trying to get this 400 000 pounds from investors and it's totally not staged at all and i know that if anybody can pull this deal off it's going to be samuel leeds [Music] fantastic that's awesome no problem at all yep just bear with me one moment samuel this is really really tough they're asking all these questions um do you mind speaking them directly nope that's fine give me the names numbers i'm on it hi so samuel i've i heard that the house is timber frame what is tinder frames so after the brothers had bought the castle they learned that the renovation costs were going to be much higher than the 1 million pounds that they had predicted and the estimate has increased to at least two million so not quite the 1.2 million profit in cash and it's 10 to 12 000 pounds per month passive income that samuel was expecting so no money down 1.2 million profit 10 000 12 000 pounds a month passive income samuel says that the project however is going really well really well i'm really happy with the progress i think uh i was certainly had a lot of fun learned a lot so samuel insisted originally on buying the castle with none of his own money so no money down 1.2 million profit probably just to show his students again that it's possible instead of using the money that was in his bank account to pay samuel took out a bridging loan which makes no sense a friend of a friend of mine went on a samuel leeds crash course recently one of the pieces of paper they were given was a list of mantras that they had to repeat one of them was i never use my own money to buy property now we see how flawed that is samuel claims to have 1 million in the bank but he prefers to borrow money at 18 per annum let's say he has 300 000 pounds on a bridging loan that amounts to interest payments of fifty four thousand pounds per annum four point five thousand pounds per month and on top of this uh samuel's various other properties seem to have been selling recently for a loss this property in doncaster ended up selling an auction recently for 85 500 pounds which is a grand total of minus 22 500 pounds or a minus 23 return on investment so the house was purchased for 94 000 pounds it cost 11 000 pounds to do it up as a four bedroom hmm they bought it for 96 and refurbed it and then i bought it at 94. is that what you say whoo so the six bedroom house that he parades around on his youtube channel he rents for around seven thousand pounds a month i am a renter i love it i love the freedom of it you know when i moved into my big beautiful barn conversion just over a year ago thank god that i rented that barn conversion and did not buy it for many reasons reason number one is because after living it for a year i've realized i don't like it i don't like living in a barn conversion oh poor sammy doesn't want to live in a barn but a barn is where your hero jesus was born sammy now samuel has always said in his life stories that he was a millionaire by the age of 21. so around 2012. but it recently transpired that samuel was actually working as an illusionist up until september 2015. an illusionist but apparently while he was doing this he was a millionaire so when this was pointed out to him online people were asking him what the f samuel eventually came back seven months later and revealed with an explanation that he was not making any money out of being an illusionist all fees that he got for his shows he donated to charity then he got the owner of the illusionist company to write a letter saying that that was true i did a few shows for slightly unusual most of them were for charity and the ones that weren't often i said can you please put the money into my uh into my charitable works in africa all of the above is true regards craig petty from slightly unusual limited the trouble is the man who owns the illusionist company is still technically in business with samuel's brother so not exactly an impartial testimony to go off so samuel according to his own life story uh had a religious epitome at 17 years old i went along did some work there i ended up becoming very passionate about my faith and i gave my life to jesus when i was 16 years old and has been a devout christian ever since so much so that he started a christian business networking company called training kings so this is apparently because he got kicked out of church because he was making too much money i remember just getting to the church doors one morning and they said samuel i think it's best that you find somewhere else to go and i'm just like wow you know i said are you saying that i'm not allowed to come to this church i said i think it's best you go and i felt you know totally betrayed and let down this claim has never been corroborated by any of samuel's pastors and not that it needs to be said but sounds absolutely ludicrous basically samuel says he just wanted a place for christian people to to congregate without without feeling guilty about becoming rich because because if you're rich it doesn't mean you're you're greedy it just means that that god has blessed you and through your fortune you can help others it seems trading kings was set up in the exact same way that property investors is set up today but it seems samuel was not overly successful in exploiting the christians so he realized that he needed to bring people of all backgrounds into his sales funnel so that was when property came in to this day he will still talk about god and being a good a good christian just enough to make sure that he doesn't alienate his christian followers as an extension of his christian belief samuel feels it's important to give back so this is where his charitable giving comes in samuel has posted about his trips to an orphan village in uganda where he says he's built a well but the image on his website seems to have been pulled from another charity taken in 2011 a few years before he started his own charity on top of that a charity called good news all around has never actually been registered but when this was pointed out to him samuel's excuse was that he does not actively fundraise for the charity and it's all funded by him he also commented on the property tribe's website saying that it would be registered soon but samuel registered no charity until pressure got to her head and he actually ended up registering the samuel leeds foundation at the end of 2019. i do have anecdotal evidence also from a friend that only takes about a month to set up a foundation so the website for sammy walls charity good news all round is still up and shows the picture of the well and it also features a donation link so if you click on the donation link to donate via paypal paypal informs you that your donation is going to go straight into the pocket of training kings which is a trading name of heaven rules limited uh one of samuel's limited companies and definitely not a charity oh and also at one point literally letting people chuck cash onto his stage for this so-called charity which has never been registered practically the whole room started coming forward and putting money on the stage samuel even performed as an illusionist at an event in 2015 to raise funds for this charity good news all round but no you're right samuel fundraising is clearly not raising funds so due to this we will never know where the funds for this charity ever really truly went so samuel has various videos on his channel documenting his life story although he never seems to mention the part of his life where he decided to stand in the 2010 general election when he was only 19 and he was standing for the christian party and accumulated a total of 159 votes shall we look at the kind of policies that he stood for okay so opposing abortion opposing same-sex marriage and they want to make it illegal for a child to get contraception without their parents consent great and disallow immigrants from using the nhs but he doesn't seem to mind getting people from all backgrounds to come to his crash courses so he can upsell them into dropping thousands of pounds on his courses so samuel has released various live stories over the years and every time there seems to be subtle differences as if he can't remember the story he told last time the most recent version of this was in his video broke 10 million in my 20s this time he has a story about being a plasterer in his teens um a skill which he learnt within a week by doing a sort of crash course i went on a crash course it was called a crash course it's got a plastering crash course now this course lasted a few days long and i learned how to be a plaster an artist and he figured out that instead of doing the plastering himself and he could just delegate the work to an actual qualified plasterer for less money than he had been paid and then pocket the difference samuel ends up with a network of plasterers and he's just pocketing money without doing any work he mentions the name of the company by the way and um that doesn't seem to appear online in any official records whatsoever so this business strategy sounds eerily like rent to rent but for plasterers so basically being a middleman and alleging no work is involved basically the entire video serves as marketing to convince people to enter into a sales funnel especially children so samuel says that school was a drag and he hated it because at school i hated it but now i'm like oh this is so interesting finance and business and making money and investments so he went on paid courses would you believe to learn how to become a millionaire samuel has mentioned multiple times that he spent three million pounds on his own education to learn how to invest in property but we've never seen any proof of this again is to try and convince people that dropping 12 000 pounds on one of his courses is actually quite the bargain oh and guess what samuel spent some of his time working for utility warehouse which is guess what an mlm so we knew that the crossover was going to happen at some point he also mentions the recession saying most people will make money in recessions um to entice people who already falling into debt because of the recession to to go further into debt on one of samuel's courses so that they'll get rich from the recession there are many mentions of his own mentors throughout the video planting the idea in people's heads that samuel could be their mentor i'm reading jim rohn like crazy who's a fantastic mentor of mine never met him he passed away sadly just before i started reading his material asking other people for money has always been a heavy part of samuel's training he even has a course called never use your own money again or nuyoma from the ages of 17 up until 21 i borrowed from family and friends not banks not mortgages but borrowed actual hard cash in my bank from friends and family 125 000 pounds and in this life story he includes the story of when he borrowed money from his grandma deposit down for a house and he paid her back with 10 interest and he even includes pictures of her on holiday she's having the time of her life with her 10 interest money that samuel has paid back to her and oh my god it's just improved grandma's life so much five years later when i tried to pay her back she said actually can we extend it another year in fact can i give you some more money i've got another 15 grand it's just another manipulation tactic basically just to make people think that they can ask their family members for large amounts of money so of course stories of religion and being an amazing charitable person i've just listed out to remind you that he's just such a trustworthy person and he can afford to do all of these amazing charitable acts because of financial freedom and he goes on to explain that somebody else suggested to him that he upsell people to expensive courses because if he didn't do that then he'd be doing them a disservice he even goes to say that by not upselling people to his twelve thousand pound courses that he would actually be robbing them yes he actually says that he said you're actually robbing people and you're disserving people he says he only started his three thousand pound twelve thousand pound courses to stop people paying more but getting less of an experience thank you thank you for your generosity samuel he goes on to explain that after the birth of his first child he nearly retires but oh no samuel had ants in his pants and he just he just had to work he could have retired and lived off the profit from his property investments for the rest of his life but he just chooses not to so samuel ends the video by saying that his business ended up turning over 10 million and made 2 million profit last year we made over 2 million pounds clean profit across the businesses turned over just shy of 10 million pounds which now does match what it says on companies house did samuel inject some money into the business so that he could just do this video because he knew people would fact check it i would also like to remind you that in a previous video samuel stated that he was almost a billionaire so i'm not sure if samuel thinks being worth 10 million makes you almost a billionaire my multi multi multi multi multi millionaire i'm on my way to be a billionaire and he doesn't know how to count either that or he's been lying i do recommend going over onto samuel's channel and watching some of his flying the world documentaries just for a laugh keep in mind these videos were uploaded to samuel's own channel they are hilariously edited to make it look like the documentary maker just approached him randomly because he was so enthralled by samuel i remember when i was 14 um me and my brother were with our girlfriends at the time and we were on our way home from a dinner and we basically got attacked we got we got ambushed by a gang god just showed up i just felt i just felt the presence of god in the room and he spoke straight to my heart said samuel follow me and i remember just saying to god i said god look i can't i can't live like that i can't be a christian i can't be a godly person but if you want to change me i give you permission i then went to plug myself into a church and completely turned my life around and my church sent me off to africa and different stuff in india oh it was so beautiful it was so amazing that the documentary was able to squeeze that heartfelt anecdote out of you on camera samuel i've i've never told anyone this before but this morning i [Music] i chipped a chip to manicure and i knew i had to film but i just felt i just felt as if i couldn't go on you know but then then as if out of nowhere my my nail lord and savior christine she came to me in a vision it's not a problem anymore and it was at that moment i knew i decided everything that i was gonna do in life was so i could make more money and become financially free so that i could so that i could buy more holotalk and nail polish and and do my nails and upload pictures of my manicures to to instagram that nobody cares about for eternity that that is my why now samuel and russell have always been aware that social proof is a massively effective marketing tool if you got a testimonial from a celebrity this would all be seen as social proof and it makes you look like you're successful professional or someone that could be trusted so when i first started my research on samuel i found a playlist on his channel called winners on a wednesday i'm working with my students really closely i've got now winners on a wednesday where every single week i bring someone on who's financially free or had their finances revolutionized through my training it features at the time of recording 82 episodes which all feature interviews with samuels students explaining how they've become financially free and even i was thinking early on in my research like damn maybe for some people this actually really does work but that was a few weeks ago when i barely knew anything about samuel so samuel ever since the early days of training kings has been a fan of using on-camera testimonials to promote his courses here are samuel's family members his brother his mother his stepfather providing glowing testimonials for him in the early days without disclosing their personal relationships to samuel it's also been alleged on the property tribes forum that samuel has used his crash course attendees while they were in a pressured environment to leave samuel's best-selling book five star reviews on amazon some of your leads throughout the whole time you're at the academy makes you want to review his academy in a way which is forceful just like at the crash course he makes everyone review his academy where he then offers the person whose name is picked out of a hat who has reviewed a discount on his course very misleading is everybody who wants a discount will only write good reviews there are also multiple instances of people alleging samuel asks people at events for five star reviews and he has also allegedly in the past just asked his academy members for positive reviews and they will feel for various reasons a little bit forced into doing it on top of that samuel's team will report every single one-star review that ever gets put onto chess pilot when they are left there by disgruntled customers i'm just imagining there must be some poor full-time staff member at trust pilot that has to deal with samuel's page and samuel's page alone there's also been multiple instances of people who have signed up for samuel's academy and then saying they've been brought back to an original crash course just to be used as plants samuel will like not make it clear to the plant however only like we after that we went on to help samurai at dfe the second to last dfe we was all sitting at the back and samuel come along and he said after dinner sit amongst the crowd because it don't look good you're sitting at the back it looks a little bit you know clicky so if you look better if you sat in the crowd didn't think anything of it i just sat in the crowd and it wasn't until samuel called us on stage that i realized why we were sitting in the crowd because instead of just saying oh paul could you come up on stage he did this silly act of has anyone seen paul um is paul in the building anywhere so obviously we've been planted in the bloody crowd at the last dfe one of his students anthony john stood on stage and he claimed that in the last 12 months he now owns he used the word own owns 11 properties now i was standing next to him and i looked at my wife and i looked at the other people on the stage and they all tweaked they all knew what he was up to he doesn't own those he does rent to rent i think he had a couple of joint ventures on some cottages two cottages at that point but it was a blatant lie to make things look easier than they was and he will use these people to go up to stage and say i am now financially free thanks to samuel he will also apparently use plants to run to the back of the room when he starts saying run to the back of the room to sign up for the course there's only this amount of places available i was suspicious of plants being in the audience some of the times he spoke to people in the audience it seemed scripted or when he said there were only 23 spaces available for the deal extravaganza some of them had obviously forgotten the script as they started making their way to the back before he mentions the discount people begin to run one of the first to go is the man sitting next to me a 21 year old mechanic i later asked him if he signed up and he tells me this is actually his second crash course and he has already been to a training session he is attending another course for networking why he ran to the back is unclear so another type of social proof that samuel likes to use is celebrity endorsement so if you don't know who lord sugar is he's our version of donald trump so back in 2017 vanessa warwick of property tribes contacted lord sugar's pr manager about this um quote from lord sugar that sammy will once included in an email to his mailing list and the quote being if you have 50 000 pounds in the bank and don't know what to do with it i would recommend investing it with buy low rent high limited samuel so sugar's pr manager responded to vanessa saying that lord sugar had absolutely nothing to do with samuel and that quote was very much indeed fake samuel continued however to use the image of lord sugar shaking his hand on his website and bbc dragon chef rizal eventually got into contact with lord sugar who was then inclined enough to film a video of himself distancing himself from any involvement with sammy wool whatsoever i don't know samuel leeds i met him briefly at a conference a few years ago and had a photograph taken with him any claims that i have given him business advice and mentored him are pure fantasy it upsets me that he misleads people into pretending to be an associate of mine especially after i instructed my lawyers to have him remove anything pertaining to this nonsense from his social media and website samuel lin tried to defend himself by proving that he did in fact get mentored by lord sugar it transpired in the end that it was a one-hour long roundtable session that samuel paid four thousand eight hundred pounds for four thousand eight hundred pound proving this so it was basically quite a glorified meet and greet where he got a little bit of business advice so all of these celebrity endorsements that he seems to have are essentially just paid meet and greets and samuel has never actually been endorsed by any of them in this video samuel talks about the best advice he's received from arnold schwarzenegger like he's his mate or something the five top things that i learned from meeting with arnold schwarzenegger he did also once get a picture of himself shaking hands with the the wolf of wall street jordan belfort but he didn't he didn't include that one on his website for some reason candles up my head and see the ripping all people clinched besides the camel soup cam right so in response to criticism about his courses samuel constantly points to these elusive pie charts by a company called intelligent surveys which doesn't seem to exist which he uses to claim 88 of people are happy with his courses 90 of my actual students are really happy which is outrageously high basically samuel will control anything he can possibly control to make it seem like people are happy with his services so if you go on this youtube channel the likes and dislikes are all disabled and because he can't control the outcome of those but comments are enabled because they can be controlled so samuel has his team working to remove negative comments from his videos it seems 24 7. if you write anything negative on any of these videos if you check back in like an hour i guarantee you it will just be gone he will also possibly block your account from commenting on his channel ever again so remember that playlist i was talking about where samuel interviews people who are supposedly financially free out of all of my thousands and thousands of students they chose two unhappy students and i'm like this is crazy why and how so he absolutely loves to use this when defending himself against negativity and online abuse i went through all of them and i made notes there are 82 episodes at the time of recording so six of those episodes feature samuel's own family members still at it i see seven of those episodes feature people who have since publicly spoken out against him that i know of saying that he either didn't leave them truly financially free or they were used by him yet he leaves the video up like just in the hopes that people who come to his channel will not do any research and not realize this so that leaves 69 episodes of people who are not related to him and have not spoken out against him since so i'm just gonna give you a little fact here that there's currently a class-action lawsuit against samuel and it has around 70 payments in it talk me through the number of people involved and what is the basis of the claim at the moment i've up today i've spoken to around 70 people um there's there are still people coming in day by day i've spoken to an additional three today some people are still contacting me that i need to get back back to and i'll also say that multiple people have settled with samuel out of court i don't have numbers on that but i've heard about quite a lot so out of these remaining 69 episodes of people who are not related to him and have not spoken out against him since out of all of these 69 people how many of them do you think when they tell their stories about starting out do you think started out on their property journey with no money the answer is zero they all had jobs and accumulated savings to start off or they were able to get hold of money from their parents or a close relative yet some of the video titles would just lead you to believe otherwise for example this one is called from nothing to financial freedom in two months so if you actually pay attention to the story he did have nothing when he came to the country as a child in the foster system but then on his own accord he went to university something that samuel will advise you against he got a degree and a job as an accountant and then use the savings from his own hard work to get started in property so it's not exactly from nothing samuel loves to try and make it sound like that though and it was all down to him in his training and it's the same in every single video just watch them closely listen to the story closely you'll find out what's really going on if you do want to go and watch some of the videos as well just just just pay close attention to the masterful way that samuel sort of steers the conversation to make it seem like the person's success is just all down to him you also have to remember that more people may be wishing to speak out against samuel since they made him winners on the wednesday video but they'll either be afraid because they know what samuel is capable of more on that later sandal is also known to force people to sign ndas in order to receive refunds for the courses once they learn that they weren't up to scratch or perhaps they just don't want to get involved in online drama because they've got their own businesses now and they've got a reputation to uphold a lot of the people clearly only went on because they kind of promote their own companies and you can see because they'll put links to their own companies in the comments of the video as samuel has told him that doing a winners on the wednesday video with him would promote them to his network of 160 000 property investors i think that's actually just the number of subscribers on his channel so i think that's what he means some of them are even attempting to start their own training businesses similar to samuels so for this reason alone it should leave you questioning how truthful they're really being about how financially free they are now i also invite you just to do your own due diligence on the people in the videos look up their companies on companies house you might find that their company has since been dissolved especially if you look at the people from the earlier videos over the years so in the future i feel like more victims are going to come out and speak out against samuel give any winners on a wednesday video about three years and you might you might see that that person has has since distanced themselves from samuel so looking at this earlier video from 2017 samuel takes us through his headquarters and he introduces us to various members of his academy i've look i've tried to find out as many people's names as possible like as i can of people in this video and about half of them have come out since uh speaking out against samuel the last person that we get introduced to in this video is tom wade as i said before the people that he interviews for his winners on a wednesday playlist a lot of them are trying to start up their own training businesses like samuels well in this video this guy is tom wade tom wade decided to start his own training company which focused on teaching people how to flip properties remotely make a lot of money from property without having to lift a finger or leave your own home basically and he released some software to help people manage this and then tom claimed that by doing this he made himself a millionaire by the age of 25. it turned out surprise surprise that the software was terrible um and tom wade's courses were surprise surprise a complete rip-off it also transpired that tom was hiring rolls-royces to turn up to events with fake personalized number plates on them yeah couldn't make this [ __ ] up he's now disappeared off the face of the earth it seems as none of his websites about his courses are available anymore but samuel is still clawing for all of the social proof that he can possibly muster up it seems and recently he interviewed a man called joseph valenti on his channel now if you're from the uk you might remember this man as the winner of the apprentice 2015. lord sugar went into business with valente and he had a company called impro gas which installed boilers and things like that he says he has since sold his company again if you look on company's house you can actually see that infra gas was liquidated into assets and then sold off because it got a total debt of 1.9 million pounds so now joseph valente has decided that he wants to get into samuel's line of work trying to pull himself off as a amazing businessman and he's got this sort of perfect rags to riches story that goes behind it because that was his whole personality on the apprentice okay we came from poverty right my mum worked three jobs to keep our family alive okay to keep clothes on our back and food in the cupboards at a very young age i decided that i wasn't ever going to live that life took out this 15 grand loan bought a 1500 pound van branded it in for gas i then came in one january night put my facebook on final call for the apprentice so now your loyal followers trust you and see you as a mentor and are now fully convinced your strategies work due to your manufactured proof from your previous customers so this is the perfect platform from which you can entice people to attend your free event or almost free event which is only one pound so in the next part you're going to learn all about the sales funnel and how exactly to ignore all of your livid customers when they are thousands and thousands of pounds in debt in part two which is coming very soon oh and there might be a musical number as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: münecat
Views: 93,921
Rating: 4.9432549 out of 5
Keywords: mlm, anti-mlm, multi-level marketing
Id: Sw4Uw3kxq40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 20sec (4160 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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