Believing in Yourself: Kevin Hart's Road to Greatness

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[Music] [Applause] thank you thank you thank you guys - very warm welcome I call Kevin and what we're doing here in it like literally didn't take two minutes to say it come he's the middle of making a movie right now flew down to just spend this time with us for an hour so thank you first of all no problem listen I want this is a group of people I think you know as part of who matched me so we feed 100 million meals a year in the u.s. going to perhaps a half billion meals now participate all these projects so we do this little thing at my house to make it intimate make it fun but we try to bring people that I think are true role models and some people role models of the challenges and they still happen and some people are role models of how to overcome it and you clearly are that you're also everybody here's an entrepreneur and you're [ __ ] amazing on your producer you're an actor you're a right here you're a [ __ ] comedy superstar now tell me how do you go from shoes in the world all over the earth opportunity you know when you when you get dealt certain hands you know sometimes you have no idea what the turn is gonna be and for me it was always the thought it was a thought of doing comedy but I just never knew how I never knew what to do with the approach to take how to get there and one day - suggestion came up from co-workers of kevin is an amateur night right around the corner the comedy club called the land house in Philadelphia you should go do it and I was like I would love to do it I never knew that these things existed and when I got the opportunity to do that I fell in love with the moment that I didn't know how to go get I fell in love with the spotlight with the stage that I didn't know existed for me I didn't know was available for me at that time and once I found out how to get it there was there was nothing else that mattered except that it was about that in that only how was that first time tell me about that first first time onstage I was absolutely awful I was horrible yeah I had jokes prepared they just weren't good jokes but but what what was good is that I didn't have fear it didn't matter that the jokes weren't working it was I was in love with the fact that I was on a stage I was in love with the fact that there were people in the crowd and that had a microphone in my hand every joke didn't work but I would figure it out the the silence didn't deter me from wanting to be a comedian I wanted to be comedian I didn't know when did you decide you really want to be a comedian I wanted to be a comedian after I saw Eddie Murphy delirious you know my dad wasn't in my house that often but when he was he was a Eddie Murphy fan Richard Pryor fan and I remember delirious I remember sneaking and watching Eddie Murphy and seeing my household laugh at Eddie Murphy and the quotes would go on for days and weeks about what he said I remember Richard Pryor albums and my dad laughing with his friends they and Richard Pryor and the things he said and how true they were and how he was a bad man and they loved them and what I found is that comedy bought my dad and his surroundings together so for the dark moments that my dad had in his life which were a lot the memories that I had that all positive are associated with comedy the associated with laughter so at a young age I saw the power of laughter you know there was such a negative cloud over my home that when I got to see what laughter did it made me embody just that so I wanted to bring that not just to my household but the people so I became the class clown I became the funny guy day in day out to my mother you know mom was very straight I made my mom laughing my mom she's she's just a no-nonsense person it would be a couple it didn't be boy get out my face go there sit your little ass down somewhere okay it wasn't too much what I loved the most though is that there was a high level of support from my mother there was always support there was never a negative a negative tone of what I couldn't do there was always whatever you put your mind to is what you can achieve so when I got old enough to make the decision and say I wanted to do stand-up comedy it wasn't met with negativity it was met with reinforced positivity and there was a timeline that was given to make it work and if I didn't I had to go and do what she suggested what was that it was a year I had a year go to school didn't matter I wasn't the best student people I went to Community College for two weeks failed several tests at that time self-esteem is low Google my SAT scores extremely low most um drives you know my mother was a woman I was never content we were talking on stairs and I told you I said the one thing that I've taken from my mom that's just it's branded in me you know it's you get one life and out that one life you're you're only gonna get out of it what you put into it and information is free that's what she always just say there's so much free information she stayed in school she always wanted more she wanted more degrees she just wanted to learn and my biggest fights came with me not wanting to learn you know naturally as a kid I wasn't that great of a student I didn't care for school I didn't want school but as I got older and I become you know I started to find my way I became an individual I realized the power of the thing that was preached to me so much which was knowledge and information so the thing that I've taken from my mom is that feeling of never being content never being okay with where you are because after every level is another level whether you realize it or not and I always wanted to see what was past the thing that I got I got here but what was back there I was never content with being here so when you look at me now you know as a successful comedian actor and you start to start to realize the tears model put the model in there you know you look at producer you look at writer you look at you know network owner you know radio channel that I own author there's so many things that are acting as olive branches to a tree because I realized that that tree just grows it doesn't stop growing a tree only stops if you choose to say I'm not watering anymore but at the age forty I felt like there's so much more water then I could put in this tree and so many more things that I can have hanging from my tree and that comes just from my mother's ability to reinforce and what you think a child isn't receiving he may not be at the moment but at a later time the light bulb will go off and his oh [ __ ] that's what that was about my lessons that were taught to me at a young age of 14 through 18 have clicked in at the age 24 to now going on 40 that's his win I've realized all the work did she put in she passed 2006 yes what was that like for you because she was such an influence in your life and I heard that she didn't talk much about your comedy if I heard this correctly but you found all this material that she's been collecting yeah touch you um you know my mom wasn't she was a very religious woman so uh a little fact about my mother's that she never came to any of my comedy shows when I started even things were going good she never attended a comedy show never and it never bothered me because she supported me but she she didn't like the environment she didn't like alcohol she didn't like smoking she didn't like cuss words so she never went and I was okay with that because that's not what she is about but she would always ask how it went always wanted to know if it was still the passion that I felt that it semion if i was gonna go through with it we had conversations about it when she passed away we found a box and my mom had clippings and memorabilia from everything that I've done in standup so though she was never there present she was aware and gathered all things that her child did that acted as anklets of any type of success as my noon as they may have been Kevin Hart's little Flyers that were in a newspaper she clipped it out she saved it the things that were in the neighborhood that may have been on a local restaurant or cashier's check cashing place outside you can see the clippings all of my hustle and bustle she tracked and I think to me that was the most amazing thing that was that was my that was my nod from an angel that acted as you which you don't know is sometimes better sometimes it's better what you don't know because finding out is going to do more then it would have been when I had of known if she had have attended those shows and I find that box from when she passes much it's not the same thing but the fact that I found it after the fact it was the biggest like oh my god like and it made me feel like the support that she gave was even bigger and now as I achieved the success I don't feel like damn I wish my mom was here to see it I hunted percent note of my mama's witnessing it at the highest level and that there's a constant applause and pat on the back so there's never the feeling or void of missing or not being present I got tons of stories about my mom that would blow you all away there's a the real one that's famous I told when I did over this is I couldn't pay my rent I couldn't pay my [ __ ] rent it was I was living by myself stand-up comedy just hold I was 8 I was 19 and my half of the rent was $400 a month and I just didn't have it and I was like mom look you said you were gonna help me while I was doing stand-up I know I was trying to do it myself I need your help they're gonna evict me and she was like read your Bible I read the Bible but the the notices on the door like they're gonna they're gonna evict me mom she was like talk to me when you read your Bible and I'm like all right whatever mom couple days go by they changing the color - notice - notice is now shifted the pink the pink means is real mom they're gonna kick me out I'm serious I need the money or else I'm not gonna have place to live did you read your Bible yes then if you read your Bible then you wouldn't be talking to me mom this is not the time then you didn't read your Bible back and forth I get off the phone I'm frustrated nighttime comes I'm in the bed open up the drawer and I was like let me read his damn Bible just read the damn Bible man so I can really tell this woman that I've read the Bible and be honest about it so she can help me I opened up the Bible the rent checks for the rest of the year I fell out the Bible it's a true literally for every month of that year and I had missed at miss months where I had to scrape and fine it was always there and her biggest thing was don't lose your faith keep faith read the Bible so from that day on that's when I started reading the Bible and then I had a go to her she was like yeah it's been lying to me all this time about reading their Bible I another one now the stores are giving us some parenting it's if this is all real stuff the the other one is when she was at her and her sickest you know my mom she passed away of ovarian cancer and the thing about my mom like I said she was a very religious woman so she didn't tell us the severity of the ovarian cancer me and my brother found out when we were seeing her things were just changing like she wasn't looking good so we had to basically drag my mom to the hospital and we found out then that she was trying to take care of herself naturally she didn't believe in doctors she didn't want medicine she want drugs it's just not what she was about but at time of course it was it was too late for the stages that she was at and the doctor let me my brother no let you know at this time it's it's terminal you know unfortunately you're gonna lose your mother and you know 30 days it was a short amount of time and you know it hit me and my brother with we're shaking up will I goddamn he's like we should talk to mom about it before the doctor does like it should come from us and we went to talk to my mom and tell her what the doctor said and we started talking about the time period and she was like you don't have to talk to me about a time period of how much life I have left she said because that means that you're wasting my valuable time with negativity she said well we could be doing other things she said I want you to talk to me spend time with me read books to me be with me at the brink of what would be the worst - so many she was the trooper of all troopers and we never talked about that until the last stages we never talked about dying nobody was allowed to come in that room and mention anything about death it was talking about great moments family reunions the time when the time when he lessons that she did that she did what we love the most mom it was nothing but laughter until her dying day and that showed me that you can't break a great spirit like there's something that's awesome there's some people that have that's right you know such a heavy heavy weight on them with so much that they deal with but they're able to maintain the highest levels of positivity and it's because of their spirit yeah there's a higher thing and just wanting to be happy my mom's wanting will to be happy because of all that she's done yeah it's what I saw at the end she put in all his time energy and work by dealing with my dad and his [ __ ] and trying to pick up all the pieces they don't know those last days it was about happiness don't stress me out Wow there was nothing but happiness so I could like I said the stories of Nancy Hart are endless but when you see the way to that maneuver and you look at all the things that I go through in my life and people are like man he just keeps going it seems like he's not shaken or bothered or broken you can't break what's been built to less your humor always self-effacing as a style we live in a world people often attack each other it's an interesting world out there with social media but you know you have this unique style of self effacing in but you still tell truths it's you grow into who you're supposed to be and stand-up comedy you know in the beginning you're doing a version of what you think is funny you don't know what's funny right if you're trying to figure it out yeah coming out of your you're throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks in right that's the gamble the gamble what comedy is I think it's funny let me see if you guys think this funny if you don't think it's funny I mean I was wrong within my gambling I gotta go back to the drawing board the high volume of stuff that you think is funny ain't gonna be funny it's not it's not going to be funny Wow but when you start to understand really good everything I say is genius at this stage now when you when you start to get comfortable you start to realize that I'm funny I don't have to force it's you it's the funny is in me so talking about my life and being true to who I am is what people are gonna gravitate towards people love to relate people love to see what's real you love to identify if i sat up here and I talked about things that you guys couldn't identify with or couldn't walk away and go wow I'm alienating myself from my crowd the best way to open up and make myself a part of my crowd is to be real because we all love real so my life my mistakes my UPS my downs my marriage my divorce my kids that's what we all share we just share it differently we all travel if you don't travel you want to travel if you want to travel where do you want to go there's so many things I can break down the X s connective tissue between me and everybody I can relate to everybody in this room and I don't have to change who I am because ultimately you just want to know about the person that you're watching and when you walk away you go damn that was interesting that was funny but if you feel like you know me and you left now you grow with me so over the years authenticity and honesty has allowed my fan base to grow with me and if you look up I'm about to be 40 I've been doing stand-up since I was 18 my stand-up special started when I was around 24 when you go and look at me from 24 to now to age 39 going on 40 you're gonna go holy [ __ ] I'm watching Kevin Hart become a man I watched Kevin Hart go through life he put it all out there on stage and I feel like I not only know him but I respect him because he never hid from who he is that's the only way that I can do stand-up comedy I can't do it in a way - I'm talking about what I don't know that's why I don't do politics that's why I don't talk about things the actors divisive material it's my job to bring people together I don't want to [ __ ] divide us bring us together so that's that's what I do hundred percent tell us if you would if there's a way to look at it how do you start let's say when you had your first real breakthrough you told us about your first hit a flop when was your first real breakthrough and tell us what was one of the first jokes you came up with a frickin work that you're like okay I got this [ __ ] first remember or joke that worked first joke that worked I remember it I don't I don't know where word but it was about people on public transportation it was it was the the perverted world of public transportation and how there's so much that happens from the time that somebody gets on a bus to where they take a seat and it was like grinding on people accidentally kissing and chest bumping and the whole thing was basically to say why I'm not comfortable on public transportation because I've worked yes because of what's been done to me on public transportation and and I had a joke about this is a real bad one I had a joke about getting robbed by by a little person which was horrible horrible joke back then and it was like a cross-eyed little person I didn't know they were robbing me because they were looking at somebody else somebody was looking at me it was it's bad now this material is great material admitting that off the back I'm just telling you guys my early thoughts but this is this is what makes you realize how easy it is to misconstrue a joke and within a times they were in when you don't know how to tell jokes you're just throwing [ __ ] at the sink in in those times and senses insensitivity played a high part in what you thought was funny right now today you have to be mindful of what you say because it changed its that now you're you're living in a time where everybody's voice can be heard social media is given everybody the opportunity to have a thought right that thought put that thought out there and other people can either get on board with that thought or ignore that thought but no matter what my thought my vision can be heard when you got it all plus the world people doing that at the same time you now have no right no wrong no everything is a everything is an on that's my opinion is this my opinion is this it's so much so for comedy the best way to adapt to times is to simply understand that people's feelings should be respected I get it I understand it which is why over the last 10 years I made the changes that I've made within the level of respect that you put out you put out also a good energy of change some comedians do understand it some choose to be edgy you have to understand a craft of comedy the craft of comedy comes with a shop factor so when you take away that shock factor that some people hold on to you take away the one thing that they had in their arsenal that they feel made them funny it's not that they want to be disrespectful yeah at one point that's what they were praised as Andrew Dice Clay in his prime was the most disrespectful comedian and would say things and was vulgar but that's what made him dice if Andrew Dice Clay performed today we would all sit and hold our chests and go can you believe the [ __ ] that we're listening to because of the times so we had he would have to adapt and change to the times like we all have to and it's not a bad thing I welcome the change I welcome the fact that hey within time there should be change there should be respect but you also have to also be real you got to be really understanding that the only way to get to the point of change is to understand the mistakes that are made before the change so I'm a person I can raise my hand and go I've made a lot of mistakes I did a lot of dumb [ __ ] but I've learned from it I'm better from it all and now I sin and I'm a better guy and I'm a better comedian and I'm a better craftsman I'm a better entertainer I'm a better businessman but it's because of the mistakes that I made yeah if I don't make those mistakes I don't get to sit here and be the guy that I am today you gotta [ __ ] up you have to [ __ ] you have to and it's like I I want people to understand that it's okay it's nothing wrong with [ __ ] us long as you learn you have to learn from it like I tell my kids all the time you're not gonna be straight-a students all the way through school it's not gonna happen I want it to happen but when it doesn't it doesn't mean that you're a bad student it mean it on this particular test they do some curveballs that you get you just didn't handle correctly how do we accept this learn from it and then handle the next test better if I got to the point where I was unrealistic and I go you didn't get another am I being real am I being true to what I know on Who I am am I really giving good lessons or my allowing my kids to understand and grow I want them to understand and grow the same way that I have and in any and everything that I've done in life I can tell you guys honest to god I have learned and grown that's the dopest thing about being authentic I'm real enough to say when I'm wrong I'm real enough to go yeah I get that I learned some [ __ ] from that yeah I'm better because of that yeah but I'm also really not to say as people we all need to take one step back and go perfection shouldn't be shouldn't be something that's expected from each and every single individual you can't do it and at this time that that thing is being put on people yeah in all aspects of life perfection only perfection now but perfection which means there's no way for you to grow mistakes in the first thing I'm afraid of them digging up my SAT scores that's not the only thing that I'm truly afraid of everything else I can handle I'm just gonna give that down I got a 585 on my SAT for this I did a BA CA da all the way down to paper we had a class trip the same day this is a true story got 400 for putting your name on a paper just I put it out there so you guys find it there's no I admitted it first and I learned from that if I take the SAT again sir I will take it correctly I did a BAC a da all the way down 2004 Wow 2004 paper soldiers I think what is this what yours is 2019 yeah 2004 movie started to give three years three movies a year almost not all good movies not all good movies movie called pass the potato salad don't go see that one there's nothing to call something like a business don't go see that one so many great victories because I've had I've had a good run the upside was a really good movie I love the fact that it overcame the obstacles that did that people got a chance to see it and it showed a different side of me I think that you know the dramas that I now have on the table that I'm about to shoot show different side of me as well you know at this point of my career it's about constantly rebuilding and just maneuvering and finding new ways to reinvent myself drama is the best way for me to show my fan base that I'm elevating and constantly growing and within stand-up comedy it's it's me making a decision now that's what the next chapter for me will be and it's a tricky one you know it's it's it's how do I come out with a new version of myself especially within these times today and that's what I'm going back and forth foot now so it's a it's definitely gonna be an elevator version of me I just don't know what and how yet and that's the challenge that's me figuring it out like I do it anything else many people the hardest working guys in all of entertainment thank you and your writer director producer all the things we just described model of course but tell me like where do you get the drive for that I need I hear a part from your mom but when did you start to think I'm gonna be a mogul I'm gonna do I'm gonna do acting like where were the breakthroughs that took you from selling shoes to and what was your mindset so on shoes so you're gonna build something baby it's the company you know when you when you tell me this room and you say that I have 44 people in his room and these are all people that have taken on an amazing task with me and they act as amazing partners some people go oh man that's cool that's good for you and everybody in this room I'm the guy that goes well what do they do I don't know what you guys do and then when I find out what you do I'm gonna go and look those things up and I'm gonna know oh [ __ ] well how did they get into that how do these people get together how do they meet more importantly why why are they all so keen on doing amazing [ __ ] what I I don't like not knowing I don't like the thought of feeling of being content with not understanding or not wanting so when I see what other people can do what can be obtained from a thought from a want from a field it makes me go well I got the same thoughts and the same feelings in the same once I don't have what these people have I haven't done nearly had the thing that these people have done that makes me one of [ __ ] were harder that means that I'm not doing as much as I could because these people are proof that the things that I want to do can be done I'm not looking at one person who got lucky if I'm looking at 44 people that are doing amazing [ __ ] why aren't I number 45 when I look and I sit in the room and I'm with Oprah and I and I see home and I see Jeff Bezos I don't sit in all I sit and think to myself look at where they came from and look at what they are now more importantly look at the impact that these people have on the world for real there's a major impact that comes from individuals the impact can be an impact of change positivity feed in the world it can be so much more that you never sought out to do I sought out to be an entertainer in a comedian I didn't think that I would get to a point where I got a 170 million people but just use it to promote what I love about what you do is like you know we played a little video here where you're talking like a I mean I've been feeling this way today I'm down but I remember my gifts I remember I'm here to do it I'm here to light people up I mean you deliver messages where people see into your life tell us about that how has that affected your career the way you use social media how do you think about that because you don't just mark it you let people you know inside you let them feel you let him behind a curtain and it goes back to saying I didn't expect to be able to have that type of access and when you do you're now putting a different definition on your purpose so my purpose is bigger than just making people laugh or selling movie tickets now it's a feel-good that's associated with me yeah now when I'm in the street and people come up to me they say hey keV I had a heart attack man I swear to God I didn't want to get out the bed but something about what you're doing what you said made me get out the bed I've been trying to get in shape hey keV my kids I lost one of my kids man I was so down but dude I see the way that you attack every single day you make me feel like there's something else for me in life and I'm starting to feel better when you start to realize that you have a different purpose that you're reaching people differently that people give you a different level of energy because of what you put out there giving it back to you yeah you now go oh [ __ ] I'm making an impact yeah I'm making an impact like I there's there's a bigger thing that I can actually do here there's a bigger reach yeah there's more that I'm adding to my story and for me to have three kids if my kids can walk away from it all and go yo I dad did so much for so many people that's bigger than saying our dad was so famous and so funny that's the difference for me that's that's what I'll say and that's where I'm envious of you and what you're doing it's because the success is one thing but the success is now molded and shaped itself into a machine that's for people you're you're helping people and there's a there's a high level of story that comes with your name that's different from the amazing motivational speaker and a guy that fulfils alone with inspiration he's also creating change yeah that's the difference and that's what I want so I'm not content with not having that come show me where does it come from you that desire to go so much more like you want to make me pop you want to light them up but now you're penetrating the way they think about fitness you're penetrating the way they think about being a parent I mean really producing that change when did that trigger happen is that always by something I think you fall into it I don't think yes I think I think that it starts to happen and then it's something that you fall in love with by seeing the progression you see an opportunity to step into something and you attempt it and then you go oh [ __ ] yeah this is actually pretty amazing yeah hey man we're gonna raise money and we're gonna give it we're gonna give a thousand kids a christmas over the holidays yeah keV you want to help out yeah guys I don't give a [ __ ] about that's dope here oh man I went here and I got to look at these damn kids faces this is pretty amazing ain't next year what do ya'll say we do 2,000 kids I'll take a thousand myself would y'all match me yeah I did it again hey you know what about education you guys in providing the education keV you you got a college you want to give to no I didn't go to college but I want to make sure the kids don't make the same mistake I make what if I want to give out scholarships they're just thoughts yeah we'll do it would you match what I do of course have you if I if I'm putting up I feel that the people that are coming and stepping up to the plate should at least be able to put out when I put up last year I sent I sent sixty kids to college for free free of education the year before that we did thirty so this year it's trying to do 90 I'm adding 30 every year and I've been doing it with the United Negro College Fund and they partner up they just match what I did so last year I put up six hundred thousand they matched it the year before that we did three hundred thousand so this year it'll be me trying to do 1.2 and see what we can do but it's it's trying to double and grow and then it becomes something massive but I got that from watching Oprah Oprah sends all those kids to school every year free events free education she just gives it out I was like it's so dope because that's an impact that she's making how do I follow a trend but make it my own it also changes medical school for some kids but my biggest thing is about the within the urban community what I found is that a lot of things just come from lack of knowledge lack of understanding lack of opportunity and when you know that and you understand that there's a lot of real anger behind it but not efforts to change it so it's not something that you can change overnight it's something that you have to make the the baby steps to basically help in and motivate others to jump on a bandwagon that you're creating so sending kids to college from these communities is one I was talking to you about what I'm doing with Chase Bank now which is basically it's called financial fitness and we're educating the urban communities to understand more about money and how many works because we feel it that's where a lot of the mistakes come from that's where a lot of the downfall comes from early on in life and simply thinking that debt is okay and thinking that it's alright to start out behind and not knowing so me being a person that came from that environment that has [ __ ] money up not done it correctly now is at a point where I've done it right I understand it I now want to educate and give information authentically that can be received based on where I'm from and what I've done these are the things now that I'm realizing that my platform has put me in position to do so the higher level of change that I made what's really make an impact for is now what I'm doing so what you doing that it makes it more valuable and it shows that my efforts are all paying off already we're gonna give you unshakable Spurs maybe there's larger group you want that book I'll be one tool if you need more than one tool but I hope it'll be helpful thank you I appreciate that too this gigantic platforms like you you've invested in yourself I heard you put up ten million bucks on here in one of the first film tours that you did you put your ass on the line most people are looking to do their gig and get a little oil tea or something why is your mindset different and how did you become so successful in business well the one thing that I'm most confident in is me so I'm gonna lose I'm gonna lose on myself you know at this point it was where I knew that I would get a positive outcome and a good return on my investment I wanted to I knew that was better on me and I knew the potential of my project and what it could do the biggest reason for my entrepreneurial Drive right now is is by being a sponge when you're around other entrepreneurs and you see what the benefit of a creative mind is it's sparks yours the only way to really get to my goal if I'm trying to become a billionaire and I want to take that money throw it back into several communities I have to surround myself with other people that had that same mentality and and the one thing that I figured that everybody has it's not just one thing there's several different things there's several there's several chances there's several you know ideas that you're throwing things at and out of those ideas you find a great group of people that you can surround yourself that can help you possibly position yourself in a way for these things to work it's not done as an individual it's done as an individual that gets a great team around them that can help bring your ideas to a reality and that's what I've been smarted don't on the right who's the proximity with the people who've done it and that are great at being team players like I have no ego I don't know at all I don't have the education that matches up with the things that I've done or that I'm doing but what I do have is the understanding of how things work when you get the people that have a different type of understanding and you match my understanding with yours you have something that is destined to succeed because you're putting a creative vision and a real a real hindsight with the education and the the structure and the systemic view and combining those things you now look up and you have companies there's how companies get built and and when you have a team a real valuable team that has a high level of energy and effort and one and will to make something work because they believe in it yeah the chances of you losing a very slim I've been lucky enough to work with great people and I credit my team every chance that I get because I don't get here by myself I get here with people that help motivate and push and stay true to the course that we all are on so from heartbeat productions to laugh out loud to Sirius XM - right now my book publishing company - I can say me right now with my what my newest one is to start my own audio book lane like I'm noticing that within audiobooks there they do amazing but they go to one particular place they have audio I don't you don't really have there's really anything else out there so what is something else that can act as a competitor that can engage and do the same thing and if there is something who acts as your catalyst to make people aware that is there so I'm a person that can do that I'm a person that can springboard ideas based on my knowledge and also my fan base you know my social media my social media a whole platform that I built allows me to do things differently I can also say that right now within fitness I'm long say like how did you keep your energy so I'm in your energy is part of your signature for everything so where does that come from and how do you maintain it I can't I can't do what I do and not be in shape yeah we travel a lot we're up all night we're doing shows for hours at a time you want to give the greatest performances that you possibly can if you can't breathe you can't do it if you're huffing and puffing if you're weaker you're in the hospital or you're sick you can't do it yeah your shows don't last so the morning every day every day because of the dedication I put in physical fitness I'm now launching my physical fitness health and wellness line so we just launched a multivitamin called Vita hustle after that we'll be doing amino acids will then be doing an organic protein literally you're gonna see me lay out strategically something that people believe because they've seen how much dedication I put into it I don't just throw things at the wall because everything that I do should coincide with my life and my lifestyle so from XD those are weights I'm big in a gym everybody knows that so now I'm investing into weights and into high weights are built and lands so you're gonna see a lot of me in that in that realm a business you're gonna see much more of me over there and it's because just that's where another passion is and I think that's where I can get an extreme following every time a you know talked about we both thought of our lives in long-term 10-year chunks you were talking about your 10th special tell me about how do you think about life that way in terms of you know look at this right here you're looking at the long-term my special right now comes out in two days shameless plug this is number six the goal is to get to ten the reason why I want to get to ten special is because that gives you ten chapters of my life like I talked about earlier I'm allowing you guys to watch me grow and progress into the man that I ultimately want to be so when I get to special number 10 you're gonna see me at age whatever you're gonna see my kids at age whatever possibly grown with kids without kids you're going to see me now retire and do whatever there's gonna be an amazing punctuation on me and comedy and you'll get to say that you witnessed from the bad to the good because I'll put it all out there and at the end of it there's gonna be a tenfold series that basically says Kevin's life in a nutshell and all my stand-up specials go together so if you look at the names it's basically a big game that I'm playing that nobody else is aware of you got a grown little man that's because when I first started I thought that I was a grown but I was little so nobody believed me at the grown little man seriously funny came the reason why name is seriously funny because I was serious about being funny this is my career there's nothing else guy come very serious I'm funny so trust me I'm not doing anything else and seriously funny laugh at my pain my pain is when I first saw that within all the happiness that you can have hurt that's when I lost my mother that's when my dad and his drug addiction got to another high level and I had to deal with all this stuff while still trying to maintain a drive and stand-up comedy at the laugh at my pain that's when Kevin took that hurt and didn't know how to deal with it so I started doing stupid [ __ ] that's when the next pressure came out called let me explain I had to explain all the stupid [ __ ] that I did because I saw you and you saw me go do what was pain and then over the next year and a half I did things that I had to explain now that I've explained everybody was saying what now we've heard him say why he did the things that he did but what does he gonna do with his life now so I named the next special what now at the what now I'm back highest of high I've regained my composure I've let all that emotional baggage go career is out the window movies are great up I [ __ ] up again irresponsible what did I do irresponsible things so right now you get to see irresponsible right now it's been a year and a half year Nate months going on two years since my last act of irresponsibility so now going into the next special it's about going from irresponsible back to responsible but what are the things are gonna justify me and my responsible behavior and what separates this from let me explain so this is the growth in a drastic change that you're witnessing but the titles really coincide with my life at the moment so by the time I get the SPECIAL tin I don't know what the title is gonna be but it's gonna be a closing chapter on me and stand-up comedy because I'll be done giving I want to sit down when I'm 50 I need to sit my ass down hopefully hopefully fingers crossed that's great tell me growing up who do you really respect in comedy today who appeals to you um today I mean there's a list Dave Chappelle Dave Chappelle's unbelievable Jerry Seinfeld an amazing friend mentor Chris Rock yes unbelievable who else can I say today that I really watch bill burr bill burr is very final I would say mainly Chris and Dave and Jerry I like the fact that Jerry Seinfeld you guys don't even know when a Seinfeld show is like you have no idea what Seinfeld is the one he's never stopped yeah he's never stopped doing comedy Jerry Seinfeld has consistently put out new hours and he just doesn't release him he just does it for him and his happiness he does corporate shows all over he'll do it for a year and stop and go back to comedy clubs and rebuild another set and go out with new material and tour for another year and I love the fact that he does it for him doesn't do it for anybody else he doesn't do it for credibility or awareness the man is a billionaire he I mean he's got money out of this he performs rooms just like this 40 people and he's very happy with telling his jokes and he goes about his business I love that I love that throughout the years of all that he has done with the levels of success that he's reached that he still finds fun and telling jokes so I'm forever a fan for that Chappelle I like Dave and love Dave as a friend more than anything because Dave is true to him it does not matter what you think what you feel doesn't matter what you say you will not shake Dave Chappelle's approach to life he is forever him and forever will be the information that I get from him it's always taken in and I listened to it grant it I can never do this [ __ ] to Dave does but I like the fact that there's a great definition behind it when he tells me why it's never just done just to do it Chris on the smartest men that I know I mean he's brilliant on one stage off stage in the business out of the business he's brilliant and what I love the most about him is he gives me energy by saying Kevin I should have done things the way that you're doing them from a this perspective and now I'm motivated by seeing you take comedy and mold it into all these other things that I feel that I've missed out on but now I'm now going back and I'm starting at this point in my career so keV you've given me a reason to start doing something else and I'm excited about why still doing comedy and I'm like well Chris I'm a better writer because of our conversations and because of what you do I write my jokes I construct them differently and there's a yin and a yang that we have yeah and it's been that way for you know 14 years 14 years and I think the best thing about having those relationships is that they're real I don't have anybody kissing my ass in a business I have people that tell me what it is and how it is if I suck you suck if you're wrong you're wrong if they feel like you're doing a movie and you're just trying to get a check my friends talked to me about it and I don't have many I don't have many that I have that relationship and from a comedy perspective those are the three that I really value and hold on to and then what what is your brand who are you as you look to it I mean everybody has their view of who you are but right now I would say the the best definition that I would put with me as Florida you know I'm flawed I'm openly flawed that doesn't mean that you can't do or you can't have it means that you're you're a person and as a flawed person I've somehow managed to still be an amazing father I'm still an amazing husband I'm still a provider and I'm a visionary yes and I think with being a visionary you realize that you become a leader and within me and my leadership and what I put out there for those that work for me or that are a part of my Empire it's not a boss and employee relationship it's a it's a we relationship and the best way to lead is to make people feel apart my team feels like they're a part of every I have because they understand that I can't do without them and I learned that in life if you can walk away by being a leader and turn around and see the people that you've led and look at what they now have in life that's the best that's the best justification of how you lead because everybody was able to obtain their own so right now I have people that have obtained their own so I would break it down to a flawed family man that loves to lead and see his people win that's how I define Kim Bauer awesome [Applause]
Channel: Tony Robbins
Views: 486,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tony robbins, motivation, inspiration
Id: QyXR3eYLd6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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