The Prayer Of Petition | 9.16.21 | KCC Thursday Night Bible Study Livestream

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we bless you guys we love you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord god you are great and greatly to be praised [Music] we serve a great great god hallelujah come on [Music] [Music] sing with me how great is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] i praise you i praise you lord i praise you lord if you pray i [Music] i i pray [Applause] i pray i'm this will bless the holy name [Music] how great is with me how great is our god and always seeing how great how great is cause you're the [Music] you are worthy [Applause] [Applause] are is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] facebook is is is [Music] [Music] [Music] who works [Music] is [Music] [Music] how great [Applause] is our god sing with me how great is our god and all come on and sing it one more time sing how great is [Music] hallelujah come on and love him love him love him love him thank you lord come on give him glory tonight hallelujah hallelujah god love you lord we love you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah chris bryant y'all remember that old hymn of the church it says then sings my soul my savior god to thee can you all say that how great how great thou art yes hallelujah come on say how great how great all over the room come on and love them tonight then sings my soul hallelujah [Music] sounds so good church thank you lord jesus say it to him tell him tonight [Music] my hallelujah isn't he a great god tonight come on say it oh what a mighty god we serve come on let's get faith in the room tonight come on love them church love them all over the room all over the room come on think about the words while you're singing it he's a great guy come on say how great one more time let's modulate boys [Music] thank you lord what a mighty god we serve thank you [Music] let's get a big finish right here church come on say tonight thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah oh praise you jesus hallelujah we honor you lord you're a great god you are soon sending our soon coming king jesus and so we love you tonight you're a great god you're a great guy you're a great guy come on what a great god he is hallelujah glory to the lamb of god [Music] oh bless his name tonight we love you lord we love you lord we love you lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh hallelujah to god glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh the presence of the lord is here i'm telling you he's in the room hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah brian what key you guys in f yeah he's a great guy um [Music] [Music] how excellent oh thank you lord how excellent you all remember that little roll right there ladies come on say [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] ain't nobody like you jesus not [Music] we'll get in the word in just a second but can i just worship for a little while come on say jesus is [Music] in jesus excellent [Music] [Applause] oh my god here's my name come on said church [Music] come on say it one amen that he is lord [Music] [Music] oh come on he's greater than closet he's greater than delta or hallelujah he's greater than anything you can face in this world thank you lord he's an excellent guy oh hallelujah there's a god in heaven thank you lord thank you lord we honor you tonight father hallelujah [Music] thank you lord hallelujah thank you lord oh thank you lord if if we just realize how big god is everything going on in this world right now will become so minochi to you amen meaningless daniel said there is a god in heaven if you believe that tonight will you love them all over the room there is a god in heaven yes thank you lord hallelujah and we trust you we we honor you we believe you there's a god in heaven so father i thank you lord i thank you for worship lord i know the word's going to be rich but the worship is rich because your presence is rich and so we thank you for your spirit that rest rules and abides in here lord i thank you for everybody that's in here tonight you know as i look across this this august buddy of body of believers lord i see people from all different walks of life with with different backgrounds and different ways of of living and being and yet we all have one thing in common we we love you with all of our heart and we all need a savior so we thank you for jesus thank you god for jesus but we don't stop there lord because we're not fundamental in our logic in our doctrine we thank you for the holy ghost because we we we need him too hallelujah amen so father as we continue in these 12 principles of warfare refresh and enlighten us make us better we need it in this culture and in this time and we'll be so careful to give you the glory honor and the praise so our feet are shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace our lords are girded about with truth we have on the breastplate of righteousness the shield of faith sword of the spirit the helmet of salvation we have love and our faith works by love we got keys to the kingdom just put the devil out one good time you don't have to slave over them just bind them say them we bind you in jesus name loose legions of angels to war and tonight is a night of breakthrough peace and joy and happiness comes back to somebody tonight in jesus name amen all right give him another hand clap and let's get in his word i honor my beautiful wife happy day after your birthday amen hallelujah you may be seated tonight i'm telling you i'm so excited about this word tonight and i pray that you had a great day in the lord and it's good to see everybody tonight let's clap our hands for our visitors are we glad to have visitors tonight and members and everybody in the house of god and you heard me say happy day after birthday to my sweet wife i'm telling you we had us a time yesterday and i say to all my single brothers i don't know why you won't get married man that's all i can say i'm not trying to get on anybody's nerves we getting ready get in this word but brother get you a companion it's nothing like it man somebody go and sit down and eat steal coke still cut oatmeal with and strawberries and pecans and conversate and i told you on the prayer call that sister rogers had the distinct privilege of spending the whole day with yours truly and who wouldn't want that as a birthday gift to ask any question you want process anything i could talk about everything from nasdaq to mental health to you name whatever you want to talk about so she we just had a blast and i say that comedically i was blessed to spend time with her on her birthday and it was so much fun fun fun and then i got back in the office today and i realized how far behind i was and uh back to life back to reality amen and say cuban laughing at me all day long because i've been catching up all day so i'm just excited about that and i'll be at work again in the morning and that's what we ought to do is that not right so we thank god for that but i love you tonight are you ready to get back in this um 12 principles of warfare let's go back to it man come on let's go ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 and i'm gonna squeeze a lot into 45 minutes tonight okay and i want to give you some practical tools i'm glad to have our youth in here tonight because you're going to be able to use these tools tonight you're going to leave here with something you're going to leave here with a homework assignment but it'll be one of those things you really really enjoy and so i'm not done with the third principle thank you jeanette last week we talked about fighting with the what word right and i told you matthew 11 uh what sort of things you desire when you pray right believe you receive and what's going to happen you'll have it what happens when you pray you say when you pray you say is that not right and when we pray what should we be praying the word of god i'm glad i got a good class okay so let's go to ephesians chapter 6 verse number 18. and the bible says with all prayer or you could say with all types of prayer did you know there are different types of prayer there's a prayer of thanksgiving amen there's a prayer of praise and worship but tonight what we're going to talk about is the prayer of petition or the saying of petition is that all right so tonight we're going to deal with that we're still talking about fight with the word but we're talking about the prayer of petition if you're writing as a tool of warfare all right because we're talking about the 12 principles of warfare so the prayer of petition as of what church tool of warfare you could also say the prayer of petition as a tool to manifest what you're believing for and we'll deal with that but the bible says with all prayer and petition can everybody say petition we're going to harness that word all night long all prayer and petition pray with what kind of request specific everybody say be specific yeah when you pray unless you don't know what god wants to see happen or or you're unclear about the will of god that's the only time you should pray as jesus prayed and said not my will but thy will be done we call that the prayer of consecration right because you're not quite sure what god is doing so you say god i submit myself to you and i only want to see what you want to see i don't want the job at said bank if you want me at said industrial company i only want to be where you want me to be so father i don't know that yet so not my will but thy will be done and you take it a step further and you say father turn the light on is that right all right he will tell you what his will is does god want us in the dark no the bible says if we lack wisdom james chapter one we should do what ask god we should ask him god i don't know i don't know what the next step is sir so please tell me and one of the worst things you could do when you're believing in faith or talking in faith is to speak presumptuously because then you're speaking in what we call feigned faith what does the word fame mean fake it's not real all right it's imitated faith we don't want to speak in fame faith we want to speak in genuine faith is that not right and i believe it was f bosworth that said it first but faith begins where the will of god is what guys known all right i can't release faith on something that i don't know what god is doing is that right no sense of me believing for somebody else's husband single sister amen is that my husband god i need to know that before i start going in tell my lord he's six foot eight that's exactly what i wanted all right i speak him into my life right and he's supposed to be marrying shelly in your name sheila right so you you messing up right you gotta go back and find out what god wants then you can pray out what god wants is that not right with all prayer and what petition pray with what kind of specific requests come out of all of that religion where you just throw it up in the air and see what sticks is that right no i'm praying with specific requests right once i know what god's will and plan is once i know i'm in the margin of god's will and plan i'm gonna pray that out and there are some things you don't have to seek god for days on to find out his will for example if you are sick in your body what is god's will it is healing is that not a part of the gospel luke 4 18 is that not connected to isaiah 53 he was wounded for your transgressions bruce for iniquities chastisement of his peace was upon you and with his stripes you were healed you are healed peter all right so that is his will that is his plan he wants you healthy okay don't have to seek him real long to find out whether or not he wants you wealthy he wants you doing well financially second corinthians 8 and 9 he became poor that you might become rich that's easy that's not hard to figure out so god you do want me gainfully employed you want me blessed you want me doing well is that not right the love i wish above all things that you would prosper that you would prosper that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul does prosper why are some people not in good health and prospering because their soul is not prospering they don't think they should have it and you can never release faith where you don't have enough desire this is good teaching that's not for me that's for somebody else who told you that so you got to get your soul prospering you got to get your expectation up you got to get your faith up are you all in here all right and if you'll do that god will meet you in that place of your expectation good teaching amen so in the spirit with this view stay alert with all perseverance and petition did you know that sometimes you'd have to persevere in speaking you'd have to persevere in prayer all right matthew chapter 7 backs these principles up when it says ask seek and knock luke chapter 11 same account ask seek and knock all right believe around luke 11 9 all right ask it will be given seek you'll find not and the door will be open you read that in the amplified rendering it says ask and keep asking i can keep knocking c can keep seeking well that backs this principle up then so stay alert with all perseverance and petition are y'all getting that so sometimes i gotta persevere in prayer but if i pray i am sane so sometimes i gotta persevere and say i gotta keep saying it i gotta keep speaking is that not right and if i'll persevere in saying against the wiles of the wicked one i will not succumb to what he wants to see happen see the devil wants to ruin you he wants to discourage you he wants to break you down he wants to turn you into a basket case to where ultimately you give up and die because he needs you out of the way isn't that good stuff he needs you out of the way i heard a preacher say something so powerful not long ago and it's true i never thought about it this way you know that was not as concerned about whether or not you go to heaven or hell he just needs you out of the way because he goes to and fro throughout the earth seeking whom he may devour and he may be able to devour somebody else if he can get you out of the way y'all gonna catch up with that he needs you out of the way all right that's why he wants your life to end early because then you're not in the earth where he is see if i was six feet under today i couldn't preach like i'm doing right now are you all getting that it'd be an excellent legacy but no i don't want to die young cause the devil needs me out of the way he wants to kill my people is that not right if you can get the leader out of the way you can get to the sheet that's why the men told david you can't go to war anymore we're going to protect you is that not right that's why even america has enough sense in the state of an emergency to not have the president vice president and secretary of state in the same building because somebody's got to carry on if somebody gets assassinated are y'all getting that why because the devil needs you out of the way are y'all getting those warfare principles right so you got to be able to persevere and you got to persevere in petition and you have to stay alert with all perseverance are y'all still in here all right so let's move a little bit further in this thing because we're talking tonight about petitions the prayer of petition as a what tool of warfare so we see petition in the amplified version of ephesians 6 and 18. now let's go to first john 5 and 14. and to my teenagers and kiddos y'all take notes because this is going to bless you don't sleep on pastor gabe tonight because i promise you you all going to be able to participate in a minute and you're going to be able to take something home with you that's gonna bless the rest of your life first john 5 and 14 through 15. this is so good now this is the confidence new king james version this is the what church this is the confidence you could say this is the belief this is the faith because faith is confidence this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will f f bosworth faith begins where the will of god is known if we ask anything according to his will he hears us will you please say that with me god heard me come on say it again god heard me now please say it this way god heard me the first time i prayed he heard me and that's the confidence you have god heard you it's not because you talk louder that's going to make them hear you next time god heard you in he heard you the first time and you can be confident that he hurt you well somebody would say well if god heard me what's the hold up because you just told me you heard me and i can be confident that he heard me so what's the hiccup what's the hold up let's keep reading and i'm gonna break it down to you as a good pastor should and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask but remember now that whatever has to be within the confines of what he willed in the margin of what he says is okay whatever he asks we know everybody shout i know we know that we have the there's that word again petitions that we have asked of him plural so can you pray more than one thing at a time for those of you who are just not worthy lord don't do anything for me just just give me a little bit of gas to make it through the day lord if you just give me a little corner office i'll be okay once you get one of those high offices with the glasses that overlooks the stadium i don't know but we have the petitions that we ask of him every side petitions so pastor you've been talking about these petitions so what is a petition well the word petition comes from a hebrew word all right and don't worry about the spelling it is it's michela and it means a request or a desire so what is a petition something that you request or something that you what desire the word petition in the greek similar word it comes from the word request or in asking new phrase we've been using i haven't asked how many y'all know when your supervisor says that they got a project for you they come in they say candace i have an ask that's going to tie up the next three three three weeks of your work week right you know you're getting ready get assigned to some project management i my ask is this can you give me a project plan right well you all we have the power and authority uh in purity but to relate to god like that we can have an ask we can have an asking we can have desires will you liberate yourself to have desires yeah for some of you your desire may just be that you have a greater revelation revelation that you are far from oppression especially in this culture i haven't asked that i'm not so bothered by this world well you take authority and you won't be bothered by this world somebody else's ass may be a job somebody else some other married couple tonight hasn't asked father we believe we receive a child we want to be fertile we we have an ass everybody has some asks plural petitions is that all right could god help your brother get saved manifest your job and cause you to meet your husband under the same banner of an ass could he send you to a good church for somebody that's an ass did you know where the answer to somebody's prayer i had no idea 11 years ago when i founded this church who i would meet along the way in context but somebody would be moving to charlotte somebody would be looking for a church somebody would be recovering well god answered that prayer right that was somebody's ass i want to go somewhere where my kids could be ministered to where i could get what i need where i could grow in the things of god where they have ethics and morals and they would do stuff right but they believe in the holy spirit and they'll talk in tongues and they'll shout but you know what they'll still sit down and learn the bible is that right everybody say a balanced church and i'll throw this one in for free where the pastor actually likes his wife that'd be good right that's my ask after all like people like priests is that all right so i want to be around people where i can groom and grow and iron can sharpen iron we could get better that's another lesson tonight but are y'all still with me we know that we have the what petitions that we have asked for so now it's a request or a desire and i wrote my definition and i want you to get this because everybody say god heard me so pastor how come i don't have that yet then because this the confidence that i have melvin and i did pray according to his will god heard me and it's gonna help my babes in the lord this is why you shouldn't quit church i'm gonna give you three easy points to understand why your prayers haven't manifested yet or why what you've been speaking hasn't manifested yet and you're going to be set free and liberated to keep believing is that all right because i know god hurt me i mean i know he heard me during the faith conference i know he heard me when i touched and agreed with with somebody who had faith and i know that god heard this thing so what's the hiccup what's the holdup well before i give you that pastor gabe what's your definition of a petition a petition very important is a verbal proclamation or written document of what you want i'm gonna say it again so you can write it a petition is a verbal proclamation or written document of what you want anybody know anything about zoning city of charlotte city of rock hill before they let you build something sister pam is on the front row uh she well educated on this you know i pam is one of the only people i know with the masters in urban and regional planning and development how do you get a master's in urban regional and planning development that is amazing and highly accredited person knowing her stuff right well she works for the city and she she'd be able to coach you through the process you can't just go acquire land and build what you want you got a petition you got to put up notification anybody ever see signs zoning rezoning public meeting and you better hope sarah from the neighborhood don't show up talking i don't want that in my neighborhood all right because they can block your petition if enough of the neighbors don't want amen right yeah it has happened in charlotte on so many occasions so many companies want to move in i remember something down in dilworth they wanted to do those folk wasn't having it they said no no no no amen we like our stuff the way it is right and they got enough for the neighbors and they blocked it right well i got good news for you tonight the devil can't block your petition he doesn't have authority to block right but i'm gonna show you how to stop him from blocking it is that all right because we're talking about petitions as warfare so back to it first lady a petition is a verbal proclamation or written document of what you want now let's back this up again when we pray brittany god heard us very important pastor why do you keep saying that because some of you think your prayer time is futile i came out of prayer this morning at five o'clock coming you know finishing my five o'clock prayer coming out getting ready to face today and it occurred to me like a ton of bricks that what i had just done in prayer wasn't a waste of time i had prayed for some things i didn't ask god again for our grace house to minister to unwed moms i thanked them for it i took communion over it i prayed but i did ask this i said father put some steam behind it cause it to pick up speed well god is a god's sign wonders and miracles i know he heard me because on my way into charlotte coming down 77 just by chance i took a notion to get in the express lane y'all know that lane that you got to pay for to be in i took a notice i said i'm gonna ride this lane cause these folk driving too slow and after all i do have two dollars and 25 cents so i got in that express lane well here's how god tickles you once you pray something and you prayed in faith i'm coming down that express lane and of course there's only four of us in that lane while there's 485 on the other side y'all know what i'm talking about the people that's too cheap some of y'all in here won't get in that lane because you want to save two dollars and 25 cents from cornelius to charlotte get in the lane so you can get to work on time drop the kids off on good stuff so i got in the lane this morning i don't usually get in that lane because i usually don't come into charlotte down 77 but this today i did all right one of the reasons why i did is because i wanted to go back to panera and get some more of that still cut oatmeal with strawberries and pecans unashamed plug that is some good oatmeal oh my god so i went my wife ordered me some you know and i went and got it and i had to go to work and all that kind of good stuff but i got in that express lane but remember now i had maria 5am prayer though and the devil wanted to convince me that i'm just my prayers are just hitting the ceilings well the last guy that built our last building up top very nice gentlemen wonderful construction company um he owed me and melvin some information on some quotes now this man is big he builds a lot of stuff he's worked for a lot of companies in charlotte and so he's all over the state and he goes out of state he on any given day he he wouldn't be of course on 77 at the same time that pastor was on 77. well needless to say at a certain point i'm driving dangerously eating my steel cut oatmeal because if but if by the time i get to the office and try to eat it it's gonna be cold and the oatmeal will be firm and that'll get on my nerves so i had to eat it on my way in drive with my knees sometimes and stuff like that y'all pray for me i'm gonna do better i'm do better don't scrutinize me you're not perfect you did some stuff today you shouldn't have done it's under the blood all right and keep that i knew he something was wrong with him i knew he was corrupt eating that oatmeal like that driving i'm not corrupt but i did eat the oatmeal driving because i don't like it to be hard by the time i got to charlotte well i got to pick up speed because i only got 23 minutes and we got exercise to do and so he he was one of literally the five people within a mile radius that got in the express lane so all of a sudden i see a white expedition drive up next to me and i'm like man this feels weird this person just will not drive faster or fall back he's driving right next to me the whole time and he's just looking at me melvin and just smiling and then all of a sudden i just you know that uncomfortable feel you get when somebody's staring at you and you just need to make eye contact just to make sure they're not weird or have a gun or something so i looked at him oh craig good to see you craig and he waves and then he finally drives off then he calls me and says by the way that document i have for you for your building over here i'll have something to you this afternoon now i don't know if it's because he bumped into me that he knew it was time or maybe god heard my petition this morning i think y'all getting the revelation see he has some signs linked to oh hallelujah where he's taking you and what he's doing but you got to know that god no god heard me he heard me the first time i prayed hallelujah hey y'all getting that and then of course this evening he got us a note amen yeah so i guess i guess he was going to be on 77 anyway i guess we planned that especially at 6 45 in the morning he you know that's just how it happens you know for his carnal mind makes sense huh no god heard and see you all have to relieve yourself when you're praying to assume that god's gonna hear you more because you repeat it 80 times no vain repetitions pray one time decree one time and then thank him for it the rest of the way are y'all still in here because when i pray what do i do i say but what does that have to do with 12 principles of warfare because god heard you go to isaiah 65 and 24 but there are three things going on in the in between of a man and there it is there are three things going on i promise you this is going to be accurate tonight listen to what god says he says i will answer their prayers before they finish praying that's the cev version god said before you even get done off your knees that's the right response somebody in here that's praised something after the will of god is giving them glory right now before before you ever say amen i'ma answer amen i don't have to wait till the facts comes in because i'm omnipresent i'm with you and in heaven and in your manifestation at the same time come on take your seat we got to work tonight got 20 minutes we're gonna get it out but i'm gonna answer their prayer before they finish praying before they stop praying i'm already gonna be involved in their stuff and i'mma answer it so what's the hold up what's going on there are three things going on when you say and when you decree then we gonna get into this petition revelation and i believe you'll have a good meal tonight is that all right number one is either timing desire two three demonic opposition those are the three things going on between you and manifestation one timing two desire and three demonic opposition hence the 12 principles in the cold warfare that's why we're teaching this because guys you got to know satan stands against is that not right he doesn't want to see you come into you at least he doesn't he doesn't want to see us get it guys he don't want to see us manifest what we're believing for in fact think about it we're building a home for unwed moms you think satan wants that in the kingdom of god so more women keep their babies that's a problem for the kingdom of god because then a moses or jesus might be born y'all remember that the last time somebody of significant impact was going to be born the king said kill him kill all the male children y'all the trends hadn't stopped he doesn't know everything but he does have an inkling of when somebody's substantial is on his way the next major pastor or president may be in somebody's loins right now that's going to turn this world upside down are y'all getting that so it's not just about you getting a car or a husband or a new job y'all these are real kingdom priority issues that the devil doesn't want to see manifest man when we were manifesting this campus i never fought so hard in the spirit in my life these guys would remember oh god man you talk about something faster than praying but on the other side of that i get it because the devil needed to stop us a spirit-filled ministry with integrity that was going to honor god and really be about doing it the right way he didn't want that made manifest because then after all some people might stay married oh you haven't seen anything until that that life conference we had with the two-year-old baby that we had saved down at the abortion clinic and he and his mom came to the church and he was down here dancing and shouting y'all remember that little leo holding his bottle like a football you hadn't lived until you had one of those moments the devil didn't want us in the way he opposes you because you're going to do something huge for the kingdom of god so it's beyond just a new job but yes it's a new job also can you do two things at once can god bless you and use you in the kingdom at the same time somebody shout hallelujah because i'm gonna answer them before they finish what y'all got time for me tonight all right and james 5 and 16 just put it in your notes study it later but the bible says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man does what a veil is much that word availeth james 5 and 16 reggie is the same word for prevails the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man you could also say the effectual fervent quoting the word of a righteous man decreeing of a righteous man really does prevail well dear if it prevails that means there is an enemy anytime you prevail over something that means there was something that came to stop you are you all in here you prevailed over cancer cancer came to steal kill and destroy but you prevailed what's the first thing they say when somebody dies of a disease they succumbed they were fighting hard but they succumbed there's a such thing as succumbing amen if there's a succumbing there is a prevailing well how does a believer a point of warfare prevail they prevail by being fervent by being effectual by standing feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace standing firm on the promise of god which is the word of god until the manifestation of what they prayed for comes into fruition are you all in here y'all don't believe that so go to daniel chapter 10. i do want you to see this daniel chapter 10 verse number 12-13 because if it wasn't a fight paul wouldn't have said in first timothy 6 and 12 fight the good fight of faith what's a fight for because you got somebody you got to fight you got an enemy somebody wants to kill your daughter somebody wants to kill your son somebody wants to steal your wife so you got to fight and when i say somebody i mean a spirit people are governed by spirits so you have to fight first timothy 6 and 12. the what kind of fight the good fight of faith and we know it's a good fight because we've already won is that not right thanks for the under god who how often always causes us to triumph this is the victory that over comes the world even our our faith are you all in here somebody shout we win but there's an enemy y'all that god heard you listen to the angel who god sends to deliver your packages by the way this is an angel talking he said to daniel then he said to me do not fear daniel from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humble yourself before god your words were heard the first time i already heard you no your words were heard and i become i've come because of your or ask your neighbor are you speaking the right words i've come because of your words but your words were heard but but but angel show us what what the hiccup was let's look at demonic opposition verse number 13. this is why you can't be a fundamentalist and not believe in spiritual things but the prince of the kingdom of persia which stood me 21 days did we not just finish the 21 day fast this week do y'all see the logic now yeah he was stood me how long 21 days behold michael who was a warring angel one of the chief princes came to help me for i had been left alone there with the kings of persia when you pray and go into warfare and decree in warfare and take authority you lose warring angels to go and fight against the hiccups and hold ups to your manifestation i want to help my babes out tonight because i don't leave anybody behind right it's a warfare so you have to say in the name of jesus i bind up every force that's hindering the manifestation of the job that i believe for i take authority over that pastor why did you bump into your contractor today because i took authority over delays what's that all about after all we always bump into each other seeing as though he works all all around south south america so you know we bump into each other every day no that's the first time i've seen him since our last construction project our last quote are y'all getting that but that's god what would you have to do this morning pastor i had to bind up hindrances because guess who doesn't want me to build a youth building guess who doesn't want me to build a home for unwed moms are y'all getting this doesn't want us to build it because i ain't doing it myself y'all gonna help me somebody say amen number one timing desire but demonic what opposition if you didn't have to wait for anything this is gonna be so good for those of you who are just instantaneous believers the bible would have never said wait i say on the lord and again i say wait now i know we don't like that we faith people it's the word of faith that we preach come on i do believe in decreeing it and it is established but the truth about that decree in it and it is established is it's already established in the heavens but sometimes there is a timing for the manifestation of that thing that's working together for your good and you can't get mad when that's happened that's the other side of faith hebrews 6 uh uh uh 9-12 follow them through who faith and patience do what and hear the promises of god i always say that patience is face bigger brother you got to have faith you got to act in faith but then you have to have patience while you're acting and you can't quit in between god i've been believing for overflow i've been tithing i've been trusting you i've been seed sowing but i ain't seen nothing yet how long you been tithing two weeks my last pay period i gave a tenth of all and i ain't seen nothing yet well you may as well get ready to quit you're definitely gonna quit right because you have no perseverance y'all remember that from 6 18 ephesians 6 18 praying always with all types of prayer with what perseverance you gotta you gotta do your confessions every morning and persevere in them every day every day i'm persevering i'm persevering i don't have time to deal with desire all night tonight but you all know mark chapter 11 whatsoever things you desire 11 23 24 when when you pray desire has to be in place when when you play it can't be nice to have or maybe i might want it you must have desire now do you believe it do you want it or are you not quite ready i've been there before y'all i've been there i have been in stuff that would have kind of been neat to have but i wasn't so sure i was ready wanting it at that point and i didn't have the desire to manifest it therefore i had to be careful god i wish i had time of the fame faith false faith then you're shouting and proclaiming every uh sunday about something you really don't know that you want you all don't believe this but we had a single small group a few years ago this was so good 50 of the singles in that group you remember that there and and some of these folks who are in the group who ain't single no more they know about that right and this was a group of at least 80 to 90 singles 50 of those people in an anonymous survey did not quite know whether or not they wanted to be married are you all getting that but what i remember about preaching especially during them electrify 8 o'clock services when i would say stuff like your husband on the way amen but they didn't want that that was fame faith they had to do that because all the other fingers was doing it and i'd look weird if i don't say amen but did you really want y'all don't like that see now i don't stepped on the nerve i could tell you don't want that you're not there how you know we don't want it pastor give me scripture okay write in you know study it later james 2 and 18 show me your faith by your works what have you done to demonstrate you want that and consistently because when you're really in faith nobody has to remind you to do something [Laughter] nobody has to say have you tried on dresses lately have you believed god lately you want a new job have you applied well you don't want a new job y'all don't like this because y'all really when you're going into the promised land it could be a little threatening because there are jebusites hittites and all the other ites and i mean you like your current job cause they're flexible you can get that 9 45 and when nobody say nothing but you mess around get a new job you're going to have to step up cause there's eight other people in the room with the same degree as you and they know when you're slacking but you kind of like it on this end y'all know i'm talking right i can tell when i'm stepping on the nerve i can tell it by the spirit you don't really want that cause you know it's going to take it up for you and you understand scripture what it says to whom much is given now you got a greater requirement somebody asked me this was the funniest thing i ever heard in my life and these people were so serious they they came they really wanted to meet with me about this they said why don't you would you consider running for the mayor of the city of charlotte i didn't say this to them but in the back of my mind i said are you crazy y'all supposed to laugh louder than that no way number one i'm not a political figure number two that's not my calling but number three these people crazy i'll be holding city council meetings and they'll be saying stuff i've never heard of in my life they're out of control so no thank you maybe if this was 1985 but no we're in the last days now i'm gonna keep preaching uh i don't want to be the mayor i don't want to be governor out of now i'm good um i know you feel bad you thought i was going to go for it man no thank you amen i'll pray for the mayor i don't want to be the mayor but desire demonic opposition y'all still in here but then number one timing i'm still on that guys y'all got time go to exodus 23 28-31 young people you with me i love this i like this i'm seeing seeing my gabes and lauren's writing notes that's what i'm talking about i want to see my young people riding now because we're getting ready to get into this petition but you need me to set you up first how come the stuff i've been speaking ain't come to pass yet because it's some stuff you're not ready for yet some stuff would hurt you to get now and god knows that and it's not just that you don't have enough faith for it you got the faith for it it would jack you up if it made manifest today because it's still some seasoning that's got to come into your life we don't like that but i'm just going to teach faith right and i will send hornets before you that will drive out the hivites the canaanite the hittite from before you but listen what god says i will not drive them out from before you in one year lest the lamb become desolate and the beasts of the field become too numerous for who for you lest you move into something you can't handle verse number 30 little by little are you is that all right y'all don't denounce the processes of god come on single sister you're believing for a husband the only thing you know how to make is hamburger help you have to find out how to do some baked mac and cheese so you gotta do something some meatloaf that don't shrink back down to the bottom of the pan if you're gonna get a husband now put some saltine crackers in that thing and firm it up figure out how to cook three things before god give you a man and y'all be arguing cause he hungry no little by little get you a recipe book first why you want a husband back to desire and we'll know you want a husband because you actually start learning more recipes titus chapter two teach the young women to be domestic uh oh no he ain't gonna want patty labelle's sweet potato pie every holiday season you cook something tomorrow wait here baby i'm going down to walmart no you you stir the potatoes up and take all the strings out of it and put some dog on nutmeg and cinnamon and carrying on and that and get it right we'll sit up under mountain and learn something maria do a cooking life group every every maria stand on up the people may not know who you are she do a cooking life group every november now you sign up for that like don't clap stop all the clapping you sign up for the life group this year and learn something so you can get a husband somebody that's fame faith i want to hear all that i know you ready for husband when i see you on the registration don't meet with me no more talking about you don't know why you know why that all right brian i got a little carried away but i'm gonna do it how little by little little by little amen come on you you want you want to be the ceo and and and just in your junior year or the state college just chill out and learn accounting amen i'll drive them out before you until you have what increase and what are you going to do church and here at the land okay so guys can we get into petition i only got a few minutes y'all still with me can we get into petition then all right cause when you pray you say all right now i told you it was something you verbally proclaimed but it's also what i want to teach you today second can i have my new artifact uh it's also something that you write down okay and we're gonna enjoy this tonight steph bigger you got my my cards and things okay um thank you elder reece all right you can put it right here sir if you don't mind um but writing things down in prayer is going to do something for you is that all right it's going to do something for you habakkuk 2 and 2 2 4 talks about right division and make it what plain on what tablets so that he that reads it may run is that right thank you dear all right so you write it down it's a proclamation all right now when you write these three things down it's going to do things for you in prayer that i believe unless you've already been doing this and if this is something you already do believe with the rest of the people in the room it's going to do something for you that is going to really boost your manifestation are you all in here when you write down what you decree out of your mouth it's going to do something for you it's going to boost your manifestation all right it does three quick things this is bible study let's get it down number one it reminds you of what you prayed besides me ever prayed for something manifested later you said ah that's right i did ask for that i've had that happen maybe you haven't i have but it will keep it up before you which keeps it up before your faith which keeps it up before you're asking seeking and knocking all right you decree a thing and it is established but it's going to remind you of what you prayed or you could say what you prayed for but then this is a part that not a lot of people pay attention to it's going to remind god of what you prayed for my god pastor you threw me for a loop on that well somewhere around isaiah 41 he said put me in remembrance of these things y'all find it on the back and put it on the screen it's going to remind god now why would god tell you to put them in remembrance after all if my memory is right i think it's psalm 20 and 3. don't put that up there finally isaiah 41 passage but if my memory serves me right the bible even says god doesn't even forget an offering so if he don't forget offering pastor did he forget my prayer no but when the bible says put me in remembrance of these things that word remembrance means to mark it to flag it to highlight it mark it and he says it watch this put me in remembrance and let us do what contend let us what contend together god says bring it up before me in prayer plead your case that you may be acquitted what is an acquittal you let off it comes to pass he says mark it bring it up when you pray bring it up how do we bring something up that we already prayed for let's see who gets it right thanksgiving i don't have to ask him again so if i already told him i already believed i already put scripture on it because we're fighting with the word right father i just want to remind you that i believe that i received my new job in jesus name i just want to remark that i want to take communion over it again i just want to remind you that i believed i received my healing and what what do you do always put a word on it right in accordance with isaiah 53 because what are we fighting with the word so i never pray with just my voice matthew chapter 4 again i say it is written what did jesus fight the devil with the word am i moving too fast what did jesus fight the devil with the word what should you put god in remembrance of his word why should you do that this just came out of my spirit put psalm 89 34 up there why should you remind him not because he has forgotten but something about god enjoys you telling him about what he said i don't know what that is i'll ask him about it later but there's something about god that appreciates you bringing it up asking seeking and knocking not begging not vain prayers or vain babylons but he says it my covenant the thing i said i will not what break nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips i won't change what i said so remind me of what i said because when you remind me of what i say you're going to remind yourself of what i said out of your inward man bring it back up again guys this is what i tell you all the time talk about it why do you talk about that grace house so much pastor because of family flame of my faith i talk about that when i'm preaching about something totally different it sneaks into my messages because it fans the flames of my faith why do you talk about why you talk about the new youth building it fans the flames of my faith really it does and i want to talk about it with fellow believers that's believing is that right because anything we agree as touching is that right matthew 16 19 matthew 18 19 same concept all right whatever we bind together is going to be bound whatever we lose together is going to be loose so god says remind me of it put me in remembrance of it so when you write it down what does it do church it reminds you of what you prayed number two it reminds god of what you prayed but number three my favorite point of the night it creates a catalog of your manifestations you need a catalog of your manifestations you need something that you can reference back to that reminds you of what occurred in your life the old song hymn song yield not to temptation said it this way it said each victory will help you some other to win it catalogs it so we getting ready to do our petition exercise but let's talk about cataloging and this is i believe my last scripture of the night go to exodus 17 13-16 anybody like studying the bible in bible study i do i've never gotten used to just having bible study and just looking at one scripture i feel like you have to be careful with that because in a minute you slip over into your opinion i want you to stick with the word all right and sometimes you can do just one passage if you got revelation flowing like that but tonight i believe the word's just teaching itself and i want you all to get this this was when aaron and her held moses arm up and y'all remember as long as his arms were held up what happened they won when his arm came down they lost now they're fighting amalek all right this is after uh joshua who was out there fighting the battle which this is joshua by the way who would later lead this group but how did god get him there little by little he did his intern first he wasn't a leader in this text god was seasoning he out there winning battles so never despise where you are today because it's leading you to where you're going tomorrow it's a setup do it with all your might whatever your hands find to do do it with all your might amen i'm so proud of brother trey i look at him back there uh in in college now uh branham and man just worked at that taco bell and he could have just worked there any old kind of way this is just a little high school job no he did it with all his might and taco bell gave him a scholarship to college right because he didn't despise it now he's in college studying business finance and one day he's going to be somebody's finance guy he'll be a cfo follow me right but because he understood his season a little by little i thought i'd throw that out there for some of my young guns so joshua overwhelmed and defeated amalek and his people with the edge of the sword but come on everybody say write it down then the lord said to moses amplified bible think y'all write this in a book y'all seeing that you see that dave isn't that good write this in a book as a memorial how many people in here have prayer journals good all right write this in a book as a memorial but don't just write it recite it keep talking about how you built that community building debt-free during covey recite it talk about it over and over and over again because you're fanning the flames of your faith write it down in a book of a memorial and recite it to joshua that i will utterly wipe out the memory of amalek that is the enemy is it not what are we talking about tonight fighting with the word fighting with petitions write your petition down on how you beat them up as a reminder so that if they try anything else again in the future you got a memorial you can reflect on and say now wait a minute devil the last time you attacked my body we handed it to you so what makes you think this is going to work this time [Applause] is that all right so that it will it will utterly wipe out the memory of amalot and his people from under the heaven two more verses and moses built an altar and named it the lord my banner saying the lord has sworn an oath the lord will have war against the people amalek from generation to generation now let me tell you about this altar this is what i have coined the petition box it's a nice box uh uh on my wife's birthday she decided that she wanted to go to hobby lobby and so that was one of our stops and so we went to hobby lobby and you know as far as i'm concerned when i'm in hobby lobby i'm just hobbying better stated lobbying lobbying for when this will i'm a lobbyist in hobby lobby i like hobby lobby to a certain extent to sister rogers start buying christmas stuff for 2023. because it's on sale and we should get it now do you think the seats will lay down we should get it now that sound like dr seuss and the cat in the hat let's get it now and lay the seats down baby can we leave hobby lobby so but sometimes the holy ghost will give me inspiration because he's always talking so i walk past these boxes and and i just sense the spirit of god say that's it and so i began to conversate with him out of my spirit and um he brought me back to some concepts we used to do even in the old old church y'all remember the boxes that had slits on top and you could drop a petition in it i believe god said bring that back so this this is the church's new petition box so i bought it melvin i'll turn in a receipt i bought it and um this is what we're going to do starting at night all right we bought this box and sister rogers said that tape would go nice underneath so we got the table too you asked me it could have been on one of these purple chairs because i'm frugal but sister rogers thought we should dress it up a little better than that so she got a table to go with it and and we dropped it off on her birthday but i want to do an exercise because this is not something new to me back at home sister rogers and i we have our own petition boxes you see so when i have 5 a.m prayer i can go and if i have something on my heart that i'm believing god to do i could write it down pray over it and decree it always put a scripture on it and put it in my petition box and then that prayer pillow that we prayed over a couple of years ago i get down on my can get down on my knees and i can get at my petition box and i can decree it and call it established now i will keep it in my petition box and particularly until it manifests because every so often i can open up my box and remind god of what we prayed for on september 17th it's in there now he doesn't need a reminder but i do sometimes so i say father you know what i believed i received this i just want to give you praise and honor and adoration for the manifestation of it amen and i put it back in my petition box close my box up and get up and go to work all right leave my petition box we have a prayer room in our home leave it in the prayer room and just walk knowing that my petition box is cooking there's something in the oven is that all right so can we do that tonight now i like everybody in our esteemed secretary sister biggers uh hooked us up um with some index cards so gentlemen i'm going to give you guys this and guys we're almost done you've allowed me to go a little over time y'all got time for this i want everybody to take an index car um and um you know let's pass that out and i want you to think of something that you are believing for here's the criteria you know that it's the will of god you know that it's what god wants you know that god is backing it that god has no problem with you having it i gave you the broad range of that earlier in the message i told you you know god has no problem with you having greater finances he definitely wants you healed he he you're a single sister you know chances are uh you god has no problem with you being married after all you know i don't know many people with the gift of celibacy amen god has no problem with that not only for celibacy but so that you can be genesis 1 and 26 people so that you can be fruitful and multiply 26-28 have dominion replenish the earth so you can fulfill your kingdom purpose all right now remember we're not going to get anxious because what are the three things that we got to be thoughtful of when we pray timing desire demonic opposition all right now the last two you're in charge of how bad do you want it and are you willing to put the devil down because he doesn't want to see you manifested the first one god's in charge of so don't get weary and well doing because in what season new season what's going to happen you're going to reap if you faint not and sister nicole gave us a word of prophecy on the prayer call that uh that uh manifestation was was right around the corner god said don't get weary manifestation is here right right who's to say and y'all i'm not bashful about these things because you need hope who's to say you won't be drinking hot chocolate with them this this holiday season amen if you do tell them i said hi all right so let's enjoy that what's your petition cause when you pray what do you do you say all right come on take a couple of minutes write down a petition and a scripture now most of you have iphones or google you can put one or two if you want you can put more than one all right i wouldn't put 18 because then your faith is spread in 18 different directions um you know and sometimes you need to just focus your faith i would only do one or two and then i'm gonna tell you what we're gonna do with this petition box we're gonna do a couple of things with it to kick it off and uh this is gonna be great and then you can go to hobby lobby and get you a nice wood box something like that and it doesn't have to be big this is a good example too they they keep our candy in this on sunday this would be great for a little kid a little petition box and put prayers in it or for an adult those of you who don't have a lot of space and you just want to keep your petition all right go ahead and do that i'm going to pause and give you opportunity to to write that down brian or chris one of you guys if you guys are not writing if you're writing don't worry about playing but if you're not writing will you guys just play softly right in that window just take a c-lot moment and write down something you're believing for again just one or two right now okay find the scripture promise and connect it to it and we can get out of here for tonight so good you know get ready to get out of here you could be believing for the salvation of a loved one that's a good petition now don't get anxious in that because their will still plays a role okay they still gotta decide to agree with god i never want anybody's christian faith to be shook because their loved one didn't accept jesus but you can put pressure on them in the spirit all right god i want my husband to be saved and things to turn around put pressure on them in the spirit and i believe god's going to honor that because he loves marriage he does god wants to see you make it all right the things you are not in control over you release it over to the lord this is so good i'm i just sense a rich anointing on this tonight it's academic and yet it's spiritual at the same time so please two two two two proclamations and please make sure it's something i should have said this that you don't mind somebody else seeing now okay very important i want you to put it something in there that is so confidential others can't see it make sure something that you don't mind somebody else seeing thank you lord and we're going to build an altar amen in our prayer box thank you amen amen thank you lord hallelujah if you're at home you're watching this on tv i'm gonna put it on television on purpose you might have a petition that you have up before the lord you can participate in this right now and you can go as i just described and buy you a prayer box you can get get you a shoe box you don't have to have a lot of money you got an old shoe box laying around the home get your shoe box amen and put that in your shoe box and sanctify that box use it just to keep your prayers in it and you'll be amazed at what god will do through legitimate petitions come on these are petitions it's a written document it's a proclamation thank you lord something in this church something you don't mind someone else seeing now at your house it can be private and confidential because only you seeing it but as you put this in the box something you don't mind you need a job y'all don't be bashful put it down put it down if you don't mind and you know the specific company and the actual job title you've already seen it write it down as long as someone else can see it as long as it's not confidential thank you lord give you about two more minutes okay and then we're going to call it on this because i know it's a school night two more minutes thank you lord i sent such a unity in this room such a peace come on god i'm believing i'm believing yours could be as simple as a car somebody said why would you go for a car you don't know nothing about that see you catching the bus i'm not demeaning anybody doesn't matter it could be a better car don't be bashful god loves you [Music] this is so pure god i i want my husband to see it through a new lens that's true that's a good one gotta honor that god reshape my wife help her help my kid with some academic stuff it doesn't matter those are all godly prayers amen all right one minute getting ready to culminate we're fighting with petitions tonight authority guy hallelujah is my anointing oil up front guys i think it's somewhere okay send this another example of a prayer box thank you reg this is a pretty one right here yeah this would be a nice one to have in your home see if it's me now you can get your shoe box you don't have to spend a lot of money these don't cost a lot of money these are wood boxes but i like i like having something sentimental that i want to keep for years so i got a couple of them i got one in my office back there definitely got one at home and got a master box right here now thank you lord we're not super religious but i do just want to pray over this box father i thank you right now i sanctify it if paul could pray over cloths we can pray over material so father i set this box aside in the name of jesus i hollow it out for your use and for your purposes let every prayer that goes in it from from now on be something that you delight in in the name of jesus and father i'm asking for a hundred percent manifestation in the name of jesus we thank you for it amen amen all right now you have your petitions this is one of those rich moments in the kingdom what i'm going to ask you to do is we're going to pray it out first okay i want you to pray your own petition out first bible says let him pray that's in the book of james so before i ask anybody else to pray for me how many y'all know i should pray for my self all right so i want you to take your petition card and if you've already prayed for it i'm not asking you to repray but i do want you to decree it in thanksgiving father i thank you for this prayer in accordance with matthew chapter 12 whatever the case may be okay and i want you to decree that out in the name of jesus all right and look let's do it and let's do it fervently how do you do it fervently we open up our mouth and we decree it come on stand to your feet let's decree it let's decree i don't know your prayer petition but i want you to pray both lines out in thanksgiving if it's the first time ask for it if this is the third or fifth time just decree it in thanksgiving on the count of three and then after you decree it we're all going to give god glory and praise for it come on one two three [Music] yes thank you lord here you go so good so good [Music] hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord jesus i hear people praying for all kinds of things that's good somebody just pray for their future children that's a good petition right there god's gonna honor that oh thank you lord now once you prayed it out come on let's release a corporate anointing everybody begin to worship and thank them for it right now god we thank you for the manifestation of it in the name of jesus father as pastor i come in agreement with every petition in this room in advance thanking you for the fulfillment of the promises as our prayer team prays over each petition one by one as i pray over them many of them myself i thank you in jesus name for the fulfillment of these things in the lives of every believer in this room now father we believe we receive them and we call them done in jesus name amen give them great glory church thank you lord amen thank you lord all right now you all are a special select group and since this is the first night of the prayer box instead of you putting in an offering plate or anything like that i want to give you the privilege and to just walk on down and just drop your uh prayer in the prayer box all right you didn't have to do it in any specific fashion just come on just come on drop it in and decree i'll see you soon yeah thank you lord just drop it in your prayer box thank you lord in your petition box yes yes yes we're almost home for tonight if you're watching you do something in faith put it in your shoe box do something in faith do something in faith i'm believing for scholarships i see these college students coming how about the last year of college be fully paid for i don't know whatever you're believing for lauren whatever you're believing for yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever you're believing for come on thank you lord glory to god i love this i love this this this is how believers really grow in the things of god this is how we really get it this is not witchcraft bless you tomorrow bless you joy love you girl love you stacy amen amen this this is this is not magical good to see you brother good to see you good to see you love you man good to see you yes yes indeed yes indeed i mean that yeah yeah yep all right come on just put it in the print box okay whatever you're believing for yeah i'm believing with you you're that rich dear this is so rich tonight yes amen god bless you god bless you sir god play i never get to shake your hand bless you it deceived thank you good to have you guys come on just put it in there it don't matter you be continuous member visitor whatever we and i'm gonna tell you what we're gonna do with them bless you guys bless you ross bless you all right candace and kelly they have a talk show all right bless you bless you gail all right let me it doesn't sound like one karina see candace you see kelly all right put it in there what are you believing for all right bless your tonya all right bless you guys yeah and prayers have no age on god's concern about everybody he loves you here's my girl yep guys on security you all come in put put it into if you need haven't gotten a chance to do it okay all right now pastor what's the next step now you believe you receive but the bible says we wrestle that's what it says so now this church has a prayer team i'm an honorary member of that prayer team i like to come out i will be personally coming out god bless you man amen god bless you i will be coming out i will be going through some of these i'll be picking them up i'll be personally praying uh my prayer team is gonna specifically go through they will be praying all right we're gonna leave them in the prayer box all right and we're gonna believe for manifestation of those prayers now here's what you have to do for us once these prayers manifest if you will write to the testimony box that it came to pass is that all right then we will take it and we will use it as a memorial of what god has done is that not scriptural he said write it is that right is that what you read in exodus that's what i read well come on give him great glory for the fulfillment of every promise thank you lord oh i'm talking about if you know it's coming to pass amen amen amen what song is that that reminds me of something huh great things yeah that that's a good one yeah that's a good one we might have to learn that phrase and that's a good thing deandre patterson right that's his song right god has so many great things in store for you i knew that song reminded me of something all right do you believe that he has so many great things in store for you amen man all right okay it's about time to go home i know we gonna do our offering all right but um i want to thank you in advance for just believing guys guys if i could bump in i know you're standing but if i can bump into my contractor the day after i put up a petition amen what can happen to you tonight is that right lisa what what about joe tomorrow what y'all think you think this works [Applause] [Music] and i want to tell you how timely this is you know pastor randy and i we're just the best of friends he and i had no idea that he and his church was doing the same thing so you know god's just doing this right now i told him i said man i was in hobby lobby i'll do the he said stop stop he said just stop he said we have been and are doing that same thing so guys it's what god is doing right now is where he is okay this is sanctified from now on this will be to the side of the stage on any given sunday you might have a petition you got some up before the lord you come and you drop it in that prayer box all right and me and our prayer team we're gonna put faith on it some of y'all remember the old rob parsley camp meetings with r.w schambach when they'd have uh envelopes on the altar and they come and like yo we got to get back to some of that that's where the power was we got to get back to praying over petitions and people got healed and delivered too amen that's the kind of church we are say whatever you want i believe in the holy ghost i believe in petitions i believe in the name of jesus i do i do because it works for me if you're here tonight you don't know jesus as lord of your life come on down i've held you over i'm trying my best to get us out of bible study a lot sooner but you don't know jesus is lord come on down guys i'd almost feel like it's a slap in god's face if i said if you need special prayer anybody besides me feel the same way y'all is the whole church at altar call tonight or what anybody here leaving with faith you know god is on the case so let's do something before we go home give them a roar of worship and adoration and thanksgiving oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord god we praise you amen amen amen hallelujah glory [Applause] oh hallelujah great things in store for you amen all right we're getting ready to get out of here i will do this if you're here tonight you want the holy spirit or you want salvation you can come down we'll get you filled with the spirit of god it doesn't take long you can receive the spirit of god tonight all right you can come on down we're glad to do that amen glad to do that glad to do that and we love you tonight we love you tonight all right and without any further ado then i'm gonna bring brother melvin i believe this is family night all right and uh so as this church has established it my gratitude to you for your kindness to me and my family on third thursdays we appreciate you for that i'm going to turn it over to him to do that portion i want to say this we have movies on the green tomorrow night yes indeed so um come on out man they're going to start serving food what is it 6 37 6 30 okay movie will start they said nightfall is around 7 30. so they give you time to fellowship and and warm up get your your chair my picnic chair is already here at the church get your blanket get your your your blow up pit whatever you like sleep sitting in my kids have one they use it last time get your blow up pit whatever you want to do you you uh come on out and uh bring some friends with you they're gonna have popcorn and hush puppies and some chicken baskets and stuff like that and french fries so come on out um we we just got off the fast so the restrooms will be open because you very well could use it after that so don't eat too heavy and too hard take it light at first i didn't mean that in the off-color way take your time amen you might want to just eat another salad you
Channel: Kingdom Christian Church
Views: 300
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: kbnzebfMuQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 41sec (6281 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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