The Care of This World vs. The Provisions of God 9.19.21 | KCC 10am Sunday Morning Livestream

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're welcome come on [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever people from everyday [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh who you are [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you are good you are good all the time [Music] i think you are good [Music] you are good [Music] [Music] he he is our risen savior and he is coming back for us so we give you glory in this place god we say hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] thank you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for who you are for who you are [Music] hallelujah come on and give our god some praise i want to give him some honor hallelujah he is worthy of all our praise hallelujah hallelujah come on keep clapping your hands hallelujah hallelujah come on give him some praise come on let me hear you [Music] hallelujah [Music] sing hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is you're ready to be for the rest of my days [Music] hallelujah [Music] you're worthy to be brave you're worthy you're worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] we will say [Applause] [Music] [Music] say we praise you we praise [Music] we praise you [Music] [Music] we love you [Music] everybody i am [Music] [Music] i [Music] come on [Music] do we hey [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you lord for salvation thank you for jesus thank you for keeping us thank you for sustaining us thank you that we have holes to put on our back thank you that we're sitting and closing our right mind god we give you glory this morning come on if you want to praise him come on and do it hallelujah oh [Music] [Applause] now [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy and we give him glory this morning hallelujah hallelujah our lord is worthy hallelujah oh god we bless your holy name god hallelujah bless the lord oh my soul and all that's within me bless his holy name you are worthy god you are worthy lord you are worthy oh you're worthy because you have done great things oh god we bless you we bless you [Music] you were worthy of the highest prayer you're the giver of mercy and grace my redeemer i will bless your name for you are worthy lord you're worthy you worthy of the highest praise of god you're the giver of mercy [Music] you were [Music] [Music] the highest is [Music] [Music] thank you jesus are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to receive is hello [Applause] i will praise you forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus thank you we want to thank you [Music] thank you baby thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you you're so worthy [Music] [Music] i will praise you [Applause] [Music] will forever you forever i will worship you forever god you are worthy for everything i will [Music] cause were [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] foreign you're worthy [Music] come on and praise his name come [Music] come on and praise his name come on and glorify us oh god you are good you are great you are awesome you are mighty you are marvelous and there's no one like our god come on and praise us come on and praise him he is worthy he's our redeemer he's our deliverer he's our provider hallelujah we love you lord we love you lord we love you lord hallelujah hallelujah all kim was trying to do is remind you that only dead people don't praise himself that that i think that's all she was trying to do is to get you to understand that unless you're dead you should be praising right now come on thank him for how good he is oh come on hallelujah thank him for his mighty acts his wondrous work thank you lord hallelujah praise you jesus [Music] well come on let's get some expectation of i seen you move you moved the mountain and i believe i'll see you do it again now how many of y'all believe that well how many have seen him move has he done anything for you in the past well if he did it back then can he do it again come on put the hands on it come on guys come up go go [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] can you say it with me come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Applause] one more time come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] say [Applause] [Music] wait a minute break it down brian chris give me my new member that the lord healed of the stroke back there brother come on yeah right there yeah i want y'all to see what healing looks like don't he look better so i'm gonna come down here and i'm gonna lift my hands with him for every every new proclamation i'm gonna find somebody that is manifesting in and i'ma dance with them all right so i just want to sing this a couple of times mel and then you might be able to help me with the next one all right say i'm here i'm here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] without a shadow or doubt they're rich all right now y'all do whatever you want if there's not blessing you just sit down because i told you only the dead don't praise them at least we know who's dead but i'm i'm saying i want to dance with some rich people and folk that i know they got some money so it's three men over here melvin carter and joe dumb brother's got some money y'all come on down here uh i'm getting around some rich people next say cool you too dave y'all come on down yeah you got a prophecy this week about some increase or something like that so i'm getting down here and these you know three-fifths of these brothers are cool and reserved so i don't do it dancing that's one of the reasons why i called them out so i can help them kind of break free a little bit but you know the other three two of them they they be shouting all the time so you can guess who i'm talking about but um we're gonna get these brothers loose and you know if you don't need no money don't sing this next part don't worry about this just wait to the next verse okay all right y'all joining with us [Applause] i see you doing [Applause] all right now give me some women on this side brittany tia deja shayla kim you know tanisha all right uh i would call chante but this don't apply to her because you know antoine has already filled that void but y'all come on down and and you know karina is not for you either this somebody else blessing today cause y'all it's good when what everybody else shouting about you already got okay and then give me first lady rogers down here and you know and and y'all gonna dance with her and then michelle gonna take that too cause she got faith and here come keisha so see all the single women that got some faith they weren't waiting on me to call them out they just they went ahead and came they said you're not leaving me out but i'm gonna go ahead and get the lady down here with the five carat diamond ring to dance with y'all and then that way that way maybe that thing will rub off now if you don't need to be married or something just sit this one out okay don't worry about them just let them receive that in faith okay now on this side of the church give me braxton and autumn brothers over here jermaine there they go all the men that's believing to be married june yeah hey hey y'all i don't really care if you don't like this just wait on us if this ain't for you this ain't your blessing this is somebody else just shout with them okay they gonna shout with the married woman over here and then over here uh i'm gonna make dave and melvin a point guard and these brothers gonna shout with the merry brothers because after all these two guys they happily married like they real happy like dave loves shantae i seen him in south park mall before that's a true story with sean tate and sean you see that shantae raise your hand see how happy she is that's happy okay so brothers you and and saria happy like they they bless okay all these brothers down here so y'all gonna clap and you know you can do it just you look like groomsmen that that's a groomsman annoying just going because that's how it's going to be on your wedding day too while you come down the aisle yeah they're going to be coming down with something just like and you go like boy oh boy she look good i'm going to be getting married in 10 minutes so um that only leaves uh us married singers left okay cause all the single sisters said we're not singing we we got y'all gonna have to figure that out so i'm gonna sing three part harmony with kim and ronda and we're gonna sing our mary now if you're streaming this and this bothers you just cut it off for about two minutes come back after we get done and enjoy the rest of the service okay but we fade people so we gonna decree we gonna dance we gonna shout come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he'll do it for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] got a wifey [Music] [Applause] say [Music] oh go back to your seat thanking them for what just happened by faith in your life thank you lord i believe amen hallelujah i believe now you got to give it to believers you look at them strange but in a minute what they've been believing for it comes to pass hallelujah old saying talks about he who last laughed you understand so let people laugh at you you know take your seat if i had and god started manifesting my healing like he is that brother right there when he came to this church he couldn't even touch his toes you all know that and it all started on the night when mrs gould was preaching here and i've seen him get progressively better week after week progressive healing right well if i were him you know in blind bartimaeus's viewpoint you ain't blind so why are you mad at me if i'm down there dancing until i get my vision y'all following me everybody else that said oh it don't take all that well maybe you got all you need amen but if i'm single i'm still believing amen after all i'ma say something real sharp right here only married people having sex right so i i probably should want to get married because i shouldn't be if i'm not that's sharp ain't it yeah i should i i should want to right i should want to get married because after all only only people that's having sex so that means i'm deprived until so you sit there and look at me all you want i'ma come on down here and dance hallelujah so i can dance with my husband and dance with my wife and do what married people do amen amen he didn't have to say all that and you didn't have to come we both did something we didn't have to do today amen hallelujah but i'm right amen that right and it funny how people would get up get dressed early on a sunday morning and drive to the church that they disagree with that's back amen you catch you a football game do something else isn't that right but we're going to go ahead and shout about righteousness we're going to shout about marriage we're going to shout about being rich for what reason so you can fund the kingdom yes we are we're going to shout about being blessed not being sick i like singing i'm healed because i have been sick before and it's no fun it's awful i remember one year it was thanksgiving and i just was not feeling well at all to have all of that luscious food at your disposal but you don't even feel like eating and that's terrible and that's what the devil wants to do he wants to rob you of the abundant life but how many all know we disagree we're going to go ahead and be blessed and we're going to be a blessing in the kingdom of god and then we could do what our offering exhortation is about we could build a home for unwed mamas amen hallelujah and help somebody catch up speed so with that said we already honored the lord with our praise and worship how about sister rogers first lady did she preach this morning listen to the applause you brought it yeah yes indeed sometimes there's just that good preaching i don't know about you i like listening two things i like listening to is good preaching and good teaching jesus did both the bible says he went about preaching and teaching all right so she gave us good preaching this morning what's the difference proclamation proclamation teaching is explanation all right and she put a teach in it too but just gave us tremendous proclamation so that your key takeaway was give glory to who give glory to god y'all we ought to glorify them in every bit of our life should we not amen well we're glad to have every visitor here let's clap our hands for them this morning thanking god for the people of god who are visiting and and those who are members and who will be members prayerfully very soon with that said let's play our offering exhortation video uh and this is just a one or two minute clip that i want you to see because i want y'all to see the progress that you are making in the kingdom of god to be a blessing to other people let's look at that and then we're going to put a scripture on it and i believe we're gonna stay ahead of schedule today amen [Music] church family and partners here we grow again kingdom christian church is excited to announce that our grace house project is officially underway we solicit your prayers and financial support as we continue to progress in this initiative to the glory of god all right family and friends uh construction is underway so excited about the move of god i'm talking extra loud so you can hear me above all the noise behind me but they got the bulldozers out here they got the dump truck pulling off with the first load this is a move of god uh i stated it before i will say it again much like how jesus tears out the old and puts back the new that's exactly what we are endeavoring to do to the glory of god i'm so excited about the ladies and whoever will that will live here ultimately and i want to thank you now for your partnership and i want to ask you to be prayerful about partnering with this mission but we need two things in partnership we need your finances and we need your prayers we need both we need your prayers and we need your finances so that we can continue to build uh working together with christ what a move of god thank you for your support uh nothing too big nothing too small to help this move of god coming to fruition we are doing it debt-free to the glory of god so i have put my faith in god and asking you to come alongside with us to get this done so that we can help people all of it will go to these projects on this campus this being the grace house what a move of god thank you for your support and as always remember jesus is coming back real soon [Music] well that's worth getting excited about yes yes yes oh hallelujah oh come on somebody let god know how excited we are amen god bless you church now how many churches do you know in the midst of what we're going through that's building and constructing and helping people on that wise are you getting that that's a big deal and i'm going to tell you one of the things that i'm going to be a good steward of throughout this whole process and you'll you'll note that i'm going to be doing this i talked about it thursday guys first lady preached it this morning i am not going to allow god's glory to escape out of any cracks i'm going to talk about it i'm i'ma build it up because at the end of the day it's him that's getting it done is that not right and we need to be reminding the world that there is a kingdom of god that's still alive amen you'll be shocked who's streaming and watching and all those kinds of things that right there just brought somebody hope just to see that man it's still folk building still folk doing it god's way still winning in jesus name so we're not going to play it down somebody say we're going to play it up yeah and soon after that and my prayer is in coinciding with that i want to be breaking ground on that new youth building up top amen yes indeed speaking of which i think they got and in case you missed it uh from our first inaugural i guess those words mean the same thing i'm just trying to make it bigger our first inaugural youth sunday i want you to see it in case you missed it on that god is moving in the kingdom of god can you all play your in case you missed it on that amen what a great sunday [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Music] because the people were hungry everybody [Music] man man man that is awesome um i'm so excited for our youth they they were jamming that room out uh up there last sunday and so as you can see they're going to grow very fast amen and they will need their own space amen and not only do they need their own space y'all we want them to have their own space i want them to have a building they can just own you know it won't hurt my feelings if i go in their building and they'd be like pastor you can't come in we this pinball night you know whatever they doing you you this this uh this is us all right that's what we want i want them to own the campus uh so many good things going on brother dave talked to me uh yesterday uh and they got men and women's workouts getting ready to start up whoo yeah and um he wants to stripe the field and things of that nature for you brothers so that's a lob guys sign up get in shape take care of your bodies is that not right a lot of good things going on i'm jumping from subject to subject but i want you to participate in the kingdom of god because that's how we stay kept in this culture amen so sign up be a part of it and it's going to be a blessing to you and uh i got a strong feeling that the kids are going to not want to worship with us uh ongoing on sundays at tens uh and this is on purpose i'm building up the man i i'm gonna i'm gonna listen to my kids after church today i'm gonna say how did y'all feel about being in there with the adults and be honest with daddy and they're gonna say oh daddy really we like being up there right so that's what we want i want them to have their own space at 10 o'clock you saw the brother pinkney banging on the drums on the chair starting next sunday they will have their own musicians pit yes sir oh yeah they got there you see you see these guys over here you know brother chris and brother brian all that kind of good stuff and brother paul you don't you don't even know where the lead sound comes from it's in the pit all right elliot's over there in the pit right they gonna have their own pit amen and we're gonna get them their own sets and stuff like that and you know if they play a little bit off beat at first let them play off beat amen let them play yeah i remember when i was a boy a musician i was a boy musician and at first the senior choir didn't want me to play for him they did the gospel chorus they thought i was too slow they didn't want me to play but boy i got the anointing on me and i started learning how to play in all my keys and i tell you what i had contracts with three or four different churches at one time oh yeah at the tender age of 13. and if they didn't pay me i wasn't playing that's true my mother's probably streaming right now she could tell you they they knew i was like the building paid me the day of yes sir i got paid as a child playing in church and and so i go to school melvin middle school and high school i always had the nicest digs cause i could go shopping because i played the in in the church right and i never left the church because they gave me a spot then dave when we went to college dave would tell you i i didn't live on campus but for one semester because chris i started paying all my living expenses by playing at the church i found me a studio apartment here in charlotte and and i told my parents i said no don't need you to pay my uh room and board no more i'm paying my own stuff now and i paid my way through college by playing in the church and i'm telling you why you telling that story pastor because i never left church as a result i got engrafted in church i wanted to be around church right and it was a blessing so i want to bring these guys up these young ladies up can be female musicians too i asked uh lauren and jayla and some of the rest of them i don't know all who i talked to but i asked them about being on their own praise teams and stuff like that amen and you saw christian filling out his offering envelope right that's what we're doing y'all we're teaching our kids the way of god so that they come up in the things of god and uh it'd be great if they never need any rehab because they stayed around god their whole life amen amen amen amen so that that's the exhortation for today let's put a scripture on it over in exodus chapter 36 since we got all these good projects going let's believe god to for the increase to bring it in uh over in exodus 36 verse number three for the sake of time the bible says they received from moses all the offerings which israel had brought for the construction of the youth building they received the moses all the offerings that israel brought for the construction of the grace house and then of course the bible says they received all the offerings that israel bought and i'm in the amplified bible for the construction of the sanctuary to prepare it for service and they continue to do what bring him free will voluntary offerings every morning and all the skilled men who were doing all the work on the sanctuary came each one from the work which he was doing and and i like verse number four because the guys that's tearing down the bible coming apart that's a good sign the the guys who were tearing down the grace house they they have they were so excited about being tearing it down and they said to me they said we have gopro cameras if you'd like and they said starting next week when we're tearing it down we can show you from the inside of the bulldozer uh as we tear it down and these guys they were excited excited about their work and about tearing it down and all that kind of good stuff uh well those were the what kind of men skilled men they were the skilled men who were doing all the work on the sanctuary and uh each one from their work that he was doing and look at this uh in verse number five let's see if i'm glued my bible back together and they said to moses the people are bringing much more than enough for the construction of the work which the lord commanded us to do they're bringing much more everybody say too much look at verse number six and that'll enunciate that point so moses issued a command and it was proclaimed throughout the camp let neither man nor woman do any more work for the sanctuary offering so the people were restrained from what bringing anything more god grant the day is that all right and why were they restrained because of verse number seven for the material that they had was sufficient and it was what y'all more than enough put it in the king james version on that same verse look at it the stuff that they had was sufficient for the work to make it and it was too much who in here is excited about the lander too much i am thank you lord and i decree over you a blessing or too much in your own house amen too much that you have is that all right too much that you have more than what you need to get the work of the of the kingdom of god because when you have too much i pull you out of the blessing you don't have room enough to receive and you got too much guess what you got to start doing giving it away amen and that's what god wanted all along we're blessed to be a and when we start getting blessed we can bless somebody else even the more and that's what's going on with this grace house and i'm so excited about it i'm so excited about blessing people and helping people along the way and never forget the reality that not only uh is it okay to bless others is it okay for you to be blessed amen you better believe it all right that's the kind of guy we serve that's enough lots of great updates next sunday the youth will be back in uh the community space again having their church service uh lots of good things going on uh saturday help i'm uh a parent i want you to register and come out for that if i were saying go i'd take that in preparation i sure would i'm ready amen for what god is is doing and what i will see him do in my life in days to come amen so come out and continue to stay and graft it in the ministry and it'll be a strong strong blessing to you is that not right we are excited about the move of god uh celebrating those petition prayers i told you about sister pat whose grandson got born again last week what a blessing amen gave his heart to jesus and that's what dreams are made of man that's that's and that was after she put the petition in the petition box she put the position so don't forget you got a prayer request this is not just a magic box we believe in the power of prayer you got something bring it up there i'd be i'm out here and i'm going to be praying over agreeing with you we got a prayer team that's going to take them and pray over them so as long as it's something that you don't hold confidential um we'll pray with you on it amen and uh and be specific i encourage you to be specific and then once it's answered do like miss pat did let us know uh and then we could check that one off amen go on to the next thing all right thank god for you this morning come on let's receive our morning offering i'm excited about getting in that word will you say this with me come on i'm blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed coming in and blessed going out i'm blessed in the basket and blessed in the store my bank accounts investments health and relationships flourish the blessings of the lord overtake me in all areas of my life let's shout about that reality thank you lord thank you lord amen [Music] amen what a blessing what a blessing and what a blessing all right don't forget your own confessions come on let's do them right now hallelujah the lord is my shepherd i shall not want psalm 115 he increases me more and more and blesses me psalm 112 and 3 wealth and riches are in my house philippians 4 19 he supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory thank you lord he rebukes the devourer malachi chapter 3 and he opens up the windows with heaven and pours me out blessings i do not have room enough to receive malachi 3 10-12 in jesus name amen amen thank you lord anybody expecting god i am expecting and it's in the room guys mitchell's i'm expecting it's in the room i'm excited about what the lord has done and is doing okay brother melvin is coming thank you guys so much brother dave and all the other gentlemen brother braxton coming uh to receive the morning offering um y'all pray for braxton that he repent i saw him this morning and i said man that's a bad blue suit i said is that new he said no i had this pastor i said i ain't never seen that suit braxton ain't never seen braxton with that suit on since since he stopped playing basketball like you yeah that that that's that's a nice suit nice blue suit all right i'm just teasing them okay all right let's uh receive our worship team this morning and then uh we're gonna get in that word see my guy over there on the drums good to see you again man yeah yeah yes indeed this brother was in a motorcycle accident and the lord spared his life yeah yeah what a blessing i you i i i was with him i saw him you could see he showed me the gauze pad with the blood all that kind of stuff aren't we glad we didn't have a tragedy amen but a triumph in jesus name amen all right come on let's uh worship team we'll worship with kim and then let's get in this word amen thank you lord hallelujah after you've done giving can you please stand and worship with us hallelujah praise god lord god we worship you this morning thank you hallelujah we bless your holy name hallelujah thank you jesus oh god we give you glory we give you glory and honor oh god hallelujah come on saints with the fruit of your lips come on and bless his name sing a new song to them sing your own song hallelujah hallelujah we give you glory and we bless your name god hallelujah oh god you're so great and greatly to be praised [Music] you are holy we give you glory and we bless your name our father you are holy we give you glory and we bless you are holy we give you glory and we bless your name our father you are holy we give you glory and we bless your name our [Music] yes we give you glory [Music] and we give you all of the glory we bless you now we give you glory to you and he bless your names [Music] glory day [Music] [Music] oh come on and give them glory name your name we give you glory guys your name we give you glory and we pleasure [Music] your oh your name all your praises now continually may we bless your names [Music] you're the name of oh [Music] name we give you glory we give you glory [Music] name we give you glory guys come on [Music] amen amen we do bless your name father we love you we praise you we thank you lord thank you for just another opportunity to give you glory it seems like that's been the theme all day long said it through first lady rogers just give glory to god and so father we thank you for that revelation we thank you that we have mouths that we can use to bless your name you say let everything to half breath praise you so we're breathing and god as we've been teaching we're sitting we're clothing and we're in our right mind god so we thank you for all of that god i pray that the gospel impact people today both our members and those who are visited that today would be a day of a change dramatic shift and growth in the right direction we thank you for it right now so our feet are shy with the preparation of the gospel peace our loins are girded about with truth we have on the breastplate of righteousness the shield of faith the sword of the spirit helmet of salvation we have love and our faith works by love we've got keys to the kingdom so we bind up every demon every devil every hindering spirit every satanic spirit and we decree in jesus name that the people of god are liberated are blessed in the name of jesus and our free we call it done now in jesus mighty name amen come on give him an aurora praise thank you lord hallelujah amen [Music] amen amen hallelujah all right i do honor my wife one more hey i thank god for her just great words she brought this morning and you the people of god you may be seated god bless you thank you for being here today thank you for uh just your your presence in church and i pray that the word of god be a blessing to you so come on we've been talking about mind and thought management is that right we've been talking about mind and thought management and last week we kind of put the series in the series and we started talking about overcoming trauma amen overcoming trauma overcoming the hard places in in life and so i want you to go back to mark chapter five and because this was a young boy who was traumatized and he was traumatized until he met jesus all right and for the sake of time we're going to catch it on the tail end of the story and i really want to teach you this morning and walk you through some principles because generally speaking the greater percentage of you in this room have had some trauma in your life is that not right the statistic would say that at least 70 some data says 6 out of 10 people which would be more like 60 but somewhere between 60 and 70 percent of people will come through at least one major trauma in their lifetime and i told you last week that the biblical word for trauma was reproach shame something that is caused to set you back how do you know a divorce can be traumatic is that not right losing a child traumatic losing a job traumatic some are folk facing that today with all that's going on in this climate all kinds of things obviously having a loved one to die or or or just losing your way can be traumatic i'mma read the text but one recent data said something like many churches only have about 30 to 40 percent of their church-goers back in church today and why because they've been traumatized fear has gripped them fear is keeping people literally out of church now i'm not gonna give you a pass on that because i think it's ironic that panther stadium was full last week jam pack yelling to day two yelling screaming shouting eating and drinking right but but god's church in some sectors it seemingly people have fallen off and that's what the devil wanted it to do that was his goal and god's people got to get more used to figuring out what are the intentions behind this and so i'm going to teach that way today i want to talk about those intentions what what is the world trying to do so today we're going to talk about overcoming trauma some might say i'm an overcomer but we're going to talk about the cares of this world versus the provisions of god because there is a battleground there is a match and we're going to deal with that we we we are going to see a which side you're on but then if you are on the lord's side i want to encourage you today and that thought the cares of this world versus the what provisions of god overcoming trauma overcoming reproach overcoming shame which are the cares of this world but they're no match for the provisions of god and let's look at that in mark 5 and 15 then they came to jesus and saw the one who had trauma in his life they saw the one who had been demon possessed and had the legion had everybody say past tense you could say this they saw the one who used to be bound by a wicked vice he was bound by pornography one might say he he was bound by homosexuality he was bound by some vain philosophy if you will of this world whatever it may be he was bound he had demonic possession on him he had the legion but the bible says but now he was sitting clothed and in his right mind there's so much in just those three phrases number one to be sitting is not even a posture of fighting i'm sitting i'm relaxed i mean you know you have no concerns when you're sitting last i checked jesus is seated at the right hand of the father that's what the word of god teaches us in the book of ephesians so god's saying the same grace ought to be on us sister jackson we ought to be sitting we ought to be clothed and we ought to beware in our right mind sitting you you got it in your notes it's a possible being relaxed relax we're relaxed in your mind relax knowing that everything is going to be just fine is that not right but then he was clothed he had his what we preached out the last couple of months he had his image back or you could use this word he had his dignity back anybody ever been through something in life that was meant to strip you of your dignity and you know it was it was meant to bring so much shame so much blightedness you know i i thought about this house that we're tearing down to build a new one and as they started tearing it down y'all it's amazing even the smells coming off of it just everything about it said curse y'all know what i'm talking about you know the the health department came because you got to go through all those things before you get a demo permit and the guys let me know that when they came for the pre-walk and all that kind of good stuff infested with fleas just cursed and that that's what the devil wants in your life he wants everything about your curse the smells the look to be blighted like that house to be torn down even when you're not torn down you're still a shell but on the inside you're not worth anything that's what the enemy wants but aren't you glad that god knows how to tear things out so he can put it back right again amen aren't you glad married people that god knows how to tear things out of your marriage so he can put the marriage back together the right way and that's what's going on in this text this guy is sitting now he's relaxed he's clothed but he's got his image back when we build that house back that property is gonna have a whole new image it's gonna have a whole new look the landscape everything about it you won't even remember the former house you won't even know what it used to look like and i don't know that's good news for somebody right there the blood of jesus cleanses you washes you amen so that you don't even remember the way you used to think the way you used to act the way you used to be because god is doing a total renovation [Applause] and that's why he says in romans 12 and 2 to not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind now if you know what that greek word is it comes from the word renovations that word renovatis is where we get the word renovation renovation you do a total tear out and then by the time you put everything back in it's hard to remember what the room used to look like sister rogers and i did our basement over a few years ago and i got to tell you when i walk down there now i get no images of what that basement used to look like i would literally have to get a picture to be reminded of where everything was before we tore it all out and put it back right well that's good news you don't have to focus on your past cause after god has torn everything out and he puts it back right it's gonna be far from your memory you're gonna have amnesia about the past because if any man be in christ he is a new it's a new creation how many things have passed away old things and all things are become new that is old things are passed away so the bible teaches us that this man was sitting and he's clothed he's got his image back he's got his his dignity back and he's in though his right mind i was in the african-american museum there in washington dc with my wife a few years ago right when they first built it and and we were walking through and we came to the area to where we were looking at the progression of slaves and and got to a point as we were looking on the screen uh this was right after we saw the emmett till exhibit they actually had his his casket there and we saw that and just what our people went through back then and then we came out and then we started looking on the screen about the progression of black people and and where we had come from and uh there's this one picture and i took a picture of it with my cell phone it was so impactful that i saw of a black man in his family when we were finally able to dress up and go to church and he had his brim hat on and her his wife had her long dress and you could tell that even though they were on the tail end of slavery there was something about them getting their image back something about them getting the essence back of who they are getting to her beauty back him dressing up being somebody are y'all getting that and this is not just about how you dress although sometimes that does matter but this really is about you starting to recognize that you're no longer a slave to your sins no longer a slave to who you are who used to be no longer a slave to the trauma of the past you're now sitting you're closed but my favorite point of the day you're in your what kind of mind right mind and guys being in your right mind is at a premium today because we got so many people around us who guess what are in their wrong mind if you can have a right mind by differentiation rules alone that would imply that you can have a wrong mind there is a such thing as wrong thinking the great kenneth hagin wrote a book called right and wrong thinking a person can think wrong to the extent that they limit themselves on what god wants to do in their life and how god wants to use them in life they have tremendous potential but as a man thinketh in his heart so goes he the mind is the filter to the heart it starts to drip down into the heart and before you know it the heart starts believing the way you think and once the heart starts believing the way you think you start acting the way you think and depending on what you were thinking and believing you start fulfilling that self-fulfilling prophecy in your life so that's good that's a good little review from where we came from over the last few weeks but let's go into some new stuff today because today's message really is for you to understand the task that we have with remaining christian in an unchristian world the task that we have somebody say he's talking to believers i'm talking to christians right now right now really i'm not talking to sinners i may talk to sinners in a little bit but right now this is for your edification i really am preaching and teaching to christians you and i are tasked with remaining christian in an unchristian world and what does that have to do with trauma pastor well the world is traumatic all that's going on in the world is traumatic all that's going on in the world is impactful like it or not it's pressing upon you bible says where wickedness does abound grace does abound even the more where wickedness is present the bible is saying god is giving you grace to endure god has given you grace to a stand back in 2018 2019 most of you in this room would have had no guess that we would have been in the current state that we are today how many you agree with that statement no inclination that the world would have looked like it looks today if we had asked you back then whether or not you had to make a decision on wearing a mask taking a shot doing this doing that figuring this out figuring that out it would have been so far fetched from the average person because life as we knew it was normal you know at the end of the day you were tired from working but yeah thank god you had a job it was still quote unquote normal but if you were a believer if you were spirit filled if you've been listening to your pastors and prophets and those of us who had insight you knew this day was coming because y'all we are in the last days we are in the most traumatic of all days we are in the most turmoil of all days paul said in the last days perilous times that word perilous means difficult days would come he said it's inevitable jesus said in this world you will have tribulation but be of good chair why jesus because i have overcome the world some of you focus on the tribulation part i focus on the be of good chair clock because if god be for me who can be against me and this is the victory that overcomes this world even our faith so you can go through without going through but if the trauma does what the devil wants it to do you'll be ice cold frozen you'll be loopy you will be in your wrong mind are y'all still with me so the world is traumatic philippians 2 15 says it this way this is so good y'all because god doesn't want you in shame he doesn't want you harm he don't want you broke down but over in philippians 2 and 15 i really want you to get this the bible says that you may be blameless and harmless that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of god what did we tell you another word for trauma was reproach rebuke without reproach or without rebuke without the shame of this world in the midst of a what y'all crooked and perverse nation but wait a minute you're not to join in with them among whom you shine as lights in the world so the flood has nothing to do with me somebody shout i'm not in trouble i don't mean no harm and it's good if folk gets saved today but y'all i i love god back in 2015. are you all getting this he said i want you to shine his lights that men might see your good works and give glory to the father which is in heaven you're not supposed to be underneath that's the curse according to deuteronomy 28 we're the head and not the tail we're above only and never underneath but let's break this text down that you may be blameless and harmless now if you read that too fast you'll miss the revelation you should be blameless that is you should strive to live sin free amen you should be blameless that is you should not be taking someone else's wife you should be blameless we should not be fornicating amen we should be blameless but when the bible says blameless and harmless really what paul is saying to the church at philippi is not only will you live above blame that is in your reputation he really is saying you will be without harm you will not be harmed by this culture and that good he said that you will not be harmed and we know that's true if you keep reading because he says you're the sons of god without reproach without rebuke pastor what are we going to do with our job have one right amen what what are we going to do with our health will long life be satisfied is that not right because you are above reproach you are not harmed by this world you are the harmless he goes throughout this world world seeking whom he may devour but but we be the people that he cannot devour are you all getting that who's he teaching to though i'm talking to the righteous i'm talking to the obedient today i'm talking to the church i'm talking to the people of god he said that in this perverse nation whom you shine as lights in this world while everybody else is going through trauma your job is to help get them out of trump your job is just to share the gospel of jesus christ with somebody your job is to not be ashamed of the gospel but your uh priority ought not to be to go through with the world are y'all still with me and this is so good guys because i've just been studying this out and i want you guys to get this because the world is wicked the world is deceptive the world is evil the world is doing things the world is creating trauma if you know anything about the stock market i'm glad folk have finally started catching on but one of the ways to govern good stock and i'm no financial advisor just a disclaimer so i'm not telling you to invest your money but one of the things i will tell you is is if you can simply uh understand uh the emotional turmoil that's being created you can know where to put your money that's done on purpose what did they do a few years ago when mr bush was going out of presidency gasoline went up well if you had any insight that was what we call a created storm y'all not liking me but i'm bringing into the conspiracy how was it that a few months ago texas was able to turn lights off in one area and keep it on in other areas created storms that's why the bible says nor created things there are created things if you think this wicked covert and virus just sprung up because of some bat and some stuff going on in china you have really the wrong mind i would say you've lost your mind i just don't want to speak that over you you really have the wrong mind these are created things whether it was created in a science lab or created by witches or created by pharmaceutical companies or created by businessmen or created by population control people these are my friend created things because we are in a wicked and perverse nation people tearing up their own country for some measly agendas you don't have to say amen but i can teach this by myself we've read ephesians 6 and 12 too fast i want you to see it in the new living translation because many of you understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but wickedness power is darkness rulers are the powers of this world but i really want you to get it because the world is dark will you say that with me the world is dark what are we talking about the cares of this world the world is dark and look at it for we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies chemical warfare but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world keep reading here's my point against mighty powers where in this dark world in this dark world you are in a dark world a world that is seeking to traumatize you is there anybody besides me and you don't have to raise your hand if this doesn't go with you i got enough self-esteem i'd be fine if you've not had this experience but anybody besides me over the last two years you had to pinch yourself and say am i in the twilight zone or what in the world you know i know that don't apply to some of you because you know black lives matter just makes sense to you but you know am i in the twilight zone where did this come from since when does somebody tell me i gotta take a shot i mean me my body you you telling my body what's gonna go in no you're not telling me not to drive 45. i get that that's civil law no saying man cause i ain't scared ain't no sense of you being scared yeah you you're not telling me not to drive 65 you telling me what gets to go in my body that has been unvetted and unresearched and i've given you a thousand disclaimers i'm gonna give you another one right now did you know you could take whatever shot you want to take i just want to make sure you know that but since when does man have the authority to usurp the authority of another man is anybody besides me catching on to where we are well guys that is whatever your opinion is about shots that is the powers in this dark world the rulers of darkness of this age you can't tell me what to do for the betterment of mankind especially when you don't know what the betterment of mankind is since you have started recalling stuff and you didn't approve some of the drugs they're putting out there how you gonna tell me after all when people in the fda start resigning and some pharmaceutical companies start resigning to me now it just seems like any thinking person would say why would you want to quit if things are so right and so successful it's quiet but i'm not [Laughter] dear come on preach give glory to god part two that'll help him come on give glory to god that's what y'all need part two come on oh i know i'm gonna be your pastor today yeah see the this world seeks to traumatize you it seems to traumatize you so that you are paralyzed in manifestation so that things can't come out of you that should be coming out of you hence the cares of this world now let's get down to the nitty-gritty let's go to our golden text let's go to mark chapter 4 and verse number 14 because god meant for the word to work in your life all right god meant for you to stay with god for those of you who are coming back to church today god never meant for you to backslide he never meant for you to quit on church i don't care what pastor went belly up i don't care what church went belly up i don't care what the church hurt was and sometimes it was your fault sometimes people just fell away they fell away because of a boyfriend uh-oh fell away because of some other reason god meant though for the word to work let's look at it the sower does what so is the word why would a sower sow anything because he means for that which has been sown to do what produce so the sower sows the word because he means for it to work i'm sad to tell you that probably everybody who was up here shouting about being married might not get married because it'll depend on what they do with the word it'll depend on what actions they take after the shout out no everybody's not going to be rich and blessed it depends on how hard they're willing to work because after all he gives your hands power to get wealth well that's the word that's been sold but come on if you're sitting on the couch burping with a hoodie on you probably won't get wealthy because the sower does what so is the world get back to today's subject but what does this have to do with trauma don't have time to read the whole thing but look at verse number 55 and these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown where are these people y'all by the wayside where are these people charged by the wayside which implies they're not on god's side these are the ones by the wayside y'all know wayside baptist church when you don't get up in the morning and go to a spirit-filled church the ones by the wayside the 70 of people who have not returned to church since covet but you returned back to work those are the ones by the way the people that'll fill up arenas and auditoriums and eat popcorn and drink beer but won't come and drink communion and wafers you are the ones by the wayside so now i'm talking to the sinner these are the ones by the wayside that when the word is sown they hear it but trauma comes what is satan the bastion of trauma he came to steal kill and destroy jesus came that you might have life have it more abundantly everything good god brings everything damnable the devil brings he comes to steal it immediately and does what takes away the word that was what sown in their heart now what does this have to do with your message pastor gabe look please at verse number 19 because we don't even have time for the whole text today look at verse number 19. what are we talking about today the cares of this world versus the what the provisions of god you got it in your notebook what do we talk about class the cares of this world versus what the provisions of god well let's just look at how the devil takes it out of your house how he inflicts pain back on you how he re-traumatizes you over a sin you committed pre-blood of jesus how he brings blight back on you how he gets you back to living in your past the bible says and the what cares of this world the what of this world [Music] cnn the cares of this world the decisions coming from the white house of whom i respect our president but the cares of this world stuff rolled out in your county in your government what is that the cares of this world there'll be wars and rumors rumors rumors rumors lies y'all know what a rumor is lies rumors rumors they say this works they say that work they say this work they say that word what happens in five years when there's a mass outbreak of the stuff that didn't work the cares of this world and somebody would nod their head and y'all i'm not i'm not biting my tongue now you know you watch whoever watch on sunday but i'm teaching this gospel someone say pastor because i got memories like that in this church that that if you allowed them to testify they would say no pastor it didn't take five years my loved one took it and within four days they were in a morgue so please blow that smoke in somebody else's ear of your opinion you can't tell me anything and oh how i loathe it as i look at our brown skin people who during the syphilis studies got their whole central nervous system jacked up then when bill clinton became president they gave those guys a measly few thousand dollars and who were all dead and told their family members we're so sorry so i'm not shutting up everybody else to do whatever they want but i'm not being quiet cause did i give you the disclaimer that you can do whatever you want i was in the doctor's office with one of my kids not long ago as they get ready to go back to school and they were talking about shots and all that kind of good stuff and there's just certain information i know i'm looking at one of my nurses shaking her head and i began to talk to them and this had nothing to do with the covet shot and all sincerity but i'm talking to my doctor who's a very good doctor won't say her name and i say to her she said well there are four that they're due today i said okay tell me which four you're getting ready to administer and then this is what got her which one of those has fetal tissue in it she paused she looked up she said you know what you're exactly right there are a couple that they have said does have fetal tissue so people are unethical enough to pump your body up with the remains of a dead infant that should not have been aborted to begin with what would make you trust somebody to put something in your body when they couldn't even get baby powder right that's right women got cancer today walking around can't have babies and everything in between because of a topical cancer a baby powder talcum and we're supposed to be quiet i'm not gonna be quiet [Music] i'm not you turn me off you can watch me come back next sunday or this can be your last sunday whatever fits for you but the cares of this world and don't stop pharmaceutical companies the deceitfulness of riches anything for the dollar and the desires of other things entering in and choke the word and then you make it become what church unfruitful and guys that's what trauma is all about it's about making you unfruitful i'm not trying to hurt feelings i want to love people back to life but the molestation that happened to you when you were a child the devil sent that to make you unfruitful the divorce that happened when you were adult the devil sent that to make you unfruitful the rape that occurred the enemy said that to make you unfruitful but i came with a new fresh word that god said that your fruit might remain are y'all glad about that he said the new thing i'm doing in you i want it to stay sure you've been to prison sure you had this to happen in your life but if you'll choose me i'll remove all the blood and if any man be in christ he'll be a brand new creature and i'll put everything back the way it's supposed to be i know i'm talking right this morning somebody shot glory in the house of god so i shout i'm fruitful and that's what this world is doing the cremation of care no shame no sense of wow look at what has occurred oh my god we should stop we should be thoughtful and as a matter of fact i'm going to tell you how profound this message is at least one of the government agencies last week just blocked one of the new medical remedies that they came up with sounds like to me at least three people getting some sense but unfruitful works of darkness i'm getting ray clothes not yet i just said that to give folks who don't like what i'm saying some relief so what is the remedy to the cares of this world first peter 5 7 you got to cast your cares on the lord number one you got to stop carrying the cares of this world you got to stop biting into cares of this world but i want to give you five key remedies to the cares of this world and first things first look at galatians one and four because ultimately this is the remedy galatians one and four even in paul's opening statement he says something he's talking about jesus who gave himself for our sins that he might do what church deliver us from this present and evil age now we just read that the rules of darkness of this age would be at work we just read in philippians 2 15 that this was a perverse and wicked world is that not right is the word of god accurate but according to paul he said that jesus came for our sins that he might deliver us from the evil of this present age now guys i don't know about you but to me that's good news that means that nothing in this world can harm me nothing in this world can hurt me in fact luke 10 19 says that nothing shall by any means hurt you you'll tread upon serpents tread upon satan uh uh uh or on all kinds of avowed creatures why because he might deliver us from this what present age so that's the ultimate remedy but let's get this thing down packed and let's really teach it today write this down before you write your points and this is so important god is going to back you to the extent that you trust him i'm going to say that again god is going to back you to the extent that you trust him for those of you who are being bullied or are being bullied by this present world please hear me loud and clear because the proof is going to be in the pudding on monday and tuesday when you go back to work god is gonna back you to the extent that you trust him how how how how is elijah able to fill the woman's water pots as many pots as she put out that's as many pots that got full be it unto you according to your faith god is gonna back you to the extent that you trust him can i give you five quick points on the provisions of god because class what are we talking about today the cares of this world verses it's not the cares of this world and no it's the god of this world versus the god of our provision it's the god of this world versus the god that's taking care of me and i got one or two choices i'm telling you guys even in christendom if you want to call it that i call it quote-unquote christendom there's a clear divide between the true church and the false church false churches right now are making you show a vaccine card to get in on sunday are you all listening to me y'all a vaccine card to get into church is anybody listening to me a vaccine car to come and sit in a pew this church has seminars and all that kind of good stuff where we have registration and and those kind of things for special seminars you will never ever though hear of this church charging for the gospel we never have and we never will and you don't have to clap off of that i just want you to understand the significance of somebody having to have a card to get in the church there's a clear divide truly they got concerts now called backs up with your favorite gospel singers you don't have to like me i'm still going to teach i mean they don't sing here but your favorite gospel saying there's a there's a clear clear divide clear divide in the church today you're going to make a decision when the bible says choose ye this day whom you will serve there used to be a time where you could kind of you know go to the seeker friendly church and dance of france but now they preach in false doctrine man they not even they not even in the bible they off the hook [Music] you know they shooting water guns on sunday morning in adult church that's how they do in church won't say any names no they're at home streaming panther stadium will be jam-packed at every home game but the people of god from certain churches because shepherds won't open their doors back up a lot of blood on some hands and can i say something to the people who go to churches where the shepherds hadn't opened up why are you still at that church if they gonna miss the rapture ain't no sense in you missing it with them won't you get up and go to a spirit-filled word teaching church and learn the things of god you don't have to like my talk i'm still going to teach it i am i i'm okay i got confidence i'm good so i want to give you five provisions that god gave you to be able to stand against the cares of this world some i've already adjudicated a little bit in my preliminary talk but some that will come even the more clear are you being blessed this morning five quick things on the provision of god now sister rogers my beloved wife quoted this early on in her message so i'm not going to spend a lot of time on it but psalm 35 you write it down read it later says it so well as a foundation 25 that i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed do what beg for bread that is not an allegory that is not a metaphor that is liberal literal david is literally saying as the woman of god taught us this morning that i was young and now i'm old i've lived a long time but i've never seen a righteous person forsaken nor god's seed beg for any bread we're god's seed furthermore we're the righteous that's that that verse is for us we're god's seed and we're the righteous or the righteous seed rather beg for bread we're the righteous and we're the seed the seed even of abraham right and so there is no good reason for you to expect to not be taken care of if you are on righteousness side is that all right church the word of god says it this way it says in isaiah 54 14 it says you will be firmly established in righteousness you will be what church firmly everybody say i'm firm you'll be firmly established in righteousness amplified bible and you will be far from even the thought of oppression guys you don't even got to have it running through your mind you're far from even the what even the thought of oppression even the thought even the thought of oppression for you will not what fear and from the tear of it for it will not come near you it won't be on your mind and it won't be on your body i just said something right there i said it won't be on your mind and it won't be on your body you will be far far far from oppression don't have to deal with it don't have to put up with it are y'all listening to me everybody say because we're the righteous but guys i'm not apologizing there's a clear divide this is that time this that window i would love to preach you happy this afternoon if this makes you happy praise god but please understand there's gonna be a click some and some of you it's gonna be a clear divide between you and your family clear the vibe the way they see it the way you see it may be very different clear divide you don't have to decide what you agree with what you don't agree with because i don't think anybody's riding the heels of anybody else when the rapture occurs it's going to be a clear divide are you all still with me boy i sense an anointing on this teaching today so god is going to back those who trust him he's going to stand behind you but there are five things that you should know about the provision of god number one god is your source everybody say god is my source man i just feel a strong teaching anointing today god is my soul god is taking care of me god is my source and we often think about money as soon as we read that passage and that's true god's going to give you everything you need he's going to take care all your bills he's going to take care of everything that you have to deal with but this is so good over in isaiah 43 and verse number one through three i like this because god is your source when you make the decision to be the righteous god's gonna god's going to take care of you god's going to look after you when you make the decision that i'm not going to be sheisty i'm not going to be corrupt i'm not going with the cares of this world hey guys group think is not right just cause the group is doing it don't mean is accurate and if i gotta be noah preacher of righteousness or john the baptist or or whomever at a time where very few people are listening well i'ma save the very few are you all in here the bible says but now thus saith the lord who created you o jacob and who formed you o israel fear not for i have what redeemed you i have called you by your name and you are who my do you all understand that that's possessive this tea is mine nobody can come and drink my tea unless i allow when god says you are his the word of god even says it no one can snatch you out of my hand no one can do you any kind of way but god is gonna back you to the extent that you trust him that's enough to prove my point but look at the next two verses when you pass through the waters which means you will pass through the waters i will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you and when you walk through the fire now is this befuddling anybody besides me we have now gone through three things that by natural causes you wouldn't be able to go through you can't walk through water in the flesh come on you most certainly can't walk through a river in the flesh you would drown and for goodness sake you can't go through fire but aren't you glad that when you get the anointing and the power of god down on you you can run through troops mail you can leap over walls you can walk through unemployment you can walk through the unwell wishes of wicked people he said when you walk through the rivers they won't overflow you and when you go through the fire you're not going to get burned shadrach meshach and abednego nor shall the flame scorch you why god for i am the lord your god can i say that again for i am the lord your god i'm the lord your god not your neighbor not your relatives not your employer i'm your source i'm the lord your god the holy one of israel your savior i gave egypt for your ransom in other words this world belongs to you the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof the heavens the heavens belong to god psalm 115 16 but the earth have he given to the sons of man he said it's your ransom the world is yours to possess not to be succumbed to not to be traumatized by not to be beat down by who is the devil to keep an iron thumb on you every day of your life what gives him the right to do that bible says no weapon formed against you shall prosper it is the heritage of the saints do you understand what that word heritage means it's your bloodline i'm not bragging or boasting but back in high school days it meant something to be a rogers because all the rogers boys ahead of me at least two of them were all american athletes or at least all state athletes so by the time you got to your freshman year in high school people had an expectation that that's one of those rogers he must be able to hit hard because all his brothers hit hard the coach came after you because you're rogers and rogers hit hard well all i'm trying to say is you got the blood of jesus amen that's your elder brother god is your father you are of a different kingdom it is your heritage to win not to be cast down you shall be far from oppression why number one god is your source somebody say god's taking care of me i say god's taking care of me that's the reality y'all don't you go on these little mansy pansy jobs and have them pushing you around are they your source or are they a resource there's a vast difference that what's in this tea this canister is not the source there was a resource that my mother-in-law used to get the tea in it without her resources no tea would be in this canister this is simply a resource the source came from what she did in the back are y'all getting that these jobs are not your source they are a resource and i'm teaching this because i know some of y'all coming up against these deadlines and if you don't do this by this if you don't do that by that and that's a good lead-in to point number two and that is man was never authorized to mandate authority over another man's body you can't find no bible to back up a man mandating something over your body never authorize guys for goodness sake even in a school system if you don't want your kid to take all the shots you still have the prerogative for them to not be in that school right but i'm telling you this because this is what this wicked world is trying to do started at a federal level and then fanned it out in other spaces but man was never authorized to mandate authority over another man's body now it's going to get goody good good good go over to daniel chapter six and let's look at the last president and king that tried to mandate something over somebody righteous let's just get the bible on it because i want y'all to be living by the bible i'm not i'm not preaching an opinion today i'm not teaching any trajectory i'm not pontificating what's accurate or is right i want you to see it in the world because at the end of the day man never had authority to mandate anything over your body look at it now o king verse number eight establish a decree and sign the writing put a law in place so that it cannot be changed according to the law of the medes and persians which does not alter therefore king darius signed the written decree you could say therefore the government mandated that you got to get a shot the king signed the decree to work here you're going to have to do this or else but according to scripture man was never nicole authorized to do that i'm not talking about the constitution to all my nationalist people out there to where the only thing you have is the constitution of the united states of america man whatever i'm talking about the word of god which usurps the constitution the emancipation proclamation any other covenant in this world nothing usurps the word of god and man was never authorized to mandate anything to touch your body and i want you to see it in the bible now when daniel knew that the writing was signed and he knew that he had to make a decision by october 15th that day he was at work and he went home and he went in his upper room and he opened up his windows towards jerusalem and he knelt down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his god key concept as was his custom since the early days pastor what you're going to be doing in these times the same thing i've been doing customarily i'm going to do what is my custom the world don't tell me to do nothing you can let them tell you to do something but the world don't govern me on what goes in my body it's just not it's not their cause man you own a business are you kidding me i will wear a mask to come in your business i'm a respectful person you got a sign on your window saying please wear a mask how many y'all know we we got we got sense about us it's gonna make you more comfortable i'm gonna wear that mask because i'm trying to win you to jesus anyway i will i will that master come into your business because that's what you guys require that's what i'm gonna do amen but when it comes down to your body since when does the world tell you what's going to go down with your mind god this gets so good man oh man man man thank you holy ghost if the world told you cut your pointer finger off and you'll be healthier how many people would do it we need everybody to be a team player to cut all their pointer fingers off because that's what they trying to get you with be a team player now i don't want to be on the team just don't pick me don't draft me y'all go ahead and play without me cause i'm not cutting my finger off and so i got to put something in me that might cause clots to make you feel better and they just rejected a booster shot yes just rejected it saying fda we don't approve of it yet but you want me to go get it i'm not going to call any store names because i don't want to defame anybody but there are some workout stores out there and you go down there and take all that stuff if you want to you better read the back it says not approved you go down there you'll be pee and green all kinds of stuff coming out your liver and kidneys jack you slap up i remember one time dave this was back in college i was interested in getting buff and they had that creatine oh boy and some of y'all looking like lord i'm taking that now well they had that creation and man i went down there and i started taking that creation dave didn't need it he was already buffed uh and boy we started working on all of us and i said guys i'm lifting more than usual i'm just doing quite well and before you know it man you know one bicep was the size of two and then i got the spirit of something about this ain't right about a month into that i cut it out cause there's somebody they say oh it's no problem keep taking it it's just retaining water right now well i'm not supposed to retain that much water i'm going back to the rocky way of getting in shape it's the eye of the tiger baby i'm gonna just run and pull some sleds and do side bends or something but i am not taking any more of that stuff that is unapproved by the fda well they just blocked some stuff so what you say to that but they get to tell you what goes in your body and for those of you who feel like you'll never be vindicated notice in in verse number 21 daniel said to the king o king live forever because my god sent his angel and shut the lion's mouth i want to recreate that word god's going to shut the mouth of some liars there's some liars in this culture there's some liars in this world but baby god's about to shut the mouth of some liars and he's gonna do it in big fashion somebody shout out hallelujah i'm just teaching or getting on your nerves take your pick i'm not on my nerves i'm a gospel preacher number one god is your source number two man was never authorized to mandate authority over another man's body but then now we get to the good good part because what are we preaching today i want to make sure we on the same lesson what are we preaching today y'all cares of this world versus the provisions of god so can we leave all the muddy stuff now and can we get into what god wants to do for believers number three five perspectives on the provision of god let's look at what god wants to do for believers number three opportunities come in shortage opportunities y'all are coming due to shortage look at rachel smiling and nodding her head i know that's right you heard her testimony last week opportunity to come when and how you get a 25 000 raise rachel because opportunities come they come in shortage guys i'm a man of god and i'm telling you prophetically you you watch what i tell you they are literally gonna have to start letting other people do what higher rate professionals used to do because they don't have the manpower to get it done so what a lawyer used to have to do a paralegal might be able to do because opportunities come the junior engineer can now do what the senior civil engineer can do opportunities come in shortage remember everybody had to come to joseph can we look at a nugget or two on that but not only did everybody have to come to joseph you've got to get this because guys your pastor got this revelation and i'm about to live it out i'm telling you this is my word right here you want to talk about pastor gabe's point this is what i'm about to do go to genesis 47 and 20. you talk about opportunities coming in shortage then joseph bought all the land please close down the churches that were good for nothing so we can buy them up and turn them into mission buildings and and buy them up and turn them into orphanages and and take over the kingdom of darkness for the kingdom of life the bible said joseph bought up all the land of egypt for pharaoh who with whom he worked for that's all that means for every man of the egyptians sold his field because the famine was severe upon them so the land became pharaohs y'all missed that revelation you ought to be shouting hallelujah knowing that there's a divine set up for the righteous man you're getting ready to live in a house you never dreamed of living in uh oh you getting ready to have a job you didn't know you qualified for because opportunities come in shortage they come come with the territory so posture yourself i'm saying this prophetically save your money sow some seeds and get some harvest back in are you getting that revelation because opportunities baby they come that somebody going man we don't need this office building anymore everybody to start working from home i sell it to you for half off whatever whatever you just give me all right we just want to offload it we'll sell it to you for what we bought it for 30 years ago we just want to offload it nobody wants this office complex and watch this it's going to turn into a prayer center where karina got 40 prayer warriors in there praying for people that call in 24 hours a day as opportunities come in short so i say great things are coming see i had to go ahead in the beginning of this message and preach against this world but never think that the world has an upper hand on god see it can look real crazy in the world but if you stay with god that's why that's why moses and joshua them guys will say stuff like whoever's on the lord's side come to me is that all right if you'll stay on god's side there is a vindication coming there there's a moment of truth coming that's going to demonstrate that we weren't wrong there's a moment coming that's going to say they had it right there's a moment coming that's going to say we should have listened to them amen watch what i tell you because opportunities come it's short y'all i ain't mad at it i'm not i'm not dave i'm not mad at i'm compassionate with the world but oh god i'm not mad i don't upset i'm not upset about the persecution that comes with preaching like this i'm gonna put this on television i don't care bother me one bit i'm on the lord's side people like to say god is with me no i'm with god some of y'all need to get that revelation there's a whole nother revelation for you to be with that's right god don't got to be with me as long as i'm with him see when i'm with him everything's gonna be just when i pass through the fire i won't get burnt when i go through the water i won't draw him because i'm with god i'm with god i'm god's man i'm god's man witches can't do nothing to you when you gods man they'll drop dead first uh-oh oh some stuff will happen first god's man and i'm telling you we in a spiritually supernaturally intense time so like the people of god y'all just get this the anointing on you if you the righteous it has intensified just like the world has intensified in their darkness can i give you scripture god told ezekiel he said the world is hard but i'm going to make you as hard as them that making you as hard as them is i'mma give you an anointing that is commiserate with what they're trying to do to you so for everything evil everything wicked that comes after me i'm sending it all back that's how i pray and father so anybody that's trying to stop me i sent it back with intensity oh jesus stop him now amen because i'm with god god give him one more day to repent have mercy but father if they don't cut it out i'm sending it oh i'm giving back to you all the tools you gonna can't some spiderman some iron man i'm sending it all back leave me alone hey man that's my that was for somebody streaming leave me alone now amen because opportunities come in shortage y'all we're going to be blessed be on our wildest dreams and what was joseph able to do help the people who wouldn't listen on the back end his brothers who didn't listen they got help because he had at least sense enough to stay on the right side number four and then number five this is a quick one number four don't forget god's method of increase so how do you make it we're not going all these scriptures today but you know what genesis 26 where did isaac sow in famine you study it at home later this week where did isaac sow and family so number four don't forget god's method for increase hey guys don't get in this land and stop sowing don't get in this land and start being conservative because i'm wondering if everything gonna be all right i better do this i better do that who's your source who's taking care of you can i make a a real strong solid golly confession when we went through that first year of covet oh my god banner year financially offerings went up good for you church that was the right time to do that so now you're going to reap the harvest off of trusting god in untrusting times but increase it take it up he sold in the land of famine and in the same year he got 100 fold do i have any bible readers in here when did he get blessed y'all the same year i don't know about you but guys i have increased my giving i have taken it up i'm just in that posture of lord i know you doing something i'm telling you y'all don't believe you i told you number three was for me i'm expecting any day now to be driving down the street and some building that has been totally vacated starts saying to me hey gabe i belong to you pull over come check me out i'm your building i'm believing for that i'm believing i'm believing y'all we talk about people selling it cheap i'm leaving some folk gonna knock on my door this belongs to you i couldn't sleep all week long god said i need to give you the keys to this so you can do ministry with it here's a check to finish off what you're building god just won't let me sleep he won't let me get any rest because as long as the earth remains there will be sea time and speaking of time number five and i'll close recognize that well why would you tell somebody take some nothing for their journey if they would need provision he said don't take anything for your journey trust me trust me in this wayward time take nothing for your journey that's yeah they put it on the screen for you luke nine and three keep reading tell them don't don't take any bread stash don't take anything you just trust me cause i'm i'm your source i'm on your side but then number five i love this part which is really where i wanna get understand that time is on your side guys i said it i'm gonna say it again there is a reckoning coming of vindication for those who stay on the lord's side and you say pastor that's so prophetic no it's not really prophetic it is the biblical model it's the cycle it's how it works every time israel will find themselves down for the account god would come and he'd vindicate him it's the cycle of god god always has a comeback when daniel went and prayed as his custom towards jerusalem guess what happened by verse 20 21 22 what happened the mouth of the lion got shut shadrach meshach and abednego what happened there's a fourth man in the fire god that what david and goliath what happened goliath got his head chopped off there is a cycle for the righteous isaiah 3 and 10 say to the righteous that it shall be well no trauma for us there is a time of perspective or rather a day of reckoning coming because time is on our side this is my last verse unless the lord says something else i want you to see it and uh did i give it to you go to luke if you will luke luke luke 19 and 12-3 and i'm closing because it's god's provision versus this wicked world y'all don't worry about when your kids are going to go to school pray and seek the lord he'll show you and they're going to be an absolute best school where am i going to work next week in the perfect job perfect y'all i told my seven o'clock class this morning pragmatically how you gonna let 2 000 people go anyway hey guys go to that scripture but do this for my youtubers who may not believe me um can you guys put that little article up there about the the the ward that had to shut down uh my wife found that the maternity ward i just i want y'all to see this is real time this is stuff they can't even hide anymore all right it's making it to the news hospital maternity ward to be temporarily shut down after staff resigns over vax mandates is that not right felicia i got nurses in here no these healthcare workers are like bogus i wish you would tell me what's going in me now notice i gave all the disclaimers there's no need for nobody getting mad at me now you can get whatever shot you want don't get mad at us because we don't want one why you mad at me i don't want one i told you you can get whatever shot you want now i'm not taking one you can get whatever you want but these folk right here and i don't even know if they got the holy ghost i don't even know what they say but they're like hey whatever we y'all not telling us what to do now with our bodies what is this are y'all getting a revelation so what is that going to do can i tell you what that automatically does to the hospital since when can a hospital flourish financially without a maternity ward the most critical of all surgeries are women's having babies two businesses that will always be lucrative the ones where folk are having babies and the ones where folk are dying the hatching places and the dispatching places if you know of a small town with no funeral home open one up you're gonna do real good cause somebody gonna get dispatched two every minute in america two people die one person dies at least every 30 seconds are y'all getting that and it's not even sad no people go to heaven like it's like no i'm good they check out you know they're not sick or nothing but people die then there are people who are sick right so no the funeral home gonna have business they just gonna they are gonna be in business okay a maternity ward don't look good for that hospital do it we're good at all so guys why are we the believers out of sorts you can take it down put luke 19 back up please why are we out of source in this world i should say why are you out of sorts everybody say go back to doing business look at this over in luke 19 12-13 and i'm closing therefore he said a certain noble man went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return now don't read that too fast this is a metaphor of what jesus is doing he's preparing a place for us he's setting the kingdom of god up for us right now is that not right but it is also a metaphor of a businessman who's going to complete a merger in another city he's going to acquire a kingdom for his own business for himself okay but he had some workers that he left in verse number 13 verse number 12. look at verse number 13. look at what he says so he called 10 of his servants delivered to them some money and he said to them do business till i come if you've got king james it may say something like occupy till i come so what is jesus instructions as i hurry to my clothes to the church he's saying hey guys get back to flourishing and doing business until i come and get you don't be hard up in this world don't be contemplative if everything is going to be all right no do business till i come cause i am coming what's point number five time is on our side man you know one one of the things about being a prize fighter and and i close is is understanding that uh if you up in points going into the 12th round all you need to do is dance around and not let them knock you out did y'all get that just don't go down guys that's all we got to do now we're prized fighters we're already up in points jesus already rose from the dead is that all right we already had pentecost the next big event is the rapture all we got to do is dance around till he get us out of here oh i'ma close on my house can't stop me there i'm gonna walk in divine health can't stop me there just dance around till he come and soup get you out of here that's it that's the revelation melvin i lay it all on the line i have nothing to gain except your viability and god why did i teach this today because the devil through trauma wants you to backslide he wants you to quit on god don't you come telling me all this stuff that happened in this world was harmless guess who was left holding the bag above any other industry when i look at the nfl their stadiums are back full again when i look at the grocery stores their shoppers have all come back the one entity that's left bruised the most was the church the church not our church we got two services because i never shut down anyway i wasn't going with this world but the church has out there all jacked up all jacked up and how are you going to pay the mortgage on 50 and 60 000 square foot buildings and 20 and 30 percent of your members came back they backslid and god's gonna hold these guys accountable no those are y'all even when i wasn't coming in the building at least i was outside having worship because y'all you if you got a pornographic habit guess what you're not gonna stop doing if you don't have anywhere to resist it you mean you locked in the house and the only thing you can do is watch pornography guess what you're gonna do you don't have no men's life group to go to no we had a life group here during that time for men to get off of pornography that's what we were doing we were about the father's business there we was doing business till he came we was occupying we was doing what the lord said do we wasn't going with this world we weren't trying to to to be the who's who i don't fit in with everybody and don't want to not trying to and that's a whole nother lesson those of you who who got so much rejection on you that if a certain group of people don't accept you you're just oh you're just outdone what's that i mean this sounds strong archery but after all they pay your mortgage every month you should care so much after all you know their smile means that much that's why i told you some of you need to get off all the little facebooks and needing all that affirmation all the time and just somebody to tell you how much they really like you or they're excited about the vacation you were on if you ask me i don't want people to know when i'm on vacation anyway that's a lob called come rob me i'll be away for six days let me tell you that i'm at the beach with no method of stopping you we're two we're too into this world james 4 4 says don't make friends with this world too friendly with the world now when the world invite people to church share the gospel with people the same restaurant where i met max at months ago since rogers and i was at that space uh uh uh a week ago in fact last week and there was a lady sitting in the corner of that restaurant and i just went over there and i started sharing the gospel with her with my wife standing right there that lady was in church today she was in church today no do business do business until i come there are other visitors of mine right now that i'm not going to call out personally at least four more in church right now that i personally invited to church hey guys are we doing the kingdom work or what are we doing because if pastor gabe had five and six people in church today we're your visitors uh oh now we're talking some evangelism now huh where are your people at cause i thought we were shouting about doing business you want to talk about the vaccine let's talk about the vaccine i mean what are we afraid of you want to wear your mask wear your masks you just can't make me take one right nobody asks permission about whether or not i mean they didn't ask me if they could have a football game in charlotte last weekend i didn't get i didn't get no permission slips out because they don't care about my opinion about having a football game and you timid about people going to your church you timid about people knowing about your jesus now he's getting goody good good good yet paul said in romans chapter one we are not ashamed of the gospel since when do believers have to be ashamed i don't understand it i don't understand it so that's all i'm saying guys no trauma for us trauma is for the world and there's stuff the news ain't telling you a whole lot of stuff information they're not giving you and guess what they're not going to give you because they control the media outlet guess whose information i'm not going to give you this morning planned parenthood you ever thought about that because i don't want you to have their information so i'm not going to tell you if you get pregnant call this number right i'ma hide that if you find that that's up to you are y'all seeing the parallel of what i'm saying so if you listen to information that comes from the world and you build your life talking about they're the experts they know well what about all the other experts who disagree with them that's not getting the footage man it's quiet in here y'all saying amen but on the inside you're like lord i hope he come home i know i know trauma it's all meant to scar you up it's meant to jack you up it's meant as we would commonly say to make you a basket case and i'm sad to say they did a darn good job with a whole lot of people a tremendous job we got people that i'm looking at and i'm saying man these folk have lost it the vax up concert i don't know about you but these songs don't bless me no more they don't like i it's some people y'all i personally i can't get over their calls right so as good as he can saying if you were to turn carlton pearson on right now and do one of his azusa albums it would throw me off because i know his cause i know what he's doing i know it's indicative of the false prophet when he starts teaching that there is no hell so i can't go back and listen i used to listen but i don't listen to those songs anymore they don't bless me anymore there's no anointing on it for me i don't know who that was for i'm just trying to tell you it's a clear divide now baby you either going in with god or you're going in with the world and i taught that lesson today just to help one more person to not backslide all you got to do is dance around time is on your side i got any athlete braxton ball player all but went to the nba played overseas and everything braxton y'all remember when you was up by 20 points at the end of the game you were a point guard what did you start doing with the 24 second clock was on your side you just started dribbling right start people just start dribbling y'all when you know you already won the center and the forward they they shake your hands like man great game this is good boy this this was quite the game today man now we beat y'all but we love you all man great game right we shake your hand the coach took his headphones off and put his clipboard down like he you know great game and the only reason why they still on the field they waiting for the final whistle to blow well guys we got the victory the only reason why we still on the field we're just waiting for them to call the game that's it oh and jesus is about to call the game baby we getting out of this wicked world give them great praise as we all stand that's enough for the day thank you lord thank you lord if you're here today and you want to be on the winning side we love you today jesus wants to save you it's not time to be confused or be figuring out your religion or not knowing what you believe now is the time to know jesus as lord now is the moment because i'm telling you he's coming back any moment now he is he is he is he is he is he's he's our soon coming king but i i i hesitate to use the word soon i almost want to say he's he's he's just here like it's you like it's almost like jesus's heel is already in the earth like any second he's just gonna catch us away catch us away so you might be here today and and you don't know jesus as lord y'all so crucial this is your moment i want you to come down and give your heart to him because we're getting out of here this is it it's a wrap it when i tell you it's a wrap guys it's a wrap prayer warriors pray and agree with me but you're here and you don't know him as lord come on come on come on or pastor gabe i used to know him as lord but i kind of went back to the traumas of my past i kind of went back to the things that i used to do come on what a good day to accept them in your heart you know teachers and pastors like me we we preach our heart out own purpose because we love people and it's our assignment nobody wants to say stuff that is going to inevitably make some people not like them i mean who wants to live life like that but we put our necks out there because we know that there's still some precious fruit james 5 says some precious fruit to be harvested and you're one of those precious fruit today you're in the room everybody in here is not saved i know that now that i know you want to be a part of what i just got through teaching and preaching i want to invite you down to give your heart to the lord what a moment in time y'all and not answering a altar call like this will be a part of the witness at your conviction i'm telling you they're going to play the tape they're going to say on september 19th i sent my manservant to preach the gospel to you but you walked out and you rejected him don't reject christ we say stuff like tomorrow's not promised i'm gonna bring that a little closer two o'clock is not promised it's 12 43 hey guys check this out understand how powerful what i'm about to say is it is 12 43 right now in charlotte north carolina according to the data that i gave you a few short minutes ago by 1250 at least six more people would have gone into eternity six more people would have gone into eternity that's profound no tomorrow's not promise the next minute that's why james said he said don't even say what you're going to do tomorrow read it in your bible he says say if the lord will that's what the word says you're in here today i promise you god wants to save you come on down give your heart to the lord pastor i've been in church i went to church i did this in church yeah that's good but do you know jesus says lord because at the end of the day that's all that's going to matter all that's going to matter second prayer i want to pray are for people last sunday we had a mass altar and it worked really well you got rid of some trauma or you want to get rid of some trauma you can be in that bunch but some people in here who need to be fortified in this world coming off of that message if that's you you just want prayer in this present world i want you to come down now we'll pray for you there's some areas i just want to solidify in this world this world i see my college students coming y'all it's all around them all around them all around them i see others coming but you just need to be fortified in this world come on down we'll just pray we'll do a general altar call but just a lot going on i know but you're going to be far from oppression do you believe that far from it far from it don't go back to poor mouthing don't go back to wondering well what's going to happen with my job what if you just got a better one isn't that something what if you just leaned on god whether you did like rachel and the lord just blessed you out of it she could use that with two small children work from home and be able to take care of her kids and god just answered that prayer he just answered it he just got in the trenches of it we limit god so much my wife and i had a dentist very nice lady and gosh most people who go as far as they're getting a dental degree you know that's that's a doctor man that's a lot of education well you know the lady came into a season to where her husband's business just blew up they started flourishing she don't dentist no more what you do for a living i don't dentist she stopped dissac you know it was good while it lasted she still got a license if she wanted to do it for free one day but her husband's business blew up and she had no legitimate reason to continue to clean people's teeth right so i don't know guys i don't know what to say to make it hit home but you're with god is that right that's why you ought to give glory to god that's what made that message so good and that's why you ought to lean on him that's why you ought to depend on him that's why you ought to go all the way with him all my college students go all the way with them all the way they putting pressure on you in college you me i'm not compromising now i'm not doing that i'll do that but i won't do that can't make me do that i'm willing to do that part but i will not go to that extent i believe god wanted to help somebody today can you look through the lens of last week's message what is your problem saying about you hey guys let's get real pragmatic for a second i've been saying this all day i'm gonna say it one more time what do you do let's say you got a 50 million dollar company makes 50 million in revenues a year and you need 300 workers to pull it off what do you do if 200 of them quit i'mma tell you what you do you don't make 50 million dollars a year shonda you're a cpa can you help confirm that yeah strong chance that you won't be making 50 million dollars a year because you need 300 men to do this you only have 100 now hey guys that's my fancy way of saying the world's not stupid you watch what i tell you you're going to say pastor rogers was right watch what happened throughout this fall it's going to be some sharp right turns we have reevaluated recently that we need to we need to consider now that we are now only it used to be required to but we are now officially because they're driven by money and so when somebody's driven by money just find out how to stop their money target didn't want to put christmas in their advertisements a few years ago guess what all the christians did stop shopping that target target published an apology and they took that x off for christmas they kept christ in some christmas and i'm not defaming anybody those are documented stories right and then for the world it works in reverse this is hilarious so when homosexuals got mad at chick-fil-a they had support chick-fil-a day and everybody went and bought at chick-fil-a and their revenues went up so like you darned if you do and you darn if you don't devil nothing you do can work you can't samuel rodriguez said you can't cancel the holy spirit yo we in cancer culture but you can't cancel the holy spirit hitting that's some good stuff oh you can't cancel the holy ghost no no no amen cannot cannot cannot amen you try you take us off of youtube this may not make it on youtube i don't care but you can't cancel it's too late it's in them can't cancel the holy ghost amen it's going to spread like wildfire so come on let's receive that buoyancy in this culture i don't know some of you are teachers this year you may be uh seven figure corporate people next year let the lord bless you let him do what he's doing he might have a better opportunity for you hey man i don't know i i don't know ken michelle i don't know all that that means i'm not redirecting your life keep on doing what you're doing but i do believe that there's gonna be some doors and favors coming your way in big big ways i believe that and then specifically for you michelle i'm hearing and sensing just kind of like open yourself up to the landscape of opportunity because it may not be what you used to but it's going to be bigger and better yeah yeah god will bless you out of some stuff yes he will yes he will and he don't need extensive degrees to do it either get the degrees but god doesn't need that he's looking for the righteous i go to and fro throughout the earth looking for those whose hearts are right perfect before me so i can show myself strong second corinthians 16 and 9. that's what i want to do i show myself strong on behalf of the righteous father in the name of jesus now fortify us in this culture fortify us in this world father we preached against the world today because the world is wicked and i thank you right now though that you're keeping the believer i thank you god that you're keeping our mind we will not be traumatized by this culture in the name of jesus father as we go through college right now i thank you god that we're going to know the difference between right and wrong and we're not doing everything the world tell us to do just to get a degree and yet we're going to get our degrees because you love us god in the name of jesus i thank you for your keeping power god and those decisions that we need to make up the road decisions we know we don't know that we got to make even now but that are coming and god bless them and cause them to work together in our favor in the name of jesus and then god we're not going to be ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for in it is the power unto salvation to everyone that believe father i'm not ashamed of saying this but i'm so glad i listened to you last year when the devil was trying to tear churches apart i'm so glad god that i didn't let your disciples go but that we lassoed them in by the anointing and god since then you've been keeping us and god the flood has had nothing to do with us so our sister rogers taught us this morning we're going to give glory to you we're going to honor you with our life we're going to honor you with our substance we're going to honor you with everything we do in the name of jesus father we thank you that we're not susceptible to the enemy's plight in the name of jesus and god i decree promotion elevation increase favor open doors opportunities god joseph bought up all the land what's our difference god all the entrepreneurs in the room come on lift your hand a little higher right there father in the name of jesus god i thank you god for the flower shops and the bakeries and and just all of those businesses got the photography firms whatever the the lawyers in the room that that will have their own firms god i thank you right now god that you're you're giving them landslide opportunities and victories office buildings and open doors of favor coming their way [Music] contracts in the name of jesus ultimately so we can fund the kingdom of god and we thank you for right now we decree an open door crystal of you of employment the perfect job in jesus name fitting in your school schedule and everything you need to glorify god in jesus name and if you need to change schools i want to say that again amen that you be sensitive to the spirit of god whatever your spirit is telling you in that but god i think you got that sometimes you shake stuff up and you get us in all the right places in jesus name father bless our kids that are in school right now so many times lord they don't know what next week is going to look like open and close and do this and do that guys some of them their friends have had to go home and quarantine and all kinds of things going on and father for what is work i'm not against quarantining and and we got common and godly sense but but god we also know god that those things are traumatizing so father protect your people from the blight of this culture that's my prayer there's an anointing in here for that church come on receive that now i'm closing that we're protected we're protected we're protected we're protected from the blight of this world in jesus mighty name can you get a visual on your mind of what the perfect quality of life looks like will you do that before you leave the altar i just want to not only inspire you but i want to do genesis 13 14. look from where you are what is the perfect quality of life for somebody working from home work from anywhere was such a blessing what an open door can you get it on your mind this is not just about bless me this has blessed you so you can be a blessing this has bless you so you can be distressed in the name of jesus get a vision of that on your mind right now and father we thank you right now that there'll be a fulfillment of these things in the name of jesus thank you for it open doors nicole there's an open door coming your way i know it is even coming in and through this maternity watch what i tell you you're going to be on the fast track open doors it may be your own thing it may be something within a company but open door coming your way specifically father i thank you for it right now we prophesied we believe we receive it for the people of god some college student is worried about employment i just picked that up employment maybe after graduation that that thought's been going through your mind if that's you whoever you are raise your hand that's you just a little concerned what am i going to do what is that going to look like if that's you raise your hand we want to pray for you am i am i missing them all right they're behind me all right good good good yes you guys are in college a little concerned about employment after the fact come on let me pray for you let me pray for you brian and chris can hold it down or whoever is still up there playing let me pray for you just concerned i'm concerned about what happens next yeah what is that going to look like all right father in the name of jesus i pray for these college students and god you're his supply in the name of jesus you open doors so father i thank you right now that you are so intricately involved in his steps the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord so father order him step his steps and let him know from the lord that you're on his case in the name of jesus we call that perfect roll in in jesus name amen eliot go heavily into discipleship okay that's gonna help you chris same thing father in the name of jesus i pray for these young men as they come to a culmination lord open up their trajectory chris it may be your own business so talented he wants to be a music teacher lord let him have that plus some more but god we thank you right now that you're looking after his affairs as he goes heavily into discipleship chris and elliot the job is going to be the reward of good discipleship the reward of what you do so father we call it in and we call it done in jesus name amen amen if you know that god has done it not is doing it will you give him a roar of thanksgiving we're getting ready to go thank you lord thank you lord yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's opportunities that's open door anybody besides me that it hit you that joseph bought up all the land hey guys the only reason why he was able to do that is god was with him and he was with god you are going to live in goshen in this wicked and the perverse generation the lights will be out in egypt but it's going to be on for the people of god oh thank you for right now go and evangelize go and win souls get people out of this world get them into the kingdom of god teach them the kingdom way you're going to be just fine if you'll obey god watch what i tell you it'll surely come to pass in jesus name amen all right you may return to your seats we're getting ready to adjourn for the day we love you i'm gonna turn it over amen to the team here amen amen amen [Music] okay [Music] opportunity you
Channel: Kingdom Christian Church
Views: 289
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: do98t3U4Egk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 5sec (9905 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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