Establishing Your Authority 9.2.21 | KCC Thursday Night Bible Study LiveStream

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now father the first reason why we worship you is because you're worthy in fact the word worship means to ascribe worth to and father you're worthy of our worship oh hallelujah you're worthy of our praise you're worthy of our adoration so when we say we exalt thee lord we lift you up oh hallelujah david said it so well he said oh magnify the lord with me god we exalt you we magnify you we acknowledge your bigness in our life and so father for your presence tonight we say thank you father i want to give a special thank you to you for keeping us in a time like this oh thank you lord hallelujah you've not forgotten your promises they're both yes and amen we're thriving in a strange land and we tell you thank you for that father i want to thank you tonight that we're sitting clothed and in our right mind that that means a lot thank you for that thank you god that our thinking is not warped there are things that are priceless and that's one of them so father as we go on your word i'm so excited about it tonight i pray that revelation knowledge will come alive that blessing of colossians 1 and 9 revelation knowledge epinoscos for your people that they not just hear pastor gabe but that your spirit the holy ghost would just illuminate each text each verse captivate us with the anointing make us better thank you for the 12 principles of warfare thank you that we're fighting a war that we've already won because you always cause us to triumph thank you for that father and this is the victory that overcomes this world even our faith so we have faith in you god you told us you said have faith in god somebody shout i got it somebody say god i believe you somebody said i god i trust you so father we believe that and we'll put action to it we'll be a doer of the word god as we go into your word tonight i thank you right now god that lies will be changed our faith will be enhanced and our understanding will be enlightened in the name of jesus so our feet are shot with the preparation of the gospel peace our loins are girded about with truth we have on the breastplate of righteousness the shield of faith sword of spirit the helmet of salvation we have love faith works by love we got keys to the kingdom come and put the devil in his place say that we bind you in the name of jesus you have no authority you're not in charge you don't want anything in fact we run you we run you out of this place in the name of jesus we run you out of our emotions we run you out of our situations in the name of jesus and we decree right now that we have the victory tonight in jesus name amen oh come on and celebrate them thank you lord hallelujah well if you got a second were you praying the holy ghost i just want to make sure i didn't leave anything in the atmosphere this is a believer's meeting pray it out in the spirit thank you lord you don't have a heavenly language yet believe for one but tell them thank you honor him worship him we build ourself up in our most holy faith i thank you for utterance tonight utterance flow in the name of jesus christ i pray perfectly in the spirit even for the lesson tonight that i minister right target it where you wanted to go father in jesus name amen amen amen i honor my sweet wife tonight i thank god for her amen and i honor you the people of god amen come on give god one more yell scream hallelujah hey amen amen all right all right you may be seated you may be seated amen amen and amen i'm excited about this word tonight you've been coming you know we're in an extensive series on the 12 principles of warfare all right 12 principles of warfare and i spent about two weeks on the first principle uh which was dress up how many you know you don't go to war with the wrong outfit on amen and that primarily comes from ephesians chapter six we understand um that uh we're to be strong in the lord and in the power of his might we understand who we wrestle against and who we're not wrestling against we don't wrestle against flesh and blood so we went through a good part of the equipment in the dress up message the only weapons i did not cover are weapons that you're going to hear later on because they appear later on in the principles that is the the helmet of salvation touched it a little bit but the sword of the spirit which is the what word of god the only weapons left are those that are offensive weapons last week we learned the shield of faith breast plate of righteousness those are defensive weapons they quench in that good news you can wet your shield up and quench every fiery dart of the enemy in that revelation right well by the holy ghost amen by the washing of the water of the word keep your shield wet amen and you'll quench every fiery dart of the enemy uh but then the last two weapons and i'm sad to say that a lot of believers because they don't read the word correctly leave out one of the key weapons they think that when you get to verse number 18 and it's talking about the sword of the spirit or verse number 17 of ephesians chapter 6 they think that the whole armor of god stops there amen but if you continue reading in your bible you'll note that the word of god is a weapon of offense but if you'll read verse number 18 everybody say there's one more weapon yeah and that interest in yolanda what's that last weapon praying how often always with all prayer or all types of prayer there are different types of prayer prayer faith prayer consecration prayer praise and worship all right we'll deal with that later on in this series all right that's worth the whole night but that is one of the weapons the word of god is a weapon but prayer is a well how do you fight the devil with prayer how do you fight the devil with the word of god matthew 4 notice when jesus encountered satan for the first time he never used his opinion on all three questions he said it is written all three questions then he said it's written again all three questions you never fight the devil with your emotions or how you feel you get a word and you hit him with the word is that all right revelations 12 and 11 we overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word this is the word of our testimony right here amen and your experiences but more importantly the word of your testimony right that's how you fight the devil that's how you consume those thoughts you replace those thoughts with the word on righteousness therefore you're no longer condemned you replace those thoughts to defeat with the word of this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith can i still walk you tonight i just want to teach out of my spirit if that's all right all right so we're going to cover that but tonight i want you to go to matthew chapter 28 and verse number 18 and we're going to go on to the second principle if that's okay the first one was dress up but boy do i love tonight's subject tonight we're going to talk about principle number two and that is establish your authority establish your authority everybody shout i have authority one of the reasons why i have you suit up before every lesson is guess what we're doing establishing our authority establish your authority is that not right you know there are a lot of places a person could act up they can't act up in here did you know that you know why there is established authority right there are a lot of places where a lot of things can go on it ought not be going in your house you know why because you have what you have authority but you have established and if you don't establish your authority satan will establish his authority do you know that there are laws in certain states and it's so powerful that if you let somebody stay in your vacant house a day too long did you know that you know that they could take ownership did you know that that's real estate law look at my lawyers nodding their head yes you let them stay in your vacant house you let a croucher sit in your house and can prove that they've been sitting there a certain amount of time they can go downtown and take your stuff and you know why because you did not establish your authority this is good teaching tonight had a crutcher and we showed him compassion because y'all know god cares about the homeless right but i had somebody that was staying in one of the churches vacant properties a couple years ago and uh number one it wasn't safe because the property was dilapidated so you don't want somebody living there but but number two nobody asks so what what did what did what did the guys do they wouldn't say no you can't stay here like that now we can get you some services we can get you some help but if you don't put the devil in his place he can take your stuff i'm gonna move on from that point because all my compassionate people are missing it you let somebody set up shopping your stuff if you want to mama said if you don't run your meeting somebody else will this is good stuff you have to establish authority and jesus came and spake and said unto them saying how much power all power is given unto me where in heaven and in earth please put in a new king james translation tonight all right let's look at it again all right some of you like the old king james but jesus came and spoke unto them saying all what authority that's the right word because power and authority is different power is ability authority is the right i can have the ability to pick this chair up i have enough muscle to lift this chair that's ability but if the person in this room who has authority doesn't want me to move this chair my power doesn't matter you can have power to get some things done but if you don't have established authority you don't have the right to get certain things done and i'm telling you satan has been moving in and out throughout this earth especially now in this culture establishing his power where believers won't take authority he has the power to run rockshard in your life but if you'll take authority he can't move your chairs around unless you let them the great lester sumrall tells the story about how a demon tried to come and trouble him in his room and was shaking his bed and making a mess and all that kind of good stuff and literally moved the bed across the room i mean just some real wicked stuff and he cast that devil out he put him out and he said wait a minute come back put my bed back where it belongs right you know why he was able to do that because he had established authority is that not right and jesus said how much authority was given unto me all authority well that's enough to kind of develop my thesis but that's not enough to prove my thesis because jesus said he had all authority that's easy to understand because colossians 2 15 says it this way that he disarmed principalities so he took the authority jesus yes we understand jesus you have authority but everybody say what about us and where did jesus have authority all authority has been given to him we're a church in heaven and where else and in earth jesus has authority in both places is that not right well pastor what does that have to do with us jesus transferred that authority to believers now let's go to matthew 16 and 19. he transferred that authority to believers is that not right and the bible says it so well and i will give you the what keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be what about whatever jesus binds on earth so it sounds like to me he's reestablishing who has authority in his absence because i'm going and i'm going to be seated at the right hand of the father so now from now on these works will you do in greater works because i go to the father i have all authority in heaven and earth but i'm giving you the title deed i'm giving you the authority i'm giving you the power and why did he give us the power so you got to read your bible he gave us the power because over in revelations chapter 12 don't turn there revelation chapter 12. somewhere around verse number 9 satan was cast out of heaven into the earth and he gave you authority because he knew that you would need authority he gave you authority because you knew that you would come up against a devil that goes to and fro throughout the earth seeking whom he may devour and that's both tribulation based where he was cast out but we understand he's already here the spirit of the antichrist is already where here is that not right so god knew jesus knew you would need authority so he said i have established authority in heaven and earth but i'm transferring that authority to you i'm giving you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever who binds on earth you bind on earth will be what bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loose where in heaven is that not right i'm giving you the power to bind the news all right dave i'm gonna have you turn the air down i want folk to get head coach authority so what is authority authority if you're writing it's the right to make a decision that's authority is authority different from power class absolutely power there's the ability to do what get it done but authority is the right to make a decision power is the ability to carry it out the president of the united states has the authority to send troops and to do all these other kinds of things but he in and of himself doesn't have enough power to beat another military up by himself y'all getting a revelation i have the power to make the decision right but i mean rather the authority but the power to carry it out is deputizing that power it is fanning that power out the ceo has authority but he needs people to work with so that that power can be exemplified hint we wrestle is that all on it we're wrestling we're on the same team is that right can i just put a plug for unity a pastor can't do it all by him himself he has power and executive authority in a church that's in order amen but by all means he needs all the super soldiers out there to be doing their job especially in a time like now difference between authority and power everybody say we wrestle now what is authority really about you have authority over four things right and authority is really about jurisdiction how far does your jurisdiction expand you know if you if you have a license to practice a certain field in a certain state amen you don't have the authority to practice in that field in another state psychologist is licensed in the state of north carolina unless they got portability or passed a license test in connecticut they can't practice psychology in connecticut because connecticut has different laws and they are not licensed to practice in that state is that not right all right you can be uh licensed to practice law in north carolina but you're not licensed unless you packed up past louisiana's bar to practice law in louisiana and one of the reasons is is because the laws are vastly different in louisiana extremely different so a north carolina lawyer wouldn't do so well in louisiana under their laws unless they aha went and learned keys to the kingdom the laws of that land and until you learn how to take authority over the devil he's going to keep beating you up on stuff that you already have the power to overcome amen but you didn't learn the authority of the kingdom y'all remember the keys to the kingdom you didn't learn the keys to the kingdom you didn't learn that you can't be in fear in a time like this you didn't learn that the righteous are as bold as a lion you still practicing off of the law of your old man you didn't learn righteousness so you're still letting the past hold you back when the blood of jesus has made you new is that not right so you got to learn the keys to the kingdom because if your heart condemns you you can't have faith but if your heart condemns you first john 3 20 god is greater than your heart god is greater than your emotions is that not right so there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus well some people lose because of condemnation because they don't think they have a right to win therefore they still live underneath their privileges and they're not functioning in authority i can tell y'all are listening i said they're not functioning in what authority i'm i'm a practice off of kingdom law so i'm not of this world so the world don't tell me what to do why will i buy minus driving 65 and the 65 speed limit y'all know we got good common sense but why would i abide by the world system when i live in a totally different system and i have different laws that govern me so no i ain't doing what y'all telling me to do because i'm of a different system and i have authority that is greater than this system the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our god and he shall reign forever we run the world where you know you have authority what i just quoted is in the book of revelations by the way we no we we have authority we have jurisdiction whatever you buy i'ma buy whatever you lose i'm loose you let them push you off your job that's up to you you didn't bind it once you walk up in the office i bind it now in the name of jesus i bind every type of attack against me in fact in jesus name i'm getting a raise why don't you start binding unless you want a new job and if you want a new job why don't you lose a new job so i bind this job i'm leaving in the name of jesus i lose the job i've been wanting anyway i take authority i'm about to have more peace than i've ever had in my life i've always wanted to work from home anyway i'm in charge the devil don't run nothing there are no blue mondays there are no hump day wednesdays thanks be unto god who always causes us me in the kingdom of god to triumph i'm not of this world i'm of a different breed are you all saying amen anybody ever seen the terminator movies and and what you would figure out real quick is arnold schwarzenegger don't stop just because you got a gun you said he's shooting him and he's coming because he is not human oh you'll get that later he's of a different planet that's the whole premise of the terminators the liquid guy y'all remember that the girl who could turn her arm into a bazooka right they were of a different planet so humans were no match of them and paul says we have superhuman ability did you read that in your bible ephesians 3 and 20 says our citizenship is not of this world our citizenship is in heaven so why are we those of us who have authority walking around in trepidation instead of binding up what needs to be bound and losing what needs to be loose you can bind fear and lose peace come on you can bind lack and lose prosperity you can bind sickness and loose divine healing you can bind whatever you need to bind because you have authority are you all in here tonight somebody said i'll have to put up with that you're not saying that i said i got jurisdiction i don't have to put up with that come on authority is about jurisdiction is that right one of the easiest ways to get arrested is for a property owner to say i don't want you here anymore did y'all know that now you can't go to somebody's private property in active fool they're gonna say who's the owner right and all the owner has to say is officer i don't want this lady on my property anymore and they have to they got to leave you know why jurisdiction and authority i had a couple show up because you know there's some people who think it's their job to go around straighten people out so they had heard me preach about some things they disagreed with visiting too just showed up waited for me to come out you remember that dave i don't know what got into these people waited for me to walk outside and said excuse me we'd like to talk to you about something you preach that we don't like i said come again yeah we we i said come again i said okay i'm gonna give you one shot i'm not having this conversation with you this is what i'm gonna tell you okay this conversation is over now if you want to hang out in fellowship and enjoy yourself you're welcome to do that but you're gonna go ahead and be quiet well no we're gonna press our claim you have been disinvited officer [Laughter] we'll see you where are you at right now am i at your house or did you show up at kingdom. i don't go to the unitarian church and argue with them as to whether or not homosexuality is right right i'm on their private property so now you're going to come over here and take issue with faith furthermore who are you what gives you the right to even have this discussion with yours truly who deputized you i mean at least be louis farrakhan if you're going to debate me but if you ain't if you don't even have a following go somewhere and sit yourself down you're in the basement somewhere and you want to debate the man of god go somewhere and shut up somebody shout authority did he say shut up absolutely authority something you would do better if you tell your kids get somewhere sit down and hush now because look here as for me and you don't know you're in my house right now when i come to your house and you grown but you still in let me get back to today's lesson see i'm telling you those stories y'all because you don't got to take that stuff i went in the mood for that i don't preach three times and had enrichment sunday and everything boy that's four sessions you know i'm tired you better go somewhere and jump in the nearest lake and swim as strong as you can who asks you did nobody ask you what you think if we want to know what you think we would have given you a mic and they were their sophisticated selves got disinvited and i went back to fellowship you know why because i had just some good teaching tonight rather not you say amen you have authority over four things go to matthew chapter eight is gonna be good you got authority over four things number one your spirit that is saved or not you determine where you'll spend eternity nobody else does you got authority over your spirit saved or not spirit filled or not you got authority over your what church your spirit number two your soul the devil can't make you feel no way you have to let him make you feel that way somebody say i have authority over my soul christ can't make you think a certain kind of way i'd give you scripture to back it up philippians 2 and 5 says let this mind be in you which was also where in christ jesus somebody say i gotta let it when you're feeling bad and down and out guess what that's because you let it nobody's in control of your emotions you can't make me feel bad i run my emotions i command my soul to rejoice anybody ever read those scriptures amen my soul makes her boast in the lord what was he doing commanding his soul all magnify the lord with me he's telling his soul what to do paul did it as well rejoice in the lord and again i say rejoice i'm telling my soul and the people around me we already have some joy because my soul don't run anything and you've got to control your soul because if you don't control your soul your soul is going to become the steering committee of your belief system because you don't control your soul your soul is going to tell you you don't deserve a better job because you don't control your soul your soul is going to tell you that the abortion of 1986 is the reason why you can't have babies today because you don't control your soul your soul is going to keep you under an iron thumb of condemnation and iron come of being disempowered instead of you operating in authority and see y'all the devil hates authority on believers because once you start operating in authority he knows he got took his tail and go because you know who you are in god you know your power you know your ability understand that when the girl with divination was following paul get this revelation she could have followed him another day or two the only reason why she no longer followed him was he got tired of it that's it there's no biblical precedence that he had to cast that devil out then he cast the devil out when he got ready to cast him out he had authority the whole time but he said now look here i'm tired of this enough said come out in jesus name but what is that that was paul taking authority and you have authority over your emotions nobody can vex you nobody can come in and trouble your spirit if i go to somebody's house and they're troubling my spirit understand this is a principle of warfare whose house are you at you're their house get in your car because you're not under your jurisdiction anymore now you have authority over you but if they want to talk about a bunch of worldly stuff who's in government to get the shot or not that should be a t-shirt if they want to talk about all that feel far and filth you have authority over your soul and your end gate and how much of that information gets in you love y'all hey it's been real good seeing y'all i'm gonna go ahead and head on out well you know the party don't start until 6. it's only 5 30. give them my gift tell them i came by because guess who got authority over me i got authority over me you got authority over your property but i got authority of me and jesus said if they won't receive you remove your peace hallelujah go ahead and take your peace out of the atmosphere i'm gone do whatever you want with that i'm not having i'm not having this discussion i don't have to have this discussion because i have authority over me family or not oh because you got authority over your soul and i'm gonna teach these principles because that's how you're going to make it in the last days you're in charge over you everybody else can do whatever they want to do how much of it they want to do it when they want to do it but you can't make me do that did you hear what i just said i said you can't make me do anything which is a good lead into number three you have authority over your body good god almighty not only do i have authority over my spirit whether or not i get saved or go to hell i have authority over my soul but then number three i have authority over my what church my body you just put it in your notes because we got to pick up speed first corinthians 9 27 don't worry i'm coming back to matthew 8. but first corinthians 9 27 paul said but i discipline my body and i bring it unto subjection y'all know that scripture i tell my body what to do this morning i did not before coming into work feel like working out oh god just didn't feel up to it but i commanded my body this is what you are going to do this is how much of it you are going to do and you are not going to stop until i give you permission to stop because guess who's in control of your body i am i am guys gluttony is a spirit that troubles your soul and your body now you're born again it doesn't trouble your born-again spirit you've already been regenerated but it will trouble your soul in your body it will demean you and let me just say something you're already pretty anyway my sister come on brother you're already handsome anyway you are already wonderfully and fearfully made but you can bring your body into subjection and you can tell your body we're doing it right now on a 21 day fast are we not you tell your body you're not eating meat and guys cannot let you know the secret since i made those proclamations i don't even want it i don't know about anybody else i'm good i'm i almost have to crank mine up i'm good i'm good i've been eating my nuts and and salads and oh man little pasta here and there you know a little broccoli i'm good and i feel lighter on my feet amen much more energy come on skin to start clearing up because you have authority over your three things so far pastor what's the fourth thing the first three were easy i love this one you have authority over your stuff good god almighty i said you have authority over your what your stuff your stuff ranges from your property to your honey men especially to your money now i got authority over all of that and especially underage children i have authority over my stuff my honey to a certain extent now she started and she won't rebelling against god and her husband then she does have free moral agency but i'll tell you what that will do to her later on if she does that especially if by biblical standards i have authority and she doesn't want to do that but by biblical standards i have authority so who's god backing is anybody here wanna fight against god even david had enough sense when god gave him a choice of which punishment yeah okay it's another bible study go read the story and then i'll teach it to you all right but look i i i'm not wrestling or fighting against god i'm not resisting the anointing so husbands you got authority in your home so why don't you take it single moms you got authority in your home i said what kind of moms single moms okay so i don't care if johnny is 17. god will give you a david anointing for goliath but i'll knock you out i wish you would talk to me like that he towering over you and everything all right gotta freeze him so you could beat him down if he don't cut it out he'll be trying to fight i can't i can't move oh mama please stop i don't know why i talk to you like that yeah you got authority over your home and don't beat him down he won't get right get get out get right you know that's what other places are for uh uh-oh and see some of you the devil will play that card of compassion and play on your emotions and that's why you won't take authority over your kids and you won't take authority over your stuff the devil can't touch your property when you're away that's your stuff that's the believer's jurisdiction somebody say we got authority what's the scripture for it pastor joshua 24 and 15 as for me and my house what will i do i'll serve the lord now real quick matthew eight you all know the story of the ceterian and the centurion was very thoughtful about uh authority now a centurion leader uh if you will let up centurion a hundred soldiers okay 100 roman soldiers that was his job and he had a paralyzed soldier that he was compassionate towards and that he cared about now this man was sick and jesus came to capernaum because uh you know the the centurion came and pleaded with him and said hey will you come to my house and heal my paralyzed servant are y'all in here jesus said in verse seven i will come and heal them in verse number eight he said don't come i got to thinking just send your word how many all know that's some faith yeah he said just send your word why because i am also verse number nine this is what i wanted to get for i also am a man where church under authority stop right there that means he was a man who understood authority and i'm gonna show you how this is gonna bless you in a minute i am a man under authority who also has soldiers under me so i got women governors over me but i got soldiers under me and i say don't this one go and what does he do church he goes i say to another come and he comes to my servant do this and he does it what's the point but i understand authority and jesus you are one of greater spiritual authority if you would just send your word your word of authority is enough to get the power moving oh hallelujah i said your word of authority is enough to get the power moving and when jesus told us that he would keep us in this world his word was enough of authority to keep the power moving until he comes and gets us out of here somebody say amen when he told us that everything was going to be all right that we would overcome the world and be of good chair we have to take that word of authority and ride that word until the very end somebody shout hallelujah and why did it work for the centurion because he understood authority and he was one of the greatest components of faith written in the new testament jesus said i couldn't find any other faith like this and we're going to outline this story i want you to put your bibles of divider there i'm down to about 12 minutes and i want you to go to john 12 and 49 and then let's go back to matthew 8 and i'm going to give you a few maybe two benefits tonight of recognizing authority because you're not only a person in authority but to your benefit you are a person where church under authority y'all never feel bad about being under authority and i'm gonna show it to you in a second because under authority works in our benefits pastor are you under authority i sure am i place myself under authority on purpose and i'm gonna show you why in a second being under authority does something for you and i'm gonna show it to you momentarily but understand even jesus was what under authority this is some good stuff look at john 12 and 49 for i have not spoken of my own what authority i didn't say stuff in my own authority jesus jesus said i've not spoken of my own authority but the father who sent me gave me a command of what i should say and what i should speak y'all that is amazing jesus the son of the living god didn't step outside of the confines his father said but we got people today that go all outside of the confines of what their authority says is that not good they can't listen to two instructions on a good day be it a teenage son dad say do something they just just cannot i can't line up with that authority dad i just i know you know more than me but i just cannot go with that authority uh-oh pastors say do something not everybody some people you gotta and this one i know when folk ain't gonna listen when you got iterated three times you know you're talking to the spirit this is good stuff some of you in here you would do better if you stop arguing with mom and them because you're not arguing with mom and them you're arguing with a spirit titus 3-10 says admonish a person once maybe twice if you have reiterated the same thing three and four times you're not talking to a person you're talking to the spirit you're talking to somebody that has taken control of their soul because they didn't take authority of their soul and you can lose your soul i can't wait to preach on the mind again on sunday you need to be here i'm gonna talk about the right mind oh my god there are people with the wrong mind right now but it's because over time they have depleted and they have acquiesced it to the wrong spirit and see that's what happens when you start buying into these worldly vain philosophies like you can't agree with black lives matters for six months and come out okay you're gonna be warped in your thinking on the other side of that stuff because it's wicked it's witchcraft so you can't align with witchcraft for six months and then come out thinking right you're gonna be jacked up you can't align with with political candidates that tell you their pro-lgbt and tell you they're pro-abortion and come out of that stuff thinking right i don't care if you like me tonight remember you came right amen right i'm not at your house i'm not at your house you can tune me off if you want to while you watch my youtube there are other churches that do bible study on thursday now i don't know why you watching me you've got a lot of choices a whole lot of people doing video services so while you're watching me if you don't agree with me ah you need authority to resist and that's the spirit you know some people plant and show up at church just to resist let us all stand what's that what is that and sometimes because i have wisdom i ignore it because the devil wants to trouble the atmosphere so you don't always mess with it but when paul gets tired hey you all right we all stand now i didn't get a lot of sleep last night go and stand up now i ain't in the mood today all right so sometimes i let stuff go then sometimes ah no no no no get the baby now that's gonna get on my nerves i'm trying to minister i'll do that it's gonna aggravate me y'all ain't saying amen but i'm trying to teach you authority and it's not a personality trait it's a spirituality trait jesus spoke with a voice of authority you need to operate with a voice of authority you need a deal in authority somebody say amen amen you'll bring stuff back in order people benefiting off of all your resources and don't have no honor on them this is getting good tonight no no and and they know this and and you know i'm looking forward to meeting them and greeting it on but chris and all these guys they no none of my musicians disrespect me absolutely not and i pay them every week now if you can find a lot of churches where you can get a gig open a day then talk to me any kind of way this good talk today and that ain't mean that's spiritual authority you don't let people take and i'm not talking about the musicians for the record that's just an example but you don't let people take full advantage of your anointing and your resources and you have no parameters on what they can do to you your son can put you down and steal you paying for everything as pastor randy said you funding the revolution he still got a cell phone and he talking to you sideways uh oh boy oh boy i know y'all glad i don't got a lot a lot of time left i'm meddling now no you can't you can't do that with my stuff you call it controlling you call what he wants i call it honor amen that's what i call it and we got to teach honor and that's been one of the things that have caused our people to fall out of favor because we don't got no honor you want to get laws passed to where you're here any kind of way did you found the business is that your company amen can you conform to what people want you to do if you want to work at their company you're not in authority over there if you want your hair to be blue start your own business sending that somebody's reception is desk with blue hair with a law to back you up it's the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life and i'm gonna tell y'all people smarter than you anyway because they ain't gonna tell you why they're not gonna hire you they just ain't gonna hire you with your crazy self that's right you're gonna pass a law to make me do something i don't wanna do i'm just gonna say at will you ain't the candidate why um we just went in another direction y'all don't like my talk but honor glory to god is an essential ingredient for success god told samuel he said i'll honor those that honor me hallelujah we don't like this i sent my wife a 100 cash app today for a couple of reasons being pretty hallelujah and just to honor y'all just the fundamental honor just the you know thank you for getting mulch uh on our yard you know that's something i've been wanting i just want to thank you so much for that thank you for the edging that you just put up around our yard y'all just and women can i tell you something if you learn how to talk to your husband he won't have a money clip you'll carry his money click oh hallelujah he won't have a bank account oh you'll carry his bank account a cell phone he'll be like man call my wife if you need me you won't have no problem cause you know how to talk to uh oh i'm gonna teach it you call it whatever you want sister roger calls it bless bless y'all can say how's he gonna put up with all that let her say let everybody say bless bless bless bless [Applause] late in the midnight hour gabe's going to turn it around it's going to work in my favor that's what she calls it amen don't no man tell me what to do that's why you don't have no man amen give god great praise in this house tonight hallelujah i'm teaching better than you talking oh my god i wish i had time come on take your seat hallelujah i'm not bowing down to this feminist culture i ain't you can i'm a man i got testosterone hello not me do whatever you want [Applause] amen matthew 8 amen but i'm also a man under authority having soldiers where unto me verse number nine everybody say he understood authority but y'all did jesus do anything except his father said do it did you just read that over in chapter 12. i should have spent more time there john 12 49 i'm really not done with that can you flow with me he said for i've never spoken of my own initiative or authority but the father himself who sent me he's given me a commandment regarding what to say and what to speak i don't do anything on my own and i'm jesus even when jesus was getting ray raised lazarus from the dead he talked to his dad in that powerful i don't take no initiatives by myself because i'm a man in authority but i'm also there's some good stuff and see if you can't discern people places and sounds you're going to take authority where you should be standing down we don't like that you know when the man was here during the faith conference that they've been pastoring uh probably as long as i've been alive and the spirit of god started moving it it was some established authority going on amen now i'm the pastor but i'm in authority under authority on purpose because i start recognizing authorities in the room so all the apostles and collaboration started sending messages pray for this pray for the mental health of people all accurate words are you found where i'm coming from because you're operating in a system but that system is working are y'all getting a revelation we don't like that though because for you to acquiesce to authority means you can't be autonomous means you can't be in vain self-glory but you don't realize that if your acquiesce to authority greater than you you're going to be glorified you're going to be blessed because you're going to be a partaker of that grace what's on them will get on you shame on your husbands if you go home and you let your wife talk about how much they don't like what pastor gabe said i almost said something real strong my wife said say it you mean to tell me the pastor that's endorsing your leadership and you can't stand up to a woman no baby you need to sit down and hush a little bit because right now you're wrong be quiet furthermore you got your mouth on the man oh god are you capital c crazy do you understand anything about spiritual authority and in my devotional that whole week would be come to acts chapter five we gonna study ananias and sapphira until you get that revelation because i'm gonna keep you from getting sick i'm gonna look out for you girl you don't lost your mind you talking against a word of prophecy from a man of god and he been accurate the last thousand out of a thousand times but when he got to you he was wrong i don't care if you leave i'm not gonna stop preaching it's up to you because i'm not at your house you joined over here now do you want discipleship or do you want autonomy because in this culture if you don't come under some authority you're going to lose anyway this culture right here ain't playing it's two entities that ain't playing right now the devil ain't playing and god ain't playing neither one of them playing devil killing people by the scores do you understand you need authority right now and he's killing people because he's short on time but god is protecting and taking care of his own and i'm telling you jesus is saddling up and he get ready to come get us out of here so you better stay on the wind inside stay with god amen keep your mouth where it belongs and honor some authority we can get out of here man jesus didn't do anything under his own revelation he did it under the revelation of who god is come on husband say it out loud i'm gonna run my house you know say it out loud i'ma run my house yes come on say this so we we quiet the feminist i'm not gonna be abusive i'm gonna honor my wife but i'ma run my house now write a letter about that for also i'm a man under authority having soldiers under me and i say to this one go and other goals i'm back to matthew 8 9. this one comes the servant does exactly what i tell him to do and so many words matthew 8 and 10 when jesus heard it he marveled and said unto those that follow assuredly i say to you i have not found such great faith anywhere in israel and he actually says not even in israel you know why because the centurion was a gentile he said here is this gentile who knows how to respond better to authority than my own people a prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown he said i've not even found this in israel i can't find nobody around me that understands authority and i say to you that many will come from the east of the west and sit down with abraham isaac and jacob we're a church in the kingdom of heaven but the sons of the kingdom the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth what was he saying many of these gentiles who understand some honor gonna come into the kingdom but the very people who have a right to access the kingdom gonna be cast out you you gotta understand your dad can be blessing everybody around you but if you're going to be the prodigal son you over there eating hog is that all right your father has the resources to change your life in totality but he got to go find a surrogate son because you won't be his blood son god that's good teaching today somebody who don't even the blessing don't belong to galatians wasn't written yet so the blessing wasn't belonging to the jesus yo do you understand that's why the sour phoenician woman said even the dogs can eat the crumbs the blessing wasn't on the gentiles yet but jesus said i'ma go ahead and bless these folk outside of the kingdom because they understand authority the centurion was outside of the kingdom he wasn't even a part of the kingdom but because he understood authority let's see what happens in verse number 13 we're getting ready to get out of here it's the school night jesus said to the centurion go your way as you have believed so let it be done for you and his servant was healed six weeks later everybody say the self-saying hour you want to get god moving fast on you humble yourself to his authority humble yourself to biblical authority and the favor and power of god will be encompassing you and working on everything you do man it's good teaching tonight i know this is a good word tonight it will just be working on everything you do he got he'll win same hour everybody say his stuff is working jesus didn't even have to come to the house he just understood authority you can be a partaker of your pastor's grace if you understand authority stuff in your life and just start shifting and working because you'll say man philippians 1 good grief i'm a partaker of his grace boy they winning i should be winning y'all going to love this i'm gonna tell you everything but we we pricing stuff out and getting knocked this grace house down and my son melvin was working with me on this project i took communion this morning over miracle money i decreed in jesus name there's money in the fish's mouth hallelujah amen amen and there was a part of the project that was going to cost sixty thousand dollars after i came out of communion god was speaking to melvin as well he was praying i didn't even know i came out of communion he came out of his prayer time he texts me two hours later he said pastor god is moving in so many words we have a vendor that can do that same thing for 25 000 what's that that's 35 000 that i don't have to spend can you say miracle money but now wait a minute now but if you operate under authority did we get on a prayer call wednesday that said stuff was gonna start happening amen if you get under that authority how many you know all the stuff in your life gonna line up like some legos it's going to start coming together it's going to start moving in farming fashion the way god said it would move but what is that candace that's the blessing take your seat of authority and i'm telling you our people struggle with that we are traditionally and i'm not talking about a party i'm talking about a mindset we are traditionally democratic in our thinking and that has blown it for our people going on somebody's job you don't tell me what to do second right up let's try that again they don't give people no chances over here third time thank you been good having you you're just not working what's that but what are the benefits of recognizing authority we got to go it's 8 17. number one just two just two tonight because we got to stop number one protection protection protection their safety and the multitude of council counsel with who the right authorities stuff won't get to you everybody say protection protection the the the the centurions soldier let's pull him into the story we never raise him up but he's the hidden gem he was the one who needed the blessing y'all missed that the centurion was going to bat for y'all the leader wasn't paralyzed y'all remember my old saying i don't have leprosy amen the leader wasn't paralyzed he was all right man he was going to bat for a dude that could not walk the dude was sick but what ended up happening protection divine healing is that all right because he knew how to submit to some authority now i'm gonna say something that's gonna make you laugh has he been one of them hundred soldiers that was always aggravated number one this dude was a gentile anyway so he wasn't even a believer i kind of think like if he was the 89th soldier that was always on his nerve he'd be like oh leave that joker paralyzed don't don't worry about jesus we'll replace him all right he irritated but i think that this was a good soldier parallel it to brother elijah who bumped into a widow who had a servant that served elijah all her life all his life and now that servant was dead and she and her son are left behind to fend for herself what did the man of god say though what can i do for you because your husband knew how to submit to some y'all don't like my talk tonight good god almighty and she didn't die in the family with everybody else she got some number two provision number one protection i don't have time to take it every scripture tonight but number two everybody say provision man when you know how to come under some authority you're gonna have what you need you're gonna be provided for i'm closing you're gonna have pro-vision pro-v and what is provision ultimately in this story verse number 13 he was healed to self-same hour it was the outcome of his faith what did the paralyzed man need more than anything vicky to be unparalyzed he didn't want bread at the time he didn't want a new job who wants a wife when you can't date her he wasn't believing for a wife he was believing to be healed everybody say provision everybody say protection y'all authority does that for you i cannot tell you the times when the men of god that i've decided to come under their authority man be it my big brother pastor randy pastor ghoul whoever else vice versa at appropriate times he may say whatever you however you want to look at that but at appropriate times where we're just acquiescing on some oh it was so much safety so much protection so just so much where god just he used he he he he uh if you will authority is the word he thwarted what the devil wanted to do the devil couldn't do it now because you came under a shield right but when you go on outside of that and use this lollygag and they don't tell me what to do and i'm just as anointed nobody runs my life you're right you're right because who's in authority over your spirit who's an authority over your soul who's an authority over your body who's an authority over your stuff you are can i tell you my name is pastor gabriel i don't run nobody's life rogers i don't want to run anybody's life but i'll tell you what else i'm going gonna do for those that i pastor i'm gonna go ahead and give you a heads up though do whatever you want after this meeting but i'm gonna tell you what does saith the lord and then if you wanna go over the holy ghost and do something different you can do that you call it cultish call whatever you want i call it the anointing but at the end of the day y'all who is psalm 91 4. see we missed the qualifications he that dwelleth in the secret place are the most high how are you going to dwell in the secret place of the most high and you can't listen to his servants i'm close yeah now i want to be in a secret place of the most high i don't want to miss god i want to be where god is i want everything god wants me to have consider it done yes sir what did you say god because guess what i'm a man in authority i pastor my own church but guess what i'm under authority if you were at the partners meeting i put a powerpoint up and you'll note on the last slide i did not put myself as the head of the church because jesus is the head of the church i'm not the head of the church i'm a steward of the church right because we dedicated this church to him jesus is the head of the church i'm an under you look at that word under shepherd a undershepherd got to come under the shepherd the good shepherd jesus is the head of the church he said upon this rock i would build my church and the gates of hell won't prevail as long as you stay under my authority so when i tell you open up your church don't argue with me and tell me you're going to keep it closed because you're under authority now if you want to quit quit but but don't come around here talking about you one of my pastors and i told you open up my church and you still got it closed y'all don't like my talk but i do you're not operating in the principles of authority i don't care what it costs you got to go to jail go to jail do whatever it costs they humiliate you they humiliated me and when you get out next week come back and preach hard are you listening what i'm saying whatever it costs but you do what i tell you to do because you are a man under authority and if i tell you to do something strategically do that too but only do what i tell you to do because i'm trying to show you all me so you don't think i'm on the power y'all seeing this i'm not on any power trip i do it too i only do what the father says do and as a pastor i'm not only under the father's authority but i'm under my elder brother's authority because jesus is the head of the church that's revelation knowledge for you you can want to close service out jesus say pray for uh sick people i hear them too i'ma teach you that one night the difference is between their voices holy ghost comes right out of here uh-huh no but you know yeah jesus he'll talk to his pastors yeah take authority over that you got to heed him because if you don't heed him when you get done he'll tell you in the back room i wanted to do more you don't think i've ever had that happen because he who he loves he'll chase him that's the so you got to be you got you know you usually want to get out of bible study at 8 15 like you've been telling people 8 20 but when i'm not done ministering i thought i was the head of the church am i ahead so i might be pressing up against somebody tonight to get them out of rebellion so that they don't end up dead by december the bible says to prevent further deaths so maybe i'm trying to get some craziness off of somebody so they come on under some authority and don't get jacked up in this culture because i'm telling you guys and i'm not going to take it off the table i'm not that's why i'm doing this series and god has confirmed it week after week with happenings and events i'm telling you you need to gird up the loins of your mind because you're at war yes you are now you're going to be blessed beyond your wildest imaginations it's happening baby it's coming amen but you're going to have to live in a different ecosystem you have to trans yo you got to be colossians 1 13 people now you're going to have to be translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of his dear son because they're not your friends anymore your job's not your friends your family may not be your friends oh i'm i'm talking under the anointing those aren't your people anymore what's that maybe luke 12 or something like that don't don't find it study it later who who is my mother who's my brother those are my mother those are my brothers those are my people now i'm in the kingdom of god that's the transition y'all and i'm telling you and i'm teaching this and i can tell you listening it's not one i can teach too fast hey guys get every rebellious gene out of you because rebellion is as the spirit of witchcraft and every witch right now is susceptible to damnation you ain't gonna make it you getting some witchcraft today you get killed real quick and i'm not bashful when i say this especially when you're dealing with some anointed people i have seen people on occasion i'll be a good pastor tonight i don't know if i'm putting this on tv may may edit this part but i've seen people where actually they're leaving was for their own good that that was smart because to sit on over here and keep on coming against in a minute you're gonna be jacked up pastor you really said that oh yeah yeah it was good for them definitely i i recommend you go on over there cause you know that's gonna mess you up cause you're not dealing see and pastor randy told you this i've told you this a thousand times amen for the last time he preached there you gotta figure out when you're dealing with pastor rogers or gabe those two different people because pastor rogers is holy ghost and nobody in this room is ever dealing with gabe right you got to know when you're dealing with pastor ghoul or robin but you're never dealing with robin because you're not his immediate family they know him as dad she knows me as husband but even the husband anointed at points is greater than the pastoral anointing so wives you cannot not follow your husband and then come in and follow a pastor you're blowing it too pastor gabe said pastor gabe said but what's your husband say but then husbands be smart enough to know the difference in wisdom when god is using your man of god to help you out don't buck up and say he a man just like me because he's not you don't get messed up like that because you don't recognize authority tonight i realigned the house that's what that was for that was like some church business or something i don't know what that was all about it was principle based visitors is good for you too but it's good for the whole atmosphere all right go home realign realign your households single moms you're an authority little girl not doing everything she want to do if you got a husband husbands guess where you are in authority and you not special because you don't take your authority i love those people who say nah i'm gonna be just like everybody else um when moses came up to the red sea in in israel guess what the rest of israel didn't want him to be like everybody else at that point and y'all joshua was there there's like hey moses we love joshua he's a young buck he gonna beat somebody one day but what you gonna do about this water we love caleb good guy in the other spies but hey leader these people getting kill us what moses doing it's quiet in the room and you gotta understand that that is spiritual authority i'll never forget and the lord just put this on my heart to tell this story i don't tell it often some of you were there we were inside way years ago back at the school ten years probably it was when we first started 12 year old boy dies in the service all of a sudden i hear metal cheers moving he's out are we worshiping i'm turning this way one of the ladies came pastor grab my shoulder right people had parted oh my god oh my god oh my god all right guess guess who didn't they didn't go get in that moment they ain't gonna get the praise and worship leader they didn't go get the guy that counts the money they wasn't interested in nobody else although i'll teach this another night anybody else in that room that had faith could raise that boy up especially if they operate under the power gifts but that's another story right but in that moment they wanted some leadership and authority so what did i start saying only faith no fear only faith no fear only faith no fear got down on the ground with the boy god in his ear said a few things but most poignantly i said this open up your eyes and live in jesus name eyes came two nurses confirmed he's dead but his eyes came open came back to life are you listening to your spiritual authority i guess he would have still been alive if there was no authority in that room ironically they're not here today how do you explain that because signs wonders and miracles don't create loyalty that's how you explain it moses people were still off the hook even after he parted the red sea sound wonders and miracles don't create loyalty that's why everybody in this room you work on your heart you get your heart right you align with the vision of god you align with what god is doing you operate in authority amen somebody's saying some cuckoo strange stuff around you especially in this season hey hey hey i'ma tell i'ma tell girl i know what you talking about say what because i'm gonna tell you something and i'm a close speaking of authority when the ground opened up and cara went down here's a part of that story we never pay attention to everybody in the 10 foot radius of korra went down too you better watch your associations come on stand to your feet hallelujah to my teenage boys don't you join in with people who don't hate their who hate their dads they'll watch your association he's talking to somebody not long ago and they and they they were at another church and they started asking me some questions about their pastor and all that kind of good stuff i said hey hey hey that's not my jurisdiction i don't pass the other people's people now that's why i told them there is that what i told him i said i don't pass it because see i get in trouble when i do that now i'm not getting ready to talk against your pastor you got something you need talking to your pastor about now go talk to your pastor about that now even pastor gabe understands that yo i wish i had more time on this authority revelation and i may take another week i don't know i'm probably going to go on to another principle because of time but understand jurisdictions if people can move in a house by which their naming on the deed and take it because they set up shop long enough can the devil move in your soul come on 2019 and 2020 post covet post black lives matter and totally here's the word hijack the plane of your soul as you've seen your loved ones come into and have you thinking cuckoo in an hour like this somebody shake your head yes amen if you're in here today you don't know jesus says lord come on down i'm over time i've been wanting to do these bible studies real streamlined dare the lord didn't let me do it tonight i told you he's the head of the church we got kids we got to get in bed too but he didn't do anything he just made me teach that that way tonight i would apologize but it ain't my church if you're tonight you don't know jesus come on down if you're here tonight this is one of them humble all to cause you have struggled with authority in some corridor of your life i want you to come on down right now we're going to help you out tonight you struggle with authority in some corridor of your life i want you come on down i want to pray for you
Channel: Kingdom Christian Church
Views: 347
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: FyowUaaFu_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 17sec (4697 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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